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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16149008 No.16149008[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Get a degree in business. Climb the corporate ladder or go into business for yourself. Also consider a job in government, or criminal justice. You don’t want to end up homeless do you anon?


>> No.16149022

Just don't go to college, it's a waste of time and money. You can enter the workforce 4+ years sooner than college cucks and start accumulating work experience and money while debt-free.

>> No.16149030

Apparently he didn't have family or anyone else who cared enough to let him stay with them.

>> No.16149031

Imagine believing a bum. lmao.

>> No.16149067

Sorry buddy I would kms rather than studying that useless low IQ white collar degree

>> No.16149072

Lol at the people defending this guy on twitter. Luck has nothing to do with him becoming a drug addict. He made his own fucking choice.

>> No.16149180

it's arrogant to think that the power of a situation is incapable of impeding your impulse control or decision making ability, especially when it comes with the stress of losing everything in the span of a few months, no doubt you're somebody who has never had to worry about his next meal

>> No.16149272

Do you have a degree in business?
Do you even have a degree in anything?
Ohhh, so you one of them “Never been to college, owned a degree or had a job in STEM or runs your own business?
>Fuck you! I am right!
Got cha

>> No.16149297

whats truly trash is this thread

>> No.16149322

>Get a degree in business.
Fuck off low iq peasent

>> No.16149333

If you can't even take responsibility for being a drug addict, then you won't be able to take responsibility for anything. It's ridiculous that modern western society coddles the dregs of society, absolving them of all faults, thereby preventing them from improving their situation, instead of helping those that are truly in need. Most homeless people worry about getting their next hit of drugs, not the next meal. You obviously never had the experience of having someone parasitizing off of you.

>> No.16149360

perhaps he should have spent money on accomodation instead of drugs
you don't just "become an addict" lol

>> No.16149468

Is this why Walter White became a meth cook? Couldn't find a job better than a high school Chemistry teacher despite being the smartest chemist in the state of New Mexico?

>> No.16149475

Drugs are shockingly cheap and being desperate and alone for too long will make you crazy.

>> No.16149657
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all friends and family, alienated. ability to work a regular non-chemistry non-gig job, apparently nonexistent. something tells me he became a junky BEFORE he hit the streets, not after.

to anybody ho thinks they might be on the path to end up like this, read what I am about to tell you and take it seriously. It worked for me:
>walk into temp agency
>"I have no skills but I need a job"
>they hand you a list of jobs
>they are hard jobs, not cushy air conditioned office jobs, and they pay but not enough to make you rich like your boomer parents
>show up
>show up EVERY DAY
>they'll be surprised and hire you on full time
you can pay rent like this. you can buy a new (used) car like this. you can keep yourself off the streets like this. All you need to do is be willing to work hard. I'm not saying you'll get rich but you'll not end up dead on the streets.

I know all of this because I did it, one year ago. Take this seriously if you want to live.

>> No.16149668
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he was prolly a brainlet too
smart people dont bother with something as silly and pointless

>> No.16149772
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I like mixing things then spinning them around and looking at the pretty colors

>> No.16149895

chemistry is the most useful science
if i was a chemist i would research drugs and medical cures, evergreen field

>> No.16150678

Chemistry fags, would a sex offender be able to get a decent job in the field of radiochemistry? What do you like the most and least about it (both practically and academically)?

Note: This is neither an admission of guilt nor a declaration of innocence and should not be interpreted as such.

>> No.16150700

>Do drugs
>Get dunked on
No shit Sherlock?

>> No.16152227
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How many dogs did you fuck?

>> No.16153577

>i'm a drug addict and its everyone else's fault
>i'm just a big baby, i can't be responsible for myself
why are college kids all like this?

>> No.16154512

My biggest regret was going and not working in the beginning, just lived off my parents like a shameful college neet nigger and not making money of my own. I'm 23 and I still hope I have time to make it and have a home when I reach 33.

