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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16140086 No.16140086 [Reply] [Original]

Control algorithm edition

previous: >>16138664

>> No.16140089
File: 1.09 MB, 4032x3024, 2261019926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vacuum images look so crisp

>> No.16140090

Whens the next shartship launch rumored to be taking place?
inb4 two weeks

>> No.16140092
File: 2.53 MB, 4608x2732, TitanMap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragonfly will be landing in Shangri-la dunes, and will fly north to Selk crater, just north of Titan's equator.
It's scheduled to land in 2034, when Titan would be transitioning from Winter to Spring in the northern hemisphere, meaning the lakes will begin to evaporate as it warms. The primary mission goals for the initial 3 years of operation will hang around Selk crater exclusively. By the end of those 3 years, the northern hemisphere will be well into Spring, near the start of Summer, in which the most shallow lakes will have evaporated.
Titan's circumference 10,052mi/16,177km. Assuming the all lakes in picrel are deep enough to not have evaporated, the closest lake to Selk crater is roughly 3,000mi/4,800km away.
Dragonfly is planned to make one "hop" per Titan day (16 Earth days). A hop is expected to be at least 10 miles. Lets be generous and say 30mi per hop. This equates to 100 hops, or 1600 days (4.38 Earth years). Conceivably a mission extension could spend 4-5 years flying nonstop without breaks to the nearest lake. Unfortunately, we have no way to know where the nearest lakes will actually be, as by then (2042) the northern hemisphere will be deep into Summer, and all of the lakes closest to the equator mapped by Cassini will be gone. There won't be an orbiter on this mission to tell us where they are either. It's unlikely that a mission extension will be approved to search for the closest lakes.

>> No.16140099

it really does frustrate me that it takes so long to get to the outer planets.

>> No.16140101

maybe someone liked it, thought it was a good post and that it deserved to be in the real /sfg/ instead of in a gay early staged fake /sfg/

>> No.16140102

you're impatient, you should take up fasting. fasting teaches patience and perseverance, do it occasionally and you'll become patient enough to set and reach long term goals

>> No.16140108
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>> No.16140113

Hope Dragonfly makes it. What frustrates me is that they changed the chief flight systems engineer from this dude that knew what he was talking about:

to a literal Karen:

>> No.16140116
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>> No.16140118
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remind that even the dry part of Titan is much more interesting than Mars.

>> No.16140134

how did i miss this?

>> No.16140137

even Huygens' landing site resembled a dried-up lakebed, with rounded cobbles, and evidence of a shoreline and drainage channels. Strange, considering how close it is to the equator. maybe something going on Titan-Saturn similar to Milankovitch cycles on Earth impacting the seasons long term

>> No.16140138

epic content

>> No.16140140
File: 17 KB, 176x768, triplet77gh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it rains even at the Equator but only every few decades or something. The area gets periodically flooded probably. Can't wait to see an actual photo

>> No.16140144

>According to a computer model, intense rainstorms should occur in normally rainless equatorial areas during Titan's vernal and autumnal equinoxes—enough liquid to carve out the type of channels that Huygens found
According to wikipedia

>> No.16140162

So even if Dragonfly sticks around at the equator long enough (Titan year =29 earth years) we should see some rain. Considering it has an mmrtg it should last quite a while.

>> No.16140168

that's based on one model, I read elsewhere that the equatorial rains could occur between decade/century long drought periods. in any case, it was 50% methane humidity at Huygens site, and oases are possible. imagine getting HD video of rain on Titan.

>> No.16140259

Photos on earth could look like this too if we removed the atmosphere.

>> No.16140268

Nah, I'm rather attached to breathing and blue skies

>> No.16140271

I want you to tell me when the fuck bombing from orbit will become a real thing... Please!

>> No.16140273

I will tell you as soon as I find out. I promise you this

>> No.16140276

Welp we're all waiting for you to give us the "quick run down" now that you've finished watching

>> No.16140278
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>> No.16140282
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I'm being serious

>> No.16140286

You'll never make it on mars than.
What even are the benefits to orbital bombardment? Surely conventional methods are cheaper, quicker and easier?

>> No.16140290

>What even are the benefits to orbital bombardment?
Large latent kinetic energy of the projectile, and that's basically it. Everything else about them is worse.

>> No.16140297

So you basically have to be able to ship tons into orbit and then back again, and using them is an atrocity on par with using a nuke?
Yeah they seem really pointless unless you really can't get bombers or missiles to where you want to strike I guess.

>> No.16140305

Nah, the thing that makes Nukes atrocious is the lingering transmutated radioisotopes and radioactive bomb components. A kinetic kill vehicle is just a big bullet.

>> No.16140333

>imagine getting HD video of rain on Titan.
I hope the low bitrate allows this.

>> No.16140335
File: 338 KB, 6000x2500, PIA17218zzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sit in my mundane bedroom and all I want to do is explore the cosmos

>> No.16140342

But you have to rule the air space to bomb convetionally, so bombing from orbit is good for taking out airports or such infrastructure out of literally nowhere.

I've heard that kilogram in geostationary orbit is like $40k now, which is not so much for such tactical nifty.

>> No.16140385

>I've heard that kilogram in geostationary orbit is like $40k now
is that the wholesale price?

>> No.16140390


>> No.16140393

Ape Rill.

Fag oT.

>> No.16140394
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>We will not be exploring the lakes of methane, as hydrocarbons are a systemic artifact of while male colonial racism.

