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File: 14 KB, 981x197, Screenshot 2024-09-06 182141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16364614 No.16364614 [Reply] [Original]

Is it going to make it down edition!

Previous >>16362078

>> No.16364619

blushift had a good fire

>> No.16364623

please god I hope starliner makes an uncorrectible roll maneuver during reetnry

>> No.16364625
File: 73 KB, 1920x1200, 013238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there it goes

>> No.16364629

OP some constructive criticism if I may:
Good edition
Bad pic
Bad staging on page 9

>> No.16364630
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SAARLINER - edition

>> No.16364633

5 months ago

>> No.16364634
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thruster webm

>> No.16364636
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>> No.16364638


>> No.16364641
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4h 20min until re-entry and landing stream start

>> No.16364643
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>> No.16364646

No, they're still waiting to launch from Baikonur. The NASA stream was clear about that.

>> No.16364647

REJECT THREAD EARLY STAGE We stage at page 10 you fucking retarded newfag

>> No.16364648
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>> No.16364651

Is this the type of poster you normally get /sci/?

>> No.16364654
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>> No.16364657

/sfg/ is special. We're like 10% of the posts on the entire board, and singularly responsible for the image cap being bumped. New threads posted before the old one sinks to page 10 tend to get hot pocketed. Please use proper thread hygiene while you are here.

>> No.16364658

That sucks. I'm normally in /bant/smg/. Don't come to /sci/ often, but I saw it needed a new thread.

>> No.16364660
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>> No.16364662

we stage on page 10

>> No.16364663

What the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.16364664
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>I'm normally in /bant/smg/
Go back.

>Gamergate is now a literal star war as Elon has to deal with these freaks to put us on Mars

>> No.16364666


>> No.16364667

India is not a serious country

>> No.16364668

Do you want to talk about my stock market gains today? It was a good day. Regardless the other thread is almost dead anyway so be happy I baked. For free!

>> No.16364670
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>> No.16364674
File: 419 KB, 1127x1106, keep moving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't keep money on the computers 'round here.

>> No.16364678

muzzle loading with a spacesuit must suck. how do you rip off the paper case with your teeth

>> No.16364680

I misread "claim jumpers" as "clam jumpers" and I imagined clam-based Mars landers with robot legs and rocket engines.

>> No.16364681

which station(s) is in the lead to replace ISS? the nasa-backed ones, not axiom/vast.

>> No.16364683


>> No.16364684

axiom isn't backed by nasa?

>> No.16364688

>clam-based Mars landers with robot legs and rocket engines.
Now you have to show us what you have in mind by building it in KSP and posting it here.

>> No.16364689

axiom is it's own thing

>> No.16364690

its backed by nasa too

>> No.16364692
File: 29 KB, 895x100, 1711757693521327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your definition of nasa-backed then, if axiom doesn't count

>> No.16364694

this dude is falling apart, search on twitter rn lmao

>> No.16364698
File: 213 KB, 1266x1966, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was this? something dangerous to ISS or completely harmless? micro meteoroid? missing wrench? a space moth!?!


>> No.16364701

space rat

>> No.16364702

Axiom gets funding from NASA. It's the most realistic space station. Starlab also has a high chance and I think it also has NASA funding. Vast is good too but only because it's so simple and is fully funded by one Crypto guy.
After those three I guess you could include the Russian Orbital Station. I think it's at least get its two first modules up. Also I think I read Starlab still wants Russian cooperaiton so that might bump their odds a bit too.

>> No.16364705
File: 923 KB, 1920x1080, firefox_2024-09-06_18-52-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kino kino kino

>> No.16364706

im talking about starlab/orbital reef/nanoracks/northrop stations

>> No.16364711

you have orbital reef too with BO and Sierra but if that ever happens, its going to be later than the others
gradatim ferociter (lol)

>> No.16364712

I work for boing and NASA is just trying to sabotage us, we have no issues

>> No.16364714

I expect Starliner to land without issue yeah, sucks for Butch and Sunni really i guess

>> No.16364718

And if it didn't and they were killed the ISS would be retiring early. Artemis delayed 5 to 10 more years. Plus Starship would have less money for development and slow that down. Basically the entire human spaceflight system would be paused.

>> No.16364721
File: 2.48 MB, 1280x1922, orbital reefer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starlab/Nanoracks is the same thing and Northrop canceled their Oops! All Cygnus! station proposal so it's now just Starlab vs. Orbital Reefer.

>> No.16364722

Starlab = Nanoracks = NG
Last time I heard they say they are on track for 2028, so it seems it has a fighting chance to go up before ISS decommision.
Orbital reef will happen, if only because of BO, but god knows when.
Short term only Axiom and Vast are likely to send any hardware up. Axiom is quite far down the road. Vast's plan is simple but we don't know much about the company. My guess is Axiom will launch first but Haven-1 will be the first free floating commercial space station as Axiom's module will still be attached to ISS.

>> No.16364725

nah, it would all be blamed on boing

>> No.16364726

>cant even get a simple space station going
the industry outside of spacex is a joke

>> No.16364728

It gets worse because Russia can't operate the space station without US help, so they would also end their space program or very extended pause. Chinese would no longer have any competition slowing them down.

>> No.16364738

>the ISS would be retiring early
Why? NASA would just by six more Crew Dragon flights to round out the rest of the missions up to Expidition 85 or whatever.

>> No.16364741

i feel like at this point we need a country to build a space program that is easily accessible by the global community. for example china puts up a core station module and allows commercial and foreign organizations to attach modules to it. spaceflight is too expensive and closed off. an open source approach would help get things done.

>> No.16364744

Russia could probably operate the station in a limited mode without any help from NASA, since most of the stations' service functions are in the Russian segment. You might not have commutations through TDRS, but issues like that are more inconveniences than show stoppers. China is on a completely isolated track and isn't being effected by any of this.

>for example china
That's a really bad place to start an idea

>> No.16364747

Orbital Reef is getting cancelled. At best it might get a module up in 2030.

>> No.16364749

May Shartliner touch down hard on top of congress that mandated it.

>> No.16364755
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>> No.16364758


>> No.16364762

space is so cool bros

>> No.16364763
File: 3.01 MB, 1280x720, 1725586891749169461-video_2e517f7dae3be85b6fdad0a4f2ce894c_288276164715761667.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how this AI has no clue about specific spacecraft and launch vehicles, this is what I got when I asked it for an Apollo CM/capsule orbiting next to Salyut-3.

>> No.16364765

you want good results you gotta do it yourself or pay for it

>> No.16364773

At least it's vaguely Space. I don't think it understands what a capsule is.

>> No.16364775

I think this one was trained on a shitzillion movies and tv shows, I wonder if it'd give better results if you fed it all recorded footage of spaceflight next?

>> No.16364776

>fire really do fall up in space

>> No.16364778

the whole ai experience has taught us that being good at CAD requires way more talent than being good at painting landscapes

>> No.16364783

heat rises in a vacuum too

>> No.16364784

With art you can be low accuracy but high precision. A landscape is a landscape, and it doesn't need to be correct to be pretty. AI's ability in that area does not diminish the talent of an artist.

>> No.16364786
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>> No.16364787

>i feel like at this point we need a country to build a space program that is easily accessible by the global community
This is literally the ISS. Every crew launch in history was from either KSC or Baikonur until China put a man up in 2005.

>> No.16364790

Is this trolling? Are you just uninformed? This approach led to nothing happening for 50 years. Now that the private sector is speeding things up you want to go back to that?

>> No.16364791
File: 115 KB, 1232x792, Mission Control celebrations following the safe return of Apollo 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16364792

If this blows up on reentry, I would be so happy.

>> No.16364793

which way does it go?

>> No.16364795

the media will somehow blame it on "elon musk's spacex"

>> No.16364796

I want total parachute failure so that everybody gets a few minutes of elation after reentry but before it slams into the desert floor.

>> No.16364797


>> No.16364798

I'm pretty sure it'll be fine but this would be the funniest outcome

>> No.16364799

>Russia could probably operate the station in a limited mode without any help from NASA, since most of the stations' service functions are in the Russian segment.
I don't think Russia paid anything for the power upgrades NASA did. Roll out solar panels, lithium batteries. Russia already wanted to abandon the space station early. They couldn't afford to maintain it alone.

>> No.16364800
File: 111 KB, 1920x1079, 1605812766597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that would be the best result, yes

>> No.16364805

>Safe, simple, stupid, reliable parachutes, guys!

>> No.16364807

I propose we call it something to welcome global partners from all over the world, something like the International Space Station perhaps?

>> No.16364809

Nah, that's gay.

How about McSpaceport?

>> No.16364810
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>> No.16364811

DONT MAKE A THREAD IF YOURE A NEWFAG, this is like the most obvious thing to any person that has used this website for more than 1 day. We have dedicated bakers that literally push threads out of the way to stage for us at page 10 and we dont need newfag early bakes man. This is not /smg/, culture across generals and especially boards is extremely different. You atleast made a good thread I can say that, and generally the /smg/gers I've interacted with are good people.
Not doing that, its an early stage but the OP is atleast good and generally correct. I wouldve done that if he fucked the Previous link like that other thread.

>> No.16364812

I'm not sure if those power upgrades would be necessary for maintaining the Russian part of the station, especially now with Nauka coming up with new solar panels and batteries. Definitely would be in some kind of power save mode though similar to how MIR operated for a while after the Spektr module (which contributed something like 50% of the power) got bonked by the Progress.

>> No.16364813

Pic doesnt really matter nearly as much, thats far more subjective than most of the other points. I still wouldnt split threads, I'll just push the other thread to 10 so we can stop bitching about this and get on with the thread.

>> No.16364814
File: 351 KB, 1200x1364, a Mars is Red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another NASA humiliation. China beats MSR.

>> No.16364821
File: 258 KB, 1228x651, a CHINA-MARS-MSR-COSPAR-3-trajectory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more Gateway.


>> No.16364826

Escapade delayed until next year
Sorry JEFF

>> No.16364829

MSR is stupid. Instead of having a rover picks up the sample, we should send multiple small landers with the sole task of landing, drilling, collecting, then launching the samples to be picked up by an orbiter that will return to Earth.

>> No.16364834

wouldn't the transfer window be well closed by then? or is NG just so overpowered for escapade that they're gonna bruteforce some stupid trajectory?

>> No.16364837

China's Mars sample return is unga bunga simple and will literally just be a sample return from a random location in their landing ellipse (which will be huge, because the lander is planned for a no-orbit direct entry). If they succeed it will be because they didn't do anything more difficult than they've done already. It's designed to be first, and that's it.

Don't look now, but Artemis is going to do the exact same thing on the Moon that they're doing on Mars, except their sample return is going to be the Endurance rover linking up with Artemis III

>> No.16364838

Based (308933) 2006 SQ372 poster

>> No.16364843

Nobody else posted it

>> No.16364844

MRS is stupid because it should have been undertaken at any point before now. MSR was originally slated to be a part of one of the later Mars-Voyager missions in the mid 70s. We've been perpetually replanning this mission for the last half century. Just drop it and start making serious plans for a crewed mission.

>> No.16364845

Scott Manley says a Venus flyby is possible but will take two years.

>> No.16364846

>launch mass: 180kg
For a payload that small on a rocket roughly in-between a Falcon 9 and Heavy, I'm not even sure there's really such a thing as a "launch window"

>> No.16364849


> Y-you successfully returned the first samples from Mars the wrong way! Abloo bloo!

Guess what goes in the Book of Space Records? Especially since those multibillion MSR samples are never leaving Mars at all.

>> No.16364850

>China's Mars sample return is unga bunga simple and will literally just be a sample return from a random location in their landing ellipse (which will be huge, because the lander is planned for a no-orbit direct entry). If they succeed it will be because they didn't do anything more difficult than they've done already. It's designed to be first, and that's it.
Still better than the nothing that will come from NASA's autistic insistence on the plan involving separate catch rovers, retrieval rovers, Mars launch vehicles, and Earth return vehicles. Seriously they decided on that model in the 70s and have continuously killed any plan that deviates from it

>> No.16364851

Yeah, and it's a shame that that's all they're going for. The whole reason MSR even exists as a decadal survey priority is because NASA can't do an in situ analysis for life

>> No.16364854

when will starliner come down? how many bongs remain?

>> No.16364857

>China's Mars sample return is unga bunga simple and will literally just be a sample return from a random location in their landing ellipse (which will be huge, because the lander is planned for a no-orbit direct entry). If they succeed it will be because they didn't do anything more difficult than they've done already. It's designed to be first, and that's it.

A sample is a sample. If u get btfo by implessive chink engineering that's on u.

>> No.16364861

Drop Earth soil all over Mars before anyone can get a pristine sample.
>noooo the science!
Fuck you I'm gardening

>> No.16364868

least intelligent /sfg/ger

>> No.16364869

Jesus. There's trajectories to Jupiter that come in at only half that energy

>> No.16364871 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16364874

Why did anon delete this?

>> No.16364875
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>> No.16364877

Bottomline: BO fucked up so hard they can't salvage it before the window closes up, and now the two satellites need to take a two year detour.
That should have been the headline.

>> No.16364879


You know what would be even better? If different countries made the different components. That way it's guaranteed to not work.

>> No.16364880

>Can Orion be used for just basic LEO stuff

LEO is too hot for its cooling system.

>> No.16364885

We might be a little more than an hour away from watching an unexpectedly uncrewed Starliner carve out a new crater at White Sands. Some rightwards schedule slippage barely qualifies as fucking up, especially when NASA deliberately placed a pocket change bet on an unfinished rocket. Remember, these little guys were supposed to launch with Psyche back in July 2022.

>> No.16364889

New Glenn's payload drops off hard the farther you go beyond LEO. Worse than Falcon 9 in fact, which is funny considering Blorg went with hydrogen for the upper stage. Bad mass ratio I guess.
It doesn't have much extra capability on a Mars injection, especially not an inefficient one

>> No.16364897
File: 481 KB, 1024x732, 210611-F-CV364-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sar-liner pulls up short due to engine malfunction. Becomes a fireball headed for Downtown Las Vegas. Vandenberg desperately launches ABMs to try and bring it down before it kills thousands.

Gonna be a fun night.

>> No.16364902

Wouldn't it be more likely to hit the pacific or beanerville considering the planned trajectory?

>> No.16364905

White Sands is pretty solidly inland, so I wouldn't expect a splashdown unless something fucks up really bad during deorbit burn. When does it burn anyway, or did it do it already and now its just falling towards PE?

>> No.16364906

I think about another hour.

>> No.16364908

Oh yeah I'm staying up past my bedtime to watch this one

>> No.16364910

where to watch starliner burning up kino?
any livestreams up?

>> No.16364911

Honestly hoping that it all goes well. I'm just south of white sands, so I'll get a prime view of the saarliner fireball as it comes in. I'll try to get some pics, but no promises because I broke my tripod the other day.

>> No.16364912


>> No.16364913
File: 42 KB, 800x450, 1714352804827046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad idea, that stuff is implosive

>> No.16364914

thank you for spoonfeed anon

>> No.16364915

yer whalecum

>> No.16364916

Congress has forbidden NASA to do anything with China.

>> No.16364920

Whatever happens I hope you get a good view of it anon, pics are cool too.

>> No.16364924

really the only important thing about escapade is demonstrating low-cost interplanetary spacecraft development, but massive schedule slippages like this are the best way to jack up the program cost

>> No.16364927

stockton rush was based and I yearn for the day someone applies his philosophy to spacecraft.

>> No.16364929

Yup he’s only an idiot in hindsight. Yes he should have heeded warnings and signs, but everyone clowns on him and I don’t think it’s fully warranted. You can’t make fun of the spirit of adventure. He’s based.
People like james cameron (known narcissistic asshole) come out swinging with stupid phrases like
>well, erm, everybody knew it was going to fail. I knew it was going to fail. I knew they were dead, actually!
Okay bozo at least he had faith of the heart. Maybe you should have warned him, Mr. Cameron, instead of acting smarter than everyone in the world

>> No.16364930

>At some point, safety is just waste
- Stockton Rush
His disregard for safety fell well beyond that point. I'm not saying NASA's strategy is right, but this guy had the same outlook as a gambling addict. Not connecting your controls to what you're controlling? No redundancy? We're talking about a solution that would've cost like $30 and saved 5 lives

>> No.16364934 [DELETED] 

when is shartliner going to explode or disintegrate?