>> No.16155859

because they're overaged schoolchildren. they are people who are adults physically, but mentally still children. they suffer from arrested psychological development, if they didn't then they would have joined the adult world then they became mature physically.

>> No.16155864

you say that but the story isn't unbelievable
a chemistry degree isn't worth shit

>> No.16156921

as many as i could
t. chemistry pro

>> No.16156948

How does this stuff happen? Maybe I live in a bubble but if you are sufficiently skilled or smart enough how can you end up homeless like this?

>> No.16156976

Science bachelor's degrees are a joke. They don't qualify you for anything

>> No.16157040

Even if he doesn't have a desirable degree or skill, ten years in the field means he should know something which he can leverage for at least the same position elsewhere.

>> No.16157046

Are companies hiring for his skills?

>> No.16157072

didn't read. you're a fag.

>> No.16157086

excellent advice
it's easy to judge others when you haven't walked a mile in their shoes, if you lived a life similar to his you'd probably end up the same, empathy is missing in those who haven't endured hard circumnstances.
Curiously enough my father leeches off my family and he sucks and all, but it's definetively a leap to say that all homeless people are like my deadbeat/lazy dad.

>> No.16157157

By being a selfish asshole with few friends or family or (clearly) references.
it does suck his car got stolen (probably by an addict).

>> No.16157206

>Employed for 10 years
>10 fucking years
>Savings run out in 10 months
>10 fucking months
>Doesn't pick up a new job until he's out of money
He decided to be irresponsible with money and got what was coming to him. That doesn't even touch on the fact that he chose to addict himself to drugs. What a loser.

>> No.16157212

He could have pivoted to be a high school chemistry teacher.
Something's not adding up with his story.

>> No.16157226

Not without additional schooling

>> No.16157253

Almost all homeless people follow the exact same pipeline of
>abusive/neglectful parenting
>leads to festering mental problems+no basic life skills
>leads to hard drugs in a desperate attempt to cope
>life ruined
This is 95+% of homeless stories. It's very hard to end up on the street, something has to have gone severely wrong with your whole life

>> No.16157262

Yes, but that additional schooling can usually be paid for by some special programs, and he can start work as a tutor immediately without any additional requirements. The guy only has himself to blame.

>> No.16157392

Yeah, I'm SURE it happened in that order and for no reason. CRAZY how people who have zero money always have money for drugs!

>> No.16157672


Did you not listen to the fucking video?
He was trying to get the SAME pay at a different company, and like a dumb loser, he balked and walked away instead of taking a high paying job for less money.
Of course, no one told this faggot that the minimum wage is ZERO DOLLARS per hour, and that if he wasn't happy he'd be out on the streets.
Which is exactly what happened.

Here's what I did in the same situation.
I was making $180k/year, and I got laid off because Joe Biden is President. My next job was $140k/year, but it's already gotten bumped up to $160k/year with bonuses.
If you don't understand simple concepts like supply and demand, you deserve to be homeless.

>> No.16157682

>10 years as a chemist
>No savings
>No investments
>No house or condo
>No family or friends to stay with for a few months
>On the street within 10-months somehow
>Gets his car stolen by a black person
>Voted for Joe Biden
I have a feeling he was a loser/drug addict before he lost his job. Potheads are basically always 1 paycheck away from homelessness, just how Democrats like it.
They spend all their money on weed and don't have any savings/investments because "that's a scam, man."
Leftism has failed this man.

I have an MS in a STEM field, and after working for 15-years I have:
>Paid off car
>Paid off student loans of $160k
>$400k in retirement/brokerage account
>Getting married soon
>Voted for Trump

>> No.16157742

How fucked up is SOCIETY that even the basics of a roof over your head and food to eat requires wageslaving like a dog.

>> No.16157749

I imagine that after he screams NO YOU DONT GET IT IM DOING IT JUST TO BLOW OFF STEAM the police officers just go well alright then, sorry to bother you sir

>> No.16157831
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>it's easy to judge others when you haven't walked a mile in their shoes

>> No.16157938

You are not entitled to food or a roof over your head. Parasites like you must suffer the most while workers enjoy the fruits of their work.

