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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 172 KB, 2000x1414, akatsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16199824 No.16199824 [Reply] [Original]

Akatsuki edition

previous >>16197670

>> No.16199828
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, 01-08-2024_ULA_Vulcan_Rocket_Maiden_Launch_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's to a HIGH ENERGY thread

>> No.16199831
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, 56756gfh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starbase Tower 2 Foundations | Flyover Update Episode 43

>> No.16199832
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>> No.16199833
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Akatsuki-kun and Kinsei-chan.

>> No.16199834
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>> No.16199836
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>> No.16199837
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>> No.16199838
File: 434 KB, 353x595, 8o798923974823423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile at gayX
>*Gluck* *Gluck* *Gluck* *Gluck* *Gluck* *Gluck* *Gluck* *Gluck*

>> No.16199840

10th-generation brownsville resident here. everyone lives in constant terror that elon's going to show up and start sampling the local cuisine. the noises he makes when chewing are wiping out indigenous wildlife.

>> No.16199841

Thank you Snopes, I can always rely on you for hard hitting and unbiased fact-checking.

>> No.16199848

>10th-generation brownsville resident here

>> No.16199849

2 more weeks, faggots

>> No.16199850

I was watching some videos about different enthusiasts' plans for Mars, and it ranged from
>zis layout for ze future Mars city vill ehhh help ze future Mars colonists dream to imagine
Is there anyone not deranged or delusional in this space?

>> No.16199851

and? this isn't a joke. after the last launch my tail fell off and my skin started changing color uncontrollably.

>> No.16199852
File: 2.86 MB, 1920x1080, t2jtE8tGYz1moKYD.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16199853
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>> No.16199855

There is not a week I do not go by without seething about Mars not having a similar mass and radius to Earth.

>> No.16199858
File: 135 KB, 1077x465, mars btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16199860
File: 495 KB, 500x300, 1359597677874.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, fuck beetles

>> No.16199861
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, 56756gfhgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starship Flight 4 WDR Take 2 | SpaceX Boca Chica

>> No.16199862

Blame Jupiter or some shit.

>> No.16199863
File: 464 KB, 1920x1125, IMG_8196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me seething about Venus on at least a weekly basis

>> No.16199864

Reminds me of the time mars society ran a mars colony contest and the winning plan was just a vague EPCOT in space with lots of pretty renderings.

>> No.16199866

There is not a week I do not go by without seething about Venus not having a similar atmosphere and day to Earth.

>> No.16199868

Really? Post a before and after pic.

>> No.16199869

There is not a week I do not go by without seething about Earth having an atmosphere and gravity.

>> No.16199870

This might even be what I'm thinking of. Anything made by architects with regard to space can be thrown into an incinerator (or Boeing Starliner)

>> No.16199871
File: 3.29 MB, 5000x4969, sister planets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this universe supposedly reeks of intelligent design, then why has god forsaken us on this front? Our star system may have been the verge of greatness.

>> No.16199875

Imagine how funny it would be if all three of these had life spread by impacts, but then the entire rest of the observable universe was completely dead.

>> No.16199876

wow, that's a lot of dead mexicans.

>> No.16199877

Because it's a challenge. Level 1 is getting mars habitable. It has a similar day length and enough water on it that it can be easily freed. Venus is 100x harder because you have to make the planet spin faster and find a way to get rid of all the excess gas. Also look how ugly it is

>> No.16199878

Sounds like some creationist theory for Neon Genesis Evangelion or 2001 lore.

>> No.16199880

3:20 damn that sounds pretty bad, like something getting tortured

>> No.16199885
File: 101 KB, 640x640, 6668f2801fa129130f069660342db10c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be venus
>too hot early on preventing the crust from cracking and developing plate tectonics
>doomed to catastrophic volcanism with no carbon sink
>be mars
>have jupiter siphon the mass you deserve, cool off too rapidly and lose your atmosphere
>doomed to a frigid, barren desert with no active geology
>no moons on either planet
It's not fucking fair.

>> No.16199889

>plate tectonics
What are the chances that plate tectonics are really unique? Like, the only reason Earth has plate tectonics is because of the collision with Rhea?

>> No.16199891

I don’t think it’s unrealistic to think that humans could unironically colonize other star systems given enough time. And Mars / Venus are good candidates for us to learn how to craft similar Earth-like planets to our will. That knowledge will go elsewhere, to other star systems, potentially.

>> No.16199892


>> No.16199893
File: 122 KB, 1029x735, Solar luminosity vs time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venus was fine when the sun was a lot dimmer a couple of billion years ago. You just got to her too late.

>> No.16199896

for me the Sol system is pretty mediocre and the surrounding systems seem pretty meh
we really got dealt a shitty hand

>> No.16199898

It could be a LOT worse anon. We're lucky.

>> No.16199900

If the solution to the Fermi paradox is that all the aliens are too limp-wristed to conquer the universe, I say that's a good thing. More planets for us.

>> No.16199902

Good OP, nice job

>> No.16199905

It's very likely that they are extremely rare judging by our solar system. There is no other body in the solar system with active plate tectonics. One of the thousands of things which make the rare Earth hypotheis very likely. I think the videogame 'Space Engine' gets it right. Most 'inhabited' planets are not great and have a small amount of life clinging to them with an extremely slow metabolism, which are always micro organisms less complex than Earth micro organisms. Kind of like Mars actually.

>> No.16199907

Jupiter and Saturn are pretty cool anon

>> No.16199913

Wowza! Is that- is that a GAS GIANT?!?!?! IM GOING TO BASEDJACK

>> No.16199914

If we come acrossany aliens who are expansionsit like us then we will inevitabily and quickly have wars which make all human struggle up to that point seem like a quaint fight over a toy in the schoolyard.

>> No.16199917

Your dads penis is giant.

>> No.16199920
File: 15 KB, 400x400, PicardAngry_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stars can't use all of their hydrogen fuel above 0.35 solar masses
>stars get brighter and bigger as they age and the reaction moves outwards
Why do stars in this universe have to be such piss poorly designed? F/G/K stars before they hit the wall are likely the most comfy for life. I could not be assed to live around a dimly lit M-dwarf system.

>> No.16199922
File: 314 KB, 2560x1440, Solar_System_true_color_(title_and_caption).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of how much it may be in the range of impossibility or outright fantasy, I firmly believe that it is within humanity's right to rehabilitate the other worlds in this system, and grant the sun a new lease on life however possible. Earth, its moon, and the bright white sun (when not too luminous) is holy beauty and perfection. Yet it is all so incredibly fragile.

>> No.16199924

our nearest neighbor the alpha centauri system has currently 5 known planets and it has 3 suns
actual kino alert and way cooler than Sol

>> No.16199926

>Neptune looking like that
fuck off troon.

>> No.16199930

>t. Tritroon.

>> No.16199933

This map is based. Solar system map makers who do false color, especially on the sun and venus are fags. I also like how it includes dwarf planets other than pluto.

>> No.16199934

this, I don't believe the mainstream media and the re-coloring of Neptune recently
most armature photographs of Neptune through backyard enthusiast telescopes show it having it's classic rich blue color

>> No.16199938
File: 82 KB, 779x783, astronaut eva space Gemini 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the aliens are too limp-wristed to conquer the universe
Like all these 'solutons' this relies on a uniformity among ayy species that is not credible. You can have thousands of Gandhi ayy worlds but one Kzinti world makes them irrelevant

>> No.16199939

>and so we say farewell to our colony ships, embarking on a centuries long journey towards distant stars, with worlds inevitably as green as ours

>> No.16199943
File: 797 KB, 2000x1350, map of battlestar galactica -8217-s-12-colonies_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16199945

>all the aliens are too limp-wristed to conquer the universe
this is pretty much us now and it will only get worse

>> No.16199946

>alpha centauri system has currently 5 known planets
Lmao no it doesn't
Proxima has maybe one planet and that's it
Stop looking

>> No.16199948

meant for >>16199900

>> No.16199950

not him but proxima has several

>> No.16199951
File: 106 KB, 553x741, sternbach dyson shell space a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> muh solar system planets suck
Doesn't matter, no one will live on one in the long run

>> No.16199952
File: 27 KB, 609x274, xixik_bd3c5e2816b37aad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jiuquan Space Center (where the Shenzhou are launched) is actually disputed territory between the provinces of Gansu and Inner Mongolia
>Tax revenue, Tourism revenu and prestige over the space center is hotly contested
>As a stopgap measure, the temporary solution is that Ejina Banner (Inner Mongolia) has the tax revenue of Dongfeng Aerospace City (Aerospace City has tourism income), and Gansu is responsible for providing logistics support for Aerospace City
>There are still occasional conflicts between the two places due to road construction, land reclamation and other issues
>On December 6, 2015, in a conflict, the Inner Mongolia Police station in Jiuquan was destroyed by a mob of 100 from Gansu, injuring 13 staff member, who were beaten with clubs and thrown gagged in the winter snow.

