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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 610 KB, 3200x1801, space force edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16192128 No.16192128 [Reply] [Original]

Space Force edition

previous >>16189874

>> No.16192131

>Space Force
>not Spaceforce

>> No.16192132

Threadly reminder that starliner cost $5bil and crew dragon cost $3bil

>> No.16192134 [DELETED] 

Is the /pol/ import Trump OP enough justification for me to go back to making threads again or should I still wait it out for a bigger spergout to return? Also reminder that this faggot OP didnt know what the newfag filter was.

>> No.16192135
File: 152 KB, 1024x667, kennedy-space-center-fla-on-launch-complex-17-b-cape-canaveral-air-force-station-d2533b-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great rocket, but exceptionally awkward in how the core, the interstage, the upper stage, the payload, the payload fairings, and all of the boosters all arrived at SLC-17 separately and had to be pieced together on the pad. It was a minor miracle that they were able to launch this thing twelve times in 1998.

>> No.16192139 [DELETED] 

Some of the Trump OPs are false flags. I made one just to make you mad, one time.

>> No.16192145 [DELETED] 

I dont care about the OPs being of Trump. I care that the main person behind them doesnt even know the literal first thing about spaceflight. Unless you also faked not knowing what the newfag filter was pretending to be Trump OP then I still think its justified to bitch about these since if seems the real Trump OP made this bread

>> No.16192148
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>we wont ever go back to moon
>We wont ever set foot on mars
>We wont ever have a space station beyond LEO

Space bros... 50 years ago the stars were ours.. now that dream is broken, they told us to be on mars and beyond at this point... What went so wrong?...

>> No.16192150 [DELETED] 

Just post your scat folder already we know you want to

>> No.16192151
File: 3.81 MB, 1280x676, Starship2Land2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away Doomers, we're taking to the stars.

>> No.16192152

>4 flights and not even LEO yet

Can we stop pretending starship is not a complete fraud?

>> No.16192154
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>> No.16192156
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>> No.16192157
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i think that's just a legacy of how old it is. titan iii and saturn v were the first american rockets to have dedicated assembly buildings afaik.

>> No.16192159

What if gypsies in space.

>> No.16192160
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Clear doing translations again for the H3 press conference. Thank you Clear!

>> No.16192163

what were they groping

>> No.16192164 [DELETED] 

Why didnt you make the clear edition thread asshole, now we're stuck with a /pol/ import OP

>> No.16192165

*Explodes after stage separation*
Very impressive

>> No.16192167
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The enjoyment shall continue

>> No.16192170

Pure epic in unadulterated form if there was ever such a thing in real life and not just an online slang

>> No.16192173 [DELETED] 

unironic trump cheerleading is beneath even /pol/ at this point

>> No.16192177

Miss those years, when space was top priority

>> No.16192191
File: 3 KB, 150x150, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are so primitive when it comes to space travel man and it hurts to think about it

>> No.16192194

Space Farce?

>> No.16192196

>It hasn't met my arbitrary expectations therefore it's not real
grow up

>> No.16192203

anything that uses chemical propulsion in 2024 is fraudulent
at this point we should really have some type of exotic propulsion
the human race has failed

>> No.16192231

Well that's largely because the actual human race devotes almost all its resources towards financial trickery to make number go up, infinite free shit for the barely sentient inhabitants of earth who couldn't even invent a wheel and lining the pockets of military contractors for a giant military that does nothing except have all its equipment replaced every few decades, overthrow tin pot dictators and occupy shitholes at vast expense. Space gets literal pennies in comparison. If even 10% of the aforementioned had been spent on space technologies we would be cruising around the solar system on fusion rockets and shitposting from Titania. But unfortunately, here we are.

>> No.16192299

>t. Ivan

>> No.16192306

why are the multiple threads for no reason? is this a psyop or just reddit?

>> No.16192362
File: 955 KB, 3300x2201, 1-MAIN-PIA25236-full_module.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop posting politics you absolute faggot.

>> No.16192366 [DELETED] 

this is like the fifth time you've posted this picture as OP?

>> No.16192402 [DELETED] 

this Trumpshit OP blows ass, I think forking again would be funny, somebody make that Clear thread they wanted to make
be less of a stupid nigger you schizo

>> No.16192416

Go shit up another board. Off with you.

>> No.16192424
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>> No.16192426
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>> No.16192441

/sfg/ approved games? Aside from KSP

>> No.16192457

>open thread
>it's just people complaining about OP image
you are all faggots and don't even work in aerospace. these threads always suck

>> No.16192458
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Say it with me boys: D E S I G N F L A W

>> No.16192461
File: 315 KB, 1440x1920, IMG_8193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EVE if you like MS Excel
Elite Dangerous is aight
Haven’t played Starfield; have heard it’s just a boring Skyrim
Metroid Prime (great)
Starfox games are okay, personally I don’t think they’ve aged very well past the SNES & N64 era
Dead Space/Alien Isolation if you’re wearing your brown pants
FTL; my roommate played this on his phone all the time in college, said it’s an addicting micro-managing game w/ spaceship theme
Halo MCC (the original Bungie halo games are masterpieces)
Can’t say I know anything about No Man’s Sky, Star Citizen, or Outer Wilds—but these are popular options.
If you don’t give a shit about space-themed: Ocarina of Time, Battlefield 1, Skyrim, and Left 4 Dead (1 and 2, they come packaged together on Steam) keep me occupied. Just bought Xenoblade, sank about 3 hours into it so far.

>> No.16192462

>What went so wrong?...
The leaders of the country with the best engineering standards in the world redirected their space program to make each other money.
While computers and materials advanced, they did not. Now they're being totally eclipsed by a private company. We are so back.

>> No.16192465

It's changing so fast bro where are you, just keep watching

>> No.16192467

If we really wanted/needed to, we could use nuclear bombs for propulsion and comfortably have green-water control of the entire inner solar system from mercury to the asteroid belt

>> No.16192470

the problem is slowing down or getting back home

>> No.16192473

You slow down the same way you speed up. Nuclear pulse propulsion has sufficient delta/v to scoot around the inner solar system without issue, and has none of the thrust limitations of electrical propulsion methods with comparable specific impulse.

>> No.16192493

nuclear pulse propulsion is modest delta v at best. 400 seconds isp is optimistic. the numbers for the nerva program were fake which is why it was cancelled. They were all paper numbers. Actual performance was like hydromeme but with a big expensive reactor.

>> No.16192505

what does NERVA have to do with this

>> No.16192508

all nuclear propulsion operates on the same principles.

>> No.16192509

Chances that musk dies or is killed before he gets this to mars?

>> No.16192513

NTR ≠ fission pulse propulsion

>> No.16192515

Pretty high. But he's cultivated hundreds of zealots and made them managers at SpaceX

>> No.16192516

>nuclear pulse propulsion is modest delta v at best. 400 seconds isp is optimistic
lying rat

>> No.16192519

watch it all melt away when the big leader is gone. people will follow profits and spacex will become the devious monopoly leo provider. in 80 years they will be more manager than engineer like boing!

