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16243239 No.16243239 [Reply] [Original]


In a detailed examination of the late winter months of 2023, researchers observed extreme cold temperatures across a broad region of Antarctica.

"Record cold temperatures were observed in our Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) network as well as other locations around the region," said Matthew A. Lazzara of the Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison).

"These phases were marked by new record low temperatures recorded at both staffed and automatic weather stations, spanning East Antarctica, the Ross Ice Shelf, and West Antarctica to the Antarctic Peninsula."

"The highest point, Kunlun Station, recorded its lowest temperature ever observed at -79.4°C, which was about 5°C lower than the monthly average."

>> No.16243315

shouldnt be possible with global warming.

its only possible if our atmosphere is being thinned out

>> No.16243316 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself shill

>> No.16243804

Why does it upset you so badly to find out that it's been unusually cold in the antarctic? If you're truly concerned about global warming you should be happy to find out that it's been unusually cold in the antarctic. Sure hope you didn't just glom on to the global warming narrative with ulterior motives.

>> No.16244061

Doomsday glacier will fall off this year saars

>> No.16244820
File: 120 KB, 960x1024, global temperatures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also possible if the current interglacial period is slowly coming to an end and the climate is cooling off

>> No.16245212
File: 69 KB, 680x422, GO4l8tEXoAAynYm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans did affect the planet.
We modified the albedo of 11% of the Earth's surface via agriculture.

>> No.16246890

how do you calculate albedo of organic systems that can store solar energy as mass in plant tissue sometimes for hundreds of millions of years at a time?

>> No.16246902 [DELETED] 

What's sad is you actually believe the retarded shit you're saying. You're actually fucking retarded enough to consciously ignore all evidence contrary to your position while insisting that the world is no simpler than the one dimensional models you can fit inside your congoloid head.

>> No.16248060
File: 41 KB, 594x690, clucking chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell that you're experiencing emotional distress by your use of profanity, pic is what you look like.
Cognitive dissonance is the origin of your emotional distress

>> No.16248064

that means it is working

>> No.16248169

Why does it upset you so badly to find out that it's been unusually cold in the antarctic? If you're truly concerned about global warming you should be happy to find out that it's been unusually cold in the antarctic. Sure hope you didn't just glom on to the global warming narrative with ulterior motives.

>> No.16248977
File: 273 KB, 800x618, 5e43aef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the r word
how primitive and unsophisticated

>> No.16250432

The coldest all time low temperature was recorded in Antarctica, its in a peer reviewed paper. I don't see why thats anything to get angry about, its an incident in the natural world and anyone who is truly interested in science should see that as compelling rather than exasperating

>> No.16251703

>anyone who is truly interested in science should see that as compelling rather than exasperating
people who only want to see news about record high temperatures because they have an agenda they're pushing would find it exasperating

>> No.16252972

global warming averted
doomsday canceled

>> No.16254346

I was kind of hoping global warming was real, I wanted to see what was under all the ice in Greenland and the Antarctic after it melted. Theres got to be all sorts of preserved bones and maybe ever carcasses stored in that ice

>> No.16256080

The ruins of Atlantis could be hidden under there

>> No.16257091

>"These phases were marked by new record low temperatures recorded at both staffed and automatic weather stations, spanning East Antarctica, the Ross Ice Shelf, and West Antarctica to the Antarctic Peninsula."
NASA will just "adjust" those temperatures to fall in line with the global warming narrative they're shilling