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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16204362 No.16204362 [Reply] [Original]

pray they don't die edition

previous >>16201928

>> No.16204366

>You're bleeding, but not as bad!
Imagine if this was your doctor.

>> No.16204371
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very funny but you're early

>> No.16204376

really? a page 8 stage. I wouldn't have even blinked if you made a launch thread, but a new sfg?

>> No.16204382

yeah, he should delete this and make a launch thread instead

>> No.16204388
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>> No.16204415

OP is a dumb fag

>> No.16204441

Reminder to report for spamming/flooding and to submit moderation feedback about the /sci/ tranitor not doing what hes paid to.

>> No.16204443
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>gets scammed

>> No.16204472

I'd still fly starliner over spacex, get fucked, spacex shills

>> No.16204473

Everyone from the future welcome to the thread about the Starliner disaster

>> No.16204474

With what hardware? What agency is going to end up paying for that?

>> No.16204482

>9 successful cargo missions
>12 successful crew missions
>46 people sent to orbit
and you'd rather fly with the company run by accountants

>> No.16204483

Nice try Elon, hows Shit ship going, Mars by 2019 am I right

>> No.16204488

still no Mars

>> No.16204498

Can we get a sticky?

>> No.16204501
File: 46 KB, 768x402, Starlinernauts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Boeing or SpaceX kills some of NASA's astronauts, are they responsible for compensating NASA for the training costs?

>> No.16204504

damn those suits make them look like tweedledee and tweedledum

>> No.16204510


>> No.16204521

small indie aerospace company, only can launch wee little people, pls understand

>> No.16204540


>> No.16204541

>spacecraft isn't spacex
>rocket isn't spacex
Fucking based

I hate Melon Husk so much it's unreal

>> No.16204550

You drink too much onions today dude? Having a little basedlant overload are we?

>> No.16204560

where is the starliner going tho

>> No.16204563

He's an idiot who treats his workers terribly

He's despicable

>> No.16204566

If this was a Falcon 9 there wouldn't be a hold rn lmfaooo

>> No.16204567


>> No.16204571

This is a Boeing? RIP the crew

>> No.16204572

>doesn't go to space
go figure

>> No.16204574

which workers exactly

>> No.16204578

Don't worry. They'll be fine.
They're not going anywhere after all.

>> No.16204579

Owari da...

>> No.16204584
File: 16 KB, 474x315, Boeing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's Boeing, I ain't going.

>> No.16204587

It'll get there

Twitter workers for example

>> No.16204590

Airbus would have made it to the ISS by now

>> No.16204592

it's cloudy so I can't see it from my window :(

>> No.16204596

at least spacex 's rockets can leave the launchpad lmao

>> No.16204603


>> No.16204605

Scrubliner or Failliner?

>> No.16204607


>> No.16204608

politics and bribes

>> No.16204609

You mean the thousands of HR roasties who sat around and did nothing all day that elon purged and got the staff down to pretty much a single room of guys and the entire site was running fine?
those poor workers? lmfaooo

>> No.16204610

How is Boeing not bankrupt by now?

>> No.16204615

Too big to fail.

>> No.16204616

why is the crew arm moving back to the capsule

>> No.16204617

SpaceX is run by a foreigner Chud. Boeing is a patriotic American company.

>> No.16204618

they are legally obligated to use boeing 5 times

>> No.16204619

It's Over.

>> No.16204622

its over if you haven't heard....

>> No.16204624

Show's over everyone go home

>> No.16204626


>> No.16204627

Because it's Boeing and noone's going.

>> No.16204628


>> No.16204631

LOL, the door wasn't fully sealed.

>> No.16204632
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>> No.16204633

Does a scrub count as a usage?

>> No.16204635

It does look like a skinny dildo

>> No.16204637
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dude looks nervous as fuck. Honestly don't blame him

>> No.16204639

lol no.

>> No.16204641

Yes. That'll be $99 billion, plus tip.

>> No.16204643

I don't think so! Boeing was not expecting actual competition so I think at this point they're hoping Starliner gets cancelled and they aren't on the hook for anything

>> No.16204650


>> No.16204652

the absolute state

>> No.16204659


>> No.16204661

What do you mean "it's not understood" bruh does the computer just do things?

>> No.16204662

Indian coders strike again

>> No.16204665
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fucking embarrassing

>> No.16204668

ok it's over fair-weather /sci/ tourists, you can go back now

>> No.16204669


>> No.16204679

>+++Launch abort sirss.++++
>+++You did not the needful machine spirits sirs+++

>> No.16204682

Boeing, we don't want no scrubs.

>> No.16204688

Boeing will get there

>the entire site was running fine
Twitter had many problems after he fired tons of engineers. It's taken nearly a year for twitter.com to be changed to x.com.

>> No.16204690

Maybe tomorrow, maybe not


>> No.16204696

Are they still using jeet programmers after that disastrous test flight?

>> No.16204697

dreamchaser > starliner

>> No.16204709

Reminder that IFT-4 has been delayed to the 6th with the 7th as a backup date.

>> No.16204710

>Twitter had many problems after he fired tons of engineers
Good. The only true justice that could come to twitter is if its founders and employees were shot in a ditch and all their servers sold for scrap

>> No.16204714

Is there stats and reliable data on how indians fucked up the company ?
Also, why can't Boeing throw the towel at this point?
the dreamchaser is cute

>> No.16204722

back to the integration building

>> No.16204724
File: 205 KB, 1013x1108, Stinky Poo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boeing isn't known for giving up government money easily.

>> No.16204739

>the dreamchaser is cute
I hope Dreamchaser starts working launching with SpaceX

>> No.16204748

>jeet code kills hundreds in boing planes and delays space program a decade

India super power 2030

>> No.16204755

whats the record for number of scrubs before a manned launch?

>> No.16204758

More like american greed and QC. They are outsourcing the most important things for a reason. Seriously Made in USA is becoming new Made in China.

>> No.16204763

friendly reminder that everything you see built was constructed by the lowest bidder at the cheapest possible cost with the most corners cut possible

>> No.16204781

In theory, yes. In reality MIC is full of collusion to make everyone fat off of government dollars.

>> No.16204783

I prayed and they didn't die.

>> No.16204784
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China stays winning

>> No.16204817
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>> No.16204818

Agenda free is covering it

>> No.16204845

>Agenda free
>Clearly has an agenda

>> No.16204846

Good to see conservative media spreading space enthusiam

>> No.16204866

Another reminder to anons that just got here this afternoon to report for spamming/flooding and to submit moderation feedback about the /sci/ tranitor not doing what hes paid to. We stage at page 10 and that will continue to happen with the other thread since this one was page 8.

>> No.16204868


>> No.16204869

>this afternoon
German autist detected

>> No.16204873

Not necessarily. Could be an east coast fag.

>> No.16204874

>the /sci/ tranitor not doing what hes paid to

>> No.16204881

The crew will live for another day.

>> No.16204888

What's the worst-case scenario for Starliner?

>Launches and has a failure mid-flight
>Escape capsule detaches while rocket blows up
>Crew's necks got broken from the g-forces of the escape capsule detaching
>Capsule lands in the ocean and fails to float

>> No.16204890

I just woke up, did Boeing finally BTFO spaceX's trash launcher?