>> No.16192520

small, the goal is 5 years for cargo and within 10 years with humans (hopefully 7-8 years)

>> No.16192541

It he actually does this I'm dropping the pretext and becoming a South Africa style mercenary to defend Starbase

>> No.16192555

How to explain away the extremely small probability of abiogenesis. Apparently the probability of just a single dna molecule randomly assembling is small even if we consider all the planets in the observable universe.

>> No.16192561

All those calculations are wrong.
It's like trying to predict the weather a month into the future.

>> No.16192566

The fact that we’re here “explains it away”
Even if it’s an infinitesimally small probability it still happened at least once. God’s plan. Not impossible to imagine a chemical vat soup can somehow start self-replicating simple RNA or something

>> No.16192567

Is because we don't actually know the path self assembling molecules took to get to the examples we have.

>> No.16192570

>nuclear thermal
>nuclear electric
>nuclear pulse
These are in no way conparable

>> No.16192573

abiogenesis is extrememly commnon and happens perhaps an average of one every 10 suitable stars. mars has microorganisms. Even perhaps Mercury does. The chances of a planet having the perculiar eden like conditions of Earth for a long time, and then for whites to evolve is very very unlikely, basically impossible. Venus and Mars are examples which sustained earthlike habitability for a very short time.

>> No.16192581

NSWR is nuclear thermal too doebeit

>> No.16192601

>observable universe
That's the thing. What we can see is the small volume light has had time to travel through. It might be infinite, or at least incomprehensibly larger. Abiogenesis could be so rare that the next closest one is 900 trillion observable universe widths away, why not. Whatever is going on in this cloud, it clearly wasn't designed for life to play in

>> No.16192619

>it clearly wasn't designed for life to play in
It's just the "expert" difficulty setting, you start out on "tutorial" with a comfy terrestrial world fit just for you.

>> No.16192622

how do we explain the impossibly small probability of a universe popping into existence out of nowhere?

>> No.16192626

>abiogenesis is extrememly commnon
Even the most optimistic guesses peg it at happening exactly once in the history of earth. Where does this "common" garbage come from?

>> No.16192627
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>> No.16192629
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>> No.16192631

makes me wonder why they didn't make stairs in the middle for the 1st tower

>> No.16192632

How about Reading Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins

>> No.16192633

source needed

>> No.16192639

>muh source!!!
Shut the fuck up retard you know its true

>> No.16192643

I've heard the opposite that it actually happened as quickly as it could have
which suggest it isn't rare at all
perhaps the environment where it happens is rare (certain type of star, certain type of planet, need a moon, not too far or near the galactic center etc) but the actual abiogenesis when you have the right environment isn't difficult as I remember it

>> No.16192648

Nta but this seems reasonable

>> No.16192652

They don't have an understanding of it at all. How exactly could they predict its frequency? They can't even make a cell in a lab without another living cell already doing the work. There is effectively no reason to believe abiogenesis one way or the other. As such, they can't say with which frequency it occurred as they have no idea of the initial conditions or elements of such. Rather, they tell you a story of what they want you to believe, grounded on nothing, and brimming with feeble materialist assumptions.

>> No.16192653

>Rocketlab still using Tim Dodd music
Nigger's getting paid paid

>> No.16192664

>mars has microorganisms
may we see them?

>> No.16192668

Sure if you go there.

>> No.16192669

Are the microorganisms on Mars right now?

>> No.16192670
File: 48 KB, 561x528, mars fungi 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16192673

Sure, go check

>> No.16192674

It has macroorganisms.

>> No.16192677

looks like an oil leak

>> No.16192678

This is more of a philosophical question, but do you believe
a) every human doing an EVA on Mars should go through decon and purposefully try to minimize any spreading of life

or b) not give a fuck. No decon procedures. Let yeast and fungi and extremophile organisms naturally cover the planet, because humans are there anyways trying to build cities and industrialize it long-term anyways

>> No.16192682

Seed the Martian ice caps with dark microbes to accelerate melting.

>> No.16192690

Try to be as clean as possible until we've drilled enough cores and sampled enough areas to verify if life still exists on Mars (99.999% chance that if it does exist it will be unassuming lithophagic microbes) then stop bothering because it will be impossible to maintain 100% environmental isolation anyway.
The Martian Bug will learn to fear the Terran Eukaryote

>> No.16192691

b of course, a would be pointless anyway

>> No.16192692

Throw moldy bread on the bare Martian dirt.

>> No.16192693
File: 104 KB, 1242x620, Mars Surface Sample Return 1976 artist, Michael . Carroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every human doing an EVA on Mars should go through decon and purposefully try to minimize any spreading of life
can't be done, humans have too many commensal microbes. if you want pristine Mars then there can be no manned landings

>> No.16192696


>> No.16192699

V-2: iconic bullet shape and fins are unmatched
Soyuz: iconic conical boosters and unfolding launch pad petals
Shuttle and Ariane 5: aerospace cathedrals
Pegasus + tri-engine jet: unique
stepped Saturn V and conical N-1
Proton: dig the six-fold symmetry and matte-silver engine pods

most modern rockets lack aesthetics, sadly. Too spare, just bare straight cylinders and fairing, no more fins. Even the side boosters are getting too stubby.

>> No.16192707

V-2 is some loony tunes stuff

>> No.16192709
File: 456 KB, 1845x2768, RocketsOfTheWorld-2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16192711

Oh neat, dirt

>> No.16192717

Did anyone read this article?
Ho Lee Shit
The Lunacy of Artemis

>> No.16192718

This is the way I see it. I want Mars colonized asap but I see an argument for needing to research it without contamination.
It’s really our only other Earth-analog terrestrial planet that we can research besides Venus, but that’s off-limits for practical reasons.

>> No.16192721

modded /ksp/
Gihren's Greed
Hardspace Shipbreaker
Outer Wilds
Star Wars: Empire at War: Gold Pack
X-COM: Interceptor

>> No.16192722

trolling failed newspace companies on Linkedin

>> No.16192724

Xenoblade is good, 2 has the worst fucking bad anime plot I've ever seen but is also good, 3 is fantastic

>> No.16192727

Orion drive, not NERVA

>> No.16192734


>> No.16192738

Who is drilling cores and why

>> No.16192739
File: 86 KB, 700x636, ss nazi v-4 a-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>V-2 is some loony tunes stuff
Problem, untermensch?

>> No.16192743

Your ubermensch lost.

>> No.16192744

This is stupid. The Artemis payload return budget is limited by Orion payload capacity, not Starship. Starship can bring 25 tons of payload to the lunar surface.

>> No.16192745
File: 55 KB, 700x494, IMG_8195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or the commie R-1

>> No.16192754

The same starship which can bring 150T to LEO but can really only do 35? WAKE UP

>> No.16192755
File: 80 KB, 660x657, 010723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot stage ring was probably jettisoned on the previous flight as well
the shadow in the upper pictures are longer and have a hole with light
the lower pictures don't have that


>> No.16192757
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>> No.16192759

Fully and rapidly reusable but partially reusable and not actually rapidly reusable launch vehicle

>> No.16192763

150 tons to LEO for the cost of a F9 with the same turnaround would still be a game changer

>> No.16192764

hardware rich space stations

>> No.16192765

This guy went to work for people who beat the ubermensch :)

>> No.16192766
File: 168 KB, 760x977, 28b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Soviets did some wacky looking things with the V-2 tech they snagged at the end of the war.

