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1626466 No.1626466 [Reply] [Original]

How long before we develop warp drive and make first contact?

>> No.1626472

I'd say about a light-year

>> No.1626474

>warp drive
Sadly, never.

>first contact
Could be as soon as we reach Titan or Europa, or never in humanity's lifespan (or at least, hundreds of thousands of years).

Feels bad, but that's the universe for you.

>> No.1626490

2063 we will make first contact as a planet with the Vulcans.

>> No.1626499

Newton said the world will end in 2060, so I guess we'll never meet them.

>> No.1626518

Hey we could develop a warp drive eventually
With all the darn energy, higgs boson and such, there is bound to be some way to do it
Also I've heard that if you stretch the strings predicted by string theory you could make wormholes

>> No.1626529

dark energy*

>> No.1626555
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The year will be 3452.
I know because I invented it.

>> No.1626642

It will never happen. Our species as we know it now will never make contact with intelligent extra terrestrial life.

>> No.1626666

Seriously the most ignorant statement one can make is that 'it will never happen', you can't know this, what might seem impossible with the current technology and information we have, might be possible in a 100 years.
If you say it can't happen, you aren't a true scientist, the only true answer to op's question is, we don't know, guess we will find out if/when it happens.

>> No.1626677
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>> No.1626709

Nice get, Satan.

>> No.1626992

Soon... real soon.

>> No.1626996


Mmm, yummy.

>> No.1627124

*chops off your fist*

>> No.1627158

I am sure THEY are already here. But given that we are a fucked up war/raging race they decided to quietly drop the contact matter, get a few local delicatessen and fly like hell out of here.

>> No.1627198

They're going to show up with their superior technology and ask us to disarm ourselves and in return give us a dramatically better standard of living.

and most of us are probably going to say no

>> No.1628515

The human philosophy needs to change before first contact can be made.

>> No.1628523

lol higgs bison will never be found, I know why, but I don't care.

>> No.1628528

What you don't want the human species to be wiped from existence as soon as they threaten vastly superior intelligence?

>> No.1628529

humans need to learn that they are animals with limited functions and not "rational agents," and then work out a plan for bettering the future. then they may be civilized enough to contact other species

>> No.1629525

In the year 3000.

>> No.1629716

I heard somewhere all you need to do it are the parts in one standard Pinewood derby kit..

>> No.1629728

Isn't it more likely an advanced alien (AI) race uses a wormhole 'first contacts' Earth first?
And by first contact I mean contacting with an RKV.

>> No.1629732

why wont it be found? it wasn't something aether said was it?

>> No.1629738

You're just being pedantic.

Yes, it's plausible that there may be some way to make a warp drive that humans could survive, but it could also be entirely impossible, and there is no foreseeable future in the warp-drive area of science.

I put discovering warp technology up there with "my dead friend coming back to life." Both would require massive changes in how we understand physics (or chemistry/biology, in the case of my friend).

>> No.1629774

The closest real life equivalent to a warp drive would be the theoretical "Alcubierre Warp drive", which isn't quite on par with your dead brother being resurrected.

Captcha: Turning uni

>> No.1629779

I think people seriously underestimate human ingenuity. We've gone from wooden ships that could barely cross an ocean to the moon in a few centuries so it's not beyond imagination that FTL can be developed in a century or so. Likewise, I see humanity (or at least the populations that can afford it) to artificially upgrade themselves which will greatly increase the general IQ to make these discoveries happen more rapidly.

Never underestimate humanity's desire of discovery and advancement.

>> No.1629864

human society has no desire for advancement or discovery. Some individuals do, but they hardly speak for the species, sadly.

>> No.1629870


You're wrong.

>> No.1629882

I disagree, I would say all humans have some sense of wonder and discovery. it's bred out of them I guess. Shitty memorize-this-for-test schools, and jobs 9/5 and so on. Most people don't have time to think anymore. Or their time just becomes more precious.

>> No.1629896
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You really think the thousands of eye witnesses are wrong and that all the awesome technology we have now came out of nowhere?

The question you should be asking is: When will the government finally tell us?

>> No.1629911


True. I like Carl Sagans analogy with Da Vinci's designs. We now have designs for space travel near light speed that would work but is just an engineering problem and very expensive.

Remember - when you travel near light speed you can fly to the edge of the known universe in 50 years (but for the people who are left behind billions of years will have gone by but the people on the ship can explore the universe).

>> No.1629912


what book is that pic from, I used to have that book, I used to think it had some legitimacy lol....

i was 8years old though

what is the title?

>> No.1629919

>warp drive


>> No.1629922


I'll exclude wormholes (etc.) from this discussion, as it's not true FTL. It's just pushing two bits of spacetime closer together, instead.

If we want FTL, we'll have to find something fundamentally wrong with relativity. Even the most basic bits of special relativity imply that faster than light travel would utterly destroy causality. The standard phrase goes like "relativity, causality, and FTL: choose any two".

(and yes, causality would be a horrible thing to lose. Do you like your free will? Even if you don't think you actually have your free will, breaking causality would shatter any illusion of free will as well. I'd take causality over FTL any day, even if it means we're trapped in our own huge, empty neighborhood of the universe. )

>> No.1629934

Maybe FTL is possible but it's like in House of Suns where the Causality violations cause the objects near the wormhole mouth to dissappear from the point of view of others.

Meaning: You have A and B wormhole mouths, and from near B you can't see A, it has vanished, and from A you can't see B, it looks like it has disappeared.

>> No.1629937


Causality is not a scientific law. There are no forumals governing it, and nothing to say it even neccessarily has to work in the way we think it does (See many universes theory).

In short, causality does not prove FTL travel wrong.

>> No.1629943


That's also true. Causality may just be an unnecessary thing we are used to, or it may exist but any violation of it can happen because it wouldn't amount to shit.

>> No.1629952
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I am actually expecting first contact any day now. I don't know - why not? Why shouldn't we pick up on a signal must have come from an intelligent source (prime numbers again and again)?
Why shouldn't we find a few planets that are in the goldilock zone and most likely have water too?
Or just find a lifeform on mars?

I think it will happen during my lifetime and when not I am pissed.

I actually always have a champaign and fireworks ready just for that moment.

>> No.1629956

When we make first contact we should all meet up and throw a party.

>> No.1629958


If causality goes out the window, all logic, and resulting science, goes out the window. This doesn't mean it's necessarily incorrect, but it's still quite the implication.

>> No.1629962

Not troll, just eager for my starship.

>> No.1629963


Have faith my son.

... Faith in that the universe will still be on the other end after you leave the wormhole's Caustic.

>> No.1630033


"warp drive" refers to speeds faster than the speed of light. This is currently theoretically impossible. Hence, why he said "never".


South Park. Hahaha.