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File: 1.46 MB, 1766x2354, Milton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1628067 No.1628067 [Reply] [Original]

Milton Friedman


>> No.1628073

how about not a fucking scientist?

>> No.1628074


Hmmm if you insist.

I don't get why not though.

>> No.1628077

>Maximum possible freedom for the individual.


>> No.1628081

'cause economy is not a science perhaps?

>> No.1628084



>> No.1628085
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>> No.1628089

>Let companies rampart without control, because they know best

>> No.1628091
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He was a fucking hero.

At least my hero.

I miss him.

>> No.1628092

it doesn't make falsifiable testable hypotheses, does not perform experiments, in short:it doesn't adhere to the scientific method

>> No.1628097


>I have no idea what I'm talking about.

Justice was an essential part of Milton's worldview. He always underlined the ability of the individual to demand justice on even ground even if faced with a giant corporation.

>> No.1628098

It does, though economics and the social sciences aren't as good at this as the natural sciences.

>> No.1628102


Oh, thanks, that makes sense.

In that case I'm sorry I posted it here but I didn't think it would fit anywhere else.

But on another hand:
>it doesn't make falsifiable testable hypotheses
Yes it does. It's often wrong but that doesn't matter.
>does not perform experiments
Well, not experiments in a methodical way in a controlled evironment that is

>> No.1628109

"Experimental economics". We can test some micro stuff.

We can also test the macro stuff by advising politicians. :>

>> No.1628111


>Well, not experiments in a methodical way in a controlled evironment that is
Yeah, but that's just because all economic experiments have to be large scale and involve a lot of variables, it doesn't mean it's not a science just because the reality of the focus of it's study is difficult and often vague.

>> No.1628118

>mfw Milton Friedman is the Einstein AND Carl Sagan of monetary policy

top that physicists

>> No.1628135
File: 34 KB, 430x648, FreeToChooseBK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He taught me pretty much everything I know about economics.

Everyone should read Free to Choose.


>> No.1628140


>> No.1628142

Perhaps he did not think this way, but more of his followers who want to think this way.

>> No.1628150
File: 90 KB, 802x1165, Milton Friedman Greyscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely awesome. There is no way around it.

Too bad people in power still don't take his lessons seriously.

>> No.1628189


He's such a badass.

Brb, rewatching Free to Choose.

>> No.1628206

>AnCap market fundamentalist


>> No.1628207


>I don't want to be a dictator, I don't believe in dictators. I believe we want to bring about change by the agreement of the citizens. If we can't persuade the public that it's desirable to do these things we have no right to impose them even if we had the power to do it.

So awesome, so true.

>> No.1628209

So much samefag.

>> No.1628211


Is that book out of print of something?
I checked the two major bookstore chains in my country and they carry only the audio book versions.

>> No.1628213
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>I don't know who Milton Friedman is so I'm going to sage as it it does anything.

>> No.1628215


I do know who he is. He's one of the primary prophets of the Libertarian religion who preached the divine Market's word.

>> No.1628219


I don't believe it is. If you can get it in a bookstore order it online.

I'm generally a huge supporter of audiobooks as they allow you to go through loads of books in a very short time but with Free to Choose you often need a moment to let the ideas really sink in.

>> No.1628216

he was ideological, but still you can't ignore his economics at all.

>> No.1628222
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>> No.1628238
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Pretty good, but Mises is my hero.

>> No.1628246
File: 103 KB, 912x825, HansHermannHoppe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying Milton Friedman was an anarcho-capitalist.
I'm sorry, I think you're looking for David Friedman or Murray N. Rothbard, or Hans-Hermann Hoppe.

>> No.1628250
File: 16 KB, 300x396, paul_krugman21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck let /new/ in?

>> No.1628257
File: 37 KB, 500x333, Hayek-Mises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Krugman, how does it feel to get owned by the commens on your blog?

>> No.1628260


>implying /new/ knows anything about economics

>> No.1628262


Looks cool, what should I start with? He wrote a load of stuff.

>> No.1628264

And also
>implying Krugman does

>> No.1628267


That too, my bad.

>> No.1628270

According to a 2007 article in Commentary magazine, his "parents were moderately observant [Jews], but Friedman, after an intense burst of childhood piety, rejected religion altogether."[59]

smart man, rip

>> No.1628274
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>Because the only thing that matters is that net wealth is increasing, not where new wealth ends up

>> No.1628276

Uhm. That's a difficult question actually! I think you could start by reading Economic Policy. It's a couple of lectures aimed at, I think, the general public. They should be easy to understand. But if you want to understand Mises's school of though, the Austrian school, I think you would be best served by reading not Mises, but Hazlitt, first. Read Henry Hazlitt's Economics in One Lesson! Mises's writing can be pretty dense at times. The Mises Institute publishes excerpts from his major treatise Human Action sometimes. I think some of them are quite accessible.

But you absolutely MUST read Mises's article Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth. It's about why communism will never work.