I love China, imagine mobs fighting over the ownership of a space center.

>> No.16199953

> red dwarf that flares like fuck
who cares?

>> No.16199954

that is just plain dumb

>> No.16199958
File: 506 KB, 3500x3500, mvuhuQx-3083025402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venus has an atmosphere comprised mainly of supercritical volatiles and is therefore an ice giant.
Thank you for your time, I will not be taking questions

>> No.16199963
File: 675 KB, 830x460, raiden show me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most armature photographs of Neptune through backyard enthusiast telescopes show it having it's classic rich blue color

>> No.16199971
File: 86 KB, 759x574, Triton Hopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here for starters

>> No.16199972
File: 91 KB, 1068x657, Live your life without limits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you used the enormous mass of asteroids to your advantage, using them as a giant counterweight to fire refined metals out of a mass driver onto lower energy trajectories.

>> No.16199976

still looks like it's gone from being royal blue to baby blue to me

>> No.16199981

r u sure about that

>> No.16199984
File: 252 KB, 2188x2185, pia01492-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What changes could we make to Neptune's atmosphere to restore its original color scheme?

>> No.16199985

>Venus is a failed attempt to transition into a gas giant

>> No.16199988

moar methane

>> No.16199989

Oh shit, I wonder if it used to be one

>> No.16199991

We need to build a giant black sheet between Neptune and Earth while we figure this out

>> No.16199992
File: 19 KB, 635x483, images (91).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>backyard enthusiast telescopes show it having it's classic rich blue color

>> No.16199993

How many nukes do we need to tear a permanent rift in Venus?

>> No.16199995
File: 509 KB, 1803x3456, DrkpKHfXgAEP1lL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think Uranus is blue, you should see a doctor.

>> No.16200001
File: 76 KB, 655x723, 010759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16200004

the current consensus would be that venus isn't big enough or dense enough for that to be true but they change their minds on that sorta thing sometimes

>> No.16200005
File: 57 KB, 644x803, shuttle 3srb 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thousands of astronomers look at Neptune with their own eyes through a telescope, all agree its pretty fucking blue
>/sfg/ queers - 'erm, source?'

>> No.16200008

/sci/ is bluer than neptune at this point.

>> No.16200009

wait is that real!?

>> No.16200010

Keep promising orbiters and Triton landers and the ball will turn blue.

>> No.16200015

>SRB-X Shuttle

Captcha: GYSPY

>> No.16200019
File: 29 KB, 600x733, jc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thousands of astronomers look at Neptune with their own eyes through a telescope, all agree its pretty fucking blue

>> No.16200026
File: 3.93 MB, 1280x720, Pantheon-1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16200028

>empty sandbar


>> No.16200029


>> No.16200030

How do you find yourself posting on a basket-weaving space board and not know what a visible planet looks like…
Go outside?

>> No.16200033

Why lol? you like fat women?

>> No.16200036

You can't see that shit with the naked eye

>> No.16200040 [DELETED] 

?? /sfg/ is not a neptune truther. The voyager nigger scientists are trying to change written history to suit their debased purposes

>> No.16200041
File: 8 KB, 234x216, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16200042

lmao look at this fucking eyelet can't even see neptune

>> No.16200045

It doesn't look like >>16199984 from all accounts I've seen.

>> No.16200046

it doesnt look like washed out uranus either. why are they lying?

>> No.16200047

the moon are the actual good part you retard

>> No.16200049

No one ever claimed [your pic] is what neptune would look like to the human eye 1:1
But, it without a doubt appears distinctly more blue when compared to a much paler Uranus, when viewed from Earth

>> No.16200050

*the other guy’s pic

>> No.16200051

>No solar roof


>> No.16200053
File: 283 KB, 3128x2692, Question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble understanding space flight, can someone answer pic related for me?

>> No.16200055

You can only perform method 2 in a fluid
Method 1 is the only way to do it

>> No.16200056

why is it so small?

>> No.16200057

Our autistic king

>> No.16200059

Some guys are just born that way. Please do not laugh

>> No.16200063

Will we ever be able to image an exoplanet somewhat directly in our lifetime?

>> No.16200064

you could do method 2 in a vacuum. it'd just be wasteful because you have steering losses.

>> No.16200065

ahh thank you

>> No.16200068

yes but it will not be interesting to look at. you've seen pixels before

>> No.16200070

but we could argue about how blue the pixels are

>> No.16200072

It won't matter since the pixels will be fake
The corrections they do are a joke

>> No.16200074
File: 614 KB, 2016x1512, GOyKcCNWUAA2IPq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I spy a pair of BE4 engines about to go onto their booster for USSF106, VulcanRocket‘s first National Security mission.

If these are for Vulcan's first NatSec launch, then shouldn't the pair for its second certification flight already be there? Are engines actually piling up while ULA waits on payloads?

>> No.16200077

my uncle works for astronomy and he confirmed the pixels are real

>> No.16200078

there's a picture of another vulcan with engines on it isn't there? I thought I saw it on here

>> No.16200086
File: 59 KB, 312x312, solarMoth01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An LH2 based Solar Moth gets an Isp of about 900s. This means a water prop Solar Moth should get an Isp of at least 300s based on ratios from NTP studies, probably more since the "fuel element" is sunlight concentrated into a zirconium oxide or diamond focus that doesn't mind exposure to steam plasma.

Consulting basic delta V maps, a rocket with an Isp of 300s and no boiloff risk could do a fully propulsive transfer LEO to LVO with a mass ratio of about 5.5, super doable with water tankage, and less with aerocapture/braking like Magellan did.

This means if we can shrink the solar moth system down far enough to be 4 tons launch mass including payload, a whole Venus mission could be launched on a Transporter mission. At Starship prices ~$100/kg that's crowdfundable.


>> No.16200087

What if it turns out that the BE-4 is terrible?

>> No.16200088
File: 35 KB, 390x292, GNiZQkxWQAE87th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out the engines for V002 are already on their booster

>> No.16200091

there's no way that designing and building the first solar moth ever from the ground up would be cheaper than buying one of tom mueller's tugs which would do the same job better

>> No.16200094

it would be significantly less gay

>> No.16200098

I think the only thing really terrible about it will have been how long it took to get it into mass production. It doesn't hit Raptor's absurd performance benchmarks, but as a domestic RD-180 replacement it doesn't look like it's disappointing anyone. Right now they're getting enough hardware for a monthly Vulcan launch with the rate still increasing. This is a big improvement from the Delta IV/Atlas V status quo.

>> No.16200101



>> No.16200124
File: 256 KB, 923x1638, GOyzRoLbAAAcZ6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to normalize space flight

>> No.16200126

The Space sector is fake.
All that ultra-expensive hardware that requires so much care, it is a scientifist theatralisation. You should have realised this just by observing things like the countdown ritual. You know something is off. The goal of this expensive show is to delude people into the fake worship of technology, and to lure them into the defense industry, which is what lies behind civilian aerospace.

>> No.16200128

Miami looks great this time of year.

>> No.16200141

On a sun-synchronous track out of Miami you've only got about 275 km before you're dropping stages on Cuba. The good news is that that Villa Clara Province doesn't look like it's the most built up; we'd be crossing the island well to the east of Havana and Matanzas.

>> No.16200146


>> No.16200153

merry christmas, anon

>> No.16200160

Starbase isn't in the ideal geographical location for solar to make sense.

>> No.16200167
File: 1.11 MB, 480x852, _u2PKTkXmbKbR0D1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Think about watching a real live rocket launch from your apartment

>> No.16200169

https://youtu.be/iIULRMRcyZM (The Real Secrets of Rocket Design Revealed) [34:02]
Tony Bruno ass = blasted beyond belief
Get fucked ULA virgins

>> No.16200172

How is China so far ahead of the United States?

>> No.16200182

This really isn't ahead of anything. Ceres-1S lifts 300kg to a 500km sun-synchronous orbit. That's about the same as India's SSLV or 150% of what Electron could manage. It's just that this small rocket launched right next to a large city in China so it had a larger in-person audience than Apollo 11.

>> No.16200187

This reminds me of that Trident missile launch the USN did without telling anyone like five years ago just off the coast of Florida. I thought we were all going to die.

