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16127043 No.16127043 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Swiss people indifferent to climate crisis?

>> No.16127114
File: 72 KB, 1448x1795, Switzersphere not of my problems dance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are le neutral.

>> No.16127138

arnt they organizing a meeting between Ukraine and Russia to negotiate a cease fire?

>> No.16127142

must be nice having arms and leggs come out of your head

>> No.16127154

In fact, switzerland has no problem with any of its surrounding countries.
This does not lessen the strength of their military however.
The arms always come out of the head.

>> No.16127960 [DELETED] 

Because they're based.

>> No.16129352 [DELETED] 

Who wouldn't rather take a 50 minute flight over a 3 hour train ride?

>> No.16129992 [DELETED] 

International aviation law would open up that route to foreign competition if there weren't a domestic airline serving it, which would leave the railway with just as much competition, but the profits from that competition would all be going to foreigners

>> No.16130080 [DELETED] 
File: 3.82 MB, 600x600, 434u8074.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just playin'

>> No.16130090
File: 2.80 MB, 300x170, 434u8074.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just playin'

>> No.16130096

Unless the train station is located in the airport terminal, that the ticketing can be done on one literary isn't relevant. Why do railfags always leave out major important details when promoting their autism

>> No.16130136

They are not retarded morons like you imbecile piece of shit.

>> No.16130896 [DELETED] 

people like OP picrel - yet another common toxic know-it-all self proclaimed science expert - who have no idea how aviation is regulated and have never bothered to study the topic, love posing as experts in aviation.
why are climate evangelists all like that? why are they all such dunning kreugeroids?

>> No.16132141 [DELETED] 

The railway would actually have more competition if the route were opened up to every international airline rather than just to Swiss domestic carriers

>> No.16133418 [DELETED] 

thats good though, more competition would only mean that there would be fewer people wasting their time sitting on a train for 3 hours when they could've taken a 50 minute flight

>> No.16134183 [DELETED] 

Why would a nation of jewish bankers involve themselves in a war when they could just profit by loaning money to both sides instead?

>> No.16135233

Thats why they started the war to begin with, to profit off the debt it would create

>> No.16135483

Because its fake and gay, probably.

>> No.16135634

>Why is Deiter Vranchk apparently indifferent to climate crisis?
You're welcome.

>> No.16136251
File: 2.07 MB, 3072x4096, IMG20240419201456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all have government mandated bunkers in our basements.
We know you're all going to fuck it up, we'll just wait it out.

>> No.16136329

They are rich.

>> No.16136411

Potentially flying on a Boeing death trap as well as dealing with airport security and mandatory early check ins for luggage turns it into a 2 hour flight. Yeah I'll take the train thanks.

>> No.16136890

you have all the same kind of arriving early to wait for boarding time with a train ride that you do with a flight, but at least the flight gets you there faster than driving would.

>> No.16136964

>you have all the same kind of arriving early to wait for boarding time with a train ride that you do with a flight

What planet do you live on

>> No.16137684
File: 3.38 MB, 3264x2448, IMG20240408161002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do have these bunkers though. They also include air filters.

>> No.16138521 [DELETED] 

right, the train waits for you to arrive at the station and then leaves immediately after you board, in complete disregard to all other passengers and the official schedule

>> No.16139532

>t. fritzl

>> No.16139992

Climate warming sisters, ponder this for me.

>> No.16141567

its faster to drive from zurich to geneva than to take the train.
t. knower

>> No.16142365

>t. fritzl
That is just a hobby of mine actually.
It has been the law for a long time that if you built a structure that people live in, you also need to provide bunker spots for them.
So, even though that law is not anymore in action, there's probably still more bunkers spots than people that actually live in Switzerland.
Poor Fritzl had to build that himself, living in Austria. Here it comes with the place you move in.
We are so much ahead of the rest of the world ...

>> No.16142403

>its faster to drive from zurich to geneva than to take the train
This is probably true. I would also assume that it's cheaper even for 1st class.
But, I feel like managers are notoriously bad at math.
Check-in? Check-out? That would require active thought to understand. Not their strength. Not their strength at all ...

>> No.16142409

Climate panic only works in big country with a big and poor population where it's easier to peer pressure people into the fake and gay climate dooms day. Switzerland is neither of those.

