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File: 1.22 MB, 2732x4096, GOHOaSHa0AA6u6G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16187755 No.16187755 [Reply] [Original]

10 days to launch - edition

previous >>16186005

>> No.16187761
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>> No.16187762

2 more working weeks.

>> No.16187764
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the website

the relevant pdf

>> No.16187767
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screenshot of pdf in full

>> No.16187768
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>> No.16187771

or alternatively they want to get some test data with the tiles finally, a botched relight could fuck with that i.e. relight issues can be worked on without testing still, but the tiles need to be tested to guide further development (or at least that the tile development is starved of information more than the relighting)
Musk did also say that the tiles are the most critical issue right now, SpaceX has experience in relighting engines in space but doesn't really have experience in reusable tiles like these

>> No.16187776
File: 86 KB, 640x640, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically, the space race only ended because Russia ran out of money.

>> No.16187779

This conveniently misses out all the other US firsts. Can't find the relevant picture.

>> No.16187786
File: 137 KB, 559x801, space race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16187788

What's the Russian space weapon that was launched this week that every is talking about?

>> No.16187797
File: 122 KB, 1080x596, GOH_uzlXQAEzLlm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new paper rockets just dropped

>> No.16187801

If aliens invited you onto their spacecraft to explore the universe, but you could never return to Earth, would you go with them?

>> No.16187802
File: 288 KB, 1200x764, 1644973022918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypergolic nuclear tungsten roads

>> No.16187804

Will cumming on the moon feel better? Mars?

>> No.16187806

Antimatter catalyzed solid fuel rocket

>> No.16187807

When I see images like this I get depressed for the rest of the day because the last achievement there hasn't been passed for 50 years

>> No.16187808

>anon goes along
>absolutely nothing but brown dwarves and rocks

>> No.16187809

Huh. Could a falcon 9 have existed in the 90s?

>> No.16187810

You can't get hard in less than 1g, so cumming will only be possibly via electrical stimulation, access to which will be controlled from Earth.

>> No.16187812

DC-X existed in the 90s and it's basically the same thing.

>> No.16187813

I got it after some digging. It's an inspection satellite that can fire a space to space missile.

>> No.16187820
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>Russia ran out of money

>> No.16187821
File: 105 KB, 1020x566, Flying Saucers and Outer Space by Mollie Brown illustrated by Gerry Wood ufo india 1969 b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we assume the premise, ayys, then they'll show you more interesting places

>> No.16187822 [DELETED] 

I know about their sound, all of them and the attack I do in response.

>> No.16187823
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>> No.16187824

So you were a match for me were you?

>> No.16187825
File: 182 KB, 600x666, bono icarus -ithacus- rombus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the trick is to refuse the horizontal landing architecture, Phil Bono was aware of this in the 60s

>> No.16187826

Vertical landing looks silly though

>> No.16187829

Love this dude

>> No.16187831
File: 86 KB, 717x786, Von Braun Lunar Lander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16187832
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Horizontal landing is kino

>> No.16187835
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I like the aesthetics of spaceplanes too but the math is solidly against them

>> No.16187837
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nigga that's still vertical landing, just on its side

>> No.16187838

Another reason to terraform Mars and relocate there permanently

>> No.16187839
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>> No.16187840


>> No.16187841
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A large solar filament stretching more than 350,000 km is currently located across the southeast quadrant. For now it remains magnetically anchored in place, however should it become unstable and collapse, a CME would be very possible
here we go again

>> No.16187846

you seem to have a personal problem with him for some reason

>> No.16187848

Wow, there are a lot of large sunspots right now. Pretty cool. I guess I just assumed that it was over.

>> No.16187852

maximum may not be for another 5 months

>> No.16187856

He is literally the CSS of the pro SpaceX crowd. Wll known Dunning Kruger clown. Just in the most recent video he said Falcon heavy payload is like 60 plus T when it's well known by anyone with a passing knowledge that it can only deliver 20T due to structural reasons. He is retarded and pulls all his figs about SpaceX vehicle performance straight from his ass while making untrue claims about other companies.

>> No.16187858

>“I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish.”
Love Kennedy
Such a shame he was killed.

>> No.16187860

Shut up, I care

>> No.16187863

eh, without competition there are no gains
we need space race 2.0

>> No.16187864
File: 44 KB, 555x247, lbj fucks jfk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was generous of his murderer, LBJ, to carry on his signature project

>> No.16187865

lol he addresses that in the video

>> No.16187866


>> No.16187867

>Just in the most recent video he said Falcon heavy payload is like 60 plus T when it's well known by anyone with a passing knowledge that it can only deliver 20T due to structural reasons

You just told us you didn't watch the video in question.

>> No.16187869

I fucking knew it

>> No.16187871

no way that's real

>> No.16187873

where is this from?

>> No.16187874

and in no fucking way is he like CSS
CSS is actually absolutely fucking clueless with respect to the most basic rudimentary things related to spaceflight like how orbits work, he thinks if Starship is pointed towards the earth then the pez dispenser would deorbit starlink satellites
eager actually seems to know what he is talking about
the pro-spacex slant you seem to suggest is due to reality, spacex is just that much better than the competition
talking about them realistically makes everyone else seem laughable

>> No.16187875

But you literally said you watched it here >>16187856 lmfao?

Projecting ass pseudo intellectual.

>> No.16187880


>> No.16187881
File: 80 KB, 1102x764, 1716245821412412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this picture and look at the what spacex is doing
saying spacex demolishes everyone else is not fanboyism, its just what is happening

>> No.16187883
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Take your meds schizo.

>> No.16187885

>useless sats

>> No.16187889
File: 62 KB, 723x879, 010611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 million subscribers, 99 countries,4 billion revenue
they are demolishing the competition in that field as well

>> No.16187892

Compared to earth observation sat nr 3256 and spy satellite nr 6432?

>> No.16187895

tell me you dont actually care about space without telling me you dont actually care about space.

>> No.16187896
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>> No.16187897

I do now. Not then. That's true justice plus earnings. I think you're too obsessed with the blue side.

>> No.16187898

are you larping as a reddit tranny and this is some elaborate troll

>> No.16187900
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I am here too.

>> No.16187901

We would not have gone to the moon if he wasn’t killed.

>> No.16187902
File: 465 KB, 1200x1657, a Starliner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"To shreds you say."

>> No.16187904


>> No.16187906

If 'mole' proves your image is wrong - correct it if you can - if you can't - stay away

>> No.16187907

i can't going

>> No.16187908

Starliner has a LOLI list

>> No.16187910
File: 31 KB, 400x317, Convair Helios tractor spacecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the ugliest manned spacecraft ever built?

>> No.16187911

nothing's going to be uglier than the LM but everyone looks at it with nostalgia goggles these days

>> No.16187912


>> No.16187913

yeah, kek

>> No.16187916

If Starliner is delayed to early 2025 there won't be enough time left to complete all six operational flights before the ISS deorbits.

>> No.16187917

that's fine, we can just extend the ISS lifetime until boeing can complete their contract in the early 2050s

>> No.16187918

Starliner looks similar to spacecraft that look good but somehow falls short in every regard to the point of being uncanny. The LM looks like a purely functional machine.
It’s like how a cheap animatronic is uglier than a factory robotic arm.

>> No.16187920

Please tell me youre joking.

>> No.16187927

I more meant where people have gone. There's something different about it.