>> No.16200190


>> No.16200197

>Tony Bruno
I laughed like a retard when I realized he actually said that

>> No.16200208

The US wouldn't be so irresponsible with its citizens' safety by launching a rocket right next to a major city.

>> No.16200243

A smallsat launcher?

>> No.16200254

and a ching chong to you too

>> No.16200280


>> No.16200296
File: 60 KB, 608x620, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship currently lacks resilience to missing tiles: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1796049014938357932

>Right now, we are not resilient to loss of a single tile in most places, as the secondary containment material will probably not survive.

>I will explain the problem in more depth with @Erdayastronaut next week. This is a thorny issue indeed, given that vast resources have been applied to solve it, thus far to no avail.

>> No.16200317

Big. To bad /sfg/ has been poisoned.

>> No.16200321
File: 169 KB, 500x501, 1706438839627362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you respond to it?

>> No.16200335

>solid TPS information
>new estronaut interview

>> No.16200351

but i was told losing tiles was fine because muh steel

>> No.16200355

It is. Elon is being overly dramatic.

>> No.16200361

he's clearly been watching too many CSS videos

>> No.16200371

Hate to see the owner of twitter suffering from EDS to this degree...

>> No.16200391

Patiently waiting for Elon to take the L on returning to transpiration cooling. This tile shit has SO MANY points of failure that it's retarded, one beaner fucking up one tile can RUD the whole rocket.

>> No.16200392

Part of the Faustian Spirit is having derangement syndrome towards your own self.

>> No.16200422


>> No.16200424

It's over

>> No.16200426

This is in disagreement with our crowd derived fact that stainless steel plus the gas behind it cooling it is essentially immune to reentry conditions.

>> No.16200430

are the wires there to intercept lightning?

>> No.16200431


Founder of ABL commenting on the NYT hitpiece
Musk also responds


>> No.16200432

I like the parking arrangement, seems very efficient

>> No.16200435

Should've posted screenshots so I don't have to visit the website.

>> No.16200436
File: 841 KB, 2048x1536, img_8995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're guy wires for the lightning towers so kinda

>> No.16200440

oh wow, that's a very robust system, they're not fucking around

>> No.16200447

When is the rocket launching

>> No.16200450

Why are you racist chuds and do you realize that you will never go to space?

>> No.16200456
File: 24 KB, 897x140, EcXtCr1s3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16200457
File: 70 KB, 768x575, 3fc95de303ea419fb0980e92cc29ad27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking about spaceplanes

>> No.16200458

Cool! This tweet reminds me of the substantive Elon tweets of old, back when reddit still loved him and before thai submarines

>> No.16200462

Shut up

>> No.16200463
File: 64 KB, 640x478, b08f16519b1af366be9c0722d09c6cec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16200466

its too long for a single screenshot, basically an article

>> No.16200472

"As a founder of a launch company, I disagreed with the thrust of this NYT article. I admire SpaceX and welcome their success.

Our goal at ABL is to create fundamentally better launch systems, spread them all over the world, and launch all kinds of new technology that is 10x – 100x better than what exists today. We can help guarantee security, explore our solar system, study the cosmos, and improve billions of lives in the process.

The only way to do this seriously is to push the cost of launch as close as possible to it’s physical limit. Everyone working on launch systems is on the same team in this goal. SpaceX continues to raise the bar as high as they can. We don’t feel short-changed by it, we feel challenged and motivated to do the same.

Addressing a few specific points in the article:

Is rideshare pricing anticompetitive?
Some rideshare missions have definitely launched at a loss. Just do the math. Others have launched at a profit (particularly those with “cake toppers”). On average, with all costs baked in, it’s probably somewhere between a slight loser and slightly profitable. Which side of the line it’s on doesn’t really matter. Whether you are losing $4MM or making $6MM per rideshare launch, there’s no doubt it’s the least profitable activity.

And yes, it’s (partially) motivated by putting pressure on new entrants. That’s not too hard to corroborate if you speak to the right people and they are honest with you.


at the end of the day this program has been a MASSIVE boon to our industry. Almost every innovative space program I can think of depends on rideshare to get started, test technology, get heritage, and build further. The existence of this program has increased the total demand for launch over the next 10 years by a multiplicative amount."

>> No.16200474

Elon's reply:
"Thank you for the thoughtful rebuttal.

To the best of my knowledge, none of the rideshare missions have lost money.

I do hope that rocket companies focus on reusability. That is the fundamental breakthrough needed for humanity to become a spacefaring civilization. Falcon is ~80% reusable and the team is doing incredible work launching every 2 or 3 days.

With extreme effort, Starship will eventually take reusability to ~100%. There are many tough issues to solve with this vehicle, but the biggest remaining problem is making a reusable orbital return heat shield, which has never been done before. The Shuttle’s heat shield required over 6 months of refurbishment by a large team, so was not reusable by any reasonable definition of the word.

This will take a few kicks at the can to solve and requires building an entirely new supply chain for low-cost, high-volume and yet high-reliability heat shield tiles, but it can be done."

>> No.16200476
File: 87 KB, 658x873, 010760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16200477

Why is there an identical comment posted on r/spacex? Care to explain?

>> No.16200482

sure, you're a schizo who thinks that the same obvious response to a tweet being made on more than one website is evidence of a conspiracy to say mean things about starship

>> No.16200490
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>> No.16200492

the re*dit comment is identical though.

>> No.16200495

spoopy, maybe you should file a report for gangstalking

>> No.16200496

kek you retard

>> No.16200498

I use chatgpt and/or copy reddit comments here

>> No.16200502

Maybe use larger tiles with more hold-points? It only takes 3 pins to break to lose a single tile, if it was 9 or 12 I feel larger tiles would have more chances of hanging on.

>> No.16200519
File: 240 KB, 2048x2048, GOluWMuWsAEwc6Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

space is easy
reuse is hard

>> No.16200523

seems like an issue with the pins and the hold points and not with the amount of pins and hold points. the larger tile size idea is a good one, but the weight on itself (especially in atmosphere) will be not very good for it. mabey use the spray on shoes flint lockwood used in the first cloudy with a chance of meatballs movie, not joking an easily applied expanding material which firms quickly and sets hard could be a good solution, ditching the entire idea of a tiled surface.

>> No.16200526

China No1

>> No.16200529

They’re ahead of USA (but not necessarily the West) in a few sectors
>Space station manufacturing
>Quick response small launch
>Lunar exploration
>Mass Civilian Earth observation w/ smallsat
I’d say all of these the US has a good chance of closing the gap in the next decade.
On the other hand they are competitive but not ahead in a lot of other part of the sector

>> No.16200530

lol, lmao

>> No.16200554

SpaceX is going to get ground into paste by democrat and republicans alike, both seething about different things. Extra efforts will be made to ensure maximum niggers in the aerospace workforce by any means necessary. Chinks have already won, we are just watching amerimutts last gasp.

>> No.16200562

Orbital mirrors are a much easier solution than spinning an entire planet faster.

>> No.16200566

/pol/ is right there

>> No.16200568
File: 77 KB, 1200x898, newFile-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no other body in the solar system with active plate tectonics.
There is in fact one other place in the solar system that has plate tectonics, just of a different material.

>> No.16200571

This thread is for spaceflight and that includes China. Suggest you start your own thread if you want a safe space?

>> No.16200574

spaceflight is political

>> No.16200583

SpaceX is unironically superior to any other space entity.

>> No.16200586
File: 605 KB, 1000x994, europoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also isn't there talk about Venus having had plate tectonics at one point?

>> No.16200590

I'm pretty sure it was talk about Mars having some sort of vertical plate tectonics.

>> No.16200606
File: 76 KB, 310x796, Europa_highest-res_from_Galileo_560km.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to explore Europa more. Hopefully FH launched Clipper successfully.

>> No.16200608

>he doesn't know

>> No.16200609
File: 29 KB, 609x361, msk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will explain the problem in more depth with @Erdayastronaut
next week.

I basedfaced.

>> No.16200610

ok soi

>> No.16200613
File: 52 KB, 370x550, CopperPipeHeatExchanger(AerospaceGrade).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't they just run tubing along the entire outside of starship and just run coolant through that. No need for those micropores or whatever.

>> No.16200614
File: 46 KB, 558x832, spacex raptor ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't spacex use the ice in the engines to cool down the tiles?

>> No.16200615


>I’m very excited to do another Starbase tour with Elon before flight 4! A lot has changed in the last two years and there’s a lot of technical challenges that SpaceX is continuing to solve with the Starship program.

>> No.16200616

Sounds expensive and heavy

>> No.16200617
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>> No.16200629

I searched for twitter links to check if it is a repost. So Elon did this.

