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16239769 No.16239769 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking could there be life after death?

>> No.16239777
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Scientifically? No, not unless someone manages to invent an instrument to see into the afterlife under lab conditions to prove objectively there is one.
Could there be? Sure, plenty of NDE testimonies.

>> No.16239794

If there was nothing before my birth, and there's nothing after my death, assuming both of these "nothings" are equal (unliving status), will there be something after death's nothingness?

>> No.16239795


>> No.16239801

Go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.16239937
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I think so judge, a dream of life

>> No.16240034

Science is not the end all be all.
philosophically speaking the only thing I can say is this:
I think therefore I am
I am therefore I can be
I can be there for I might possibly be again.

>> No.16240075

Has there ever been a moment where you were consciously aware of not existing? No.
Therefore, you will always exist simply because the state of nonexistence is not a state that can be experienced in the first place.

>> No.16240143
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A mechanism for how quantum immortality could work:

>> No.16240167

Sure, not your life tho.

>> No.16240184
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the argument for a 'soul' would be a lot more plausible if we didn't get more demented as we age... the fact that even what looks like a soul also decomposes like the rest of the body does with aging is a strong sign that we are indeed a flesh automaton

>> No.16240264

aye. it's pretty sad.

>> No.16240281

The answer, OP, is yes. It is entirely possible there could be life after death. We know so little about life and death there's room for almost anything you can imagine in the realm of possibilities.

>> No.16241922


>> No.16242056
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They read in a materialist assumption.
>if we cut this part watch him loses x ability
The soul has tendrils to the host that are no longer being connected. There is a person shaped ghost in the no-zone.
The issue of aging isn't perfectly clear cut, but it is the same except of many little causes.

>> No.16242079

Reincarnation is empirically verifiable.

>> No.16242080

What would an afterlife look like for
a) an empty plastic wrapper you threw into the trash.
b) a single bacterium.
c) a big tree.
If none of these experience afterlives, why would humans?

>> No.16242103

Near death experiences don't point to any kind of afterlife. They're the result of a dying (and likely somewhat damaged) brain trying to cope with the impending termination of its own existence.

>> No.16242126

they are by definition pointless for this discussion

near death =/= dead
dying =/= dead
in a coma =/= dead

dead is never waking up again
it's having the entirety of time pass in an instant as it loses all meaning

>> No.16242146
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Happiness can still happen to a very depressed brain that is chemically drugged against happy chemicals. The brain recontextualizes contexts to meaning. Perhaps AI will be the muzzle of materialists who think along these lines. However for those with supernatural experience there is limited knowledge of a disembodied mind that persists after death. A haunted house is a sensitive subject for an insensate politically volatile laboratory + castrated academia. I used to work in a retirement home and the old people stayed demented as ghosts. This is why I subscribe to Dharmic metaphysics that our consciousness is our true "physical" body within our physical body. I am not appealing to a higher power but a higher understanding of where energy is truly registered on a medium of spacetime that to us mortals would be like discussing flatland. Math nerd Hindus have given it much more thought and elaboration than I could. I know in a haunted house I would not want a Catholic priest near me nor an equally dogmatic atheist but a fresh off the boat trad tribal foreigner who has an unsevered bond with his ancestors. Trust no normie with the divine, only the brilliant schizos of beyond.

>> No.16242153
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This is also why I admire warriors as the greatest spirits who need not cling to life but to meaning, purpose, and virility. To them, Valhalla, is an unbreakable mode of being. To them a black swan stroke of truth is more life than centuries of agreeably bullshitted stagnation.

>> No.16242268

Don't overestimate how important intelligence and personality is, babies and chickens are pretty stupid but they are still capable of being happy and people like them. You are still a living thing even as your body and brain fail you and turn you back into a retarded baby