>> No.16142483
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Oh, we have a green party.
They do excell when it comes to being retarded.

>> No.16142488

The left one is the frog eyed girl from Fallout.

>> No.16143469

not only is it faster and cheaper, its also a lot more pleasant

>> No.16144664

You also have the freedom to stop wherever you want in between, such as Neuchatel

>> No.16145972

Because they have the globohomo conferences in Switzerland so everyone there knows global warming is fake

>> No.16146348

Gold. Same reason they were indifferent to "other things" historically.

>> No.16147585

That would explain it

>> No.16147938

>be Swiss
>hmm it's kinda hot this year
>move slightly further up the mountain
also it's fake

>> No.16149085

because they're epic

>> No.16150656

>also it's fake
yep, global warming is just a dumb hoax that only retards fell for

>> No.16151998

Even the lowest parts of Switzerland are like 400m above sea level.
All the ice melting wouldn't come close to that.
We also have Raclette.

>> No.16152133

Because it is blown out of proportion, and changing the way we travel will do nothing.
Get this fucking retarded reddit shit off 4chan
Because railfags want to be stuck to the ground instead of being in the sky where God intended us to travel
Mountain Jews delaying the inevitable.
Based drivefags. Driving is the superior method of travel, so long as you don't have to cross an ocean.

>> No.16152808
File: 111 KB, 716x1024, burp'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

global warming isn't real, sea level isn't rising

>> No.16153527

The next ice age is impending and nobody seems to be preparing for it.

>> No.16153673

That's what they said in the 70s.

>> No.16155192

The might've been right back then, ice ages take 10,000 years to get started. If an ice age started 50 years ago it should now be about 0.05ºC cooler on average, not enough for anyone to have noticed.

>> No.16156064
File: 191 KB, 1290x1362, Percent-Of-Stations-Reaching-950F-350C-Vs-Year-1895-2023-At-All-US-Historical-Climatology-Network-Stations-Red-Line-Is-10-Year-Mean-max-95-min-0-prcp-0-snow-0-y2-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is actually getting measurably cooler if you pay close enough attention to the data

>> No.16157113

right on time too, interglacial periods only last about 10000 years

>> No.16158107
File: 244 KB, 2749x1128, global cooling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The global average temperature has been cooling down for thousands of years

>> No.16158576

Does Swissyland have nuclear weapons?

>> No.16159439

>nuclear weapons?
Not officially.
Stop asking questions.

>> No.16160230
File: 101 KB, 1024x683, 2023-12-10T080356Z_374772573_RC2HUW9U572S_RTRMADP_3_TWITTER-MUSK-ALEX-JONES-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16161733

The last time they had a hot summer in Switzerland was 1540

>> No.16162756

How come the planet didn't die of global warming 4000 years ago when it was much hotter than it is currently?

>> No.16163451

Global warming shills have no answer for this

>> No.16164352 [DELETED] 

there will be no cease fire, TZD

>> No.16165267


>> No.16165300

Dirty bomb ready in 24 hours, a full nuke delivered by aircraft is ready within 1 month. It's always the same story with highly developed nations that also use nuclear plants as a major part of their energy base.

>> No.16165303

They are high IQ and therefore they are well aware is just a scam for imbecile morons.

>> No.16166355
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>> No.16167586

Switzerland is cold, has plenty of water/snow and arable land for itself, has really defensible borders and a strong military, and is a nuclear threshold state. The climate collapse simply will not concern them.

>> No.16167591

The "2kg" figure for trains assumes that they are fully laden with passengers. Airplanes are very often fully laden with passengers. Trains are very often NOT, so the emissions per passenger are often much higher than you might first calculate.

>> No.16167593
File: 253 KB, 1029x702, water.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets compare a pictures of high tide 1920 to a picture of low tide 2020 and make it into propaganda

>> No.16167927
File: 18 KB, 474x148, OIP.eLYBgHMK-Pas-CWW-0mlUwHaCU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>source: ZOG.gov
thats propaganda, not real science. actual primary source data shows sea level is falling

>> No.16167937

You can see the dark high tide mark at the same place in both pictures.

>> No.16167938

Global averages are meaningless in the face of localised isostatic rebound and other tectonic effects.

>> No.16168101

TBF, Switzerland is about 17716 inches above current sea level. Even if all ice on the planet melted, it would not even come close to that.