>> No.16364935

two weeks

>> No.16364936

The controls had nothing to do with it. They fucking imploded.

>> No.16364938

nta but what I think he meant was that it COULD have been just another way it could have gone disastrously wrong. i.e. Titan had more than one critical design flaw aside from just the composite problem that ultimately killed everyone

>> No.16364939

You shouldn't have said anything. Now it just begs me to make a new thread again next time. Also your threads are pretty basic. You don't even have any links or anything to carry forward from thread to thread. So strange the reaction also. Like there is something mentally wrong with some of you. It certainly was not an early bake. Unless you only bake when it hits 1000 posts. But 980 seemed good enough to me.

>> No.16364940

They had some sort of way of dropping their ballast weights by shifting their weight around to rotate the submarine. Not ideal by any means (a fail-safe electromagnet is the correct way of doing it) but it's not accurate to say they were 100% reliant on the game controller.

>> No.16364941

so is anything going to use the 2024 mars transfer window?

>> No.16364943


>> No.16364944

it had a bunch of design flaws. that's the point. they got away with all but one of them. take those lessons, fix the handful of fatal things, keep the stuff that worked. bada bing bada boom

>> No.16364945

god, I wish, they could learn so much and gather lots of data by just sending one single exp*ndable starship not intended to survive reentry. planet contamination folks wouldn't be so happy, though.

>> No.16364946

I don't know if there's anyone else involved but here's some info. It's been going on for 15 years. I've become acceptant of it. I thought it was part of the problem. Seems like an emergency with all the pain I'm in and how I'm hunted by insects and other people. I got the leed done I think, because I know the tech that is common there like a compass/orb that tells you about people and how hell is made legal in a lower class, middle class, random event thing.

>> No.16364948

If someone said to me "hey bro want to ride in my private submarine" I would be keen. Then I would see the fucking walmart gamepad and immediately assume that other critical areas had been overlooked, cheaped out on or not assembled properly (spoiler alert: they had) and not go within a mile of the thing. The whole thing was Darwinism in action.

>> No.16364950

I succeeded yesterday/ day before, as well, but I guess it was blocked.

>> No.16364958
File: 285 KB, 1200x654, 1709678930637028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon gets invited onto a private submarine
>"whoa, it's actually like a legit submarine"
>gets murdered by a psychopathic necrophile
Say what you want about Stockton Rush, but it's not like he tried to rape anybody's corpse.

>> No.16364959

And to bring it full circle, wasn’t that psycho also a founder of copenhagen suborbital??

>> No.16364961

Yes, one of the two founders.

>> No.16364962

Yeah just avoid submarines I guess.

>> No.16364963

Can confirm, submariners are weird even in the navy.

>> No.16364964

he only murdered a woman
anon will never be a woman and is unlikely to be submarine rape murdered

>> No.16364965

what is a spacecraft if not a submarine in the sky?

>> No.16364968

a submarine has high pressure on the outside
a spacecraft has high pressure on the inside

>> No.16364970
File: 422 KB, 804x627, 1706623922544571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In hindsight, the submarine being named Nautilus was a red flag. Also I think it's probably only a matter of time before this scenario plays out in space.

>> No.16364971
File: 368 KB, 604x804, Wenchang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minor damage reported at Wenchang space center because of the Yagi typhoon, some VAB doors being blown up.

>> No.16364975

he'll have to settle for being crushed to death in a composite pressure vessel implosion

>> No.16364976

That's crazy!

>> No.16364980

BO had it worse. Their VAB's entire door was blown off.

>> No.16364984


>> No.16364985


>> No.16364988

One kills you instantly because of the tiniest containment flaw, the other one you have time to patch a leak and it's actually pretty easy, can fix that bitch with duct tape. Granted, there are still plenty of ways to eat it in space.

>> No.16364991

it's not that easy in submarinery

>> No.16364993

spacecraft only have mid pressure on the inside, just one atmosphere, possibly less,
but a submarine can have thousands of atmospheres on the outside, one flaw and you instantly become red mush

>> No.16364994

Germans figured it out 70 years ago pretty well.

>> No.16364998

There are no published Isp figures for the BE-3U. It's probably goat ass by hydrolox standards, barely 400s Isp, or else the stage just has way too low a mass ratio.

>> No.16365009

IFT 5 bros... Whats taking so long?...

>> No.16365010

As far as pressure goes, space is way easier than the ocean. That's what I always say to the inevitable dumbass comparison normalfags make when you talk about space colonization (I know it has happened to everyone here)

>> No.16365013

Not that easy in testification

>> No.16365012

Hopefully just another flying saucer, in the worst case it was a piece of the space station.

>> No.16365014

It's because the stage has a low TWR and the booster doesn't get it very close to orbit. Add more payload mass and the stage has to fight increased gravity losses.

>> No.16365016

The FAA are being faggots.

>> No.16365019


>> No.16365020
File: 62 KB, 800x568, ss-sturmbannfuhrer-wernher-von-braun-Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1978-Anh.024-03__Peenemunde__Dornberger__Olbricht__Brandt__v._Braun-3195515055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

germans figured everything out 70 years ago. see also: rockets

>> No.16365021

Wen boeing explosion, it's doing entry around now right

>> No.16365022

Eric Roesch (who's address I have found) got the media to cry about an environmental technicality which amounted to a $3500 fine but which compelled a completely unrelated federal agency to grind everything to a screeching halt

>> No.16365023

Lawfare by regime aligned groups. Be sure to vote appropriately if we're actually given the chance

>> No.16365026

If they recover the booster on flight five do you think they'll already reuse it for flight six?

>> No.16365028
File: 680 KB, 917x628, 385726166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's someone you forgot to ask

>> No.16365029

no reason to, fly newer ones with upgrades

>> No.16365030

>with landing scheduled for 12:03 a.m. EDT (0403 UTC) on Saturday, Sept. 7

f that, not gonna see shit anyways

>> No.16365032

I doubt it. How long was it before they tried the first reused F9 booster?
Just be happy for the catch, if they do that.
Also fuck that EDS asshole stirring up federal agency fire ant nests.

>> No.16365033

I doubt it.
The data they can gain from tearing it apart and inspecting each piece is worth more than what they could save by reusing it.

>> No.16365034

come and watch starliner crash

>> No.16365035
File: 654 KB, 1165x874, 1717598369300661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to see the fate of shitliner

>> No.16365036


>> No.16365039

12.1 million watching the NASA live stream at the moment. How's that compare to NASCAR?

>> No.16365040

that's the subscriber count, Einstein

>> No.16365041

To be fair people tune into NASCAR to see crashes too

>> No.16365042
File: 1.78 MB, 1242x673, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA needs to update their mission control decorations

>> No.16365043
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>You guys are the all-star team, you got this.
Why is mission control even gay now

>> No.16365045

>1 of the 12 RCS thrusters already failed
Oh no no no

>> No.16365047

the thrusters aren't really needed now right
they've already done their job

>> No.16365048
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>> No.16365049
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>> No.16365050

Those are needed for orientation control after the SM is detached.

>> No.16365051

Idk anon, they said it was 1 of the 12 on the crew module

>> No.16365053
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William Shatner

>> No.16365054

>they didn't fully bolt on the submersible's cap because some of the bolt holes were hard to reach
that's what redundancy is for, so you can ignore it

>> No.16365056

this but unironically

>> No.16365057

Thank you, Bill.

>> No.16365058
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I was thinking that too.

>> No.16365059

but they didn't have redundancy

>> No.16365061


>> No.16365063

>shartliner can't send any video feed except when connected to ISS

>> No.16365065
File: 184 KB, 1920x1080, cant see shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We won't be able to see shit during the landing (assuming it survives reentry)

>> No.16365067

Bezos said 445s in the Estronaut interview. Which is in line with what the LE-5B gets as well, so no reason to think he was lying

>> No.16365068

> Eric Berger - This evening, during tests of the Starliner crew module's 12 RCS thrusters (these are different from the thrusters on the service module), one of them failed. A single failure does not pose a threat during reentry.

How about if another fails?

> No comment! Remove that man!

>> No.16365070

>12 starship launches per year

>> No.16365071

Mass ratio and early staging then. Hydrologgs needs either 3STO or a giant sustainer core to work right.

>> No.16365072
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Nevermind they have thermal cameras

>> No.16365073

sorry chud ESG hound said no to that

>> No.16365074

Can't believe they're still using the Launch America branding

>> No.16365075
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> Boeing Space - The #Starliner deorbit poll is complete. The spacecraft is "go" for landing. The landing phase will take ~44 minutes from deorbit burn to landing.

"Landing". LOL! Sure thing.

>> No.16365076

If it doesn't orient right we'll get a funny lightshow

>> No.16365077

Can somebody please think of the piping plover??

>> No.16365078

>inb4 it lands without any issue
nothing ever happens

>> No.16365080
File: 158 KB, 1252x756, GW0DizSXoAA4zQ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ola! Heads up!

>> No.16365081

>boeing is so untrustworthy that NASA doesn't believe them when they even correctly say there is no issue

>> No.16365082

>"We'll start hearing those Mordors err motors"
NASA stream just leaked that the SpaceX lightning welder meme is cannon.

>> No.16365083

>shitliner lands on some beaner gang banger
wtf I love boing now

>> No.16365085
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>> No.16365088
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, throoost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We throosting

>> No.16365089


>> No.16365090

> Gene J. Mikulka - #NASA #Boeing #Starliner - Recovery teams have completed their safety briefing and are getting ready for thier duties, two minutes from the Deorbit Burn. OMAC 1500lb Thrusters due to fire at 11:17 PM

Ghost Riders in the sky.......

>> No.16365092

it's working fine.

>> No.16365093 [DELETED] 

NASA knows its going to explode on reentry, thats why they chose a path thats over empty open ocean where there will be no witnesses. They're going to drop a replacement shartliner out of a 747 off the coast of Mexico and claim that its the real one.

>> No.16365094

>no issues
wow what a nothingburger

>> No.16365095

There goes the service module

>> No.16365096
File: 255 KB, 1536x2048, GW18iBpXkAAA6jO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Lennart Koopmann - Watching the NASA Starliner landing stream and I see Windows 8 (?), Edge, a JVM, a terminal and a dozen … Red Hat? [Laughing emoji]

>> No.16365098

If this piece of shit makes it back ok then it just proves space is easy

>> No.16365099

>turns out starliner was safe all along and sfg was wrong
boeingbros, we won

>> No.16365100

no issues yet

>> No.16365102


Two different sets of control thrusters on two independent section of Starliner have now failed in flight. Again.

Nothing burger.

>> No.16365103
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the risk was deemed too high

>> No.16365104

Come on burn up already

>> No.16365105

didn't need 'em

>> No.16365106

did the capsule explode? no? oh, okay then.

>> No.16365108

>communications blackout
Starship does not have these problems

>> No.16365109

Acceptable attitude toward cargo, but not toward crew.

>> No.16365110

Boing should put a Kuiper terminal on starliner

>> No.16365111

Sir it hasn't even begun entry yet, cease the victory lap

>> No.16365112

Boing! didn't want to pay for Starlink.

>> No.16365113

Someone reply to this if it blows up. I need to sleep

>> No.16365115

Get immersed

>> No.16365117

We watched something reenter just a couple months ago, even if the plasma burns through it's fine

>> No.16365118

Is it just the sheer size of Starship that allowed for uplink through reentry, or would Starlink enable a capsule like Starliner to stream video continuously through reentry?

>> No.16365120

does starliner have an ounce of steel in its aerostructure?

>> No.16365121


A quick buff and some fresh tiles and she'll be right as rain.

>> No.16365122

>On Saturday, February 1, 2003, Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated as it reentered the atmosphere over Texas and Louisiana, killing all seven astronauts on board.

>> No.16365123

>Windows 8 (?)
That is Windows 11.

>> No.16365124

it's almost the same thing, the point still stands

>> No.16365125

From what I understand it's the size of the thing that makes a hole in the Plasma wake for starlink to talk to, you could even kind of see it on stream. Tiny capsules don't do that so it wouldn't work.

>> No.16365126

We won't know if it was safe for a month until NASA publishes the inevitable post mortem of problems.

>> No.16365127

Based kerbal enthusiast

>> No.16365129

Why didn’t they bring the astronauts back

>> No.16365130
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>> No.16365131

>That is Windows 11.
Oh god, oh god, we're all gonna die.

>> No.16365132

no its not

>> No.16365133

It didn't pass the human rated safety review because of the thrusters overheating due to teflon seals gong bad.

>> No.16365134

That's what I thought too, something like Starliner/Dragon/Soyuz gets fully enveloped by a plasma sheath, right? Starship plowed through and is too big to be fully enveloped, leaving a corridor behind it for a signal to get through.

>> No.16365135

Almost only counts either in horseshoes or with hand grenades.

>> No.16365136


>> No.16365137
File: 197 KB, 2791x1570, GW1-rGeWAAAe5-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16365138


A different nerd's take:

> Rafael Rivera - Double-high Windows 10 taskbar from NASA (Starliner re-entry/landing feed). X11 forwarded UI, File Explorer, "Duke" (Java) app, WSH-based app, Edge, Notepad++, cmd, ???, and more forwarded UI. But the "recycle bin in taskbar" hack using toolbars is the hero here

Don't think he's watching this with his girlfriend.

>> No.16365139

>black sands

>> No.16365141

Calm down, Moss. All of the mission-critical software is running on GNU/Linux.

>> No.16365142

There were a bunch of helium leaks in the propulsion system and they weren't sure the capsule wouldn't do the Indian RCS Shimmy and and enter the atmosphere on the wrong trajectory, causing the astronauts to burn up, or just fail to reenter at all, stranding them to die in LEO unless SpaceX could hack up a Dragon to Starliner docking adapter and rush a NASA crew launch before they died. There were no guarantees this was going to work.

>> No.16365143

thank you sbarky, very cute

>> No.16365144


>> No.16365145

helium leeks are a separate issue from the thrusters overheating

>> No.16365147

what are the estimate failure chances?
meme and non meme %

>> No.16365148

>All of the mission-critical software is running on GNU/Linux.

Did u miss the accidental photos of the saarliner control tablets running Windows after boing told them not to take photos of tablets? Kek

>> No.16365149
File: 680 KB, 913x698, leanin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ain't nothin to me man

>> No.16365151

There is a popular explorer patcher that turns the windows 11 taskbar into one more like windows 10. That said it certainly is not windows 8.

>> No.16365152

>and a dozen … Red Hat?
That's either W10 with RHEL in WSL or it's some branded RDP/VNC/X11 connection.

>> No.16365153

>meme and non meme %

>> No.16365154

>meme and non meme %
99% and I dunno lol

>> No.16365156

holy shit is this an official figure? thats a fucking embarrassment

>> No.16365157

Could we please stop panning the IR camera around to show everyone all the nothing that's happening.

>> No.16365161

I wonder if NASA has their own spin of a real time Linux.

>> No.16365162

Not sure there's an official figure since they couldn't get a good enough look inside while it was in space. That sort of analysis just isn't possible. The uncertainty is why there's no people on it. Could be 1/270, could be 1/10, they didn't and couldn't know.

>> No.16365163


>> No.16365164

mexican OUT

>> No.16365165


> While it has been moving away, the flight controllers here on the ground took the opportunity to perform a few tests of Starliner's thrusters. During the test of the Crew Module's twelve small reaction control system thrusters, one of the jets didn't fire when commanded. The reaction control system thrusters on the Crew Module are used to steer Starliner as it makes its way back down to Earth after the Service Module has been jettisoned. Because those twelve jets are divided into two redundant strings of six, Starliner only uses one string during normal operation, so although this means a slight loss of redundancy, it shouldn't keep Starliner from getting through reentry and landing as expected.

So, if a second thruster would have failed on the other string -- loss of vehicle.

>> No.16365167

Probably more than one. Wasn't ingenuity running on Linux?

>> No.16365166

>starliner has entered the atmosphere

>> No.16365168

>"We're not sure how, but the Starliner return somehow knocked the Earth out of its orbit and it's now spiraling rapidly into the Sun."

>> No.16365169

They have their own custom operating system.

