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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 693 KB, 1080x1713, Screenshot_20240523_144559_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16189874 No.16189874 [Reply] [Original]

Delayed Indefinitely Edition

Previous >>>16187755

>> No.16189882

No... the deathliner still lives...? Those poor astronauts.... hopefully NASA calls it off for good...

>> No.16189883

Four years late
No launch date

>> No.16189884

Outdated info. The tentative launch date is June 1st.

>> No.16189885


>> No.16189889
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>> No.16189892

Nice scorch mark. Did they ever explain what that was about?
>pronouncing VAB as "vab"

>> No.16189896

You guys think they’re going to start moving them to the launch site before or after the next flight?

>> No.16189900

Why doesnt the SLS use a RS-68 derivative? Wouldn't this be far cheaper?

>> No.16189904

The RS-68 uses an ablative carbon nozzle that can't withstand the heat flux of the Shuttle's SRBs and three other engines clustered nearby over an eight minute period. It would need to be modified with a regenerative cooling nozzle and modified turbopumps.

>> No.16189911

>Wouldn't this be far cheaper?
that would be against the goals of the project

>> No.16189913


>> No.16189921

>ablative carbon nozzle that can't withstand the heat flux
Right, I mean im just thinking out my ass right now but in my mind couldnt you just make the nozzles fuckhuge and thermally insulate them in someway and possibly film cool the nozzle (idk how much this actually helps)

>> No.16189923

Threadly reminder that this was considered the "Premium" option and Boeing got paid almost twice as much for it.

>> No.16189924

The nozzle gets heavier and the engine just burns away from the outside instead. Regenerative cooling is light and reliable.

>> No.16189926
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>> No.16189934

Not enough work is going into space assembly and metrology techniques to start engineering anything like these.

>> No.16189936
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Did this chink get scammed?

>> No.16189940

What is the point of a spinstation?

>> No.16189945

No? DearMoon is going to happen... eventually.
A scam would be Mars One, or Virgin Galactic, or ArcaSpace.

>> No.16189946

he's a nip

>> No.16189949

Generate a facsimile of gravity by means of centrifugal force.

>> No.16189951
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crews stay healthy without becoming gymcels

>> No.16189959

The argument was "the engines already exist, it's free deltaV :DDDDDD" which turned out to be a vile oldspace lie.

>> No.16189962

My money is on the June 1 date to slide to the right too. At this point both Boeing and NASA probably wish they could just forget about this whole debacle.

>> No.16189965

Now Boeing is far in the red with no way to make it out on this project

>> No.16190017

Wow! Black holes are so cool. Amazing to think we might be living inside a black hole inside a black hole inside a black hole. I love science!

>> No.16190026

And maybe a white hole or a worm hole!! Woah

>> No.16190031


>> No.16190032

The more they delay, the more they get paid. This normally doesn't work in the real world but NASA is legally obligated to use it 5 times. Honestly at this point I don't know why an astronaut wouldn't refuse

>> No.16190035

I love shitting my pants

>> No.16190048

>The more they delay, the more they get paid
not with the commercial crew contract. that's the saddest part - boeing's not playing some game here. they're actually this incompetent.

>> No.16190050
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No, that can't be true! They're leading the future! There's no one in commercial space flight like boeing!

>> No.16190052

that nigga so stupid. How would a black hole in another unvierse cosume an entire unvierse of material???

>> No.16190087

>metrology - the science of measurement and it's application
Assuming you meant metallurgy, you're right. I've shilled this before and I'll shill it again: we need to start developing space welding technologies. We need to know how to weld pressure vessels in a low/0g environment if we ever really want to set up permanently in space or on another body

>> No.16190095

In all seriousness though, what happens here? Can they give up?
>Sorry yeah we did our best, also we spent all the money already sorry

>> No.16190097

While I agree with your assessment, I meant techniques for measuring and positioning components that need to be assembled in space.

>> No.16190107

Interesting. Setting control points for survey on a space station must be an interesting task. Surely they've done something like this on the ISS?

>> No.16190115
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>> No.16190116

is nasa able to sue or fine corporate entities for failing contractual obligations?

>> No.16190119

It looks like they have the capability. That would be so disruptive to oldspace that I bet they would just take the loss and award contracts elsewhere in the future

>> No.16190125

>It looks like they have the capability.
Doubt they would ever do it however. NASA is full of old heads with deep ties to oldspace. Wasn't there some article highlighting the aging workforce of NASA compared to startups? Forgot what the average age was.

>> No.16190131

Do we know what the financials look like for crew dragon?

>> No.16190136

SpaceX was given $3bil for 13 flights, Boeing was given $5bil for 0 flights

>> No.16190149

sounds like a great deal for boeioeing but turns out it’s not.

>> No.16190154

Boeing are good business people.

>> No.16190164

>lets go to space so we can make space be like earth
why not just stay on earth?

>> No.16190165
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>> No.16190170
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>> No.16190174

>It turns them on.
oh yes.

>> No.16190182

Rizz gyatt

>> No.16190186

skibidi toilet

>> No.16190191

How did Elon Musk evolve?

>> No.16190192
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skibidi Raptor RUD

>> No.16190196
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back to the normal state for scarliner

>> No.16190199

I don't think the area is ready for the towers yet

>> No.16190205
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>> No.16190206

OP here, what are the chances there's a Boeing hit man otw to my house rn?

>> No.16190208

it still makes monetary sense for them to do the missions because they get paid for completed missions
they will be in the red, but would be in the red even more if they just dropped the program and didn't complete the 6 launches


>> No.16190210
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>> No.16190211

Welp, see you guys in six months.

>> No.16190212

100%, good night sweet prince

>> No.16190216

oh shit

>> No.16190218
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>we're never going to space beyond orbit again
>we're never going to have settlements on the moon
>we're never going to explore mars on foot
>its just old NASA tapes NASA soap operas and musk only caring about the latest AIshit to shit up X with powered by orbiting satellites

its over

>> No.16190220
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There's not enough Earth, we should make 20 or 30 more at least.

>> No.16190225
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the whole article below

>Elon Musk’s SpaceX has initiated discussions about selling existing shares at a price that could value the closely held company at roughly $200 billion, according to people familiar with the matter.
>SpaceX is discussing a tender offer that may kick off in June, said some of the people, who asked not to be identified because the information is confidential. The price for the upcoming tender offer has not been decided but SpaceX is weighing offering shares at $108 to $110 apiece, said one of the people.
Terms aren’t finalized and the size of the tender offer could change depending on interest from both insider sellers and buyers.
>A $200 billion valuation would be a premium to the $180 billion valuation the company obtained through its most recent tender offer. Already, SpaceX is on par with some of the world’s largest, publicly traded companies by market capitalization.
>Musk, as well as representatives for SpaceX, formally known as Space Exploration Technologies Corp., didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.

>> No.16190226

What are you talking about faggot, he's doing it. Even if the second stage has to be expendable we're still talking like 250 tons for ~$50mil. That's the ISS in two launches, and he wants to launch 1000 a year

>> No.16190228

We're going to turn the Martian domes into tract housing with manicured lawns connected by stroads

>> No.16190229

it's so over.

>> No.16190230

Not sure why they would do this, but if true I would put all my money in and continue to do so forever

>> No.16190232

>musk larping
Its just VC/wall street marketing materials. Space exploration is pretty dead outside nation state cooperation. At best all this shit will just be used to blast more dumb starlink equipment into orbit to support the security surveillance industry. We aren't ever going to do anything significant other then keep the internet going for AI shit to be dumped everywhere on the planet.

>> No.16190234

Employees get shares as part of their compensation and this is a chance for them to cash out.

>> No.16190236

Lol it's fucking OVER, jesus christ. Starship program must be racking up too big a bill. Mars never going to happen now, starlink will be squeezed for investor dividends and any money put into Mars r&d will have every kike with a penny invested to be suing Elon for failing fiduciary responsibility. Fuck.

>> No.16190237

they do it to raise money, they do this like every year
I guess this means they are still cash flow negative due to the investment into Starship, starlink is supposedly cash flow positive from operations
might take a year or two to get positive overall to not need to do these raises anymore

>> No.16190238

That doesn't seem nominal

Hope it's for financing SpaceX stuff and not the latest retarded idea of Elon

>> No.16190240

Yep, T*rraformers should just stay here.
shut up faggot

>> No.16190243

oh I guess this isn't them raising money even, its just something that happens twice every year so employees can sell their shares and investors can then buy those


>> No.16190244

is rogget okay?

>> No.16190247

rogget is slepp

>> No.16190248 [DELETED] 

D: nooo

>> No.16190250

no wonder elon's sending in the cops to kill the cameras

>> No.16190255

its a tender offer i.e. a way for investors (mainly employees) to buy or sell shares, I don't think its for spacex to sell new shares
the previous one happened 6 months ago but at 180 bil valuation, the noteworthy thing here is not that a tender offer is happening, its that its happening at 200 bil valuation
so spacex share price has basically risen 11% in 6 months. the market capitalization rising from 180bil to 200bil


>> No.16190257

So the doomers were completely wrong once again and nothing even remotely exciting is happening

>> No.16190259

nothing ever happens

>> No.16190261

Did they name the company after the sound their vehicles make when their rivets pop out of pmace?