>> No.16204891

>try to see exactly what went wr... uhhh what happened with the ground launch sequencer today

>> No.16204892

what do you honestly think

>> No.16204893
File: 466 KB, 1138x632, starliner jumpscare.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16204894

probably rapid depressurization in orbit while connected to the ISS, or with crew during its coast
or, some hilarious issue where its reaction control activates randomly connected to ISS, and sends it on another uncontrolled spin

>> No.16204896
File: 364 KB, 667x375, Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 14-38-24 (68) Boeing Starliner launch called off just before liftoff after besieged spacecraft sprang a leak - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it is now flying to the Moon at warp speed.

>> No.16204907
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>> No.16204910

Who else is praying for complete airframe loss with multiple fatalities to further destroy bo(dei)ng and NASA's reputations?

>> No.16204911

I want Boeing to get what it has coming for it, but I don't want innocent people to die for that. Yes, I understand that these wishes might be incompatible.

>> No.16204912

I do not pray for the deaths of the astronauts, and I do not want american spaceflight to suffer.
if boeing needs to be punished the punishment should be multiple flight failures leading to an early abort but the crew makes it out alive

>> No.16204916

Speaking of that, it's amazing that Russia didn't kill any astronaut recently

>> No.16204920
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I value Clear's happiness above all else. Starliner can delay, Boeing can face consequences (eventually), more scrubs may occur, but I still hope for a successful launch.

>> No.16204922

But why are they sending Baba Yaga to ISS?

>> No.16204923
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least parasocial vtuber fan
>me btw

>> No.16204996

>now targeting June 6
Hope it gets pushed to the 8th. I'm sorry, but I don't have any PTO left and I need to see this.

>> No.16205007

just watch it at work?

>> No.16205009

>cant build a working plane
>anyone that exposes you gets whack'd
>scrubs all your space launches
>gets government money either ways
>stonk just goes up cause fuck it

Is boeing the most comfy place to work at? For real it must be comfy as hell to work for boeing. Where is the paid shill position? I'd like to apply.

>> No.16205017

it's not as comfy as you think anon, the guilt from the product you're pushing out the door can be fucking soul-crushing. The salary does help blunt that a bit though

>> No.16205019

It's only comfy if you are a big wig, everyone else has people above them screaming at them to cut costs. Pretty sure they don't pay shills either judging by comment sections.

>ywn order a corporate hitman to poison a whistleblower with ricin and pay the press to write it off as an accident

Why even live

>> No.16205020

Nightshift. I'm asleep during the launches.

>> No.16205024

Just set an alarm nigger fuck

>> No.16205033

The reasons are a little complicated for this thread but Boeing might be toast within the decade. Look up Jack Welch, GE, and the current CEO Dave Calhoun who is stepping down later this year. You can squeeze the machine for the line to go up, but eventually the machine just stops working and no amount of intervention can change it. If I was involved with them whatsoever I would immediately figure something else out

>> No.16205034

I remember back in 2020 or 2021 I had to go to the doctor and "missed" the starliner scrub. They still haven't managed to launch this thing.
Look at how much spacex accomplished in the meantime.

>> No.16205037

Uh, no. Once I'm awake I stay awake, and I can't have that, as I need by full beauty sleep. Sorry, but everyone's schedule has to revolve around my convenience. :)

>> No.16205042
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>> No.16205045

He isn't lying, that was the goal. SpaceX sets unreasonable timelines, that's why they're ahead of everyone else

>> No.16205048

Ok miss the launch then

>> No.16205049

Imagine how big of a solar sail you could get into space with starship.
1% light speed could be within reach.

>> No.16205053

Use gravity assists too.

>> No.16205054

Forget a solar sail, the Starship fleet as planned could be like 2,000,000 tons to LEO per year. Imagine the propulsion systems you can build and test in space

>> No.16205056
File: 429 KB, 603x655, space lasers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've all dream of it, but Musk is throwing out ideas now

>> No.16205060
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shit all the big dogs in this world are pretty bad. Being a sci nerd gets you nowhere in this upside down world.

I'm sure they can squeeze the machine more for decades to come.
They're still doing well despite selling out to china. Whats stopping boeing from having china build 737s and these no launch rockets. Imagine the profit margin on temu shipped commercial planes.

>> No.16205065

>jewish space lasers will be a real thing in your lifetime
it's a strange feel

>> No.16205070
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> reasons are a little complicated
what are you implying

>> No.16205073

/sfg/ is one of the most autistic places on 4chan and several of us have industry experience. Please do go into detail.

>> No.16205077
File: 22 KB, 482x270, 00686eaKgy1hq7uo1l85tj30u00gtdis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China's new 500t multifuel double test stand

>> No.16205089

But... who will buy ULA then... what about Vulcan-chan

>> No.16205095

Boeing being hard up for cash is the reason that ULA is even been considered for sale in the first place. At this point it looks like the buyer will either be Blue Origin or some MIC-minded venture capital cancer.

>> No.16205103

This is /sfg/ and not /biz/ is all
It doesn't matter how good your engineers are if your company is run by overpaid accountants. The leadership has been focused on maximizing shareholder value quarter by quarter, which means there is no long-term planning at all. Internally they scramble to move the right numbers around at the end of every quarter without caring that it'll negatively effect even the next one. It's a $100bil ship being steered by people who literally are not thinking beyond August right now. They will sell a vital part of their business to make a quarter look better, like cutting off your own finger because you got hungry. This strategy works with some businesses well enough, but you can't trick an excel spreadsheet into making an airplane stay in the sky.
Starliner is a good example of their business practices. If SpaceX didn't exist NASA would've been forced to keep funneling them money, paying them more for delaying. Obviously this did not go as planned for them, and the money they made already is all they're getting. Now Starliner will never fly, because putting adequate resources towards it would hurt their quarter.

>> No.16205104
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China needs to take things up a notch from here if they intend to launch 100 times this year.

A new launch complex will open and a bunch of new model rockets are supposed to enter "high density launch mode" in H2; perhaps that will let them hit 100.

>> No.16205110

Scrubliner gonna scrub

>> No.16205111

hasn't that been the case for boeing for a few decades now? Run by MBAs and not engineers which means they can squeeze a bit more money out of the current lineup of products but on the long term (which is now) problems start to crop up everywhere

>> No.16205112
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>> No.16205114

In one xeet, elon confirms they are already deploying utility scale space based solar with directed beam lasers that can kill drones with precision. starshield was just launched weeks before the hawaii fire. infrared lasers. that's why they leave all blue colored homes

>> No.16205119

Meds now

>> No.16205120

Yes, but it works for a few decades. Eventually everything starts to collapse and there's no financial instrument that can stop it, because the problem isn't with the spreadsheets anymore, you just don't have a functional business. All the actual material was gutted for the share price. There are some signs of that happening.

>> No.16205121

you some kind of newfag? this has been /sfg/ common knowledge for ages

>> No.16205125

eyes wide shut but ok
i've never seen it, but the dots are all connected now

>> No.16205127

>The leadership has been focused on maximizing shareholder value quarter by quarter, which means there is no long-term planning at all. Internally they scramble to move the right numbers around at the end of every quarter without caring that it'll negatively effect even the next one.
not unlike soviet plant managers scrambling to meet production quotas at the end of the month.

>> No.16205130

Nah they churn out the older (more expensive) engineers

>> No.16205133

Anduril's drones that smash into other drones seems more viable desu

>> No.16205140

It is extremely bizarre that the free market lead to the same problems. The harvard business school just destroys companies. Boeing in particular is so far from the free market at this point that you could probably find a few soviet comparisons

>> No.16205142

It is, if we're strictly speaking drones. Musk is just playing with the grander concept of the popular space lasers destroying weapons concept

>> No.16205144

>yell cringey corny patriotic speech
>countdown hold not few seconds later

still the funniest part of the whole thing

>> No.16205146

The stories aren't the whole picture. Its A perspective, but thats it.

