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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16197414 No.16197414[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

they could be making it all up for all we know

>> No.16197520

They're at least playing with the satanic imagery. Maybe it's just trolling.

>> No.16197588

Making up what?
They aren't doing anything.

>> No.16197590

They invented what became the modern web and browser. So we let them get away with bs'ing us forever.

>> No.16197621

>they could be making it all up for all we know
But there's thousands and thousands of scientists worldwide following and verifying their projects and results. Some other projects even replica their experiments, as their own hardware improves.

>> No.16198532

no they didn't

>> No.16199399

Don't trust sern !

>> No.16199508

they are

>> No.16199714
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>they could be making it all up for all we know
by all means, build a collider yourself and verify it all!

>> No.16199743

you can't that's the point

>> No.16199925

Why? No one is stopping you except your wallet. You think a colossal, leading-edge technology apparatus set the size of CERN is free to build and operate? It's a one off instrument, a prototype.

>> No.16199937

missing the point

>> No.16199967

low-energy, small-scale particle colliders are absolutely a thing. many universities have them.

>> No.16199997

NO, you're missing the point. Leading-edge, grand scale-science projects are expensive, high-risk prototypes that often end up in failure, and even if the succeed, it takes just as long to one-up them or simply replicate their results (and much has been already, by other colliders on earth).

Think of the Hubble telescope, or the JWST. The Arecibo radio telescope, the Triste bathyscaphe, the ISS, etc, all one-offs and groundbreaking when built.

I hope you understand the scale of CERN, it is one of the most expensive, most sensitive and literally the largest experimental setup ever built by mankind, underground. And the thousands of staff needed to run it and the thousands of scientists working on its experiments.
Good luck trying to convince your government to spend all that money, no matter your country.

>> No.16200377

>CERN, it is one of the most expensive, most sensitive and literally the largest experimental setup ever built by mankind, underground. And the thousands of staff needed to run it and the thousands of scientists working on its experiments.

and it has produced absolutely nothing of any value whatsoever. all it does is churn out replication crisis papers that nobody ever bothers reading. what a massive stupid waste

>> No.16200418
File: 50 KB, 603x457, trolling sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you keep trolling, troll? Take your triggering attempts someplace else.

>> No.16200420

>and it has produced absolutely nothing of any value whatsoever.
The discoveries and advancements made at CERN have led to numerous practical engineering applications, notably in the field of medical imaging and diagnostics. For instance, the development of Positron Emission Tomography scanners, which are crucial for detecting cancer and other diseases, directly benefits from particle detection technologies pioneered at CERN. CERN's work in superconducting magnets has also been applied to improve Magnetic Resonance Imaging machines, making them more efficient and widely accessible.
The silicon pixel detectors used in particle physics experiments have also found applications in high-resolution imaging sensors for digital cameras and medical devices. CERN's work on high-speed data processing and real-time data analysis has also contributed to the development of more efficient and faster electronics, which are essential in modern computing and telecommunications. Moreover, the techniques developed for managing and storing vast amounts of data at CERN have influenced the design of robust, large-scale data centers, enhancing the performance and reliability of cloud computing services and big data analytics.

>> No.16201485

none of that is true, stop spamming that pasta

>> No.16201550

looks like chatgpt

>> No.16202129

Why would anyone presume that they aren't lying? They have enormous motivation to lie and no penalty for doing so, so why shouldn't they just tell lies?

>> No.16202260

>none of that is true
prove it.

>> No.16202263

>all it does is churn out replication crisis papers
Many CERN discoveries have been verified by other colliders as they upgrade their hardware and catch up

>> No.16203157

>CERN discoveries
there are none

>> No.16203247


>> No.16203736
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>there are none
Stay ignorant, you are in a free country (I hope)

>> No.16204992

The hundreds of billions of dollars wasted on CERN has produced nothing of any use and no noteworthy or valuable discoveries
The entire project is a massive failure

>> No.16205978

A huge fraction of that money has gone to academic publishing companies, all of which are jewish owned.

>> No.16206810

Thats just a coincidence
Also noticing is antisemitic and antisemitism is illegal

>> No.16206950

Sure, bro

>> No.16206955
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>Sure, bro

>> No.16208116
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>> No.16208553

ignorant and proud, imagine that
sad, many such cases

>> No.16208693

>you can't discuss cern on the science board!!!

