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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16189877 No.16189877 [Reply] [Original]

>White nations, before the 1950s, without any diversity: produced not only 97% of scientists, as Murray argues ----- BUT 95% of painters, architects, philosophers, historians, archeologists, explorers, anthropologists, cartographers, novelists, sculptures, music, and theatre plays.
Does this prove that diversity is bad for science?

>> No.16189971

100% awful. The moment jews were allowed into academia they filled it with their post modernist nonsense. Nowadays is a clown show with dancing monkeys.

>> No.16190273

Depends. But today, yes.

>> No.16190308

this thread will stay up for several days because /pol/tard freakshows got one of their own as the janny.

>> No.16190346
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>> No.16190412

>i invent insane paranoid persecution complex fantasies to explain away the fact that everyone realizes that all of my poorly reasoned opinions are stupid

>> No.16191716

Mentally ill people, such as the one you replied to, should be expected to be stupid. "Mental illness" specifically means a person with a poorly functioning brain

>> No.16191886

>all painters, architects, philosophers, historians, archeologists, explorers, anthropologists, cartographers, novelists and musicians before the 1950s in non-white countries were actually White
sure, buddy.
give me a metric for the concept of "significant" that the study used

>> No.16192556


>> No.16193046

Black people in the 20th, 21st century helped create like 95% of all the music styles I listen to. Just saying

>> No.16193061

>taking beats and hooks form other songs (sampling) and saying some retarded and crass shit that rhymes over it is some major accomplishment for humanity
impressive, very nice

>> No.16193064

Nobody cares about your mudhut culture.

>> No.16193065

Not him but that's literally how the rest of humanity created civilization.

99% of all scientific knowledge is based on observation and sampling. Only recently with with introduction of microbiology and quantum physics has theoretical prose been the basis of knowledge.

Animals that flew existed prior to sapien development. Our knowledge of various aircraft are based on those animals. We didn't figure that shit out the blue.

>> No.16193077

>99% of all scientific knowledge is based on observation and sampling
ok but this was create actual useful not talk about how big your necklace is, how many people you shot, how many grams of crack you sold and how hoes you fucked stupid fuck stfu retard

>> No.16193078

*useful things*

>> No.16193088

So is this just ignoring that other nations were able to industrialize after that and then contribute heavily in those areas? The guys from pol go on and on about whites and especially the Scandinavians. So then how does Iceland compare to japan in any of these areas? Iceland is the joke to probably the most pure scandamavians so they should dwarf everyone else not even mentioning america which is full of whites who are mixed. Yet it doesn’t seem to be like that at all in reality.

>> No.16193137

>not talk about how big your necklace is,
Another form of ceremonial ornamentation
>how many people you shot
Another form of warfare tactics
>how many grams of crack you sold
Another form Apothecary
>how hoes you fucked
Another form of Religious conversion/ assimilation

All this happened with other cultures. The key difference is the details that surrounded the basic knowledge of these actions aren't usually included in books. If you think nobles didn't regularly boast about how to make clothes more special and shiny looking than commoners they presided over then you're naive. If you think followers of various religions didn't engage in questionable acts of conversion of locals their military branches took over than you're foolish. If you think Apothecaries didn't engage in distribution of questionable substances that ultimately require the law to get involved due to adverse reactions then you're not paying attention to history.

>So is this just ignoring that other nations were able to industrialize after that and then contribute heavily in those areas?

Yes, it is ignoring it and focusing on a specific time frame chronologically. Between 1400-1950 to be exact via op's pic. But it is also omitting that various forms of technology and development by Europeans/ western world was extracted from knowledge developed at the root level Asian, Middle Eastern and African countries.

Binary logic, Immunization, surgical tools were formed in China, India and parts of North Africa. The foundation of what we consider modern living standards comes from these works in knowledge.

>> No.16193164

lol didnt read, retard

>> No.16193184

No it proves that material globalism was bad for everyone

>> No.16193193

>21st century
Your tastes are shit, just saying

>> No.16193568

The pic is from 800 BC to 1950 AD
And /pol/ isn't a hivemind + doesn't worship Scandinavians. If anything Germans are seen as the "best" (or rather were).
And no, it's not ignoring whatever. The method was very clear in the book. And as an aside, probably around 5-10% of the European/Western accomplishments were actually Jewish. So it's more accurate to say Europeans are responsible for 90% of accomplishment, and European-semite (Jews) mutts for most of the rest. As a sanity check go read a history of math book and see 99% of everything was European.

>> No.16193579

>He didn't read it
I guess you already dug yourself too deep but come on

>> No.16193584

Most jews in the American/British system aren't really postmodernists. It's a weird mix of cultural studies and critical theory, which were cancerous enough, but applied to absolutely everything, instead of just culture.

>> No.16193894
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no they didn't, enjoy your rhythmic jewish propaganda messages read to you by negroes and disguised as music

>> No.16195052

>being this obsessed with race

>> No.16195366
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>> No.16195726

No, but you'll go on believing it does anyway.