>> No.16192767

>150 tons to LEO

Elen already admited its only 40 T btw, even worse than a FH

>> No.16192768

newspace/commercial is going to save europe eventually

>> No.16192769

Even if you have the conditions, you still need about 100 proteins to spontaneously assemble themselves to make the simplest self replicating molecule. Lab conditions have spawned the proteins but it seems like the probability of a certain amount in one place scales exponentially downward.
It might work out that if every viable star had a copy of Earth with the same conditions for the same time, we would still be alone within the entire observable universe.

>> No.16192770

Well right now it's 0 tons to LEO because they're in the middle of inventing the thing, so we'll see.

>> No.16192772

you are forgetting geological timescales
even a few hundred million years is not really that much

>> No.16192775

its actually negative tons to leo because they hav a wide delta between what they SHOULD deliver (Artemis) and what they DO deliver (air)

>> No.16192777

I get paid to do it

>> No.16192779

wouldn't the fact that it happened on Earth mean it's at least somewhat common?

>> No.16192781

I don't get this whole "reusable staging rings" meme.

>> No.16192782
File: 2.41 MB, 3840x2560, 1714381503579793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Technicians offload NASA’s largest planetary mission spacecraft, Europa Clipper, from a United States Air Force C-17 Globemaster III transport aircraft at the Launch and Landing Facility at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Thursday, May 23, 2024. Crews will prepare it for launch aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket from Launch Complex 39A at the Florida spaceport, targeting liftoff in October. Europa Clipper will help determine if life-sustaining conditions exist below the surface of Jupiter’s fourth largest moon, Europa.

>> No.16192784

Europe is dead

>> No.16192785

The entire surface was not ideal conditions, certainly not for 100 million years. In any case, if 300 million planets in the galaxy had ideal conditions over 500 million sqkm each for 100 million years but the chances of life arising in a given sqkm over a year is 10^-27 then not only is the milky way empty, the nearest 100 galaxies are too. Whatever, wrong thread

>> No.16192790

not hard to calculate that the structural mass of the rocket is overweight, resulting in a LEO payload capacity of only 40-60 ton.
There's a pretty good thread on NSF about how NASA can "buy the partial rights to Starship" and get them to make a proper expendable version (non-stainless steel basically).

>> No.16192791

What? No, not at all. Are you retarded? That isn't how statistics works at all.

>> No.16192797
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>> No.16192800

Starbase Weekly is live NOW!

>> No.16192801
File: 40 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If NASA wants to be successful again they need to go back to its christian roots

>> No.16192802

>nsf thinks starship is unlikely to fly until mid june at the earliest
what went wrong?

>> No.16192803

FAA investigation found something...

>> No.16192806

FAA found out about the preburner exhaust in the LOX tank

>> No.16192807

more like it's freemason roots. Or was it Nazi roots?

>> No.16192810

i think they found the ice in the raptor pipes and gave spacex an ultinatum: fix this or you will never fly again

>> No.16192824
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>> No.16192831
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>> No.16192832

perhaps in light of the recent failures caused by hastiness we should proceed more cautiously

>> No.16192833
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Thats gonna be the spot for the 2nd tower right?

>> No.16192835

We should launch MORE often to get more data and fix issues sooner

>> No.16192840

interstage RTLS spaceplane hostage ring flyback drone

>> No.16192847

>be me, 20
>good career but extremely bored and lonely
>really into space, but also into /k/
Should I enlist in the Space Force?

>> No.16192850

Fuck off with your redditor greentexts. Why dont you go join the army meatgrinder instead faggot.

>> No.16192853

You're a nigger. I was just asking for an opinion from some like minded people. Faggot.

>> No.16192855

>like minded people
>doing a greentext story
>talking positively about the military
fed recruiting op detected, go recruit on /k/ you glownigger tranny

>> No.16192856

the most productive thing you will do there is probably ordering new staplers for your office

>> No.16192857

there's an entire general full of military recruiters on /k/ you can suck off if you want, go away you fucking shill

>> No.16192858

Fuck joining anything, take the time you have and focus inwards on conquering loneliness and finding fulfilling hobbies.

>> No.16192859

I don't think you can directly enlist in the space force yet

>> No.16192860
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>> No.16192861

You can, I talked to an air force recruiter
Apparently you have to pass an interview and get selected to join the space force so no, I don't think they are hurting for people.

>> No.16192863

Everyone report the glowniggers for advertising
Buy an ad you retarded fedfag

>> No.16192865

I would still respect someone for joining the navy/deploying on a submarine and just mentally larping like it’s a spaceship from time to time.
I would cringe at someone joining the space force to larp like they’re in starfleet or whatever.

>> No.16192866

it's not even that they're not hurting for people as much as that they're not very big to begin with. there was really no organizational need to split them off from the air force but the thinking was they could get around some retarded air force procurement regulations if they did.

>> No.16192867
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stupid frogposter
stupid fed

>> No.16192870

>good career
which career?

>> No.16192873

>fulfilling hobbies.
need examples. Following Starship development hasn't been that fullfilling desu.

>> No.16192874

Codemonkey software engineer.
It was fun for the first 2 years, now I just don't like it

>> No.16192883
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For myself, I enjoy camping. If you find a good site that you return to repeatedly you can build it up nice with a little shelter, a firepit and wind-blocking walls, etc. I don't know you though, what makes you feel satisfied/happy is probably not the exact same as for me.

>> No.16192888

all of the above

>> No.16192896
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Interesting I just bought a hammock the other day and then tested it out today in a forest. Might decide to spend a night in the forest.

>> No.16192920

I hope its one you can zip yourself up in, or you're liable to wake up with mosquito bites. You should definitely go out for a night though, bring a good book if you like.

>> No.16192928

>believing a single word out of a recruiter's mouth

>> No.16192955

Spaceflight implications of Elon Musk company thinking it's possible to compress random noise losslessly by 200x?

>> No.16192963

Source on them thinking that? Also protip: it's not possible, see kolmogorov complexitiy.

>> No.16192964

multilayer progressive haruhi folded data at 200 bits per bit

>> No.16192972
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>> No.16192976

He should watch that show adoptation of three body problem, I dont know what its about but I think its related to nuclear prupolsion

>> No.16192977

The challenge just seems to have 1 electrode.
Actually it's closer to possible given all 1024 electrodes since they're probably pretty correlated but still impossible given all the random noise.

>> No.16192981

Anything that potentially challenges the Standard Model is a very interesting experiment.

Wild that Germanium-76 takes 100 trillion times the age of the universe to decay, yet it is observable in a year in you have ~1 ton of it!

>> No.16192987


>> No.16192995

aren't taking any chances this time

>> No.16192996
File: 2.24 MB, 1819x1213, 23-01884_roman_gsfc_srcs_installed_lowres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any mathfags explain why noise can't be losslesly compressed?

>Anything that potentially challenges the Standard Model is a very interesting experiment.
such as?

Wild that Germanium-76 takes 100 trillion times the age of the universe to decay, yet it is observable in a year in you have ~1 ton of it!
Must be pretty accurate measurement

>> No.16192999

19 vs 132 pilings (assuming the latter is symmetrical)

>> No.16193000

George Hotz should tackle this challenge

>> No.16193001


>> No.16193002

CIA operator
Include a screenshot next time you dumb cunt

>> No.16193004

George is not delusional

>> No.16193005

the only people i see slinging the 40t number around are rabbid EDS sufferers, the actual "payload" capacity changes with every flight because they're fucking prototypes.