>> No.16140402
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>> No.16140416


>> No.16140423
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>> No.16140445
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>> No.16140464
File: 160 KB, 1080x802, Screenshot_20240422_091643_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturn has an entire AU between it's apohelion and perihelion (Nov 29 2032)

>> No.16140475

oh no....

>> No.16140484

The US government should seize SpaceX and make it a division of NASA

Melon Husk has shown that he is too irresponsible to be running it

>> No.16140485

E - Long Husk

>> No.16140492

And saddle them with that ShitShip!? Now way man. Nasa can get some responsible people, working on falcon 9 and perhaps delete the legs and whole reusability charade to make it actually cheaper, but no way you want to saddle them with that billion dollar boondoggle.

>> No.16140498


>> No.16140502


>> No.16140504

why was the other thread deleted?

>> No.16140509

schizophrenia most likely.

>> No.16140532

Contrary to what most people believe the mars sky is actually blue, you can still see it at the right conditions.
The reddish hue is only due to dust.

>> No.16140537

1.2 Ms

>> No.16140542

do psychosislets really?

>> No.16140544

>and using them is an atrocity on par with using a nuke?
If you put a nuke up there, it's both an atrocity and also violating several treaties. Think of the possibilities!

>> No.16140553

youre fucking idiotic. you are a clown

>> No.16140559
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it does look blue desu

>> No.16140560
File: 303 KB, 856x622, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anybody cared the last two times I brought it up, but USC's RPL failed their amateur space shot attempt over the weekend when a flight computer deployed parachutes early.

>> No.16140583


>> No.16140585

Holy shit, could this be the missing link in 3d rendering? Not putting the camera and render scene in a volumetric body that mimics the properies of Earth's armosphere is what actually causes scenes to look too clean and sharp?

>> No.16140589
File: 322 KB, 2048x710, Apollo17h56h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk? Is this a running problem in cgi today or something?

>> No.16140599

Always has been. Blurring things asthey get away from the camera with depth of field is a cheap way to mimic the refraction in the atmosphere, but since gaymers don't like it a lot of amateur CG doesnt use it.

>> No.16140600
File: 287 KB, 1911x1071, 010360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LIVE at SpaceX Starbase Perlite Vacuum Work and Tank Shell Demolition

its over
(for the tanks)

>> No.16140602

Spay sex has a crawler jsut like NASA but puny, where will the goalpost move next?

>> No.16140604

they didn't check their staging? i guess they really are amateurs

>> No.16140607

uhh pretty sure the atmosphere doesn't blur out it only dulls out the color

>> No.16140611

it does both. It's why it's impossible to get a crisp shot of another planet from Earth

>> No.16140615

Add a fission powered relay orbiter network, like Titanlink.

>> No.16140627
File: 561 KB, 1920x1280, 1920px-NGC_1052-DF2_a_ghostly_galaxy_lacking_dark_matter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16140633


>> No.16140649
File: 2.46 MB, 5090x3760, 51750549287_52c9685d2b_5k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you play too much video-games

>> No.16140658

>planet btw

>> No.16140661

I hate space so fucking much bros.
I ONLY like planets. everything between them exists solely to spite me

>> No.16140666
File: 90 KB, 770x1100, i-decided-to-read-the-source-of-a-cat-is-fine-too-funniest-v0-iex58a3cb5w91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16140671
File: 175 KB, 1041x984, pia17216-1041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to cross vast voids to get to any planet outside the solar system. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity.

>> No.16140675

>We need to cross vast voids to get to any planet outside the solar system
and the only way to cross them is meme drives.

>> No.16140676

Asteroids are okay and the ISM is cool...

>> No.16140677

what are you talking about?

>> No.16140681

*we need to cross vast voids inside the solar system
shit sucks

>> No.16140684
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>> No.16140697

I love the fact that they just stuck new solar panels in front of the old ones, it looks so weird.

>> No.16140699

should've detached the old ones and let it float away. They would've deorbited quickly ( high surface area to mass ratio )

>> No.16140745

There is one more part: most scenes aren't looking through a camera with all its associated optical components, which add distortions of their own. Autism a simulated camera into existence (or even the limits of the Mark 1 Eyeball) and you get a more traditional experience.

>> No.16140747
File: 87 KB, 1041x694, 3-pia25437-3-roman-1041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16140751

Space photos aren't 3D renders, silly.

>> No.16140754
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>> No.16140765
File: 47 KB, 752x418, lunar stopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sfg/ deep dive

>pre-Dec 2018
Various unconnected launch threads
>17 Dec 2018
Initial catalyst, quadruple launch thread, first boca chica pics
>21 Dec 2018
First suggestion of "spaceflight general"
>21 Dec 2018
SpaceX GPS launch thread, staged from previous launch thread
>22 Dec 2018
First collective OC
>23 Dec 2018
First Starship/BFR discussion thread, starting relatively unbroken thread chain
>18 Feb 2019
First thread with "spaceflight general" in subject line

some other notable moments-
>19 Apr 2019
First suggestion to use /sfg/ in general name instead of /sg/
>19 Apr 2019
First thread using /sfg/ in subject line
>1 Aug 2019
First post of SLS is real copypasta on /sfg/ (or /sci/ in general)
>03 May 2020
Creation of 4ASS
>10 Aug 2020
First Krystal post

>09 Jun 2020
First appearance of PROOONT-anon
>07 Dec 2020
First appearance of the Zubrin sniffer.

>> No.16140771
File: 1.27 MB, 2349x2373, 1671595714541926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

appreciate this compilation of important historical events. I joined shortly after Perseverance landed so that must've been 2021. Time flies.

