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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16228800 No.16228800 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't mathematicians solve economics? too difficult?

>> No.16228808

it is, yes.
mathematics is also just one of the tools used to deal with economics and it's widely successful when it has its uses.
econometry just solves some of the issues and the formulas economists come up with are just mathematical translations of concepts that are very far from being axioms.

>> No.16228809

For the same reason they can't solve weather.

>> No.16228829
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same reason why we are unable to use mathematics to figure out why your mom gave birth to a fucking retard.

>> No.16228836
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>> No.16228839
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>> No.16228904

Yes it is too difficult and subject matter too complex though there are attempts at it.
accurate summary

>> No.16228967

Economics is just psychology
Economics is nothing but attempting to predict the actions of stupid people

>> No.16228969

There's more money in figuring out the markets, and it's easier. Economics is the sum of human decision making where only the largest and most powerful of corporations play somewhat optimally. There are only 3 tools at a Fed economist's disposal: changing rates, changing money supply, and tricking the midwits. Note that only midwit money is tricked. Brainlet money will continue to do brainlet things, and smart money will see past the bs and may even have better models than you. Add to the fact that the government also gets a say. The government (is not a monolithic decision maker, but) controls taxes, spending, selectively applying regulation, and tricking midwits, often better than economists.

Top mathematical talent doesn't go into economics. There's no money in it unless you make chairman of the Fed. So you see, even if the best and brightest were working on it, what would be the point?

>> No.16229022
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why would mathematicians care about pseudoscientific sociology?

>> No.16229189

economics is just modern wizardry involving mathematics

>> No.16229207

Economics has been solved. The solution is Islamic Socialism.

>> No.16229265

How could mathematics possibly solve an industry based on system rigging and vibes?

>> No.16229272

Firstly define "resolve"
Secondly economics is a branch of math

>> No.16229290

Self-fulfilling prophecies are not math or science.

>> No.16229346

Nobody knows how to solve non-linear equations efficiently

>> No.16229355

Part of it is because economic structures are sociopolitical structures.

Economics consists of governments policies and institutions and social relationships that aren’t necessarily mathematical.

However the managed economy was designed mathematically in the late 60s by Milton freedman.

Also it’s propped up in a linear projection via the stock market. By constant growth driven by inflation at 2% targets and increase in GDP

>> No.16229528

If you consider the following
>Prime numbers
>oceans atmospheres

>> No.16229544

The solution is Communism

>> No.16230736

Because you need to talk to people not just mathematicians.
>oh but I dont wanna!
Mr Business Econ pro does and thats why he gets the suit and tie.

Teach in a classroom but speak in a board room or a huddle of employees? Hard numbers and potential ledgers. Economists are an offshoot of this context. Academically cloistered still but less so than mathematicians surprisingly. Category theory will not help you. Topology will not help you. Marginal cost benefit analysis, coincidence of wants, byzantine generals problem of coordination, all of these things are tangibly actionable.

>> No.16231609

Multi-threading and concurrent programming can't model entire economies? Not even with a super computer?

>> No.16231625
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>> No.16231662

It's a chaotic system. Mathematicians can't solve the three body problem either, for the same reason. Approximations are possible, but they are just that, approximations.

>> No.16231773

Hey faggot, how is your math model able to predict an increase in car accidents pumping the local demand for car parts and hospital services and how it affects the market at large? or even factor the entire human knowledge and motives? or even control if the assumptions your model is working with is 100% true and not bullshit?

Because last time i checked, a simulation can only go so far.

>> No.16232104

mathematicians actually believe 0 is a number and that an infinite amount of anything can exist.

dont bully them too hard.

>> No.16232195

You need a Quantum Computer.

>> No.16232197
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One man tried and he went insane.

>> No.16232668

Yes, too much quantity of extremely volatile information & the added problem of metamorphosis of human nature makes it hard to predict things accurately. We can Say "something" might just happen looking at certain information. But cannot say what that something is very accurately

>> No.16232687
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He basically did solve economics and politics

>> No.16232706

under very specific assumptions :)

>> No.16232707

Mathematicians don't care about solving any problem that doesn't exclusively exist on a page, they have no power in the real world and it scares them

>> No.16232736

wait so is economics hard?

>> No.16233016

Processing capacity, aside, modeling an entire economy accurately would require absurd amounts of accurate, real-time data which is not available at this point.
I'm talking about factory production, taxes, consumption, government spending, investment, credit, prices, insurance, fares data by the day.
Of course, even if we could collect, process and model all of this, it wouldn't "solve" the ecomony kek although it would make things more efficient for sure.

>> No.16233034

Economics is not a problem to be solved.