>> No.16157941

You forgot the most important thing: get the fuck out of overpriced liberal cities. There are far too many jew parasites pumping up rent prices.

>> No.16157973
File: 72 KB, 1000x750, degree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EZ: be a consoomer in eternal debt, live in an overpriced liberal city, don't be a preper so you don't have a plan if everything goes to shit, don't be racist so your stuff gets stolen, believe you can't end homeless just because you got a degree.

>> No.16158012
File: 111 KB, 676x898, chadler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world is a shithole because imbecile morons like you exists. The world needs to be brutally cruel against niggers, jews and addict trash like that.

>> No.16158018

someone smart enough to get a chemistry degree should be able to pivot to something else and at least be able to afford a cheap apartment and something like a normal life off the streets

>CA rent is too high for that!!
he should be smart enough to move to a lower CoL area then

>> No.16158037

>muh drug addict homeless man says he likes chemistry

>> No.16158046

Moving is really expensive and requires liquid cash

>> No.16158169

Yes, I should have mentioned this. Absolutely do this. Move back to the small town you grew up in so that your parents and/or old friends can help you in any way they might be able to, if at all possible, but certainly GTFO of expensive cities.

>> No.16158765

what degree? Bachelor? lol

>> No.16160193

>CA rent is too high for that!!
it isn't, you can still easily afford a 1bdr apartment and pay all your other bills working at a grocery store in cali

>> No.16161726

most people grew up in a suburb of a large city, not a small town. small town and rural people don't want college faggots moving into their zone. they'll immediately ruin it just like they do everywhere else they live.

>> No.16161735

>the power of a situation is incapable of impeding your impulse control or decision making ability, especially when it comes with the stress of losing everything in the span of a few months, no doubt you're somebody who has never had to worry about his next meal
I am currently happily homeless. I never turned to drugs because I'm not a retard.

If this chemist is so good and smart with years of experience why doesn't he start tutoring kids, start making meth, walk into any kitchen, literally do anything but the worst paid job in existence? This cunt's full of shit see >>16149031 its just a typical sobstory to get a few dollars off some gullible moron which goes straight into more drugs.

>> No.16161740

No it isn't. If you have two feet then you can move.

>> No.16161834

>certainly GTFO of expensive cities.
but you don't understaaand! this shithole is my home! :v

>> No.16161838

>no money
>drug addict
In fairness, it could've been a hospital bill that did it

>> No.16161915

Impressive, how old are you?

>> No.16162869

not hard to figure out

>> No.16162912

Hey, I might be a homeless drug addict but at least I can walk to the barcade, which is the real important thing.

>> No.16163037

He obviously saw Breaking Bad while high and confused Walter White's life story for his own

>> No.16163208

>Actually taking the medical industrial complex's chemical warfare instead of just smoking a ton of weed
>Not keeping the majority of your wealth in untraceable crypto, so that you can declare bankruptcy or consolidate a large debt


>> No.16163221

I've got bad news for you.

>> No.16163275

all you have to do is make one or two mistakes and you're hooked
you aren't different, you're just in a different situation

>> No.16163280

low empathy is a sign of low iq and lack of theory of mind (autism)

>> No.16163292

>me getting a degree in electrical engineering

smell ya later americans

>> No.16163636

>All you have to do is make the mistake of using a hard drug
>All you have to do is make the 10 year long mistake of not saving money
>All you have to do is make the mistake of thinking you're too good to take a pay cut
No, that could never be me. I'm just better.

>> No.16164195


>> No.16164534

>everyone who disagrees with me about anything does so because they're low IQ
>i am perfect and all knowing

>> No.16164573

4 years aside its insane to me that people even pay for that. Havent paid a cent to study in one of two most prestigious universities in my country (ok, I spend some money on copying tons of papers lol), I would also feel weird if I paid, like they are my employees or something, instead I got legit "learn all this shit or gtfo" experience.