>> No.16196600
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>> No.16196672
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>>Rich nations, before the 1950s...

>> No.16197338

why did they have to mooch their way into western academia? if they're so smart why didn't they have their own superior academia?

>> No.16197689

Will all school grades and graduations be equivalently bright and successful?

No. Of course not. That’s retarded. Race is like that too, just on a much larger scale.

>> No.16198527
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They're low IQ

>> No.16198682
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even being whiter than the majority of italians pol thinks i'm a shitskin

>> No.16199517


>> No.16199597
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>Will all school grades and graduations be equivalently bright and successful?
I should go around 4chan and start picking out all the obvious ESL posts just for shits and giggles.

>> No.16199621

That's quite a lot of celtiberian

>> No.16199657

Your a filthy mutt. Not a shitskin but in some ways even worse. Since you are a hidden enemy disguised as a european instead of a open one.

>> No.16199664

>t. rapebaby chang
Tell us again how proud your uncle zhou is because his great-great-great-great-great grandfather's cousin's uncle helped open the gates for your ancestor's Manchu rapists.

>> No.16199674

Another seething nonwhite. I think it is time for you to bend over. So that you can feel my raging BWC slide into you.

>> No.16199695 [DELETED] 

You do realize you've been pushing D&C angle by all those chinese and iranian astroturfing 'mutts'?
Get a grip, nigger.

>> No.16199696
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fucking kill yourself

>> No.16200330
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the n word is racist

>> No.16201089

Shut the fuck up nigger, we're white and european. We give zero fucks about you amerimutts tranny loving niggerworshippers

>> No.16201691 [DELETED] 
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He is right about race mixed trash being worse than racially pure people

>> No.16201743
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>What is white?
Northern European
>are Italians Northern European
>b-but what about all those Med achievements
don't need or want them.
Everything worth mentioning in the world today was done by Northern Europeans.
Medshits have done effectively nothing, their civilization collapsed, they had their golden age and it is passed, they are nothing more than an intermediary between the white man and the negro.
>le north shitaly
that changes nothing, take an ancestry test and your DNA will cluster with South Italians and all other M*dshits.
Italians and Greeks created Italian and Greek civilization.
Northern Europeans created Northern European civilization.
We have outdone you in every way.
>>we use latin sandnigger alphabet
who gives a fuck?

>b-but the sandniggers arent total niggers
sure, they arent sub saharans, but they sure as fuck aint white

>> No.16202030
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>> No.16202923
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>> No.16203795


>> No.16204099

You could lower it to 50% and it would still piss off non-white people

>> No.16205080

All part of the jews' white genocide program

>> No.16205086

That's comforting.

>> No.16205509

Why do right-wingers pretend to care about culture, then force everyone into wage slavery on behalf of a select few billionaires who could lead us into a flourishing age of science and art, but choose not to? At least when it was literal slaves working the plantations, the beneficiaries apparently did something with the leisure time they gained from having all their needs met by the toil of others, but not so with our current overlords. What use are they?

>> No.16205834
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>> No.16206770

The pretty racist of Iceland to outperform Haiti like that

>> No.16207414

>Does this prove that diversity is bad for science?

>> No.16208239


>> No.16208283

Just goes to show that psychology is everything. And what is psychology a product of? That’s right, biology!

>> No.16208366 [DELETED] 


>> No.16208966

Fucking twats

>> No.16208988

>this thread will stay up for several days because /pol/tard freakshows got one of their own as the janny.
It pisses me off, too. Their opinions should be banned instantly, no matter how much evidence they have.

>> No.16208993

>give me a metric for the concept of "significant" that the study used
Exactly! It's just like those damned racists claiming that DEI has no place in math. A POC saying 2+2=5 is more correct than a fragile white colonizer saying 2+2=4!

>> No.16210055
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>> No.16210826
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>> No.16211313


>> No.16211342

And here you are, helping to keep it bumped, you big fucking retard

>> No.16211344

>all painters, architects, philosophers, historians, archeologists, explorers, anthropologists, cartographers, novelists
Can you name any? No Googling.

>> No.16211351

white nations produced nothing of value for millenia until they started exploiting other parts of the world. Why you choose to cherrypick a particuliar period of time is very interesting (ie low IQ at best)
>as the janny
are these "jannies" in the room with us right now?

>> No.16211373

>white nations produced nothing of value for millenia until they started exploiting other parts of the world
You're putting the cart before the horse, anon. It was the technological and sociological advances in Europe between 1300-1600 which enabled them to exploit other parts of the world.
Other regions had a more ancient history of literacy, of civilization, of warfare and genocide and conquering. Europe was late to the game, but we were the best players.

>> No.16211414

I still don't understand how statistics are deemed racist. So fucking what if white people did everything?

It's almost like people forget that they're wearing... western style clothing... driving western automobiles... living in western minimalist architectures... wearing business suits... jeans... the fucking wireless internet... all white man's inventions...

The whole world has been defined by white culture, everywhere, but for some reason people are simultaneously adopting and decrying it, but also ignoring it, the obvious.