>> No.16205147

>go ULA, go Boeing, go NASA, this is a great day to be Americ- ACK!

>> No.16205156

That's a cool name for a defence contractor, also would be cool to see what collaborative AI drones could do on a big enough probe

>> No.16205161

>That's a cool name for a defence contractor

It's not, Tolkien is shitting in his grave that they are stealing his IP to make autonomous murder weapons.

>> No.16205164

Yeah its like way to miss the point, but I guess they're more inspired by the LOTR films than the books/author so w/e

>> No.16205169
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So wenhop?

>> No.16205173

I have no problem with launch holds when they actually fix the issue. Like if this is really just a bad ground computer then fix it and be done. Great, the system did what it should! Annoys me when the ignore or don't fix a problem like the helium leak. What's the point with all this fancy modern equipment and sensors if you don't use them?

>> No.16205182
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>> No.16205185
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>> No.16205186

Corpo speak for they have no idea what the problem is

>> No.16205187

"We can't find our asses if we use both hands" is how I read it, but much to the same effect.

>> No.16205188

belongs in the tranny thread

>> No.16205197

yep, Boeing is fucked

>> No.16205201
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Get well soon CSS!

>> No.16205206

>the studio
lmao this nigger really be trying to convince people he mattters so much he has a studio for his schizobabble

>> No.16205207
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>> No.16205213

He does look allot like Pol doesnt he.

>> No.16205215

Also this is wrong they didnt even kill Pol Pot, he lived his entire natural life out until the late 90s when he died sleeping in his home. Never punished other than being ousted from power, he walked free. I wonder if Mars or some other colony will have a similar bloody revolution at some point.

>> No.16205219

Why does elon look kinda asian?

>> No.16205220
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>> No.16205222
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artificial biospheres can't take many bullets or bombs so neuralink hiveminds will win out

>> No.16205224

And always refers to hismelf as 'we' to give the illusion that it's a team and not one dunning kruger clown

>> No.16205227

why are they suddenly so worried about le heat tiles at spacex? we were told from the man himself that stainless steel was good enough

>> No.16205229

>starship and cst100 launchon the same day
>starship goes perfectly and atlas explodes
like pottery.

>> No.16205232

>I wonder if Mars or some other colony will have a similar bloody revolution at some point.
I doubt the conditions will be there for a millennium. For the first century everyone will be living in the same big machine, so I think Elon might be on to something with regard to a digital direct democracy

>> No.16205235

that would be so fucking funny
though you would have two dead astronauts so kind of sad too

>> No.16205236
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blessing in disguise for these retards desu
there was a 4/5 chance they would have been incinerated in reentry anyway
or even a rapid decompression while they were all sleeping on the way to Luna where they would all be sucked out into space

>> No.16205238

because it has started to be relevant now

>> No.16205249

so long as the crew escape system works they would be fine, but poor tory defintely would not be

>> No.16205252
File: 45 KB, 613x403, Integrated Space Transportation Plan before the Presidential Vision announcement of January 14, 2004 Rogacki, 2003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there suicide pills on board space capsules to avoid the many possible horrible deaths?

>> No.16205259

vacuum exposure will knock you out in seconds so what would be the point? you can always just open the door

>> No.16205265
File: 75 KB, 745x703, blimp space shuttles a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that not making a Shuttle-C HLV was a yuuuge false economy. It could have kept flying even if STS was grounded for safety.

>> No.16205269

Chang'e is landing in less than 2 hours guys!!! Chinabros this is our time!!

>> No.16205288
File: 511 KB, 653x653, 348293405_744777210983974_8561989788248446025_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl hearing him yelling "yay elon go go spacex i hecken luv starship"
and then 3 seconds later at max-q
would have been pure kino

>> No.16205302
File: 15 KB, 445x250, Nasansc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what missions would shuttle-c have been useful for though? chandra/magellan/galileo could've all been done by titan iv. ISS modules had already been designed to fly on shuttle and proton so the idea that you could put the entire station into orbit with 3 launches is just a zubrin fantasy.

>> No.16205315

While the west continues to decline, China lands on the Moon
>#Chang'e 6 will start back-of-the-month sampling# [#Chang'e 6 successfully landed#] This reporter was informed by the National Space Administration (NSA) that, on 2 June, the Chang'e 6 lander-ascender combination, with the support of the Magpie Bridge 2 Relay Star, successfully touched down in the pre-selected landing zone of the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the backside of the Moon. Afterwards, the lander will carry out status checks and setups such as solar wing and directional antenna deployment under ground control via the Magpie Bridge 2 relay star, and formally start the back-of-the-moon sampling work that will last for about two days. #Chang'e 6 landing on the back of the moon# (Reporter: Song Chen Wen Jinghua)


>> No.16205316

1 hour until Chang'e-6 lands or crashes on the dark side of the moon.

>> No.16205318

Bigger modules. D*pot construction, or actually just using Shuttle-C + ET AS the d*pot. Lunar landers+tugs. Fission reactors.

>> No.16205322
File: 79 KB, 763x571, Space Station skylab vs ISS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ISS modules had already been designed to fly on shuttle and proton
If you started Shuttle-C in the late 80s this wouldn't have been true though and small module stations are another false economy anyway. I don't think many would have been built but when people got sick of tooling around in LEO and wanted to do manned deep space again then you'd at least have Shuttle-C to work with instead of starting from scratch which has been very costly

>> No.16205323

its badfor the task but it could have been used to transfer cryogenic third stages to orbit, since shuttle was never allowed to do that due to being manned

>> No.16205329

Centaur-G was only canceled because of Challenger.

>> No.16205334

Could a falcon 9 push the ISS to a lagrange point to sit there as a I guess space musuem? Would it need a starship?

>> No.16205336

TheLaunchPad fucking sucks.

>> No.16205340

you could do a graveyard orbit with something launched on f9. lagrange points are completely out of the question.

>> No.16205345
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>> No.16205346

the iss deserves to die, we wasted an entire generation of engineers, scientists and astronauts on that hunk of junk.

>> No.16205348

These chang’e succesful landings are becoming as routine as those F9 landings, yawn

>> No.16205349

But the science...

>> No.16205351
File: 20 KB, 704x474, Zubrin zero g paint urine a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yes, the science...

>> No.16205354

same science could have been done for 1/10 the price

>> No.16205356

So, after all those years of science on the ISS, what do we know about effects of gravity less than one g but greater then zero g?

>> No.16205358

I know, and it was cancelled because every shuttle was manned so they didnt want it to explode again

>> No.16205361

Or long term spin gravity

>> No.16205374

So uh... what were the results?

>> No.16205379

Smelly paint

>> No.16205381

>free market

>> No.16205386

where to watch change 6 lunar landing?

>> No.16205391
File: 44 KB, 400x601, a98299001f74831ea8c45c44941cae12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will spaceX handle tile re-waterproofing?
This was a big part of that ridiculous turnaround time on the shuttle Orbiter.

Iirc NASA tried spraying literal Scotchgard™ on the tiles after each flight but it reacted adversely with the tile adhesive.

>> No.16205393

Clear is watching CCTV

>> No.16205398

best waterproof is no waterproof. just put a big umbrella on the launch tower and quickly swing it away when the rocket takes off

>> No.16205401
File: 777 KB, 560x420, Animation_of_BepiColombo_trajectory.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget mercury visit soon, hopefully


>> No.16205402
File: 138 KB, 1334x750, Fm2j3XwaYAA6EbY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

important webm. please have a listen

>> No.16205405

am I the only one who's annoyed that spaceflight is always done with 20000 gravity assists over years instead of just going there.

