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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16205745 No.16205745 [Reply] [Original]

Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic

Turns out liberals are the real authoritarians.

A political-science journal that published an oft-cited study claiming conservatives were more likely to show traits associated with “psychoticism” now says it got it wrong. Very wrong.

The American Journal of Political Science published a correction this year saying that the 2012 paper has “an error” — and that liberal political beliefs, not conservative ones, are actually linked to psychoticism.

“The interpretation of the coding of the political attitude items in the descriptive and preliminary analyses portion of the manuscript was exactly reversed,” the journal said in the startling correction.

“The descriptive analyses report that those higher in Eysenck’s psychoticism are more conservative, but they are actually more liberal; and where the original manuscript reports those higher in neuroticism and social desirability are more liberal, they are, in fact, more conservative.”

In the paper, psychoticism is associated with traits such as tough-mindedness, risk-taking, sensation-seeking, impulsivity and authoritarianism.

>> No.16205746
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The social-desirability scale measures people’s tendency to answer questions in ways they believe would please researchers, even if it means overestimating their positive characteristics and underestimating negative ones.

The erroneous report has been cited 45 times, according to Thomson Reuters Web of Science.

Brad Verhulst, a Virginia Commonwealth University researcher and a co-author of the paper, said he was not sure who was to blame.

“I don’t know where it happened. All I know is it happened,” he told Retraction Watch, a blog that tracks corrections in academic papers. “It’s our fault for not figuring it out before.”

The journal said the error doesn’t change the main conclusions of the paper, which found that “personality traits do not cause people to develop political attitudes.”

But professor Steven Ludeke of the University of Southern Denmark, who pointed out the errors, told Retraction Watch that they “matter quite a lot.”

“The erroneous results represented some of the larger correlations between personality and politics ever reported; they were reported and interpreted, repeatedly, in the wrong direction,” he said.

>> No.16205778

>the liberals are the real racists
>the liberals are the real risk takers
>the liberals are the real tough-minds
>the liberals are the real authoritarians
Lmao. Either a cuckservative designed this thinking these things are le bad or it is reverse psychology to make you guys seem based.

>> No.16205869

>paper aligns with my political views
wtf, science is good now
>paper does not align with my political views
wtf, i hate science now

Why are people like this?

>> No.16205902
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>> No.16205905

It can be summed up very succinctly. Shitlibs project because they are mentally ill

>> No.16205910

Gee, I wonder how such a "mistake" could happen. Surely no one was motivated to incorrectly present the data as the complete opposite of what it really was. Peer review would have caught such an error.

>> No.16206298

>believing soience

>> No.16206914

just because you're like that doesn't mean everyone is

>> No.16207062

>oft-cited study
>got it wrong.
>cited 45 times

so presumably all of those 45 papers that cited it now need to be retracted

>> No.16207075

both are insane. find sollice in the truth of sgt braphog.

>> No.16207086

>soience has changed

>> No.16207098
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>the liberals are the real authoritarians

>Putin is evil for convicting his main political rival for corruption in a sham trial to prevent him from running and letting him die in prison
>Biden is...

>> No.16207119

Good pic

>> No.16207129
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>MSNBC would have told me if we were the bad guys.
>Now I need to go murder some babies, use some fentanyl, and sexualize some little kids.
I wonder if there's some way to tell whether someone is on satan's side.

>> No.16207153


>we're the Right Side of History (tm)

>> No.16207278
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>> No.16208113

this is actually true.

>> No.16208514

>"greater liberalism [left-wing thinking] was associated with increased gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex." This part of the brain is associated with empathy. So, maybe this research proves that those on the left are more empathetic.."

I'll take empathy, thanks

>> No.16208518

>where the original manuscript reports those higher in neuroticism and social desirability are more liberal, they are, in fact, more conservative.”

>> No.16208522
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>so presumably all of those 45 papers that cited it now need to be retracted

>> No.16208548


conservatives = neurotic*, and higher social desirability (the tendency for individuals to present themselves favorably to others by overreporting positive behaviors and underreporting negative ones. Insecure, basically)

left wing = psychotic, tough-minded, risk-takers, sensation seekers, impulsive, and authoritarian

flip a coin, lol

*where are the neurotic traits? interesting

>> No.16208579

>the tendency for individuals to present themselves favorably to others by overreporting positive behaviors and underreporting negative ones. Insecure, basically
You're not "insecure" if you talk about your career instead of your daki collection on first dates.

>> No.16208700


>> No.16209033

>I'll take empathy, thanks
Same here! Now let's go abort some more babies!

>> No.16209272
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>I'll take empathy, thanks

>> No.16209827

What does psychotic/neurotic dichotomy even mean here? You know it’s always flawed. The nazis joining the police force to shoot blacks are not liberals.

