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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1618003 No.1618003 [Reply] [Original]

post ITT if you're disappointed with the speed of scientific and technological progress

>> No.1618013

The best we can hope for is a leap.

...a quantum leap.

>> No.1618018

Like something really really really small? <span class="math">10^-{34}[/spoiler] small?

>> No.1618020


quantum leap? wouldn't that be a tiny tiny leap?

>> No.1618021

>>1618018 10^-{34}
..... yeah post your reaction images, I deserve it

>> No.1618028



>> No.1618046


quantum leap also means jumping to a new energy level, so I can totally see it as a good metaphor!

>> No.1618047

I'll be 69, feels bad man.

Anyways arent we going to mars before 2030?

>> No.1618055

<span class="math">|0\rangle[/spoiler] is very happy you consider it an amazing energy level.

>> No.1618057

i'll be 59

>> No.1618068

well... that's obtuse of you. A quantum leap is *relatively* small, but metaphorically, it is a new stable energy state...

>> No.1618079

bro, maybe they're just
>autism spectrum disorder
so they can't comprehend metaphors....

>> No.1618086

57 here, feels alright man.

>> No.1618098

In 2050 I'll be very dead.

>> No.1618106

I'll be 65. All things considered, that'll be about minimum age by then. If you can afford the medical care anyway.

>> No.1618103

"That's one small step for a man..."
after stepping through a matter transporter...
"one... quantum leap, for mankind."

>> No.1618114

Haven't you faggots ever watched quantum leap?

>> No.1618127

>implying the average life expectancy won't be well above 100 by 2050

>> No.1618134


>Implying that that average life expectancy won't be for people *born* in 2050

>> No.1618144

>post ITT if you're disappointed with the speed of scientific and technological progress


I have, in my pocket, a device that replaces a room full of appliances and computer equipment I would've had to own just 20 years ago.

The eyeglasses on my face are fucking memory metal. THEY MOTHERFUCKING DIM AUTOMATICALLY WHEN I GO OUTSIDE AND THEY ONLY COST ME $40.

I can watch, from my desk, fucking HD footage and images of OTHER WORLDS.


Fuck your shit. The future was never going to be what you thought it was.

>> No.1618160

The future is going to be boring because you won't be paying attention. You'll be able to get used to it as it happens.

However, when you pull back and think about what just fucking happened, it will blow your fucking mind.

>> No.1618188

>I can watch, from my desk, fucking HD footage and images of OTHER WORLDS.
It's not like space programs are getting canceled in droves and our ambitions are being reduced to "Ok, let's put a few satellites on orbit"

>Fuck your shit. The future was never going to be what you thought it was.
I don't think I have unreasonable expectations. Some progress with stem cell technology, AI quantum computing, space exploration, fusion energy would be nice tho.
These are clearly technologies we are capable of advancing RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

>> No.1618232

ill only be 58, not that bad

>> No.1618241

>You'll be able to get used to it as it happens

For instance, I'm still amazed that such powerful laptops exist like mine. I think only very stupid people are not capable of appreciating progress.

>> No.1618283

underageb&fag detected

>> No.1618292

>implying they'll find a cure for flying head first into a rock outcropping while skydiving by 2050

>> No.1618296
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My grandmother went from having a huge wooden-box TV with a 5" screen to a fuckawesome plasma flatscreen within 50 years.

Computers 40 years ago were extremely shit compared to today's standards.

Fuck yeah, progress.

>> No.1618294

you're 8 right now?

>> No.1618297

Holy crap, you can't do math.

>> No.1618302


omg fail

>> No.1618303

shut up lol
literally none of things matter

>> No.1618309

Only people with the wrong perspective are disappointed. You are comparing your experiences with your knowledge of history. It's easy to think the transistor came out right after practical uses for electricity were devised, but there is a lifetime between them.

>> No.1618317

i will only be disappointed to die when i am old, because i probably wont see "the end" of the progress of "getting to know things"

>> No.1618411
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>implying the actual progress is linear or polynomial

pic somewhat related

>> No.1618421


>> No.1618630


>> No.1618653
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>> No.1618678


I followed you on Twitter :3

>> No.1618685

OP, you're on an internet forum asking if we're disappointed with the speed of humanities progress. ROFL. and what the fuck have you done to improve man? stfu. this shit's amazing

>> No.1618770

>and what the fuck have you done to improve man?

got an education? trying to get more?

>> No.1618792

So, nothing.

>> No.1618821

I can't imagine how anyone can be disappointed with the rate at which man is advancing. People watch Sci-Fi bullshit and are disappointed we don't have lightsabers. It's a fucking movie, they're not real man.

