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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 347 KB, 1326x1652, chrome_1cnKw8MRsJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16208353 No.16208353[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16208355
File: 484 KB, 447x557, chrome_qF0CTgaJIr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong one, sorry!

>> No.16208369
File: 49 KB, 698x824, 1717448200285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, those are funny ngl

>> No.16208429
File: 152 KB, 1125x930, soy vs goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16208434
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>> No.16208444
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>> No.16209182
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>> No.16209377

Because Israel rich, and Israel surveils. You could say the same about most modern countries who feel directly threatened by ISIS.

>> No.16209438 [DELETED] 

go suck some cut jew kike cock somewhereelse


>> No.16210446
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>> No.16211055
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>> No.16211078
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>> No.16212510
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>> No.16212695
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>> No.16213006 [DELETED] 

God, I hate these schizophrenic jokes.

>> No.16213151
File: 214 KB, 1200x1025, 1647680345019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16213160

Retarded meme. Those people died exactly because they didn't trust the experts who kept telling them that the sub wasn't fit for such conditions and wasn't safe.

>> No.16213239
File: 62 KB, 500x592, 1687894551876430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16213268
File: 208 KB, 1200x1218, 1657516393029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anuone has pic about the guy that inteoduced high pressure oxygen to high presure methane I think(?) causing explosion but not before acquiring spectra?
or the flies in a jar meme

>> No.16213288

what the fuck is the joke in those two?
I really dont get those

>> No.16213326

So they hired some other experts that told them what they wanted to hear.

This is deep.

>> No.16213352

No. They didn't hire anyone. They just ignored them because they're too far up their own ass.

>> No.16213496

get bombed muhamud

>> No.16217972
File: 46 KB, 501x500, 1675032427273001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16217982 [DELETED] 

Holy cringe

>> No.16218000 [DELETED] 

$500 million distributed to every American would be something like a $1.50 for everyone. Do you actually think that will make any kind of difference?

>> No.16218003 [DELETED] 

Kind of like the polnigger will ignore your post because you broke his mental cuck castle

>> No.16218080 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 500x765, d3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a tip: making the same kind of argument as nogs isn't going to earn you much sympathy here. Especially when pretty much all of the technology that underpins the modern age started off as Space/Military projects.

>> No.16218086
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>> No.16218090
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>> No.16218094

Is this a leftist meme? It's so bad, it could be.

>> No.16218099


>> No.16218186
File: 85 KB, 941x1122, OXcVpnN49cZz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16218254
File: 40 KB, 460x453, 9jGB9UG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16218376

wife bad

>> No.16218819

I hate this website.

>> No.16218957

so leave. you won't be missed since you contribute nothing here.

>> No.16219010


>> No.16220875
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>> No.16221315
File: 65 KB, 923x1488, juneteenth.sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16221389
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>> No.16221822
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>> No.16222246

That remains me of that English football goalie named Seaman, he had real pornstar moustache and wavy hair so the joke just kept on giving.

>> No.16222270
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>> No.16222274
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>> No.16222278

> Zoomer who's never been married can't imagine how common arguments were when everyone was.

>> No.16222731

I don't get the last slide.

>> No.16223726
File: 199 KB, 560x777, prv7555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a Blechy Yuckerella reference

>> No.16223945

is it hard for your ilk to understand that israel was never bordering isis territory and that trucks of peace and other similar shit are difficult to perpetrate in israel due to seventy years of institutional paranoia?

>> No.16223946

>That remains me of
does it now

>> No.16224698

so what is it referring to? certainly not the pic you posted

>> No.16225381

Nah, it seems legit if it were a leftist meme there would be more paragraphs,, zoomer cancer though.

>> No.16225384

David Seaman?

>> No.16225779
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>> No.16226171
File: 77 KB, 739x390, AArl_y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16227805
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>> No.16228136

I like it

>> No.16228143

I think it's a joke about trying to fill up your gas tank with dino juice while they're still around, although it's not very good geology given that most oil comes from even older plankton.

>> No.16228162

Can you control organs with your heart?(The heart is smarter than the brain(more advanced; it is the seat of all emotion), the brain is oddly perfect for its position - useful. If you try to use your stomach and set it the way in which you want to set it, you use your heart. The brain hijacks stuff in order to think or you can more precisely use it with your heart.

>> No.16228204 [DELETED] 

That's a liver.

>> No.16228676

you're shitposting doesnt belong on /sci/
but you did remind me of the old greek debate about heart centric or brain centric body. A common idea (maybe aristotle i dont remember) was that the heart is the center of the organs while the brain is the center of consciousness. turned out to be wrong because of how nerves work, but they thought maybe "control" was sent through the blood as well.

>> No.16228882
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>> No.16229133
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>> No.16229155
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>> No.16229301

>Those people died
Never ever, was fake like everything media vomits in your brain.