>> No.16365170

is this the part where it turns into a stupid monster movie like Sunshine

>> No.16365172
File: 33 KB, 480x640, 1619072514157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Mexican Space Agency (AEM; Spanish: Agencia Espacial Mexicana) is the national space agency of Mexico
>The agency does not have infrastructure

>> No.16365173 [DELETED] 

if we're not in the blackout show us the telemetry boing!

>> No.16365174


>> No.16365175
File: 494 KB, 1080x585, Screenshot_20240906-214925-656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space is so beautiful bros

>> No.16365176

Most inspiring modern NASA media

>> No.16365177

inb4 something catastrophically wrong and they're sandbagging with this

>> No.16365178

Can't have anything possibly go wrong for investors so they won't even show telemetry.

>> No.16365179


>> No.16365180
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>> No.16365181


>> No.16365182

That's on SpaceX.

uh oh

>> No.16365183

Imagine it asplodes on the live view


>> No.16365184

only 5 more starliner launches ever right. because atlas

>> No.16365185
File: 503 KB, 1920x1080, iss track.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ISS track on starliner

>> No.16365186

The ISS won't be around long enough for 5 and sharty will never be cheap enough for private flight ventures.

>> No.16365187

ISS won't last till then lol

>> No.16365188

Mars Observer failed due to an uncaught java exception

>> No.16365189

what are they going to do with the leftover atlases?

>> No.16365190
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>> No.16365191

classic jeetscript L

>> No.16365192

imagine the Berger article he had pre-written for failure we'll never read.

>> No.16365193

>due to a clerical error, they put the two astronauts on board by accident

>> No.16365194


>> No.16365195


>> No.16365196
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Callsign: Vulture 1

>> No.16365197
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>> No.16365198

just heard the sonic boom in NM

>> No.16365199

Kuiper lol

>> No.16365200

Aww I wanted it to explode.

>> No.16365201

starliner literally just flew over your house?

>> No.16365202
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>> No.16365203


(For NASA)

>> No.16365204

actually, yes

>> No.16365205

I wished

>> No.16365206

Heatshield away. I can see the airbags.

>> No.16365208
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>> No.16365209

Okay this is kino, I will admit it

>> No.16365210

Boeing did it... they won...

>> No.16365211

>starliner lands
>butch and suni emerge
>claim to have no knowledge of there ever being a change of plan
>then who is on the ISS?
>check ISS comms
>unintelligible screaming

>> No.16365212

the infrared view is prety neat I grant

>> No.16365213

It’s over… we lost

>> No.16365214



>> No.16365215

the thing that sucks most about starliner is not that it sucks, it's that it doesn't suck enough. being bad enough they didn't bring crew back on it was funny, but then it made it with only non critical issues.
full functionality on time, or big explosions I say

>> No.16365216
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I have to admit, these shots are really cool in IR

>> No.16365217

Very cool camerawork throughout

>> No.16365218
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>> No.16365219
File: 394 KB, 1024x1024, GW2FTLJWUAABswC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> VillageMusungu - Starliner going over the Village of Columbus NM. Even heard the delayed sonic boom.

>> No.16365220

Elon is live on X.

He's dissolving SpaceX....

>> No.16365221
File: 8 KB, 236x235, 1666846878402587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't open it

>> No.16365223


>> No.16365224

next startliner flight is a crew mission

>> No.16365226

A lot better than they'd be in visible light this time of night that's for sure.

>> No.16365225
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, pos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitliner is back

>> No.16365227

I kneel

>> No.16365228


>> No.16365229

the biggest losers in all of this are the two people bumped from the next Spacex crew launch

>> No.16365230

They're still going to have to completely redesign the thrusters on the service module

>> No.16365231

It will have a series of problems assessed in the after action report that add further delays, it will get to fly again with people but with Boing's speed they won't get many missions before ISS deorbit.

>> No.16365232
File: 809 KB, 1280x720, tory.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16365233

Somehow, Starliner returned.

>> No.16365234


Second independent set of thrusters on the Command Module failed immediately upon first use. Starliner will never fly again because Boeing won't pay to fix the problems.

>> No.16365235


>> No.16365236

We did it Broes
It's over for the MUSKRAT

>> No.16365237

>Didn't explode
>Didn't get stuck in a retrograde orbit
>Safely landed
>two astronauts are now LITERALLY stuck in space for nine months
Kneel, Muskrats. If Elon hadn't meddled in this process, Suni and Butch would be home right this minute.

>> No.16365238

they would be in new mexico. arguably worse than being stuck in space.

>> No.16365239

>Boeing won

>SpaceX dissolved

I am very happy right now

>> No.16365240
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>> No.16365241

This, New Mexico is not fully terraformed.
NM residents, cope.

>> No.16365242

nice long orange streak

>> No.16365243
File: 96 KB, 640x394, Barry Wilmore Clickhole interview quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah that's just Ramirez.

>> No.16365245

>proven herself to be a safe ride home
shut the fuck up lmfao

>> No.16365247

The adults are now in charge we won't let a narcissistic egomaniac billionaire pollute our skys with his space junk and little escape plan to fly to mars after polluting the world with his o-zone destroying tin cans!

>> No.16365248
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>> No.16365250
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>> No.16365251


>> No.16365252

Very unfortunate. A win for Boeing is a loss for mankind.

>> No.16365253
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>> No.16365254

yeah, this is now /sfg/- /starliner's fans general/

>> No.16365255

unmodellable throoster gremlins i kneel..

>> No.16365257

So it seems the grift will continue

>> No.16365258

They will surely have to redesign and test out a new thruster doghouse.

>> No.16365259

Did someone post the thread to /g/ again or is this one guy being funny

>> No.16365260

I wanted it to blow up for the keks :(

>> No.16365261

>Here's how Starliner can still explode

>> No.16365262

Arm a bomb onboard and then set it off. Why Boing would do this? Dont ask me

>> No.16365263

I am currently driving to white sands, pipe bomb in hand

>> No.16365264


/pol/ stopping by to troll. Their mission is to ruin every board just like they ruined their lives.

>> No.16365265
File: 1.54 MB, 720x1280, twittervid.com_IsidroLeonM_678de4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sorry for the horrible music, greetings from Guaymas Sonora Mexico

>> No.16365266
File: 1.16 MB, 3204x1965, GW2Ira1XkAA9P55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16365268

Good morning saar.

>> No.16365270
File: 1.88 MB, 720x960, ZqHRwcSrxR86mqpR.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16365271
File: 3.77 MB, 1280x720, drogues.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drogue chute deployment

>> No.16365272

no I don't think I will

>> No.16365274

Aren't they in a lawsuit with the company that made the original one? Or was that something before? At least the teflon issue is an easy fix

>> No.16365275
File: 259 KB, 529x579, 93rsf9i2phdd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you've now entered the boeing In outer fucking space timeline
Enjoy your trip

>> No.16365278

This was the part that actually had me the most worried. NASA and Boeing have had a lot of time to chew over the thruster problems and brainstorm solutions. If there was an issue with the chutes no one would know about it until you popped the cover to deploy them.

>> No.16365280

cringe political compass meme

>> No.16365281
File: 1.12 MB, 3404x2269, AAA_0021_75q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blew it, bros... how the fuck did I fuck up the focus...

>> No.16365282
File: 363 KB, 1337x683, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average nsf viewer be like

>> No.16365283

Happens to the best too, Anon. Good try.

>> No.16365284

There was a lawsuit between Aerojet and the subsubcontractor they outsourced their valve work to, but I think that got settled a while back.

>> No.16365285
File: 117 KB, 474x474, 1567557566540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The capsule could've returned the astronauts but instead it's filled with garbage and dirty laundry.

>> No.16365286

Should've written it in Rust

>> No.16365287
File: 458 KB, 2703x1802, AAA_022_75q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course by the time I could fix it (about 3 seconds) the fireball was gone, leaving only the trail
Anyway it was cool seeing it (with my eyes) and hearing the sonic booms.

>> No.16365288

Just say you were going for a stylized, more abstract shot (it is really cool you saw it though, I'm jealous)

>> No.16365290
File: 196 KB, 1600x989, space-shuttle-Discovery-International-Space-Station-July-2006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way??? That has never happened before!!!

>> No.16365292

NASA only allows certain languages and Rust isn't one of them

>> No.16365293

space shuttle was just a large capsule attached to a giant cargo trunk

>> No.16365296

and wings, don't forget that it has wings

>> No.16365297

It didn't need them if not for DoD autism

>> No.16365298
File: 554 KB, 4920x2430, YvVuyn7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the worst analogy

>> No.16365300

it already flew like a brick. I struggle to imagine it landing in the timeline where it had the tiny as designed wings

>> No.16365303

>no buran

>> No.16365304

It never flew comrade. Let it go

>> No.16365305

Rightfully so. During its only flight it didn't even have life support systems installed.

>> No.16365306 [DELETED] 

gayest city in arizona

>> No.16365308


>> No.16365310

as opposed to orel and dreamchaser which...

>> No.16365311

and orion...

>> No.16365316
File: 268 KB, 1117x778, 1725677137593160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'cado lost all his weight
>Boeing managed to successfully land Starliner
It's a good day.

>> No.16365317

Good for him, but I don't think I'm going to be able to resist the urge to call him Diet Tate

>> No.16365319

>landed safely
nothing ever happens

>> No.16365320

Starliner is finished when the HOA Karens learn of this

>> No.16365321

go back to the sharty offtopic soijak faggot ur not welcome here.

>> No.16365327

I'm sorry you're gay.

>> No.16365330

meds now

>> No.16365336
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>> No.16365344
File: 1.07 MB, 1828x914, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh bros this is a SHITLOAD of ejected FOD. Like way too fucking much. One of the primary risks associated with parachute deployment systems is liberated ejecta smashing into the canopy (be it main or drogue) and tearing a hole clean through it. There is just no fucking way this much liberated material from the backshell, of any type or timeline, is intentional or controlled.

There's a non-insignificant chance that the huge amounts of yellowing we saw of Starliner's exterior was in fact UV degradation of the materials (especially of the adhesives typically used to retain backshell components) and could have weakened them due to the extended stay on ISS. Compare Dragon, which looks basically just as pearly white when it undocks after six months as it does when it arrives, and you can get a sense of just how much of a beating the materials took.

It suggests to me that Boeing never intended Starliner to stay in orbit as long as it did, and knew that their materials would essentially microcrack until they crumbled if they were up there for that long. Of course, this is not something that would have concerned NASA when they decided to keep the crew on orbit, since really the only failure mode associated with that risk would be shredded chutes and ISS would be completely fine. However, it may very well have played into their decision making to keep them in orbit, in addition to the thruster chicanery.

>t. materials guy who knows certain things

>> No.16365347

I did actually think the capsule was breaking up for a second. That was a huge plume.

>> No.16365348

post flight presser time

>> No.16365354

Berger question time!
>Boeing didn't show up for some reason
lol lmao
>it's been a decade since CCrew - has the experiment worked and what's the future of commercial space?

>> No.16365356

oh shit Dreamchaser is confirmed going to the ISS next year

>> No.16365358
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>What surprised you positively about Starliner?

>> No.16365366
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.... but everything went great with the return and there were no problems.


>> No.16365374
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Cool cope, MuskRat.

>> No.16365378

Nobody cares anymore. Back to deadness and twomoreweeksposting

>> No.16365380

So their ideal solution to the thrusters is WONTFIX don't use them too much.

>> No.16365382
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>drops mic
>ghosts NASA
>refuses to elaborate

>> No.16365388

It actually doesn't look that fast.

>> No.16365389

this is exactly why we should always automatically reject threads made before page 10

>> No.16365390


>> No.16365396

It's literally not worth it for the remaining lifetime of the ISS.

>> No.16365397

chances of polaris dawn launching this week?

>> No.16365399

God, could you guys imagine the fucking catastrophe that would occur if something happened during Dragon 2's return trip with Suni and Butch?

>> No.16365404

There is objectively way more FOD this time on drogue deploy than on the footage from OFT-2. Regardless of what vehicle you're seeing, this kind of thing is immediately concerning to those of us in the know about what we're looking at. I'll bet the recovery system engineers are shitting their pants right about now. They definitely have some root cause work to go do.

>> No.16365405
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i just woke up! i am so excited to watch the polaris dawn mission today!

>> No.16365406

Good thing it never will.

>> No.16365407

Hypothesis: cheap ass piece of shit coatings and such got blasted by radiation and turned into the space ship version of apple crumble

>> No.16365408

The identity of the other suspected alt, @ermnmusk, was confirmed by court exhibits seen by HuffPost, which first reported on the deposition.

That revelation was just one of many striking moments in a bizarre and heated two-hour questioning session, which often saw the opposing lawyers talking or shouting over each other.

The deposition comes as Mr Musk is being sued over a series of tweets from last June in which he boosted false claims that a 22-year-old Jewish man named Ben Brody had participated in a neo-Nazi rally as an undercover agent provocateur.

Mr Brody has sued the billionaire businessman seeking damages for the wave of harassment and threats that he suffered in the aftermath of Mr Musk's tweets. Mr Musk's lawyers meamwhile contend that his conduct did not constitute libel.

>> No.16365410
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We have Polaris Dawn at home

>> No.16365416

You only saw that shit because it was in infrared. In normal visible light you wouldn't see anything out of the ordinary. Don't exaggerate.

>> No.16365419


>> No.16365420

When will Starliner carry private, commercial passengers? And who is daft enough to choose it over Dragon

>> No.16365422

Link spam is gay
Dont stage if you dont know how it works

>> No.16365426


Did Webb’s look at early galaxies really break cosmology? (Spoiler alert: nope!)

The issue? How to explain unexpectedly bright early galaxies. If these galaxies were bright because rapid star formation was making them more massive than they should be, then maybe something was wrong with the standard model of cosmology. New research shows that some of those early galaxies are actually much less massive than they appeared. Much of the light from these galaxies likely comes not from stars, but from hot disks of matter surrounding their central black holes.
When the supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies rapidly consume the gas that orbits them, friction in the fast-moving gas emits light and heat. As a result the galaxies look much brighter than if the light were just emanating from stars alone. When these outlier galaxies were removed from the data analysis, the remaining galaxies fit the model predictions. Crisis averted!

>> No.16365450

>dedicated bakers that literally push threads out of the way to stage for us at page 10
That's retarded autism and defeats the purpose of waiting till page 10

>> No.16365453

Better than thread splitting or early stage shitty threads or off topic stages that get the whole thread deleted (like what happened with two threads ago)

>> No.16365460

You're so cucked by the jannies it makes ones head spin.
The entire fussy thread-baking protocol is entirely out of fear of the jannies

>> No.16365462
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Hullo as usual with an insightful take.

>> No.16365479

Thrusters were redundant enough (and probably pulsed enough) to back the capsule off from the station and maintain attitude control long enough for the re-entry burn to finish. If the pulses were enough to overcome the doghouse overheating they may just do that from now on without any redesign because it is way too late in the program's life to do it

That's a long way from "fine," but it kept the whole thing from being a complete disaster for Boeing

>> No.16365489

Extremely poor, the forecast is worsening. The main problem is this frontal boundary draped over FL that won't fuck off in addition to it being the peak of the hurricane season. Even without any actual storms at the moment a disturbance can become a hurricane in 5 days.

>> No.16365492

retard. scott manlet from troon, scottland

>> No.16365493
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I mean, caution is justified

>> No.16365494

yes but it also keeps the discussion on topic and in one thread and newfags out
works pretty well

>> No.16365497

I mean if you want to start some war about spamming and making off topic threads on /sci/ go ahead
but that would be retarded and you are mainly getting pissy because people are telling you to fuck off

>> No.16365499
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>> No.16365500
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>> No.16365501

Visors down and locked they could have made it.

