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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 18 KB, 400x321, Trans-logo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1632901 No.1632901 [Reply] [Original]

mfw nobody here actually provided evidence to support transsexuality.

mfw science fails yet again.

>> No.1632907

It's not like the "transgender community" has any respect for science.


Scientific theories that don't support their agenda = hurrr "trans bashing". They're worse than the fucking furries.

>> No.1632911

I don't see God providing any evidence, either.

Science wins, once again!

>> No.1632914

feeling like a girl in a mans body is fine. changing your sexuality cost money or you can go to the doctors and be told your just crazy or get forced to wear dresses for two years.

being a transgender is somthing only really devoted people do and it goes wrong more often than it goes right.

Besides I simply came to the reasoning after years of psycothearapy that in the end it was a baby i wanted and at the moment medical technology is far from being able to give me the power to give life.

looking like a girl and dressing up is not what being a woman is about and i understand that now after years and years of suffering.

I cant buy my perfect body and the docotrs wont give me it. so I have to deal with it and thats just tough shit for me.

Besides im just bitter that i wasn't taken in and given the help millions of other get.

You are born a women or not. all the make up in the world wont change that every.

XX or XY

its black and white. and in the end i was just clamly explained that its a mental disorder and nothing more. because no man no matter how much plastic surgery they get will ever be a women


yeah is sucks but thats life so now i just deal with it.

>> No.1632919

Because animals determined gender by chromosomes, amiright?

>> No.1632924

Uh, thanks for the repost?

>> No.1632925

Sounds like "Science of the Gaps"

>> No.1632930

>You are born a women or not. all the make up in the world wont change that every.
>XX or XY
>its black and white. and in the end i was just clamly explained that its a mental disorder and nothing more. because no man no matter how much plastic surgery they get will ever be a women


>> No.1632940

I love how science thinks it can prove everything, when in reality it can't.

>> No.1632945


>> No.1632946

so what are you saying exactly.

There is no proof? there isn't so fucking what.

if you want to live like a man look like a man and be a man but were born a women can go through the pysical change and live like a man so be it.

same as men to women.

but women are born as are men with unique sexual charactaristics that depend on the procreation of life for the actual nature of thier sexuality to be defined BY SCIENCE.

hemaphrodites are just wired gentic mutations

and FEELING like a woman if you a man doesn't make you a woman. nither does have tits and a gash where your penis used to be.

it just makes you a man but with tits and a gash where your penis used to be


go home and go bed now

>> No.1632951

Don't you have Sunday School tomorrow?

Because something this dumb can't possibly know of science's work.

>> No.1632952















>> No.1632954

Then someone throws androgen at you.


These are genetic males with a female phenotype. They have female brain structures and almost exclusively identify themselves as being heterosexual females.

Some self identifying homosexual males also have identifiable feminine brain structures.

>> No.1632958

I have always wondered what actually defines gender.

These threads interests me.

>> No.1632965

Men and women are equal you fucking sexist.

We have the same brains, you retard.

>> No.1632966

Mosaic hermaphrodites exist in the human population. Some DNA is female, some is male. If you don't understand that kind of blatant proof that person can be both male and female, then you're a creationist.

Gender on the other hand is purely behavioral. A person feels they function better when they assume a certain gender. Trying to prove feelings isn't science.

The problem with /sci/ is that we excel at hard physical science because there's no wiggle room. It's all math, physics and chemistry. But when biology and other subjects come up, we fail.

>> No.1632971
File: 273 KB, 720x4266, 1282370236772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird process is weird

>> No.1632975

Gender is behavioral and cultural.

Sex is biological.

And in this day and age when evolution no longer applies.

Sex is unimportant other than to make babies.

>> No.1632982

>Trying to prove feelings isn't science.

There's science behind everything you dumbass.

Learn 2 psychology.

>> No.1632983








fucking idiot

>> No.1632984

>Something this dumb can't possibly know of science work

Go on I believe you were going to say something funny.