>> No.16205408

No. But thats how it is in a non-Starship controlled world.

>> No.16205412

China must be embarrassed by their space industry if they go out of their way to obscure streams of its events

>> No.16205413

Going to mercury is excusable imo, it's difficult to travel there and to the sun

>> No.16205417


>> No.16205419

Was about to say that.
An excuse reusable rocket naysayers come up withis that the launch vehicle is a small raction of the cost of the satelite. Well surely your satelite can be cheaper if it doesnt have to survive half a decade before getting to its target?

>> No.16205421
File: 1.46 MB, 560x420, Animation_of_BepiColombo_trajectory_around_Mercury.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's neat

>> No.16205424

On the upside, at least things are going to be shiningly clean after all this repeated scrubbing

>> No.16205429

I bought a Tesla. I'm now a true musk sycophant. All I need now is a Nuke Mars t-shirt lololol

>> No.16205430

nah we should have had NTP decades ago.
It's a cool technical achievement but we should be doing much better by now in terms of speed

>> No.16205433
File: 109 KB, 1238x501, chad grav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16205434
File: 111 KB, 1489x883, F31zu7_XMAAmVbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. We could do so much better

>> No.16205435


>> No.16205436

>being bound to the tides

>> No.16205441

Flybys of Mercury are pretty easy. A C3 of 45km2/s2 will get you to Mercury on a direct trajectory. Falcon 9 can't get much useful payload to that C3 like that, but an H3-24 or Vulcan VC4 could loft a useful sized probe. The problem is that those easy direct trajectories have a flyby speed of something like 20km/s, so going into orbit around Mercury needs either a probe with a colossal propulsion system or some very elaborate flying.

>> No.16205442

What are they saying I don't speak either language

>> No.16205443

just use a very big parachute

>> No.16205445

NASA won't listen to my mercury lithobreaking proposals

>> No.16205446

What if we were to go to mercury during a solar event and used that to brake?

>> No.16205447

>Technicians from United Launch Alliance, builder of the Atlas V rocket, will begin troubleshooting the computer glitch at the launch pad Saturday evening, after draining propellant from the launch vehicle. Early indications suggest that a card in one of three computers governing the final minutes of the Atlas V's countdown didn't boot up as quickly as anticipated.
>“You can imagine a large rack that is a big computer where the functions of the computer as a controller are broken up separately into individual cards or printed wire circuit boards with their logic devices," said Tory Bruno, ULA's president and CEO. "They’re all standalone, but together it’s an integrated controller."
>The computers are located at the launch pad inside a shelter near the base of the Atlas V rocket at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. All three computers must be fully functioning in the final phase of the countdown to ensure triple redundancy. At the moment of liftoff, these computers control things like retracting umbilical lines and releasing bolts holding the rocket to its mobile launch platform.
>Two of the computers activated as the final countdown sequence began at T-minus 4 minutes. A single card in the third computer took about six more seconds to come online, although it did boot up eventually, Bruno said.
>"Two came up normally and the third one came up, but it was slow to come up, and that tripped a red line," he said

one of the three redundant computers controlling things like umbilical retraction booted up too slowly (took over 6s) which triggered the halt
the talk of cards makes it sound like these are some ancient as fuck computers?

>> No.16205448

>Saturday's aborted countdown was the latest in a string of delays for Boeing's Starliner program. The spacecraft's first crew test flight is running seven years behind the schedule Boeing announced when NASA awarded the company a $4.2 billion contract for the crew capsule in 2014. Put another way, Boeing has arrived at this moment nine years after the company originally said the spacecraft could be operational, when the program was first announced in 2010.

>> No.16205450

Mercury is interesting when it comes to solar sails. That's still a lot of speed to have to kill off with a very low thrust propulsion system, but the potential weight savings are interesting.

It's an Atlas V system, its got to be rocking the best computer technology that 1996 had to offer.

>> No.16205451


>> No.16205453

did the chinks succeed??????

>> No.16205454

>It's an Atlas V system, its got to be rocking the best computer technology that 1996 had to offer.
the computers used to work fine, i bet they just moved too many experienced technicians over to vulcan

>> No.16205457

Oh that'd be good. Shoot a few harpoons at mercury as anchors.

>> No.16205460
File: 286 KB, 1280x720, hgfyhyjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flight Termination Charges Installed for Starship Flight 4 | SpaceX Boca Chica

>> No.16205464

no evidence

>> No.16205469

Yes, read the thread.

>> No.16205473
File: 58 KB, 1073x623, Electric solar wind sail mercury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with a e-sail you could do sample returns

>> No.16205475

they're not gonna lie about something like landing on the surface or not. it'd be too easy for LRO to catch them in a lie if they did. same thing with the soviets back in the day - they'd always tell the truth about spacecraft masses and orbits, they'd just lie about what the mission had been if something went wrong.

>> No.16205477
File: 62 KB, 963x670, starliner deathtrap over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that poor bastard :(

>> No.16205482

He is going to die from the stress, which would mean Starliner killed someone without ever even launching

>> No.16205486

Boeing is finished

>> No.16205487

It's a launchpad queen

>> No.16205492

designated shitting launch control software

>> No.16205493

its not

>> No.16205501

Political compass meme from 10 years in the future:

Up - US landed on moon 60 years ago
Down - US faked moonlanding
Left - Cina landed
Right - China faked moonlanding

>> No.16205505

true. "who landed on the moon" will be one of the most staple partisan positions for decades.

>> No.16205519

I know a guy who worked there (the kind of guy who builds a whole product single-handed) and he said it was absolute dog shit.

>> No.16205521

>Sorry, but everyone's schedule has to revolve around my convenience.
A woman on /sfg/?! This is unprecedented.

>> No.16205527
File: 153 KB, 750x1213, 1622291815482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can /sfg/ even survive another week? Starliner/Starship back2back double feature only on VHS?

>> No.16205530

You forgot to mention that this is also a summer launch so all the newfags school children have been unleashed upon us. Proof of this phenomenon is the current state of /sfg/

>> No.16205533

Imagine you're a passenger in a plane in the air but the air traffic controller isn't thinking about sex crimes against minors. It just wouldn't be safe.

Thank God for Pete Buttigieg

>> No.16205534

I wish the launch was around noon or later, Starship BBQ would be great with the bros over

>> No.16205536


>> No.16205537

They weren't going to fly Boing

>> No.16205538

Imagine the relief when you are told you aren't dying in an explosion today

>> No.16205539

Last I heard, bepi colombo had a huge software failure. Not sure if it’s been rectified yet, I haven’t been keeping up with space news the last week or two

>> No.16205540


>> No.16205542

>bepi colombo
i laff evri tiem

>> No.16205564
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>> No.16205570
File: 221 KB, 756x704, dredd vacuum t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16205584

how bad are vacwms for you really?
if I had pressure on my face and groin, and 1/3 of an atmosphere mechanical counter pressure on most of my body except my hands and joints, would I be fine in a vacwm for half an hour? Joe Kittinger lost pressure lost pressure in one glove during a high altitude balloon jump, and his hand was completely fine

>> No.16205586

I haven't done all the maths for this to check feasibility, but apparently nasa briefly indicated interest in a grant app sent to them about the use of vaccuum airships on mars. lower pressure means a carbon fibre sphere (potentially with internal spars) would be able to hold a good vaccuum.
Makes me wonder about the viability of vaccuum airships for high altitude atmospheric pseudo-satellites on earth, maybe even a new approach to rockoons.