>> No.16365512

that submarine was in the right for using this supermaterial

>> No.16365513

steel is great until giant flying I-beams start coming your way

>> No.16365514

You're not a real space center until you’ve been rocked by a hurricane or two. It’s a tradition I suppose

>> No.16365517

Okay hold your horses there Elon: even I am an autistic word hyphenator, but this is incorrect. You only hyphenate words that vibe together

>> No.16365519

you're not a real space center until you have clouds forming inside

>> No.16365521
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>because Musk runs SpaceX and Starlink, he needs to moderate his speech
>somewhere in there is a legal case that needs to be prosecuted

>> No.16365524

you're not a real space center until you have made it to the bottom of the wikipedia List of spaceflight-related accidents and incidents page for workers passing away in strange ways

>> No.16365527
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>> No.16365528

MSNBC is legitimately neurotic, they can’t even report their own legal last names without lying

>> No.16365529 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 1080x715, IMG_8619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would not be opposed to some sort of X kill aquad who go around the globe extra-judiciously confiscating their own equipment back and just taking out people who get in the way. They can operate under Martial (heh get it Mars) Law

>> No.16365533

>OIG report about contracted EVA suits coming
this'll be good

>> No.16365536

>chudlon admitting spacex cuts cost by compromising on materials

>> No.16365537

You can hate the Shuttle program all you want but Columbia was such a cool and historic orbiter and it’s super shitty that she had to go out this way.

>> No.16365541

size, plus the fact that there are Starlink satellites available in that direction
I don't think the plasma hole lets you talk to the ground directly

>> No.16365542

>confiscation of Starlink equipment
so this was all just a thinly veiled attempt to reverse engineer their tech, presumably handing it over to another company?

>> No.16365547

Think about it, if 5 other companies finish "spontaneously developing" a Starlink competitor, that weakens their market position and ensures they're still reliant on government funding for decades to come.

>> No.16365549

>confiscation of Starlink equipment
Where the fuck is the US State dept in all of this? Blinken is worthless and an absolute cuck so he should be good for going down there and sucking Lula's dick.

>> No.16365551

another trashfire no doubt
though collins decided to end their programme, maybe things aren't going so badly for axiom

>> No.16365552

the point is to get mass to orbit cheaper, yes

>> No.16365555

it's about Elon, the lord of space

>> No.16365556

it's insane, political polarization in the USA has now created a situation where the State Department won't defend the most advanced Space/Telecomms company in the world from having sensitive assets illegally seized by a member of BRICS with a psuedo commie government... because le chud elon commented "Wow!" on a social media post they didn't like. Imagine showing this shit to someone from 50 years ago.

>> No.16365557

We are in the midst of the weakest administration, likely the worst ever in history, who let our enemies stomp over us and our so-called “allies” abuse us. Don’t expect action from them unless it immediately benefits them both politically and financially! Very bad people!

>> No.16365558

Musk is not pro free speech. He simply pro speech he likes. I he allowed content critical of (((them))) he would legit lose all his advertisers

>> No.16365560

I highly doubt that spacex in brazil has some sensitive equipment

>> No.16365561

Only advertisements I see on that website are weird AI generated ones anyways

>> No.16365562


>> No.16365563

I'd argue any access controlled/non consumer grade equipment related to Starlink should be considered sensitive. It's hard to overstate how important this tech is and how desperate other countries are likely to be to replicate it.

>> No.16365567

to be fair even if that was the case it would ultimately be good for space technology and space as an industry. more competition = more innovation

>> No.16365568

ground stations

>> No.16365572

like he already did? lol
there is all kinds of speech, something you can't do usually is to call for violence but you can discuss pretty much anything

>> No.16365573 [DELETED] 

It’s too off-topic but yes, we know.
A few days ago he commented (positively) on a Tucker Carlson post that featured a guest questioning the holocaust numbers or something; then he got ze call and deleted it. They yanked his leash so hard he ended up community noting the guy and he was bragging about the community note. Elon is based most of the time but he is ultimately just another marionette at the end of the day who will do shit like ban Kanye for posting a star of david swastika while saying he protects “free speech,” i.e. whatever Elon feels is free

>> No.16365574

Oh fuck off commie. You’re a slant-eyed chink with jewish hands

>> No.16365576

but that isn't censorship, the podcast is still up, Musk just said he didn't listen far enough

>> No.16365578

>free market cuck when the free market lets them scam poor people nonstop with intellectual property laws
>free market cuck when they have to deal with global competition

>> No.16365580

I deleted it–I realized I wrote a paragraph after saying it was off-topic lmfao. But you’re right. It’s still tiresome nonetheless. It’s the bragging about the community note for me.

>> No.16365581

You're right obviously. Classic case of the controlled opposition bot getting too big for his boots and getting slapped down.

>> No.16365583

Thanks for proving my point. Clocked you!

>> No.16365585

unhinged lmao

>> No.16365587

Doesn't really matter, anyone could build a starlink terminal if they really wanted to. It's just a phased array comms radar, not that hard. The hard part is in launching 999999999 bajillion satellites.

>> No.16365589

shouldn't you be sending a letter to the government begging them to save your favourite billionaire capitalist's """intellectual property""" instead of whining on the internet?

>> No.16365592 [DELETED] 

i fartee and poop came out

>> No.16365595
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>> No.16365596

It's not THAT complex, anyone with an electronics industry can put together a similar product with some high iq people and dev time. This isn't a national security security issue. Admittedly still gay and cucked but idk what anyone expects from the United States government circa 2024.

>> No.16365597

Polaris Yawn
Polaris Con
Polaris Gone

>> No.16365598
File: 201 KB, 439x408, pissed5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what a real free speech site looks like? It looks like 4chan. Here you actually don't get banned for posting opinions even if they are unpopular. Twitter will always be dependent on advertisers and allowing free speech on Twitter would financially ruin it.

>> No.16365601

What about the satellites themselves though?

>> No.16365602

>Here you actually don't get banned for posting opinions even if they are unpopular

OK I am staging at page three then

>> No.16365603

They arent ready

>> No.16365604

Fair enough and I see your point, but if you don't think there was anything valuable there why even bother going after Starlink equipment specifically? It's not like they can sell it off in the same way they can with cars and aircraft.

>> No.16365605 [DELETED] 

fuck off you hostage taking circumcised jew cock sucking terrorist

>> No.16365608

this means you experienced thrust in the opposite direction, this is spaceflight

>> No.16365609

It's the exact same thing as the ground terminal, just scaled up and stuck onto a satellite bus. Again admittedly it's not off the shelf and would need dev work but it's not that complicated, remember how quickly they got sent into orbit after Elon announced starlink? This isn't even close to the difficulty of an ITAR rocket engine. Laser comms is probably a different story though, but it's not like they have any satellites chilling in a favela warehouse.

>why even bother going after Starlink equipment specifically?

Elon man bad and cucking me, important big commie judge man.

>> No.16365611

and it's totally the advertisers that wanted to ban the word "cisgender" and not the faggot in charge whose feelings it hurt, sure

>> No.16365612
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Reminder that the powerfulness of rocket exhausts is often exaggerated

>> No.16365613

He already lost most of them. There is no way X is making money. Going full Henry Ford would risk the government wresting SpaceX away from him.

>> No.16365614

This is a blue board, stop posting disgusting gore shit. Makes me sick looking at that.

>> No.16365615

>This isn't even close to the difficulty of an ITAR rocket engine
I wish to know how they keep turbines cool in modern rocket engines

why is the engine of the left booster different than the engine on the right booster

>> No.16365617

Some opinions get to go further off-topic than others. A certain amount of that is pretty hard to avoid, however.

>> No.16365618

what is the isp of poop coming out of ass? assume median poop size and speed

>> No.16365619

his own ideology plays a role too sure. As you can see he is losing money by doing that. Imagine how much money he would lose if twitter had 4chan tier free speech.

>> No.16365620

>I wish to know how they keep turbines cool in modern rocket engines

Me too man. I guess you can regen the outside but wtf do you do about the rotor and blades? In the estronaut interview Elon alluded to it being a whole conversation and they decided to not cool the blades so how tf does it not melt???

>> No.16365623

If he made verified a buck or two a month, no credential sign up, fired all the tranny and jeet jannies and made the website a not unusable piece of shit, it would be printing. State department would feed him polonium soup if he turned twitter into normie 4chan though.

>> No.16365624

>put bullet into revolver
>spin cylinder
>put revolver to your head and pull the trigger
The most likely outcome is that you live. Does this make Russian Roulette a smart game to play?

>> No.16365625

Jet engine turbines go to about 1700, and if they could go higher Jet engine could have higher power density and efficiency. So this is a big are of interest in Jet engine design. I wonder how they do it.

>> No.16365628
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>> No.16365637

I think Manlet knows this, he’s just saying the media has dogshit spaceflight takes for clicks

>> No.16365641
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Doomposting aside how serious is the new OIG investigation into Dragonfly

>> No.16365644

Personally I think the OIG will say mostly what we all expect:
>NASA is still experiencing roll-over supply chain issues from le pandemic
>R&D costs have probably doubled from their original figure, or at least are projected to double by 2028
>Nuclear fuel source for RTGs will be an issue and will require a few billions more than anticipated
>MSR is so fucked it’s going to likely have to push Dragonfly into the mid-2030s

>> No.16365645

>the beans came out
its over

>> No.16365649

OIG has zero power, they are knowitall faggots. Fire them along with the contractors

>> No.16365650

They are actually kind of based, anon. They audit the shit NASA doesn’t want to talk about/share

>> No.16365652

I'd rather they throw and instrument out and simplify the Dragonfly than have another delay.

>> No.16365653

t. Boeing project manager

>> No.16365655

that won’t even come close to fixing a price problem

>> No.16365656

how do we fix the price problem

>> No.16365658

what part of "along with the contractors" did you not understand? dumbass

>> No.16365659

Kill yourself


>> No.16365660

NASA should be defunded

>> No.16365662
File: 3.40 MB, 1648x1200, Mars_Perseverance_ZL0_0190_0683810346_241EBY_N0070000ZCAM05069_0340LMJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls bros I don't want Dragonfly to be canceled someone give me hopium

>> No.16365663

t. government busybody

>> No.16365664

Stop contracting out to zipties&more in the middle of nowhere, kansas at $4,000 a ziptie. When you do this for every fucking part on the entire program your costs go through the roof. This is precisely why MSR is about to get completely axed and reworked as a commercial venture.

>> No.16365665

Department of Government Efficiency shall rape NASA and its terrible spending habits

>> No.16365666

i will rape nasa

>> No.16365667

dragonfly is a piece of shit

>> No.16365668

>Department of Government Efficiency shall rape NASA and its terrible spending habits

>> No.16365669


>> No.16365670

Silence lakefag

>> No.16365671

t. Jewish cost plus demon

>> No.16365672

Program was started under cheeto Hitler, its cancellation is good long term. the more programs Nasa cancels, the more likely the blob can survive in perpetuity under congress radar. ideally all space programs are cancelled because programs cant fail and money cant get wasted if there is no programs

>> No.16365674

Yeah it would be sweet if Elon was given a giant axe to obliterate government pig troughs. Might be able to kick that currency collapse bucket another 10-20 years down the road if applied correctly. Sucks that it will never, ever happen.

>> No.16365675

Fighting bureaucracy with even more bureaucracy

>> No.16365676

Isnt this a pedophile?

>> No.16365677
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Eat shit you fuckers, Boeing won

>> No.16365678

Nigga you going to be dead before dragonfly shows you some generic shitty sand and roggs. The whole insistence of rovers only going to desert ass landscapes makes me think the schizos might have something going for them. No Martian polar rover? No Martian rover in the chaos or multi kilometer high cliff wall valleys? No Titan lakes helicopter? Just rovers cruising around what might as well be Arizona? Hmm idk man getting kinda sus

>> No.16365679

then why are they hiding

>> No.16365680
File: 416 KB, 1352x900, 0x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure things will work out fine this time with this advisory council and they will not fall out again. Remember when politicians used to put out serious proposals, doesn't apply to just Trump, instead of just some slogans Bim Bam DOGE. We will just fire half the govt and it will work out. "No, we haven't started any sort of preparatory work to research concrete policy for implementation, why do you ask?"

>> No.16365681

why is she toching her vag*na

>> No.16365682


>> No.16365683

yes you are right, we need to have meetings and discuss and prepare and research and run it by the lawyers and regulators and faggots. you make good points all around

>> No.16365685


>> No.16365688

>We will just fire half the govt and it will work out

You could unironically give every government employee a coin to toss, if they flip tails they are fired. Results would be a massive improvement, especially all the useless fuckers quitting over extra "work". Unfortunately we don't live in such a comfy universe and Elon is retarded for thinking this shit will ever happen.

>> No.16365689

boeing chads are loud and proud on X. as millions of spacexsisters and stans suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced

>> No.16365690
File: 126 KB, 980x478, a Boeing Gives Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Game over man! Game over!"

>> No.16365693

Will they really cancel a program that's over $100m in the hole? over problems that spacex could solve in a weekend with a software patch?

>> No.16365696

Back to arguments about terraforming Venus that last 3 threads

>> No.16365699

There’s a nonzero chance here

>> No.16365700
File: 640 KB, 1172x808, pg 68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This what killed them.
Tumbling and roll rates were low enough that a conscious human could mitigate it. Prevented by mitigating item 1.
This is where the dice get rolled if you didn't asphyxiate.
Dynamic loading was within the design certification limit of the ACES suits. Pressure certification was to 100k ft however the report highlights that the actual limit of the suits is not known for the environment they were in.
They had parachutes although it is questionable if they would still function due to high temperatures affecting the nylon.

>> No.16365701

Terraforming venus is not only possible, but likely, and objectively more important than terraforming mars. We can do it, watch Isaac Arthur videos for the plans

>> No.16365702

They are losing money, are demoralized, unmotivated, talent is fleeing like an evacuation zone, there are greener pastures. The public fucking HATES Boeing now (thanks to us), trust is gone. They should just call it a sunk cost and do something else.
And yes, SLS is next.

>> No.16365703

>Will they really cancel a program that's over $100m in the hole?

Shareholder man says yes

>over problems that spacex could solve in a weekend with a software patch?

Idk if redesigning and certifying new doghouses qualifies as a software patch nigger.

>> No.16365704

Nasa will happily cancel every other program, functional or not, before they cancel SLS

>> No.16365705

It could be easily solved with a software patch

>> No.16365706


>> No.16365707

Its done after the first landing, due to momentum. But administration changes and common sense will return, it has to. If it doesn't, we really are doomed to fail.

>> No.16365709


> $100m in the hole

The Boeing write down on Starliner so far is $1.6 billion. And they still don't have an operational vehicle.

>> No.16365715
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Why hasn't the Alpha Centauri system recieved proper names yet?

If it were up to me, they'd be named after Egyptian deities, since they are criminally underutilised in astronomy, and are the OG Gods along with the Ancient Greek ones.

For example, ACa could be Ra, and ACb could be Horus. PC could be Osiris. PCd could be Montu, PCb could be Aker, and PCc could be Hathor.

>> No.16365716

Which brave and stunning poc people would you like the systems planets to be named after?

>> No.16365718

What bodily excretion has the best specific impulse? Shid, fard, cum? Spitting or sneezing?

>> No.16365720

Egyptians never gave a shit about space (read: the heavens). That's why all the constellations are Greek.

>> No.16365722

high probability of these two posts being issued by same person. Also Dragonfly will go to Titan soon enough.

>> No.16365723
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As an Egyptian temple enjoyer I support this

sneezing would be my guess. Highest exhaust velocity. Lungs have a chamber pressure of up to 0.1 bar

>> No.16365724

>watch Isaac Arthur videos for the plans

>> No.16365725

Proxima Centauri Cb being the closest should be called Principium, to denote it's significance as our first step into the galaxy

>> No.16365727


>Dragonfly will go to Titan soon enough.

They haven't even finished the design, let alone bending metal or testing. It won't make their current 2028 launch.

>> No.16365729

Gee why is it so hard to design a cryo drone

>> No.16365731
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>> No.16365732
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The Egyptians did care about space and frequently aligned their colossal works to the stars.
Unfortunately, in the centuries since, they've become unaligned. It used to be that the sun would set between obelisks, for example.

Egyptians also had a really cool name for circumpolar stars: the indestructibles.

>> No.16365733

Sagittarius A* is a retarded name for our own galaxy’s central black hole. Just call it Sagittarius—why does it need the regarded astroonomer-assigned name from when it was first discovered as a radio anomaly?