>> No.1632986


>> No.1632995
File: 17 KB, 319x243, YouMad[2].jpg_126064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that it's rare is a moot point.
The fact that it happens still stands.

Also, you mad.

>> No.1632999

That doesn't prove anything, smartass.

>> No.1633018

It's scary how much of the XXY stuff could apply to me.

>> No.1633019

Nice way of enforcing gender stereotypes.

You're worst than those transfucks.

>> No.1633023

Bro the fact is we have genetic xy males with androgen insensitivity that are completely female in outward appearance and brain structure. They are considered female by sociality and are allowed to merry men in every state. How are these people not transgenderd.

>> No.1633024

this thread is full retarded.

scientists trying to explain A level biology to dumb transexuals that didnt even make it out of high school.

fucking when are you people ever going to learn you are never going to be able to explain this to them.

if they have the money and they are willing to jump through the hoops of the psycological community to get thier sex change then so be it.

so be it. I wont stop anyone from persuing a goal they want to achive especially if they can


fuck sake

fuck sake.

why do I let myself get dragged into these stupid discussions. even when your proved wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt you still cant take it.

i fucking hate you.

>> No.1633025

Feminist here, stop using our system to promote your hatred of transfolk.

Oh god, you're probably a stinkin' man.

>> No.1633032

Somebody is mad that his logic is flawed?

I guess it's true what they say.

Can't teach a retard something new.

>> No.1633036

>even when your proved wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt

Oh? Where did this occur?

>> No.1633042

The minute you tried to defend the fact that transsexuality is normal.

>> No.1633047

Huzzah lets encourage the deviance! Fuck it nothing matters

>> No.1633049

The stupidity of this thread fascinates me.


>> No.1633050


I'm not seeing a link to where anyone was proven wrong in this thread, you must have forgot to hit ctrl+v

>> No.1633052
File: 23 KB, 400x300, 1282427952665[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread is full of angry trannies

>> No.1633056

Masculine misogynist homosexual male here.

Got paint some flowers and teach children about colours. Leave the real work to the real people, men.

>> No.1633058

I think that understanding what it means to feel in your heart and soul that you are not the body you were born with, is something that only people with that feeling can understand. Joey Alison Sayers was born a man, but is a woman. She has had surgery and hormones and has gone through years of treatment to be the person she has always felt she was.

Rules about biology dictating gender make no sense to me.

>> No.1633068

Hurr durr, because me being a woman makes me any less qualified than you, huh Mr. Homo?

>> No.1633070


During the eighth week of life males get a surge of testosterone that causes fundamental changes in parts of the brain. Estrogen blocks testosterone, if the mother for what ever reason sends too much estrogen to her kid it will be more likely to have a female brain = probably gay.

>> No.1633071

How do you support a mental disorder

>> No.1633072


chirst sake you actualy dont get it do you or your trolling and sucesfully as well

I got mad I admit it you win an interent

now go take you shiney shiney and shove it.


your trying to prove a point with minimal percentages of rare gentic cases when most transgenders are just not that at all.

why dont you understand its a psycological complex??

for like 98% of the world poulation you are born a man or woman and thats for procreation reasons. if you want to change you apreace to look like another gender fine I wont fucking stop you i dont care either way its your life you do what you want.

but you are a woman TRAPED inside a mans body. you just have feelings of what you THINK women feel and want to look a certain way because you want to look a certain way.

EVERYBODY DOES. transexuals just take body modification to a whole new level.

but you are not vagina people if you were born with a penis and vice versa.

deal with it. you will never be vagina people.

>> No.1633080

How many advances in science where brought about by sandwich makers? Idk you might be better off being a nigger than a female in science.

>> No.1633082

I actually have androgen syndrome, asshole.

I'm a male with a vagina.

Fuck you, you don't know your shit.

>> No.1633085

You there, get back to /b/.

*snaps fingers*

>> No.1633088

they dont make sense because you are mentally disturbed or retarded or both.

he may look like a woman. and even have a surgical wound to look like the outside of a pussy.

