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16189546 No.16189546 [Reply] [Original]

They are definitely not effective and therefore the risks outweighs the benefit but after 4 years it does not seem nearly as bad as /pol/ claims.
If it permanently integrates into dna like HIV, wouldn't there be a way to see and measure or how much spike protein is in the blood? The body would keep producing the spikes until the victim dies, but if no spike protein can be found in the blood after couple months, even in max vaxxed patients, wouldn't that show that it doesn't integrate? Would dna integration even be possible without the needed enzymes? I also doubt that every single doctor in the world would keep their mouth shut just because they are afraid to risk losing their job for a crime this massive, except for few thousand. If they would notice something very wrong in covid vaccinated patients, I doubt by now that there would be no bombshell hardcore evidence that would cause a shitstorm if it really is that bad.
If I am not wrong, immune system is a good indication of how much a person is at risk of getting cancer, everyone I know who got the vax are not unhealtier and their immune systems are as good as before.
Trump, Fauci and all the other pepetrators should still be prosecuted.

>> No.16189557


>> No.16189559
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Fuck off you piece of shit.

>> No.16189560
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>> No.16189562

>uncredible schizo garbage
Maybe if /pol/ would stop believing in shit backed up by nothing I would take it more seriously.

>> No.16189563
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>> No.16189565

what did I say that pissed you off? Did you even read my last sentence? Plus what does fucking ww2 has to do with this discussion,

>> No.16189570
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>> No.16189572

You seem like a genuine facebook boomer, gen x atleast.
Let me guess, you are voting for the same man that authorised the jabs.

>> No.16189574

I am so fucking tired of morons like you who can't even do 1 + 1.

>> No.16189576
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>> No.16189577

Did not awnser my question, probably because you can't.

>> No.16189584

/pol/ has changed narratives more times than health officials did during the "pandemic". I am very anti covid vax and trying to have a civil discussion about it. I doubt they are depopulation shots. I still got no awnsers or contradictions to my questions. I do not know what made you people so mad in my post.

>> No.16189596

Its not the science behind the vax that anyone should worry about compared to the political and social ramifications.
Covid demonstrated that the overwhelming majority of the population would comply with AND could be forced to comply with government mandates even when it was patently clear that Covid had a mortality rate close to that of the common flu. That's what should concern you.

>> No.16189602

And I agree, and I also believe that altough the "vaccine" is not meant to be deadly, it was an experiment on global population to test the technology. The more I touch grass the more demoralised I am about normies and many if not most of them seem like genuine narcissists. Hopefully I will have a log cabin in the forrest in 5 years before it is too late.

>> No.16189603

Ignore the 14 year old tard. They are part of a mentally ill and disenfranchised minority who believe a Jewish conspiracy is responsible for everything they dont like.

>> No.16189605

I am not surprised jabcattle do not look at data. They follow marketing and take experimental gene therapy for a donut.

>> No.16189609

Can you post this said "data"? Or the name of the doctors who have published it?
Do you watch Campbell too? You know he is a nurse, right?

>> No.16189611

If you say "gene therapy", do you mean that it supposed to integrate into the genome? Because yes, they use the same technology but without enzymes DNA integration is impossible. If it is otherwise can you hook me up with scientific studies and papers that was written and published by actual real doctors?

>> No.16189613

The most generous motive I could find about the whole shitshow was that governments saw Covid as an opportunity to do a full dress rehearsal for a more serious pathogenic health threat. Get the public familiarized with the idea of social distancing, lock downs, masks, and mass jabs with relatively new and insufficiently tested vaccines, Objectively from their point of view it would be informative to see how the health sector was able to respond, how the public would react, how efficiently the police and security services would secure borders and enforce compliance. I m sure they learned a lot form this exercise. But I say "generous motive" because I doubt governments are actually that competent.
>he more I touch grass the more demoralised I am about normies and many if not most of them seem like genuine narcissists. Hopefully I will have a log cabin in the forrest in 5 years before it is too late
I hear you only too well. Unfortunately in many parts of the world simply getting away from all the madness is becoming increasingly more difficult to achieve. Just being left the fuck alone is now a precious commodity.

>> No.16189615

>but without enzymes DNA integration is impossible.
Oh man, if only there were an enzyme which can turn single stranded RNA into DNA
>Reverse transcriptase (RT), also known as RNA-dependent DNA polymerase, is a DNA polymerase enzyme that transcribes single-stranded RNA into DNA.

>> No.16189625

You know that adenoviruses which causes common cold is a dna virus that enters the nucleus, right? Once it is in there it still cannot integrate into genome because it is missing integrease enzyme (IN).

>> No.16189630

Can you post studies that (RT) was sneaked in the jab?

>> No.16189919
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>> No.16189978

We have already 4 other threads about this.

>> No.16190028

its about a group of serial killers testing how to control, torture and murder their victims more than anything else.

>> No.16190062

The greatest and most dangerous evil isn't some cabal of serial killers, its sheer mediocrity, and the tendency of "normal people" to try to enforce control over others, two traits which the world has in plenty.