>> No.16193006

but Neuralink is.

>> No.16193016

Lossless compression relies on the statistical redundancy of the dataset. Noise, by definition, lacks statistical redundancy.

>> No.16193017

I just bought a Tesla, so not sure how this helps me. Also, spaceflight?

>> No.16193024

Anything that potentially challenges the Standard Model is a very interesting experiment.

Wild that Germanium-76 takes 100 trillion times the age of the universe to decay, yet it is observable in a year in you have ~1 ton of it!


>> No.16193036

posting a political OP pic should be a disqualifying formatting error from now on
derails the discussion

>> No.16193039

can you tell me how many atoms of Germanium-76 are in a ton of Ge-76?

>> No.16193041

trick question, just like steel vs. feathers in 1ton/kg the ton is always the same mass/weight regardless of atomic makeup (chemical number)

>> No.16193042

shut the fuck up, how many goddamn atoms is it

>> No.16193043

aka 1 ton of atoms in 1 ton of Germanium-76

>> No.16193044


>> No.16193049
File: 76 KB, 500x567, Lieut Gulliver Jones His Vacation (1976) by Joe Petagno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ is a plenum board gtfo

>> No.16193057

1 but it weighs 1 ton

>> No.16193062

interesting vid on fly-by-wire and NASA:

>> No.16193071

"Flight 3 would be around 40 or 50 tons to orbit" - Elon Musk, April 6 2024
at first i thought it was funny when EDSDS suffers started accusing elon musk of having EDS but you guys really need to stop being so lazy

>> No.16193081

Agree. We also need to draft a /sfg/ constitution

>> No.16193089

820 tabs open in my browser. It's over.

>> No.16193090

it doesn't even start to be over until you hit 10k

>> No.16193095

close but quite feddie

>> No.16193105

this but unironically

>> No.16193109

Been planning to do it for a long while but cannot overcome my laziness. The constitution would essentially define what the OP has to look like, and says that we need to stage only after page 10 etc.

>> No.16193111
File: 68 KB, 867x656, The Sands of Mars manchu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16193125

I have an algorithm that does this but I won't tell you how it works

>> No.16193127

roundhouse kick martian dirt with a poopy boot

>> No.16193128

Why is the crew offloading that all white males? Sure hope NASA isn't being racist and sexist

>> No.16193134

1) A new thread should be created on page 10 to not spam /sci/ with multiple threads and to keep discussion concentrated in one thread.
2) The OP picture should be non-political and spaceflight related, bonus points if its relevant to a recent event, again to keep the discussion on topic.
3) The subject should be exactly as within the quotation marks "/sfg/ - Spaceflight General"
4) The text field should be short snippet of a subject related to the picture in the form "[subject matter] edition", then an empty line and then a link to the previous thread
5) The previous thread should have a link to the new one just created, announcing that a new thread was created with the text "Staging" and then multiple links on separate lines to make the link noticeable, the post with the link should also have a screenshot showing the page of the old thread so that no unnecessary drama is created due to early thread creation (early staging).

>> No.16193139
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, 5675656k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ship 29 and Booster 11 Readied for Starship Flight 4 | SpaceX Boca Chica

>> No.16193142


>> No.16193144
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>> No.16193147
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>> No.16193148

if the noise is truly random you can just pretend you compressed it and make new noise at the other end

>> No.16193149
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>> No.16193153
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>> No.16193156

number three is wrong

>> No.16193158

I bet these dickheads feel like idiots. fuck them.

>> No.16193176
File: 34 KB, 674x363, 1301026258410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no obligation to be OP.
But if you must, at least keep the catalog open in another window and refresh it right before you hit the "post" button, since some other faggot is probably trying to start a new thread, and it's a pain in the ass when a second thread gets posted 90 seconds later.

>> No.16193178

number four is wrong

>> No.16193186

actually we stage as soon as we hit bump limit

>> No.16193188

it is required that the OP include either furry porn or anime

>> No.16193194 [DELETED] 


>> No.16193195

you mean '/sfg/-Space Flight General'

>> No.16193217

you need to format it like this:
/sfg/ - Space Flight General
/sfg/ - Space-Flight General
/sfg/ - Space+Flight General, but only when Carmack has been mentioned and then you need to write "Open Source Edition" in the OP

>> No.16193240

>lets put enough suction pressure on this tile so that it's attachment is weakened to the point that it will definitely fall off during flight

>> No.16193262

Someone else has put to words the exact rules I follow when making threads? I remember starting the rule 5 practice a few months back with how much early staging went on and it did help with cutting back on that so I think its a good inclusion. Also with this many people bitching about the OP being bad Im going to go back to posting them whenever its page 10 then.

>> No.16193267

Spaceflight vs Space Flight
Solarvs Nuclear
Well vs Spin
SpaceX vs Blue Origin
What else

>> No.16193271

According to a guy I know, these retards are the problem. The attachment procedures are sound but these fucking beaner monkeys don't take the time to do it right and fuck it all up.

>> No.16193274
File: 251 KB, 960x898, 1705341781516384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn’t a super low latency sat net constellation (like Starlink) completely invalidate stealth aircraft?
Like you’d just look down and see when the planes take off, and then track them.
Communicate with a less than 50ms delay to the SAM system, and boom you’re done.

You might not even need ground radars at that point, which also helps protect your air defenses against SEAD.
I guess the real SEAD battleground will become LEO, given enough time.

>> No.16193276


>> No.16193277


>> No.16193278

Be nicer to your fellow Americans.

>> No.16193281

fuck off nigger

>> No.16193282

>Clowds exist
>Satelites can be shot down
>planes can be transported in trucks

>> No.16193286

>Planes have to hide in clowds now.
plane sisters…

>> No.16193287

Ever heard of SAR?

>> No.16193297
File: 791 KB, 3239x2338, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16193298

>not leaking helium
>no missing rcs thruster design
Yup rocketgirl niggers are posers.

>> No.16193303

The helium leak on starliner is a nothingburger, they should just launch anyway. The superior engineering of Boeing will bring those Astronauts home!

>> No.16193305
File: 345 KB, 2048x1760, GOdc6KUWUAAaBzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, he drew more

>> No.16193306

yes they will come home, dead or alive

>> No.16193307


>> No.16193310

>greentext meme with blue background
you mean (You) drew more. normalfags making fake 4chan memes would use red backgrounds. just come out and say that you post here sbarky its so god damn obvious

>> No.16193311

I look forward to the squeaky-voiced mayday call leaking

>> No.16193315
File: 79 KB, 646x702, 010729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16193323

>Did you miss it?
lol I immediately thought they were going to to a kingassripper parody

>> No.16193326

some people are saying that it was torn off instead of being jettisoned

>> No.16193339

that would make more sense to me. if you were going to jettison it intentionally the time to do it would be during one of the entry burn flips.

>> No.16193345

Youre all stupid faggots

>> No.16193347

Nta but from what I understand, SpaceX plan on keeping the ring on during the flip burn and jettison it only after for IFT-4.