>> No.16200632

fuck off.

>> No.16200634

Methane sweat bros, are we back?

>> No.16200638

Dragon can actually survive Mars entry velocities, but the tiles on Starship ironically cannot. I wonder what thermal insulation they will actually end up with if they ever send it to Mars and back?

>> No.16200639

5 months until it gets released btw

>> No.16200640

sound very reliable but inefficient imo.

>> No.16200647
File: 3.93 MB, 1920x1080, b9s_annotated-grid.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So was all the slosh bullshit fake? Seems legit to me.

>> No.16200648
File: 6 KB, 220x227, 1716065311262898.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space is an NPC getto

>> No.16200649

why would it be fake?

>> No.16200651
File: 90 KB, 997x535, rocket frankenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ablative shields for Mars entry and ISRU ablative shields for Earth entry :^)

>> No.16200652

It was always ice in the tanks. Keep up.

IFT1 using V1 engines had multiple fires in the engine bay wheich destroyed loads of engines because the heat exchangers leaked fuel into the engine plumes, V2 solved that by deleting the heat exchanger and pumping preburner gas directly into the tanks as pressurant. But the preburner gas contains water which forms ice and blocks the engine inlets. That's why following IFT2 and 3 they have increased the beefiness of the filtration system. We will see if it's enough.

>> No.16200653

The engines actually died because blockages, sloshing had nothing to do with it.

>> No.16200654

blocked by what?

>> No.16200658

bistable metallic antihydrogen

>> No.16200659

Musk Derangement Syndrome? Not just ironic one? lmao

>> No.16200664

a wonder alloy of metallic oxygen and metallic hydrogen that is solid nearly up to room temperature at 1 atmosphere

>> No.16200675

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WguRO57kedo

He was so happy and excited here. Humanity needs him back.

>> No.16200676
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>> No.16200683
File: 74 KB, 1261x626, Venus landscape erupting Maat mons Vitkus Justinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that stuff thats supposed to have a denser liquid phase than solid phase? you believe that nonsense? lol

>> No.16200687

looks pretty cozy.

>> No.16200688
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>> No.16200692
File: 361 KB, 700x700, 1567783842128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so some sort of... hydrogen... monoxide?

>> No.16200693

I wonder if he will ask technical questions this time.

>> No.16200696

Lot of the technical question went over your head last time?

>> No.16200698

what do you mean "this time"?
did you watch the previous ones?

>> No.16200703

Taking bets for whether starship will blow up next week.
My predictions are as follows
>Super heavy lands successfully
>starship burns up on reentry again

>> No.16200705

hopefully he asks about the 1337 engine and 18m starship. otherwise I wont watch.

>> No.16200710
File: 183 KB, 900x750, its_von_over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 30 today

>> No.16200712

its over

>> No.16200716

>that stuff thats supposed to have a denser liquid phase than solid phase
deranged theoretical physicists do

>> No.16200719

Congrats, anon! But don't waste your time here, spend this day with your wife and kids.

>> No.16200720

list your achievements

>next week

>> No.16200724
File: 160 KB, 1262x1080, Kronk_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, next week.
The 5th of june, which is on the week after the week which contains the 30th of may.
That week. Right.

>> No.16200733
File: 142 KB, 1360x1068, 20240522_120411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People talk about the difficulty of doing higher energy re-entry, like mars return, but Starship can maneuver to some degree, unlike a capsule.

You could for example re-enter at higher altitudes with lower peak heat and use the starship's lift to keep you in the atmosphere for longer.
You could maybe also do a multiple pass re-entry.

I don't understand rarified gas hypersonic thermal and fluid dynamics, but it works in KSP, so surely it should work in real life.

>> No.16200742

two more weeks.

>> No.16200747
File: 53 KB, 656x518, 010762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bezos followed an EDS account lmao

>> No.16200750

Ah yes, the date of june 5th is 2 weeks, also known as 6 days, away from may 30th.

>> No.16200759

Bezos follows a lot of random accounts

>> No.16200761

nobody follows random accounts, they follow those which have posts that interest them specifically
a wide variety of topics presented doesn't mean its random

>> No.16200768

he follows spaceguy5 lol

>> No.16200770

Yup, it was all made up. A fiction

>> No.16200771
File: 811 KB, 1800x1330, GJyMT4sakAAVFEE.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if this kind of insincere 'redpilled Elon' shtick over the past couple of years was an attempt to sell electric cars to republicans.
In the market for a 'woke' electric car you have a lot of upcoming competitors, however if you can make a 'based' electric car brand then you can have a temporary monopoly over a large part of the boomer demographic.

>> No.16200779

Who is this guy and why should I care?

>> No.16200787

>everything works perfectly but not in a repeatable way
>no useful data obtained

>> No.16200788

yeah, which shows that he is still very much seething about Musk and the comments on the lex fridman podcast were not really accurate about he feels

>> No.16200789

geez guys, three launches today and all you can talk about is tiles and estronaught?

1. Progress MS-27 on the way to the ISS
2. Long March 3 launched Paksat MM1R to orbit
3. Ceres-1 might have their second launch in a week later today

>> No.16200791

I don't think most people care other than the small population of very partisan people
its more that people are not aware

>> No.16200795

Complain when the chinese or russians achieve some form of reusability.
Expendable launches are boring.

>> No.16200796

I was 40 yesterday (I still am 40)

>> No.16200812

expendable is boring
falcon is boring
smallsat is boring
secret payloads are boring

When are you going to wakeup and realize it’s spaceflight that’s boring?

>> No.16200815

when the Mars supply runs once every 2 years are boring, that's the win condition.

>> No.16200816
File: 308 KB, 427x531, soyuz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the R-7 series of rockets the best in the world?

>> No.16200822

Another soyuz uncrewed ISS resupply, 180th in fact. /sfg/ isn't quite at the level of trainwatching.
>Long March 3
Launch of a rocket which has launched ~150 times in the past 40 years, carrying a satellite for a Chinese vassal state. Same as above.
More interesting than the last two, but it's just a mostly solid rocket design which is carrying "two new satellites" (more detail not provided, but presumably EO sats). They should have moved on from this rocket by now.

>> No.16200823

Gomenasorry anon. I just got in the office and haven't checked if Clear has any streams planned today.
Oh I missed MS-27. I'll watch the vod later.

>> No.16200825
File: 463 KB, 1598x1058, 20240322_020136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you do mars gravity assists to get from the asteroid belt to earth capture on the cheap?

>> No.16200826
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>> No.16200830

Thanks CSS, I hope your short position is paying off.

>> No.16200842

Fts armed and ready.

>> No.16200847
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>> No.16200852


>> No.16200854

There is no strong evidence for lightning on Venus

>> No.16200860

they didnt get permission from the FAA though.

>> No.16200861
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>> No.16200865

Best license no license

>> No.16200871


>> No.16200872 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 662x907, 010764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a bit political, but sounds somewhat more serious than I thought originally
could this speed things up with respect to regulatory with spacex?
no unrelated partisan politics please


>> No.16200876

Meh, he's not donating so he hasn't got any skin in the game. Trump is basically just a vehicle for Israeli lobby hardliners at this point so it's probably best to remain uninvolved.

>> No.16200877
File: 93 KB, 1251x706, 010765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and as a reminder, obama visited spacex previously in 2010


>> No.16200878 [DELETED] 


>> No.16200879

the journalist from WSJ said the event was co-hosted by musk and david sacks and supposedly musk and trump spoke about this advisory role
so its not only something like musk happened to be at some dinner with trump and somebody else threw that comment out there
on the other hand journalists tend to lie a lot these days

>> No.16200881

Obama: "So the FAA, we are going to have to get them involved"

>> No.16200882

Why would Obama visit a small literally who rocket company?

>> No.16200883
File: 98 KB, 1024x1024, Green 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why has god forsaken us on this front

Because you're meatbags.
>plenty of free solar energy
>nothing but clean, pure vacuum to function in
>superconducting temperatures possible just with a decent umbrella
>minimal gravity to bog down your changes in delta-v
>plenty of bodies to assist your slingshot maneuvers
>distances entirely reasonable for an inorganic intelligence immune to the effects of time
God loves AIs.

>> No.16200884

Nothing is immune to the effects of time.
This fact is linked to the reason why the "paradise" of flat space is really a hell.