>> No.16140777
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Clear was Oct 6 2020

>> No.16140779
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Checked and added

>> No.16140781
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>> No.16140782
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>> No.16140803
File: 2.08 MB, 1151x768, sfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a trip

>> No.16140836
File: 17 KB, 250x228, IMG_4036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first oc was the fairy
welp im ruined. atleast ive been here longer than zubrin anon and krystoid. i submit to the fairygods.

>> No.16140838
File: 202 KB, 1200x1600, 1701908037437001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>krystal predates clear
The blue fox is an /sfg/ tradition.
I still remember the first time I was baited.

>> No.16140841

You forcefeed it to us and everybody that sees if spits it out, Merc. It is not a tradition if only two people do it and everybody else hates it.

>> No.16140844
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, 1711773347010289.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't do it, but I don't hate it

>> No.16140845

>both of first krystalposts were porn on a blue board
>one reply is him samefagging to justify posting more
>the other two say fuck off
>both posts deleted
what did mercrantos mean by this?

>> No.16140855
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>> No.16140859
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I would be willing to add the launch schedule to the OP if you guys want, and other helpful links.

>> No.16140866

I don't really need to see
at the start of every thread

>> No.16140867

Well then how about just links to the launch schedule, and other things like the 24/7 NSF stream or LabPadres channel, things that you yourself can just go and observe instead of being required to change it?

>> No.16140868

yeah, its trainspotting tier at this point (which tank watching isn't because that is speculating about the new hardware)

>> No.16140869

No thanks. We prefer to keep the OP simple compared to all the other inferior generals

>> No.16140871

Fair enough. Ill respect the tradition thats come in to place, I usually like keeping it the same for the most part as well

>> No.16140876
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>> No.16140884

The Atlantic ocean was once a vast void too

>> No.16140888

I'm not happy about ocean either

>> No.16140894
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>> No.16140910

Always has been a problem, at least in photorealistic environments.
Oh shit yeah, I almost forgot. You can physically simulate a camera in most 3D programs with a physically based path/ray traced rendering engine.

First time it all just sort of clicked for me was when I was playing with scenes featuring volumetric scattering, doubly so when putting the camera inside of a properly simulated atmosphere shader featuring raymarching and all that good shit.

>> No.16140914

how bout you post some screenshots to substantiate your claims

>> No.16140923

Is the /sci/archive working for x now?

>> No.16140926

Yes >>/sci/?task=search&ghost=false&search_text=%22starship+will+never+fly%22

>> No.16140928

youre retarded.

>> No.16140935
File: 297 KB, 1448x2048, bde0b80698c106dafb5a3f445233239d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tom Meuller when he sees a cat apparently

>> No.16140942

I'm so glad I slapped that giant Cirno on that OC

>> No.16140944

Jesus where did the fucking time go

>> No.16140945
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>> No.16140946


>> No.16140950
File: 106 KB, 780x532, squid_ship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should really stop coming here

>> No.16140957

don't forget, you're here forever

>> No.16140971
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>> No.16140976
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I don’t have EDS and I love Musk/SpaceX but recently Elon Musk has been growing more and more retarded, insufferable, and reddit-tier

>> No.16140980
File: 425 KB, 584x426, 1708882483013938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spaceflight industry has another shitposting CEO

>> No.16140982

oh no no the twitter rocket trannies are not gonna like this one

do *clap* better *clap* !

>> No.16140983

leftards lol

>> No.16140989

>reeeeeing into the wilderness for a mate that can't hear you or doesn't care

he's literally me

>> No.16140995

a good friend of mine earlier said that he had a terminal case of 9gag brain

>> No.16140999

bribby pibbys


>> No.16141000

and a bit of ifunny sprinkled on top, but yeah

>> No.16141006


>> No.16141011
File: 436 KB, 2048x1280, Elon's.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody gets off Elon's ride.

>> No.16141020

You're missing an important contemporary event: https://nypost.com/2024/04/19/tech/google-ceo-says-office-not-a-place-to-debate-politics-after-firing-28-for-anti-israel-sit-ins/

In other news the FAA finally made it impossible to pull a Varda:

>> No.16141021

>model a physical camera inside your 3d software according to real world diagrams and formulas
>render it in an unbiased renderer where light behaves it would in reality
>it functions like a real camera
>model a physically accurate planet or atmospheric volume with real world data
>use the same scattering equations and other resources that are freely available to you regarding atmospheric properties such as haze, extinction, absorption, etc
>it functions like a real atmosphere
there is nothing to substantiate about this
this is all basic and well understood shit in 3d graphics
the hell are you being a belligerent sook about

>> No.16141024

it's also prohibitively expensive

>> No.16141033
File: 84 KB, 988x772, shuttle sortie can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16141045

How far is the billionaires "Fuck you and thank you for all the fish" plan coming along?

>> No.16141051

That's a funny way to ask "hop when?" I like it.

>> No.16141058

I don't know whats worse, being stranded on a new planet with a bunch of uppity snots who have no idea that a hoe can be a gardening implement, or being on an environmentally fucked planet with the remaining uppity snots that were not rich enough to hop.