I took a single flight on a Boeing 777 and legitimately feared for my life. Im not joking. The plane rattled and shook violently, nothing like the A321s I was used to.

The lights flickered on and off eerily, multiple luggage compartments popped open during takeoff, and the entire time there was this saw-like buzzing emanating from the fucking engines.

The entire flight I was scared, counting down the minutes before I was off that godforsaken ride. For the first time in my life when the plane landed safely, I felt an actual urge to applaud. Do not fly on 777s bros. What a sick joke to name them “777”.

Then theres a fucking ROCKET built by these clowns? AND ITS SUPPOSED TO CARRY HUMAN BEINGS?! These astronauts better write their own eulogies and choose their death playlists because theres no way in hell they make it back alive from this one. Even if the rocket gets outside the atmosphere the crew module will implode or burn up on reentry, theres simply no way Boeing can pull this off.

>> No.16190263

I don't know, Starlink is already making $6.6bil/y if the reported contracts are accurate. If the actual business side of things (not just NASA contracts) is incentivized to bring costs down I think they will. If they get really good at flinging shit into LEO then anything beyond that is incidental. Maybe you don't believe Musk is autistic enough to believe what he says but I do.
read nigger

>> No.16190268

>making 6.6 bil

Revenue, not take away. The figure isn't even close to that after you deduct launches, operations and all the other shit. They might still be in the red desu.

>> No.16190270

That literally says McGregor its clearly not a Raptor how can so many of you be this stupid to believe this.

>> No.16190271

The Boeing Sh*tliner has been an endless source of entertainment on this general for many years now. Fortunately it's looking more and more likely that this thing will NEVER EVER carry astronauts (too broken to launch).

Also it's a capsule, not a rocket.

>> No.16190272

Its over. We're not going to Mars and Starship will be permanently stuck in LEO to generate profits. FUCK YOU ELON YOU STUPID RAT NIGGER

>> No.16190276

Launches cost them like $20mil internally or something, right? Taking into account the margin on commercial launches, plus the heftier margin on dod launches, plus starlink rev, you're left with enough room for Starship development costs. I don't know, it might work

>> No.16190278

It's for employees to cash their stock in, not spacex, it happens a few times a year anyway.
Take a deep breath and cool your tits, ok anon?

>> No.16190282

Please don't post something like this again. This is /sci/, not /biz/. These guys can't handle it. Clearly.

>> No.16190286

Damage controlling Elonjew going on the defensive I see. Go fuck yourself you stupid rat.

>> No.16190288

Even at 20m internal, which I think is a bit low since they are producing new second stages every time, using expensive kerosene and launch+retrieval operations not cheap, that's still like half the starlink revenue eaten up by launching alone. Add in satellite manufacturing, acquiring land/leasing land and building ground stations, bribes and loicencing, loss leading manufacture of user terminals, wages and fucking TAXES. I think they won't be in the green until they are launching on starship.

>> No.16190290

When SpaceX goes public I will make sure there is a shareholder meeting to reverse the name back to S.E.T

>> No.16190293

You are worse than Elon.

>> No.16190298

>using expensive kerosene and launch+retrieval operations not cheap


>> No.16190299

deep breath in
deep breath out

>> No.16190301 [DELETED] 

mods should permaban these stupid fucking thrads
go back to /n/ lol

>> No.16190306

We never were in /n/. It sounds like youre butt mad our threads are #1 on the catalogue ever since its inception and you may need to dilate your neovagina.

>> No.16190310

Sir, Merlins don't explode

>> No.16190311

Did I strike a nerve? NASA should have just shut down after launching voyager 2. Nothing new since and no actual adversary to push them, lolberts can't build anything big enough to move humanity forward. Just bitch like anarcho communists but with fiat money to their name. SpaceX is just another boys club project from rich tech dotcom billionaires. Name one thing anyone around spaceX wants to do with all their toys then to expand more space internet gadgets and find a new scam now that electric vehicles went nowhere and tesla is dying.

>> No.16190313

I'll give you a 3/10 for this one because you'll hook a couple of this threads tards

>> No.16190314
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Farmers were settling in New England in the 1600s because they wanted to own their own land rather than have to pay rent to a landlord. You can read all about in Mourt's Relation and other writings of early American settlers.

>> No.16190315

>There's no one in commercial space flight like boeing!
Well, that is true.

>> No.16190318

They're supposed to be a containment zone for the people who are too low IQ to have realized that Star Trek was just a stupid jewish TV show and think that the tranny space travel fantasies that were planted in their heads by Hollywood have some relationship with reality

>> No.16190320
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Hold my beer.

>> No.16190323

wen is spa sex flying again?

>> No.16190324

Why would Merlins be tested when they are the most flight proven engine in history? Not to mention F9 development has been frozen since block 5 so it can remain human rated.

>> No.16190325

its over spacex is finished this time

>> No.16190332
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The rare tier-0 muskrat, I thought they were a legend

>> No.16190333

two weeks

>> No.16190334

SpaceX clearly is desperate to upthrust Raptor (otherwise it wont make it to the moon) and they blow up an engine a month in the process. Not good. Merlin never experienced this.

>> No.16190338
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>> No.16190341

You keep saying this but I've never seen star trek in my life, and from what I've heard it seems incredibly dumb; no realism.
We hate sci-fi bullshit here.

>> No.16190347

your whole notion of colonising other planets is scifi. we should stay here on earth.

>> No.16190349

(you) should stay here on earth.

>> No.16190351


>> No.16190354

in merlin's first 5 years it'd gone from 340kN with the 1A to 480kN with the 1C, an increase of 42%. in raptor's first 5 years it's gone from 1.81MN to 2.69MN, an increase of 45%.

>> No.16190357

>We hate sci-fi bullshit here.
my man, half this thread is sci-fi bullshit

>> No.16190368

youre a fucking lolcow and you dont even know it.

>> No.16190369

>using rockets to put stuff in space x100
Where's the fi

>> No.16190372

>/sfg/ is Elon Musk general

>> No.16190375

I have a dream of /sfg/ where anons don't bite onto the same mid bait for years running

>> No.16190376

Where is the lie?

>> No.16190377

the fi is when /sfg/ thinks raptors cost $250k and ift-3 can do 150 tons to orbit

>> No.16190378
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Clearly close to space

>> No.16190379

How many times can he be reused?

>> No.16190381

Another(?) hearing on artemis cost overruns.
Looks like it revolves around starship.

>> No.16190385 [DELETED] 

Btw NASA Gateway will have a CDR (Critical Design Review) in a few weeks so be on the lookout for that. Also apparantly boosters are done for missions up until Artemis 7

>> No.16190389
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clear is the ultimate reusable

>> No.16190390

yeah, they're going to pretend that all of the delays and overruns are spacex's fault because the contract said HLS was supposed to be ready by 2025.

>> No.16190391

>Artemis originally planned for 2016
>Starship added to plans in 2021
>delays are Starship's fault
I hate these people so much it's unreal

>> No.16190396

They can't even build one (1) capsule over 20 years without the heatshield falling apart in chunks and bolts becoming slag iron but seethe over starship when they are the ones weaponising the FAA. Just fucking redact them already.

>> No.16190398
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>> No.16190401

It's over for elon.

>> No.16190402

Clear Ch. lies of a panicking man who is about to be arrested by the FDA deathsquads.

>> No.16190406

Fucking traitor rat. Ill believe it when I see it (so I never will).

>> No.16190407

kek. No replies form them because they are salty.

>> No.16190409

everyone on the senate appropriations committee knows that the original 2024 date for artemis 3 was fiction to placate trump too. expect to see some shills demanding HLS be cancelled entirely so we can go back to a comanifested lander on SLS block 1B.

>> No.16190411

so starlink is actually going very well then
how will thunderfoot spin this?
spacex was supposed to go bankrupt

>> No.16190413

two more weeks

>> No.16190415

You should be asking how CSS will spin this. That man is the insane one that has mouth foaming EDS, Thunderf00t is just a mild EDSer, he hates Elon and his companies but doesnt make shit up. He shuts his mouth on things he cant spin, CSS spins.

>> No.16190418

Would be funny if they cut ties, Starship continues development as normal for Starlink, and SLS continues at the same pace. A shitty old space mission landing on a moon that already has a SpaceX base on it is too funny to imagine

>> No.16190420
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SpaceX won't go to the moon unless it's for a NASA mission. Elon wants Mars.

>> No.16190421

>Nelson argued such a review was not necessary. “We are constantly having other eyes” on Artemis, he said, citing reviews by OIG as well as the Government Accountability Office. “The fact is, when you go to the moon in order to go to Mars, it’s hard.”

lol he said the thing

>> No.16190423

>A shitty old space mission landing on a moon that already has a SpaceX base on it is too funny to imagine

Yeah but it's not gonna happen. Either SpaceX will get railroaded until boomerspace lands a niggernaut or they stuff the niggernaut in the starship cargo bay to take the first step.

>> No.16190424
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by the way you guys remember picrel by Redwire space? theyre the same guys that made the rollout solar panels for the ISS

>> No.16190425

There were never any public shares for you to buy, pajeet.