BUT he is not a woman he does not have a uterus or ovaries, not even a vagina in the classic sense where he can menstrate.

now he might have gone through extensive body modification but he wont ever be a woman ever.

thats life.


>> No.1633096


You must be a little kid.

Repeating what your daddy and mommy tells you.

Type with a space between each sentence.

Poor grammar skills and spellingz.

You should really come back when you have some education.

>> No.1633104

I can't read this thread.

Are transsexuals freaks or not?

>> No.1633105

I know how these people feel,I was born a god in a humans body.

>> No.1633106
File: 28 KB, 768x768, 1282066313724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ - Stupidest Board on 4chan

>> No.1633110

so fucking what you one in a million fucking freak show.

your personal body disfiguration does not pave the way for the retardation of the people in this thread trying to justfy half truths and no scince to back up thier dumb ideas.

i am truly sorry you were born deformed i really am really because i have a fucking heart and i care diespite 4chan being the cess pool of retardation it is.

i even support the body modification of people to be whatever they want

in fact i am a transumanist and most of my ideas and thoery are pretty much frowed upon and buried along with dolly the sheep and gentic vegitables

but for fuck sake like i said for 98% of the world they are born man or woman and it just black and white because procreation has to be.

i find people like you facinating because scientifically speaking you are a wonder in life a true rare gem that i would pardon the expression love to study.

but they rest of the people who want to get the cock chop and some false tites and star in porn sucking of twelve men dont just dicredit women but are a fucking blight on life with thier stupidity and retardation on the matter

>> No.1633112

What support does it need?
Only knowledge that it exists and so accept it.

>> No.1633113

Gods don't exist so you're comparing fantasy to reality which makes you a double nigger.

>> No.1633115

This guy is either a troll or underage.

>> No.1633117

>but they rest of the people who want to get the cock chop and some false tites and star in porn sucking of twelve men dont just dicredit women but are a fucking blight on life with thier stupidity and retardation on the matter

There can't be people this stupid in the world

>> No.1633121

>98% of the world they are born man or woman and it just black and white because procreation has to be.

The entire world isn't America, little boy.

>> No.1633130

Your certainly bright on light with your stupidity and retardation, child.

>> No.1633135

>98% of the world they are born man or woman and it just black and white because procreation has to be.

How do you explain the third sex?


>> No.1633141
File: 9 KB, 204x504, umS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>98% of the world they are born man or woman and it just black and white because procreation has to be.

Oh boy, where did these terms originate?

>> No.1633145
File: 9 KB, 204x580, black_and_white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it just black and white because procreation has to be.

Whatever you say.

>> No.1633159

What the fuck is bigender?

>> No.1633171
File: 183 KB, 1298x770, romans of the decadence couture 1847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.1633172

I should say the same for you.

Prove that it isn't.

Maybe you're the retarded one.

Simple illogical fallacies as commonly found in science.


Keep posting made up terms.
Because Wikipedia is a good source, amiright?

>> No.1633214

Transsexuality interests me.

So bump.

>> No.1633218

Transwoman here (a trap in chanspeak.)

There are many reasons why people are transgendered and i have found a lot of transpersons have intersex conditions as do i. I know its hard for people who are not transgendered to try to understand us but for the most part you never will. Just to let you have some idea of went i went through, for the longest time i could not look into a mirror and i would go months with out doing so. I would not clean my car so i could not see my self in the mirror and would take hot as hell showers to fog up the bathroom mirror. It got to the point where i would have to use the bathroom in the dark because i hated my face, body,penis and i would never speak because i hated my voice. It is pure hell being transgendered and it is not a choice so for those who say it is because i really wish i was a normal male but i spent years fight who i really was.

>> No.1633227

I still fail to grasp why we can't transpant genitalia.

>> No.1633228

Someone please convert this into furry pasta?

>> No.1633233

sexy traps can be sexy, post pics so I can judge you more fully

>> No.1633235

According to Wikipedia, one of the first transperson had a uterus transplant, but died due to organ rejection.

This is proof why transsexualism fails and you fucks are too blind to see the evidence.