>> No.16210536

Conservative in the US means being pro-gay marriage but not for trans kids

>> No.16210648

Lol how many pseuds based their entire worldview on the idea that liberals are neurotic people pleasers and now it turns out that's conservatives?

>> No.16210661
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>see? the bullies were wrong about me! take that DAD!

>> No.16211110

What funny about that is that their childhood anti-authoritarianism always miraculously fades away as soon as they get to be in any position of authority.

>> No.16211218

The bullies were wrong about themselves, lad

>> No.16212557

thats what lack of internal consistency does to a fella

>> No.16217305
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>> No.16217716
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>> No.16218115

it's true
psychotics are usually low IQ and easy to manipulate same is true for conformist serf cucks like conservatives
two party system is just the system of loonies and cucks
Normal human beings especially those with high intelligent take no part in such foolery

>> No.16218995

>their childhood anti-authoritarianism always miraculously fades away as soon as they get to be in any position of authority.
Thats also when they lose their illusions about how much better they'd be at running the show than the older, wiser people they spent their youths envying

>> No.16218997

Liberals are psychotic, conservatives are just retarded.

>> No.16220927
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>> No.16222171

You'll find that all atheists are like that

>> No.16222181

>Now let's go abort some more babies!
Ditto! I feel empathy for those born, not the unconscious.
hey, this is /pol/ material, so let's not keep going.

>> No.16222187


>> No.16223545

Um... Yeah. Of fucking course this will be seen in progressive circles, because they are opposing the established symbolic order and therefore require more "psychotic" traits to do so. I don't understand what's truly subversive about this point, all it tells you is that social deviation is required for progress; and that can usually be seen as closer to psychotic traits. It doesn't mean that said progress is le bad for humanity, it's just a simple disconnect from conservatism. Don't let your political bias change this into "lock liberals in a psych ward".

>> No.16223555

>All it tells you is that social deviation is required for progress
Adding on that this is an extremely obvious point from human organization conflicts in history as well. People already knew this shit for years and my point is that the essence of this sort of conclusion isn't new.

>> No.16224463

I could've told you this. Every woman I've met with blue or even hardcore blue beliefs has been absolutely neurotic.

>> No.16224576

>Turns out liberals are the real authoritarians.
Something something accusation something confession.

>> No.16226058
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>they are opposing the established symbolic order

>> No.16226167


>> No.16226258


>"conservatives have larger amygdalas"

>> No.16227621

>go to liberal neighborhood in blackface
>commits epic crimes
>nobody calls the police

>> No.16228769
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>the world would be just perfect if I was in charge!!
>I'd fix everything
>then everyone would be so happy they'd all end up worshipping me like a god

>> No.16229070

researchers are still trying to find out why "breaking" was in quotation marks to this day

but yeah leftists are insane just try talking to one

>> No.16229859

>just try talking to one
no thanks, I'd rather just take your word for it

>> No.16229893
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>these were the traits necessary to assert power

>> No.16229897


>> No.16229901
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>alex jones calling the democrats the real nazis was 4D chess genius that was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.16229902
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The least neurotic women I have met were black.

>> No.16229904

Science confirms I am right!

Also related fake liberal soience deboonked!!!!!!

>> No.16229905

>go on /his/
>/pol/ lite
>go on /sci/
>/pol/ lite
So sad.
Believe it or not it wasn't always this way. I was here when these boards were made and for a while they were actually browsed by people who knew what they were talking about. The discussions were legitimately interesting and educational. But over time they got pushed out by /pol/tards, like almost every other board on this shithole. You fuckers are locusts, you destroy everything you touch, and then you act like it's always been like that.

>> No.16229906
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>> No.16229907
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This but unironically

>> No.16229908

Isn't this just "looking up" and "looking down"

>> No.16229912

>augustus was the last caesar before tiberius, the caesar incumbent during the alleged lifespan of Christ
Moschiac is just a Jewish Caesar

>> No.16229914

No it has to do with waterfalls, bruce lee, and giant evil tapeworm butt monsters from ancient egypt and...

Let the hype live, Anon. Yang ying Jesus

>> No.16229943
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This but ironically and poisoned in irony and financially subdued in endless irony poison pills keikakus all the way down

>> No.16229967

>the people demanding higher taxes and more laws were the authoritarians, not the people wanting the establishment to fuck off and stop interfering with them

No shit OP.

>> No.16229971

>they are opposing the established symbolic order

>> No.16230926

>they are opposing the established symbolic order
by parroting everything they learn in their establishment schools or see in the establishment media

>> No.16231053

Everything is political is what I heard in uni. One must then conclude science is political, as it is included in the set of everything.

>> No.16231392

Yeah. Unfortunate.