>> No.16190428

they would not be allowed to do a moon mission without NASA getting credit

>> No.16190429

nice projection Jeet Rohan Patel

>> No.16190431

terraforming delusion shut the fuck up

>> No.16190432

Is there some other subcontinent of angry money grubbers that speak weird English that I haven't heard about?

>> No.16190435

yeah, Australia. have you never heard the tale of Ned Kelly?

>> No.16190437

how will spacex terraform mars when its known that mars doesnt have enough co2 to thicken the atmosphere to sustain liquid water? even if you nuked the poles there wouldnt be enough.

>> No.16190440

>when its known that mars doesnt have enough co2 to thicken the atmosphere to sustain liquid water
Citation needed

>> No.16190441

see >>16190431

>> No.16190449

Anything that far out should be discussed in the /lit/ scifi thread. But centuries of a Venusian launch loop firing an endless stream of dry ice into a years long path towards Mars where it burns up in the atmosphere would kill two birds with one stone

>> No.16190452

Neat. I thought they were just some gay Boing! subcontractor for iROSA.

>> No.16190453

stop stifling discussion of the future you d&c decelerationtard

>> No.16190459
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>sees Elon's "blue mars" pic
>instantly triggered

>> No.16190462

>stop stifling discussion of the future you d&c decelerationtard
Fuck off, I've been the one insisting Starship will work as planned. On terraforming, if you're missing the CO2 then you're missing the CO2. Your only option for terraforming is something insane and centuries away like the Venusian launch loop or tethered ring or something. Your next best bet is big plastic bubbles that hold pressure and don't go up that high. Maybe instead of plastic you could have some sort of diamond/graphene lattice panels that are strong for the same reason as concrete and rebar. See, it's all scifi

>> No.16190464

it's not that easy in porketry

>> No.16190465

source? I'm pretty sure mars has a lot of carbon and oxygen.

>> No.16190467

>pretty sure
do you know what makes up 95% of mars's atmosphere? well retard?

>> No.16190469

to obtain free real estate

>> No.16190472

breathable oxygen?

>> No.16190473

you are retarded

>> No.16190475

I don't think mars really has an appreciable enough atmosphere to really move the needle that much in terms of its carbon or oxygen content but CO2?

>> No.16190476

congratulations you are NOT retarded

>> No.16190478

that tripod stand is a raptor stand

>> No.16190480

oh look the doomer wojak poster is back again with a new copypasta

>> No.16190482

weve already proven that he is the scat flat earther theres no need to call him something else other than what he originally was

>> No.16190483

that /n/ nigger needs to go fucking die
is he still around? it's literally just one faggot trying to force a meme
I completely missed that, thanks for the reminder to report him

>> No.16190484

There are two options here:
1. You took the bait and are therefore a retard
2. You are samefagging

>> No.16190485

Realistically could we mine bauxite on Mars and send it back to Earth?

>> No.16190486

no, lunar titanium is much closer than martian titanium if that was ever necessary

>> No.16190487

No, interplanetary trade for any material, even luxury goods, is not economically sound.

>> No.16190489

At some point, a Lunar colony will be sending lots of rocks back to Earth.

>> No.16190491

its over then.... bon voyage to our space faring future if we will just be islands in the dark.......

>> No.16190494

Possibly, but they'll be very expensive rocks for suckers, and their novelty will wear off eventually.
Not the case at all, you don't need trade incentives to colonize space.

>> No.16190495

No, anon; they will be very large rocks for problem peoples.

>> No.16190497

>Raptors keep blowing up
>Starship didnt get to orbit

When do we stop pretending this whole starship project is not a complete failure?

>> No.16190500

I could feasibly see something like Mars grown wood having a distinctive grain that's popular enough for Earth wealthy to ship it back. Something strange and specific to Mars, not sure what that may be. Giant weed from giant weed plants getting popular with rappers, I don't know. Even then Mars would contend with 0.38g spin stations in LEO. But raw resources? No, always cheaper on Earth. Manufactured goods also always cheaper on Earth.

>> No.16190501

perhaps muskrats is not an apt name because unlike rats they are the last to leave the sinking ship

>> No.16190503
File: 33 KB, 890x431, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16190504

newfag detected, gtfo

>> No.16190506

Art, new ideas, and designs for useful tools will be what gets exchanged, once a new colony has paid back its investors by resource extraction.

>> No.16190507
File: 604 KB, 4080x3060, 20230927_075556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erm no look at this ebic /sfg/ meme
im one of you guys fr fr

>> No.16190508

oh carry on then

>> No.16190510

based artfag
making content is more important than being old

>> No.16190514
File: 113 KB, 528x272, aluminum-1546659273733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mine bauxite on Mars and send it back to Earth
>aluminum ore
Why the fuck would you mine the ore of one of the most common elements on Earth and bring it in from outer space?

>> No.16190515

oh is bauxite aluminum, not titanium? fuck
they're both metals that need to be electrically refined, and Luna still has a shitpile of them
zero reason to bring it back from Mars

>> No.16190516

Hes retarded and the only economics he knows is mommy gives card and free chicken nuggets galore, dont mind the useless well dwellers.

>> No.16190526

No human will walk on the moon until next century you stupid faggots, we cant even go back to the moon and you want Mars?

Please GROW UP, we will be lucky if in the next 50 yeats manned space flights still exist

>> No.16190527

what makes people completely lose all hope like this?

>> No.16190533
File: 86 KB, 211x262, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prob the same ppl who use the term "space cadet"

>> No.16190535

It's cool to see how creative you can be :)

>> No.16190536
File: 32 KB, 765x184, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh... i didn't make this
i saved it from a thread a while back

>> No.16190538

Please post good quality spaceflights pictures for my phone wallpaper

>> No.16190540


>> No.16190541

that's not even old though
you'd need to post like, Ikamusume-chan dressed up as Starship for that

>> No.16190542
File: 512 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20240523-215732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just screenshot videos

>> No.16190543
File: 122 KB, 1648x2424, the_best_starship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this?

>> No.16190544
File: 1.45 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20240523-215736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16190545
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, f41e4b110fe311817dd4b9a2db64cc17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha I love this image
shrimp are VERY important and you WILL eat them on Mars

>> No.16190549

The winking emoji on Musk's Los Alamos tweet is haunting me

>> No.16190554

What's your best guess on the implications?

>> No.16190555
File: 760 KB, 671x1193, 1703060725093119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clear on the JAXA!

>> No.16190562

Martian opals (they’re real, look it up) could be popular among the super wealthy.

>> No.16190565

Anything Mars will be popular among retards with more money than brains. Martian aquifer bottled water, Martian stone benchtops, pavers, little vials of regolith on a necklace, Martian metal jewellery, whatever. Not to mention there will be a substantial economy just from sending samples and such back to Earth to universities and shit.

>> No.16190574
File: 50 KB, 1764x816, 4ASS Satellite 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16190576

didn't Los Alamos lose their nuke certifications earlier due to excessive accidents?

>> No.16190581
File: 367 KB, 862x927, cirno_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smart frogposter

>> No.16190583

do not the frog please

>> No.16190585
File: 390 KB, 862x927, cirno_pepe_ack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16190586

Make a more detailed sketch of #2 please

>> No.16190594

Seconded. What’s the scorch mark? Did Boing fuck it up and thought nobody would notice?

>> No.16190599

~10 days

>> No.16190605

iirc they tested it, found it was cosmetic, and decided not to paint it. imagine being the astronaut that has to get in this fucking thing

>> No.16190609

Do they know what caused it?
It may be cosmetic, but seriously Boing, wtf? That looks like a high school shop class fucking around type of accident.

>> No.16190614

Shut up you fucking subhuman you dont know the first thing about a machine shop

>> No.16190618

Wasn't it reentry? Didn't they test this one before? Not sure, I only remember the facts to laugh at them.

>> No.16190624

>high school shop class
>machine shop
Oh yes, forgive me.

So anyway, was Shaniqua da Boeing machinist dancing for a TikTok in front of Starliner, and had a little accident with a welding torch?

>> No.16190629

Best case scenario, the DoD wants to get Spacex to develop nuclear engines because they've realized that all the legacy contractors would take 20 years even with a blank check.
Mid-outcome, they wanted to talk about some spacecraft-optimized nuclear power solution to outfit long-haul Starships like submarines.
Garbage tier, he just called in a favor and wanted to go see cool laboratory.

Schizo tier, they showed him the tictac assembly line.

>> No.16190631
File: 302 KB, 2088x1982, bullfrog-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16190635

>Flight 4 in about 10 days

>> No.16190637

>Garbage tier, he just called in a favor and wanted to go see cool laboratory.
i'm guessing this is it. maybe he asked them if they'd have any fusion reactors ready in 10 years and they said no too.

>> No.16190638

Would be cool if they talked about nuclear engines. I seem to remember some quirk that makes them difficult to test in gravity. Nuclear Sub Starship would make things easier too. Imagine he's basically tweeting about a day at the museum

>> No.16190640

nerva got tested extensively on the ground. for solid cores i don't really see how ground testing would be more of a problem than chemical engines.