>> No.16193348

Whoever this sbarky dude is I like them

>> No.16193359

When are you gonan release an IFT-4 one.

>> No.16193362

You'd still need to slap the optics of a spy satellite onto each of those to get the resolution to spot planes. That'd be expensive

that's basically radar and the planes are supposed to have a small radar cross section

>> No.16193364
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there high quality photos of the interior of starliner anywhere?

>> No.16193377

I can't believe this is a real design proposal.

>> No.16193387
File: 193 KB, 557x305, 1563438189250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exact rules
how about this rule: gb2r

>> No.16193391

>As the commercial and military space sectors continue their rapid growth, the Space Force is planning to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to upgrade its launch facilities—and will consider expanding to other locations, a top general said May 21.
>“The United States’ current space launch infrastructure was designed in the 1970s and 1980s and pre-dates the Internet of Things (IoT),” SpaceWERX wrote in its solicitation. “While we’re currently able to meet national security space lift missions, our capacity to support public and private sector demand for access to space is falling behind.”
>One way upgraded IT and infrastructure could help, Garrant suggested, is by allowing personnel to supervise and launch rockets from opposite sides of the country. But there are plenty of technologies and upgrades to consider, he added.
>“It’s not just about fixing the technical debt of the existing infrastructure. It’s about building out the infrastructure,” he said.
>Space Force will soon start to collect more fees from commercial launch providers that use U.S. military spaceports, thanks to new authorities granted by Congress. Those funds will help fund more modernization efforts.
>Beyond just improving existing facilities, the service may soon start considering other locations too. A draft version of the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act released by the House Armed Services strategic forces subcommittee includes language directing the Chief of Space Operations to brief lawmakers by Dec. 1, 2024, on “the feasibility of launching NSSL missions out of space ranges not currently utilized by the United States Space Force for NSSL, such as Wallops Island, Virginia; Pacific Spaceport Complex, Alaska; and Spaceport America in New Mexico after 2025.”

>> No.16193401
File: 209 KB, 1371x1115, cute_liner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16193412

Wallops to be the site of the third Starship launchpad you heard it here first folks

>> No.16193417

Dudeliner (its a tranny)

>> No.16193426

Wallops is a fucking awful launch site, so no

>> No.16193429

I've got an idea. how about for the rest of the thread instead of posting about trannies, you post about spaceflight
I know I know but humor me, I think it could be the start of something

>> No.16193437

All I think about is girls with cocks and suckin em cocks. My brain is on tranny mode! I'm a tranny fiend! SEND ME GIRL COCKS TO FUCK AND SUCK

>> No.16193438

she's trying really hard not to leak!

>> No.16193440

thats very strange that you would publicly admit that in your reply to my post anon

>> No.16193445

On the contrary my dude! I am the post predictable poster on this whole site!!

>> No.16193447

I would gladly lap up her leakage ahaha

>> No.16193453

No, nothing about Starliner is high quality.

>> No.16193454
File: 187 KB, 1257x669, Screenshot from 2024-05-25 21-53-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May 19 #3 parachute failure on the Blue Origin NS-25 New Shepherd on its return to service.

>> No.16193456

don't need it

>> No.16193459

Why does it look so sexy?

>> No.16193463

Best chute is no chute.

>> No.16193466

what about poop chutes

>> No.16193469

Disgusting and inefficient. Astronauts will evolve away from the need to defecate.

>> No.16193470

are you implying that people will just piss out diarrhea

>> No.16193472

more mass for the piss locks

>> No.16193473

They would also evolve away from the need to urinate.

Once all necessary piss locks are filled, of course.

>> No.16193482

Then how the fuck will the body dispose of waste?? Sweating shit through your skin?? Vomiting diarrhea every so often??

>> No.16193485

>You'd still need to slap the optics of a spy satellite onto each of those to get the resolution to spot planes
Nah. Getting enough resolution to look at something and say "yeah that's a plane" isn't hard from the altitude Starlink runs at. You won't be able to read the tail number but roughly identifying the type of craft would be trivial. Given the number of sats you have to work with, the coverage area for each can be relatively small, which works in favor of reducing optic size even further.
With a computer able to ingest and correlate all the feeds, you could effectively track all air traffic not obscured by clouds by using similar methods to how astronomers look for asteroids and KBOs and whatnot. You wouldn't need more than a ~dozen pixels per plane to determine movement and position, though that would make type ID harder. I'd be tremendously disappointed if the DoD isn't trying to implement a program like this with Starshield.

>> No.16193492


>> No.16193493

perfect combustion, everything is reduced to either a pellet of sand or water and carbon dioxide

>> No.16193500

Stealth planes only have a small RCS from specific directions, usually head on. Would light up like a Christmas tree top down.

>> No.16193505

Incorrect. The stealth is most-aspect because actual aerospace engineers know that the air is a three dimensional space and they aren't trying to just handle a 2D plane of static radar installations.

>> No.16193510
File: 267 KB, 1125x1864, epic-midriff-v0-hx21f6pe74sa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like a girl tummy

>> No.16193525

Sometimes I miss AIM and Yahoo messenger

>> No.16193526

If you werent allowed to ever splooge as a condition of living in LEO/LLO would you take it?

>> No.16193534

Nobody "allows" me to do anything.

>> No.16193537

Answer the question fuckface

>> No.16193543

They are designed for specific threat profiles, like I said primarily head on for ground and air based radar. If you think that the top cross section is even remotely close to the front sections then I don't know what to tell you. IR will also pick them up from above easily.

>> No.16193545

The front gets extra attention, but low observable engineering has been done with all-aspect considerations since day one. "It's useless in X direction" is the domain of the uninformed, the incompetent, and cope lords.

>> No.16193550

my splooge is a significant factor in delta V calculations

>> No.16193555

It's not useless in X direction but the profile changes hugely retard.

>> No.16193556

Yeah, I have other and better ways of getting off

>> No.16193559
File: 442 KB, 1441x811, its time ula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're so cool they don't look at their rockets

>> No.16193565
File: 282 KB, 1200x1800, MV5BMzUzYjQzYTEtNTZmYy00NDQyLWI5YmEtYmRhY2UyOGYwNmI0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA0MTM5NjI2._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16193566


>> No.16193570

S29 is now infront of the chopsticks so maybe they put in the FTS soon?

>> No.16193634

WDR then destack for the FTS

>> No.16193639

>really good career
highly unlikely

>> No.16193640

How much propellant do you have stored (in your balls)?

>> No.16193696
File: 1.55 MB, 2423x3392, 200505-F-YL679-1089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure about that. Maybe if the radar was direction below or above.

>> No.16193701

Why are planes and rockets symmetrical? Lazy engineers?

>> No.16193705
File: 604 KB, 2760x836, 1650268519960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like the scales of an animal
>Captcha: M0MAH

>> No.16193739

he was simply mirroring your behaviour, tranny obsessor.

you can hate trannies and not obsess over them every two minutes, btw.
idk where this notion came from that you have to call anyone and everything a tranny at all times in order to be considered a true tranny hater.

>> No.16193759

can you post an F-35 belly please

>> No.16193764

the f22 is such a sexy aircraft ngl

>> No.16193782

I downloaded that picture from twitter. Calm down, schizo.