>> No.16141067
File: 147 KB, 1206x1042, GLymtdEaAAA95ow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really makes you think

>> No.16141071
File: 2.61 MB, 1080x1920, B3DA13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Autism a simulated camera into existence
It's not actually as autistic as you might think. Pixar created fully digital simulated cameras to use in their movies ages ago. Renderman has physical based cameras built-in with easy to model lenses through the RixProjection interface. Some people on the Corona forums created presets for them. Cinema 4D had a similar scene camera project. Indigo Renderer could do it in the late 2000s, so could Sketchup. People using LuxRender in Blender way back also managed to do it. Also heard V-Ray has a physical camera but I don't think that's the same from what I remember.
As always, when you're actually simulating something. Whether that'd be a camera or an atmosphere. The fact that we can even do this on our home computers to begin with now is a minor miracle. It also depends on whether or not the rendering code can actually handle it. Cycles for instance despite its prowess and efficiency (especially with K-Cycles) was notoriously fucking bad at doing volumetric scattering (at least as far as planetary atmospheres are concerned) to the point where you were literally better off making your own volumetric engine. And even then from what I remember when you get to stuff like adding haze the render times go up drastically. There are still some tricks you can utilize however to cut down the render times so much to the point where it is basically free. Relatively speaking.

>> No.16141077

kek this guy reposted a stonetoss comic a while back about the dogs and intelligence
so much whining in the comments

>> No.16141079

>clearschizo still is obsessed with one random twitter user to this day
completely buck broken

>> No.16141085

I watched that video. Milei looks unhinged but he actually speaks normally.

>> No.16141086
File: 5 KB, 450x305, Global_Carbon_Emissions.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really does

>> No.16141088

LMAO, reg bloat doing fuck all there

>> No.16141105

The problem is that every time a law is passed that is supposed to cut down on emissions politicians (payed by industry) water it down and then you end up with shit like carbon credits, which means jack shit changes. And for some reason then the politicians throw in the environmental part with social or governance issues, that have literally nothing to do with it, but give the whole thing a bad rep because now it's the trannies who want to take away your rockets (they're obviously phallic and thus a sign of the patriarchy or something, build one that looks like a vagina...)

The only people who profit here are business majors (consultants), lawyers and politicians.

>> No.16141109

it's the most peculiar thing. like he's always been a redditor the way he talks, but now it's sprinkled with fringe conservatism

>> No.16141113

he has that ashkenazi look

>> No.16141117

>it would only take them 2 years to send the power generation rovers to the moon if they had enough money
>their tech eliminates the lunar dust problem because it runs a current through their hardware which deflects the dust

>> No.16141118

oh and their power generation rover is undergoing testing at nasa

>> No.16141124

no orbiter sorry

>> No.16141126
File: 102 KB, 1200x1200, HFNnYrqruqvI_-Skg2C7ZYjdcXp-6EsuSBkSyHpSbm0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really, really does.

>> No.16141148

hop when?

>> No.16141151

two weeks

>> No.16141157

when fusion reactors become viable, so in two weeks or so

>> No.16141163

One fortnight

>> No.16141165

When the chudmonkey sings

>> No.16141168

a bakers dozen

>> No.16141175
File: 369 KB, 2880x1920, AdobeStock_16319896-scaled-3806405174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to send more animals to space. I'm thinking a Basset Hound. Imagine all that droopy skin in 0g.

>> No.16141194

The plan is for all the poors to leave, retard. The rich get a low pop pristine earth all to themselves.

>> No.16141205

Retarded. What does that accomplish that hasnt already been done? Nothing

>> No.16141210


>> No.16141212

It accomplishes seeing all that droopy skin in 0g. Obviously. Dumbass.

>> No.16141213


Yeah after they clean up several whole continents of trash under every leaf, the ocean of fuck knows how much plastic and other garbage, aromatic rings and other persistent chemicals from the water cycle and micoplastic dust from every square inch of the globe.

>> No.16141215
File: 113 KB, 1011x1046, GFHYmcdX0AATu6O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have orbiter at home

>> No.16141217

fucking stupid. cancel dragonfly

>> No.16141220

all of which is surprisingly doable on a long enough time scale without the poors constantly adding new pollution

>> No.16141221

you seem mad

>> No.16141222
File: 83 KB, 651x788, 010361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16141223

It'd be cute and fun

>> No.16141224

yes i am.

>> No.16141227

literally anyone on sfg could be an astronaut if they just grow up and swallow there pride

>> No.16141229

Hey, I've historically lacked access to space, where's my seat?

>> No.16141231

are you thinking that we're all do nothings that arent in the space industry or something? some of us are actually planning on going and making life choices on that yknow

>> No.16141233

warlords' favorite nephews get rides on sounding rockets and bo gets a bunch of token minorities for their pr department. everybody wins

>> No.16141234
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>> No.16141237
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>> No.16141240
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>> No.16141243
File: 171 KB, 1146x763, titan ron miller space 79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

irl Titan a smoggy shit

>> No.16141244

Makes sense. Even if they don't get to 144 launches this year they're still going to push for an even bigger number in 2025 and drone ship turnaround has been a bit of a bottleneck.

>> No.16141254

schizo take. not buying your bugs. not eting them too. iwill enjoy dying here on this earth if it makes you angry.

>> No.16141255

speak of the devil and he doth appear.

>> No.16141256

why did someone put it in a sock?

>> No.16141257
File: 86 KB, 850x867, moon suborbital trajectory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*domes niggas from over the horizon*

>> No.16141263
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>> No.16141267

What missions were they spending more on during covid to try and keep on schedule?

How does spending more on a mission -- because of “supply chain inefficiencies” -- keep it “on-schedule”? Is the money fixing the inefficiencies? I guess he means they had to pay more money and source from other vendors?