>> No.16190645

just uhhhhhh put a rocket nozzle on the exhaust port for your open cycle engine? don't bother with all the engineering complexity of closed cycle.
I'll take my billion dollar launch contract now please

>> No.16190647

I might be thinking of a gas core reactor specifically

>> No.16190648

so, 2 more business weeks?

>> No.16190649

I'm not even british but this shit almost made me cry:
why are politicians such scum?

>> No.16190650

2 weeks

>> No.16190651

yeah but those are more fictional than regular nuke engines

>> No.16190654

>hottest part must be visually transparent
What could ever possibly work for this

>> No.16190655

it just needs to be transparent to whatever wavelength of light the nuclear plasma is putting out, which may or may not be in the visible and may or may not make this problem harder
the hard part is going to be maintaining transparency while actively cooling it

>> No.16190656

I feel sad now because I will never accomplish anything of note in my entire life.

>> No.16190657

as the zoomers* say: skill issue

>> No.16190660

Things are looking up, boys

>> No.16190662

Gyatt rizzler skibidi ohio sigma

>> No.16190665

of course. in my case it really is a skill issue. I failed engineering school (did not even start a career...) and ended up working with computers.
I only know basic math and physics and chemistry and not much else. and I don't even remember most of that shit at 40...

>> No.16190666

Do you not even know how to calculate stress?? What a moment is??? Dynamics?????

>> No.16190668



>basic physics

I guess I could try learning more stuff, but since it really is of no use to me...

>> No.16190670

Not knowing stress and strain is criminal. Whats the relationship between current and magnetism then.

>> No.16190673

The distinction between renting and owning is a lot fuzzier when someone else controls if you get to breathe today.

>> No.16190674

Don't worry anon I'm an artist because I couldn't be an engineer.

>> No.16190678

Fuck out of here artnigger this is an engineer and mechanic general

>> No.16190679

eat the shit out of my ass, isaac

>> No.16190681


>> No.16190682

yeah I still like that stuff. In fact that's what i'm here for. I don't know why you're so angry

>> No.16190691
File: 51 KB, 1044x756, Screenshot_20240524_103406_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16190692

I could shit on a canvas and make something better than this

>> No.16190696
File: 312 KB, 480x270, 436ce7f927723c35cf3eecc63d1444fd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it

>> No.16190715

>Whats the relationship between current and magnetism then.
I don't remember the formula... but magnetism is directly proportional and the vector for magnetism is parallel to current
I was never good at electricity, though. in fact, I never got to do a course on electricity and magnetism...

>> No.16190717
File: 369 KB, 1863x2247, FwmCwGlX0AAnKuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16190770

>Schizo tier, they showed him the tictac assembly line.
Disclosure is coming. DARPA funded Mad Mike McCulloch as proof that the stuff works even if you come at it with completely the wrong cosmology.


>> No.16190776

>as proof that the stuff works
it doesn't though

>> No.16190779

These things are unrelated. "Disclosure is coming" is the same brand of schizo-headed bullshit as "trust the plan."

>> No.16190788

Two more weeks

>> No.16190792
File: 23 KB, 608x212, fan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fake news. Its a share buyback rather than sell

>> No.16190808

That was their intent. Drag it along long enough to turn it into good old cost plus.
But much to their chagrin, the pot smoking upstart succeeded and they're stuck with the money they got and no more.

>> No.16190836

The only actual news is the expected valuation of the company.

>> No.16190849
File: 75 KB, 826x863, 010714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16190850

>“Instead, Omnispace has merely demonstrated its ability to intentionally configure its lone MEO satellite to detect SpaceX’s direct-to-cell emissions,” the company told the FCC on Thursday, later adding: “Omnispace does not claim—or provide evidence to suggest—that SpaceX’s tests have harmfully interfered with any Omnispace service.”

the letter

>> No.16190851

sounds like someone is looking for a handout

>> No.16190857

Fraud and shady claims from Omnispace lmao

>> No.16190897
File: 85 KB, 600x400, 24b_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan MOD will officially use Starlink for its military later this year.


>> No.16190903
File: 2.80 MB, 8200x8200, Euclid_s_new_image_of_galaxy_cluster_Abell_2390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting some new images from ESA's Euclid. Haven't seen them posted yet.


>Abell 2390 is a galaxy cluster, a giant conglomeration of many galaxies like the Milky Way. More than 50 000 galaxies are seen here, the distances to which can be measured thanks to these new observations. Such clusters contain huge amounts of mass (up to 10 trillion times that of the Sun), with much of this being in the form of dark matter – a form of matter that we can’t observe directly, but is purported to together with dark energy make up the bulk of the contents of the Universe. Galaxy clusters like Abell 2390 are large repositories of dark matter, making them ideal astrophysical laboratories for studying its properties. Once Euclid begins its main survey it will capture many thousands of galaxy clusters over around one-third of the sky, obtaining information we can use to make unprecedented constraints on the dark Universe.

>> No.16190906
File: 2.53 MB, 8200x8200, Euclid_s_new_image_of_star-forming_region_Messier_78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This breathtaking image features Messier 78 (the central and brightest region), a vibrant nursery of star formation enveloped in a shroud of interstellar dust. This image is unprecedented – it is the first shot of this young star-forming region at this width and depth.

>Euclid peered deep into this enshrouded nursery using its infrared camera, exposing hidden regions of star formation for the first time, mapping its complex filaments of gas and dust in unprecedented detail, and uncovering newly formed stars and planets. This is the first time we’ve been able to see these smaller, sub-stellar sized objects in Messier 78; the dark clouds of gas and dust usually hide them from view, but Euclid’s infrared ‘eyes’ can see through these obscuring clouds to explore within.


>> No.16190907

Fuck this. NOBODY CARES,
Also not spaceflight related.

>> No.16190908

astroonomers go get your own thread

>> No.16190915

There's one retard on this board who forwards these soience cucks to /sfg/

>> No.16190919

Stop posting these gay pics cuck. Nobody gives a shit about 'muh galaxies'

>> No.16190922
File: 323 KB, 1920x1280, Closer_Euclid_view_of_Abell_2764_pillars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't post this one in full because of the shitty board limits.


>This image is a higher resolution, close-up cutout from a larger frame featuring the galaxy cluster Abell 2764. All the galaxies seen here show signs of interacting, with their outer regions and halos of stars appearing quite disrupted. This indicates that some intense dynamic changes are taking place within Abell 2764.

>> No.16190925
File: 2.61 MB, 8200x8200, Euclid_s_new_image_of_the_Dorado_group_of_galaxies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The Dorado Group of galaxies is one of the richest galaxy groups in the southern hemisphere. Here, Euclid captures signs of galaxies evolving and merging ‘in action’, with beautiful tidal tails and shells visible as a result of ongoing interactions. As Dorado is a lot younger than other clusters (like Fornax), several of its constituent galaxies are still forming stars and remain in the stage of interacting with one another, while others show signs of having merged relatively recently. In size, it sits between larger galaxy clusters and smaller galaxy groups, making it a useful and fascinating object to study with Euclid.

>This dataset is enabling scientists to study how galaxies evolve and collide over time in order to improve our models of cosmic history and understand how galaxies form within halos of dark matter, with this new image being a true testament to Euclid’s immense versatility. A wide array of galaxies is visible here, from very bright to very faint. Thanks to Euclid’s unique combination of large field-of-view and high spatial resolution, for the first time we can use the same instrument and observations to deeply study tiny (small objects the size of star clusters), wider (the central parts of a galaxy) and extended (tidal merger tails) features over a large part of the sky.

>> No.16190926 [DELETED] 

There's only 2.6 billion stars, this photo is a reality glitch made by Jesus(the Jews).

Je sus
Je r'us
Jews r us

>> No.16190927
File: 2.53 MB, 5468x3644, Closer_Euclid_view_of_galaxies_in_Dorado(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cutout from the same image in the top left, showing the crazy resolution Euclid has.


>> No.16190928

>each of these billions of galaxies has an advanced civilization living in it
>we'll never meet any of them
a grim and dark universe

>> No.16190934

Omnispace? More like get fucking raped to death by a pack of feral niggers space.

>> No.16190935


>> No.16190937

ESA's Euclid on a Falcon 9 nearly 11 months ago, beginning it's flight into space. With nearly 200 times the field of view of Hubble or JWST it can efficiently survey wide areas. Over the next 6 years Euclid will survey a third of the entire sky, revealing rare objects and testing models of dark energy and cosmology. Many more pretty images on the way for /sfg/.

>> No.16190939
File: 221 KB, 840x1200, IMG 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the image.

>> No.16190947

Taiwan is stupid to dismiss Starlink.

>> No.16190953

imagine making a 17 minute video that says nothing of value. where's the commentary? the analysis? the predictions? im so sick of most youtube videos scratching the surface then fucking off. add value, bitch.

>> No.16190954
File: 14 KB, 1200x609, 1200px-Starlink_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fugg I miss the old blue and gray logo. None of this bland monochrome shit

>> No.16190956

its aimed at normies that know absolutely nothing about anything related to it

>> No.16190962

>polaris dawn helmets have a copper coating on their visors instead of gold like nasa
why is nasa paying $10k for a visor coating when $1 worth of copper is just as good?