>> No.16165381

>while debt-free.
none of the college kids on /sci/ are in debt, daddy pays all their bills for them. thats why they go to college, to avoid working, so they can remain helpless like little babies so that daddy will have to keep on supporting them

>> No.16166458
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>> No.16166474

Professionals are a scam
I would help the homeless guy any time over your monkey in a suit ass

>> No.16167700


>> No.16167898

EMpathy is the ability to UNDERSTAND someone else's perspective. You can fully understand why someone thinks and feels the way they do WITHOUT AGREEING with them about it. If you actually agree with someone's perspective you are expressing SYMpathy. I can understand that an addict feels they had no control over the situation, and even understand why they think that way; however, I don't agree with their perspective or conclusions and have very little sympathy for them. The complete misuse of "empathy" as never questioning or correcting or disagreeing with anyone because of "muh feelings" or whatever is a big part of the societal problem that anon was describing. You're not helping anything by just letting addicts shift blame away from themselves and never improve.

>> No.16168570

""""empathy"""""" is almost always misplaced psychological projection.
nobody can read minds, but a lot of people seem to like to presume they can

>> No.16169029

>a lot of people seem to like to pretend they can
And whose mind told you this?

>> No.16169187

Is /sci/ the worst board?

>> No.16169381

>monthly multi billion dollar gift packages to Israel and the Ukraine = CONJURED UP WITH SEEMINGLY NO EFFORT AND NO END IN SIGHT
>a few dollars to get a homeless American out of the gutter or a hard working American a break = THERE'S NO MONEY FOR THAT, GOYIM, MAYBE IF YOU SELL YOUR CAR AND TAKE THE BUS YOU'LL MAKE ENDS MEET

>> No.16170270

>i hate /sci/
so leave

>> No.16170992

Oy vey please stop noticing that the jews are robbing you blind and will continue to parasitize you for your entire life

>> No.16171001

>a chemistry degree isn't worth shit
Why do people say that, chemistry is the most useful and practical of sciences. The world is literally made of chemicals.
I have never seen a math plant or a physics factory, but plenty of chemical plants
I can buy chemicals, i never bought a physicals

>> No.16171070

San Francisco spends over $1.1 Billion (yes, B not M) per year on homeless services and it's still a cesspool of homeless shit. Homelessness isn't about a lack of money, it's about a lack of expectations.

>> No.16171081

As good as a business degree is, STEM degree is good if you're not retarded in your decision making skills. Lots of homeless people are homeless because they got greedy or because they are druggies. Lots of times they are gambling addicts too. Overall, it has to do with choices and good foresight in decision making skills.

>> No.16171085

>he didn't get a $200k per year job at the complex numbers refinary
oh no no, nobody tell him

>> No.16171106

mfw a not nominal percent of grads from T10 MBA programs aren't able to get jobs.

>> No.16171873

Must take a really brilliant genius to graduate

>> No.16171927

This. Talk to your parents and tell them about the current economy. Tell them you want to work for 5 years instead of going to college because that will help you save money to buy a house instead of graduating with a huge debt.
Don't move out of your parents house and save all your paychecks, tell them to keep providing housing and food for you for free because thats part of the experiment(an average wagecuck job can barely cover rent plus food, you don't get to spend money on luxury)
In the end, instead of a degree and debt you will have a bank account with enough money to survive.
If you are not a retard you could also become a manager by the time or at least have a higher position with a higher wage.
If you are too dumb to climb the ladder, what makes you think you could have graduated from college?

>> No.16171982

>How does this stuff happen?
Drug abuse.

>> No.16171983

>a physics factory
That's metalworks factory.