Why does that, in turn, increase the cost of missions that had to be kicked down the road?

I like dr zurb but “le covid” seems like such an easy cop-out answer

>> No.16141276

>First Krystal post
Based big blue tiddies

>> No.16141290

It's just a bad render

>> No.16141293

Some of it is increased overhead due to a longer timeline. Payroll and rent still need to be paid at JPL even if the government is locking everyone out of the office.

The rest of it is total bullshit.

>> No.16141295

Starship is a render with a simulated camera

>> No.16141300

They're building a museum building around the shuttle. The covers are to protect it from falling debris. [insert Challenger joke]

>> No.16141306

Starship is real. You've seen it down at boca chica. We're building the pez dispenser. we have all the engines done. ready to be put on the test stand at starbase... I don't see any hardware for a blue moon lander, except that he's going to put astronauts on a cargo lander and that becomes the blue moon. it's not that easy in rocketry

>> No.16141307


>> No.16141309

Starship? Still a spaceplane

>> No.16141312


>> No.16141314
File: 136 KB, 890x876, spaceplane alignment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16141316

New Glenn doesn't even have the strakes anymore

>> No.16141323
File: 287 KB, 452x669, vulcan teeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lipniggers will ignore this

>> No.16141325
File: 2.02 MB, 2634x2886, 1697218829051301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toothfags will ignore this

>> No.16141327
File: 171 KB, 1500x1380, Propellants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Glenn can suck my dick

>> No.16141328


>> No.16141331

>tfw I'm still here
>I was that quad launch thread OP, among other things

>> No.16141336
File: 199 KB, 1290x1283, 1712977685680015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red pill me on hydrazine fluorine

>> No.16141337

woosh, your cancer now has cancer (but at high exhaust velocity)

>> No.16141339

stupid frogposter

>> No.16141340

The best pets in 0g would be genetically engineered octopuses. Very smart, able to jet themselves around in the air, many arms to hold onto things. The only problem is they live in the water but I think genetic engineering could rectify that. After all, they're related to snails and many snails live in the air. Splice some snail DNA into octopuses and they'd be good to go.

>> No.16141341
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, starship horizontal flight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16141342

good in theory, I don't know if its even used in practise because of the deadly nature of the chemicals involved.

>> No.16141343
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x1684, 1695731390895349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a swifty?

>> No.16141345

Furthermore, as fish, they're already accustomed to moving around in three dimensions. All land animals except the particularly smart ones are likely unable to cope with life not bound to a 2d plane. Maybe monkeys could adapt.

>> No.16141346

Taylor Swift fan iirc, there's something in the news about them right now

>> No.16141347

you posted one

>> No.16141348

something to do with taylor swift perhaps, but I dont understand the relevance.
could be a reference to this account?


>> No.16141349 [DELETED] 

Taylor Swift fan?

>> No.16141356
File: 95 KB, 564x722, VectraWith35741B-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's almost as if something caused productivity to accelerate making it easier for a person to do technical jobs more quickly in the 80's.

>> No.16141359
File: 102 KB, 529x285, dontbreathethis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16141361

how many of you are actual boomers

>> No.16141364

>LF2/Hydrazine propellant. In the United States. In the 1960's the USAF sponsored development of engines by Bell and Rocketdyne using this propellant combination to power high-performance upper stages to replace the Agena and Transtage on the Atlas and Titan launch vehicles. However although test engines were built, fluorine was found to be just too toxic and reactive to be safely used as a propellant.
>Specific impulse: 422 s. Specific impulse sea level: 363 s.
Normally I'd expect a propulsion system with this much black magic in it to have better specific impulse, but it looks like the designs they were looking at were pressure-fed. I wouldn't want to have to design turbopumps that'd need to deal with fluorine either.

There's also a NASA study from 1974, so while the idea might have been pushed back from active promotion it didn't completely go away after the wild days of the 1960s.

>> No.16141367

>Tory's office is in ULA's generic office building in Centennial that you can see from the commuter train as it runs alongside I-25 going south
lol, lmao even

>> No.16141368
File: 741 KB, 937x936, 1710420817700616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that many I presume. ive heard redditores mischaracterise channers as all literal boomers, when you can be a younger man and still have a boomer worldview

>> No.16141370

>a critical shortage of raw material held that one up

>> No.16141372

there's like two actual oldspace boomers here

>> No.16141373

yeah, starship is going to take a few years and be busy with HLS related things in the near term

>> No.16141376

Neither are attributable to the introduction of modern digital compute technology: the timelines don't match up.

>> No.16141398
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>> No.16141403
File: 100 KB, 611x570, Skylab Australia prize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16141405
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>> No.16141407
File: 34 KB, 396x388, frog1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16141411

This jew is destroying my country

>> No.16141412
File: 45 KB, 370x864, zero2infinity- bloostar- rr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16141413
File: 74 KB, 1261x626, Venus landscape erupting Maat mons Vitkus Justinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16141415

Is there any way this could be designed to throw away more engines?

>> No.16141416


>> No.16141417

asparagus staging

>> No.16141418

Your country was a shithole before and it's a shithole now

>> No.16141419

lf2/ammonia > lf2/hydrazine http://www.astronautix.com/r/rd-301.html

>> No.16141420
File: 28 KB, 436x353, Zero2Infinity bloostar a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16141421

Yeah but now its even more shithole

>> No.16141424
File: 2.09 MB, 3692x2831, GLzxpXIacAA8JSq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neutron isn't re-

>> No.16141425
File: 342 KB, 1284x980, 1429168061644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmmmm, dooooooooonutsssssssss...

