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16305460 No.16305460 [Reply] [Original]

Electrical Engineer wins swimming medal at Paris olympics

>> No.16305477
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the vaxx claims another

>> No.16305533

Probably easier than finding a job with an engineering degree

>> No.16305701
File: 68 KB, 200x200, 200w (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fellow /sci-fit/.

He could become...so much more...did he also learn about "Moses" gene combination/expression, and female version via base combinationa.

Also this first geometric branchibg example I found fascinating.


Before example after 18:28.


>> No.16306780

>being an engineer is hard work and challenging
>*also has enough free time to train to win olympic medals*

>> No.16308152


>> No.16308175

i studied engineering at a top school and my friend who was in the same program as me was also on the varsity swim team. there are some people who are just really good at everything - through whatever combination of talent and hard work that guy had

>> No.16308676

I went to the best Engineering school in a Western European country and I had a colleague who was the national champion on the kayak. He slept through all the classes but got good grades anyway. Dude was a machine, some people are just better than others I guess

>> No.16308713
File: 207 KB, 1000x1366, IMG_0831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically seething

>> No.16308725

He looks just like me!

>> No.16309260

surprised he isnt turkish

>> No.16309265

>called a square
>isnt square

>> No.16309289
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>olympic medalist has a day job

>> No.16309295

The job itself is well known to not be crazy hard, but it is extremely impressive to train up to be an Olympic swimmer after you are already past your physical prime. I get home from work and watch youtube and snack.

>> No.16309507

He is the Alpha nerd. The Chadliest of nerds.

>> No.16309601

I suspect he did a bit of part-time bioengineering.

>> No.16309605

Hello? His last name is Fink. He doesn't have a real job and is an engineer in name only. He has an easy nepo job so he doesn't really need to work. His parents had money so he doesn't take work seriously anyways. Easy job, no stress and all this free time and cash from Mommy and daddy to swim in their million dollar house with a big giant pool. Connections to get him in at the Olympics. People with similar iconic last names rigged it so he had chumps to compete against.

>> No.16310513
File: 21 KB, 236x293, 2c1050e26c25bfd73eea77d841788405--famous-quotes-lincoln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good pic, but i prefer lincoln rockwell pics myself

>> No.16311855

I can't believe the IFLS soience faggotry has been ongoing since GLR's days. I thought it was a relatively new phenomenon

>> No.16312956

>being this triggered

>> No.16314579

>being this jewish

>> No.16316176

you're like that because you're a lesser human being with inferior genetics

>> No.16317701

Its funny how instead of being happy that one of their own won a medal, /sci/ is pissed off about it because the guy winning the medal makes them look bad in comparison.
Why are /sci/ posters so incredibly fragile, image conscious and self-centered?

>> No.16318504

He does both
> He works for Quanta Utility Engineering Services, clocking in remotely from his home in Dallas. Some major multitasking skills are required, but Fink and those around him — from his coaches where he trains at SMU to his engineering colleagues — make it work.
>If that’s not enough, Fink and his wife, former Olympic swimmer Melanie Margalis Fink, are expecting the couple’s first child in September.

>> No.16318514

Yes , only if your uni actually has proper professors.

>> No.16318845


>> No.16319328

Not every electrical engineer are created the same. It solely depends on his specialization, whether he is an analog/RF chad or digital/embedded cuck. There's a huge intelligence and effort gap between those two domains.

>> No.16319334
File: 407 KB, 1080x1454, Screenshot_20240509-233742_YouTube (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a huge intelligence and effort gap between those two domains.
Like Arithmatic and Arith-Metic.


>> No.16319356
File: 1.16 MB, 2448x1080, Screenshot_20240125-173455_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arith="number", Matic="automatic"
Arith="number", Metic="change"

>> No.16319399


What a great name for a town, I love it.

>> No.16319448

This. Not trying to take away his achievements as a swimmer, but the guy is literally related to Larry Fink.

>> No.16319535

Did he go in seine?

>> No.16319541

yet both get paid the same

>> No.16319576

he isn't low iq enough to do that

>> No.16320698

really makes you wonder what kind of electronic trickery he secretly used to win

>> No.16320768
File: 19 KB, 400x400, nCHrdjlh_400x400 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you can min/max your character, right?

Hey, everyone, look at this "random dice throw" NPC! Smh....

>> No.16322509

hide torpedo motor in anus

>> No.16322674

Nano machines son.

>> No.16323379

Hey, can I see your Olympic medal?

>> No.16324295

you're too only upset by this thread because you're too lazy to exercise. stop being such a pussy and you won't have to get emotionally triggered by physically fit people anymore.

>> No.16324641

Seething. Give me an easy life and money and I could do more than this midwit. If he didn't feel innately inferior he wouldn't be simping for muh accomplishments. Must be nice being related to a billionaire and not have any real stresses or agonies. You're a faggot feel good redditor doing nothing other than being a cheerleader cuck.

>> No.16324999

Physically fit? He won a medal in the olympics. That is a bit more than physically fit lmao.

>> No.16326340

just get off your lazy ass and you won't be such a loser anymore

>> No.16328053
File: 11 KB, 187x250, soyence kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this triggered

>> No.16329728


>> No.16331217
File: 33 KB, 850x567, the face that launched a thousand REEEEEEEEEs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its Algonquin, epic whites appropriated the name from them