I also hate the people that wonder why we don't have flying cars yet. Fuck that, do you realize how much trouble that would be? Imagine a world with flying cars, how the fuck do you control that kind of traffic? How do you deal with the "fender benders" that cause those involved to plummet to their immediate deaths? What about those faggots that are texting while flying?

Technology is moving along faster than you can notice, take a moment to look around. Think about your parent (assuming you're not a middle schooler), they grew up with radio and black and white TV. Now we have 60" HD flat screens. Technology is progressing just fine.

Captcha related: scifing transport

>> No.1618876

Personally I just want to see if technological progress really is exponential. If it is, then shit's going to get exiting in a few decades.

>> No.1618883


It's appropriate and suitable.

>> No.1618908

Shit would probably progress faster if most of the world didn't live in shithole countries. More people living in first world nations = higher chances of scientists/engineers/researchers/etc.

>> No.1618915

>posting on internet
>disappointed with the speed of technological progress

>> No.1618931

Shit is crazy exciting NOW.

>> No.1618929


If it is exponential, then it seems to be more like a cube-root function. Static, followed by a boom, followed by static again.

Personally, I think it's more trigonometric than anything.

>> No.1618928

>end of progress
>highest possible expectation

>> No.1618941


>If it is exponential, then it seems to be more like a cube-root function


>> No.1619023


I did a wat too.

>> No.1619360
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>> No.1619393
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I intend to live to be 257 yeard old (healthy and active) so 2050 is hardly old, just a bit over a quarter of my lifetime. Of course I intend to reach that BECAUSE of progress (or just absurd luck)

>> No.1619408


you will get ass cancer at 63 and die a horrible death. You will also have a colostomy bag.

>> No.1619420


new fags don't know basic functions.

>> No.1619422

I already can't keep up with all the stuff thats happening.
It may not seem important, but progress happens in small steps, we are standing in the shoulders of giants, even something as simple as the mouse that I hold in my hand coundn't be made without laser, modern plastics, transistors and who know what else that had to be made before it was possible.

Sometimes I feel like it could be done much better, but who knows, you have to maintain economic and social stability and uncontrolled change could disturb that.

>> No.1619431
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Not possible

>> No.1619432

>implying they won't be able to grow you a new ass


>> No.1619443


yet her vision has probably degraded to the point where the bigscreen is necessary to make out the image, and science hasn't done fuckall for that in the same period

>> No.1619689
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>> No.1620013

>thinks cube root is exponential.

>> No.1620043

It doesn't mean that at all, retard. It just means a discrete indivisible leap. Rage at your own retardation instead. Maybe your mother dropped you on your head.

>> No.1620046

I'll be 52 and what is this?

>> No.1621540
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>> No.1621568
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>my face when Manhattan Beach Project

>> No.1621579

You're crippled by the same fear of death as religious people, and cling to an unlikely possibility just like they do. Live as if your life is a limited resource and you'll value it more.

>> No.1621585
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No fear. I just want to see amazing things happen.

>> No.1621589

Why don't you do amazing things instead, then? Are you a part of this project?

>> No.1621598
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No, I plan to be part of the robotic and post-scarcity movements when the technology is available.

>> No.1621600

But why aren't you doing something to contribute to the projects? They aren't going to happen by themselves, we need everyone who can help to be helping.

>> No.1621606

Because I do not have the resources currently to do that.
Trust me, I plan to become far more involved within the decade.

>> No.1621607

anotherfag agrees, though I am afraid that all the best stuff starts manifesting when I'm just quarter-to-dead

>captcha: mean future

>> No.1621609

Wait, I'm new to this board. Tell me your story. What education do you have, and what education are you getting?

>> No.1621614
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- High school
- Adult entry into university, nantechnology/mechatronics and possible a second degree in AI and programming.

>> No.1621618


>> No.1621633

Ah, I see. I take back my criticisms. You're alright.

>> No.1621635
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>> No.1621641

Ya blew it. Capiche?

>> No.1621664

Don't worry bro, I'll cover for you on the Manhattan Beach Project. "Advanced" (w/e the fuck that means, private study room for me) BSc Majoring in Medical Biotech, moving to PhD after that.

>> No.1621666
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>> No.1621670
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I truly hope you will succeed.

>> No.1621678

The answer to eternal life lies within the Holy Bible!
Embrace the Truth!

>> No.1621704
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>Manhattan Beach Project

they're... making a nuke out of sand?

>> No.1621706
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>> No.1621708


>> No.1621738


monazite sands HURRR

>> No.1621760


I don't think so

>> No.1622902

no, it's even worse

>> No.1622939

It's possible to enjoy technology even if you are very old, you know.

>> No.1622944
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>> No.1622948


Fucking real life Standard Template Construct.

>> No.1622961

what about sex robots?

>> No.1623272
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