>> No.16365734

anything new from that gravitational wave observatory as of late

>> No.16365735

Nah half of it is in Louisiana, which the OIG cited as being filled with lazy unmotivated workers for NASA

>> No.16365741

The Egyptians were white.
That's not true. Temples were aligned to stars, and they used astrology to predict floods.
>latin words
Yawn. Gods are much more culturally significant. Is the hell world Venus beautiful to you? Is Neptune a sea world?
Scientists are retarded and autistic. They need to be sending landers with 4k cameras to all the planets and moons we know of. Normal people don't give a fuck about muh scientific data like how fast the wind speeds on Venus are.

>> No.16365743

>They need to be sending landers with 4k cameras to all the planets and moons we know of
Hence the Dragonfly mission. If Dragonfly lands it will increase the popularity of space drastically

>> No.16365744

His terraforming vid started with "wormholes might be useful"

>> No.16365746
File: 423 KB, 4096x2048, GWK1OZcW4AAstCQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hence the Dragonfly mission
Oh, do I have some news for you.

>> No.16365749

Don't forget to gwab a snack

>> No.16365754


>> No.16365755

This is now the official apologize to boeing&starliner thread.
Musk fags and bezos troons need not apply.

>> No.16365758

this thread is actually not an /sfg/ thread

>> No.16365760

Well, don't be surprised if we get a shit show again, where the Trump admin barely gets any of their agenda through, even while holding both houses, because they didn't prepare at all. This is Mr. "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated" after all.

>> No.16365761

Starliner lost.

>> No.16365762

Cant start shit so close to election.

>> No.16365766

Boeing are staying silent because they're hoping everyone forgets what a shitshow this last starliner launch was, their plan will be to wait a few months then announce whatever they've already decided.
Personally I don't think it's gonna go how they want though, they're either gonna keep fucking things up or behind the scenes fuckry will keep leaking until they end up having to sell everything and shut the company down.

>> No.16365770

They are going to push trough until they get at least one succesfull mission and then cancel the whole thing in the dark of night and never talk about it again.

>> No.16365774

I honestly don't know if they have the talent to do one successful mission before the ISS deorbits.

>> No.16365776

Probably not, but they need at least win before they cancel the project to go "see, it worked!!"

>> No.16365788

catch wen

>> No.16365790

I get a feeling that their only win is gonna be that the one that just landed wouldn't have actually killed the astronauts if they'd been on it.

>> No.16365794

I already see the future discussions on this.
>starliner was a complete joke!
>UUHH, actually, that one time it returned safely to earth!!!!!

>> No.16365797



Lol we've had electro static anti grav tech for at least 40 years. We all would be zooming in personal flying cars right now if not for the deep state + oil cartel.

Imagine having a vehicle the size of a small public bus out your front door which can lazily drift through the skies taking in the view or kicked into top speed and see you arrive on the other side of the globe in under an hour. For me? I'd live in a quaint wooden house situated smack bang in one of the most remote places in world, the Mongolian steppe. And once a week I'd hop in my 'car' get my weekly shopping from the finest organic foods market in Europe and then zip back home. Oh I forgot to mention, this tech can also be configured to put out energy, not anti grav waves, so you would have a box in the corner of the house the size of a shoe box that puts out limitless clean energy and all for free. The technology to liberate us all exists and is being hidden. A lot of suicides and accidents occurring for the people who make scientific advances in this field...weird, depression and clumsiness is contagious it seems

>> No.16365800
File: 168 KB, 1000x1000, Blue_hazes_over_backlit_Pluto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New Horizons launched in 2006
>It reached the Moon's orbit in just nine hours
>It reached Jupiter in one year
>At this speed it would've reached Pluto in 2020-2021
>The gravity assist from Jupiter knocked off five to six years of its travel time to Pluto
>It would still take another eight years to reach Pluto
>New Horizons finally reached Pluto in July 2015, and completed its flyby in just 22 hours
>It would take another 15 months to transfer all the collected data back to Earth
New Horizons may be my favourite mission so far. Getting such clear photographs of a planet so far away is such an incredible feat.

>Pluto is on average 0.000625 LY away from the Sun
>Proxima Centauri is 4.24 LY away
The scale of space is incomprehensible.

>> No.16365813
File: 63 KB, 1280x359, UK_Space_Agency_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had and still has the best universities in the world
>was home to many of the greatest modern scientists, astronomers, and other professionals
>conquered and owned most of the world at one point
>has less of a space prescence than fucking india
I hate this fucking country. Churchill fucked everything up. And for God's sake, that name and branding is terrible. It should've been HMSA instead.

>> No.16365818
File: 2.92 MB, 854x480, no brakes on new horizons.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16365823
File: 309 KB, 728x1020, infographicsuploadsinfographicsfull11139.width-1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 80 years, will we have hi-res photographs of Proxima b?

>> No.16365827

My guess is NASA wouldn't stop changing requirements, like on ML-2

This is one reason SpaceX holds tight to FFP contracting

>> No.16365829

We could have them in our lifetime if we were willing to fund a giant death laser for breakthrough starshot

>> No.16365830

it's sarcasm you dummy

>> No.16365835

>if we were willing to fund

>> No.16365836

Falcon 9/X-37b was almost a fully reusable mission

>> No.16365839

>NASA's Parker Solar Probe is the fastest human-made object ever, reaching speeds of 394,736 miles per hour (635,266 kilometers per hour). This is nearly 400 times faster than a fighter jet and 500 times faster than the speed of sound.
And at these speeds, getting to Proxima Centauri would take 7200 years.

>> No.16365840
File: 147 KB, 1180x766, pluto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I remember that big blurry image on the bottom left being THE picture of Pluto for a while.
As for images of Proxima b there's always the Breakthrough Starshot concept for hurling a swarm of microsats at it and boosting their speed with lasers.

>> No.16365842

>conquered and owned most of the world at one point
Shitty third world countries aren't most of the world. in the 18th century 80% of the world was Europe

>> No.16365844

The scale of our own stellar neighborhood is ridiculous. Not to mention the size of the entire milky way, or the size of the entire planet observable universe.
Yet at the same time, it’s all navigable nonetheless if you have a hypothetical ship that can output 1g of constant acceleration

>> No.16365846

that computer generate image on the left looks night like the real image on the right. Anyway we may get good images of proxima b soon using computational methods

>> No.16365850

I think the one on the right was also an estimation based off of low res imaging.
Pluto’s look was estimated pretty damn well

>> No.16365851

a 7 stage nuclear lightbulb engine could easily reach 1% C

>> No.16365852

its crazy (insane, just the size of it etc) to me that even a hubble tier telescope couldn't get a clearer view than that. I know that they're designed for deep space imaging rather than objects in our own solar system but still

>> No.16365854

NASA is inefficient and in need of major reform

>> No.16365856

Hubble images objects which are way bigger in angular size than some small planet.

>> No.16365857

who? I have no idea

>> No.16365858

>The More You Know

>> No.16365859


>> No.16365860

>hypothetical ship that can output 1g of constant acceleration
Shame how tricky those are to find

>> No.16365861

did boing and nasack stream saarliner live just so they could save face by telling the public
>hey, look, it landed exactly where we wanted it to!

>> No.16365863
File: 241 KB, 656x683, exoplanetMapping4390754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this method could be used to produce images of exoplanets. Essentially by merely measuring the color of the planet many time over the rotation of the planet, it's possible to produce some sort of image using a computer algorithm

>> No.16365864

>duct tape on the nozzle

>> No.16365866

Besides chemical remote sensing data “indicating an ocean,” have deep space planetary scientists ever been able to confirm any expoplanet that—for certain—has oceans and continents? Beyond a shadow of a doubt?

>> No.16365870

Medusa pulse nuclear propulsion ship

>> No.16365872

not sure but I do think NASA is confident some planets have water oceans. Something that's not too hard to achieve a planet simply has to be the right distance from the sun. Now some of the ocean worlds are probably completely covered in water without land.

>> No.16365873

Why can't we do this for KBO like Eris and Haumea?

>> No.16365874

Boots on the ground in 80 years.

>> No.16365875

Earth is the only astronomical object known to presently have bodies of liquid water on its surface, although several exoplanets have been found with the right conditions to support liquid water.[7] There are also considerable amounts of subsurface water found on Earth, mostly in the form of aquifers.[8] For exoplanets, current technology cannot directly observe liquid surface water, so atmospheric water vapor may be used as a proxy.[9] The characteristics of ocean worlds provide clues to their history and the formation and evolution of the Solar System as a whole. Of additional interest is their potential to originate and host life.

In June 2020, NASA scientists reported that it is likely that exoplanets with oceans are common in the Milky Way galaxy, based on mathematical modeling studies.[10][11]

>> No.16365879

I am so fucking envious of future civilization like 1,000 years from now who will know so much more about the universe. I wish I had a time machine. Maybe I’ll cryogenically freeze myself or upload to the machine

>> No.16365885

Get on a 1g ship and blast off to betelgeuse and back. Relativistic affects would mean 20 years for you, 1,000 years for earth

>> No.16365887

Sometimes I feel that way, but then I remember that we are living in the generation of the pioneers of space travel. The Moon landings were less than six decades ago, that's literally nothing. We have the most important role right now, that will determine the future of humanity hundreds and thousands of years in the future.

>> No.16365889
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>> No.16365892

Good point. I hope history remembers those who are opposed to accelerationism in this very important/pivotal time period. The crabs, the planetary protectionists, the progressives. Right now it seems you are called crazy for saying men are men, women are women, and the moon and mars and beyond need colonizing. Things will get better. They must, for the sake of our species

>> No.16365897

why do people desperately want boeing to stay? oldspace loser mentality

>> No.16365901

I remember reading somewhere that Orion fuel pellets are actually quite reasonably sized. I wonder what the theoretical “burn time” could be for a ship? Could you carry enough nuclear fuel bombs to constantly provide blasts for, say, a decade straight? That’s a tall order.
If it IS possible, you’d really only be limited by supplies to keep everyone fed and healthy. But seeing how there’s really no limit to how big your ship could be I’d say your cargo space would be pretty much infinite for all intents and purposes.

>> No.16365902
File: 65 KB, 500x340, carl-sagan-cosmos-746795988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting to peruse the Library of Worlds from your own personal spaceship. It's all I've ever wanted.
It's barely been a century since mankind first figured out powered flight, using some wood and canvas.

>> No.16365905

>nuclear lightbulb engine
Doesn't work. The reaction itself is opaque, even if you can find a way to avoid your bulb dissolving like sugar

>> No.16365912

Mars is a test. As soon as we figure out the minimum viable product for an industrialized civilization on a hostile body, we'll be able to send a ship to a different star. The Orion drive is basically solved, right? Is there any handwaving materials or anything?

>> No.16365913


>> No.16365917

Nope it’s possible, they went full autism with their preliminary reports and basically got everything figured out save for final approval. Crewed variants needed a bigger dampener so the crew didn’t get obliterated by the sheer force of the bombs against the pusher plate transferred to the ship but I think Medusa (a “pull” instead of a “push” that captures more of the explosion and transfers it to kinetic energy) doesn’t have this problem plus it has the additional benefit of being a much smoother acceleration profile as opposed to “bursts” you’d feel as a crew member on a conventional Orion ship

>> No.16365919

The worst people are the ones opposed to space travel. They ask "why?", "what's the point?". And to them I respond "where is your humanity?". Curiosity and the desire to explore for the sake of it are innate human traits, possibly the most important ones, together with our ability to think abstractly and our nobility. We may be living in the generation of the pioneers, but embedded between them are just as many pessimists. There are many, many reasons as to why they exist, but I won't go in to them. It may seem as though we are surrounded by darkness, but the stars always break through the night. Continue focusing on the light, and don't let the shadows consume you.
Exactly. We've come so far in such little time, and sometimes the unknown can overwhelm us. Like I said - it's our natural instinct to want to know more. But we should be more appreciative of what we do know, because it's an absolute shitton. Imagine how Galileo would react if he saw the photographs of the moons he discovered. Galileo died knowing he would never see what they truly looked like, and yet his contributions were never forgotten, the same way the people of our time will never be forgotten, thousands of years from now.

>> No.16365921

Wait what the fuck, is this going to use aerocapture specifically to get into orbit? I can't think of a single mission that used aerocapture into orbit; aerobraking to lower the orbit or skipping orbit entirely and going straight into descent doesn't count.

ExoMARS's Trace Gas Orbiter used aerobraking to lower its orbit, but it injected into mars orbit using thrusters first. The aerobrake came later and was *only* to lower the orbit, not establish it. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter also used aerobraking to lower its orbit, but it also achieved orbital insertion exclusively with thrusters. 2001 Mars Odyssey also used thrusters to insert into Mars orbit.

Are the changs actually doing something new instead of just copying homework?

>> No.16365924

antinatalism is the way

>> No.16365928

counterporductive colonists will be put to work on the phobosian work camps.

>> No.16365931

>Drag the ship through every explosion
Is this a bad idea?

>> No.16365933

No it’s based

>> No.16365938

>phobosian work camps
The worst offenders will be made to run hurdles.

>> No.16365944

>New Horizons may be my favourite mission so far. Getting such clear photographs of a planet
Pluto is not a planet

>> No.16365947

Fuck off ((((IAU)))).

>> No.16365958

>Father, where did our home get its name?
>Well son, the empire from which our civilization is derived, Rome, once also expanded into the unknown...
>Well son, some NIGGERS were FURRIES

>> No.16365959

NASA always saves bad news for friday nights
goddamn fucking lobbyist controlled corrupt shithole government money laundering scumbags protecting corporate interests by releasing news when it can't tank stocks as bad
I hate oldspace, but never enough

>> No.16365961

If the telescopes had been better back then other transneptunian bodies would have been found and its planetary status would have gone the same way that of Ceres did.
The Moon, however, is a planet.

>> No.16366012

There are give or take 20 planets in the solar system.

>> No.16366016

what a stud

>> No.16366018

No, they would have to mass more than the Moon, which is the smallest planet

>> No.16366022

This. I'm so tired of the bigoted old view of there being only 8 planets or whateber

>> No.16366025

Gas giants aren't real planets. They're just big piles of hydrogen and shit, more like a lazy star than a world.

>> No.16366035
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>> No.16366046


>> No.16366054

I ain't clicking that shit nigga

>> No.16366059

"We are developing electronics that can operate continuously on the surface of Venus at 500*C (932*F)

>> No.16366064

venus needs more missions

>> No.16366065

>hooray, now more scammers can get into contact with our grandmothers!

>> No.16366066

or coomer gacha games

>> No.16366070

>grandma sends money to Zimbabwe
>Zimbabwe sends money to Starlink
>Starlink sends money to SpaceX
>SpaceX spends money on Mars
Thanks grandma

>> No.16366071
File: 894 KB, 2400x1600, GW2u-czWIAAqW74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16366075

spacex has a single boat & helicopter for recovery. starliner seems to have a lot more

>> No.16366076

Shouldn't the flag be upside down?

>> No.16366077

you can operated dozens of pickup trucks for the cost of one boat

>> No.16366082

wtf, I will no longer redeem

>> No.16366084

How are they going to get that thing onto a pickup truck? The trucks you see there are just for hauling those mustache guys around.

>> No.16366087

Semis with a flatbed trailer are also cheap to operate

>> No.16366104

Why are modern trucks so ugly?

>> No.16366115

Unironically pedestrian safety. Getting hit by a truck is like getting hit by a multi-ton brick: your head and feet get sheared clean off if you're lucky. They had to round the edges to make getting hit by one merely crippling instead.

>> No.16366118

Ok and if you removed all that hydrogen and were left with the dense core and liquid hydrogen oceans far bigger than earth what would you say

>> No.16366120


>> No.16366126

We're at least 6 weeks away from launch

>> No.16366138

Can I stand on it?

>> No.16366139


>> No.16366140

Are you less dense than liquid hydrogen?

>> No.16366145

Every time you post like a retarded faggot another week gets added to the countdown

>> No.16366151

It consists of three stars: Rigil Kentaurus, Toliman, and Proxima Centauri.

>> No.16366153
File: 70 KB, 460x300, bush confuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, I'm fairly dense

>> No.16366155

that's a man

>> No.16366157
File: 2.65 MB, 320x240, 1599551330198.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuck vests
>cuck helmets
>a fucking flag pole

>> No.16366161

>splashdown in the stinky ocean
>has to be rescued from drowning by homosexual navy men

>> No.16366167

I didn't even mention the wands. It's a fucking pickup truckomeone yet someone told this dude to go stand out there and wave them like that guy is taxiing the shuttle carrier aircraft.

