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16243504 No.16243504 [Reply] [Original]

The science party (facts-based) was right again.

>> No.16243507

How do gynecologists classify women?

>> No.16243510

Do you think, twenty years from now, when the great transsexual experiment is over and millions have committed suicide in pursuit a delusion, do you think all the people who tried to normalize it will cop to the mistake, or will it be more like lobotomization where the experts all went "whoops, we turned millions of people into vegetables, but it was the style at the time"

>> No.16243513

Gynecologist here. The answer is no. And you're a bigot. Not a good look for a /sci/entist.

>> No.16243531

The latter most likely. Admitting mistakes is painful. If some new narrative can sidestep effortful reflection then it will be the path of least resistance.

>> No.16243633

Why do so many real women fervently champion this anti-women ideology? They should have some self respect

>> No.16243636

Very islamophobic of her. Shame!

>> No.16243638

They do it till it affects them. All fun and games until their boyfriend, dad, brother or best friend drinks the Kool-Aid.
It's just virtue signaling NIMBY shit.

>> No.16243685

>doesn't know what a vagina is

>> No.16243691

I'd hope any woman who has her for a gynecologist finds a new one. I doubt she's really a gynecologist though.

They'll pretend like it never happened, like they pretend many other recent events never happened of which they were the evil party.

>> No.16243752

People don't usually admit being wrong unless forced to.

>> No.16243775

The transgender movement will continue until the parents that troon out their kids die from old age. Once you have committed your child to these disfiguring medical processes backing out means admitting you fucked up your kids life for good. Many, many people will delude themselves into supporting the tranny movement to the end because of that.

The trooning out will never fully vanish again. But it will recede back to a level like in the 90s where troons were rare. Where nobody believed they were real women.

If you want to hasten that day start disagreeing with the troons whenever they claim to be real women. Just say no. Don't argue. Don't engage beyond that. State facts and let them sperg out.

>> No.16243781
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Give an inch and they'll take a mile. Never again.
At least it's problem that solves itself.

>> No.16243786

>it be more like lobotomization where the experts all went "whoops, we turned millions of people into vegetables, but it was the style at the time"

This. Most doctors will follow ANY instructions from the 'medical establishment' no matter how crazy they are.

>> No.16243815

They'll deny they were ever involved. They'll delete their old tweets and deny they ever made them. If you have screen shots, they'll claim they're fake. The media will side with them and demonize you for "smearing their good name".
Lots of media sites already go to great lengths to prevent the Internet Archive and other archiving sites from recording their content. They often go back and change or delete older articles whose message no long is in line with the current messaging. They'll try to shame you for "looking backwards instead of forwards". A small number of them, primarily the surgeons performing the operations, will suffer from rapid lead poisoning but most will simply get away with everything.

>> No.16243819
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By profit margin.

>> No.16243820

Twenty years from now the boomers are dead, medical science will be better, and trans people will be fully integrated and accepted. You are all delusional if you think anything else is going to happen, and you are all seething because it's not what you want.

>> No.16243838
File: 57 KB, 1040x380, Altered-Carbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>medical science will be better
Short of picrel nobody is integrating anything.
And if you think medfags can asspull this one in 20 years when they can't even cure cold right now and fucks up vaccines, the only one delussional here is you.

>> No.16243845

>Short of picrel nobody is integrating anything.
Weird, they're already doing quite well with what we got today.

>> No.16243847
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Let's compromise and agree on one verifiable fact.


Not feminine, not a woman, not attractive.

Zuul: "Bud Light, choose the shape of you're destroyer."
Bud Light: (CIA AGENT CEO thinks for a moment) "I refuse to comply with your DEI."
Zuul: "The agent is chosen. Enjoy your Rainbow Doom."

>> No.16243871

Transgender surgeries produce at best optically sort of passable results if the person remains clothes and in low light conditions. In return transsexuals have a very high risk of complications, debilating side effects and must carry the burden of significant costs.

The array of hormone treatments they are subjected to is even worse. Side effects, hormonal imbalances, increased cancer rates and luck-of-the-draw results all combine into an unappealing treatment package. The longterm effects of these hormone replacements are an unknown as of yet. Expectations are not looking good.

That's for hormone replacement. Puberty blockers are even worse and appear to be child abuse leaving the afflicted children with a potluck of malformed organs, health defects and other problems.

>> No.16243877

And yet in spite of that, regret rates are lower than for almost any other surgical intervention, with the main reason for regrets being lack of acceptance. And that is of course ignoring the fact that a minority of trans people (so a minority of a minority) even get surgery.
Like I said, they're already doing quite well with the current state of medical science. It's just going to be better in 20 years.

>> No.16243893
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you're gonna kill yourself soon anyway

>> No.16243899

You're the psychotic one for assuming everyone who disagrees with you is part of a tiny, tiny minority you irrationally hate, as well as your magical thinking regarding statistics. So perhaps I should not indulge you by pretending you've got a rational position.

>> No.16243944

>n-no u
enjoy your delusion until you kill yourself

>> No.16243950

Everything you said about me is wrong, everything I said about you is right. Enjoy your delusion, I guess.

>> No.16243976

A "tiny, tiny minority" has zero right to demand that the vast majority of society be forced to indulge the sexual degeneracy of a "tiny, tiny minority". I never understood why the Nazis went so mad until your "tiny, tiny minority" started coming out of the shadows. Now I understand both their anger and their solution. You'll continue to push society to that solution once again because your lack of self reflection prevents you from seeing just much of a disgusting presence you are. You could have lived out your fantasies in private but instead you came out into the public, demanded a spotlight, and immediately used that spotlight to go after children. That will always be your downfall. Enjoy your moment in the sun before it burns you once again.

>> No.16243978

keep lying to yourself i don't care kek

>> No.16244056

loudly stating you don't have a problem doesn't mean you don't have a problem

>> No.16244111

>regret rates for castration and penectomy is lower than for almost any other surgical intervention
Highly dubious claim. Aren't the suicide rates almost unchanged by sex surgery?
>main reason for regrets being lack of acceptance
I.e. not being seen as the desired gender. Doesn't sound like the operations are successful.

>tiny tiny minority
One that seeks to use legal coercion and social pressure to redefine core concepts of the human species to fit their schizophrenic view of themselves and compel others to go along with their delusions.

>> No.16244258
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There will come a day when man become master geneticists able to manipulate every facet of our being gender or otherwise at will.
But until such a day the suicidal frankenstein the meds are chopping up right now for a quick buck is nothing short of butchered abominations of the emergent product of million years of evolution.
If you retards keep playing political word games and spread cope around ignoring simple biological facts the race will be long finished before we ever reach that day of promise.

>> No.16244281

>Weird, they're already doing quite well with what we got today.
After a century of advancements in urogynecological surgery we can still barely manage basic stricture repair in men and women without causing recurrent scarring and other complications in 75% of patients.

The suggestion that the crude fleshy facsimiles of genitals that barely-licensed plastic surgeons are crafting together out of inverted urethras, testicle sacks, labial scrapings, and arm grafts are indistinguishable from natural genitalia would be laughable if it weren't so utterly demented.

>> No.16244295

lol yea sure just like how they admitted racial integration was a mistake 20 years later when schools became filled with violence and drugs. oh wait...

>> No.16244306

An affirmative action hire "doctor" believes that a mentally ill man is a woman.

Okay. Checks out.

>> No.16244321
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>The transgender movement will continue until the parents that troon out their kids die from old age.
the "doctor" in op is one of these people, unsurprisingly