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16242929 No.16242929 [Reply] [Original]

Why did phrenology go out of fashion but not circumcision?

>> No.16242939

I don't know, but I wouldn't marry either man. Why do they feel the need to shave words in their temple?

>> No.16242950

>I don't know,
Liar. He's obviously saying: If it looks like a jew then it acts like jew. No I'm not projecting my antisemitism. On the contrary: if such correlations are valid, accurate and reliable then it would be such an competitive advantage in the human resource world that we would clearly observe the results of such taboo analysis which defeats the purpose of hiding eugenic research. Such results are not visible so such research does not exist so phrenology probably is not valid, accurate or reliable.

>> No.16242952

I will always hate Quentin Tarantino for telling /pol/tards what phrenology is.

>> No.16242972

Because one is retarded and dangerous (phrenono) and the other (circumcum) is just retarded (but not dangerous)

>> No.16242985

I will always hate Tarantino for completely misrepresenting the subject. The shit in that movie was not phrenology, it’s mainstream anthropology

>> No.16243082

Did it really go *totally* out of fashion? How many noble prize winners suffer from microcephaly?

>huh, Verification not required.

>> No.16243094
File: 795 KB, 631x926, circumcision killed these boys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but not dangerous
There are cases of boys dying from their circumcisions. There are also people like David Reimer who end up with their entire dick being removed.

>> No.16243337

Because you can become a successful businessman using that knowledge.

>> No.16243345


>> No.16243382

Yeah, that's TOTALLY representative of the billion+ circumcised men out there.

>> No.16243524

Call it what you want, phrenology is mentally retarded bullshit.

>> No.16243534

Phrenology is wrong. Circumcision is right.

>> No.16243543
File: 108 KB, 1325x651, jewish trade in dismembered body parts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

circumcision turns a big profit for the scyence community, thats the reason why it persists

>> No.16243551


>> No.16243555

Do you want them to give foreskins away for free?

>> No.16243706 [DELETED] 

It's still widely used by those in power, only it git called "physiognomy", and later "phyasical anthropology", but it remains mostly the same thing.

>> No.16243708

It's still widely used by those in power, only it got called "physiognomy", and later "physical anthropology", but it remains mostly the same thing.
You simply won't be allowed in any "intellectual" field unless you have "intelligent physiognomy" which means chiefly a tall forehead, which ironically appears to be sign of an unrecognized kind of mental disability.

>> No.16243710

>noble prize winners
Did that ever really mean anything? I mean, they gave one to Dronebama.

Why do you hate the light and love darkness? Do you even know?

>> No.16243717 [DELETED] 

See pic - the left one was convinced to undergo euthanasia because she was unsuited for life.
The right one got all her shortcomings excused, until she killed another girl, and brought a fragment of her skull for the bragging right.

See that if a politician is called a fascist on not also apears to depend on this, not the opinions that they present.

>> No.16243719
File: 440 KB, 607x403, caccbf1f-43c1-4a69-94d0-84a357b2f832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic - the left one was convinced to undergo euthanasia because she was unsuited for life.
The right one got all her shortcomings excused, until she killed another girl, and brought a fragment of her skull for the bragging rights.

See that if a politician is called a fascist on not also apears to depend on this, not the opinions that they present.

>> No.16243737

>they gave one to Dronebama
That's the Nobel Peace Prize which has always been a bit of joke. Other than the name, it's not really connected to the other ones. A completely different body (the Norwegian Nobel Committee) selects peace prize winner. The winners of the prizes in physics and chemistry are selected by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
>Why do you hate the light and love darkness? Do you even know?
Why the weird dramatic language, anon?
If foreskins are being cut off anyway, there's no reason not to use the cells for research. And it's not like they're just selling entire foreskins. The listing here >>16243543 is for fibroblast cells. Isolating those isn't necessarily cheap.
Though it is true that a lot of bioscience-related materials are insanely overpriced, and make some companies a lot of profit. Scientists themselves would actually prefer that stuff like this not be so expensive, because it makes their research cheaper and easier to conduct.
What can you do with foreskin cells, you might ask? Imagine that some day, we'll have the ability to grow brand new replacement foreskins for anyone who was circumcised as an infant (ideally by then we will have also banned infant circumcision for good) or who has some kind of defect with their foreskin like pinhole phimosis. Maybe we'll even be able to grow entire penises to replace lost or damaged ones. But we'll never get there if we can't understand how the cells work, how they grow, how they interact with other cells, etc.

>> No.16243744

That's not a Jew in the drawing YOU FUCKING POLTARD! YOU ARE A FUCKING CANCER!

>> No.16243753
File: 25 KB, 540x386, 5d00fcb3f2c081a45bd5be02387a391d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bote that it appears that especially the affecred seem to actually suffer from some kund of an illusion related to this (pic1/2) and unable to judge size accurately in general, such as the moon appearing bigger near the horizon.