>> No.16190965

Space is expensive, please understand

>> No.16190969

There's like a few bucks of gold on the NASA helmets too...

>> No.16190974

10k is the manufacturing cost and all the Quality assurance they do, that plus gold is probably better for blocking out UV than copper

>> No.16190975

Gold is less reactive than copper. Kind of important if you are doing long term EVAs and especially when you are on, say, Mars.

>> No.16190977
File: 48 KB, 651x547, 010715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


seems like the chinese are close

>> No.16190980
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>> No.16190981
File: 335 KB, 2148x1208, GOSY5F-XAAIJyvX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A retired SpaceX Cargo Dragon went on display at MSI Chicago this week
>Cool exhibit. Seeing space-flown hardware in person will capture the imagination of just about anyone

>> No.16190982

museums are garbage what's the point of them?

>> No.16190990

Given how long it takes to set up a launch site, not to mention all of the environmental reviews, getting them early wasn't a bad shout

>> No.16190998

you’ve obviously never been to KSC and had a life changing experience

>> No.16191003

just another way for white people to show off

>> No.16191004
File: 221 KB, 2500x1667, 1691525415240569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine hanging out with your compañeros on the chopsticks

>> No.16191006

Scam companies

>> No.16191011

Nice, I think the suicide burn is the hard part, though.

>> No.16191012

Pima Air and Space is far superior. KSC, smithsonian air n space, both cool, but Pima was incredible

>> No.16191024

>we need to start developing space welding technologies.
We already have it
>Electron beam melting typically takes place inside a machine under vacuum.
It's perfect for space

>> No.16191027

Congress is going to suffer multiple heart attacks when China plants a communist flag in the middle of the Apollo crater

>> No.16191028

On China's first manned landing they should land next to the Apollo 11 site and replace the flag. It will be over for congress at that point.

>> No.16191029
File: 32 KB, 304x480, Project_Harp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a space gun make for a good ASAT weapon? it's limitations are lessened when you aren't trying to reach orbit and the payload of explosives and ruggedized electronics is not really sensitive to the front loaded G forces.
With the proliferation of low altitude high satellite count constellations in the near future, would it make sense to invest in something with a lower cost per kill than traditional ASAT rockets? Something akin to the project HARP gun could lift a reasonably sized second stage that would then provide a little more ▲V and steering to the final target. This would also be a more legitimate use case for spinlaunch.
if you don't give me enough attention here I'm reposing this as a thread on /k/

>> No.16191031

That might be too close to an act of aggression. They are planning on landing in the crater named Apollo though.

>> No.16191039

>The fourth flight test of Starship could launch as soon as June 5, pending regulatory approval

>> No.16191040

stop asking every thread schizo.

>> No.16191047

>pending regulatory approval
Any guesses to what regulators the admin will throw at him next? Wasn't the last one delayed for three months so they could determine the chances of it landing on a shark?

>> No.16191048

>flight 4 confirmed for june 5
>1 post

>> No.16191049

How many pressure vessels have been welded up in space?

>> No.16191050

>The most likely root cause for the early boostback burn shutdown was determined to be continued filter blockage where liquid oxygen is supplied to the engines, leading to a loss of inlet pressure in engine oxygen turbopumps.
>SpaceX implemented hardware changes ahead of Flight 3 to mitigate this issue, which resulted in the booster progressing to its first ever landing burn attempt.
>Super Heavy boosters for Flight 4 and beyond will get additional hardware inside oxygen tanks to further improve propellant filtration capabilities. And utilizing data gathered from Super Heavy’s first ever landing burn attempt, additional hardware and software changes are being implemented to increase startup reliability of the Raptor engines in landing conditions.

>> No.16191052

Them having a date already means that approval should come right before the launch

>> No.16191055

>The most likely root cause for the early boostback burn shutdown was determined to be continued filter blockage where liquid oxygen is supplied to the engines, leading to a loss of inlet pressure in engine oxygen turbopumps.
>The most likely root cause of the unplanned roll was determined to be clogging of the valves responsible for roll control.

ice in the tanks bros, we're so back

>> No.16191057

Imagine being a Boeing engineer working overtime on this holiday weekend trying to get starliner ready when they're putting crew dragons in museums already. What I'd give to be a fly on the wall during the internal meetings going on right now at Boeings spaceflight division

>> No.16191063
File: 250 KB, 634x540, j5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16191064


>> No.16191066

wtf happened to june 1?

>> No.16191067
File: 31 KB, 615x355, wvb Gerald Bull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

physiognomy is real

>> No.16191069

Didn't want to be mogged by Starliner.

>> No.16191071

People will need more time to recover from Shartliner exploding

>> No.16191075


Flight 3 report

>> No.16191078

>The most likely root cause of the unplanned roll was determined to be clogging of the valves responsible for roll control

>> No.16191079

>last flight was Mar 14
>next flight June 5
~2.6 months turn around.

Hopefully the next flight would be in 1.5 months

>> No.16191084

instead of valves now it's filters

>> No.16191087

it was always obvious nigga. the only people denying it are people with the opposite of EDS. They can't accept anything whichis slightly critical of SpaceX even if it's staring them in the face.

>> No.16191090

>Just dump you exhaust in the tanks, what could go wrong?

>> No.16191092

I would like an apology from all the fucking idiots in /sfg/ who denied the ice in the tanks theory even though it was OBVIOUSLY the explanation.

>> No.16191095

Future is bright, bros

>> No.16191099

Not a single person here denied it.

>> No.16191100

I did and still do. It's bullshit they made up to cover their asses.

>> No.16191101

remember when they said that russia somehow mysteriously interfered with starlink during the recent invasion in the north? well this dropped today:

>Sharp increases in Starlink use can also degrade service. In some instances, technical restrictions intended to keep Russian forces from using Starlink have hurt service for Ukrainian soldiers along the front line. At other times, disruptions can be more random, such as earlier this month when SpaceX reported service problems worldwide because of solar storms.

guess when the invasion happened?

>On 10 May 2024, the Russian Armed Forces began an offensive operation in Ukraine's Kharkiv Oblast, shelling and attempting to breach the defenses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the direction of Vovchansk and Kharkiv.

>The solar storms of May 2024 were a series of powerful solar storms with extreme solar flares and geomagnetic storm components that occurred from 10–13 May 2024 during solar cycle 25.

>> No.16191102
File: 797 KB, 2000x3000, Gaben (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16191103

read the old threads you retard. people 1 week ago were being called trolls for bringing it up.

>> No.16191104


>> No.16191105


>> No.16191107

Guy on the roof committing sudoku

>> No.16191113
File: 62 KB, 485x794, astronaut space suit 1956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remembering things

>> No.16191117

Kill valves. Behead valves. Roundhouse kick a valve into the concrete. Slam dunk a valve baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a valves food. Launch valves into the sun. Stir fry valves in a wok. Toss valves into active volcanoes. Urinate into a valves gas tank. Judo throw valves into a wood chipper. Twist valves heads off. Report valves to the IRS. Karate chop valves in half. Curb stomp pregnant black valves. Trap valves in quicksand. Crush valves in the trash compactor. Liquefy valves in a vat of acid. Eat valves. Dissect valves. Exterminate valves in the gas chamber. Stomp valve skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate valves in the oven. Lobotomize valves. Mandatory abortions for valves. Grind valve fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown valves in fried chicken grease. Vaporize valves with a ray gun. Kick old valves down the stairs. Feed valves to alligators. Slice valves with a katana.

>> No.16191119
File: 476 KB, 897x1278, 1694205872711667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proof that starlink was suffering from issues during the solar storms

im kind of disappointed as i was hoping that russia unlocked some interesting jamming tech

>> No.16191121

>but the six engines that shut down early in the boostback burn were disabled from attempting the landing burn startup, leaving seven engines commanded to start up with two successfully reaching mainstage ignition
did we know this before now? that they didn't even try to light all 13 back up

>> No.16191125

Wait, I thought it was somewhat credible, but it's a /sfg/ shitpost? Or it's from somewhere else?

>> No.16191127

I don't think so, the only information we got preflight was "relight for landing/boostback" without ever specifying how many would be relit

>> No.16191128

>only listed improvements are 'improved resilience' to the issues, not a hard fix
>discarding the hot stage adapter (which is mostly air) after boostback to save mass

this is unironically bad news for the program

>> No.16191129

it's a little bit new but i'm assuming the reason they didn't attempt to relight them is because they had reason to believe they wouldn't be able to relight

>> No.16191130

Holy shit, did they time the offensive to match with the solar storm?
If so, that's definitely the first time in history it's happened.

>> No.16191134

>SpaceX stans laughing at Boeing for valv problems
Meanwhile in reality:

>> No.16191135
File: 59 KB, 1280x960, 1706806792860011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe, who knows? it might be coincidental, but militaries have used the weather to their advantage since forever.

>> No.16191137

it was just coincidence. you can't launch an offensive on a few hours' notice. ukraine always has mud on the ground from spring rains and usually it dries up in mid-may - the original planned date for barbarossa was may 15 for that reason.

>> No.16191139

It turns out that space is only hard because of valves.