>> No.16141426

does that water tower even fly?

>> No.16141443

starship is going to be operational before neutron

>> No.16141449

Decent specs, but it looks like RD-301 used a fuel rich staged combustion design. The closest the west ever came to putting together something like that was probably an expander cycle powered RL-10 that the Glenn Research Center modified to drink hydrogen-fluorine.

>> No.16141456

Neutron first flight is 2024 so you wanna bet?

>> No.16141457

>gay nigger rocket launching from high latitude
>not fully reusable
>will only be operational long after starship has been and swallowed up the entire market
why am i supposed to care again?

>> No.16141463


>> No.16141467

that seems kind of optimistic
do they even have a working engine?

>> No.16141468

you significantly underestimate how long starship will take to swallow the market. falcon launches 120 a year these days and electron still does business.

>> No.16141470

I sucked a shit out my girlfriends ass when rimming and had instant regret when my mouth was full. is this how Martian colonists will feel?

>> No.16141471

imagine a timeline where spacex's capital expenditures went into falcon 9 production and new pads instead of starbase.

>> No.16141475
File: 143 KB, 1067x859, Space Station - Carter Emmart, 1987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16141482

i dislike the shuttle.

>> No.16141488

holy shit you have some insane /pol/brain

>> No.16141494
File: 301 KB, 1232x2048, 20240422_190727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16141495

post pics of gf?

>> No.16141498
File: 257 KB, 800x900, let's have a fluorine metal fire with radioactivity at max Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hydrazine fluorine
You are like a little baby.

>> No.16141509
File: 3.15 MB, 2000x1125, IMG_6258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16141513
File: 110 KB, 946x887, Russ Arasmith Astronaut Maneuvering Unit (AMU) Gemini IX m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will the next untethered EVA happen /sfg/?
sometime in the next ten years?

>> No.16141514
File: 108 KB, 1179x664, GLxQmDvWcAApC48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new ASDS

>> No.16141517

Jared will drift away when the kino IVA suit goes haywire

>> No.16141522

Water towers at launch sites don't make rockets real. Blue Origin finished their giant water tower for LC-36 in, what, 2018?

>> No.16141523

well artemis 3/4 won't have tethers for moonwalks so by the end of the decade at latest

>> No.16141527

i read this as jewed

>> No.16141548
File: 469 KB, 1923x1081, 1701900854067090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinese spaceplane spotted. it looks like it's likely unmanned.

>> No.16141555

Looks like a fighter

>> No.16141617

why do untethered? clambering along the ISS by hand or using a Manned Maneuvering Unit works fine.

>> No.16141636

averi is better

>> No.16141638

i keep getting starlink ads but i live in the city

>> No.16141659


>> No.16141667

if it makes you feel better, nasa doesnt actually know much about the methane cycle on titan, so there's a chance dragonfly gets absolutely fucked in a torrential downpour, even at the equator

>> No.16141689

cant wait to go swimming there one day

>> No.16141700
File: 2.21 MB, 1725x975, Starship_landing_on_Titan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody :)
We should send a man to Titan.

I know you probably object to this idea. Let me say this: IT DOESNT MATTER what you think. My idea is good 100% outside what you say.


>> No.16141707

>no landing legs
holy fail

>> No.16141709

...who did you think would disagree with you? We need that methane for outer system travel, if anything we should be be trying to rush people there asap once Mars is set up

>> No.16141710
File: 263 KB, 2535x1454, Starship-Boca-Chica-080720-NASASpaceflight-bocachicagal-SN5-leg-work-2-crop-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most likely it will be using little "feets" such as these to land upon

Thanks do you have any other objevtions?

>> No.16141713

I just want to be prepared in case of a retard lurking here

>> No.16141714

but you didn't draw those little "feet" thingies though

>> No.16141716

They fold inside you daft kook

>> No.16141719

And I didn't draw it !! Arrrrrgggggghh

>> No.16141720

who's kook?

>> No.16141722
File: 2.36 MB, 420x236, atomic_facepalm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16141726
File: 62 KB, 295x220, lol_fatkev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fluorine Boiloff Vent

>> No.16141728

Man belongs wherever he wants to go and he'll do plenty well when he gets there -- including Titan.

>> No.16141729
File: 3.83 MB, 3000x2288, Dr._Debus_and_Dr._von_Braun-9131104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there ever been a better man than this? Pictured

>> No.16141732

>inb4 trump
Fuck off

>> No.16141733

Musk. Sneed and feed

>> No.16141734

Strong choice

>> No.16141735
File: 24 KB, 706x439, musk_just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has there ever been a man that had more eye on the prize than this?

>> No.16141737
File: 141 KB, 1024x1024, 1713632570244106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only this great, GREAT man

>> No.16141740

See >>16141737

>> No.16141742

I'm sorry that happened

>> No.16141743
File: 33 KB, 652x471, IMG_2821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to see here, just two titans of spaceflight discussing the future of interplanetary humanity

>> No.16141744

why was demeter fired? now he is a famous war hero

>> No.16141746

He was uncircumcised, fortunately measures were taken to correct this moral failing

>> No.16141760

American scum

>> No.16141762

learn manners, subhuman

>> No.16141763

So you are on the side of the jews?