>> No.16232882

>Science links liberal beliefs to psychotic traits

>> No.16233687

lmao. That's the only trick you faggots can manage, parroting like a mindless bird. /sci/ is dead.

>> No.16234836
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>> No.16234858
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>> No.16235374

You needed a tweet to figure that out? Are you autistic by any chance?
Also, like I said -- parroting like a mindless bird. lmao.

>> No.16236661
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>> No.16237492

This is another case of science "discovering" what everyone else already knew decades ago

>> No.16238317

>science proves that water is wet
that was worth a trillion dollar research program

>> No.16238685


>> No.16238723
File: 3.79 MB, 3300x8900, science1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see also -
leftists attacking science pushing their DEI bs

>> No.16238727
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see also -
leftists overrunning USA education

>> No.16239850

whats changed significantly since then?
do you have more recent science to show us that supersedes whats in OP

>> No.16240674
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>Science links liberal beliefs to psychotic traits
Well, science links republicans to emotional irrationality

>> No.16241576
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>> No.16241664

Isn't this obvious? Conservatives are normal people with families. Liberals are degenerates. It's obvious that liberals have something wrong with them from their behaviour. A well functioning mental state should lead to functional families and societies.

>> No.16241671

That explains all their rhetoric about how evil the traditional family is and how it needs to be eliminated.
They hate what other people can achieve, but they cannot because other people's achievements highlight their own failures.

>> No.16241694

>typing the letters "LMAO" is all that's needed to declare someone a narcissist.
it is unethical for a mental health professional to presume to diagnose someone he has never met nor interacted with in a clinical setting.

>> No.16243062

You wouldn't be so emotionally triggered by >>16234836 if you didn't feel there wast some truth to it

>> No.16243730
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>> No.16245143
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>> No.16245150

I am faster than science when it comes to these things

>> No.16245392

where did you find that world free of religion, dumbass?

>> No.16245393

>go to read-it
>everything is fine
>stay there

>> No.16246933

>/sci/ is dead
>I hate /sci/
why are you here?
certainly its not to participate as a good contributor

>> No.16248185
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4chan has a posting guide
but nobody ever abides by it or even looks at it and it isn't enforced

>> No.16248453

Its because nothing was literally broken, as the doors were unlocked, but the action still fits the euphemism "breaking in" since he was trying to steal things within the car.

>> No.16249757

they're always just looking for an excuse to be angry and demanding like a crying baby.
if you've raised children then you know how to deal with those kind of people, they need to eventually be taught to grow up and behave like adults.

>> No.16249826

Why are you pretending like you understand that figure?

>> No.16250261
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Really, it’s just neuroses of different types.
The political compass should be turned on its side to become a diamond shape. The top being libertarian ideals, and as it descends you become more authoritarian and insane.
Libshits are entitled womtards that expect gibs, auth-right are piss-ants that wanna swing their dick around, and tankies are just deranged.

>> No.16250331
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>> No.16250495

Leftist only have empathy for abstract collections divorced from themselves. The further you go out the more they care. A conservative will put priority on those closer to them, more care about their family and their country, while a leftist puts priority on the world and the universe. This might sound sweet and caring but if leads to insane self destructive behavior.

>> No.16250742

>muh forced 'the real' meme
You just are racists and authoritarians. No stretch needed.

>> No.16250744

It's a narcissistic, hurtful and destructive "empathy" that you have there.

>> No.16250836

It's not irrational to reject any environmental proposal by Democrats since they're always just hollow words dress to be pleasantries that do absolutely nothing at best to help or actively end up creating the opposite effects at the worst.
If you actually care about the environment your highest priority is shutting down any garbage being pushed by evangelical "environmentalists".

>> No.16250843

Your God isn't real and evolution is true. Cope about it

>> No.16250860

It's the opposite. Tell a conservative the truth that his ancestors were monkeys and before that fish etc. And he has a mental breakdown

>> No.16250867

>the only reason you'd get angry at someone lying is if you actually think the lie is true
You are unintelligent

>> No.16252164


>> No.16252473
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Go back

>> No.16253046

>makes a political posts shitting on liberals
>gets called out that it's projection
>tells the anon to go /pol/ despite making pol posts himself
Creationism is false and evolution has been proven. Your ancestors were monkeys

>> No.16254359

proven is an adjective, proved is a verb. monkeys are far more intelligent than you ancestors

>> No.16254362

Proven is correct in this case, the verb is has.

>> No.16254721

It's "has been proven" not "has been proved" you moron. You can't speak English.
Evolution is true and creationism is false. Your ancestors were monkeys

>> No.16254763

Where is the proof for evolution? Who did it? Where was it published?

>> No.16256158

You should get yourself a copy of Strunk & White and study it

>> No.16256732

Evolution has been proven and your god isn't real.