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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1619716 No.1619716 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone uneasy about the LHC and its apparent world destroying capabilities? Just tell me how you think it will happen, and I will tell you why it won't.

>> No.1619723

You wouldn't happen to be that guy from last night who was talking about black holes n stuff in a dif lhc thread?

>> No.1619722

>world destroying capabilities

Oh wow, is it 2008?

>> No.1619731

I'm hoping this fad has passed. I hate the chattering chimps of our species.

>> No.1619730

he said APARENT world destroying capablities

>> No.1619739

Most people are still sure the LHC will blow everything the fuck up, that's why I made this thread, to put the last remaining believers at ease.

>> No.1619741

>most people are sure
>last remaining believers
Son, you dun gone and contradicted yourself.

>> No.1619748

Yeah that's me. I love talking about this stuff.

>> No.1619761

Yeah this shit is old, and I remember when everyone thought that a micro black hole would be created and consume the earth.

>> No.1619767

Not THAT old. There was a big discussion last night.

>> No.1619773

gotta love the media. when a physicist says there is a barely even a micro chance that a black hole can be created, and that that black hole would be so small and insignificant (probably not even lasting a second before collapsing), the media flips shit about black holes and the end of the world -.-

>> No.1619781

Really? Didn't the movies play this for a while? If something so small was even possible to be created, it would evaporate before we'd even know it was there.

>> No.1619826
File: 174 KB, 1366x768, hellsyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the screenshots I took of what you did last night.

>> No.1619845

I am, answer this for me, what if someone started hording nuclear weapons in said structure, then set them all off at once, resulting in a giant splosion. What now?


>> No.1619849
File: 95 KB, 1226x514, i win colon 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and heres the other one

>> No.1619852

>its apparent world destroying capabilities?
I recently calculated how much energy it would take to destroy the world (black hole creation or umpty million billion trillion joules).

>> No.1619862
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>> No.1619918

That's what I thought OP


>> No.1619967

The fact the nukes are inside the LHC wouldn't change anything... it would just blow everything the fuck up.

>> No.1619989

Yeah but what if the radiation turned all the electricity going into the LHC into some sort of giant electricity monster, like I dun seen on Ben 10.

>> No.1619992 [DELETED] 
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>Anyone uneasy about the LHC and its apparent world destroying capabilities?

NO, now STFU and GTFO

>> No.1619996

I forgot you speak for the entirety of humanity.

>> No.1620026


He's right. It's only you.

>> No.1620040

He's kind of forced to, since the entirety of humanity is retarded and doesn't know anything about high-energy particle physics or black holes.

>> No.1620052

>implying two people make up the entire population

>> No.1620071

True dat

>> No.1620585

Occasionally I refer to this fairly eponymous website regarding the subject matter:

>> No.1620608

Won't happen


Because MUCH higher energy collisions happen every day in our atmosphere

>> No.1621249

people are afraid about what they don't know, it seems to be your case..

>> No.1621281

The LHC already did blow everything up. When you died your brain released a ridiculously large amount of DMT and so you've been in a dream state for what appears to have been months now. In truth, only a few seconds have passed in the real world.

>> No.1621295

>implying 2 faggots doesn't make up the entire population of /sci/

>> No.1621299

>blow everything up
>a few seconds

If a blackhole was supposedly made by the Large Hard-on Collider, less than a microsecond is needed to spaghettify the Earth. My brains wouldn't have the opportunity to react that fast to release DMT.

Your argument is invalid.

>> No.1621350

>Thinks gravity travels that far in a microsecond.

>> No.1621366

>Thinks I don't work at the LHC
>Thinks it doesn't take less than a microsecond for light to travel <1 metre to spaghettify my arse

>> No.1621373

No. A black hole of the magnitude the LHC could pump out would have an event horizon too insignificant to pick up any subatomic particles in an atom. A single atom would literally pass right over the black hole unscathed.

>> No.1621378


Yup. The black hole would sink to the centre of the Earth and lie there all happily and shit.

>> No.1621405


>> No.1621409


The very theory that means a black hole would be generated in the LHC collisions also dictates they would almost instantanously evaporate.