>> No.16205593

>Makes me wonder about the viability of vaccuum airships for high altitude atmospheric pseudo-satellites on earth
or vacuum launch tubes that go 80km up...

>> No.16205597

why don't you build anything that goes 80km up and then try to work in making it do that

>> No.16205604

I have been conducting experiments with ladies of negotiable virtue. The only occasional negative side effect of exposure to vacuum is ejaculating too soon.

>> No.16205608
File: 57 KB, 744x715, supergun cannon bull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16205609

what happens when scrubliner doesn't launch on 5th or 6th, when's the next window

>> No.16205618

Eventually the station is gonna reenter so they'll run out of windows at some point.

>> No.16205623
File: 95 KB, 1808x822, Worst Dow Jones component.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stonk just goes up cause fuck it
BA has been absolute dogshit. A couple great years pre-pandemic but wiped out since then. (Blue line is the S&P)

>> No.16205625
File: 3.98 MB, 1280x720, 1704007319547309.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>am I the only one who's annoyed that spaceflight is always done with 20000 gravity assists over years instead of just going there.

Spaceflight was a completely foreign method of travel to humans until recently and you grew up with it being depicted inaccurately in pop culture.

>> No.16205627

No, gravity assists are slow and a result of oldspace constraints.

>> No.16205630

unless you have some kind of a meme drive in your pocket everyone is still operating under those same constraints

>> No.16205634

you don't need a memedrive you just need to drop launch costs by an order of magnitude so people are willing to throw fuel depots in orbit

>> No.16205646

Even with fuel depots chemical propulsion is too limited to just start ignoring things like gravity assists and transfer windows

>> No.16205653

even so. get yourself a nice high mass fraction in orbit and you can do one or two fast and significant gravity assists instead of 10 wimpy ones with 3 years between each

>> No.16205660

Boeing will always be bailed out, it's too important to the US that we have a domestic airline manufacturer. It's gonna be 2008 GM all over again

>> No.16205673

>Hohmann transfer is meme drive

>> No.16205682

If the goal is to have any domestic air then Boeing better pray Musk never finds the time to make that plane he's always talking about

>> No.16205703

Chang'e-6 landing footage just dropped

>> No.16205706


>> No.16205710

A direct fusion drive is just about the minimum of what you need to give gravity assists the finger.

>> No.16205729

So was this just a well-timed screenshot or was Butch actually a little pissed off here

>> No.16205744
File: 3 KB, 220x191, pei_shabi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>footage of lander landing
>no lander

>> No.16205747 [DELETED] 

we was sweating his balls off because the suit fans don't work

>> No.16205749

please keep these coming anon. I've been missing my fix ever since she deleted everything

>> No.16205750

he was sweating his balls off because the suit fans don't work

>> No.16205753

uh... odysseussisters our response??

>> No.16205757

I have nothing but respect for chinese spaceflight achievements. It's good for them and I hope they light a fire under NASA's ass. IM gets another chance later this year. and if they fuck it up we have a half dozen other lunar payload providers. CLPS puts America in a very good position for lunar exploration.

>> No.16205759

Thank you for posting it as webm so I can scrub (lel) through rather than having to wait 40 fucking seconds through a gif.
>t. zoomer

>> No.16205765
File: 3.48 MB, 1280x720, SmZGb2AGkcfW4pis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

webm of last minute
full 2:20 clip at 1280p at https://litter.catbox.moe/nfc8rq.mp4

>> No.16205780
File: 535 KB, 1169x608, IMG_8205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am forgotten

>> No.16205783
File: 38 KB, 512x512, 1585282827454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16205786

she revived her twitter by for how long idk. she's a mentally ill girl, possibly schizo. @wheel_stop on X

>> No.16205789

no, just an artist

>> No.16205814

Yup as soon as we hit bump limit nobody talks. Proof that we are infested with newfag diaperwearing babies who just got their summerbreaks

>> No.16205815
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x720, 5bgRcw4RiXEaln8q.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sped up version


>> No.16205840
File: 163 KB, 1280x1034, IMG_3403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16205843

Americans have gone to sleep, nigger.

>> No.16205854

Nice. Looked like a somewhat soft landing so probable nothing serious broke.

>> No.16205857
File: 3.90 MB, 1920x768, rap vac shutdown.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SR-71 is not spaceflight

>> No.16205899

Then neither is SR-25

>> No.16205911

No matter how many times I see it, the fractal nature of barren terrain like that is always trippy.

>> No.16205913

I know right, there's no end to these fucking craters

>> No.16205916


>> No.16205919

Dear Moon,

>> No.16205923

Dear Nigger,

>> No.16205924


>> No.16205933
File: 79 KB, 658x885, 010788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16205934

>Will Starship get through re-entry without RUDing?

>> No.16205936

>Will the 'Super Heavy'-booster make a controlled water landing?

>> No.16205939
File: 57 KB, 661x839, 010789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16205950

based, congrats

>> No.16205974
File: 97 KB, 264x377, Tsuki_to_Laika_to_Nosferatu_light_novel_volume_1_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like that light novel series about the early USSR space program using a (cute) vampire to test rockets.

>> No.16205976

Shut up nigger not real spaceflight

>> No.16205993

That show was incredibly realistic as far as spaceflight goes.

>> No.16206007
File: 2.92 MB, 1440x720, 1618692454614.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still seethe that slice of life waifu shit is far better at portraying spaceflight than anything in the west.

>> No.16206012

Mike Tyson Adventures or whatever the fuck that cartoon was called accurately portrays a Falcon Heavy launch.

>> No.16206031


>> No.16206061

Oh shit, I didn't realise it had an anime, downloading it now.

>> No.16206083

It only got one season so far but Irina is voiced by Megumi Hayashibara and the space stuff is cool.

>> No.16206100
File: 468 KB, 1080x1464, Screenshot_20240602_061105_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizodrive will fly before Starliner.


>> No.16206114

love her

>> No.16206116
File: 97 KB, 598x742, incapacitated, drunk or otherwise in distress Gemini EVA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megumin moon rocket

>> No.16206131
File: 407 KB, 1365x2048, megumin rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16206143

It is because this thing never existed that I once got to see a Shuttle-on-SCA (probably Endeavour) shortly after takeoff.

>> No.16206150
File: 1.98 MB, 400x250, 1456670262625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 launch
> <1B
>60 launches
> >100B
so that's 1.66B per launch?
>lower the cost
wait, what?
(and that doesn't even include the cost of building the new launcher)

>> No.16206152

Hey dummy it's comparing two different options.

>> No.16206165
File: 1.45 MB, 2957x3948, GPEsvXhWkAAI5fi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16206186
File: 345 KB, 2048x1760, 1716678953907329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, so not only was this not a computer on the Shitliner capsule, it's a ground computer for the rocket that fucked up? This is one hell of a cursed spacecraft for so many different off-board things to cause scrubs.
>You are not going to (die in) space today.
I kekked out loud.

>> No.16206199

fake nigger 'woman'

>> No.16206200

The fruity pebbles retard is on /g/.