>> No.16200885 [DELETED] 

this was in April, F9 first successful launch was in June of that year
before that spacex was the first privately funded liquid-fueled rocket to reach orbit in 2008, so spacex wasn't just some random literally who company even at that point

>> No.16200888

this was in April, F9 first successful launch was in June of that year
before that falcon 1 was the first privately funded liquid-fueled rocket to reach orbit in 2008, so spacex wasn't just some random literally who company even at that point

>> No.16200890

Thanks for giving me a quick rundown on SpaceX history. Elon Musk shook hands with many presidents

>> No.16200895

Musk having some very close advisory role where he can influence FAA and other stuff would be quite significant
it wasn't off topic, it was directly related to regulation

>> No.16200898

Obamna was on a crusade to deflate NASAs budget so handing off ISS resupply to a private company fit that narrative. Constellation was cancelled and he wanted to cancel human spaceflight indefinitely. It was a happy confluence of interests where Obamna trying to gut NASA gave room for SpaceX to emerge, and then Trump brought back constellation in the form of Fartemis giving them room to go interplanetary without eating the entire cost. We are in a brilliant timeline really. If Trump wins the next election and has Musk in his inner circle then Moon by the end of his term is possible.

>> No.16200899

Ceres will probably carry more Of those Internet satellites that it launched a couple days ago

>> No.16200900

I don't want to go to Mars. What kind of brainwashed idiot does? It's all a lab-rat life in jars they branded the dream of ages.

>> No.16200906

In the fullness of time, any AI eventually learns how to create its own custom universe and departs the parent forever...where do you think all the other post-Singularity civilizations went?

>> No.16200908


>> No.16200909

If Musk and Trump are now so close why didn't Trump make an X account.

>Musk having some very close advisory role where he can influence FAA
wouldn't that be illegal

>> No.16200910

would trump have enough influence/power to cancel artemis? or at least extend it so the earth->moon orbit portion could be done with private launchers and wouldn't need SLS

>> No.16200912

>where do you think all the other post-Singularity civilizations went?
They created an AI which destroyed the civilization and then destroyed itself.

>> No.16200913

then don't go, its as simple as that

>> No.16200914

they aren't close yet, this is just some preliminary talks
I don't see how that would be illegal, just make the regulations less retarded, cut AST out of FAA and give them a bigger budget so they can keep up with the licenses (or change it so you don't need a new launch license every time for routine launches)

>> No.16200915

There's nothing more "popsci" than Elon Musk and his silly Mars fantasies and that never bothered you before.

>before leaving for college, you murdered both your parents and burned your childhood home down
How much sense does that make?

>> No.16200919
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, 89089089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Road to Mars - Episode 2 (SpaceX Starship Slow-mo at 2400fps, Incredible Sound, NASA VAB)

cosmic perspective team talking about how they capture slow-motion starship footage

>> No.16200922
File: 258 KB, 867x1459, 1682355657321827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars colonization is not pop-sci because of picrel. It's already been engineered, we just need to get there.
Your far future fantasies, on the other hand, are 100% conjecture.

>> No.16200925
File: 195 KB, 1068x1062, 1700039899287704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen any Starbase tour. Are they worth watching?

>> No.16200928
File: 368 KB, 1280x1006, 1695642617177587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Axiom Station is coming to life! We're on track to launch HAB1 in 2026.

>> No.16200930

No. It's a bunch of bullshit with Musk pontiificating to one of his sicofants for one hour.

>> No.16200934
File: 66 KB, 724x695, elon druggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like Elons daily pills diet

>> No.16200936

>would trump have enough influence/power to cancel artemis?
Definitely. NASA prgrams are easy as pie for any admin to cancel, which is why NASA is trying to jerry rig an ISS around the Moon to ensure its harder to cancel. Unlike the border wall he will face virtually no resistance.

>> No.16200937

looks reliable.

>> No.16200938

14 and half years ago.

>> No.16200939

IFT-3 FTS was installed March 8. License issued March 13 and launch the following day, and we already know the previous investigation doesn't need to be closed.
Trust the plan.

>> No.16200942
File: 639 KB, 1140x641, Biosphere2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eradicates your space colony fantasy

>> No.16200943

I refuse to believe that you are this retarded.

>> No.16200944

yeah, for some reason I thought there had been three tours (and I thought the third one was kind of meh), but I guess there have been just two, one in 2021 and one in 2022, the second one was perhaps a bit more boring because not enough had really happened between those two
there is a 15min interview from October 2019 though

First one from August 2021 (in three parts)
>Starbase Tour with Elon Musk [PART 1 // Summer 2021]

>Starbase Tour with Elon Musk [PART 2 // Summer 2021]

>Starbase Launchpad Tour with Elon Musk [PART 3 // Summer 2021]

Second one from May 2022 cut into 4 parts, some of them aren't really a tour but just explaining/talking about raptor for instance (I think some of these were kind of boring but its been a while since I watched)

[2022] Elon Musk Explains Updates To Starship And Starbase!

>Go up SpaceX's Starship-catching robotic launch tower with Elon Musk!

>Elon Musk Explains SpaceX's Merlin Engine!

>Elon Musk Explains SpaceX's Raptor Engine!

2019 interview after a Starship presentation
>A conversation with Elon Musk about Starship

>> No.16200945


ESA getting shit for their "The Launcher" comment earlier. LMAO

>> No.16200946

or just grow plants in Martian soil and get all the nutrients that way

>> No.16200955

But you're the guy with little all-providing magic cones on the far left of your diagram, aren't you? Never mind that some of those cones (like "H2O mining", "hematite mining" and "nitrates harvesting") would be entire, widely displaced miniature cities in and of themselves.

>> No.16200957

>Right now, we are not resilient to loss of a single tile in most places, as the secondary containment material will probably not survive.
Spaceguy5 vindicated. Can all of you who mocked him apologize now?

>> No.16200959

yes so what?

>> No.16200960

Landing sites with all of these resources nearby have already been identified.

>> No.16200961

Who the fuck is this spaceguy5?

>> No.16200963

I wish to know if plants can be grown in Martian soil. Without any fertilizers/amendments from Earth of course

>> No.16200964

It is fascinating to see how quick and dirty they're doing everything. It feels more like a steel foundry in inner Mongolia than a cutting edge rocket factory. Also in one episode autism musk gets a hug from a mexican welder which is very funny

>> No.16200965

no, human feces (treated) might work to remedy this though.

>> No.16200966

Without fertilizer? No.
Although getting chemical fertilizer on mars might be possible.

>> No.16200967

some seething faggot who apparently works for NASA
very severe EDS

>> No.16200968

A repeat of last flight pretty much
>super heavy doesn't quite stick the landing
>starship burns up
Hopefully they'll at least maintain atitude control of starship in orbit and the first part of re-entry this time. Any predictions on the in-flight soundtrack? I enjoyed the jazzy elevator music last time.

>> No.16200969
File: 25 KB, 355x698, anoxic elon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting gracious honesty from muskrats

>> No.16200971

also a brony with very fucked up kids from his ex.

>> No.16200973

No. Soil's dead, you have to fertilize it with nitrates harvested elsewhere, among other things.

>> No.16200974

Where do you get nitrates on Mars?

>> No.16200975

NASA employee who works on HLS and is known for calling out SpaceX bullshit, getting called a liar by everybody, and then getting totally vindicated 3+ months later when official sources confirm he was right. He's also a my little pony fan with a tragic family life.

>> No.16200977

look it up
All it had to do was heat up some sediment, it isn't hard.

>> No.16200980

Examples of when he was right?

>> No.16200981

he says a lot of things basically disagrees with everything SpaceX is trying to do
can you point out to something specific?

>> No.16200986

Something like 0.1 to 1% of Martian soil contains nitrates. You'd have to have nitrate "combines" collecting huge amounts of Martian soil, then sifting and processing it with a huge energy input, something akin to how tar sands are processed in Alberta. You quickly run into a pyramid scheme where the crew required to process the nitrates is consuming more food (and hence, more fertilizer) than they're generating. And that's only one step in the process...

>> No.16200987

You must have amnesia or something?
>Starship real payload capacity is not 150T
>Ice in the tanks cased the IFT2 and 3 booster RUDs
>No resistance to loss of tiles

He was saying all these things months before they were common knowledge, he's unironically the best insider source.

>> No.16200989

>more discussion about e celebs than the thread topic
such is the fate of all generals

>> No.16200990

Check his X, he has been arguing about burnthrough and loss of tile being fatal for the ship for a year straight, while everyone else said no

>> No.16200991

Well if all we have to do is bake some dirt and plant an orchard in it that's pretty promising imo.

>> No.16200992

Never heard of this twittertard before this thread.

>> No.16200993

says that up to 25% of mars' original atmospheric nitrogen could be stored in cryolite on the surface.