>> No.1628284

>Implying libertarians actually believe this

>> No.1628292
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>> No.1628293


You idiot, any third world country will benefit from a free market. You may want to keep the huge corporations away but all in all they also help by rising the standard of living for a huge amounts of people.

Stop being a sheep.

>> No.1628294
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You should also read What Has Government Done to Our Money? by Mises's student Rothbard. The main difference between Austrian and Chicago economists is their view on money. Rothbard's book is far shorter and easier than Mises's The Theory of Money and Credit. All the works I've mentioned are available online at Mises.org

>> No.1628301

>Implying government and taxation haven't expanded in those years.
>Implying inflation doesn't exist.
>Implying it makes sense that real wages are the same now, when we have PCs, iPhones and the quality of all technology has improved. Does that seem reasonable?

>> No.1628305


Thanks, saved your posts and I'm going to get on that tomorrow.

>> No.1628309
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Sustainability, amirite?

>> No.1628316
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he said building codes are unnecessary restrictions on the free market (see how that worked out in Haiti)

the guy wasn't more than a psychopath with persuading talent and ideas very rich people liked, at least in my opinion

>> No.1628321
File: 21 KB, 216x291, Upton_Beall_Sinclair_Jr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Upton Sinclair, and I personally endorse deregulation because beef tastes best when well 'aged' mixed with sawdust and rat corpses.

>> No.1628319

"Figures do not take into account changes in demand due to new technologies"
They also don't take into account changes in SUPPLY.
You know what the difference between Austrian economics and Keynesianism is? Austrian economics is a theory of supply -- production. Keynesianism is a theory of demand -- consumption.

>> No.1628327


>see how that worked out in Haiti

>implying that if the government was responsible for that it would be better and not cost 20 times more than it should

>> No.1628326

>Implying the building code wouldn't have simply meant no buildings at all
>Implying Haiti, a poor-as-fuck country would have been able to afford high building standards
>Implying a price ceiling doesn't decrease supply, something EVERY SINGLE ECONOMIST agrees on.
>Implying implications

>> No.1628329
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>Implying fiction is a valid argument
>My face

>> No.1628331
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>> No.1628336

>economics not a science, get out of /sci/
>a perfectly polite and enjoyable conversation


>> No.1628341

>implying Haiti is a free market
"The overall freedom to conduct a business is severely impeded by Haiti’s burdensome regulatory environment. Starting a business takes an average of 195 days, compared to the world average of 35 days. Obtaining a business license takes about five times longer than the world average of 218 days."
"Corruption is perceived as rampant. Haiti ranks 177th out of 179 countries in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index for 2008. Customs officers often demand bribes to clear shipments. Smuggling is a major problem, and contraband accounts for a large percentage of the manufactured consumables market. International donors have pushed the government to take a few steps to enforce public accountability and transparency, but substantive institutional reforms are still needed."
>Implying passing a law suddenly makes wealth appear out of nowhere
>Doesn't understand the concept of production
Let's just pass a law that requires all computers sold to be able to run Crysis at max settings. Wonder what will happen to the computer market.

>> No.1628344
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>The market is entirely voluntary. If consumers don't want to pay high medical bills, maybe they shouldn't have gotten cancer.

>> No.1628348
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>> No.1628349

many of their governmental buildings had collapsed, you retards

of course they could have afforded building codes like other poor countries have (Chile), hundreds of thousands of people had died just because of this

requiring some standards doesn't mean it'll cost 20 times more, you morons, it only means that 20000* fewer people are gonna die!

>> No.1628353
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>> No.1628352


Oh wow.

I'm just going to sit back, crack open a beer and watch as you get torn to pieces.

>> No.1628351

>Implying this chart proves anything

>> No.1628355
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 1282179305325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there sure are redfaced, butthurt LOLibertarian teenage faggots ITT

>> No.1628358
File: 60 KB, 400x533, milton-friedman-economic-pimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should join my Facebook page OP.

>This group is dedicated to the logic and not-dumb embodied in the two guardians of mankind: Milton and Stanton Friedman.

>Council on Friedman Relations members have taken a sacred oath to spread the words of truth and most hallowed wisdom passed on to us upon this Earth; with the vision that one day; empowered by the light that is Friedman, apotheosis of intellect; all will be smart, and the promised land will be had at last.

>The Antithesis of dumbness; Nemesis of fools; Anathema to the morons -- Friedman reigns supreme ascended upon his throne; a jewel of the cosmos, a light shining upon ever greater horizons.


>> No.1628361


>implying that isn't caused mostly by historical reasons

>> No.1628367

>like other poor countries have (Chile)
>Chile is the most free-market country in South America
>Chile has the highest GDP per capita in South America
>Haiti's GDP per capita is 1/20th of Chile's, making it the poorest country in South America
>Implying these countries are both "poor-as-fuck"
>Implying requiring standards makes resources appear out of thin air.
>Implying these standards would have saved everyone from dying without any reason to believe this
>Implying houses simply wouldn't have been built and people would have been homeless
>Implying building standards would have functioned with the most corrupt government in South America.