>> No.16209212
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They are, the Bogs proved that long ago

>> No.16209432

>discuss cern
If anyone has questions that they can't find a proper answer to, just ask them. That's very different from provoking others to get a triggered, perturbed, emotional response in return. That's trolling, and it's a mild form of sadism, to feel pleasure from other's emotional discomfort.
So yes, it's triggering = trolling.

>> No.16210532

just because you're emotionally unstable doesn't mean that you get to determine what other people are and are not allowed to say, snowflake.
learn some self control

>> No.16210577


>> No.16210906

Trumps uncle built them for a living.

>> No.16212197
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>why don't you just build your own $300 billion particle collider so you can double check them and see if they're lying or not?

>> No.16213216

in that case I hate particle colliders

>> No.16217729
File: 82 KB, 1074x1124, greedy lazy soyentists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If scientists are so smart how come they can't figure out how to fund their own projects without robbing the poor and the middle class to do so?

>> No.16218804

they are, see >>16209212

>> No.16219008

>Trust us, we are just smashing particles together for the good of scientific discovery
>No, our multi-billion dollar budget does not allow us to buy enough storage space to store the resulting data permanently
>We only store a handful of petabytes... What's that? You want to know how we have enough memory to hold the data before writing it to permanent storage?
>"Ahem, next question please...."

>> No.16219023

go back to your dog beating job, zhang

>> No.16220966

Extraordinarily high IQs runs in his family.

>> No.16222222

it does, his siblings are also all incredibly successful people

>> No.16222232

kill yourself.

>> No.16222248


>> No.16222801

I'm afraid you've just upset loads of people.

>> No.16222804

>his siblings are also all incredibly successful people
wtf I just found out he has siblings

>> No.16223065


>> No.16223142

if they were making it up they would have published more exciting results.

>> No.16223683

Trump only got that way in the recent decades. Something's wrong with him.

>> No.16224980
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>> No.16224998

You are free to study physics until you understand their research.

>> No.16225012

I think we all agree that it's opening a portal to Sarurn.

>> No.16225119

Nice get, Barron.

>> No.16226246

me in the screencap

>> No.16227462

Same is true of NASA and JWST

>> No.16228062
File: 112 KB, 1000x732, don't.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they could be making it all up for all we know
shit-tier triggering troll bait attempt

>> No.16228709

why wouldn't they be making it all up? sure hope you don't think of cern as some sort of order of infallible priests. science isn't a valid religion in and of itself, science is only valid as a subset of Christianity. the scientific method is build on the foundation of Christianity

>> No.16229694

This type of skepticism seems to trigger the scientism religious zealots, but people who really understand science know that skepticism is extremely important

>> No.16230714
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>> No.16231843
File: 50 KB, 850x400, quote-science-is-the-organized-skepticism-in-the-reliability-of-expert-opinion-richard-p-feynman-112-33-96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they've even gone so far as to relabel skeptics as "deniers" in order to shill the anti-science soientism religion

>> No.16233615

deniers = heretics

>> No.16234197

Skepticism tends to be much more welcome if the skeptic actually knows what they are talking about, babbling some bullshit idea when you don't know anything is just a waste of time

>> No.16234748

The issue isn’t skepticism, but the retarded arrogance of people who want to disagree without understanding why they’re disagreeing.
>no clue how CERN actually accelerates particles
>ignore the history of synchrotrons and how size is proportional to energy imparted
>speculate on an open-source international project
It’s not even good faith. You have people who just want to be right, even when they’re so up their own asses they look at quotes from Feynman as proving their point. The man used particle accelerators. He advocated for their use and construction. He was instrumental in the understanding of nuclear decay and fission. It’s the most bitter irony you could write, and it’s being leveraged by someone about as zealous about nuh-uh-ing some nebulous scientists as the alleged shills. Nobody gets paid to argue with you retards, because the program has to fill out public grant requests.

>> No.16234803

it's very profitable for those involved, but ultimately pointless for the rest of us

>> No.16234840

>everyone else just doesn't understand!!!!
>I'm am a uniquely insightful genius so I know how everything works, nobody else does!!

>> No.16235482

We don't think we're exceptionally smart, you're just exceptionally stupid.

>> No.16235490

>logo is three 6s

>> No.16235785
File: 488 KB, 1200x1685, my-lesbian-experience-with-loneliness-39071174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah... no

>> No.16237086

Scientists are evil people

>> No.16238180

also greedy and lazy

>> No.16238203

>Maybe it's just trolling.

>> No.16238913
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>> No.16240030
File: 301 KB, 487x628, 1711680704613966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they could be making it all up for all we know

>> No.16240529

Of course they are