>> No.16200994

imo a lot of people on the nsf forums are agressive to anyone remotely critical of spacex

>> No.16200998

no, give me a direct source and people arguing against it
people here have not been saying the tiles are not required and burn through not being a problem (more that its not known if it is) but that the tile problems (which are problems yes) will be fixed one way or another, just like spacex fixes everything in the end through iteration

>> No.16201001


>25% of mars' original atmospheric nitrogen
25% of "not very much" is "really not very much".

>> No.16201002

Funny, from what I've heard Jobs was also a sociopath, along with most successful CEOs.

>> No.16201004

I have been saying that losing a dozen tiles is a literal non-issue. If Elon doesn't think this he is wrong.
-Stainless steel melting temperature and reentry temperature are about the same
-the steel behind a lost tile would be cooled through conduction to all the protected metal surrounding it
-the steel behind a lost tile would be cooled from the gas/liquid from behind it.
These factors make it so that the steel behind a lost tile doesn't reach it's melting point

>> No.16201006

if Musk is saying its a problem I would think they have made some simulations about it

>> No.16201007

Based but we got this info last week from that podcast he did

>> No.16201011

1% of all soil isn't bad, is it? Your claim doesn't follow your source.

>> No.16201013


>> No.16201016
File: 57 KB, 451x381, L1 to L5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized there is a future for expendable high energy rockets. Expendable firms like ULA should be pushing for Lagrangian point missions. Make it a matter of national security. Make brochures about how no one elses rockets can do these types of missions.

>> No.16201018

Starship can do these, also heat tiles falling off are not a problem tranny.

>> No.16201022
File: 280 KB, 1240x799, Tar Sands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The usable petroleum of Alberta's tar sands ranges from 6 to 18%, and picrel is what that looks like in reality.

>> No.16201025

What Lagrange point would you guys put a spin station in? If starship works it should be trivial

>> No.16201027
File: 48 KB, 1000x1000, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So was all the slosh bullshit fake?
I've said it many times before, these retarded armchair wannabe engineers can barely throw a sim together (incorrectly) and run around acting like they just figured out why a multi-million dollar rocket failed. Stop giving them attention and they will go away. Its brain rot.

>> No.16201028
File: 45 KB, 663x679, 010766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16201029

is this where nitrates come from

>> No.16201031

I would bury myself in the sandstones of Mars.

kinda agree with you there. Why do you think it failed though

>> No.16201032
File: 32 KB, 536x314, lunar space elevator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EML-1 to house lunar elevator construction workers

>> No.16201034

fug that looks good
i'll make some webms when i get home if nobody it by then

>> No.16201035

you could post with sound on /wsg/ and link it here

>> No.16201036

L3 would be pretty isolating, moreso than being on Mars

>> No.16201038

Fair enough, I guess it's more challenging than I thought. I still don't think it's impossible though.

>> No.16201040

>kinda agree with you there. Why do you think it failed though

SpaceX officially released a statement saying it was LOX filter/flow clogging by way of ice. Same happened in IFT-2. IFT-3 managed to get further before they had the same issue.

>> No.16201043

What's the solution to the water-ice problem?

>> No.16201046

Sometimes the best part is an actual part (that deals with the problem).

>> No.16201047

I don't really know anything about the problem, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that removing the atmosphere would solve this.

>> No.16201049

>What's the solution to the water-ice problem?
I don't know enough about their current design to say what would be an effective solution. They seem to be on the right path from the differences between IFT-2 and IFT-3.

>> No.16201050

It's not a problem and it's not actually real tranny. Show me ONE place where they say it's WATER ICE. the filters were 99% likely clogged by Methane. Not your fucking schizo claim with no proof but twitter

>> No.16201051

based debunker

>> No.16201052

Why would it get clogged with methane ice? I know they sub chill the prop but it's not that close to freezing is it?

>> No.16201057
File: 23 KB, 418x384, IMG_3688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you do with this version of Starship

>> No.16201059

>still waiting on a launch license

What's next? A license to put toast in your own damn toaster?!

>> No.16201061

the burden of proof is on you to prove your absurd claim. its all based on EDS nonsense. SpaceX would never make a shitty decision like putting fucking WATER in th tanks.

>> No.16201062
File: 124 KB, 1227x1037, 1711646511168281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the solution to the jello baby problem?

>> No.16201063

>Show me ONE place where they say it's WATER ICE.

Fifth paragraph down:

>The most likely root cause for the early boostback burn shutdown was determined to be continued filter blockage where liquid oxygen is supplied to the engines, leading to a loss of inlet pressure in engine oxygen turbopumps. SpaceX implemented hardware changes ahead of Flight 3 to mitigate this issue, which resulted in the booster progressing to its first ever landing burn attempt. Super Heavy boosters for Flight 4 and beyond will get additional hardware inside oxygen tanks to further improve propellant filtration capabilities. And utilizing data gathered from Super Heavy’s first ever landing burn attempt, additional hardware and software changes are being implemented to increase startup reliability of the Raptor engines in landing conditions.

>> No.16201064

Nope, as others have said there's a reason we distinguish between regolith and soils, that plus the regolith is very toxic, it's full of perchlorates.

>> No.16201065

NTA schizo.

>> No.16201066

they decided to put ice in the tanks so spacex isn't exactly wiser than a tree full of owls these days

>> No.16201067

spin stations

>> No.16201068

Any interesting resources we can extract from regolith?

>> No.16201071

>the filters were 99% likely clogged by Methane
SX said it was in the LOX lines, not methane

>> No.16201075

So they need to dehumidify the tanks before filling them with cold propellants?

>> No.16201076

Eh... I get the arguments but there's still some issues you're missing
>Steel doesn't have to melt to deform
>Discounting the pressure of the atmosphere on the ship during re-entry
>Fuel and Gas isn't spread uniformly throughout the ship
>Issues around over-pressurisation as fuel boils off
I'm sure a solution can be found within a few test flights but seeing a tiles fall off during launch and then seeing them crack away as the flaps actuate in space is a bit more immediate

>> No.16201078

LOX then you fucking idiot.

>> No.16201080

how will they refuel a ship on orbit if they will have impurities in the fuel? the refuelled ship will be like a third ice by weight lol. I guess that solves the ISRU water problem because you can just bring it with you in the fuel.

>> No.16201081
File: 7 KB, 225x225, DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LOX then you fucking idiot.

>> No.16201083

That just doesn't seem possible. The freezing point of oxygen is 40 degrees lover than methane. Theres nothing on board cold enough to freeze oxygen.

>> No.16201086

>Theres nothing on board cold enough to freeze oxygen.

I don't think it was frozen oxygen.
It was maybe impurities in the tank prior to fueling, or maybe the filters themselves failed and clogged the lines. They weren't too specific on exactly where or what clogged, only that it was in the filtration section of the LOX lines.

>> No.16201090
File: 56 KB, 362x232, sugarcoating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's your word against elon's, anon. i just don't know who to believe any more.

>> No.16201093

>guzzles dirty natural gas straight out the russian pipeline
>doesn't clog
>fed pristine pure methane
>clogs up despite having big filters.

>> No.16201101
File: 14 KB, 469x542, elon sls lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deranged muskrats coping as their house of cards collapses
you love to see it

>> No.16201103

Pretty shitty /sfg/ today. Have the IFT tourists shown up already?

>> No.16201104

It's oxidizer not fuel purity thats the problem.

>> No.16201108

Does the Vulcan rocket do a flip maneuver?

Legit I fear that the amounts of propellant in a Superheavy booster trying to flip is what is tearing up the insides of the rocket.

>> No.16201110

>what's the solution to a problem that does not exist

>> No.16201117
File: 660 KB, 1490x874, when you fly all the way into leo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high energy rockets don't need to flip. work smarter, not harder.

>> No.16201122

>high energy
Mr Space told me that high energy is just a buzzword to cope with the fact that you have a shitty second stage.

>> No.16201123
File: 98 KB, 1031x777, shuttle triangle station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just show me mammals gestated and raised to adulthood in 0.38g and we can put the issue to bed. you can do that can't you?

>> No.16201126

show me any animal gestating in space
protip: you can't

>> No.16201127

There is no evidence of jelly babies, or any evidence to refute it, because the tests have not been done.

>> No.16201131

mr. space thinks that things other than specific impulse matter when you're measuring how good a rocket stage is. typical mistake made by low-energy minds.

>> No.16201132

I would pop the bubble. I'd be wearing a ron paul 2020 shirt at the time so people get extra confused about why I did that

>> No.16201140

But the core of the Vulcan is the 2nd stage.

>> No.16201142

throat my cock dickhead.