>> No.1628370

>Implying the richest fifth isn't also the most capitalist fifth.
>No correlation at all

>> No.1628372
File: 310 KB, 520x752, I'm just saiyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sorry bro, I would but I don't have a facebook account because I'm not a attention whoring faggot.

Not that I'm trying to insult you, just sayin'

>> No.1628374

I think I did it pretty well:
Might have missed something.

>> No.1628382
File: 109 KB, 500x400, 80655217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wow that's a lot of green, you clearly have severe mental problems, kiddie

quit being fucking insane and try to communicate... maybe ?

>> No.1628386
File: 14 KB, 636x440, 1281535698129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually missed a negation. One implication should've been.
>Implying houses simply would have been built and people wouldn't have been homeless

>> No.1628394
File: 13 KB, 363x364, 1282238405767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks presenting evidence contrary to his position is having mental problems
>My face

>> No.1628395
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>ad hominem

Okay, I think we are don here.


You did great, I'm proud son.

>> No.1628418
File: 78 KB, 694x648, 1280939103166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trickle down

>> No.1628422


>Implying government and taxation haven't expanded in those years.
>Implying inflation doesn't exist.
>Implying it makes sense that real wages are the same now, when we have PCs, iPhones and the quality of all technology has improved. Does that seem reasonable?

>> No.1628427

If I could be bothered more I would post charts of Norberg's In Defense of Global Capitalism as a counter to the sage-fag. But it's not like he would change his mind.

>> No.1628433

It's also interesting that the sage-fag never replies to all the

>> No.1628435

>implying there's not an adjusted for inflation
>implying helicopter inflation

>> No.1628437

>implying implications that aren't implied

Did you even look at the fucking graph?

>> No.1628441
File: 21 KB, 287x425, 1281524555492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two insane teenage faggots detected

well, the central tenet of your religion is that everything appears out of thin air under free market magic, so I wonder why imposing building codes would be an exception: impose minimal laws and let the free market figure out the rest (like in Chile, again, where an even bigger earthquake didn't case any damage)

Friedman wasn't talking about building codes in Haiti at all, he obviously meant America.
Then again, when I'm talking about Haiti I'm not saying how Haiti was run or should be run, I'm merely presenting evidence how insane your idol was and how irresponsibly he commented on issues he knew nothing about (and what paramount damage his irresponsibility (might) have caused to societies throughout the world)
But this point is way above your heads, teenage mutant dipshits.

go ahead, reply to me with two pages of green text, psychopaths

>> No.1628442


>> No.1628451


They're 99% things that weren't implied, and I don't argue with fundamentalists anyways, I just troll the fuck out of them.

I'm going to go read some actual /sci/ threads. In the mean time, I'll just leave this here:


>> No.1628461

>that everything appears out of thin air under free market magic
No, because otherwise we wouldn't acknowledge sweatshops as a small step on the road to wealth.
>Implying the central point of economics isn't that resources are finite and must be allocated in as rational a way as possible given the context
>impose minimal laws and let the free market figure out the rest
Who's the one who thinks stuff comes out of thin air, now huh?
>20 times richer
>Most capitalist country in South America

>Then again, when I'm talking about Haiti I'm not saying how Haiti was run or should be run, I'm merely presenting evidence how insane your idol was and how irresponsibly he commented on issues he knew nothing about (and what paramount damage his irresponsibility (might) have caused to societies throughout the world)
>Not an argument at all. Please establish implication between building codes and safer buildings, not fewer buildings, when every single economist is of the opposite position.

>But this point is way above your heads, teenage mutant dipshits.
>Ad hominem.

>Implying haters gonna hate.

>> No.1628464

>Implying you can win arguments with links
>I win.

>> No.1628479

Economics is not a science, just like every other social science

It has a fake Nobel prize as well

>> No.1628502

>Chile has the highest GDP per capita in South America
Just passing by, not gonna read the whole thread. Venezuela has a higher GDP per capita than Chile.

>> No.1628520


Why do you have to be so elitist about this? There is enough science to go around for all of us.

>> No.1628533
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You're right, it's not a Science.

It's Applied Math.

>> No.1628565

seems liek an elaborate but simplified construction to me. :/

>> No.1628566

Not adjusted for purchasing power parity (PPP).

On the other hand GDP is a flawed measurement in itself, but it at least gives some hint as to orders of magnitude.

>> No.1628588



economics: using equations to save your marriage.

>> No.1628595
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>> No.1628597

>The mathematical model also implies that when no effort is put in the relationship can easily deteriorate.
So now math allows mathematicians to figure out what everyone else knows about relationships. Uhm, well, what's the stereotype of a mathematician again?

>> No.1628605

Mathematicians who like fooling old GOP/Democratic Senators into believing them.

>> No.1628611

yea, exactly what i expected. i'm not dismissing it btw, just saying it's not rigorous le science.