>> No.16366169

Fly that shit at half mast

>> No.16366173

You dont think it's cum? I can blast the walls off my house when let loose 3 days built up cum

>> No.16366175
File: 791 KB, 1192x1776, 121486200_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're already close to that. Tucker Carlson did a video interview of some fag with a big account questioning the normie WW2 narrative. It didn't get taken down. The political shrieking was unbelievable. Elon is going all in on Trump because he knows otherwise he's going to be a political prisoner by 2026.

>> No.16366177

Trump is a zionist.

>> No.16366180


>> No.16366195

grabbing aliens arent real

>> No.16366196

>aliens are like this
>aliens are like that
aliens are like lichen

>> No.16366197

im surprised africa is so slow on the uptake. i know its a corrupt shithole but people have got to be seeing dollar signs and opportunity regardless.

>> No.16366198

Holy fucking cute

>> No.16366199

We discovered them on Mars, but JPL plays retarded so we pay them to send more shitboxes

>> No.16366200
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>> No.16366204

what a joke the ISS is, they just spend billioions of dollars a year to do this friggin glamour project, have nothing to show for it, and when its all cancelled they are back to the beginning

>> No.16366205

And we still don't know what happens when you get pregnant in space

>> No.16366207

wow what a brave and interesting take

>> No.16366208
File: 2.19 MB, 1888x1014, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16366216

YouTube version 4K


>> No.16366218

Reminds me of when I tried to just fly out of the system in Outer Wilds, watching everything slowly fade away

>> No.16366220

I've been enjoying some really nice wildlife streams thanks to it.

>> No.16366221
File: 546 KB, 256x192, 1703508779448223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to wipe until IFT-5 launches. This mess is going to be your fault, Elon.

>> No.16366224

the least they could do is investigate the effect of one and a half years in space, the travel time to Mars
but no, sixth month regular stints and a year max

>> No.16366225
File: 14 KB, 260x206, 260px-Apollo_CSM_lunar_orbit[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apollo, but with 1 raptor vacuum

>> No.16366227
File: 3.26 MB, 1920x1080, starliner undock.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't see any parts flying off

>> No.16366229
File: 114 KB, 1080x592, free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wasn't the original plan, they had cool things in the works. Blame the demons from hell we call congressmen, and the complicit satan worshipers the cattle elect as executive.

>> No.16366234
File: 524 KB, 1024x682, 1702054219661316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was cool at least

>> No.16366235
File: 3.66 MB, 2048x1152, Boeing Starliner undocking from the International Space Station on 06 September 2024.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16366238

It was maybe an interesting idea, but then they just carried it on for 30 years for no real purpose

>> No.16366240
File: 2.74 MB, 720x720, Starship at ISS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to see it go, bros.

>> No.16366247
File: 316 KB, 1170x869, IMG_8623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16366253
File: 549 KB, 995x559, Nautilus-X_demonstrator_docked_to_the_ISS_(side).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16366256 [DELETED] 

reminder that this is not an /sfg/ thread and posts don't have to be space related

>> No.16366257

>As an experiment on the station, he wore the same special underpants for a month without washing them
Name that astronaut

>> No.16366258

Elon Musk

>> No.16366260

reminder that Saturn V send something with a slightly smaller habitable volume to space in one go

>> No.16366261

all of them?

>> No.16366263

That would go tanks dry unreasonably quickly. The actual AJ10-137 already had an Isp of 314s thanks to the big engine bell but way less thrust/mdot than an RVac. By the time you finish modifying Apollo to work with an RVac you basically get a smaller (and thus worse due to square/cube law) Starship.

>> No.16366264

Dragon will never look this cool

>> No.16366269
File: 466 KB, 2958x2009, acutestarliner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16366272

webm pl0x

>> No.16366276

>space station is a repair shop for satellites
how was that ever going to work? Where they just going to hope that broken satellites were still maneuverable and had enough delta-v to get there? And then refuel them in space too?
was NASA just making up shit to impress Congress?

>> No.16366277
File: 488 KB, 563x700, 1700798416573490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to live longer because I know it will mean much more personal suffering but I also want to live much, much longer, for centuries if not millennia, just to see how humanity takes to the stars. I want to live in a von Braun wheel, I want to be the first settlers on an interstellar world, terraforming it to habitability, setting up the first infrastructure and keeping alive human traditions, but I also don't want to live even another decade because I know it will just get worse.

>> No.16366281

but starship is like 70m with 9 engines baka

>> No.16366289

is there a reason why wet workshops were never investigated further?
toxic fumes? radiation shielding?

>> No.16366291

Axiom should look into whether its feasible to reuse some of the newer ISS module hardware thats still perfectly good. That way parts of the station could live on and reduce the mass to be deorbited. It's probably not that simple though.

>> No.16366296

I'm going to go out on a limb and blame the space shuttle

>> No.16366298

Yes that's what makes it better.

>> No.16366299

6 way airlock with a starship docked to 4 of the ports with the remainder reserved for a dragon lifeboat and station expansion. Your new ISS (now XSS)

>> No.16366307


>> No.16366309

they failed to install Germans in key NASA positions

>> No.16366310


>> No.16366311

>toxic fumes
If that was the issue then I guess they could just pressurize once to aerate the fumes then depressurize it before refilling it for habitation.
>radiation shielding
That shouldn't be too much of an issue if they just put some extra lining in the internal hull

The anon who suggested the shuttle was probably right.

While Starship has plenty of volume in its payload region, I wonder if the fuel storage could be used like a wet workshop to expand the habitable volume past the cargo bay.

>> No.16366312
File: 3.69 MB, 2100x3500, 109240588_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct! The ETs couldn't be used as wet workshops or left in orbit as depots because the foam would keep falling off to create a debris cloud over time. Centaur and DCSS were too small in volume, and Falcon's upper stage was too skinny. The S-IV was the last workshoppable stage until Starship.

>> No.16366314

Do you know that for a fact? I was under the impression that the S-IV had internal foam

>> No.16366315

Buy Terraform stock, apply Terraform jobs, Terraform Mars

>> No.16366316

You can't replicate Starlink without the low cost launch capability, and if you do have the launch capability there's little mystery left.

There would be hard work involved, but not meme tech that you can reverse engineer and suddenly have a constellation.

>> No.16366320

sounds like noog len will make a very good wet workshop if they ever choose to pursue it,.

>> No.16366321

What do we make of Godel's incompleteness theorem?

>> No.16366329

might as well do something with that giant ass expendable upper stage, plus bezos is an o’neill fag so w*t worksh*pping is right down his alley (or “up his tube,” if you will)

>> No.16366330

Internal is the key word. It was held in by metal.

>> No.16366336

I will stop hating Bezos if he satisfies my space station autism by turning a New Glenn into a wet workshop.

>> No.16366337

The satellite constellation is a significantly harder problem, but one that is largely already solved.

>> No.16366342

Has NASA ever made a big (big) report on everything that went right/wrong with the ISS. Best practices. Things to avoid. What they learned. All done in a big systemic manner to more easily pass on the information? Seems the absolute best thing they could give to all the new companies exploring new stations

>> No.16366343

>I wish to know how they keep turbines cool in modern rocket engines
Won't the parts in contact with the working fluid just always be at the same temperature as it? Is that even a problem?

>> No.16366344

It depends on the value of your life

>> No.16366353

They have no direct power other than to collect information. Their indirect power comes from share sharing that information with those in a position to make decisions or to use the information to bully others who may ultimately influence policy or budgets.

Similarly, a single cop can't put you in prison but he can make an arrest and file charges that ultimately lead to that. You would be ill advised to act as though this means cops are powerless.

>> No.16366358

Orion has life support systems.
A lot of the graphics are severely out of date with all the rightward schedule slippage. If Buran deserves to be on there, so does Starship.

>> No.16366364

Wikipedia said they considered using the Shuttle ET and were going to fly a test but then Challenger happened.

>> No.16366366

None of the foam covered cryogenic upper stages (Delta IV second stage, Japan's H-2, etc) shed their foam liners in orbit.

>> No.16366368

Then by all means, fly on Boeing vehicles.

>> No.16366377
File: 3.12 MB, 720x576, starliner ending mute.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16366380

>polaris dawn cant land because of landing issues
you think they'll make it so that dragon can land in a wider area? maybe even make it so that it can land on land?

>> No.16366382

cant launch cuz landing issues*

>> No.16366390

Bruh look at how fucking tall the hood is, you're getting your neck snapped and then mangled up in the tires.

>> No.16366392

God bless

>> No.16366395

Wet workshop Starliner and its service module

>> No.16366403

>make it so that it can land on land?
I will be over the moon if SpaceX come around to implement that but alas I don't see that happening.

>> No.16366405

Sample return is gay. Human hands will carry bags of samples back in the near future.

>> No.16366406

That wouldn't really be a wet workshop, just a space station made up of a single module.

>> No.16366408

Needs some credits in moonrunes over the top of it

>> No.16366410

could just parachute down into a lake or river
but "safety" autism will prevent that

>> No.16366412

Put one up and play 0g tennis inside it.

>> No.16366419

When making predictions the only thing you can do is assume that the future resembles the past. In the simplest model, this means they stay $100 million in the hole. If you add a rate of change to the model, this means they will go further in the hole.

What basis do you have for believing that this mismanaged project that is losing money will suddenly become profitable?

>> No.16366421

yes but a) we need to get a mars sample return back to Earth before the Chynamen even if it’s just a super custom SpaceX-contracted mission to snag a scoop of rocks completely unrelated to the official Perseverance MSR caches, and
b) while you are correct and humans are going to Mars [eventually] it’s still a deep rot problem that is creating issues in other projects like Dragonfly, the supposed Uranus orbiter & probe that’s NASA is looking into right now, Trident/Neptune Odyssey if they ever get selected, some sort of icy world nuclear submarine… these are cool missions that can’t afford to blow up in cost the way NASA missions have been doing

>> No.16366422
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>0g tennis inside it
I don't think there's enough space for even wall-tennis in a scrubliner.

On a side note, every time I mean to type "starliner" I subconsciously always type "scrubliner" just because of all the memes from earlier this year. Does anyone have a clip of Usui Clear saying "scrubliner" on stream and laughing about it?

>> No.16366424

what purpose does a sample return mission accomplish

>> No.16366427

Even if this were true, it implies Boeing is missing the necessary ability to identify the simple software patch as the solution and the ability to implement it.

>> No.16366429

I misread Starliner as Starship and started thinking about the sheer internal volume, my mistake.

>> No.16366430

I don't blame you, maybe people should be more creative with names for their spacecraft

>> No.16366431

Forget COVID, the real pandemic has always been Go Fever, as seen here.

>> No.16366433

I have hope! Come on dude, #TeamSpace :)

>> No.16366435

Smash an object into Mars with enough energy so that a second spacecraft doing a skip maneuver can collect the ejecta.

>> No.16366436

At this point it’s just getting it done before China.
I believe the main “official” justification for the MSR regolith caches is that NASA wants “pristine” samples of Mars they can study before any humans have ever visited. Though, this is likely just an excuse. Mars Sample Return has been on NASA’s radar (and JPL’s radar) since like the 1990s and some people within JPL/NASA have invested decades into this in one way or another and do not want the rug pulled out from under them this late in the game. In addition to it being spread super thin across congressional districts. MSR is, in many ways, just as ludicrous a gibs program as Shuttle/SLS have been.

>> No.16366437

Boeing can contract it out to SpaceX

>> No.16366439


>> No.16366440

The research rationale is that analyzing samples of Mars in labs here on Earth with help figure out if life existed/exists on Mars and maybe using the soil to help build habitats.
I think really though its just a pride thing, can't have China beat us in another space race even if sample return is a nothingburger compared to actually getting humans on Mars.

>> No.16366441

Literally what is the point of that flag pole? Did someone plant it after starliner landed? Is it an integral part of the trailer.
Oh wait I just realised that's a crew exit gantry. They're wheeling up a crew exit gantry with a us flag on it to a empty capsule. It was meant to be some inspiring photo opportunity but instead it's a sad reminder that they failed.
Why would boeing take and publish a picture like this, it's fucking hilarious.

>> No.16366444

This is unironically a smart idea although someone would have to do the math to see if we can feasibly accelerate something to get enough force to make it happen, and if it would be cheaper than just having a probe land on Mars then return.

>> No.16366445

We use a modified Egyptian solar calendar, the significant modifications having been suggested by an Egyptian.

>> No.16366447

I like how all the thrusters spaz out when it does one tiny little change, is it really that unbalanced?

>> No.16366448

it’s a common thing in capsule recovery. China does it with all the shenzhou landings. Russia does it with soyuz return

>> No.16366450
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>NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams signatures are seen inside NASA's Boeing Crew Flight Test Starliner spacecraft after it landed uncrewed at White Sands Missile Range’s Space Harbor, Friday, Sept. 6, 2024 Mountain Time (Sept. 7 Eastern Time), in New Mexico. This approach allows NASA and Boeing to continue gathering testing data on the spacecraft.

>> No.16366452

NASA could just beg SX to ready a phobos/deimos sample return for the next window. Easy peasy, give em’ $50 mil for the actual hardware and $150 mil for the launch on a FH

>> No.16366454

>ship that can output 1g of constant acceleration
Might as well base your travel plans on a unicorn that shits wishes. They have the same availability.

>> No.16366459

lmao at the tron costumes

>> No.16366462

PCB should have a name related to computing, so Thoth, the god of knowledge

>> No.16366463

If you removed the outside the inside would melt and boil

>> No.16366464

Yeah, it's just funny that they bothered to fly the flag when they're practising on an empty capsule.

>> No.16366465

I'm not an astronaut, dumbass

>> No.16366467

Nice try, I'm a Bussard ramjet truther. We WILL fly to the Andromeda galaxy in 26 years subjective time

>> No.16366468


>> No.16366469

imagine if their crew dragon has a malfunction now

>> No.16366470

not enough racism, sadly

>> No.16366475

Starship trip could easily be 8 months

>> No.16366479

kek, make it so

>> No.16366483
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>> No.16366485

lmfao looks just like the guy on the right

>> No.16366498
File: 923 KB, 1191x732, 1724532610396630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would we build a massive station on the outside of an asteroid? is this the future of large rocks once they get mined? will they be the new rust belt once their resources are tapped out?

>> No.16366500

It keeps the boomers at JPL in scotch and scones for a while longer.

>> No.16366506

gravity tease

>> No.16366507

chad energy

>> No.16366516

so bets on if starliner launches (with crew) in a year? they'll have to redo the thruster design and probably find a new contractor + tests so I'm really thinking it won't be under.

>> No.16366517

Inside. Radiation and Earther weapon proof. Either way it isn't clear why you would do that. The minimum mass and variety of matter required for self sufficiency or at least sufficient exports to be cost neutral isn't known but I suspect it's higher than an asteroid can support

>> No.16366519

>homeless man's artificial gravity

>> No.16366521

so you can spin it for grav

>> No.16366526

cargo stops/refueling will be always useful. mining trips from the belt to a station will be better than direct to buyer. plus you can then have the station do all the various kinds of processing needed of the materials. water is easy to supply (and you'll just wrap the outside sections in big water tanks to cut the space radiation). water to oxygen nbd. big enough mass gives enough room to actually have a hydroponics to a sufficient degree + probably actually soil grown stuff like apple trees. all things better than having to eat the gravity tax by placing all these facilities on some planet

>> No.16366528

not sure spinning a pile of gravel up to 1g (away from itself) is a good idea

>> No.16366530

>roggs flying everywhere
sounds like it would be a cool defense system though

>> No.16366534

just put a tarp over it

>> No.16366544

don't spin the asteroid
build two circular rails on it and have carriages run on it at a fast enough rate

>> No.16366561

how long until OIG shows SLS needs to be cancelled

>> No.16366570
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Or if he makes Orbital Reef work.

>> No.16366583

My point was that asteroid mining is currently infeasible
>gravity tax
The question is at what point the gravity tax is higher than the no established infrastructure, no free air, no billion strong labor force, no established and fast supply chain, tax. Probably a while from now, possibly never.