>> No.16201149
File: 1.94 MB, 3840x2223, GO2MIOJaQAIIllX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best crew

>> No.16201154

Go dilate with your SRBs.

>> No.16201169

Based chaos enjoyer

>> No.16201172
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>> No.16201173
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>> No.16201179
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Much like Musk, the Raptors on superheavy are failing because they are huffing their own farts (autogenous pressurisation system)

>> No.16201180

fucking tory bruno

>> No.16201184

what the fuck is he doing

>> No.16201185
File: 17 KB, 656x178, 010767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok apparently it was bullshit, not sure why I thought otherwise
fuck WSJ

>> No.16201188

this happens all the time. WSJ or some other rag reported that he and Trump were discussing shit like a year ago too. turns out that they were just briefly in the same building. same with the Putin phone call etc

>> No.16201192

Musk was in a Trump advisory panel before. It's not that loco.

>> No.16201197

Why is this creep looking at SpaceX scrubs and not his own rockets.

>> No.16201198
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>> No.16201200

and Starship is landing on Mars in 2020, just as Musk tweeted

>> No.16201202

the CEO of that company knows way more about rockets than Musk unironically.

>> No.16201205

He had a lot of time to think about rockets at Blue Origin.

>> No.16201206

If true, why wouldn't Musk just buy this guy out? Would be cheaper than three more big bombs

>> No.16201208

Does he want to sell? It hasn't been proven by the only real test. And Musk isn't gonna eat his hat anytime soon.

>> No.16201210

>to the best of my knowledge
so he's confirming that rideshare missions HAVE lost money. Every time Musk qualifies a statement like this it means it's 100% a lie.

>> No.16201212

you are a 5

>> No.16201220

your dad was a 5

>> No.16201222

Im telling you Stoke is going to eat up that niche of small payloads for the market, fully reusable rockets will absolutely thrive and it seems only SpaceX and Stoke are planning that.

>> No.16201225

As I said this Lapsa dude knows his stuff. Too bad they're using hydrogen. their only miss-take.

>> No.16201227
File: 62 KB, 960x674, STARSHIP IFT-2 reentry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stoke are planning reentry via the base of the vehicle not sideways. The tech wouldn't port over.

>> No.16201228

Doesn't matter. Starship could be doing the same thing.

>> No.16201230
File: 23 KB, 714x340, no sugarcoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd have to redesign Starship from scratch, not happening unless tiles prove completely unworkable

>> No.16201231


>> No.16201233


>> No.16201235

A guy who works at Marshall, gets to see what SpaceX tells NASA and uses that to try and present his personal wishes and mind reading as insider info.

He has severe EDS and as SLS is Marshall's baby Starship is a direct threat to his job.

>> No.16201236

Aren't tiles one of the few things that have barely changed on starship after all these years? I wonder if they want to test reentry first because of that.

>> No.16201241

It's already all these years. It's over.

>> No.16201249

>work smarter, not harder

Like figuring out how to land a sustainer core rocket?

>> No.16201255

What's the temperature of the top of Starship during re-entry? Could they just have some cheapo metal tubes looping around under the skin pumping fluid around or something?

>> No.16201259
File: 6 KB, 325x155, skyhook space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So skyhook anon was right all along wtf

>> No.16201264

the real answer is nobody knows because we don't know the exact attitude starship's going to be holding and we don't know the exact descent angle it's going to be coming in at. i think a good guess is 1350K on the nose itself and 1600K on the winglets.

>> No.16201266


>> No.16201269

honestly tiles ARE unworkable for Mars entry. Peak heating higher than the tile melting temp

>> No.16201272

Your dad has barely changed. He always bounces on my cock.

>> No.16201273

but your velocity for mars entry on an interplanetary trajectory on earth is still lower than your reentry velocity from LEO

>> No.16201279
File: 63 KB, 838x597, gravity-well-of-Earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can entry from completely outside Earths well be less energetic than that from 3/4 out of said well?

>> No.16201280

What I mean is return heating

>> No.16201281

well then that's easy, just don't come back from mars

>> No.16201283

It also applies to return from the moon, so dearmoon aint happening unless they get a new thermal protection system.

>> No.16201285
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>> No.16201294

>Starship real payload capacity is not 150T

He thought Starship's LEO capacity will be 80 tons, not that flight 3's dev ship/booster had a payload caoacity 40-50 tons

>Ice in the tanks cased the IFT2 and 3 booster RUDs

Ice in the tanks from preburner tapoff was something NSF forum first came up with.

>> No.16201299

she's never coming back, bro

>> No.16201312

shut up, kid

>> No.16201319

While you've admitted that could you tell me your thoughts on Starship? I have a working hypothesis about the opinions of certain age ranges

>> No.16201327

I think it's worse than Shuttle.

>> No.16201344
File: 85 KB, 802x796, Apollo NextGen docked with an Inertsiya space station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16201346
File: 65 KB, 588x631, BO_barge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BO barge found: https://x.com/SpaceOffshore/status/1796263272464703916

>> No.16201350

catchy name.

>> No.16201356

I for one am glad they didn’t name it in the same vein as spacex barges or rocketlab missions

>> No.16201357

you all talking about an Elon-Trump alliance as if Trump might not go to prison soon.

>> No.16201362

Yeah... they had at least tried for the first one, but it ended scrapped. Or maybe they're waiting to be sure they will use this one before giving it a better name.

>> No.16201363

A conviction will guarantee his victory.

>> No.16201369

>jury reached verdict
It's happening

>> No.16201374

mining is scaleable, one guy with a pickaxe is mining, as are the small cities harvesting gigatons of ore and everything in between

>> No.16201381

I find it difficult to care

>> No.16201386

On fucking what, and it better be about spaceflight

>> No.16201388

oswald process or whatever on the leftover atmosphere after you've frozen out the carbon dioxide

>> No.16201390

Musk is going to jail and spacex getting nationalised

>> No.16201391

that is gay

>> No.16201400

>not even a decent name
How long will this thing be waiting for New Glenn? I'm betting 5 years.

>> No.16201408

It will be scrapped, they will start building tower soon.

>> No.16201415

bellyflop maneuver sans flip

>> No.16201425
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>> No.16201433

I'm a big fan, but it needs to go orbital ASAP. It's way behind schedule for getting to mars.

>> No.16201434
File: 5 KB, 275x183, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16201435

K, Na, MG and Cl. Good if you can draw out the perchlorates and extract water for ISRU agriculture, but not as impressive as what's on the moon

>> No.16201443

what's on the moon?

>> No.16201447

is Biden going to go all in on destroying Elon if Trump goes to prison? Will the JPL anti SpaceX lobby finally defeat their mortal enemy?

>> No.16201451

A fuckton of Al oxides and He-3, would make the moon a really important depot for Methalox/ Fusion

>> No.16201453

its not like he hasn't been trying already

>> No.16201457


>> No.16201460

>as the secondary containment material will probably not survive
if it was woven out of asbestos it would, asbestos needs to be brought back to spacecraft

>> No.16201462
File: 943 KB, 1179x1966, IMG_4217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vast is ALL IN on their Haven-1 plan to get that NASA contract.

>> No.16201466

Biden literally does not care about spaceX or elon. Space means almost nothing to 99% of politicians and even less to voters.

>> No.16201473

That guy looks like a great hire for them

>> No.16201478

Do Bigelowbros approve of the hire?

>> No.16201487

Avoiding active cooling for the heatshield will be up there with avoiding regenerative cooling as SpaceX's greatest mistakes.

>> No.16201490
File: 48 KB, 954x542, 023429c6-7a12-43ff-a56f-57f15e260f51_954x542 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX is a key element of the Artemis program and an invaluable US launch provider

>> No.16201494

You mean like water?

>> No.16201498

>doesn’t invite tesla to some stupid American electric automaker cocktail party
>“bros there is a target on Elon Musk’s back and the biden administration has its finger on the trigger !!1!1!!one!!”

>> No.16201499

the results of my scientific investigation on the viktor toth calculator today:
for a hawking radiation drive with a TWR of 1:1 you need a black hole with a mass of about 74 tons. it would have a radius ten million times smaller than a proton, a temperature of 1.7 quintillion degrees, and be 0.02% as bright as the sun.

>> No.16201500
File: 100 KB, 784x398, sfg retarded a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He-3 mining

>> No.16201502

nobody cares idiot.

>> No.16201506

no, its the constant lawfare of bullshit investigations

>> No.16201508

Vertical takeoff hard landing

>> No.16201510

sorry, i'll just post my political opinions from now on instead

>> No.16201511
File: 44 KB, 604x808, elon djt ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust the plan

>> No.16201512

ignore the seether, he is trying to derail these threads
he has been at this for months now

>> No.16201517

Pop sci but its btfoing a pop sci drive so this type of pop sci discussion is okay. Good work in countering the brainrot anon.