>> No.16229868
File: 32 KB, 558x447, ChuRo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16230014

That was an artist who made JOKES. REMEMBER THOSE????????

>> No.16230131
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>> No.16230660
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>> No.16230696

don't try this with a biology book updated recently, they've already started injecting trannyisms into them.

>> No.16231721
File: 721 KB, 1050x1186, 1718251173649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16231747

Why does the poor guy look like Anthony Cumia?

>> No.16231874
File: 19 KB, 718x484, 1718257617106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16231900

>"Electric cars will save the world!"
>Electricity is generated from burning fossil fuels and EVs are thousands of pounds heavier (F=ma) which requires high rolling-resistance tires.
The /sci/rony is that there still exist scientists and engineers who think that electricity is just free energy from the wall.

>> No.16232863
File: 474 KB, 2309x1309, diesel powered EVs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16232877

>Israel doesnt border isis territory and is wealthy
kinda like France huh

>> No.16233227


>> No.16233599
File: 70 KB, 660x680, zrCOWpE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16234040
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>> No.16234062

That scientist is going to pour gasoline all over ancient nature because scientists are psychopaths.

>> No.16234071
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That remains me of

>> No.16234095
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>> No.16234155

You remind a faggot

>> No.16234432

I remind you of what?

>> No.16234719

how much do you need to spend on drugs every month to work three jobs and still be at risk of homelessness?

>> No.16234728

You assume he gets 3 jobs worth of hours every week. People who work multiple jobs usually only work a couple days at each one, or partial days where they work one job in the morning and the other in the evening. Someone with 3 jobs isn't getting 3x the hours or 3x the pay.

>> No.16234846
File: 55 KB, 1022x1253, g3w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16234939

So are you guys just on this board to convince yourselves you're not retarded or what

>> No.16234941
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>> No.16235461
File: 379 KB, 1206x1291, hax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16236025
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>> No.16236126
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>> No.16236138

It's true. This shit is so fucking dumb.

>> No.16236697
File: 141 KB, 941x882, X9p40n8w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16237377
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>> No.16237473
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>> No.16237597
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>> No.16237599
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>> No.16237606
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>> No.16237612

you misspelled rent

>> No.16237625

Two of my three salaries go to my findom goddess. I signed a 100k debt contract.

>> No.16237653

shitty boomer joke

>> No.16237657

maybe for the same reason saudi arabia dont attack israel.
whatever it is.
seems attacking israel is mainly a shia muslim thing

>> No.16237660
File: 97 KB, 500x592, 1717659250102431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500 million is nothing compared what ukrain gets

>> No.16237663
File: 97 KB, 500x592, 1717659250102431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait thats wrong. i forgot a 0.

>> No.16238363
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>> No.16238394

The house of saud is jewish

needs a yamulke

>> No.16238399
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>> No.16238401
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>> No.16238404
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>> No.16238409
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>> No.16239092 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 1626x2373, 1685904224188974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It needs some sign that the one in the lift is mentaly retarded.

>> No.16239121
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>> No.16239122
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>> No.16239124
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>> No.16239430

kek. literally me

>> No.16239825
File: 1.36 MB, 2022x8704, cripplecock kikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are the Windsors

>> No.16241554
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>> No.16241587
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>> No.16241700
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Livestock doesn't damage the environment, they enhance it.
How could any rational person who believes in evolution assume that having animals on a piece of land would do anything other than make that land more hospitable to life?

>> No.16241731

It's crucially dependent on how the animals are mangded, over grazing and soil compaction are real issues but there is insufficient room for nuance in the typically polar debates we are forced into here

>> No.16241769

France is like 60% foreigners speaking French, wtf are you talking about

>> No.16242016

I don't get it. How did he go from two-time Journalist-of-the-Year to homeless gigolo in one fell swoop?

>> No.16242019

Retard take.

>> No.16242248

Look at his hair. Much time is passing between the articles.

>> No.16242285

Ukraine has white people in it, it's more valuable than the USA

>> No.16242292

White people don't exist.
Slavic people do. Germanic people do. Mediterranean people do.
Stop merging starkly different people together just so you can be more racist towards them.

>> No.16242295

Slavic, Germanic, etc are subsets of white. You're merging different people together more than I am with 'mediterranean' which includes turks, berbers, jews, arabs, etc.

>> No.16242304

>Slavic, Germanic, etc are subsets of white.
No, they are not.
"White" people share neither genetics or culture.
>which includes turks, berbers, jews, arabs, etc.
No, you seem to include those people under the term mediterranean.
It's almost as if you consider location to be the deciding factor of one's origins.

>> No.16242312
File: 131 KB, 685x406, 41431_2019_466_Fig1_HTML.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"White" people share neither genetics or culture.