>> No.16191142

might be just a simple rule "if an engine stopped non nominally, don't try to restart it"

>> No.16191143
File: 199 KB, 960x720, 1716349065527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

conksat is working on a liquid rocket engine with the mechanical complexity of a solid rocket engine, in part to solve reliability issues with valves

>> No.16191147

It isn't confirmed that it's ice.

>> No.16191151

What is it then? Did some mexican put pebbles in the tanks?

>> No.16191152

remember, a bad filter killed the last Virgin Orbit mission and bankrupted the company

>> No.16191153

beetles on a suicide mission to save their brethren

>> No.16191157

it was actually may 4th as a tribute to starwars.

>> No.16191159

>including the jettison of the Super Heavy’s hot-stage adapter following boostback to reduce booster mass for the final phase of flight
nice reuse lmao

>> No.16191163

>full reuse will never be realized
At least it's less expensive than a whole second stage...

>> No.16191165

why does super heavy need so much mass-shaving autism?

>> No.16191167
File: 29 KB, 500x375, 1395007805541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Party A will blame Party B, which in turn will blame Party A.
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.16191169

so that its customers DONT need to have the mass autism.

>> No.16191170

>liquid rocket engine with the mechanical complexity of a solid rocket engine
so a pressure fed?

>> No.16191173

no, that would be more complex. it's a pressure fed design that gets rid of the bulkhead and downcomber

>> No.16191174

Can't they just make the pipes out of a material that insulates better and retains its heat, then just heat the valves before every launch? Stainless steel gets cold pretty fast

>> No.16191176

Speaking of mass autism, how the hell is it supposed to survive an engine RUD if it will have no engine shielding?

>> No.16191181

simply dont have one. and dont say this isnt practical because we're on like 250 falcon launches in a row with no issues

>> No.16191182
File: 84 KB, 910x652, filtermaxxing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16191183

it isnt practical.

>> No.16191185

Back. To. Reddit.

>> No.16191188

lol Elon has never heared of a heat exchanger

>> No.16191192

"the heat exchange aint real, he cant hurt you" - meanwhile the heat exchanger.

>> No.16191193

Why is everyone talking about heat exchangers, their update doesn't mention anything about heat exchangers having problems

>> No.16191194

terrence howard would be a better ceo of spacex at this point

>> No.16191196

Wonder if those old Dragons could have been sold to Japan or something for a few more missions.

>> No.16191198
File: 343 KB, 590x862, Screenshot 2024-05-24 113728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vast has a new guy to help them find customers.

>> No.16191202

>distinguished astronauts
>a list of the least distinguished astronauts of all time

>> No.16191204

Private astronauts are his game, they are not very distinguished though. I remember in that recent podcast though that Haot said their main customers are going to be government entities so I wonder if this guy can make the smooth transition to that, or maybe hes just going to take care of that 30% private for marketing they said and have a different marketing guy for governments.

>> No.16191208
File: 246 KB, 587x756, Screenshot 2024-05-24 114656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massive Shartliner debrief thread, will post the main points.

>> No.16191223

Stranding astronauts in space, unable to deorbit burn is just about the only thing left on Boeings bucket list.

>> No.16191225

>Still 'learning' about the systems everyday
>Three main issues with the deathpod are a swap out of Centaur oxidizer valve on Atlas 5, helium leak in ine if the dog houses of deathpod service nodule, and what the leak does to the rest of the propulsion for deorbit burn
>Valve got replaced, the leak widened from 7 psi to 50-70 psi and wasnt safe to open Shartliner up so they cant analyze the problem directly (kek).
>System can handle up to four helium manifold leaks and that the leak rate can go up 100x and still be fine.
>They can lose 8 RCS thrusters and be fine and if they do they will break up the burn into two separate 10 minute burns about 80 minutes apart
>Flight readiness review on May 29 and if fine they rollout May 30
>Redundancy loss potential in reorbit burn is that the leaks would have to be next to each other and total loss of manifold (KEK)
>Atlas V is the real issue for timeline (most reliable rocket btw) and certain 'elements' expire going in to June and July
>Backup dates are June 2, June 5, June 6
>If they had launched leak wouldve been discovered IN ORBIT
>Dodges question on if this shouldve been caught earlier (they said in a perfect timeframe they wouldve identified it earlier) and dodges question saying hes not concerned with process leading up to this and covers saying its a 'test flight' and leak doesnt mean design isnt inherently flawed (even doe its carrying PEOPLE and not a CRS)

>> No.16191226

>Regarding if they should've seen this earlier, "I think maybe in a perfect timeframe we might have identified this earlier."
LMAO. They wanted to fly before they did a full test

>> No.16191227


>> No.16191228

they're unequivocal in saying that they had no knowledge of the leak until after the scrub. i'm assuming that means it's true - if they were BSing they'd hedge their language a lot more.

>> No.16191236

It would be based because then we would get to watch the inevitable crew dragon rescue mission

>> No.16191240

i don't think so, people saying raptors are unreliable were called trolls
but a filter problem doesn't mean the raptors themselves are unreliable

>> No.16191241

if its fixed with better filters then it might be much better overall
question every requirement nigga

>> No.16191244

the jettisoning of the hot stage could be just temporary so they have a better chance of testing the water landing
then with v2 and raptor 3s later this might not be necessary

>> No.16191248

this, though you should put pressure fed astronauts face on the first one and musks on the second

>> No.16191250

SpaceX nigga said that he's seen unreleased footage showing the hot stage adaptor being detached in flight 3 too

>> No.16191251

>the hot stage adapter (which is mostly air)
It weighs upwards of 30 tons.
They're gonna change it anyway to russian style rod interstage as could be seen in the renders so ditching it now while the vehicle isn't reusable anyway makes sense.

>> No.16191253

when did it get released? the only time that makes sense to me would be during the initial flip back but we should've seen that from ground cameras i think

>> No.16191254
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>> No.16191255

Does this guy seriously think restoration of an entire oil platform will take no time at all?

>> No.16191257

These are the guys that are supplying the Vast Haven-1 station thrusters btw.

>> No.16191260


>> No.16191264

They sold them newfriend

>> No.16191268

go apply to Copenhagen suborbitals or Orienspace

>> No.16191274

>put a bunch of H2O into the tanks
>the ice clogs everything
How soon can they add the LOX heat exchanger back in?

>> No.16191282
File: 277 KB, 800x434, volcanolaunch_demo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi /sfg/, i'm grateful that i have the opportunity to announce the next revolution in spaceflight right here in this general. using the world's most powerful naturally occuring rocket engine - the volcano - volcanolaunch has designed the world's first rocket which can reach orbit entirely without the use of propellant. just imagine the possibilities of what we can do once we're liberated from the tyranny of the rocket equation - missions to the moon, mars, and beyond will finally become possible.

>> No.16191283

Fake and gay

>> No.16191284
File: 177 KB, 838x1338, volcano-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm interested in whatever technology you have in mind to make regular predictable eruptions from your launch site.
>tfw shooting the volcano ray at your adversary's major city centers

>> No.16191288

They already sold them like two years ago

>> No.16191289

what happened to the nsf's jewess? did they finally fire her?

>> No.16191294

we're looking at several potential partners to help us develop our breakthrough safenuke concept, which leverages sustainable, carbon-neutral multi-megaton detonations. our preliminary inquiries have given us a lot of positive feedback. it turns out there's a lot of enthusiasm for a technology like this on the world market and once we get around some ITAR issues the revenue stream is going to be almost limitless.

>> No.16191296

>dreamchaser is making good progress in testing but will likely be delayed until january 2025 anyway
its going to fly to the iss before starliner isnt it?

>> No.16191298

Is she contractually obligated to pull That Face for the thumbnails?

>> No.16191300

cutting costs because they had their cameras taken down by state of texas

>> No.16191308

Project Plowshare is back on, baby

>> No.16191309

oh shit is that the movie I saw once on TV when I was like 4, it wasn't a fever dream?

>> No.16191316

>the last new shepard flight was two and a half years ago
wtf time is flying way too fast

>> No.16191322

No it wasnt we had one this week you lying muskrat

>> No.16191325

Sad they retired it. They had a really good sounding rocket on their hands.

>> No.16191326

i mean before that

>> No.16191334

yet a few days ago Sierra said “errrm we’re actually ready to fly” and ULA called them out on their bullshit

>> No.16191336
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> we would get to watch the inevitable crew dragon rescue mission
launch through the eye of a hurricane when?

>> No.16191341
File: 747 KB, 1150x1021, Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 12-45-11 AEROS AND UNITED LAUNCH ALLIANCE ANNOUNCE AGREEMENT TO STUDY TRANSPORTING LAUNCH VEHICLES BY AIRSHIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One step removed from that one airship anon's dream.

>> No.16191342

yeah if you check the engine graphic during the boost back, the engine shutdown was asymmetrical

>> No.16191345

nta but you could create “artificial” volcanoes by fracking some sort of fluid underground. Either by a pressure build up & release, or by fracking in a fuel and then fracking in an instantaneously-reactive oxidizer (or vice versa) you could probably get some crazy reactions. Not enough to get to orbit but it would still be fun to try

>> No.16191348

Cavernous storage supercritical CO2 mega bottle rocket.
Bonus: you get government credits for carbon sequestration

>> No.16191351

TXDOT cucking out NSF and what about it. God bless that state!