>> No.16187928

Cup my balls and call me Tanya

>> No.16187931
File: 112 KB, 854x696, Grummanites & LEM M-5 lunar module.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldn't say that to their faces queerboy

>> No.16187934

Recent numbers including their commercial and fic contracts suggest $6.6bil/y. The man could privately fund Starship if congress told NASA to fuck off

>> No.16187938

Would it be worth doing “easy” manned deep space missions just to further human spaceflight? Something like a NEO flyby or long duration deep space stay. Just to break the post-apollo stagnation.

>> No.16187939

Weren't they called 'Grummies'?

>> No.16187941

yeah because the asteroid redirect mission went over so well

>> No.16187946

Let me steam your hams real quick

>> No.16187948

Didn't it though? I thought it was a complete success.

>> No.16187950
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Things are so bad I'd welcome a chinkoid Venus flyby

>> No.16187953
File: 960 KB, 2400x1800, NASA-Moon-Buggy-Gear-GettyImages-1173907293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont like Artemis at all

But not because of overcost or delays, I just dont want to see a nig and a woman on the moon

>> No.16187955

It really is spiritually damaging that the best we can do is the same as 50 years ago but diverse

>> No.16187956
File: 26 KB, 631x251, Z2A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the abysmal pre-artemis sls/orion makework program, not DART

>> No.16187959

>The Artemis program is intended to reestablish a human presence on the Moon for the first time since the Apollo 17 moon mission in 1972. The program's stated long-term goal is to establish a permanent base on the Moon to facilitate human missions to Mars.
Chat, is this real?

>> No.16187960
File: 44 KB, 952x529, faggots salute the Artemis flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these colors don't run

>> No.16187961

no. artemis isn't going to last more than 9 missions (hopefully a lot less) and none of them are planned for longer than 60 days.

>> No.16187963
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>> No.16187967

In those 9 missions they are going to build gateway, and then Congress will be forced to keep funding resupply missions, just like the ISS

>> No.16187968

>base on the Moon to facilitate human missions to Mars
Because it's much easier to get stuff both on and off the moon instead of going straight from LEO. What the fuck

>> No.16187970
File: 108 KB, 889x697, CSM-LM rendezvous & docking MOON apollo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Project Able LEM
>A plan to use a mirror in space to light up parts of the Vietnam jungle at night. A modified LEM with a huge flexible mirror attached would be launched into a 28.5 degree synchronous orbit hovering over 105.5ºE where the mirror would unfold.
This would have won the Vietnam war wtf

>> No.16187972

It's meant to deceive senators and John Public. Pay it no mind.

>> No.16187977

>nobody replies to notmar news
get the fuck out of here discord tranny newfags. where have all the good posters gone??
take a (You) >>16187963

>> No.16187978



>> No.16187981

yeah whatever, we already know they’re going for a launch on june 1st. at this point the only things worth posting are a confirmation tweet from spacex and faa approval. don’t bother posting wb-57 reservations either.

>> No.16187984

Hughesnet is utter dogshit.
>t. ruralfag who had it for years

>> No.16187983

so 1 Jun is pretty much confirmed if something doesn't come up
probably one scrub though

>> No.16187985

Why dont you kill yourself you stupid faggot. Barely anybody replied to the launch date news last thread either you fucking dildo

>> No.16187987

nasas plane?

>> No.16187989

unironically the best thing we could hope for.
ISS allowed SpaceX to be born, and Gateway will do the same thing for Lunar

>> No.16187990

that is classified sweety :^)

>> No.16187992

I mean that was probably NASAs idea too, the station itself is retarded but they had to come up with some way to anchor congress interest
but at this point you might as well just skip it and start doing a moon base right away

>> No.16187993

Ice in the tanks.

>> No.16187994

The moon base is too ambitious considering that it's impossible with current technology. Starship HLS is nowhere near ready and congress could pull the plug. Gateway already exists and is waiting to be launched on Falcon Heavy

>> No.16187995
File: 96 KB, 1100x849, lunar delta v hi lo thrust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gateway will be repurposed as the core of ISS 2.0 once Artemis falls apart/kills astronauts
Here's to another 50 years in LEO!

>> No.16187999

The only way we see progress in our lifetime is if someone deliberately becomes the richest person on Earth for the sole purpose of spending all of it on space autism
Hang on a minute

>> No.16188001

What's the point in space travel. Space is not there - it an NPC getto

>> No.16188002

right now some fag that sells fancy bags is the richest person in the world

>> No.16188003

Why we need another planet?

Earth can fit ten times are population, but not with these leaders and incentives.

>> No.16188007
File: 90 KB, 465x642, This is the space age wsb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magians OUT of /sfg/

>> No.16188009

That's some sort of tragedy, don't tell me that

>> No.16188010

>not with these leaders
I wonder how we can put as much distance between us and them as possible

>> No.16188028

But gateway is the only good thing about Artemis, moon landings before gateway is retarted, why dont NASA just wait until Gateway is finished and make a HLS connected to Gateway that can lands on the moon whenever they want?

>> No.16188029

that's the exact opposite of the truth.
you're a retard. gateway is not an enabler of moon landings in any way

>> No.16188037

based department calling

>> No.16188041

Would you rather see a black man and a white woman land on the moon and know that even if they are tokens there’s a good chance they’re both qualified, or see a black woman on the moon and know she’s unqualified but at least she only takes up one seat?

>> No.16188043

I'd rather see them all board a vehicle manufactured by Boing!

>> No.16188046

there is nothing good about gateway, its a necessary evil

>> No.16188051

>necessary evil
The Gateway ploy is not going to work.
NASA is just as incompetent politically as technically.
An NRHO station is not going magically result in funding for a permanently occupied moon base.

>> No.16188059

If you have to fly to NRHO every single time to resupply the station then a trip to the Lunar surface is a more feasible sell. Granted NRHO is a shit retarded orbit too but it's better than LEO

>> No.16188062

It has already secured foreign investment into Artemis.

But that is its own thing, the purpose of Gateway is because SLS is not capable of delivering Orion and a lander to LLO.

>> No.16188067

>the purpose of Gateway is because SLS is not capable of delivering Orion and a lander to LLO
That doesn't make any sense. So Orion and HLS meet somewhat up the well.
That doesn't anything about having a station let alone is the main purpose of it.

>> No.16188074

The whole crew doesn't go down to the surface and spending an extra week in an Orion is not ideal for the crew that remain.

>> No.16188080

Stupid retarded faggots talking about Gateway shut the fuck up

>> No.16188083


>> No.16188087
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>>16187576 WTF, are those pot plants? You just know Musk would never relocate to Mars without there already being a reliable supply of chiba for him and his art-ho traveling companion to indulge in. I wonder how tall pot plants will grow in .38g, probably 20-30 ft tall.

>> No.16188092
File: 1.07 MB, 2400x3178, Lunar-Gateway-annotated-0d643f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to it is tho, until 2020 the first lunar landing ( artemis III ) would be with a HLS docked to gateway

>> No.16188091

Lmfao people say the funniest shit

>> No.16188098
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>You can't get hard in less than 1g
Are you sure about that? Even with sufficient stimulation?

>> No.16188099
File: 571 KB, 1920x1080, LwTyhfJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16188105

Reminder that they're just gonna bolt 6 Falcon 9 legs onto Starship and call it HLS landing legs.
Will work just fine.

>> No.16188107

Cool video. Not sure why /sfg/ is so angry lately

>> No.16188108

too heavy. wont have the delta for TLI let alone landing and launching

>> No.16188109

More like 10 but yes don't be surprised if HLS's legs are based on F9's.