>> No.16242313

Thank you for providing evidence of my statement.
See how those yellow dots are seperated from each other?
If your next counter-argument is going to be that the distance is close enough to consider them genetically alike, then I'd be more than willing to read your provided sources on that.

>> No.16242315 [DELETED] 

I don't think the time is the issue, but how it would happen.

>> No.16242319 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure that you understand what the graph shows.

>> No.16242320
File: 32 KB, 720x511, 27n074r2wvs51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are much more closely related to each other than they are to the rest of humanity. No-one claimed that they are "the same", just that they are related to each other. That's what umbrella terms like race refer to. A collection of similar but different ethnicities.
Japanese and Koreans more closely related to each other than either is to Aboriginal Australians.

>> No.16242942
File: 25 KB, 512x600, niZbrE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16243050

Man, what the hell happened to this site, half of the replies are braindead reddit memes.

>> No.16243053

why do you feel entitled to receive good content when you provide none of your own?

>> No.16243126
File: 254 KB, 900x806, 93b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't explain how he lost his job / became homeless.

>> No.16243241

He got too old. It's a classic example of how the eldery workforce is being discriminated against.
Of course he wasn't directly fired for being too old, he was most likely told his production efficiency was below the company average.
Never be loyal to a company, kids. They exist to exploit, not to support.

>> No.16243336


>> No.16243374

In real life, when your car runs out of gas on a highway, you have to walk to the nearest gas station and fill a little jug with gasoline and bring it back.
In the cartoon, it is not a car, but a different kind of vehicle, which breaks, down. However, there are no gas stations in the dinosaur age, so there is no point in him walking.

>> No.16243519

Legendary Gary Larson
Weak imitators

>> No.16243601
File: 42 KB, 626x644, discovery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16243673 [DELETED] 

I think the joke is an immitation of another joke the author didn't get, sonething like Level 1 - level 2 - level 3 - level 4.

>> No.16243768

White is only used above other identifiers in the US because white Americans don't want to admit that their niggers are as American as them.

>> No.16244302
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>> No.16244336
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>> No.16244417

I looked it up and NASA actually gets $25B / yr.
A household in America gives NASA $200 on average.

>> No.16244425
File: 327 KB, 1014x991, IMG_7264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found him

>> No.16244428

That guy made a classic mistake most guys lifting make.
You don't lift to gain attention from girls, you lift for yourself. To improve both your health and your spirit.

>> No.16244832
File: 82 KB, 1074x1124, greedy lazy soyentists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and nasa provides nothing of any value whatsoever in return

>> No.16245181
File: 227 KB, 719x801, 1718951480482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16245325

ok nigga but when you have 8 billion niggers who need their heckin big macs to go from doordash you have a metric shitton of cows and other livestock. in a normal, non-overpopulated world, this wouldnt be an issue. thank the industrial revolution. though if it really came to that id prefer to just eat plants instead of bugs honestly.

>> No.16245456

For just 17 dollars a month you can help YOUR country lead the world in space exploration!

>> No.16245481

Memory foam
Camera phones
Water filters
Scratch resistant glasses
Baby formula
The DustBuster
Wireless Headphones
Power tools
Home insulation
Smoke detectors
Cochlear implant
The technology in Nike airs
The fucking GPS
Solar panels
Better tires

Why are you such a lazy lying faggot?

>> No.16245487
File: 10 KB, 190x266, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16245511

gymslave cope

>> No.16245588

He said, feeling bad and tired all the time.

>> No.16245595
File: 111 KB, 1010x442, 1690904166293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16245656

gymslave projection kek
make sure to drink your caffeinated slop and human waste powder drinks , retard

>> No.16245659

What? Only retards eat processed food.
It's not that hard to cook healthy meals, anon.

>> No.16245806
File: 81 KB, 800x828, 1718985820681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16246098

Sorry, kikes. No amount of online dead internet bot propaganda will ever make people stop noticing.

>> No.16246187

banning shit and big government in general is not libertarian but authoritarian
are Americans buck broken by their parties shifting policies over the decades?
just because party A used to be libertarian in the past doesn't mean it still is libertarian

>> No.16246383

You put too much stock into Americans being able to think for themselves.

>> No.16246389
File: 416 KB, 463x599, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except nobody believes that Star Wars is real lol... nvm fuck me I guess

>> No.16246453

Humans evolved for survival, which generally means understanding reality somewhat, but they didn't evolve a truth-organ to sense falsehoods about complex mathematics or science

>> No.16246469

Depends on the claim being made and if you say it's a guess or if it's based off something.

>> No.16246491

this right here is fucking concise

>> No.16247704
File: 302 KB, 1147x1286, global warming? .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16247765

Global warming and climate change are both separate things, both are having an effect

>> No.16248482

Don't bother. These people never paid attention in geography class and thus do not understand that temperature is heavily dependent on wind/water currents and that climate impacts how they flow.