>> No.1633241

420chan gets two well thoughtful responses and we get this shit.


>> No.1633247

That took place in the 1930s but it would most likely work today with anti rejection drugs but what is the point if the same anti rejection drugs make child bearing imposable anyways.

>> No.1633248

That is because 420chan is smarter than us.

>> No.1633255

Or maybe it is because 420chan has a trap board and members of said board posted in the thread.


>> No.1633260

They usually stay in that board tho.

>> No.1633267

Fuck 4 and 420.

44207117888chan is where's it at.


>> No.1633286

I don't get it.

>> No.1633289

>>First time at 420 chan
>>entire categories about nothing but drugs
>>everyone has a trip
>>I wonder why anyone would ever want to go on that board other than for attention

>> No.1633295

>implying having an identity isn't better than being anonymous.

Forums > Imageboards.

>> No.1633318

Typical anon, thinking anonymity is good for discussions.

Oh wait, you're a newfag.

>> No.1633345


Well hermaphrodites exist but they are freaks of nature just like homosexual people.

>> No.1633371

How are they freaks of nature if it's natural?

>> No.1633432


I can't follow. Do you even know what freaks of nature are? Or perhaps it's me whose getting the meaning wrong (if so apologies)?

What I meant by freaks of nature was people born with some defects.

>> No.1633433
File: 8 KB, 177x178, feelsbad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only 420's boards were more active I'd go there to live.

>> No.1633451


Why the fuck do you people give a shit?

>> No.1633461

>>1633371How are they freaks of nature if it's natural?

That they're natural is WHY they're freaks of nature (or just outliers of nature really). If they were caused by science they'd be freaks of science.

>> No.1633476


If it's natural, it's not a freak of nature yet because it's natural is why it's a freak of nature.

>> No.1633498
File: 223 KB, 471x278, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be tamed, I can't be changed.

>> No.1633501

Which is why I say "outlier". It's uncommon, not impossible.

>> No.1633505

I'd be willing to give it a try.

>> No.1633515

WTF IS "mfw" ?!

>> No.1633520

>my face when

>> No.1633529
File: 26 KB, 640x360, 1190487519818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

OoOoOoOoh K......... Kinda trans here, but I don't like labels, they limit you and I couldn't care less about what it means to be trans, the thing is, I'm male but wish my body was of a female, and that's that. period. People raging over something as trivial as this are just being egotistical and insecure of themselves. Keep your minds open, reality is what you make of it.

>> No.1633533

Transition if you feel that way.

>> No.1633541

>mfw there are more trannies on /sci/ then black people.

>> No.1633558

Not a tranny, but I think you fucks should be shot.

>> No.1633589

yeah.. I don't know, the thing is, the chance of it going SEVERELY wrong is high enough, so you have to put both sides in perspective, in one side I'm a guy finishing college and on my way to have a good carreer (I think...) but not so happy, or I could transition and be "somewhat" satisfied with myself if I pass, if I don't then it would be hell on earth.

lol decisions...

>> No.1633593
File: 21 KB, 320x386, aristotle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blame science for not finding a solution for additional classification of genders
>OP doesn't realize this can't be scientifically proven because it's a readjustment of an already arbitrary classification
>mfw philosophers are the only ones qualified to reclassify and therefore are the most necessary members of human society

>> No.1633626


>implying society doesn't have more important needs than the reclassification of arbitrary standards.

>> No.1633669

Provide three more important things, smartass.

>> No.1633706

Wow, cognitive dissonance much? Sounds like you are trying to convince yourself, not anyone else.

>> No.1633718

Actually, transsexuality is about 1 in oh, 600. Male xx is around 1 in 1000 if I remember, and xxy is about 1 in 500. Intersexuality is more common than you think.


>> No.1633766

So those women born without ovaries aren't real women? Infertile women aren't real women? Just because someone can't give birth, doesn't make them not women.

If it looks like a woman, walks like a woman, smells like a woman, sounds like a woman, meh, it's close enough for me.