>> No.16206201

keep me posted

>> No.16206202

I’ve given up hope long ago :(

>> No.16206203
File: 288 KB, 2398x1056, 20240602_073233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16206226

>of gravity less than one g but greater then zero g
Microgravity is the literal term newfag

>> No.16206227

it's called zero G. microgravity aint a thing

>> No.16206230
File: 29 KB, 922x520, GPE4iCYXcAAAJlM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drilling and sample collection all wrapped up. Now time to blast off the lunar surface and kick off the return journey. Godspeed.

That was quick

>> No.16206236
File: 382 KB, 1920x1280, megumoon rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16206238

Not a very good Elon Musk impression

>> No.16206239

JPL would literally take months to do what china did in less than a day

>> No.16206244
File: 299 KB, 560x368, 1453622547709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16206247

Is the moon surface a fractal 3D rendering? Big craters give way to smaller and smaller ones, until suddenly the engine moves the dust and the ship lands.
But the thing is, the smaller craters look exactly like the huge ones, there is no way to tell if it is 30 miles width or 30 inches...

Is space fake?

>> No.16206253

le skrub

>> No.16206256

Everything in space is fractal-like. It's why astronomy is a niche hobby, looking up at a dark sky through binoculars is a very similar experience to looking at the same patch of sky with a telescope. If you're lucky you get to see some faint grey smudges to break it up

>> No.16206259

>Everything in space is fractal-like.
*reality, you can see it while under the influence of psychedelics. "as above so below."

>> No.16206262
File: 8 KB, 225x225, lol dong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if anything, you're an astronomer killing machine

>> No.16206263

chang won

>> No.16206268

Bros why are the chinese so good at landing plobes? Its not even normal, 4 moon landing and a mars one all 100% successful

>> No.16206283

Sweet schizo kino's back on the menu!

>> No.16206286

nobody calls 75% G "microgravity"

>> No.16206292

starliner will NOT be launching on june 5th

>> No.16206302

no DEI hires

>> No.16206319

It will and you will seethe retard

>> No.16206320
File: 23 KB, 665x242, 010790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16206322


>> No.16206323

NASA is on a 6 lander success streak to Mars. Do you think their performance is inhumanly good Chang?

>> No.16206334
File: 72 KB, 652x824, 010791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what did he mean by this
is it over?

>> No.16206336

Watch dearMoon get conveniently un-cancelled after Artemis launches complete, and with a completely different crew. Looking forward to mid-2030s

>> No.16206338

based and self aware. If I had his money I'd also build fuckoff huge shit

>> No.16206344

Same. Bezos should go all in on the Long Now shit like his 10000 year clock. We need more future ancient megaprojects.

>> No.16206353

Perhaps the best low effort quip he's ever xeeted

>> No.16206358
File: 60 KB, 210x255, Screenshot 2024-06-02 at 11-27-25 YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16206360
File: 265 KB, 834x538, Screenshot 2024-06-02 at 11-29-02 SpaceX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit lol

>> No.16206377

did they forget to change the channel name to SpaceX?

>> No.16206378

It is, though people confuse the term but it is absolutely appropriate to use it colloquially when talking about the ISS especially when to achieve a true microgravity environment relative to the earth means heading out some 6 million km.
JAXA does, it's not about stuff floating so much as the effects which can be simulated in LEO to do research in.

>> No.16206384

>Starship Launch This Week! Flight Termination Systems Installed Ahead of Flight - SpaceX Weekly #117

>> No.16206385

>Starbase Weekly, Ep.118: Starship Flight 4 Next Week - Final Preparations!

>> No.16206399

There he is again always taking credit for all the smart engineers so redditers think he's a genius

>> No.16206408

lol launch has already slipped to 6th. It's over.

>> No.16206412

If I was a billionaire I would build a 200 meter pyramid (cost estimate $2 billion)

What's quip

>> No.16206424
File: 76 KB, 578x654, David Mattingly ‘The Pyramid Man’ (1978).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would build it from aerogel blocks with my own hands

>> No.16206430

Find it in the dictionary

>> No.16206436

Building a pyramid is great because of how hard they are to demolish after your death. What if you purchased a load of real estate near the white house then built a massive pyramid to be your tomb. The state would have to make an almost equal investment to demolish it to what you made building it.

>> No.16206447

They would just rename it the George Floyd monument after you die.

>> No.16206448

Yep. I was actually thinking of building a pyramid from the crushed rock made from tunnel boring. Real Egyptian pyramids are also loose rock only on the outside did the put actual carved blocks.

>> No.16206455
File: 204 KB, 1179x1030, IMG_3640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this?

>> No.16206472
File: 357 KB, 2048x1589, GO6xr2tXsAAM67b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ground system Launch Sequencer Repair is complete (replacement of power chassis). Retesting nearly complete. Engineering Review Board just finished up. Good to go pending successful finishing of the retesting.

>> No.16206477

oh was that a light novel adaptation? that explains why it was fucking trash
rest in fucking piss and good riddance

>> No.16206483

Any legalfags know if Coca Cola can be prosecuted for securities fraud for claiming the drink never contained cocaine?

>> No.16206484

Retard he got his account reinstated long ago nice job showing how new you are you cant even remember the argument between him and Isaacman just a week ago.
I fucking hate the summer and the newfags it heralds.

>> No.16206486

Which one was he again?

>> No.16206488
File: 579 KB, 1169x2951, IMG_8212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16206489

Why was he banned?

>> No.16206492

>solicitor forum general

>> No.16206495

He called some college girl a fat pig, and told a guy to go kill himself

>> No.16206496

for a moment there I thought he was talking about that middle eastern country.

>> No.16206498

>a week ago
I don't keep up to date on twitter stuff, I was hoping this was a new development because it would stop his bad bait from getting posted here

>> No.16206505

they probably deserved it. Spacegay5 has concentrated autism butin the end he's a guy trying to do good. The people he argues with are ignorant and always wrong. I think being in the trenches against retards has hardened him against SpaceX, its understandable

>> No.16206510

Exhibit A: bad bait >>16206505

>> No.16206515

New Slosskino!

>> No.16206520

Watching the Don Lemon interview where Musk bailed out.

>> No.16206526

full of bad faith gotcha questions though Musk still demolished Lemon

>> No.16206535

based horsefucker5

>> No.16206552

Love how Elon quickly starts regretting considering Hiring Lemon.

>> No.16206560

Why would I ever want to watch this?

>> No.16206569

because you are interested in Elon Musk

>> No.16206570 [DELETED] 

Suppose - purely as a hypothetical - that a nuclear aircraft carrier had suffered visible damage and wanted to avoid being photographed by any satellite until it could be repaired. Would it be theoretically possible for the carrier to keep hiding under clouds, given moderate minds and cloudiness? It is said that nuclear carriers can go in excess of 30 knots

>> No.16206575

Suppose - purely as a hypothetical and not related to any current rumors - that a nuclear aircraft carrier had suffered visible damage and wanted to avoid being photographed until the damage had been repaired. Would it be theoretically possible for the carrier to avoid being photographed by satellites by hiding under clouds, given moderate winds and cloudiness? It is said that nuclear carriers can go in excess of 30 knots

>> No.16206577

optical satellites can't into clouds sure. Why are you asking this anyway?

>> No.16206579

no, clouds just disappear all the time
also if it was damaged it wouldn't be able to go 30 knots

>> No.16206581

Off topic for this thread. Look at /pol/ if you want to know why

>> No.16206584

You don't have to. Happy pride month by the way!