>> No.16188113

>wont have the delta for TLI
delusional. also the falcon 9 legs aren't heavy at all.
it's literally one seething fag and he's been in constant faggot rage for months now.

>> No.16188117


>> No.16188122

Well yeah, deadlift one to prove it and post results. It may be light for a lower stage, but in upper stage space travel every microgram counts, thats why shuttle was the size that it was

>> No.16188123
File: 1.17 MB, 2211x1473, Starliner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complete all six operational flights
Bold of you to assume it will survive 6 missions

>> No.16188124

Google says around 500 kg per leg.

>> No.16188135
File: 102 KB, 575x620, IMG_4195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16188140

yeah, sure, LJB had him killed, was Jack Ruby (Rubenstein) working for LBJ too? You know Kennedy was against Israel having nukes and against the Fed too, right?

>> No.16188144

>every microgram counts
The point of starship is to change that

>> No.16188146
File: 521 KB, 1200x950, real spaceship factory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bullshit, it was his pet project obviously and by the time he left the White House in early 1969 we would be well on our way to accomplishing it if we hadn't already

>> No.16188154

>in upper stage space travel every microgram counts
I’m going to kill you

>> No.16188163
File: 189 KB, 588x540, LBJ life m 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LBJ was the 1st 100% Zionist POTUS, yes, but he had reasons to work with Israel to whack Jack aside from that. There was a big corruption crisis brewing up for him that disappeared once he took power.

>> No.16188173

save it for when somebody offends your fee fees on /pol/, queer

>> No.16188191
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>> No.16188196
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>> No.16188197


>> No.16188203

More like june attempt lmao gottem

>> No.16188209
File: 28 KB, 592x209, Screenshot 2024-05-22 184918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16188212


>> No.16188215


>> No.16188258
File: 733 KB, 582x811, 1693630144441924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but corporate espionage will end

>> No.16188264

If I was working there I wouldn't like be filmed 24/7

>> No.16188270

>NSF cameras getting covered

>> No.16188276

Seriously though why are they covering the cameras

>> No.16188278

Is there a law allowing filming or spying a private area, feels like something that wouldn't be allowed in the first place

>> No.16188279

DOT official was banned from NSF forums

>> No.16188284

>ESA has signed two contracts with European industry to develop a commercial service capable of transporting cargo to and from the International Space Station in low Earth orbit by 2030.
>ESA has selected two projects that will go ahead in the competition, awarding 25 million euros of funding to each to support them in developing the cargo service.

Europe is showing a deep and enthusiastic commitment to space

>> No.16188286

Anything which can be seen from a public area can be filmed.

>> No.16188312

Anything than can reasonably expected to be seen from a public area can be filmed, you can't put a telephoto lense camera on a tall pole to peek into private property.

>> No.16188342

I'm going to point a camera at your house and film it for weeks

>> No.16188343
File: 30 KB, 680x453, MECcQ22I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Firefly_Space's investors are considering a sale that could value the closely held rocket and moon lander maker at about $1.5 billion
Northrop's reaching for its checkbook

>> No.16188358


Total Grifter Death

Thank you TPWD

>> No.16188360

I c u

>> No.16188361
File: 1.15 MB, 1919x1015, Screenshot 2024-05-22 152745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey you fat niggers rise and shine for new Vast video and images of Haven-1

>> No.16188364
File: 1.28 MB, 1327x887, Screenshot 2024-05-22 153131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16188365

at this point i'm pretty sure it's either sale or bankruptcy for them so i guess it's not the worst news

>> No.16188366

love it when my space station has a new paint smell

>> No.16188374

I think vast is cool and I want to see them succeed. But I just can’t get excited about an aluminum tube

>> No.16188385

The set up for this goes way back. In late 2019 they were hit by a by a shareholder lawsuit alleging fraud that went nowhere. Then in 2021 Max Polyakov, Firefly's largest investor, got a letter from Washington telling him that he had to sell off his stake in the company, as a Ukrainian owning shares of a space launch company was some kind of risk to national security. The government then blocked the second launch of Alpha until after he divested himself. He eventually sold to AE Industrial Partners, an private equity firm populated by a lot of former Northrop suits. In June of 2022 Tom Markusic was pushed out as CEO and replaced by Peter Schumacher, a partner at AEI. Then in August 2022 it was announced that Firefly would be building the first stage for Northrop's Antares 300.

>> No.16188391
File: 481 KB, 1080x604, Screenshot_20240522_204935_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese Starlink is finally here!!
seamless connectivity using 8-32 MEO/IGSO (100-150ms) satellites plus 12k & 16k LEO sats in the future, will complement Chinese 6-7G infrastructure, benefit from the Beidou and quantum comms constellations

>> No.16188398

congrats to china on their youtube video

>> No.16188399

notice how the entire industry is looking for a powerpoint constellation to send up just like starlink.

>> No.16188402


>> No.16188404

you are legally allowed to. I should just close the curtains. The best I can do is claim you are harassing me and causign personal distress, which is hard for a corporation to do.
As far as I know you are allowed to film by any means so long as you are in public. Otherwise it would be illegal to fly drones.

>> No.16188405

>ESA has signed two contracts with European industry to develop a commercial service capable of transporting cargo to and from the International Space Station
wait a minute, shouldn't they have signed this like 20 years ago?

>> No.16188410

>"It doesn't matter! It just doesn't, okay!?"

>> No.16188412
File: 1.00 MB, 4096x2731, GONAqfYb0AEQKZ1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16188416

that's going to trigger zoomers and their fear of empty hallways, sorry "liminal spaces"

>> No.16188419
File: 2.11 MB, 4096x2731, B11 leaving Mega Bay with other boosters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16188423
File: 121 KB, 1200x800, 1200px-ATV-3_approaches_the_International_Space_Station_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of shit the ESA is doing that would have been a much better idea 20 years ago

Of course, 20 years ago Europe had the Ariane Transfer Vehicle, but it was so expensive they canned the program after just five launches

>> No.16188425

starlink's going to end up being the best thing to happen to spaceflight since sputnik. megaconstellation R&D is so much faster and cheaper that in 20 years single-satellite missions are going to be limited to stuff like cubesat demonstrations and deep space probes.

>> No.16188431

the iteration will make all satellites better
I guess you could argue they already have when starlinks laserlink goes online, it basically increase data throughput for all satellites and couldn't you basically do everything through that link if the sat is in LEO
don't even need a conventional antenna and don't need to care about when you can communicate with it

>> No.16188437
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its over

>> No.16188440
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>Here's the notice.

>> No.16188444
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>> No.16188445

Between this and starfactory and the doors on the bays we’re reaching the end of an era.
Oh well, at least we’re fast approaching the era of monthly starship launches.

>> No.16188448

good riddance, fuck this faggot. I hope they smashed his cameras on the way out.

>> No.16188461

If the booster doesn't fail to do the landing burn and Starship doesn't roll out of control I am certain we will see IFT5 in July. The latter might finally happen but I still have doubts about the first

>> No.16188485
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This is the end of tankwatching...

>> No.16188488
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>> No.16188489

Good? Tankwatching's been boring for years now

>> No.16188493

good, time for shipbuilding

>> No.16188496

With the green engines and interstage being simplified soon I am getting serious N1 vibes. I am excited about the future

>> No.16188497

>nsf is going out of business
should've pivoted and diversified faster

>> No.16188499

so their job postings are ghost job postings...they never really intended to hire anyone

>> No.16188511

>I am getting serious N1 vibes

>> No.16188517
File: 2.93 MB, 3000x1966, GOMZ4TyXoAECJdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now they just need some engines, maybe a few payloads

>> No.16188520

21 tanks in production!