>> No.16193811

Anyone here?

>> No.16193829

Space is closed due to excessive curvature.

>> No.16193853


Reminder, humans will colonize outer space and become multiplanetary species. God demands it.

>> No.16193854

in theory, but you would need KH-11 level satellites in Starlink level quantities
which is something only US can afford right now (maybe)
China is almost certainly developing system like that, but it probably won't be ready in time for the invasion

>> No.16193884

Not just that, but LEO sats with lasers give a clear precise position to missiles.

Further if they have a powerful enough lasers (~100kw) thats fired for ~10 secs, it should be able to destroy any jets/missiles near outer space. 100KW x 10 seconds = 1 million joules of energy poured into a metal over 10 sec or ~100K joules/sec. With 50% efficiency, thats 50K joules/second. Or ~100K degree celsius of temp heating up any metal/carbon composites.

>> No.16193906

It still won't light up like a commercial jet on SAR.

>> No.16193920

Starfield is ok, but it's barely a space game.

>> No.16193942

>Starfield is ok
Yeah that's a lie.

>> No.16193953

>powerful enough lasers (~100kw)
Imagine the radiators on something like that lol

>> No.16193978

If the laser sats are in low enough orbit, orbital drag will dissipate the heat. The thin atmosphere combined with giant radiator. Hell, you can even network swarm of sats that work together to function together.

imagine a single central laser weapon sat that has large enough radiator, but no power source (solar panel). accompanied by a fleet of 5-6 lasers whose sole job is to generate solar power and transmit laser power to the central laser wep sat.

>> No.16193986

Current laser defense systems are around 300kW and even those have limitations, they can burn through drones but they're not dumping power fast enough into targets to take out larger or fast missiles.

And that's at shorter ranges. If you fire them from satellites you'll have issues with dispersion, atmospheric perturbations and simply keeping a good aim on the targets while moving at high relative speeds.
We're talking about hitting coin-sized spots from 400km while moving at 7km/s.

You could have a thermal soak and radiate it slowly afterwards. It's not like would fire continuously, in LEO they'd only be over the target site for a short time anyway.

>> No.16193989

That's just retarded.

And PV has efficiency losses. If you beam a megawatt of light onto a central satellite you'd have to shed a lot of heat just from collecting it. Mirrors would have less loss, but you don't need those either. Just aim the 6 lasers jointly on the same target without the intermediate step.

>> No.16193990

>Current laser defense systems are around 300kW
>they can burn through drones
I think you added a zero there. The drone killing lasers are sub 50kw lasers that work in the atmospheric conditions. Usually ~10kw-50kw power range.

>> No.16193994
File: 363 KB, 2604x1498, frikking lasers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, sorry, I was mixing up categories. For mortars and artillery and missiles you want those 300kW

>> No.16193999

The ones on the navy are experimenting with ~100kw and possibly hoping for 300+kw. But the effective use case of all the mortal/missile destroyers right now are ~sub 100kw afaik. 300KW is just experimental push towards more range as they're trying to adjust ship power with it

>> No.16194001
File: 49 KB, 567x369, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the 2023 Space Force report, they already can temporarily blind KH-11s. The real question is how they can handle our new proliferated LEO architecture without straight up detonating nukes in orbit.

>> No.16194005
File: 41 KB, 412x326, sfg tard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If the laser sats are in low enough orbit, orbital drag will dissipate the heat. The thin atmosphere combined with giant radiator.

>> No.16194015

>The real question is how they can handle our new proliferated LEO architecture without straight up detonating nukes in orbit.
By hurling a few bags of tungsten ball bearings into orbit.

>> No.16194017

China's launching tons of sats to LEO and others too, compared to every other nation/organization (except for SpaceX). SpaceX is an absolute outliar.

>> No.16194018

have you considered that your proposal is easily countered by this:
just be below the ball bearings

>> No.16194027

>concept and design phase
I wouldn't bet my infrastructure on that just yet. Plus even if it does work it would make things more expensive.
And lowering their orbit also makes them easier to shoot down.

>> No.16194032

>lowering their orbit makes them easier to shoot down
only true when you're starting from a blank-slate design process on your ASAT missile, and Russia cannot design new weapons
their current weapons are sufficient for the task already, so going lower has zero effect on that

>> No.16194047

If they can use cheaper missiles to shoot them down that's not an improvement for the sats.
Making them more expensive and carry less payload is not an improvement.
Increasing their visibility due to constrained orientation and constant thruster firing is not an improvement.

It's a countermeasure with drawbacks. So yes, a few bags of ball bearings do mean a massive impediment. Though of course it's denial for both sides. But if the deployed capabilities are asymmetrical then the one with fewer assets in space will be tempted to just salt the earth for everyone.

>> No.16194049

there is no cheaper missile though, Russia only has a small handful of ASAT capable missiles
you can fucking look at what exists, this tradeoff is no longer real now that they've developed the big missile

>> No.16194050
File: 1.73 MB, 4096x2731, 1696831958037922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Florida is burning...

>> No.16194051

You're only responding to a single point instead of looking at the whole point I'm making.

>> No.16194055

your argument falls apart without that single point, idiot
that happens from time to time

>> No.16194065
File: 79 KB, 874x692, EARLY LUNAR ACCESS General Dynamics in 1992-93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16194067
File: 60 KB, 597x742, astronaut practicing ingress egress using the M-5 Lunar Excursion Module.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16194121
File: 130 KB, 512x536, sfg deadest .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16194125

Yeah, we discussed it thoroughly in a previous thread

>> No.16194134

By a similar argument people with your name, age, address, SSN, height, weight and insatiable lust for gay sex are also extremely common.

>> No.16194136

>what went wrong?
you listened to NSF

>> No.16194156

Unless.... a second channel exists?!

>> No.16194160
File: 171 KB, 1244x533, astronaut corvettes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16194164

not my problem

>> No.16194168

How many satellites would you need to image everything the size of an airplane on the whole surface of the earth, with enough resolution to see that they are planes?

Also, how does your gay system work at night, which is when stealth aircraft are deployed? Will you put spotlights on the satellites? How about weather? Just seed all the clouds on Earth all the time?

In conclusion may Elon have mercy on your soul because I know I won't.

>> No.16194225
File: 48 KB, 713x749, 20220131_155746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: We ain't going nowhere


>> No.16194233

America has fallen

>> No.16194277
File: 39 KB, 376x423, sfg dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16194287

Happy memorial day eve! spend time with your family at the bbq, take the quads out to the lake, spend an evening at the roadhouse, and kick back at the cabin!

>> No.16194301

Is this your channel, anon?

>> No.16194343

>SpaceX is will delay Artemis by two years
Explain yourselves, Elon Stans.

>> No.16194347
File: 124 KB, 402x430, sfg is ALIVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16194356

IFT-4 Waiting Room Edition

>> No.16194376

Let's be very honest again, we don't have a commercially available heavy lift vehicle. Falcon 9 Heavy may someday come about. It's on the drawing board right now. SLS is real. You've seen it down at Michoud. We're building the core stage. We have all the engines done, ready to be put on the test stand at Stennis... I don't see any hardware for a Falcon 9 Heavy, except that he's going to take three Falcon 9s and put them together and that becomes the Heavy. It's not that easy in rocketry.