>> No.16206587

/pol/ are retarded
also there are amateurs who watch the ports and drydocks that it would use to be repaired at, if it was actually hit then a shot of that would show up sooner or later
also only the US has the space imaging capabilities to take that picture

>> No.16206588
File: 79 KB, 1042x583, screenshot-twitter.com-2024.06.02-14_40_31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian space enthusiasts are seething about the latest Chinese moon lander

>> No.16206589

why don't they just put a little robot monkey thing in the Starship with IR detecting goggles on and during reentry if it sees a hot spot on the hull where it's about to burn through it directs a cooling stream of ice water at it?

>> No.16206594
File: 3.71 MB, 1912x1080, NASASpaceflight-1797315715407516097-20240602 121353-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shipping more parts for tower 2 in starbase

>> No.16206595

Go back to /pol/, shitskin. Your credible citizen journalist posted a footage from Arma 3 as a proof.

>> No.16206596

>it's an integral part of the hybrid war
It's really not. It's China flexing their technical muscles to claim a cold war-style trophy while also doing something everyone acknowledges as interesting science. I despise China and the Chinese people but I'll still get excited when the bugmen do something interesting

>> No.16206597

This shit belongs in /k/, not /pol/. Either way, get the fuck out.

>> No.16206598

I think that strictly speaking it would depend on the extent of any damage. Damage need not be so major that it can't be fixed at sea or at least superficially covered up before going into port. For example, scorch marks could be washed or painted over. Small holes could be patched. Destroyed aircraft could be dumped overboard or brought below deck. Warships are designed to be quickly repaired while at sea, and carriers are meant to be able to repair modest damage to the flight deck while at sea, no?

And I think it is as you say, the US has the highest resolution optical satellites, and damage might be so minor that it requires the highest resolution to see anyway.

>> No.16206600

Hopefully the glowies don't manage to sabotage this one

>> No.16206601

the real propaganda victory is to let your opponent see you seething. back in the day the us and soviets were both gracious in defeat - you gain nothing by doing otherwise.

>> No.16206605

>Destroyed aircraft could be dumped overboard
I wish to recover such aircraft from the seafloor as well as recover spent F9 boosters from the seabed.

>> No.16206607

There's always a torrent of BS online. The more "credible" people are more focused on the carrier's supposed movements, that the captain supposedly posted archival footage of the deck after the alleged incident, and an alleged Chinese SAR image.

>> No.16206608

mirror neurons too strong for this degree of cringe, the feedback will kill me

>> No.16206609

>back in the day the us and soviets were both gracious in defeat
what were the strategic advantage of this approach, and was the USSR gracious after America landed humans on the moon?

>> No.16206613
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>> No.16206614

no thanks
/pol/ has been under constant raiding since 2015

>> No.16206617

>Russian space enthusiasts
So, basically Anatoly Zak is seething?

Based on his wording, it doesn't seem he likes China. In fact, he doesn't seem like someone who likes either Russia or China

>> No.16206624

>Cabina de peaje


>> No.16206625

>what were the strategic advantage of this approach
You don't look like sore losers or unstable freaks. The Cold War was about not just national power but a competition of entire world views and systems of living. Visibly seething when you get BTFO makes potential client states think twice about picking your side.
>was the USSR gracious after America landed humans on the moon?

>> No.16206628

>back in the day the us and soviets were both gracious in defeat
my Yugoslav uncle is seething about this to this day by denying the landing.

>> No.16206631

Not even bait buddy. Why do you assume anything you don't like is bait? Such a low IQ world view.

>> No.16206633

>like someone who likes either Russia or China
not as if that's rare lol

>> No.16206634

I think he's pointing out that that's weird given his twitter handle of RussianSpaceWeb. You'd assume that he'd be a vatnik.

>> No.16206638

I think the target audience and customer base of RussianSpaceWeb.com are non-Russian-speaking English speakers

>> No.16206640

>what were the strategic advantage of this approach
both sides had to pretend that they were dumping all this money and effort into space exploration because they were primarily interested in advancing mankind's scientific and technological frontiers. if you were publicly mad about losing that would give away the game - it'd be an admission that you ultimately just care about winning international prestige.
in private they were absolutely seething. the soviet press claimed that apollo was irrational and that the luna sample return probes were a much smarter way of doing the same thing. luna 15 would've beaten out apollo 11 by mere hours to become the first spacecraft to return lunar surface samples if it hadn't failed to land, and the soviets took the rare step of announcing luna 15 to the world BEFORE mission success just to distract from apollo 11's press coverage internationally.

>> No.16206660

New Hullo video on NTP

>> No.16206662

/pol/tard newfag detected nobody says this here except /pol/ newfags

>> No.16206663


>> No.16206670
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>> No.16206671
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>> No.16206673

For what? Shuttle was garbage.

>> No.16206674

It has more payload than FH

>> No.16206677

Killed 14 astronauts. I will never forgive or forget

>> No.16206680

I'm sorry F. Richard Scobee, Michael J. Smith, Ronald McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Judith Resnik, Gregory Jarvis, Christa McAuliffe, Rick Husband, William C. McCool, Michael P. Anderson, Kalpana Chawla, David M. Brown, Laurel Clark, and Ilan Ramon,

>> No.16206683

fuck off with your emotional shit on anonymous imageboards.

>> No.16206684

>t. Rockwell/Boeing marketing executive

>> No.16206685


>> No.16206687

And fuck that weak faggot that died in our plane from heart attack. We're losing millions over this.

>> No.16206689

What IQ is Don Lemon? I'm halfway through this and it's basically him saying "but I did have breakfast"

>> No.16206692

explain how he got such a good job is he is low IQ?

>> No.16206693

>holocausto de americano dolares
the ISS is now the HAD

>> No.16206694

He's black.

>> No.16206695

explain how he's so smart if he got fired

>> No.16206696

and gay

>> No.16206697

oh yes, lanzadera da mierda

>> No.16206698

Explain why Tesla stock dropped if Elon is so smart

>> No.16206699

I'm sorry they stopped painting the tank which led to Challenger.

>> No.16206700

I deeply and genuinely regret that this is the kind of country where STS, SLS and similar abominations are not merely allowed to exist, but funded at great expense to the productive workers of America.

>> No.16206702

it's down? brb buying some more

>> No.16206704

Is there any Spaceflight in this? If not >>>X.

>> No.16206705

It's a literal nigger faggot

>> No.16206706
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>> No.16206708
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>> No.16206709

that's so funny ah ha ha

>> No.16206710

the most fervent haters of Ziggers are those closest to them
and who could be closer to them than a Russian?
is he not Russian himself? or is he an expat or just reporting on them? I've never been quite sure.
it's an old image, anon; it wasn't funny enough to quote back then and it's still not that funny now

>> No.16206711

i didn't always agree with shuttle, but you've gotta give it this much: it had the courage to put men aboard for its test flights. that takes more guts and conviction than starship will ever have.

>> No.16206712

there is a legacy of slavery that's undeniable

>> No.16206714


>> No.16206715

its pretty funny, need to add starliner and artemis capsule

>> No.16206716

Don Lemon had incredible opportunities as a person of color

>> No.16206718

He's jewish.

>> No.16206720

enjoy your average profits. Market is efficient.

>> No.16206721

ah yes, "guts" and "conviction", words which are apparently synonymous with ignoring the dangers and charging in blindly
leave that to the Russians, we can change the world without getting ourselves killed
that doesn't answer the question though

>> No.16206722
File: 2.07 MB, 1279x987, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Internet’s Final Frontier: Remote Amazon Tribes
>Elon Musk’s Starlink has connected an isolated tribe to the outside world — and divided it from within.
Thank you, Musk, for completing the work of the colonizers. Many pre-Columbian civilizations were destroyed not because Europeans were superior, but because they brought with them diseases from the old world that devastated the native populations. This led to the deaths of elders and the orphaning of children, ultimately facilitating the conquest of their lands and the enslavement of their people. Now, you are introducing a new kind of disease that will destroy their minds and spirits in less than one generation: addiction to the internet.