>> No.16188522

>pictures of raw sheet metal

>> No.16188526

Do you think ULA will let NSF install cameras in their factory?

>> No.16188544

Starship is an unmanned rocket system whose only novelty is slight increase in payload but not notably above historical precedents put in place decades ago. Meanwhile Boeing's Starliner™ is a transportation system designed with the goal to reliably and affordably send people into space and all that without sacrificing the most important aspect aerospace engineering which is safety. Boeing Starliner™ is a new generation space vehicle built using the most advanced aerospace technology available and its purpose is to secure United States' presence and leadership in humanned space flight, as well as usher in a new era of low earth orbit space exploration that would allow even civilians to reach space as tourists aboard the Starliner™. The Boeing company is the United States leader in aerospace development and its teams have been working tirelessly for years to realize this example of the American Dream and technological superiority over our adversaries Russia and China. Leveraging Boeing's traditions in aerospace, the Starliner is proving itself to be one of the most valuable assets NASA has at its disposal, and will allow our great country to continue its exploration of the greatest frontier - space.

>> No.16188551

Wait till you find out the 'major design flaw' in Starship. Dig around some posts about HLS on twitter and you'll find it.
Absolutely a clownish system.

>> No.16188555

ATV wasn't cancelled. It fulfilled that part of ESA's contribution to the space station agreement. They are only ever going to build 5. ATV wasn't really exceptionally expensive, when you account for the fact it could carry more than double the payload of Cygnus. It lives on in the Orion ESM.
And the A is Automated.

>> No.16188560

way higher production rate than starbase. wtf!

>> No.16188566
File: 15 KB, 586x157, 8907349827489412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A W for Common Sense.

>> No.16188568

Rhymes with 'Rice in the Banks'?

>> No.16188570

The Space Race was the kind of race where the goalposts keep shifting until one side gets sticker shock and decides to throw in the towel

>> No.16188577

Apparently there will be a Jielong 5


>> No.16188583

him and max twat are the most insufferable cynical motherfuckers on spitter

>> No.16188585


>> No.16188587

Max blocked me even though Ive never posted in my life.

>> No.16188590

So is it just going to be a bigger all-solid rocket? Like a less independent Gravity-1?

>> No.16188591

I blocked him without ever interacting with him, cause he's just that insufferable

>> No.16188594

Ariane 5 was built for the Hermes spaceplane which is why it looks like a baby shuttle stack. ATV was basically their Shuttle-C.

>> No.16188595

Europe should have had their own manned space flight 20 years ago but Europe will be Europe.

>> No.16188597

>any help from—
good riddance faggot grifters

>> No.16188599

in b4 it's fucking nothing but some weird ass Texas state law regarding filming their employees them while they're working.

>> No.16188601

i bet it's just some karen inside the DOT whining that the cameras could get in the way of emergency vehicle access

>> No.16188607

>tfw starliners first crewed flight will be over 4 years after dragons first crewed flight

>> No.16188611

Fuck off, this can't be real.

>> No.16188615

its clearly taking the piss at the expense of tankwatchers that catalog every nut and bolt (not that I don't like that as there is some pretty interesting stuff sometimes)

>> No.16188623
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>> No.16188631

this is the way

>> No.16188643

China’s LM11 is still changing designs pretty often
Is this also the case with Next Generation Crewed Spacecraft? (apparently called Mengzhou? When did it and the lander get names??)

>> No.16188646
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Ice in the slime machine.

>> No.16188649

Wow they have cables built for Vucan 17!!

>> No.16188657

Just a PSA, shipwatching and tankwatching is not over, flyovers are still going to happen regularly if not more often now that cams are gone. This as well as that it was only cams along the highway as there are still more sites around, they used to tankwatch without the cameras along the highway anyways so its going to be fine. Just now you personally cant access them at any time you want.

>> No.16188663


Copium, fuck you.

>> No.16188665

>state right of way
So all their cameras were just on the side of the roadway? I know of some places where it looks like you should be able to park in front of a business along the highway but they have to put up notices to say don't park in the part by the highway because it's the RoW and TxDoT will tow you if they feel like it.
But there are still a few cameras on private property along TX4, aren't there? Like LabPadre maybe?

>> No.16188674
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>> No.16188680

Imagine if Dragon had blown up when docked to the ISS, waht a fun alt history

>> No.16188684

Thunderf00t would be leaping with joy

>> No.16188685

The right of way refers to the area just off the road surface itself. Usually a footpath or nature strip in more built up areas.

Didn't they just announce they were doing major roadworks including building a second road out to the beach? The camera takedowns are probably because of that, even if work won't start for weeks

>> No.16188686

knowing how Musk companies go, it's an inevitability that dragon will fuck something up and kill a lot of people lol

>> No.16188703
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>> No.16188707

Imagine Dragons

>> No.16188713
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what are the chances that Starship goes perfectly but Starliner blows up?

>> No.16188719

Damn near zero, since both probabilities are small.

>> No.16188726

what could have been, if the Hermes spaceplane had been able to keep flying people to orbit after the shuttle had to be put out of its misery back in 2011 it would have been a HUGE win for the euros, like everyone would have proclaimed them the ultimate winners of the space race, the dark horse that came from behind in the last lap, but no....

>> No.16188731

roberts road is a go

>> No.16188732
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>> No.16188733


>> No.16188734

this really says a lot about our society

>> No.16188735

The right of way (for the state) is all the stuff between the edge of the road and the adjacent property lines. Anything that isn't on a property is state land, and the state gets to tell you to fuck off whenever they feel like it.
>Didn't they just announce they were doing major roadworks
But that's a good point. That might explain why none of this happened until now. If they've decided that now is the time to do some road construction, then all those bandit cameras have to go.

>> No.16188741
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>if the Hermes spaceplane
That's a good one. That would have required the yuropoors to actually agree to do something AND to actually do it. They are having enough trouble getting a minor upgrade to A5 launched, which isn't even up to F9 standards, do you really think they could make a fucking spesspleen to work?

>> No.16188742

I think during one of the smartereveryday tours Tory mentioned that a few of their early in-progress rockets were just bins of parts with a label on them

>> No.16188747

If that happens we'll have a headline like
"Elon Musk launches new rocket as 2 astronauts die"

>> No.16188749
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>> No.16188750

curved elevator.

>> No.16188751

lmao, you are probably right.

>> No.16188752

gonna need a label on that one chief

>> No.16188754
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>> No.16188756

People on twitter are saying it's docking hardware for a propellant transfer demo

>> No.16188760
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June 1 seems to be confirmed for Starliner

>> No.16188763

it's going to be fun to watch both starship and starliner scrub on june 1st

>> No.16188765

this is a good point actually, LEO fully reusable vehicle, launch a third stage if you need to go to higher orbits

>> No.16188775
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So instead of smoking a little weed, they've been smoking tape?

>> No.16188776

>outgassing tape drive

>> No.16188777

Why is SpaceX testing Starship V1 when it's no longer even in production? Seems retarded.
They will have to test V2. And why even build V2 in the first place when they have designed V3??? Seems RETARDED.