>> No.16366585

>talking about "asteroid mining" when noone has even left LEO

>> No.16366593

ripping the paper case is optional if you use nitrocellulose based paper

>> No.16366594

The OIG and govt accountability office have basically been calling Space Launch System a heaping pile of dog doo over the last 5 years so they’re definitely doing their part

>> No.16366596

you're a retard troll and just as bad as the newfag

>> No.16366599

there's no reason a wet workshop should involve any cutting. build your oxidizer tank with a hatch in the top.

>> No.16366605
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schizo artist is back with another gem

>> No.16366626
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"By the way, this is a meme I drew around the time the cause of the strange noise was discovered."

>> No.16366631

It landed on land? Could they add tech like this for their shitty planes on complete engine failure?

>> No.16366633

What are we even waiting for?

>> No.16366638

>everyone who doesnt say what i like is a troll
what part of that statement even made you this mad

>> No.16366640

the passage of 14 days

>> No.16366642

And what happens after 14 days?

>> No.16366645

1 more fortnight

>> No.16366646

the two weeks starts

>> No.16366647

idk, 50/50 that elon time strikes 12

>> No.16366649

then you can start to actually try and sugarcoat it

>> No.16366652


>> No.16366653

the clock to reset

>> No.16366654

what did he write?

>> No.16366655

racist slurs

>> No.16366658

he wrote [deleted] moron this isnt rebbit

>> No.16366661

The “d-word”

>> No.16366662


>> No.16366663


>> No.16366664


>> No.16366666


>> No.16366672


>> No.16366676
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>> No.16366684

Starship/X-37b is going to be so fucking funny

>> No.16366701
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>> No.16366703


>> No.16366705
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>> No.16366708


>> No.16366710

hi, retarded idiot here.
wouldn't it be easier to do this on the moon instead of mars?

>> No.16366711

the cost to terraform the moon is prohibitively expensive

>> No.16366712

Not enough shit on the moon. Mars does.

>> No.16366713


>> No.16366714

ah, i see

>> No.16366717

Obviously I love what SpaceX is doing as much as everyone else itt but God damn that is such an uninspiring reason to go. It sucks so bad. We should be motivated to build something beautiful in a hostile frontier. The separation of stem and the humanities has been a fucking disaster

>> No.16366718

gravity is miniscule, no atmosphere for easy access to O2 and carbon
very little water other than some permanently shadowed craters on the poles (assuming you can't get it from the regolith, there is some chinese study that says you might be able to)
almost no carbon at all
too close to the earth so it won't be independent in any sense and won't be forced to become self-sustaining like mars will have to
the moon is going to have a base and maybe even industry, but it will be an extension of earth and probably dependent on it

>> No.16366720

Mars is missing carbon and with no atmosphere you need to build underground to avoid radiation. Mars colonization is actually easier despite the distance.

>> No.16366723

terraforming distant worlds is one of the important goals for humans in the far future Elon wants to secure humanity's future

>> No.16366724
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>> No.16366725

Is that stupid water permit really the only thing stopping SpaceX from launching?

>> No.16366727

>2019: 12k satellites? pfff, that's impossible! starlink is gonna fail!
>2024: nooo, musk has too much power, kessler syndrome!1

>> No.16366729

they said they were ready like a month ago so probably
now that they have time to kill they are continuing to upgrade the tower

>> No.16366730
File: 148 KB, 1280x1080, 1704019281950970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>follow Musk and Zubrin for interesting space posts
>it's all political brainrot now

>> No.16366733
File: 47 KB, 980x535, 013256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting choice of color

>> No.16366734

Water permit is related to the new license, increasing their yearly launch limit.

>> No.16366735

For the specific question he asked, terraforming doesn't come into it. You also don't need to terraform to live somewhere besides Earth.

>> No.16366739

>won't somebody think of poor oneweb, who was FORCED to rely on musks rockets because the alternative was soyuz

>> No.16366740

Put colonies on the moon, and mars, and other places in the solarsystem. Try all sorts of things at these locations. Starship optimizing for mass to the surface of mars gets you to a generally useful system.

>> No.16366743

don't make me post the mattress

>> No.16366749
File: 138 KB, 1920x1080, triton_neptune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terraform TRITON

>> No.16366752
File: 435 KB, 1095x505, air mattress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your mars base bro

>> No.16366754

Terraform Antarctica first.

>> No.16366755

now THIS is something i can get behind. that dustball is close to a belt and its only good quality is being the furthest out significant moon of a planet. by the time we get there slinging water ice asteroids at moons wont be so expesnive and nobody cares about triton right now! would be perfect world to just dick around with and make a better place as a lost stop in the solar system before trying to go to another system

>> No.16366756
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>> No.16366757
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>> No.16366759

Terraform Australia, that place is mostly uninhabitable. Shit, terraform Arizona. Phoenix is not fit for human life outside of climate-controlled habitats.

>> No.16366760
File: 807 KB, 1280x720, 1711772037987676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck terraforming mars
Lets marsform Terra

>> No.16366761

2 more years

>> No.16366763


>> No.16366764

self sustaining mars city by 2045 but it actually slips to 2050, thunderfoot promptly mocks the slippage and brings up hyperloop again

>> No.16366767

It will be an historic mission

>> No.16366768

so SpaceX might actually land cargo starships on mars before Artemis 2 happens

>> No.16366771

Cargo Starship doesn't even exist

>> No.16366772

We will metabolize the eggs and everyone will know everything

>> No.16366773

unfortunately the natives are too hostile

>> No.16366775
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>> No.16366776

The shittle was too small

>> No.16366777

You've seen the prototypes down at Starbase
A functional Orion heatshield doesn't exist

>> No.16366779

>musk's timeline is now officially 2030 for first manned landing
it's unironically over, isn't it?

>> No.16366782

you mean 2028? did you forget how to count to 4 anon?

>> No.16366783

pringles pls

>> No.16366785

I have seen only one prototype of a barrel that has never been used.

>> No.16366787

2 more transfer windows

>> No.16366790

what do you mean? those are basically the earliest possible timelines you could make from today
a bunch of cargo starships to make sure you can land reliably and then crew right in the next possible transfer windonw

>> No.16366791

oh wait, I thought he meant 4 years after the cargo starships land.

>> No.16366793
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1706157658398572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck man why does spaceflight take so slow to advance
as a kid I was hoping I would be able to work on the moon or in a space station in my mid 20s, now I'm approaching my mid 20s and it seems like commercial spaceflight won't be for the common folk until I'm in my mid 40s.
in the fucking 1970s they thought we would be colonizing Jupiter's moons by now

>> No.16366794

what takes Lockheed Martin and NASA 10 years takes SpaceX a few months

>> No.16366795

is the "all asteroids are piles of dust" poster also the "babies born in less than earth g will be monsters" retard?

>> No.16366796

It could literally slip to 2038 and I’d still be riding the high because a non-SpaceX timeline would be NASA “aiming for 2060” and that’s assuming ZERO problems

>> No.16366797

Where are my launches, Borisov? My cosmonauts are dying out here!

>> No.16366798

america wouldn't even have the ability to send humans to space today if it wasn't for spacex.

>> No.16366802
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>> No.16366808
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>> No.16366809

>since like the 1990s
It's been going a bit longer than that.

>Automated / unmanned Mars sample return missions.
>November 1, 1967

>Automated Mars surface sample return mission / system concepts
>October 1, 1969

Mars surface sample return missions via solar electric propulsion
>August 1, 1971

>Summary of the proceedings of the Mars Surface Sample Return Symposium
>October 25, 1973

>Planetary mission summary. Volume 3: Mars surface sample return
>August 1, 1974

>Mars surface sample return tradeoff studies
>October 1, 1975

Things didn't really start to get serious until the mid-ish seventies when they started planning the missions that were supposed to happen after Mars-Voyager (two giant eleven ton Mars landers that were going to get launched on a spare Saturn V and were eventually downsized until they became the Viking missions) but if the roots of this project went back any further it'd have been cooked up by NACA instead of NASA.

>> No.16366810

that's the real blackpill, if Elon (literally one man) didn't decide to dump billions into private spaceflight, we would be missing a decade of progress in re-usability and commercialization and oldspace fags would be jerking themselves off over some shitty outdated launch system

>> No.16366811

It's slow only to outsiders.

>> No.16366814

What do you think are the chances for a 2028 manned landing attempt? I was unironically hoping for a 2026 attempt back at the SN1 days, but after all these years of delay after delay, it now seems to me they will most probably do it in the mid 2030s. 50/50 anon, abstain from replying.

>> No.16366815


>> No.16366819

depends if trump wins or not

>> No.16366821 [DELETED] 

what blackpills me is how easily space could just stop. not even from kessler meme or anything. we just stop building and launching rockets except for the occasional spy sat and maybe a TV sat or two.
in 2011 NASA retired their only crewed launcher with no replacement lined up
in 2024 ROSCOSMOS is on track to launch fewer rockets than any year since 1969

>> No.16366822

I think they'll probably have a few fuck up and want to try again to make sure they have things down. They'll be sending a bunch of unmanned Starships.
Oh yeah also this. 0% if Kamala wins.

>> No.16366823

what blackpills me is how easily space could just stop. not even from kessler meme or anything. we just stop building and launching rockets except for the occasional spy sat and maybe a TV sat or two.
in 2011 NASA retired their only crewed launcher with no replacement lined up
in 2024 ROSCOSMOS is on track to launch fewer rockets than any year since 1961

>> No.16366824

Unironically the best answer.
I’ll raise another question for the general: will we actually get to see a reduction, in any capacity whatsoever, of regulations in terms of SS launch licensing assuming a DT win?
The time between Flight 4 and upcoming Flight 5 has been a long time. And as SS gets more and more mature they are going to want to launch every three weeks, every two weeks, every week, multiple times a week… I simply don’t see that happening right now. I’d argue Starship only “works” (as intended) with complete policy change

>> No.16366825

Yeah Elon knows it's all going to shit. Unfortunately there isn't enough time. Oh well, maybe I be part of his techno barbarian rapist gang.

>> No.16366826

Skeptical. Bureaucracy is designed to outlast election cycles.

>> No.16366827

Is the delay for flight 5 SpaceX being slow? Or is it purely FAA

>> No.16366831

executive orders can negate that though then congress can pass specific laws (in this case solely dedicated to slowing spacex)

>> No.16366832

It is quite literally ESGniggers fault. Elon should hire a hitman to murder him.

>> No.16366837

man even in the grimdark cyberpunk possible future we would have had a bunch of space shit simply from corpos hiring fixers to kill spastics

>> No.16366840


Trump has several plans to purge those shitbirds.
>Hiring Elon to head DOGE (Department Of Government Efficiency)
>rolling randomized layoffs followed by rehiring the loyal competent ones who get snibbed
>pushing Congress to repeal civil service protections so straight bulk firing shitbirds is possible
Establishing permanent no-fly/no-sail zones above launch corridors would also be good for cadence, and require a major new Florida canal to provide inland water passage around the zone.

>> No.16366842

>Trump has several plans to purge those shitbirds

Yeah he's going to drain the swamp for real this time lol lmao even

>> No.16366845

>lol lmao even
damn when you can tell it's all seethe and no joy. as expected from some twitter lefty

>> No.16366846

kek based

>> No.16366847

what's twitter?

>> No.16366848

the place where you should fuck off

>> No.16366851

elon is a busy man. we here at /sfg/ should do him a favor and hire the hitman ourselves.

>> No.16366852

I would love trump to take the axe to all this bullshit. However unlike you I remember his last 4 years of doing absolutely fuck all about it despite it being his primary election promise.

>> No.16366853

wait, so he won? lmao

>> No.16366854

>2 more years
2 more week bros... its over

>> No.16366859

yeah though of course the biden admin was looking for all avenues to enact lawfare against elon so ESG just gave them one (uhhh you dumped clean water into the aquafer!!!!)

>> No.16366862

Yeah, he picked out one typo from a 99999 page document and some fucking journalist ran with it to spit out an article about SpaceX contaminating the site with mercury which made the FAA delay and redo the 25 launches a year permit.

>> No.16366864

doomspiral away then buddy like you've done your whole life

>> No.16366865

Okay but I hope he does. I know it’s a dumb expectation, but consider the fact that (at least in my opinion) most if not all of the lawsuits thrown against him have been completely politically motivated.
He’s distancing himself completely from Project 2025, likely to appeal to moderates—but it is my deep desire that after a presumptive win he fucking knocks the towers of power down to its foundation. At the VERY LEAST: retribution firings, complete overhaul of departments, politically motivated career-ending moves for his enemies. Don’t know if he’ll do it but he should.
I wish he was half as based as his enemies make him out to be. The least he could do is actually ban any socialist, communist, or self-proclaimed progressive from office and issue a bunch of executive orders aiding his political allies such as Musk in doing whatever they want.

>> No.16366866

That lower right image is pretty good

>> No.16366868

Use real words

>> No.16366870

>assuming a DT win
>will we actually get to see a reduction, in any capacity whatsoever, of regulations in terms of SS launch licensing
but unironically, probably. Knowing Elon is buddy buddy openly with Trump now, I'm sure he would ask him for a few favors to clean up a bit on the regulation side, specifically in regards to Starship. Would be good for the whole industry, however.
Thats my microprofessional 4chink take

>> No.16366875

jews have this thing where they imagine a future event then their neuroticism brings up the worst possible future and they start kvetching all over the place about how everything is OVER. just like you are doing here it seems.

>> No.16366876

That guy is unironically dangerous to the human race. What was his address again?

>> No.16366882

Go back to /pol/

>> No.16366887
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Page 9 look at the weird Viking landing thrusters

>> No.16366888

His fucking timeline is 2044 for a city on Mars. That's *somewhat* ambitious.

For comparison, it took the gay city of Boston 25 years to dig a hole and build a road on Earth.

>> No.16366891

If I was in charge of the CIA's assassinations division it would be 100%

>> No.16366892

wait for page 10, for god's sake

>> No.16366894
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>> No.16366896
File: 50 KB, 715x599, viking landing thruster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How strange, I did a deep dive into combustion chamber designs a while ago, but this never came up.

>> No.16366898

Clear for launch

>> No.16366901

wtf why not just do one nozzle? I didn’t even know this was possible

>> No.16366903

He had people in the first term that undermined him. Less likely to be the case this time around, now that it's very obvious who the loyal and competent people are.

>> No.16366905

>Less likely to be the case this time around

>> No.16366908

very informative post!

>> No.16366910

nta but you’re the dummy here

>> No.16366915

Expansion ratio. One big nozzle with the same expansion ratio would be too long for the lander legs.

>> No.16366917

Doing just surface level digging into this, the reasoning behind it is so that the rocket plume exhaust minimally alters the martian landscape. Curious because the LEM descent engine famously barely made a dent on the lunar landscape, I always see moon landing deniers trying to use this point. But then again Mars has an atmosphere.
>I didn’t even know this was possible
single combustion chamber with multiple nozzles isnt unknown, was just surprised to see this many. Also the viking lander was monopropellant with a catalyst, so working with much much lower pressures.
Huh. Interesting

>> No.16366921

Yeah I figured it must have had something to do with a monopropellant and pressures to pull it off. I knew you could combine-cycle engines AFTER the fact, but I didn’t know you could combust your fuel and then just throw it out a bunch of nozzles at once

>> No.16366923

Most landers are height constrained and can't do big nozzle(s)+skirt like Starship and SuperHeavy do.

>> No.16366925
File: 96 KB, 1170x821, RS25 Combined Cycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16366932

This is only worthwhile if paired with kerolox LRBs for Maximum Throooooost and saving most of the hydrogen for the upper atmosphere or vacuum.

>> No.16366933

Right, just surprised that they needed that high of an expansion ratio to get the performance they needed. What's the ratio on the viking?
lol thanks for the pic

>> No.16366936

Yeah he needs to drop this shit.
"Terminus" in isolation is an awful name for a city, like the end of the line, desperation, no hope.
In the autismo context of Foundation it's even worse.

>> No.16366940

He's had to revise his timelines down massively because of the significant delays and push back he's seen regulatorily and the fact that the incoming admin is very hostile to him, ironically, in on part to his faggotry in pissing in the face of the potential president and vp candidate instead of trying to keep things civil.

There's also a possibility that he's a named unregistered foreign agent in the 2800 candidates in the DOJ indictment for Russian influencing via cash infusions into social media networks, and if that allegation is in fact true, then any timeline for a city on Mars is completely fucked forever.