>> No.16243755
File: 208 KB, 540x386, 87d1ad4e-0e47-4421-a7c4-c3d6e060f585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16243763

I read your first paragraph, but that's it. You type like a fucking retard. I'm not reading all that.

You dumbass newfags fell for the redditspacing meme and type like retards as a result. Go look at the archive sites, find the oldest posts, and stop typing like a faggot already. As funny as it is to see some retard out themselves as a newfag by crying "redditspacing" at some post they can't refute but want to discredit, I'm sick of seeing posts like yours with shit spacing. It's as bad as the hipster retards who type in all-lowercase to virtue signal they're not mobile posters with auto-capitalization or some retarded shit.

There's no need for circumcision anyway, period. The old covenant was fulfilled and there's a new covenant. And some retarded strawman spergout to defend the medical industrial complex like >>16243551 is just deliberately retarded and they should be given stripes for it.

>> No.16243771 [DELETED] 

How does any of that anything to do with this thread?

>> No.16243772

How does any of that have anything to do with this thread?

>> No.16243789

lmao, imagine getting so asshurt at being called a redditspacer that you bring it up randomly and unprompted.

>> No.16243811

Phrenology is just measuring head shape and personality traits and seeing if there are correlations. Which there probably are, since personality is partly genetic.

>> No.16244872

The unreliable husband is a jew.

>> No.16244879

its funny how /pol/tards act like they're experts on physiognomy when they couldnt name the actual standout features on the right and just go "LOOK AT THE NOOOOSE"

>> No.16244904

The nose would indeed be a part of the standout features, yes.

>> No.16244929

the guy is clearly not jewish though. you just see a hook nose and go "JEW!", and you probably couldnt actually spot one in public if you saw one.

>> No.16245023 [DELETED] 

I can imagine how it may seem from the retard perspective - you think you have a huge head, so you go somewhere, and assume authority, and stop commanding everyone, and then think that they are crazy/obstinate/antisocial people who refuse to accept that it will be best for everybody when they let everything decide those girls and guys with huge heads. But for them you are an idiot with a deformed head who gets agressive when people don't want to listen to the idiotic nonsense he says.

>> No.16245025

I can imagine how it may seem from the retard perspective - you think you have a huge head, so you go somewhere, and assume authority, and start commanding everyone, and then think that they are crazy/obstinate/antisocial people who refuse to accept that it will be best for everybody if they let everything decide those girls and guys with huge heads. But for them you are an idiot with a deformed head who gets agressive when people don't want to listen to the idiotic nonsense he says.

>> No.16245079

the type on the right is the one more likely to get aggressive over stupid shit like that. hence the smaller brain and larger jaw, like a caveman.

>> No.16245092

that's not "in fashion" everywhere. You don't circumcize anyone in europe, for example.

>> No.16245192

americans cant comprehend that there are regions of the world that arent their shithole

>> No.16245246

People with a tall forehead tend to get agressive, because they think it means a big brain.

>> No.16246537

On the topic of circumcision I was circumcised as a baby and have never been able to orgasm even once in my life. Do you think circumcision could’ve caused my anorgasmia? While it makes sense as circumcision removes several thousand nerve endings at the same time I would expect anorgasmia to be much more common in men if circumcision could cause it. I also have autism which perhaps could be related as it’s a neurodevelopmental condition.

>> No.16246555

>literally shaking

>> No.16247723
File: 217 KB, 231x191, qui.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16248079

>americans cant comprehend that there are regions of the world that arent their shithole
Sad, 342000000 such cases.

>> No.16248934

your nationalistic inferiority complex is cringe

>> No.16248957
File: 266 KB, 691x893, 1690417408036682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16249095
File: 127 KB, 500x737, browism-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the female version
and just to clear up any sort of confusion on the matter, the fact that all untrustworthy people look like Jews is just a coincidence and nothing more, so stop asking questions.

>> No.16250144

Looks like my mom who was abusive.

>> No.16251544

roughly 1.3% of all infant deaths are due to circumcision, which means 2.6% of male infant deaths.

>> No.16252528


Debussy and Wagner.

>> No.16252544

i bet your personality and iq are correlated with the skull of a goldfish

>> No.16254200

you're resorting to personal attacks because you can't mount a reasonable defense of circumcision and by doing so you're as much as admitting that male genital mutilation is not only unnecessary, but that its also pretty much a criminal act. no doubt you're doing so because you're a cripplecock of one sort or another, so enjoy your eternity of never knowing what it feels like to have sex

>> No.16255601

if circumcision is so great how come all the civilizations that don't practice it haven't gone extinct?

>> No.16256834

if circumcision is so bad how come all the civilizations that practice it haven't gone extinct?

>> No.16256923

>1 in 40 baby boys that dies as an infant, dies from circumcision