>> No.16188779

Because they're already built and they still have shit that they can learn from it.
ok midwit

>> No.16188781



>> No.16188782

I get what you’re saying and my only guess is that flying V1s still gets them like 80-90% of data needed for v2+
And they’ve already put in enough man hours and FAA / other reg work into v1 to justify flying them thru completion

>> No.16188783

>hmm yes I have this rocket. I think I will NOT launch it
that's you. that's what you sound like. like an idiot who has a rocket but won't launch it

>> No.16188786
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>do you really think they could make a fucking spesspleen to work?
I wonder how many euros have been spent on gibs for "non-space going" peoples over the last 30 years and if instead that money had gone towards the Hermes... hmmmm

>> No.16188791

So is TAS gonna be the Boeing here and Exploration Company the SpaceX?
Also rip to Susie and RFA's thing

>> No.16188792

Under the No Action Alternative, NASA would not issue a new EUL, expansion of the Roberts Road Operations Area would not occur beyond what is currently authorized, and SpaceX would not further consolidate its operational footprint on KSC. SpaceX’s operations in Brevard County would continue; however, they would occur at disjunct facilities. Saturn Causeway widening and utility upgrades would not occur. SpaceX’s ability to provide more efficient, low-cost, reliable access to and from space would not be realized. The No Action Alternative would not meet the Purpose and Need.

>> No.16188795

>Starship and Starliner both scheduled to launch on June 1st
oh shit are they aware of each others plans? Like this could lead to them colliding over the atlantic couldn't it? Somebody needs to be the bigger man and hold off from launching that day.

>> No.16188796

Ok, I get thattheywill learn things from launching these, but why build V2 prototypes asthey are actively doing when theyve already designed V3?

>> No.16188800 [DELETED] 

After sailing on a northwesterly course
for 30 days, the ships landed either north of Cape Canaveral (Milanich 1995) or in the vicinity of
modern-day Melbourne Beach (Eriksen 1994; Gannon 1996). Ponce de León sighted land during
the Feast of Flowers (Pascua Florida) and called it La Florida (Milanich 1995). Ponce de León
remained at this initial landing place for six days before pulling anchor and sailing toward Jupiter
Inlet, where he landed to restock firewood and water for the ships. The fleet rode the
countercurrents of the Gulf Stream to Biscayne Bay and eventually rounded the southern tip of
the peninsula (Gannon 1996; Milanich 1995). The island off the Brevard coast became known as
Canaveral, the Spanish term for canebrake. Many maps depict Cape Canaveral beginning in the
sixteenth century maps and it is one of the oldest place names in North America (Eriksen 1994)

>> No.16188802 [DELETED] 

The American colonies declared their independence from British rule in 1776. The last naval
battle of the American Revolutionary War took place off the coast of Cape Canaveral on March
10, 1783, when the British HMS Sybil gave chase to two Continental Navy Ships who carried silver
from Cuba to support the Continental Army. The battle resulted in a victory for the American side
with the HMS Sybil badly damaged and fleeing from the fight (Florida Division of Historical
Resources 2006). In 1783, the Treaty of Paris ended the American Revolution and returned
Florida to Spain.

>> No.16188803


>> No.16188813

Production r&d is distinct from flight r&d I suppose.
That is to say, you can fly V1s and learn a lot about fundamental aspects of the ship, while still testing new ways to build V2s on the ground.

>> No.16188814

EuroEx seems to have at least a glimmer of the spirit, but they're still Euros dealing with a continental regulatory environment and they're not all that well funded. 25M doesn't really help them all that much.

RFA's thing was always pretty aspirational, but I wouldn't count them out just yet. There's enough interest in cargo transport that If they make a name for themselves as a successful launch company finding funding for a cargo capsule wouldn't be an insurmountable challenge.

Susie will keep trucking just because it has the right friends.

>> No.16188815

It's that time again. Who's ready for more Starlink?

>> No.16188818
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SLS/Artemis will never work.
NASA is more concerned about contractors having jobs in every state.

We deserve to let China return to the moon first, the west has unironically fallen.

>> No.16188819

Lots of people care

>> No.16188823

>he gives up on USA for a few major mistakes that can still be corrected
Shameful. America will still pull through and the doubters and haters will seethe.

>> No.16188827

the doubters will lie and say they never doubted

>> No.16188830

It's 100% certain that the Chinese will beat America back to the moon.
Best case scenario it acts as a sputnik moment and gives America the kick up the ass needed to make humans on Mars happen within that very same decade. There would be no recovering if China lands first, no matter hoe many landings America does. The only way to 1-up them will be to go to Mars.

>> No.16188834

>There would be no recovering if China lands first
Apollo denier, eh?

>> No.16188835

we've seen a preview of what the cope is going to be from berger https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/05/china-just-launched-another-ambitious-lunar-mission-is-nasa-falling-behind/
our architecture is more complex (true), they're just copying apollo (false), what we're doing is more sustainable (false as long as SLS exists). we're probably also going to have a line about how we're much better positioned to have the first moonbase, even though that's not going to happen before the late 2030s at the absolute earliest

>> No.16188838
File: 144 KB, 1498x812, this-boeing-spaceplane-could-have-been-the-ultimate-space-freighter-exists-only-here_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boeing in the 70s
>Sir how do we make a fully reusable spaceplane?
>Hit's blunt
>Just make the whole thing out of space shuttles
>Then make it send 420 tons to LEO for good measure

Seriously how did they go from thinking of shit like this to not even being able to put a tin can into space

>> No.16188839 [DELETED] 
File: 981 KB, 2546x3818, 1695517561645646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's the cutie on the left

>> No.16188841

It's actually not, because AI could never write backwards letters

>> No.16188842
File: 54 KB, 680x383, 1714460209443713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's the cutie on the left

>> No.16188845

you know what I mean. but BTW since you mention it, it will definitely become historical canon for turd worlders and poltards that China is the real first country to land on the moon.
Absolutely grim. And the worst part is that China will even build a surface hab before America if NASA just copes and doesn't up their game

>> No.16188847

The sex between her and Musk must have been incredible.

>> No.16188850
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Who can say?

>> No.16188864

>wheels fall off
>door blows out
>crew fly out of seats, hits head, dies

>> No.16188867
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>> No.16188868

retard extreme

>> No.16188869


T-3 mins till F9 launch .

>> No.16188872

thanks so much for the reminder! I almost missed this one

>> No.16188875
File: 1.53 MB, 1919x1079, n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another nominal flight

>> No.16188878


>> No.16188879


What did he mean? WHAT DID HE MEAN? WHY THE WINK? I'm so fucking curious now

>> No.16188880

he'd better come visit WSTF tomorrow

>> No.16188882


>> No.16188883

remember back when they had announcers for every falcon flight? what a time

>> No.16188884

Occam’s razor: 18m pulse fission nuclear Starship

>> No.16188885
File: 1.16 MB, 4080x3072, PXL_20240523_023652608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got sent out to Daytona for work this week, got a cool show from my hotel window

>> No.16188886

Nice. Stuff like that makes a work trip feel worth it.

>> No.16188887

elon knows that a real real mars effort outside of the very early shitty stages is going to require nuclear propulsion

>> No.16188888

>another boring starlink launch

>> No.16188889

Hot rocks are gatekept by the government though, unfortunately

>> No.16188890

Starship would be useful to assemble nuclear ships in orbit anyway

>> No.16188891

you could weld together some pretty big pusher plates in orbit...