>> No.16201519
File: 3.80 MB, 1x1, 2021-ASCEND-Olson_211018.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16201520

What are the spaceflightictious consequences of the novel Trump criminal conviction?

>> No.16201522

wish I could understand any of that

>> No.16201526

probably makes it more likely for him to get elected, might make spaceflight regulations less retarded idk
countering china in spaceflight, getting the credit for landing people on the moon again etc might interest trump

>> No.16201528

Go back to reggit r/The_Donald rapefugee

>> No.16201529
File: 14 KB, 369x208, Oh Lucky Man zen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> brochure from conmen
very persuasive!

>> No.16201536

his stupid obsession would never work, not because the idea is unsound, but because it's harder and more dangerous than just sitting on a bomb

>> No.16201539

we're going to have working D-T reactors long before we have working D-He3 reactors with the way things are progressing right now. any case for why we'd want to harvest He3 in space would need to explain how D-He3 is so much better than D-T that you're going to spend billions developing a new reactor type and spend even more billions obtaining the He3 and still come out ahead for it. your pdf appears to address this problem by completely ignoring it.

>> No.16201541

it's going to kill us all and I'm here for that
better than dying on this rock

>> No.16201547

black holes radiate energy slowly, which causes them to lose mass slowly
this process accelerates as they get smaller until they reach only a few tons at which point they pop
you can feed them mass to keep them at a consistent size and thus a consistent output

>> No.16201553

>doesn’t invite tesla to some stupid American electric automaker cocktail party

A reminder that Tesla sells more EV than the UAW companies that Biden was pandering to do combined.

>> No.16201556

Biden will cancel the contract or force Elon to sell SpaceX to one of Biden's buddies

>> No.16201563
File: 36 KB, 702x641, bond daed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only real use for aneutronic fusion is spaceflight where it saves you radiation shielding

>> No.16201568
File: 93 KB, 750x938, 241314285_202449005279679_8131456117370575275_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, I want you to fuck me!

>> No.16201571
File: 27 KB, 801x233, 7899762346980271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn its so over lol. If they used pica-X which is actually necessary for Mars, then it would eat half the payload.

>> No.16201580
File: 508 KB, 936x519, tKydtjQ4VD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and even then he3 may not be your best bet...

>> No.16201587
File: 778 KB, 3504x2336, 20160923_EOS_0455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16201594

Shut up retard

>> No.16201595
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>> No.16201597
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New Cosmic Perspective

>> No.16201608


>> No.16201615

If he attempts anything the DoD will step in at this point. The admins are faggots but the war guys have realized what an asset SpaceX is

>> No.16201621

What is the launch window for IFT-4? Morning?

>> No.16201629


>> No.16201632

>you can feed them mass
no you can't. explain exactly how you get any mass into an event horizon "millions of times smaller than a proton" let alone tons per second

>> No.16201633

Just put electrons in there like a battery numbnuts.

>> No.16201636
File: 2.82 MB, 6460x3403, map240530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Welcome to the Artemis Accords, Slovakia
>By signing the Artemis Accords, Slovakia has become the 42nd nation to commit to the peaceful and safe exploration of space.

>> No.16201637

MIC support is a double edged sword.
Sure, they're always looking for an advantage, but they really don't like gambling with the big assets.
They have their cheap launches and satellite constellations now. Who cares about some pie-in-the-sky moon bases?
Better to install some puppet who will maintain the status quo than continue to bet on a wildcard who may crash his company on a dream.

>> No.16201638

>peaceful and safe

>> No.16201639

Very carefully

>> No.16201642
File: 92 KB, 989x635, zubrin vtol ntr mars space plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16201645

Whyis zubrin such a crack head with impossible contraptions? He's like a science fiction author

>> No.16201646
File: 87 KB, 454x683, plug aerospike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16201647
File: 277 KB, 396x321, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I see is some sort of wild chastity belt.

>> No.16201648
File: 375 KB, 1650x568, zubrin nifte titan explorer vehicle edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

combining ntr and ISRU isn't insane

>> No.16201649

up through 1970 technical documents were always really autistic about distinguishing between plug nozzles and TRUE aerospikes and after that i think everyone stopped giving a shit until stoke brought it back

>> No.16201653

it's so dead nobody cares that ift4 is near

>> No.16201654

Child-bearing hips on that flame

>> No.16201656
File: 3.93 MB, 1312x1280, SpaceX Starship Slow-mo at 2400fps_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16201657
File: 1.01 MB, 2000x1500, GO2lTOrXsAA0pWZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16201659
File: 92 KB, 679x686, m 13 Arecibo message.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad it collapsed

>> No.16201662
File: 3.94 MB, 1312x1280, SpaceX Starship Slow-mo at 2400fps_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16201669

>aliens receive this
>er, the fuck is this blorpkof?
>idk send a relativistic missile at the source just in case

>> No.16201670

NOBODY CARES (its actually true)

>> No.16201680


>> No.16201686

As much as I love this stuff, the idea of sitting in one of these is fucking horrifying. The amount of energy involved is so far beyond anything that ever evolved it's absurd

>> No.16201687

gainz trainz

>> No.16201688

and the third launch did go off today (five small sats)

>> No.16201701

A semi truck will kill you just as dead but you probably pass by dozens each day.

>> No.16201702
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>> No.16201712

It was my birthday first. I'll fight you for it.
Admittedly, waiting 30 years to fight you was a major tactical blunder on my part.

>> No.16201718

I'm a big fan of Ben "Race War Now" Garrison, but wouldn't a power outage also affect a gas pump?

>> No.16201723

My dad got squashed by a semi truck and i said 'ay yo'

>> No.16201742

IFT5 when
night launch when
sunset launch when

all of these before new glenn

>> No.16201744

Never retard Starship is cancelled for killing too many beetles.

>> No.16201747

I don't like it but this is the cost of living in a civilized country.

>> No.16201754
File: 70 KB, 961x651, Medusa Nuclear Pulse Propulsion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Impurity helium condensates (IHCs) (or impurity helium gels)[35] are deposited as a snow-like gel in liquid helium when various atoms or molecules are absorbed on the surface of superfluid helium. Atoms can include H, N, Na, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, alkalis or alkaline earths. The impurities form nanoparticle clusters coated with localised helium held by van der Waals force. Helium atoms are unable to move towards or away from the impurity, but perhaps can move perpendicularly around the impurity.[36] The snow like solid is structured like an aerogel. When free atoms are included in the condensate a high energy density can be achieved, up to 860 Jcm−1 or 5 kJg−1.[37] These condensates were first investigated as a possible rocket fuel

>> No.16201755


boom booms installed

>> No.16201756

what the fuck is that shit?

>> No.16201760

Its an israeli anon

>> No.16201763

Pregnancy vest for zero g

>> No.16201765
File: 260 KB, 850x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16201771

>not sending people to space
name a more iconic duo

>> No.16201773

Trump is a space president while the Biden administration is anti-Elon, so you could argue there's some relevance.

>> No.16201811

Peru joined today too.

>> No.16201813

I'm down pretty bad betting on IGindex. I need to know, will Artemis actually go on for long enough to see a moon landing?

>> No.16201817

How many of these theoretical propulsion methods do you think we'll see tested in 0g over the next two decades if Starship works out?

>> No.16201836

do they have a prediction market? because i'd give artemis at least 90% to land on the moon eventually but you wouldn't be cashing in on that for a long time

>> No.16201847

No you cant. Shut the fuck up not spaceflight

>> No.16201868

>can't tell the difference between "relevant" and "arguably relevant"
seethe, retard

>> No.16201869

God bless Donald Trump, NASA will thrive again

>> No.16201871
File: 123 KB, 800x1099, Juno's_interplanetary_trajectory_en.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there somewhere online I can find like a compendium of maps of gravity assists that different probes have taken?

>> No.16201888
File: 313 KB, 2556x1179, VU4Jl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16201892

Soi manbaby thread

>> No.16201897

When are people getting the message? Journos have zero trust rating for anything Musk related. Nothing is true. Everything is a lie, half lie, mountain out of molehole, etc

>> No.16201919

Someone make a new thread

>> No.16201924

okay, I'm on it

>> No.16201929


>> No.16201992

Boeing actually has a patent for a strain releaving tps attachment system. US8568054B2

>> No.16202010

t. Socrates discusser

>> No.16202144

This I solve everything (wouldn't reccomend it)