>> No.16206724


>> No.16206726

Hate that these literal jungle inhabiting spear hunting tribespeople have faster internet than me.

>> No.16206730
File: 49 KB, 382x584, space shuttle death trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it had the courage to put men aboard for its test flights
They had no choice since it couldn't be flown remotely like the superior Buran. As it was STS-1 nearly aborted on ascent

>> No.16206734

>Muh colonizers
Yeah let's just leave the hapless fuckers for illegal gold miners or other nefarious shit going on down there instead of hooking them up to some fucking internet.

>> No.16206738

bought my first home in cash thanks to Tesla :)

>> No.16206741
File: 64 KB, 915x724, Craig Kavafes, shuttle Design 532, Grumman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16206743

Correct. That paint held the foam together.

>> No.16206744
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>> No.16206747

He's CIA just like Anderson Cooper.

>> No.16206749


>> No.16206751

some dude that is seething about musk and arguing with like 20 people

>> No.16206752

He's right. 33 engines has not and will not ever work

>> No.16206755

>muh scientific research
Let me guess, another useless paper pusher with ESD?

>> No.16206756

It's not like the Chinese would respect any SpaceX patent worth filing

>> No.16206757

nah it's perfectly worded bait

>> No.16206759
File: 101 KB, 640x582, Tether Phobos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16206761

then he is really dedicated, he has like 40 post long back and forths with random people seething about musk, completely clueless in them

>> No.16206769
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>> No.16206772

Wen is dreamchaser launchan?

>> No.16206777

the 5th (but not really)

>> No.16206779

I wonder what could be different between now and 60 years ago

>> No.16206782
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>> No.16206783

>just blow people up for no reason when you can just remote control the vehicle
retarded boomer

>> No.16206793

who is this

>> No.16206795

At this rate they'll be able to replace the OMS with QI thrusters.

>> No.16206796

My wife

>> No.16206797

oh, it's dreamchaser

>> No.16206798

your wife is cute

>> No.16206799

>Judith Resnik
I wonder if she planned to make more foot fetish content once she got to orbit the second time. If so its especially a shame that it blew up.

>> No.16206804

it's tenacity-chan

>> No.16206813

Already did. Landing them softly is another issue altogether but they're working on it.

>> No.16206833
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>> No.16206834

Who cares

>> No.16206835
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>> No.16206839
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>> No.16206840

Barely 2 days into gay month and we're already being bombarded with trans nonsense.

>> No.16206842

/sfg/ cares. You can leave.

>> No.16206843
File: 2 KB, 345x255, gay_loser_virgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16206845
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>> No.16206846

No green arrow that YOU are saying this therefore you look like that

>> No.16206847
File: 419 KB, 2048x1153, GPCE8lYWAAAucxO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poland wins university rover challenge

>> No.16206848
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>> No.16206850


>> No.16206852

are you retarded? genuine question

>> No.16206856

why into space when you can just into utah instead?

>> No.16206858

He posted an uncommon soijak meaning hes a shartytard newfag so thats a yes.

>> No.16206860

When is the Tim Snot tour?

>> No.16206863

>no hot girls

>> No.16206864

should be any day now I guess if its supposed to be before the launch
kind of doubt they will release it before the launch though, they would have to give it to SpaceX to see there is no ITAR violations and then Everyday would have to edit it
so probably a few weeks after launch, would be end of June

>> No.16206865

it's over

>> No.16206869
File: 200 KB, 1915x945, 010798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its pretty big

>> No.16206873
File: 281 KB, 640x480, 771723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all just to save 600 lbs

>> No.16206875
File: 68 KB, 745x409, Target-and-Chaser-CubeSats-in-stowed-configuration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16206878
File: 1.15 MB, 1595x1600, GO-f17FWoAA229H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16206884

>Next on My 600lb Death, Christa McAuliffe

>> No.16206891
File: 242 KB, 1600x1108, AS146609342PANv2_mitchellNo_ReseauSmallNotedv22kpxls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what sort of putting surface would a lunar golf course have?

>> No.16206894

melted regolith

>> No.16206896

The LunA-10 study had some bots that made roads by melting regolith infront of the minirover so probably that

>> No.16206898


>> No.16206899
File: 721 KB, 4096x2304, GPGi6tYX0AE_fPu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Production Diagram #18 | 2nd June, 2024 | "Die-agram"

>*The model for the Ship diagram does not reflect the design of the Block 2 Starship.*

Updates since last diagram:
S29 & B11 conduct 2 wet dress rehearsals ahead of launch, NET June 6th.

S26 conducts a cryo at Massey’s.
S30 receives its engines and conducts the final static fire at the suborbital site.
S31 conducts a cryo and experiences an anomaly involving the raceway.
An aft flap is freshly tiled, it’s unclear if this is for S32.
S33 payload bay is recovered in the Starfactory, where it has been for months.
S35 nosecone base is spotted and subsequently scrapped.
A block 2 forward flap is delivered, featuring a new shape.
Another aft flap is spotted.

>> No.16206901
File: 639 KB, 4096x2304, GPGi6tcXcAAjAUm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B11 receives its hot stage ring.
B12 engine status promoted to likely, purely based on how long it has been in Mega Bay 1.
B13 conducts 2 cryo tests.
B14 stacking is concluded on April 26th.
Putative B15 common dome section moves to Mega Bay 1 doorway.
Putative B15 aft tank #2 section spotted in Starfactory.
Putative B15 forward dome is spotted in Starfactory.
Possible B17 aft is seen in the Starfactory, likely sleeved.
B14.1 test tank is assembled and moved to Massey’s.

>> No.16206904


>> No.16206912

is ship 26 supposed to be a hls mockup or a depot? Or both?

>> No.16206920
File: 8 KB, 583x73, 0989832938718921903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, our boy is done.

>> No.16206921

Heres hoping its a brain amoeba

>> No.16206929

The AIDS is starting to take its toll

>> No.16206931

God is punishing him

>> No.16206939
File: 62 KB, 544x635, aids god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16206942

K. Don't keep me posted.

>> No.16206944

Can multiple high-energy starlink beams converging on a single location boil water kind of like cellphones positioned around a corn kernel can cause it to pop? Asking for my schizophrenic friend.

>> No.16206945

>ywn whisper sweet nothings to a spacecraft before it launches

>> No.16206949

No because that would violate FCC guidelines

>> No.16206953

It seems easy to bait in these threads lol. The autism density is high enough.
Speaking of, should I make a new thread now? kek

>> No.16206971

Maybe if they were all gathered in one room.

>> No.16206972
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>> No.16206974

No need to worry about that

>> No.16207087
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>V'ger meets The Creator

>> No.16207123

If an insufficient amount of gays work for the company the plane won't fly, it's science.

>> No.16207125

>The narrator voice
So he chooses to have that cracking squeaky faggoty voice intentionally?

>> No.16207180

Was it approved for launch by the same people who incorrectly approved it for launch the last ten times?

>> No.16207181

based knower

>> No.16207182

"it might blow up" is not a disqualifier for launch
"it could hurt somebody" might be, but it's never hurt somebody

>> No.16207190

they cancelled because it was fucked up
it was fucked up in ways they failed to realize during each previous check