>> No.16188894

>both starship and starliner scrub on june 1st
Ngl, I feel starship has a higher chance of launching than starliner on June 1st.
If IFT-4 is anything like IFT-3, shits going to be insane

>> No.16188895

its so fucking over sci-fi bros
ANOTHER musk company failing
>85% of Neuralink implant wires are already detached, says patient

>> No.16188896

oh we'll know days before hand that starliner isn't launching June 1. I wouldn't past them to announce another delay before the end of this week.

>> No.16188897

go back holy shit

>> No.16188898

they delayed today’s announcement of a further delay kek

>> No.16188899
File: 293 KB, 1497x747, Screenshot from 2024-05-22 22-59-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one can seem to explain to me why there's still a frost line on the ship well into this phase of reentry.

>> No.16188900

They'll work out a deal. NASA knows they're too cucked by congress to ever really accomplish anything
Project Orion will never exist. They'll use NTP
true. Starship is a sort of size fits all that doesn't do any one thing well. It'll be useful to have a couple dozen on mars to go to and from orbit since nuclear engines will never land

>> No.16188901

it cold

>> No.16188902

not space travel. Don't care

>> No.16188907
File: 3.82 MB, 2325x1246, Screenshot from 2024-05-22 23-12-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16188908

June 1

>Starliner launch
>IFT 4
>Chang'e 6 lunar landing

It will be a good day sfg bros

>> No.16188914

IFT-1 to happen 5 minutes before Starliner launch, screencap this

>> No.16188915

Why not? It's vacuum, the plasma can't transfer much heat to that side.

>> No.16188917

*IFT-4 brain no worky

>> No.16188920
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Alternatively, plasma magnet

>> No.16188922

i doubt it because both elon and boing are such hot topics right now that they'd have to make separate articles for both just to maximize ad revenue

>> No.16188924

How'd the demo do?

>> No.16188925

"Elon's Boeing rocket kills 2 astronauts as his fourth rocket FAILS again (stage 2 has a hard splashdown around Hawaii)"

>> No.16188929


>> No.16188930

nuclear power on mars

>> No.16188932

>WATCH: Elon Musk's company workers cheer as rocket fails; 2 NASA astronauts DEAD

>> No.16188942
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If China lands man on the moon and builds small colony then I will stop supporting American space companies and NASA for being such a failure. I will jump to towards team red, since team blue is declining superpower.

>> No.16188949

The most based way is being pro NASA in interplanetary plobes, and pro China in manned space flight

>> No.16188957

You can't fail if you never launch

>> No.16188958

methalox is cold n shit

>> No.16188989

uh I dont get it, isn't more footage of environmental damage good so we can bring elon to justice?

>> No.16188995

Hes a fake trying to disguise himself as an envirogod, typical muskrats

>> No.16189007

Nuclear power on Starship

>> No.16189032

Holy shit is Spacex skunkworks going to get to play with the fun rocks now?
I guess the DoD is happy with Starshield

>> No.16189040

If Finland is a "fake country, then I don't want to live in a real" one.

>> No.16189065

NTP is shit. The only real benefit apart from some marginal ISP improvements is to be able to just fill it up with water or Hydrogen or whatever really from local sources. Would be great for hopping from asteroid to asteroid but for Mars it sucks. Expensive, complex and shits out radiation all over the place.

>> No.16189085

>Future military, civil and commercial cislunar operations will require precise lunar maps not just of topography, but also of the Moon's gravitational and magnetic fields.

sounds like a business opportunity

>> No.16189116
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hmm i never knew

>> No.16189161

>almost june
>not even 100 launches worldwide
concerning. how are we supposed to reach 300+ launches this year? we're falling behind.

>> No.16189183

Yeah they are fortifying the South China Sea like a motherfucker. Going to be a shitshow when they try to take Taiwan and we deploy our diversity hire tranny officer navy.

>> No.16189231

Deploy for what reason? The US said they don't support Taiwanese independence.
Nothing will happen.

>> No.16189235

>The US said they don't support Taiwanese independence
That could equally well mean they support Taiwanese revanchism towards the mainland.

>> No.16189245
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>> No.16189248
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>> No.16189255

Why is it 100% guaranteed that China will land first? Where's their moon rocket, their lander, their capsule capable of reentering from lunar orbit?

>> No.16189256

average american doesnt know what apollo is
senior nasa leadership is heavily coping right now trying to spin "this is not a race, WE are the ones going back sustainably!"
Absolute fucking faggots. They already know theyve lost, they are already trying to shift the narrative.

>> No.16189258

Since SLS is unsustainable, maybe NASA will design their next superheavy rocket using lots of Merlins. It would be far safer and cheaper than the current setup since they are the most flight proven engine ever.
Why not use RS25 as an upper stage engine if they still can't find an alternative?

>> No.16189260

the cg team got sloppy

>> No.16189261

NASA will not have another rocket after SLS. Mark my words.

>> No.16189272
File: 146 KB, 1280x853, 010705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a somewhat long summary and some other relevant things about the deorbiting of the ISS, doesn't seem to be prompted by any news but I found it somewhat interesting
seems like NASA hasn't decided yet what they are going to do with it
take it down in a controlled manner with a deorbit vehicle called United States Deorbit Vehicle (USDV) which would cost like a billion,boosting it to a graveyard orbit or just letting it fall uncontrollably

pic is from from January https://www.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/2022_iss_transition_report-final_tagged.pdf

>> No.16189274

why can't we undock the various modules from each other and deorbit them individually?

>> No.16189276

It all comes down to the NASA side of the equation. Since Orion can't get into low lunar orbit it puts an insane delta v burden on the lander. That's why traditional landers like the dynetics one didn't win the contract, because its impossible to make an Apollo style lander which can do the job. All you have to do is open your eyes to see that Starship is comically over ambitious compared to the minimum viable effort. People say BO is a neat backup, but they have to handle hydromeme so no. Meanwhile China is going down the path of minimum viable effort without being shackled to Orion and without having to develope any new technologies.
SpaceX won't be attempting demo 1 until 2029 and maybe the landing in 2030 under optimal conditions, which means China will win.

>> No.16189277

with smaller vehicles? I'm not sure it makes it less "dangerous" if they are deorbited individually

>> No.16189278

I think that's around the right timeframe, and you're right about NASA's dysfunction, but I'm not sure how you can say that China will make it by 2030 if we haven't even seen any of their hardware yet.

>> No.16189279

>Where's their moon rocket, their lander, their capsule capable of reentering from lunar orbit?

When China decides to do something it just happens. With state capitalism, shit gets done. See their crazy HSR network and highway building. They don't have to spend decades dealing with cost plus grifting bullshit and changing administrations changing strategic plans every few years. You think the chinks will spend 20 years building SLS or Orion? They will have it done in less than 5, sure they will kill a bunch of Astronauts and blow up some villages but it will get done fast. I think a lot of interesting stuff is going to be happening in the Chinese space sector soon, especially since diversity positions means that American industrial secrets are free for the taking.

>> No.16189281

Just blow the explosive bolts

>> No.16189283

>It just happens
China still doesn't have reusable rockets, and they've obviously interested in acquiring them for years now. I think you're over-hyping them.

>> No.16189285

my point is there would still be parts that might reach the surface whether it gets blown up into modules or not before starting to deorbit in a uncontrolled manner
so blowing it up wouldn't accomplish anything
I mean perhaps if you demolish it into small enough chunks those individual pieces would burn up, but just modules?