>> No.16172996

Nobody cares go back

>> No.16173004

Theory of mind, read up, don't be an autist

>> No.16173014


>> No.16173281
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Working a bad job to eat sucks, but it's a good deal compared to most of history.
>fucked up while hunting an animal and slowly die from infection
>beheaded because you offended your lord
>die in a fire because your boss locked the doors to keep you from taking smoke breaks
The world doesn't owe anyone anything, so modern wagery is a pretty sweet deal.

>> No.16173285
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This. Understood and disliked.

>> No.16173338

The more lucrative field is Chemical Engineer, unless you want to go full PhD in Chemistry.

>> No.16173369

Homeless people fascinante me because I'm trying to understand what exactly makes them the way they are. And the more I talk to them the more I realize most of them made a series of bad decisions, but at the same time, just like everyone else, they're prisoners of their own minds. What I'm trying to say is that they were incapable of making better decisions, for one reason or another.

I'm conflicted because on one hand they're adults so it's their responsibility, we cannot babysit everyone. But on the other hand "we're all people, help out a brother in need" is one of the ideas most important to my identity, and questioning it feels uncomfortable.

>> No.16173380
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>> No.16173392

>I feel the status quo benefits me, therefore it is good

>> No.16174421

Hey, watch it. He's a well renowned NEET.

>> No.16174462

I've started to imagine that this guy's problem might be that his mom didn't take him seriously one time, which made him learn a compounding lesson. This ultimately culminated into him making multiple poor life choices at a vulnerable time in his life. You can have whatever attitude towards that, but he might be just another person in the chemical industry. It's also possible that there's no fixing him at this point. Truth tends to be unforgiving once you stare it in the face.

>> No.16174492

Seriously though, there is literally NO point at all in studying STEM unless it's cs
Even engineering is a meme, finance and econ majors make as much as them

>> No.16174501


>> No.16174662

Assuming he obtained his Master's at 24 and found work immediately, he is around 39.

>> No.16175529

That faggot sure went quiet after this

>> No.16176501

people in STEM say "I'm not in it for the money" because they're uncompetitive and presume that they would fail if they were in it for the money, so the go to easier, less competitive fields like math, physics, etc.

>> No.16176508

Believe it or not, college isn't an insane waste of money outside of the United States.
>t. Canadian

>> No.16176515

It is, but everyone is paying for it instead of just the students. Spreading out the expense doesn't make it less of a waste, it just makes it a burden to more people.

>> No.16177604

>everything should just be free!!!
>because i'm too much of a selfish cheapskate to pay for any of my own expenses
>i just want to live like a big baby and spend my whole life forcing others to pay for everything i want

>> No.16177615

>criticize "free college" for being a burden to taxpayers, especially those who choose not to go to college
>imply that the better system is for students to pay their own way through college so as to only financially burden the people who choose to go
>somehow this means I think everything should be free
Are you stupid?

>> No.16178040

if college is worth it's cost, why aren't you willing to pay for it?

>> No.16178281

It's not worth its cost, that's why I didn't go and why I don't want my money to pay for other people who do go.

>> No.16179261
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>gibes me dat fo free

>> No.16179264

This is literally the opposite of everything I've said in my posts, you illiterate niggerfaggot.

>> No.16179276

I'm like 126 IQ and I'm too mentally ill too work and if my parents died or kicked me out I would probs be homeless.

>> No.16179343

>I'm like 126 IQ
Nice larp

>> No.16179376

>Science bachelor's degrees are a joke. They don't qualify you for anything
The only BS degree that qualifies you for anything is something like a BSN to be a nurse. Funny how BS degrees are as "qualifying" as a humanities BA, maybe even worse as verbal skills are more important with AI taking over grindy pajeetery and shit.

>> No.16179379

Don't forget these losers are too hardheaded or retarded to game the system and live the comfy neet life off bennies - they probably have the prereq dx to get disability even. They want to live in the street at this point. I can't help but laugh at idiots like this.

I have a CS BS, cum laude, in addition to another degree and draw $1000 AutismBux, 100s in snap food, thousands in heating assistance, health, and so on - the only winning move is to not play the game at all and take the ball home as the system is impossibly biased against autists and even grinds up normies like all the sob stories on the CS reddits so fuck that shit.