>> No.16194380

>It's not that easy in rocketry.
It was true in this case

>> No.16194388

>Artemis ground systems at kennedy space center used the old LH2 sphere for their mobile launcher cryogenic prop transfer test rather than the new one.
>The next test will involve a transfer of LH2 from the old sphere to the new one.
>The solar-electric propulsion thrusters needed for gateway modules needed for Artemis 4 (HALO & PPE modules) are currently undergoing testing.
>critical design review for PPE module happened in march this year.
>HALO module structure was completed in Italy last year, currently undergoing testing, after which it will be delivered to arizona in the latter half of this year.
>PPE & HALO are launching together as a co-manifested vehicle on an expendable falcon heavy. Launch date still to be announced, projected in 2026.
>Senate appropriations committee had budgetary hearing, sen. Nelson said Artemis 2 will start to be stacked this summer, core stage to be done this fall.
>Nelson also said that dates are dependant on spacex in response to asking about confidence of Artemis 3 projections.
>Nelson specifically mentioned "if we land", Mike Sarafin, Artemis 3 mission manager elaborated that Artemis may choose to offramp if lunar landing looks nonviable (what he means exactly by offramp is unclear).
>September 2026 for Artemis 3 will be challenging, both for SpaceX and for Nasa.
>Head of exploration systems mission directorate says that the Artemis 3 target date was aligned with Artemis 2.
>NASA has always planned for Artemis 3 to come one year after Artemis 2.
>Both Starship and the SLS+Orion are wildcards, either could have delays depending on future tests.
>Obvious alternative to a lunar landing, gateway, is also delayed.
>Gateway seems on track to launch in late 2026, which would be too late to support Artemis 3 in 2027, since gateway must take a one year transit to enter NRHO.

>> No.16194391

>Artemis 3 could be possible sooner if SLS could do away with second stage and have orion launch on core stage and dock with starship in orbit. Unclear how long the technical analysis for this would take.
>If NASA wants to launch Artemis 3 a year after Artemis 2, they probably need to announce the flight crew for Artemis 3 before Artemis 2 flies, since training for Artemis 2 began over a year(~18 months) before it was scheduled to launch.
>SpaceX is focused on reusability for IFT 4, won't attempt to restart engine in orbit. NASA is probably trying to calculate what they can do with Artemis in 2027 if starship isn't ready by then.

>> No.16194392

OH NONO ameribros Chinas going first this time... 80% of the world think apollo 11 was fake, so for the general public the first moon landing will be chinese

>> No.16194395

The give Bolden some credit, that quote was from 2014 and Falcon Heavy had such a difficult road getting to it's first launch in 2018 that Elon repeatedly considered canceling it. The only other common-core launch vehicles in service were the Delta IV Heavy and Angara A5, and neither of those had easy development cycles. The Atlas V Heavy never happened and the Vulcan Heavy almost certainly never will. Common core designs look like they'd be cheap and simple but they never seem to work out that way.

>> No.16194432
File: 180 KB, 323x491, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ship do be lifting doe fr fr no cap on jah

>> No.16194482

Why is NASA putting up with this?

>> No.16194486

Lol just launch on Dragon if we're docking in LEO

>> No.16194496

They answer to Biden now, meaning completely unaccountable. When Trump is back heads will roll

>> No.16194502
File: 35 KB, 602x227, IMG_4210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up you stupid /pol/ import nigger why dont you tell me what picrel is.

>> No.16194508

Politics is not spaceflight.

>> No.16194512

Rocket equation, seethe

>> No.16194515
File: 1.70 MB, 1400x1400, basedpence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without politics, there can be no space

>> No.16194516

because it's the law

>> No.16194522
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>> No.16194525

kek, this image has to be fake.

>> No.16194528


>> No.16194533
File: 598 KB, 1080x1546, 1716749093150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 years ago,how time flies

>> No.16194536


>> No.16194544

smallminded porkbarreling senators instead of men with vision holding the budget strings

>> No.16194545

How about I pork your barrel

>> No.16194564

v. porked, pork·ing, porks
Vulgar Slang
To engage in sexual intercourse with (another). Used especially of a man.

>> No.16194565

Redout if you can get behind unrealistic hover racing. The Neptune tracks are something special. Moon and Mars are also neat. I like that they built those tracks around the different gravity levels.
I'm conflicted on the sequel.

>> No.16194570

Politics is to spaceflight what natural selection is to human beings.

>> No.16194572
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>> No.16194583
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>if SLS could
if monkeys could fly out my butt

>> No.16194587

Buddy ive been here for a decade and never seen the meme

>> No.16194590

Sure you have

>> No.16194598

I'm the anon who posts the spaceforce OPs

>> No.16194600
File: 64 KB, 680x614, muffin_gymnastics.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did fungus evolve on Mars? Is this evidence of panspermia?

How would we know if life on Earth did not arise via abiogenesis?

>> No.16194604


>> No.16194606

there is no fungus on mars, you're a retard.

>> No.16194614


>> No.16194621

Don't care and I think we should drop spent stages on Russia.

>> No.16194653

> How would we know if life on Earth did not arise via abiogenesis?
We don't know that, but it seems like the most likely explanation? To be frank we still haven't even obtained great results from lab experiments about the origin of neuclobases from inorganic compounds. Also the shortest
self-replicating RNA molecule which we
ever synthesized is 165 bases long.

>> No.16194660

/sfg/ is 5 years old newfag

>> No.16194687
File: 432 KB, 688x539, surface_of_mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please refer to

>> No.16194688

Kek and he willingly posted >>16194598 like we wouldnt remember his last pant shitting meltdown when he couldnt even answer what the newfag filter was. Political OPs are so fucking cancerous, both the thread and its poster.

>> No.16194695

Proxima b may support life under an ice shell thin enough for partial sunlight to penetrate.


>> No.16194696
File: 380 KB, 609x745, life_on_mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16194698
File: 18 KB, 450x300, photo-denier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no fungus on mars, you're a retard.

>> No.16194728

This tweet is, in every sense of the word, fake.

>> No.16194733
File: 84 KB, 847x476, goodfellas popsci turning your mind to mush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> le possible life on le red dwarf planet

>> No.16194737


>> No.16194739

Oh you did it for me >>16194737 I didnt realize ty xir.

>> No.16194776
File: 288 KB, 585x616, 1705870417211333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there muffins on mars?

>> No.16194803

How do you stop it from floating into one of the surfaces inside and sticking there?

>> No.16194805

trust the science

>> No.16194817
File: 383 KB, 1032x580, Charles Bolden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have a publicly available super heavy lift vehicle. Starship is real. Starship has, and you've seen 'em down at Boca Chica. We're building the zero, we're building the stage zero and boosters. Uh, we have all the engines already done ready to be put on the test stand at McGregor. Um, but I don't see any hardware for a Space Launch System ex-except that NASA's gonna take four engines, four museum pieces and put 'em together with a leaky hydrogen tank in a hurricane and that becomes the System. It's not that easy in rocketry.