>> No.16191356

maybe an artemis mission should be sent to an asteroid like obama planned

>> No.16191369
File: 20 KB, 527x409, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are they attempting a soft landing with the ship too?

>> No.16191371

No retard theyre just testing landing CAPABILITIES like orientation and burn activation.

>> No.16191375

Yeah that's new, there's now a possibility it might make it through reentry

>> No.16191380

You should watch it again now, its pretty good.

>> No.16191383

apophis interception

>> No.16191387

Don't call me a wetawd! V_V

>> No.16191404

nah but I remember the volcano in a city scene

>> No.16191414


>> No.16191419

That's what Osirus-rex is doing next

>> No.16191422
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>that one airship anon's dream
we r leejun

>> No.16191425
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>The verneshot theory suggests that mantle plumes may cause heating and the buildup of carbon dioxide gas underneath continental lithosphere. If continental rifting occurs above this location, an explosive release of the built up gas may occur, potentially sending out a column of crust and mantle into a globally dispersive, super-stratospheric trajectory. It is unclear whether such a column could stay coherent through this process, or whether the force of this process would result in it shattering into much smaller pieces before impacting. The pipe through which the magma and gas had travelled would collapse during this process, sending a shockwave at hypersonic velocity that would deform the surrounding craton.

>> No.16191431

I'm talking about the V-shaped airship spacecraft

>> No.16191435

People should be banned for using curse words

>> No.16191440
File: 45 KB, 496x635, Orbital airship schem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we love them all

>> No.16191443

>everything but payload
SSTOfags this is your mindset

>> No.16191446

hot sex woman

>> No.16191450
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>> No.16191456
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orbital airship is TSTO

>> No.16191458
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Yee haw.

>> No.16191464
File: 1.81 MB, 1565x1017, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have yet to hear a SINGLE good argument as to why we shouldn't wrap ISS is a big mylar balloon

>> No.16191466

What are you going to do about the extra drag?

>> No.16191469

extra station keeping fuel. next question

>> No.16191470

movie would be really good if it didn't have such shitty effects and a borderline nonexistent score. weirdly incompetent post-production for something they obviously spent a lot of money making.

>> No.16191471

Watching rocket launches on the beach with Clear!
Building sand launch infrastructure with Clear!

>> No.16191472

many such cases actually
Looking at you ridley scott, your modern movies are shite

>> No.16191476
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>> No.16191478

reminder trump wanted us on the moon this year

>> No.16191481

I’d rather make 1% off of 100 other people’s effort than 100% off my own effort.

Millions of people living and working in space (that I can exploit!)

>> No.16191484
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>> No.16191485

Can he share the complete Starlink sourcecode?

>> No.16191489

Are you Joe Baseball from New York Oblast?

>> No.16191490

more like basedian mimicry

>> No.16191493

Biden made sure to defund NASA immediately, Artemis program is a program for CHUDs

>> No.16191497

With a warm water port kek

>> No.16191499

>hot stage ring will now be expended
Oh nonono full reusability sisters

>> No.16191501

First raptor honking shitting molten lava, and now this

>> No.16191502
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>> No.16191504
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>> No.16191506

The hot stage ring is getting redone see the SpaceX render of Starship V3.
This is preliminary and the Ship will not be reused for another 10 flights.

>> No.16191509

>the vehicle accomplished several of the flight test’s additional objectives, including the first ever test of its payload door in space
just like i accomplished my objective, the first ever test of seeing if a girl would have sex with me

>> No.16191516

The corporate spin when they fuck up the tests is so funny. Something like this >>16191499 is obviously a sign that shit's fucked, but they will spin this somehow

>> No.16191517
File: 316 KB, 1152x2048, clear monstrosity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Unclear Valley

>> No.16191519

pop sci time

>people said alcubierre drive was impossible because it required too much negative mass
>scientists found out a way to reduce it to a few hundred kg
>new method dropped the other day that doesnt require negative mass
>people immediately shit on it saying its impossible because it requires too much mass
and what happens when we find out in a few years that it will only require a few hundred kg too?

>> No.16191522
File: 136 KB, 1058x654, 1695313898238767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you get the broken google ai

>> No.16191523

The REAL reason ALPACA was cancelled. It would have gone FTL and gotten humanity into a war with advanced alien species.

>> No.16191524

The # of expendable items will increase until the mission is deemed a success.

>> No.16191527
File: 2.55 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20230729_212832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh neat I printed a few of those black rockets last year.

>> No.16191529
File: 171 KB, 1126x703, recovery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tory's had the answer all this time

>> No.16191534

right click and hit the inspect element button in the dropdown

>> No.16191544

Isn't faster than light travel impossible?

>> No.16191546


>> No.16191547

Only if the universe catches you doing it

>> No.16191548
File: 1.65 MB, 640x360, c5gNdBLnZBy3zvGiLWGixn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my proposed design for a positive-mass device which can accelerate matter to 0.9c by warping spacetime. preprint available soon.

>> No.16191549

Because it still requires negative mass/energy. Popsci lied to you

>> No.16191550

black holes aren't real stop watching Interstellar.

>> No.16191553
File: 2.17 MB, 2731x4096, GOSfNZNWcAAh9kG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16191554

it's not ftl but it is fast

>> No.16191555
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>> No.16191556
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Honestly all this sound like a Arthur Clarke scifi novel not actual physics. "requires exotic matter or manipulation of dark energy" sounds like something straight out of Lord of the Rings kek

>> No.16191557
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>> No.16191558
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>> No.16191559

>Massive explosion rocks SpaceX Texas facility, Starship engine in flames

What a joke of a click bait title

>> No.16191560
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>> No.16191561
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>> No.16191563

Click baiting journalism should be punishable by stoning, but I'd settle for tar/feathering.

>> No.16191564

Oooohhhh thats smart I get that now.

>> No.16191565
File: 3.49 MB, 1650x2582, GOQreq4bsAAlgTk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High resolution satellite images of SpaceX's Launch Complex 39A, Roberts Road facilities (including future expansion areas), progress at Relativity's Launch Complex 16, and Blue Origin's Exploration Park campus.
>Images captured yesterday @ 16:01 UTC.

>> No.16191566

physics that sounds fake is the best kind of physics

>> No.16191567
File: 1.89 MB, 4000x1534, GOQtew_bAAEJJV-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mosaiced picture of the cape

>> No.16191569

The fuck is a "closed timelike curve"?

>> No.16191570

it's the path i took to enter your mom last night

>> No.16191575

Stephen Wolfram-esque metaphysics schizobabble

>> No.16191581

Fucking prick.

>> No.16191590

That whole area needs to be concrete now, the Starfactory must grow

>> No.16191591

theoretical physics wankery

>> No.16191592

I wonder what the astronauts are thinking

>> No.16191595

nice, starts out pretty interesting

>> No.16191602


>> No.16191618

What really sucks is when you watch a really old Star Trek show and realize all the proposed tech related to the shop drive and reactor design makes total sense

>> No.16191620

Can't believe Starship is larger than the moon now

>> No.16191624

Save me Zefram Cochrane

>> No.16191627

Who gives a shit

>> No.16191631

boeing is that you?

>> No.16191641

Flip-phones and the TOS communicator beep were a match made in heaven.

>> No.16191664

Is Boeing in the room with us now?

>> No.16191676

i would already be dead if it was

>> No.16191692

That would explain the hissing sound.

>> No.16191697

>Star Trek
>Most CSAM consumed award

>> No.16191715

so what?

>> No.16191724

Pressurising the tanks with the exhaust is fucking retarded and the sooner they realise this the better.

>> No.16191727

? Lots of rockets do that

>> No.16191730

Input from stupid idiot morons is not wanted

>> No.16191731

such as?

>> No.16191735

when elon brags about deleting parts and making the rocket cheaper, this is one of those instances

>> No.16191736

No rocket named, lying muskrat

>> No.16191737

Titan 34D
Space Shuttle
Space Launch System (SLS)
New Glenn
Terran 1
ACES upper-stage

>> No.16191738

nothing deletes parts faster than a RUD

>> No.16191739

Drink my diarrhea drip

>> No.16191743

Autogenous pressurizationisnt whats going on here clueless clown. It's preburner combustion products being put in the tanks.

>> No.16191744

It's called autogenous pressurization, it's what's happening here clueless clown

>> No.16191746

SpaceXXX is making the brilliant decision to jettison the hot staging ring to increase performance and move to a full and rapidly reusable future! Wait til next year when they make the brilliant decision to do away with reusability to increase performance and move to a full and rapidly reusable future!

>> No.16191747

you have to be joking.

>> No.16191752
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>> No.16191755
File: 90 KB, 354x496, scharnhorst effect ftl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't faster than light travel impossible?
just raise the speed of light

>> No.16191757

its so over....

>> No.16191759

I heard it blew up or something? I’m not even kidding lol

>> No.16191762

are you talking about the SUBLUMINAL warp drive? no negative mass/energy required but speeds below light speed


>Constant Velocity Warp Drive

>In this study, Applied Physics unveils a new type of warp drive—a theoretical method of space travel that complies with general relativity and operates at a constant subluminal speed without requiring unphysical forms of matter.