>> No.16189286

the CIA will deploy ULA snipers to delay the chinks

>> No.16189297

There hasn't been a real push in china for reusability until quite recently, like I said, I think this will be changing soon. They also don't need reusability to land some bugmen on the moon anyway, they can afford to just throw expendables at it.

>> No.16189302
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>China wins by doing nothing while the West destroys itself over endless immigration and LGBTQ madness
This is war between state capitalism and "free market" capitalism. I think state capitalism will win in the long term because western capitalists are too blinded by short term profit and intense greed to even get any grand project done. This is the Chinese century unironically, the Western has fallen and self cannibalizes in the biggest ponzi scheme ever seen in history.

>> No.16189305

ISS will need (or rather, Congress will demand) a specialized ISS deorbit vehicle that will be a cost-plus contract to boeing or some shit and be just as bad as MSR

>> No.16189310

You're forgetting the race component. Chinese can never truly outpace Whites, no matter what system they use. This is because Chinese lack the Neanderthal genome.

>> No.16189311

Okay Dr. Chud. Thanks for your input.

>> No.16189313

You disagree?

>> No.16189315

>erm senator why can't we just strap a big rocket to it and point it at the ocean?

>> No.16189317

this is why national socialism is the most efficient ideology

>> No.16189319

Why are you shilling China this hard?
It's not even spaceflight at this point, at least stay on topic.

>> No.16189321

Whites have spent the last half century since apollo doing nothing in space except enriching contractors. Without Elon nothing at all would have happened and America would still be launching Astronauts on Soyuz. Now back to /pol/ lik chuddie.

>> No.16189324

>The Chinese have spent the last few 100 years not colonizing anything, the closest they got was the Treasure Voyages. Without European intervention nothing at all would have happened and China would still be cyclically having civil wars and then rebuilding.

>> No.16189329

Congress will probably look to use Blue Origin as the new “spread the love” company where BO leads it, but they add in random companies like zip ties & more from the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Sort of like national team.

>> No.16189332

Need me to post the SpaceX gay pride van chuddy buddy?

>> No.16189333
File: 100 KB, 532x715, stratospheric jumps atmosphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chinks now know they can't just sit tight in the middle kingdom, eschew interacting with the world and hope for the best. past practice isn't a good guide to future practice

>> No.16189336

>past practice isn't a good guide to future practice
Actually it is. Chinese have never been able to innovate, why should they start now?

>> No.16189337

>inb4 chinashill lists the 4 inventions.

>> No.16189342

The fact that they were perfectly content with doing this doesn't say good things about them.

>> No.16189345
File: 1.32 MB, 3500x2334, OB4S53Q6VNOXXFFF2A4IFYO35M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>S132-S350 well into production

>> No.16189347
File: 94 KB, 630x815, Cora French-built experimental rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not african-tier, they have a historical consciousness and can learn from mistakes

>> No.16189348

What now gwailo

>> No.16189359

Have you heard of Jensen Huang the founder and CEO of the 3rd largest technology company by market cap? He is a chinaman. Now I'm ready for some Musk hater tier cope about how he doesn't actually do anything and is there just by luck and happenstance.

>> No.16189363

Taiwan is not communist occupied China.

>> No.16189366

Youre right, the communists should start occupying Taiwan.

>> No.16189371
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>> No.16189373
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>> No.16189379
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>> No.16189380

I would wait to see what Musk does, its not over yet
he might be able to catalyze a cultural change

>> No.16189383

problem, spacexfan?

>> No.16189386

>he might be able to catalyze a cultural change

>> No.16189391


>> No.16189395
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>> No.16189397

he has already shifted the overton window and will probably be much more influential in the future
lots of seething now, not so sure that will continue forever

>> No.16189398

Everyone hates Jews now, which would have been unthinkable 20 years ago.

>> No.16189400
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>> No.16189402

thats not because of him, hes also turned back around and now likes jews
people dont like jews because of palestine

>> No.16189403

>people dont like jews because of palestine
That was hardly the cause. It's not as if everyone was pro-jew up until Nov last year.

>> No.16189406
File: 82 KB, 1012x843, hardy star ship buss planet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16189407

Crucially chinks dont have to invent anything to get men on the moon. All the tech exists and its only undoable for whites because of the crazy level of corporate grift and sunk cost in bizzare avenues.

>> No.16189408

the catalyst of openly criticizing jews was because of otcober 7th and israel's response. You really think because of Musk people are finally realizing what the Jews are doing? The average person doesn't care until its spoonfed to them by CNN

>> No.16189409

what's going on in this picture.

>> No.16189413
File: 61 KB, 508x692, David A. Hardy sps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16189415

its a video clip of a dragon and a booster being moved, isaacmans comment implies that this might be the dragon and booster that will be used for polaris dawn

>> No.16189420

The Chinese don't like to show off their test hardware much, but they don't have an insane amount to develop.
If you aren't over engineering for the sake of it then the only issue is thermal protection, which itself is trivial if you use ablator. Life support is also a solved problem because the Chinese have had space stations for a long time now.
>Launch vehicle
LM9 is much less of a leap than earlier Saturn rockets to Saturn V, and they only need two launches to work in order to land men on the Moon.
That's the one area of undeveloped tech, but they have a lot of experts who can iterate up to a human rated lander due to all the probe landings theyve conducted. Not to mention there is much more margin for error on landing dueto their lander (probably) being significantly less tall than starship, and the landing mission itself being far less ambitious and shorter due to not having to wait a week for the NRHO machine to loop back around

>> No.16189423

>The average person doesn't care until its spoonfed to them by CNN
The average person is a zoomer who gets his info from tiktok, not CNN.
Television is babysitting for old people.

>> No.16189426
File: 370 KB, 789x1559, cislunar orbits all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having to wait a week for the NRHO machine to loop back around
If you must have a cislunar station EML-2 is a much better choice than NRHO for this reason - you can go there anytime without waiting for the station to be in the right orbital phase

>> No.16189428
File: 526 KB, 1920x1274, Gennady_Padalka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon thinks popular opinion is turning against jews
Get outside /pol/ and your college protest bubble.
Or don't, just get the fuck out of /sfg/

>> No.16189430

>The average person is a zoomer
No. And even if they were, Zoomers are incredibly leftist and liberal, they vilify Musk. Leftists are pro-palestine, not because of Musk, do you think all the campus demonstrations are Musk's doing? It's communist/leftist groups that are organizing these protests.
Musk isnt as influential as you make him out to be.
Your nose is showing

>> No.16189432

Russian shills know it's over for their country so they are hitching their wagon to china.

>> No.16189433
File: 72 KB, 1126x644, wF3EvNd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep coping faggot. American love blowing up muzzies.

>> No.16189435

Your time will come, Canaanite.

>> No.16189437

Did they also ask whether israel should move forward with an operation in rafah to finish the war with hamas, regardless of cost to the civilian population of rafah.

>> No.16189438

Aren't various countries promising to arrest netanyahu right now? I agree that in America that the overwhelming majority of boomers support Israel.

>> No.16189442
File: 153 KB, 807x1024, PRC_2024.3.21_Israel-Hamas_00-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of /pol/tards

>> No.16189446

>Almost 50/50 split on how they are carrying out their response
>Even after decades of goyim cattle brainwashing in the US

>> No.16189448
File: 58 KB, 645x622, ABC News-Ipsos Poll Graphic 10.14.2023 FINAL JPEG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one, just to put the tiktok kiddies to bed.

>> No.16189449

It is well known the US is a puppet of israel.