>> No.16141768

The joke went over your head like an American broomstick

>> No.16141774


>> No.16141777
File: 1.15 MB, 4096x2882, F_O0eibWwAEperr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are the new Gods

>> No.16141794
File: 161 KB, 1200x850, ISS_Crew_Return_Vehicle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could maybe be something like an x-38 although i doubt they'd have a use for one

>> No.16141800
File: 307 KB, 880x638, Screenshot 2024-04-23 180549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's not our day Ausbros...

>> No.16141809

>30 day notification period
Remember amerimutt bros it doesn’t have to get better but it can always get worse

>> No.16141819

Is australia FAA worse than America FAA? :/

>> No.16141853

stupid nigger lol

>> No.16141855
File: 101 KB, 1435x812, iac2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone from here going? It's like a thousand euros though...

>> No.16141863
File: 810 KB, 1200x630, 1713824697535717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The problem is
useful idiots like you and green pinkos giving a free pass to actual ghoulish pollution pits like CHYNA and pajeetia. Which, if the industrial wastelands aint enough, are actively trying to kill off the ocean ecology on top of that with absolute scorched earth style poacher fishing fleets.

While whining on the already gimped western world killing le planet that is shooting itself in the foot constantly with nonsense over regulation killing actually viable alternatives like nuclear

most cringe part is that the vast majority of you are not even actively recruited for this for something like monetary rewards. You just do it since you have no clue what is going on beyond the horizon. Literal Not In My BackYardism (NIMBY)

>> No.16141898

we're on the side of Zigger genocide lol

>> No.16141900

>Is Australia worse than the USA
in everything except for cool marsupials, yes
and potentially beer and long stretches of nothing

>> No.16141929
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>> No.16141931
File: 67 KB, 450x299, 1574784189424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed, our burger marsupials are ugly

>> No.16141934

the dome is impenetrable even to this massive rocket.

>> No.16141981
File: 163 KB, 1000x1233, rogozin time machine 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.16141996

greenland could maybe become habitable with starship launches.

>> No.16142000

Europa already is habitable we just need to get a little vial of earth fungi down there in the ocean.

>> No.16142003

Europa already has lots of people on it, its presentlyt the theatre of a major war, sweaty...

>> No.16142006 [DELETED] 
File: 168 KB, 690x517, Kuaizhou_1_11_6_and_6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16142008
File: 168 KB, 690x517, Kuaizhou_1A_11_6_and_6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16142024

Was the birthday neutering ever confirmed? I remember hearing recently that it had been confirmed, but that might have been a dream.

>> No.16142030
File: 151 KB, 1080x902, Screenshot_20240423_091607_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's honestly more people there than I thought. How long till we have 10s of thousands of people on Mars?

>> No.16142044
File: 1.03 MB, 3504x1424, mcmurdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greenland and Faroe islands are self sustaining (to extent any smol country is), not 100% reliant on external supplies like McMurdo station.

McMurdo station, Population: summer 1000, winter 153

>> No.16142050

>McMurdo station
What do they do there? What's the endgame for Antarctic bases?

>> No.16142066

mainly astronomers, physicist, climate scientists and so on are there
i guess other ones too

>> No.16142071

research, but also to stake a claim on that nomans land

>> No.16142108

I'm in my 40's, which makes me a Boomer by meme standards. My parents were at the tail end of the Boomer generation.

>> No.16142120

What is he doing wrong? He seems to be moving things in the right direction. I only hesitate to support him because Penrose is against Milei cutting government funding for science. Still, that seems reasonable given that their economy is in the gutter.

>> No.16142127

Hopefully after he finishes you'll have a country where most jobs aren't government jobs, your pesos aren't toilet paper and you don't take a loan from the IMF every couple of years.

>> No.16142141

When jewlei finishes there wont be any jobs

>> No.16142142
File: 103 KB, 663x669, GL2ZosiWwAA8cOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16142145

It's amazing how both of these manage to be truly awful in different ways.

>> No.16142151

let's see your preferred space suit design.

>> No.16142153

not him, but counter pressure suit

>> No.16142156
File: 164 KB, 1100x629, shuttle truckers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you solved maintaining pressure to the genitals and anus?

>> No.16142157

I'm a 33yo boomer

>> No.16142161
File: 342 KB, 1280x1513, apollo_17_only_a_beginning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...only a beginning!
50+ years and counting

>> No.16142163

leaking valves are nothing new in space flight

>> No.16142177
File: 89 KB, 404x504, real_space_suit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16142199
File: 213 KB, 808x1008, real_space_suit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16142205


>> No.16142215

Why don't we get visits from flat earthers anymore?
Are we that unpopular? What went wrong?

>> No.16142225
File: 83 KB, 571x776, flat earth israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those posters have been reallocated to more urgent tasks since october

>> No.16142227
File: 726 KB, 1329x2388, 1406585187772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this

only the GOAT

>> No.16142243
File: 295 KB, 728x484, ROnald-Evans-Post-e1678732569209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16142247

>its da jooz
shut up

>> No.16142251

It actually is.

>> No.16142259

>Greenland and Faroe islands are self sustaining
where do they make their steel and computer chips?

>> No.16142265

He threw a tantrum on Twitter when an anon asked him about it so probably.

>> No.16142271

Anon, how do you think people were self sustaining before either of those things were invented?
Also, I recognize this from the mars colony debate. Why are you so obsessed with computer chips?

>> No.16142276

>Anon, how do you think people were self sustaining before either of those things were invented?
They didn't go places those were required for survival.

>> No.16142277

yes anon. no modern society can exist that is truly independent from global geopolitics. when "self sustaining" mars colonies happen, they will not be truly independent from solar systempolitics.