>> No.16179422

You can get very demoralized and stop wanting to bother with stuff. Writing a application becomes a pain talking with people doubly so. So you fail everything and if you live in a shitty city then the down fall comes much faster.

>> No.16179470

Man I already been to one and I don't know why, because my hometown thinks I am racist autistic rapist or what not, but I can't find work at all. I should have taken a more practical path and scored better grades then C's I ques. Also no drivers licens at 25. Parents hate me and I really need them, trying to ignore me. 97IQ, at least 4chan was smart enough zo teach me not to drink, sadly I never had fun by staxing away from other either. Got cucked hard man.

>> No.16179474

Next Saturday try this experiment, go for a run, perhaps even a walk, anywere you are familiar with. Don't stop don't sleep if you don't feel save, just get a feeling for how feeling homelesd feels like. Its a little like making a new base in Minecraft, only they turn of every move you could make to place down more then what 15 bucks can by. Trust me the streets are literatly made for walking, not for staying in them.

>> No.16179483

As an autistic person I can tell you even other autistic people think I am a luser. Everyone thinks of himself as a winner until they aren't, but although I don't see them alot, most must have found work by now. I on the other hand are being handed down from temp agency to new job opertunity for 5 months all the time. Some of it is on me. Missef the chance to work for 3 months. Next time I won't hagel with the money and make my C averrage and lack of practicsl experiance look good? Ques picking barfights over racy slurs by people groups that used to already beat me wasn't helping find support in my local famely or community. My country really hates me for disliking arabs and not trusting them openly.

>> No.16179486

For a sec I thought I was you... i always worjed hard on me, cutting out fn stuff like alkohil abd partying, no wemon drama, I ended up alone and a less furtunat men.

>> No.16179495

I'm in germany and I pay 100 euros every semester. So around 700€ for a bachelor all in all, while working on the side making 1500€.

I recommend not living in the united states. Also STEM was the best decision of my life. I finished an apprenticeship in trade before (electrician). Which would end, in me working my whole life for 3300 bucks. (50% tax in germany, so around 1800 after tax).

With my engineering degree and the position I'll aquire in my company, I can make around 8000 euros, around 4500 something after tax. So dunno what these people are on about.

If you are in a field of demand, like STEM, medicine, Law, it's a pretty safe way to a good life.

>> No.16179690

That's what I got on this
which is supposed to be 99% accurate. On the WAIS my GAI was like 130 but my short memory and speed subtests were like 85 IQ cuz my memory and attention are so completely fucked due to ridiculous panic, OCD, insomnia, etc.

>> No.16179702

>I recommend not living in the united states.
>50% tax in germany
I recommend not living in Germany. Holy fuck I cannot imagine having that much of my income stolen. I make $60k per year and if I add up all my taxes at the end of the year they account for less than 15% of my gross income.

>> No.16180019

You sound alright - it sucks being surrounded by NPCs and held to impossible standards that they implicitly know and obey. I've never held any form of employment since it's so far outside my comfort zone of academic stuff and based on awkward interviews and normie headgames, wtf.

>> No.16181015

dont care fag

>> No.16181759

I receive:
>a quarter of your income
>the right to send you off to war against your will
You receive:
>nothing lol pull yourself up by the bootstraps faggot


>> No.16182005


Do you realise that you won't have the possibility to buy a house with those jobs ? That's the main issue; the problem isn't the work but the lack of perspectives and the real estate. Life in jail seems much better.

>> No.16182018

Buy a house? Nigger, I'm not dead on the street which is where I was headed.
>oohh you'll never buy a helicopter like that
>you'll never afford a yacht
I'm surviving, that's what counts. I specifically said you can't get rich like this but it's better this than dead. I'm not saying the world is great because it isn't. The world is shit. What I'm doing is telling anons how to stay alive.

>> No.16182442

but college means fun and I hate working…