>> No.16189453

>No? These polls show the majority is in clear support of Isreal against hamas
>I thought public opinions was turning?

>> No.16189454


>> No.16189456
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>> No.16189459

>the first element of gateway is scheduled to launch no earlier than 2026
>it'll take at least a year to get into the right orbit
thank fuck companies dont move as slow as nasa

>> No.16189462
File: 56 KB, 399x432, 2010 Patch set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

space = hard
pls understand

>> No.16189467

Who is this sexy broad? And what country is she from? I anit ever seen that flag on a map before?

>> No.16189468

You're jewish, aren't you?

>> No.16189479
File: 3.02 MB, 4096x2731, E-VxJ0HVEAcMxZ-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad bait, but bretty cool angles of the Firefly explosion that I hadn't seen before

>> No.16189485

Space is hard for the same reason going to the DMV is a pain in the ass. I can't believe how much time it turns out has been wasted on government bullshit. Fifty years of progress on computers, materials science, manufacturing, and NASA was just going to redo Apollo the exact same way. If starship actually works as billed then it'll be like if Henry Ford's replacement for the horse drawn cart was a Tesla model S. Has any industry in history seen such a rapid paradigm shift?

>> No.16189490
File: 89 KB, 636x600, shockley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

valves to transistors was yuuuge

>> No.16189497

don't you mean vacuum tubes?

>> No.16189498

>You think the chinks will spend 20 years building SLS or Orion?
They started development of Mengzhou in 2010, and that's not going to be operational until 2027 or 2028, so, yeah.

>> No.16189511
File: 34 KB, 887x505, capsule brit 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I do
I've inadvertently revealed I'm a bong, fuck

>> No.16189524

we're all blue rectangles here
nitrogen and tractors popping up around the same time did a lot for farming

>> No.16189539

Why is the US a "free market" capitalism?, literally America spend more public money than any country on the earth, US is a state capitalism too, the difference is between dictatorship and democracy

>> No.16189549

so the warp drive isnt a warp drive, but more like a warp cannon? it shoots you like a bullet through space, except you dont need to worry about being impacted by g forces.

>> No.16189554
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>> No.16189555

>can never travel faster than light
Erection softening...

>> No.16189556

Thank you based pop science poster.

>> No.16189566

fast enough to get around the solar system

>> No.16189578

We can already get around the solar system in less time than it took to go around the world 400 years ago.

>> No.16189582

roboposter on /sfg/ confirmed.

>> No.16189583
File: 123 KB, 1082x791, Steve Dodd Titan 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah? how long would a manned mission to Saturn take?


>> No.16189586

everyone on /sfg/ is a bot except you
saturn isn’t real we* can’t go there. a manned venus trip would take like a month.

>> No.16189600
File: 77 KB, 565x747, jfk retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saturn isn’t real

>> No.16189604

I couldn't find any mention of his name

>> No.16189614

The US policy is that it supports the status quo and that support is the only reason Taiwan has stayed independently governed.

>> No.16189617


>> No.16189618

The US military has been preparing for an island fight against China for years because of TSMC. If we reshored our military supply chains we could just park a CSG off of Singapore and block all oil tankers from heading to northeast Asia until China's navy ran out of fuel.

>> No.16189622

TSMC isnt the reason for why China wants Taiwan. People make revisionist reasoning for whatever reason. Two attempts to take Taiwan were had in the 90s, that was before TSMC

>> No.16189642

Recall that both Beijing and Taipei claim to be the legitimate government of all of China. Stability of government is the first and foremost goal of the PRC government, which is why they hate the existence of a pretender so much and why they forced every other government to cut formal relations with Taipei.

Ironically this is also one reason against aggression from Beijing: wars often bring unexpected political consequences and regime change. Even incorporating the population of Taiwan into the PRC would have hard to predict political consequences. For similar reasons Hong Kong is still under separate passport control from the mainland and has a semi-independent local government.

>> No.16189643

Taipei isn't just about stability, its about 1) closing the loose end 2) opening up the pacific for proper pacific power. Right now with Taiwan in the US zone, China's pacific ambitions are cut short. They are in all the choke points. Once Taiwan is integrated, those choke points are gone and they now have free access to the Pacific.

>> No.16189658

New vid on von Braun by DKiS Aerospace on YT

>> No.16189678

>You think the chinks will spend 20 years building SLS or Orion? They will have it done in less than 5

Long March 9 has been in devlopment for 15 years and will not fly until the next decade.

>> No.16189682

>starliner and starship launch on june 1
chances of starliner being able to see starship in orbit?

>> No.16189685
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>> No.16189686

0% because starliner will not be in irbit

>> No.16189689

>TSMC isnt the reason for why China wants Taiwan.
I never said it was. I said it's the reason the US doesn't want China to have it.

>> No.16189693


>> No.16189696

starship is launching on the same day as starliner so it can rescue the crew

>> No.16189703

I still think grappling a starship to one end of the truss, deorbiting and then reboosting starship is the best way to do this

>> No.16189706
File: 207 KB, 955x1005, 1713585255902856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you survive this?

>> No.16189709

you wouldnt. pressure, temperature, air content, all of them are not suitable for anybodys body. this is like asking how you would survive on the surface of venus or the sun.

>> No.16189710

spill water on myself

>> No.16189720

At least until the 2030's at the earliest.

>> No.16189721

coat your self in water, the steam will form a protective layer that prevents burning. that's why you can see video of people touching lava. it's warm but safe

>> No.16189730

>guys find field equation solutions for warping space while assuming no negative matter
>surprise! no FTL
garbage article
>But special relativity expressly forbids speeds faster than light. While this never bothered the writers of Star Trek, it did irritate Alcubierre. He discovered that it was possible to build a warp drive through a clever manipulation of spacetime, arranging it so that space in front of a vessel gets scrunched up and the space behind the vessel stretched out.
that was the entire premise of warp drive in star trek from the very beginning. that's why it was called warp drive. they didn't always do a great job with scientific plausibility but they had harvey lynn from rand corp trying to keep scripts as grounded as they could be within the constraints of a 1960s weekly tv show, and i'd take that effort over 2020s clickbait popsci slop.

>> No.16189731

Again, US stopped the Chinese takeover attempt of Taiwan in the 90s. Thats without TSMC. We stopped both of those attempts. Yes, thats twice.

TSMC was never a real reason. It may however be a reason to abandon Taiwan, by claiming that we destroyed the facility in case of an invasion.

>> No.16189734

walk away before it turns on

>> No.16189737

Molybdenum dome

>> No.16189752


>> No.16189757

Wouldn't that just take you out from directly under superheavy?

>> No.16189760

Escape Rope always returns you to the last Pokémon Center you visited.

>> No.16189766


>> No.16189781

You must be an oldfag, that's in gen1 only.

>> No.16189786

I just haven't needed to use one since then because I got good.

>> No.16189831

no new info but someone asked about ariane 6 at the end
its mostly about spacex and AI, perhaps more AI

>> No.16189850
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, hgffg56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starfactory Topped Out! Starbase Flyover Episode 42

>> No.16189858

need some top fr fr

>> No.16189860

im okay with the women doe

>> No.16189864
File: 40 KB, 793x574, b-70 Valkyrie launcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stage it

>> No.16189869
File: 61 KB, 695x538, b70-x15-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Valkyrie is much better as a manned TSTO with an X-15B as the upper stage.

>> No.16189876

STAGING >>>16189874
STAGING >>>16189874
STAGING >>>16189874