>> No.16194834

since there's no gravity, the heat has no choice but to radiate its convection away from the heat source, so the muffin is forced to the center and held in place by opposing forces

>> No.16194837

>How many satellites for every airplane on earth.
Quite a bit.
But you’d only need enough for a couple hundred military craft, maybe even a few dozen, depending on the country and what you’re looking to target.
Optics can work in low light environments.

Idk you’re kind of getting strawman-y.
Do better.

>> No.16194838
File: 20 KB, 704x474, Zubrin zero g paint urine a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16194846
File: 200 KB, 1024x1024, martian_fungus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course

>> No.16194853
File: 794 KB, 493x686, Orbital bombardment - The Pacifist by Richard Hescox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16194854
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>> No.16194859

Does anyone else remember when they baked cookies on the iss?

>> No.16194860


>> No.16194862


>> No.16194880


>> No.16194882


>> No.16194894
File: 2.62 MB, 1445x2160, 112319955_p39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already am one. Mad?

>> No.16194897
File: 405 KB, 2520x1800, 525dc5b95826d6244cc19badefaeabef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no (yes)

>> No.16194902

please be in london

>> No.16194913

You're thinking of LEO gravity well effect. In actual zero g, everything should be static. With LEO, there maybe some strange/partial effects

>> No.16194918

Easiest would just to run a thin wire through your muffin balls and tie them taut to the oven walls.

>> No.16194920

where do we need to go for actual 0g? intergalactic space?

>> No.16194923

Outside of GEO, you have very little. In the interstellar space, outside of our solar system, there's very little pull. Outside of galaxies, etc.

>> No.16194926

and then i'll be able to eat my muffin?

>> No.16194927

No, you'll be dead

>> No.16194938


>> No.16194951

gay guy alert
gay guy alert
there is a gay guy

>> No.16194975
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x2716, Soyuz_VS20_pillars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss korou soyuz

>> No.16194976

You wouldn't be able to zero out the muffin's motion relative to the space station though, even in 0g.

>> No.16194978

what if we had inertial confinement lasers

>> No.16194992


>> No.16194993
File: 106 KB, 750x693, 1711771208090104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at happening exactly once in the history of earth
sounds like retarddit soience

>> No.16194997

the Sol system seems pretty crap, a bunch of dog shit planets except for Earth and maybe Mars.
we are literally cursed unless we decide to travel to several of the near by stars.

>> No.16194998
File: 93 KB, 951x713, Mack Crawford Supermodule station nasa ames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thus, by a combination of guard rings and guard caps to make the self-gravity more uniform, the use of the Earth tides augmented or compensated by 100-kilogram masses, and a slight rotation of the sample volume, it is possible to cancel all the gravity inside a sample volume of material some thirtycentimeters in diameter and tencentimeters thick (the size of a birthday cake). The technique can be used at any orbital altitude, but the best results can be obtained in a space manufacturing facility in geostationary orbit. In one example that I calculated, our birthday-cake sized sample disk of water had the gravity fields inside decreased by a factor of a thousand, so that the maximum gravity acceleration anywhere inside the disk was less than a picogravity or a trillionth of an Earth gravity. At this level of acceleration it would take an atom eightseconds to fall its own diameter
Flattening spacetime near the Earth
Robert L. Forward

>> No.16194999

its constantly happening in the ocean floors of earth today lmao

>> No.16195008

If every planet is perfect, then no planet is perfect. Perfection needs a sea of imperfects for it to be perfect. Thus our solar system is top tier because it houses a perfect planet like Earth and 2nd tier like Mars in a sea of imperfect planets within 100 light years.

>> No.16195013

or just use fans and airflow

>> No.16195020

PSA: if you want people to open your youtube links include a greentext of the video name and the thumbnail.

>> No.16195022

Wait til you see other star systems...

>> No.16195023

PSA: those people should just get 4chanX instead

>> No.16195024

Every thread should be Space Force themed from now on

>> No.16195029

No it's not. I think we know this because the semantics of the genetic code with triplets and stuff is actually kind of arbitrary, or at least it wouldn't be the same if abiogenesis happened in today's conditions. Also it's extremely improbable because we already have strong evolved life that would immediately kill the weak new life.

>> No.16195032

Gayest nigger award

>> No.16195033

Y'all here, why is it that half the dudes I've dated who are into rockets unironically have scat kinks?

>> No.16195034

I think youre confusing rockets with dicks, and yes all gay men like yourself fetishize poop.

>> No.16195035

>if abiogenesis happened in today's conditions. Also it's extremely improbable because we already have strong evolved life that would immediately kill the weak new life.
that's not an argument against it happening though. it's just that if it's happening then it'd be really hard to spot, unless you're tracking every single microbe on the ocean floor.

>> No.16195037

Its constantly happening.

Water + underwater volcano = melting soup that generates amino acids + primitive cells. These are even being recreated in lab simulations as well. Its happening, constantly and spontaneously. Its a natural outcome of themix

>> No.16195040

I'm not gay though.

>> No.16195046
File: 70 KB, 845x475, 1676046581541412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, so wen are we launchen?

>> No.16195048

> Water + underwater volcano = melting soup that generates amino acids + primitive cells.

That's retarded and anti-evolutionary. You don't just get cells.

>> No.16195049

If it were happening at that rate we would notice it easily. The reason it's not happening is competition.

>> No.16195050

Well youre obviously not a woman those dont exist on 4chud and you said you date men so that makes you a faggot.

>> No.16195053

one problem with "le tungston rod from space" is you can't just "drop" it.
but this picture had me thinking. There's a guy standing there.
Lets assume spin gravity.
Could a spin gravity station "drop" weapons down to earth?

>> No.16195068

remember when rogozin had pockocmoc goons go in and theatrically cover up USA/Euro flags

>> No.16195073

Shut up westoid pig

>> No.16195077


>> No.16195078

yes, as long as its spin was counter to its direction of travel and it rotated at 24k miles per hour

>> No.16195079
File: 18 KB, 533x524, spin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

orbital velocity at 200km LEO is 7.789 kilometers per second
so you would need a spin station that has tangential speed of 7789 m/s and assuming you wanted to keep the 1g centripetal acceleration, you would need to have a spin station with the radius of 6186 km
so basically a spin station with the radius close to earths radius

>> No.16195080

>leave the thick, drag inducing atmosphere
>recreate it in space

>> No.16195085

What the fuck are you talking about nogger

>> No.16195090

makes sense

>> No.16195092

Fucking spincel

>> No.16195104
File: 151 KB, 489x269, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16195139

you'd best start believing in atmospheres
you're in one

>> No.16195152

What about areobraking

>> No.16195174

you can pretty easily get phospholipid bilayers though. And if you handwave some self-replicating molecule SOMEHOW coming about, then it’s not so crazy to assume it found its way into a cozy little polymorphic home and that becomes the cell. It’s that easy in abiogenesis

>> No.16195203

Man I wish I lived in a spin station. It doesn't even have to be big, or 1g. If space hotels become a thing I'm working up there

>> No.16195221

reaction control thrusters

>> No.16195225

did nothing happen today?

>> No.16195229

Sunday before a federal holiday.

>> No.16195239

>planetary beyblade

>> No.16195243

Nothing ever happens

>> No.16195251
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>> No.16195253

The secret level in Blast Corps where you have to bulldoze an emergency landing site for the Shuttle is kino

>> No.16195277

it's called an orbital ring