>> No.16366941

>US Citizen
>Unregistered foreign agent
What the fuck kind of fuck-fuck games are the Democrats trying at now?

>> No.16366946

Per US law, whether you are a citizen of the country or not, if you lobby for another state in any capacity, you need to register with the US government to do so. Paul Manafort was charged as an unregistered Foreign Agent of Russia, because he for years took Russian cash via his lobbying gig and was involved in a lot of really shady shit, and because he failed to register with the US government.


FARA is serious business anon.

>> No.16366950

There are plenty of people with US citizenship covertly working for foreign governments. Don't be fucking retarded anon.

>> No.16366956

FARA is the ITAR of the lobbying or promoting the talking points of other governments of the political world. If you don't play by the book with it, the government WILL rat fuck you into the graveyards of history as the new immigrant dumb fuck of dumbfuckistan.

>> No.16366957

the penalty for which should be death but isn't for some reason

>> No.16366958

>then any timeline for a city on Mars is completely fucked forever.
it's pretty incredible how an entire species comprised of 8 billion individuals and +100 countries doesn't give an absolute fuck about space or long-term survival, that we have to depend on a single man to do the job.

>> No.16366959

OP here. Should I make a new thread...lol lmao

>> No.16366963

>trying to keep things civil.
There was never any hope of "keeping things civil." Their idea of civility is absolute submission, or if they've decided that you're somehow evil, your complete destruction while you apologize for forcing them to do it to you. Tyrants don't abide competition and they see anyone who has any freedom not given out by the regime as a competitor. The State needs to be the alpha and omega at the center of everything.

That's also ignoring the fact that all of this "foreign agent" doesn't amount to anything more that bullshit lawfare that's only ever applied to people or groups the state wants taken out. It's fine if you're a member of the party in good standing.

>> No.16366964

He repeated a talking point that came from a Russian news corporation. You're trying to tell me that they're saying this is equivalent to being a foreign agent and requires registration.

>> No.16366970

>turn on anime about mars
>its just 1960s earth

>> No.16366975

no dont worry ill handle it. im pushing other threads so we get to page 10, then you or i could stage. your threads were fine.

>> No.16366978

mentally fucking ill

>> No.16366979

Because aerospace is and always will be aspirational until it can be adequately quantified that the material and economic benefit to the population vastly exceeds the entry cost of achievement. Right now, it will cost anywhere from 1 to 10 trillion dollars to build a city on Mars based on the "always done this way" of government policy. Essentially a number greater than the combined GDP of the entire planet. So its viewed as a vanity project, because the cost and timelines of success, all outlive generational considerations of the majority of the living majority of the planet.

For example, California has spent 6 billion dollars and only built a 1600 ft section of a high speed rail bridge, and every report out of that state keeps pushing the budget projections towards $100Bn to build HSR in just California ALONE. There's 50 states in continental US. It's therefore fair to extrapolate that the relative cost of HSR across all of US of equivalence is 50 x 100 or 5Tn. That's 1/7th the national debt this year racked up. Just to build a new generation railroad.

People can wrap their head around that. So when you extrapolate out that its going to cost a 100x that to build a city on Mars, people in general will say "that's cool, but I ain't gonna fucking pay for it." Which is a reasonable position to hold.

SpaceX is a massive anomaly in the way society as a whole have operated. A proverbial lightning in the bottle. Tesla similarly. They're born of the same man, so in essence can be viewed as the same blob of thought. If you remove them from the equation, we're not getting a base on the Moon until 2050 and that's ambitious. Which means we won't actually get a base on the Moon till 2075.

Over 50% of the living majority on the planet Earth between the ages of 20 and 50 will be long dead before a base on the Moon materializes using conventional government policy and implementation behaviors.

So nobody gives a shit and honestly, can't blame anyone for it.

>> No.16366980

>im pushing other threads so we get to page 10, then you or i could stage.
what is this mental illness? nothing is stopping you from making a new thread after the bump limit is reached, but instead you necrobump shit threads

>> No.16366982

also in relation to this, how would /sfg/ feel if i started making more 'space' related OPs and not as many current spaceflight news OPs? i feel like changing it up a bit idk. discuss more future spaceflight than current since right now current spaceflight is extremely boring, 2 more weeks type lul.

>> No.16366983

inb4 lawsuits from (((environmentalists))) that spacex is "polluting" mars by crashing starships on the dead planet
inb4 the harris admin thinks they have legal grounds and sics the feds on spacex

>> No.16366987

>California has spent 6 billion dollars and only built a 1600 ft section of a high speed rail bridge

That's gross corruption, not the actual cost. Reminder that senator feinstein handed this project to her husband

>> No.16366993

Repeating it once or twice is one thing. Doing it over 82 times in a single day as Tim Poolio and his band of faggots got revealed to be FARA violators, shows a pattern of behavior far outside the allowed margin of error. I'm not saying that Elon is a FARA violator. But the DOJ stated that in their not fully sealed indictment, there are 2800 OTHER individuals who wittingly or unwittingly accepted cash from the Russian government to promote and lobby their interests without registering with the DOJ as a foreign agent. Thus, IF, he is a named individual in that massive list. All his aspirational goals go straight to hell, because the DoJ will not allow his faggotry to continue no matter how much benefit he provides to the country.

Potentially getting mixed up in a FARA violation while working with ITAR materials is the mother of all rat fucks, anon.

>> No.16366995

you... do know that this has been stated before and been done for months right? you just reveal yourself as a newfag. if you dont like how /sfg/ operates at staging just dont involve yourself with it. do you use the rest of the board? you probably dont. so why do you care? its shit whatever happens, go out and check atleast 25% of this board is not science at all. staging at page 10 is tradition so we dont get assraped when janny bans us since newfags staging at bump limit after some time when early staging becomes normalized. we are the most active general on the board by a LONG shot and for that reason we need to self regulate and make sure we dont eat up so much of the catalogue in thread count. just wait like 10-15 minutes and we will be in a new thread and everything will continue as normal! think of it this way, try to hit 1000 posts for this thread before we get there. how about that?

>> No.16366997






I was actually just joking around asking permission. This one is for the really mad people that I made a thread last time...lol

>> No.16366999

That's my fucking point anon. That's the DEFAULT SETTINGS OF THIS PLANET. Gross corruption commonly occurring. People have zero fucking faith that anything amazing will happen in their lifetime, because if you remove the one outlier dude who is trying to change the world, everybody else is doing everything conceivably possible, to rule over a fucking pile of ashes.

>> No.16367001
File: 54 KB, 956x387, Screenshot 2024-09-07 204508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is where split staging happens, repeated early staging. newfag OPs are always the worst.

>> No.16367002

Assuming the FARA and ITAR accusations are immediately valid is a ratfuck in and of itself.

>> No.16367007

The mods can gladly delete my thread if they want. Of course a new one will be needed in like 14 posts anyway, so...

>> No.16367010

Clean it up jannies

>> No.16367011

I guess so. Elon in his conquest to "defeat the woke mind virus" appears to have forgotten that there are some basic rules in US law that you have to follow, and just because you changed the world with auto and aerospace and are the richest man in the world, doesn't mean you're safe from a government that's after your ass.

>> No.16367013

Good. Jannies don't care if /sfg/ stage at page 9 or 10. They only care where someone deliberately split the thread, at which point it's WHOLLY on that person, not you.

>> No.16367017

why not just stick to tradition and make a new thread at page 10? it seems unecessary and just provocation to do otherwise if you knew about the standard practice

>> No.16367019

>I'm not saying that Elon is a FARA violator
So, based on nothing, you're saying that if something disastrous happens to Elon, it would be disastrous for him.

>> No.16367020

ive visited sfg on and off for years, i just dont live in any particular general because they all attract the worst kinds of people like you who want to control everything and create issues out of nothing

>> No.16367021

actual mental illness

>> No.16367022

Ehh page 9 is still splitting unless it’s a happening thread (such as imminent SS launching, Starliner undocking, etc.) or image limit is reached and it’s been stuck on pg 9 for a long time
Other than that it should be a b&

>> No.16367026

The very short version is that nothing the "intelligence community" leaks to the public can be verified; this is used to support claims of wrongdoing without actual evidence. Over the past few years it has become more and more common to see it in the news --- nearly always targeting the political enemies of the Democratic Party. To make this spaceflight related, the military and US intelligence needs SpaceX, but they think they don't need Elon, and so they are unsubtly reminding him they hold his leash.

>> No.16367028

Only making it now because people threw an autistic fit about it. I'm not a newfag. Been on 4chan a very long time. Just spend my time making money on stocks more than other boards.

>> No.16367030

Rules are rules kiddo, you can’t claim to only occasionally visit and then get mad at well-established precepts that everyone follows

>> No.16367031

This is the gayest ass take on the subject you could possibly have

>> No.16367034

well maybe chill out a bit anon

>> No.16367035

Staged as below the Karman line. Payload never made it to orbit. Anon is a faggot.

No, I'm saying that Elon's tweeting behavior was particularly panicked when Tim Pool got named as one of the potential peeps who accepted Russian cash. To the degree that he tweeted 82 times in a handful of hours along the exact same talking point. And now his personal lawyer is telling other conservative talk show hosts to STFU regarding anything related to the indictment. If he was removed from it, he wouldn't do anything to draw attention to himself in any relation to it. But he clearly can't seem to help himself, with the wagon he's hitched himself too. So ultimately, it probably doesn't matter if he is or isn't directly involved, because he seems to be going out of his way to involve himself.

All of which, has significantly damaging outcomes for his inspirational city on Mars goals.

>> No.16367039

Won't somebody think about the poor jannies?

>> No.16367044

Respect our flight proven heritage staging.

>> No.16367045

>Essentially a number greater than the combined GDP of the entire planet.
Just one small correction anon, but the world's entire GDP (nominal) in 2024 is estimated to be at around 109 trillion USD approx, according to the IMF. Hell, the US alone is at 28 trillion. Spent throughout a decade or more, a 10-15 trillion USD Mars colony could be done if the US really, really wanted it, even if it's in the least efficient way, using SLS-derived architecture to supply a 15ish-people settlement. I know GDP is not exactly the money you have to ready to spend, but I'm using it here just as a metric to put things into perspective. Otherwise, you make a good argument, certainly SpaceX is an exception to the norm.

>> No.16367048


>> No.16367051

If you don't have anything intelligent to say on a subject you should waste 150 words demonstrating that you're an idiot.

>> No.16367050

You can't talk about building a city on Mars out of one side of your mouth, and from the other say things that make you public enemy number 1. You want the public on your side for this goal to succeed. But if the public loses faith in you, because they increasingly believe that you've lost the plot, then you're just a boy who cried wolf far too many times.

Aerospace is hyperniche to the broader socioeconomic engagements of the dailies across the planet. For it to not be niche, the audience needs to be able to reconcile that believing in something or someone is for the good of the cause, and if the guy who's at the forefront of it, keeps spewing incredibly divisive and sometimes hateful and other times conspiratorial garbage while claiming its parody or memes, but does it all the fucking time, then it degrades the incentive for the broader public to support this very mission.

Being an asshole doesn't win you friends. This rule is a trillion times more important in aerospace.

>> No.16367052

I've got my finger on the trigger to post the new thread, once we hit page 10 here.

So no one else should even bother or try to beat me. You will lose.

>> No.16367053

they never do shit here anyways. i dont care what happens atleast janny gets off his ass and starts cleaning up some of the rest of this dogshit whether it be inside or outside of /sfg/ this board is a mess when nobody moderates it.

>> No.16367056

If jannies really want /sfg/ to only stage at page 10, this and plenty more /sfg/ would have been gone. This "rule" or "tradition" is just bullshit excuse by someone who wants to power trip but couldn't even become a janny.

>> No.16367057

Fair. I stand corrected on my math.

>waah, I don't like hearing what I don't like
grow up

>> No.16367058

ah ok, was going to make one since i was pushing posts, but ill let you go for it, illl keep pushing threads though. thanks for the heads up anon, remember to include page 10 screenshot for this one to have legitimacy!!

>> No.16367061

Two steps, ahead. I’m always two steps ahead

>> No.16367063

The new thread is direct response to this as I said I would do. I had my fun. Won't make any more threads.


>> No.16367064


>> No.16367065

go for it now, newest thread would put us on page 10.

>> No.16367067

Believe it or not they used to be really good about it. it then the /n/anon sabotaged the entire general for a while and they/the mods gave up and let him keep his wrong threads while nuking the good ones. Kind of marked the turning point of /sfg/ (along with the insufferable ARCAspammer)

>> No.16367069

Too late unless they want a split.

>> No.16367072

>There's also a possibility that he's a named unregistered foreign agent in the 2800 candidates
Based on what?
On nothing?
What possible inducement could the Russians have the richest man in the world to Xeet their talking points?

>> No.16367073

Hypothetically, if Earth got ejected or had its orbit expanded would it still be able to hold on to the moon?

>> No.16367076

No, Jupiter would scatter it like it did the neptune-sized object they think got lost after the solar system's nebula condensed.

>> No.16367080

Unacceptable. It is imperative that if and when Earth is migrated that the moon be retained in tow if possible.

>> No.16367081

uhm, clear for staging?

>> No.16367086

Believe or not, making yet another /sfg/ when there's already one that has proper link and respectable op is far more likely to attract actions from the jannies then staging at page 9. /sci/ is slow but not to the point where staging at page 9 makes multiple /sfg/ sitting at the bottom, while splitting absolutely would.

>> No.16367087

Do it. Split the thread! You know you want to.

>> No.16367088

was waiting for that other anon to bake but he never showed out. got 2 minute cooldown on thread posting but i got next, unless someone steps up between then

>> No.16367090

What possible inducement would the DOJ have to lie about any of this?

That's kinda the main point. All of this is based on allegations from a chronically untrustworthy agency, but the allegation alone was enough for them to FISA to communications of a huge list of content creators, as well as anyone who was in communication with them, and anyone who was in communication with those people. So if you talked to someone who talked to someone who talked to Tim Pool, who is apparently a Russian assent now, then the Feds can read all of your everything. Because terrorism.

>> No.16367091

Nah, cause 3 body problem.

>> No.16367093

>What possible inducement would the DOJ have to lie about any of this?
Have the DOJ alleged that Elon Musk is accused of violating the Act?

>> No.16367095

we just had a 1179 post thread stage nominally

>> No.16367099

Don’t complain to me I haven’t crafted a new thread in like 2 or 3 years at this point. Lost all desire to bake & stage, and make OC

>> No.16367101

Staging soon!

>> No.16367102

Don't stage, let sfg die

>> No.16367104
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>> No.16367107

sophons can lick my ass

>> No.16367114

No anon, for fucks sake, how can you be this retarded? There are 2800 unnamed individuals in the not yet fully unsealed DOJ indictment. But there's enough behavior by Elon, that does not dissolve himself or disassociate himself from all the NAMED individuals from said indictment, that there's clear concern that he COULD be one of those unnamed individuals. This isn't hard to understand.

If, big but real if, Elon gets named as one of those 2800. All his future SpaceX and Mars plans go to hell.

>> No.16367115

its been done already anon, you took too long.

>> No.16367130

never make an OP again faggot

>> No.16367152

he will be forced to sell spacex to shotwell at 1 dollar, just like how they did the ukrainian guy at firefly dirty

>> No.16367175

Yeah didn't really care but now this stonks newfag is rapidly wearing out his welcome.
Has troon NPD energy.

>> No.16367183

that's fine

>> No.16367208

Official /sfg/ threads will be made by me from now on.

>> No.16367247

M8 fuck off

>> No.16367349

my fucking sides just reached the moon lmao

>> No.16367361

>let's just make a city in another planet that no one will be able to reach if we go back to medieval tech, bro
>a city with no high/bleeding tech factories, btw!

>> No.16367393

If Earthers ruin themselves and fall back into barbarism, I don't want them coming to Mars

>> No.16367396

if that happens, you won't survive either way

>> No.16367433

If I can survive between synods without Earth shipments, what exactly do I need them for in the first place?

>> No.16367479

maybe you missed the "self-sustaining" part?

>> No.16367626

thanks for doing it properly

>> No.16367692

>US has giant inland freshwater lakes
>never use them for anything cool
What a shame