>Known as the “Constant-Velocity Subluminal Warp Drive,” this model eliminates the need for the previously hypothesized “exotic” or negative forms of energy. By integrating a stable shell of ordinary matter with the shift vector of an Alcubierre-like drive, Applied Physics has developed a “warp bubble” capable of moving objects rapidly within the bounds of light speed.

>This breakthrough represents the first numerical implementation of physical warp drives, made possible using the Warp Factory analysis tool developed at Applied Physics. Although this design requires significant energy, it demonstrates that warp effects can be achieved using conventional matter while adhering to known energy constraints. Applied Physics continues to make progress as humanity embarks on the Warp Age.

>> No.16191765
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>> No.16191766

Time to die

>> No.16191767
File: 613 KB, 1000x1500, 1673825597514968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never funded
>never started
>never planned
>never built

SAFE engine reuse is the Clean Coal of rocketry.

>> No.16191772

isnt it supposed to land in the water now heatshield first?

>> No.16191776

speed of light is absolute, light just travels through a medium even in a vacuum.

>> No.16191782

your dad is medium, on my COCK

>> No.16191783

ha ur gay

>> No.16191784


>> No.16191785

>Some degen on NSF thinking the shuttle was well designed
Christ the slurp doesn't stop does it

>> No.16191790
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>> No.16191792
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>> No.16191798

This is a no schizo zone. Test your drive or move along.

>> No.16191805
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>> No.16191807

dat oxygen be wet wet

>> No.16191809

How does regular autogenous pressurization even work?
You need another pump not just a heat exchanger.
How do they pump it?

>> No.16191812

Samefag here oh you just tap off the turbopump outlet and put that through the heat exchanger into the tanks.

>> No.16191814

It's still propellantless so if they can get the motion out per energy in ratio high enough it can still lift from Earth and fly around the solar system forever.

>> No.16191815

they just pump water ice into the tanks and hope it wont clog

>> No.16191822


>> No.16191823

that's pretty nice. We need aesthetic kimono livery on actual rockets, JAXA!

>> No.16191828


>> No.16191829

Reminder that 5 Starships have now failed due to ullage gas autism.

>> No.16191831
File: 83 KB, 1067x1600, proton 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proton uses it too. Sometimes you'll see it bleeding hypergols shortly after launch. For the longest time I though this had to be a leak from a blown fuel line, but it turns out it's just the tank pressurization system venting excess gas.

>> No.16191833

Proton is sexo idc if this is an unpopular opinion

>> No.16191834

>doesn't know that what comes out the preburber is different from what comes out the pump
nobody has done the spacex style autogenous pressurization before because nobody else in aerospace is even a little bit okay with putting water in the tank

>> No.16191840

water in the tank is fine so long as you can drink it fast enough.

>> No.16191841
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>> No.16191842


>> No.16191844
File: 327 KB, 1671x1246, GOX9NoubIAAef9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this isn't a joke

>> No.16191846

Stop posting this that Mario faggot is a grifting scammer and Elon is making nothingburger tweets with no substance as per usual. No point in us seeing this normieslop dogshit

>> No.16191848
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The Proton has always been a very sexy rocket and I've always been depressed that we never got to see it reach its full potential.

>> No.16191849
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>musk if he mario

>> No.16191850

Boeing getting shit by normies is pretty entertaining to me

>> No.16191851

Yeah well keep it to yourself I dont like seeing LITERAL nothingburger tweets posted.

>> No.16191853

lmao seething

>> No.16191858

>t.boing QA manager
try offing yourself for a change eh?

>> No.16191861

I think I'll apply at RFA

>> No.16191865

Don't you have a hitman to be organising? If you don't hurry up you might find yourself on the receiving end.

>> No.16191876
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>> No.16191878


>> No.16191879

Kabosu died?!?!?

>> No.16191882

sadly yes

>> No.16191888

18 is a good run for a Shiba Inu.

>> No.16191889


>> No.16191901

>It is capable of lifting the entire pressurized volume of the ISS

Does the ISS weigh 40 T?

>> No.16191902
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>> No.16191907

We did it reddit!

>> No.16191908

I shorted doge and made made money on this. Am I a bad person? If you saw the dog it looked fucked and should have been put down some time ago to be fair.

>> No.16191911

ESL reading comprehension on show

Verification not required

>> No.16191912
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>> No.16191915

Just Shiba

>> No.16191916

then why do my sides hurt so much?

>> No.16191917

are they gonna inter her ashes on the moon at least

>> No.16191920

do you insist on saying dachs instead of dachshund too?

>> No.16191921


>> No.16191923

I insist on calling them sausages

>> No.16191929
File: 108 KB, 1023x600, 1_LnpxLWDYS7IjL6IBHW6AmQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doge-1 is still happening btw

>> No.16191937

T is a unit of volume?

>> No.16191938

the pressurized volume of the ISS has a mass which can be measured in tons, yes.

>> No.16191944

A ton of air is larger than you think.

>> No.16191955

Are the new filters really lighter than a couple of heat exchangers though? Maybe they're cheaper but it really seems like the added risk isn't worth it for something that's supposed to be reliable and rapidly reusable and if they're so starved for mass reduction they even jettison the hot stage ring putting heavier filters in seems disadvantageous as well.

>> No.16191960

No because its modules have such a shitty surface area to volume ratio

>> No.16191982

Seems to me that if they want to reduce superheavy mass, they could cut back on the cylinder wall and stringer thickness. We watched that bitch flip end over end after maxq, it really doesn't need to be that strong.

>> No.16191986

Its already just 4mm thick what the fuck else are they going to pull out in mass. Most of that mass is locked up in engine efficiency with how heavy propellant is and how dense engines are so continue with optimizing Raptor both for fuel efficiency and weight efficiency as we've seen and we will get there. You clearly lack a fundamental understanding of how weight distribution works on a rocket. Are you one of those schizophrenics that thought Starship would tip on the moon at a slight angle? Because that wont happenx

>> No.16191992

4mm is pretty fucking thick, especially adding in the mass of all those stringers. Most of the strength in it comes from the pressure in the tank anyway. They are obviously trying to trim everything if they are dumping the hotstage ring, so no it's clearly not just a matter of better raptors.

>> No.16191999

oddly, ukraine destroyed part of russia's space radar network

the radar system is part of the early warning system used to detect icbm attacks, but also doubles as a LEO radar for space object tracking

>> No.16192000

I recall the eventual goal being just under 3mm, maybe 2.5mm thickness.

>> No.16192009

Not getting much useful mass out of trimming Starship to the absolute limit when other already mentioned things can be done

>> No.16192016

letting them know we're not happy about kosmos 2576?

>> No.16192020
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>> No.16192031
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>> No.16192032

the northern-facing early warning infrastructure is the stuff that's useful for watching for ICBM attacks, which come over the north pole. attacking one of those stations would be a major escalation - this one not so much.

>> No.16192037

Post your top 5 rockets judged by aesthetics

>> No.16192039

Does this include hypothetical rockets or is it only built ones

>> No.16192040
File: 1.59 MB, 800x450, starliner_telemetry.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16192042
File: 343 KB, 480x360, apollo 7 plume.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Saturn IB
2. Atlas
3. Energia
4. H3
5. Electron

>> No.16192046

>blocky as shit energia
>basic bitch h3
>fucking electron
>before starship
Yeah you need to kill yourself immediatly.

>> No.16192047

>inb4 wheres your list
waiting on response to >>16192039

>> No.16192053
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starship would've had a chance before it went skinny but it's already blockier than energia ever was. sorry you can't cope.

>> No.16192055

It's so fucking over (for Boing)

>> No.16192062

Listed in no particular order:

Falcon 9
Saturn V
Delta II

>> No.16192070


>> No.16192074

solar panels are on the inside and now useless

>> No.16192076
File: 233 KB, 600x900, 26230052818_0ab4de533f_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delta ii shark variant was kino we didn't deserve

>> No.16192077

why the hell does Electron make the list at all? There are at least 3 dozen rockets I could name that are better looking than rocket lab’s black twig

>> No.16192084

Is the kino in the room with us now?

>> No.16192086
File: 1.13 MB, 1008x1512, Rocket_Lab_recovery_mission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats on your shit taste but you may wanna get tested for black/white colorblindness

>> No.16192101
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It really was.

>> No.16192105

All these oldspace shills coming out of the woodworks right when Boeing and ULA fuck up incredibly hard in Blartliner only tells me that they do more PR centered missions than just assassinations.

>> No.16192117

Someone stage it Im still off duty on baking

>> No.16192122

Max-Qute Clear edition. Got it

>> No.16192125

Go ahead man as long as its spaceflight related

>> No.16192129

>five billion dollars
I feel like a couple of random engineering students could do better for a senior project

>> No.16192130


>> No.16192138

yucky op. I should have made the Clear thread like I joked, but I wanted to do that later for the earthcare launch

>> No.16192184

>missing the point

>> No.16192447
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That looks conservative by oldspace standards.

>> No.16192448

They're both pork barrel projects.