>> No.16211533

indeed, the declining population is not a good sign

>> No.16211556

Well, I'm not delusional. Asia leads the world in industrial power and America is the cultural superpower. That's OK. Europe was on top for "the end of history"

>> No.16212116

>Wait, maybe I should check which nations were White five thousand years ago before I end up looking retarded.

>> No.16212200
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idk my race

>> No.16213264


>> No.16213393

I don't get your point, care to elaborate?

>> No.16213396

haha chill bro

>> No.16218670

>global population by race: whites 8%
yet whites still managed to invent everything

>> No.16218932 [DELETED] 

how my cousin white and im not

>> No.16220759

You can't say that!

>> No.16221467
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>> No.16221583

>Does this prove that diversity is bad for science?
Not necessarily, but it hints that sometimes there are cultural patterns that turn out to be more efficient at allocating resources for human endeavors. Historically, over the millennia, different civilizations have taken such role.
Why do those patterns wax and wane over time is a really complex answer that I not dare attempt to find. I'm too ignorant.

>> No.16221593

>stfu retard
just don't bother anons. Science denialist detected.
This person doesn't want to learn, just propagandize.

>> No.16222177

stfu retard

>> No.16222762
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they got italians to be spics in 50s movies.

>> No.16224076

STFU smug bitch!

>> No.16224096

So retards post this shit on /sci/ too and not just /his/?

I don't give a shit about "diversity" from either end of the spectrum but this is just badly researched and is useless data sourced via a poor methodology to begin with, which I'd think a "science" board would recognize

How do you define who a "significant" figure, or a "major" accomplishment? That's inherently an obscenely subjective thing.

Also, Murray's own datasets are almost entirely English or European language sources with only dips into stuff specific to other parts of the world in specific circumstances, and a few token books on China and Japan specifically. No fucking shit most of the people that will get mentioned in European language sources are going to be from Europe.

Go comb through Middle Eastern, Indian, Southeast Asian, and East Asian historical records in Chinese, Arabic, etc to compile people/inventions, then run the numbers again. And how do you handle the fact that places with urbanized civilizations which still have a clear place in the conversation like Mesoamerica and the Andes don't have that many sources left to even go off of?

I did

>> No.16225764

>reeeeeee i hate white people!!!!!
so how come you want to live in a white nation so badly, why haven't you moved to one of the asian nations you worship?

>> No.16226081

>Does this prove that diversity is bad for science?

>> No.16227790
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>> No.16227828

>developed economies does things
>attribute it to race
why are you so retarded?

>> No.16228067

It is this reviewers opinion thst the authors' methodology is conceptually wrong, regardless of their personal belief.

>> No.16228324

why would you choose 1400 as the starting point? why not go back as far as recorded possible?

>> No.16228379

I refer you to >>16204099
Murray could be slightly or even mildly wrong, and his point would still be clear

>> No.16228384

Page on the right is since 800 BC.

>> No.16228431

>evolved races do things
>attribute it to economy
why are you so retarded?

>> No.16228455

>White nations, before the 1950s, without any diversity: produced not only 97% of scientists, as Murray argues ----- BUT 95% of painters, architects, philosophers, historians, archeologists, explorers, anthropologists, cartographers, novelists, sculptures, music, and theatre plays.
Was it white nations or just men in white nations? Why do you need both white genes and a Y chromosome to contribute historically to human development? Seems like white genes on their own are completely worthless.

Just to be abundantly clear, the joke is that it's external factors, not genes.

>> No.16228788

The don't do the same on undeveloped economies though, so the race isn't doing anything whatsoever

>> No.16228801

>Does this prove that diversity is bad for science?
it proves that being an impoverished shithole with an uneducated population is bad for science.

>> No.16228803

kek. must be the dirt then

>> No.16228830

you sound like a total nutjob

>> No.16229273
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political posters are like an infectious disease that compounds into rot if left untreated. Once a board begins to tolerate their presence, it is as good as dead.

>> No.16230299

White people did the most. Oh well.
If it wasn’t them, it would be somebody else…

>> No.16230312

legalistic Talmudic logic is an antithesis to scientific thought. It make work for law, but having that be the basis of your understanding of the world is poison for science. You need a greek platonic mindscape. The fact Talmudic philosophy is dominating western thought is why we are stagnating. Its entirely based on tricking god into allowing you to work on the sabbath through wacky work arounds.

>> No.16230357
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Because their culture worships the Jewish Caesar, Moschiach

>> No.16230359 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16230360
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>> No.16230627

>duh politics is bad
Peak stupid

>> No.16230654

What are the core tenets of Talmudic philosophy?

>> No.16230723

Why didn't Japan do a thing?

>> No.16230726

Uh um
Rabbi Google spot me!

>> No.16230727

Women had to devote considerable part of their life to taking care of children so they didn't have as much time for career in sciences or arts.

>> No.16231704

No, they are genetically predisposed to being intellectually average.

>> No.16232159

>white nations produced nothing of value for millenia
yep, funny who white supremacists so conveniently forget about history sometimes