>> No.16249690
File: 250 KB, 1088x1181, hjUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16249814


but who do our taxes go towards?

>> No.16249911

obviously the taxes are keeping the disasters at bay!

>> No.16249959

We better stop that climate change huh

>> No.16249963

>Communism is the only thing that can avert global catastrophe
Um, based?

>> No.16250117
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>> No.16250569
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>> No.16250578

I think the joke of the first one is that he could use the clock on he wall to know when his food is ready, eg 1 min, but instead he just stares and waits for the ready light to turn on.
I'm not really sure though.

>> No.16250611

Ok Bill

>> No.16250674

>I learned everything I know about science from goyslop high school science class

>> No.16250724

>the enire thread is poltard Facebook memes
The absolute state

>> No.16250831

>i am a huge faggot and love to suck at least two different cocks every day
Not sure how that's relevant to the topic at hand, but good for you, anon.

>> No.16250906

go look up how many neurons there are in your gut

>> No.16250910

bit rude desu

>> No.16250911

wait i just saw the guy's profile picture, robot is 100% justified

>> No.16250914
File: 207 KB, 799x449, 1693169966608319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a theory that is supported by any future outcome, remarkable

>> No.16250916

science can't explain this

>> No.16250921

they killed a dozen freemasons

>> No.16251072

Retard of the year. Responding to you with anything more than ridicule would be inappropriate.

>> No.16251208

>i have no argument but i must respond because this post challenged my worldview and that made me anrgy

>> No.16251218
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>> No.16252063

I fail to see what this has to do with a truth-organ.

>> No.16252122
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>> No.16252144
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>> No.16252151
File: 627 KB, 900x600, D7scLAdW0AALRoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they publish nearly all the history books, the use their massive media monopoly to deride the few they don't publish as "crazy conspiracy theories published by evil nazis", so most history books would inspire the opposite reaction from them because they know its spinning their false narratives. thats why le happy merchant would be a more appropriate image

>> No.16252581
File: 326 KB, 447x381, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good-looking body is still better than an ugly body. The guy on the right, despite of still being uglier than the guy on the left, did the best he could and improved his chances. And that's all he had to do.

>> No.16253123
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>> No.16253169
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how about something actually fuccu and /sci/related you /pol/btained pleb

>> No.16253175
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>> No.16253212
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>> No.16253808

That is a good ass pic

>> No.16253944

this but unironically

>> No.16254053

>Being unironically too stupid to know the dots are individual samples.

>> No.16254058

You forgot to include NASA's patent numbers for all these so we can see if they were really first.
I'm sure it was an accident and you weren't deliberately trying to mislead readers with a false claim, right?
I think you might find that water filters, power tools, and home insulation predate the existence of NASA.

>> No.16254300

Anon, what is significance of a sample range with a maximum distance of 2% and an exclusive sample rate with a maximum distance of 0.1%?

>> No.16254463

The joke is that a lot of online media outlets like Buzzfeed, Salon, Jezebel, Gawker etc have folded or dramatically downsized very suddenly at different points in time and left their basedjak-resembling writers out of work. I assume the cartoon was made to quote-tweet an announcement of this kind on X (formerly Twitter). Source: I am a Nazi.

>> No.16254593

Nazis don't exist anymore.

>> No.16254602

Do people unironically spout vaccine conspiracy in 2024?

>> No.16254609


>> No.16254613

So the girl is arguing based on demonstrable facts and the retard is changing the subject because it's inconvenient for him?

>> No.16254623

I don't understand how people sink so low they actually think they can dismiss reality by posting a basedjak.

>> No.16255251

there's probably a few of them still around, in their 90s-100s

>> No.16255274

>oy vey da nazis are out to get me!!!

>> No.16255277

i'm not saying i'm scared of them or anything, in fact i'd like to meet them if i could. they probably have some interesting things to say.

>> No.16255292
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cute nazi grandma

>> No.16255320

nazi was just an insult used by the jewish press, it means bumpkin

>> No.16255352
File: 529 KB, 460x575, haQw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16256001

I dont get it, please explain

>> No.16256014


>> No.16256058

This, but not sarcastic

>> No.16256831
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>> No.16257207

>Those people died exactly because they didn't trust the experts who kept telling them that the sub wasn't fit for such conditions and wasn't safe.
Exactly, that's the point.

>> No.16257226

"White" is literally just synonim of "caucasian"

>> No.16257408

Caucasian people do not exclusively have a white skin color, as the creators of the term only paid attention to skeletal anatomy.
You'd think we'd be able to classify people based on genetic distance with the technology we've since then developed, but it seems our society would rather see race as a social construct, as reality goes against the ideology of equality.

>> No.16257423

Fat american wants waffles and gasoline

>> No.16257871
File: 89 KB, 720x1092, 7t6Xd9aLYZrE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]