>> No.16142285

>Why are you so obsessed with computer chips?
nta. But I make a good point. I guess they will have to import intel chips from Earth then. Imagine the shipping costs.

>> No.16142291

You can survive, even farm in greenland without steel and computer chips.
As for mars, If they can use locally produced alternatives, they will. They'll likely do that even if those locally produced alternatives are much less efficient; because as you say, anything produced on earth will be prohibitively expensive unless it's given freely. You don't need modern computer chips for a self sustaining mars base.

>> No.16142301
File: 239 KB, 1024x682, marble-quarry-1024x682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I convince (you) that underground habitats are the way to go?

>> No.16142304
File: 727 KB, 1179x1642, IMG_4059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking retarded frogniggers dont even know their own audience.

>> No.16142309

Pay me

>> No.16142311

Why doesnt the USA send colonists to Greenland?

>> No.16142312

New Zealand could maybe become habitable with starship launches.

>> No.16142322

>mfw KSP gives me a contract with argument of periapsis specified

>> No.16142333

Can I have a huge glass window on a cliff face like in Minecraft? That's pretty comfy.

>> No.16142336
File: 381 KB, 1920x1080, 9b743757dc47991fe148dffa38a619be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16142338
File: 1.29 MB, 2048x1536, 1701096175017748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to.
I prefer the term 'geofront'.

>> No.16142341
File: 211 KB, 1220x812, fljotsdalsstod-turbinur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16142351
File: 100 KB, 1280x800, Geofront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day, brother

>> No.16142359
File: 75 KB, 785x412, boullee drawings a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boullée on Mars when?

>> No.16142364
File: 502 KB, 1536x979, etienne_louis_boullee_Basilique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mars Great Hall

>> No.16142367
File: 427 KB, 2848x1538, 6g93vdoaeq961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the self supporting domes you could build in 38% gravity

>> No.16142370
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Reminder that lunar gravity will allow buildings even more impressive

>> No.16142373
File: 137 KB, 641x581, mts mp lunar trees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16142382

lunar buttplug obviously.

>> No.16142388

i'm not sure if those exact numbers are accurate, but yeah capillary action would be a lot more effective at moving water up plants.
imagine a redwood growing on mars with 1bar atmosphere.

>> No.16142389

Nelson bros they're laughing at us! China's laughing at us!

>> No.16142399

I have seen no irrefutable evidence that flat earthers exist. When someone tells me they believe the earth is flat, I deny they believe it. I can't see their beliefs. As a skeptic that's not the sort of thing I believe in.

>> No.16142402

why go to space when we have so many delicious roggs here on earth?

>> No.16142404

This is compelling

>> No.16142406

why do they have a fucking altar? they'd better be worshiping Elon

>> No.16142407

>implying early zoomers aren't autistic about space

>> No.16142411
File: 1.06 MB, 3060x2292, etienne_louis_boullee_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill there's a version without it

>> No.16142416
File: 88 KB, 358x358, m8_red_dwarf_in_true_color_by_gregroxmun_db9hums.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uoogh aargh I'm gonna flAAAAAAAREEEEEEEEE
WTF is their problem?

>> No.16142418
File: 120 KB, 1411x673, nearest star sky map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

red dwarves are the niggers of stars
orange dwarves are pajeet/beaner tier
yellow dwarves are Aryan

>> No.16142419

they want to strip their planets of their atmospheres.

>> No.16142421


>> No.16142422

It's about time somebody removed that thing.

>> No.16142423

It's pooping :)

>> No.16142425

gibs me dat aamosfeer
t. nigstar

>> No.16142426

because to be truly fully sustainable, computer chips are critical
life on mars without computer chips will not be possible
and lets say all computers just stopped existing on earth and we would not be able to build more, you would probably lose something like 95% of the population due to starvation

>> No.16142428

I hope this is bait.

>> No.16142429

I doubt that. there were ~2.3 billion people in 1940 before the first computers were invented. we could probably sustain more than that on machines that exist now and do not require computers to continue operation, although we would struggle to build more of them

>> No.16142434
File: 355 KB, 1440x1797, 783301060619f0b782ae627f278c31b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

computers are nonessential in today's world. Just look at what they were able to build without any computers.

>> No.16142439

new bread?

>> No.16142441

we should convert those useless triangles into data centers

>> No.16142443
File: 404 KB, 2000x1200, reddwarf2-2000x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's pooping :)

>> No.16142444
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>> No.16142445

what about F- & A- dwarves

>> No.16142446

The Sahara dessert offers bad cooling performance

>> No.16142450

>wow some niggers stacked rocks in a pile just like my marvel movie!
why are pyramidchuds so overrated?

>> No.16142452
File: 79 KB, 1200x675, proxima-flare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any update on that theory about M-Dwarf stars actually flaring out of their poles rather than equators? Has that been proven or disproven yet?

>> No.16142453

Then it is time to terraform the Sahara. We need the practice anyway.

>> No.16142457

why don't we just park a telescope observing Proxima Centauri 24/7 to find out?

>> No.16142460

Some eggheads a while back managed to "determine" that on fully convective stars (so not all red dwarf stars, only those with 0.25 solar masses) the flares originate at latitudes above 55-81 degrees.


I don't think any further studies have been published since though.

>> No.16142462
File: 81 KB, 633x876, BINARY STARS a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't really live long enough to give life a chance so they're out of contention. I consider late F dwarves to be also Aryan. Mismatched binaries and so forth can be considered miscegenation

>> No.16142464

I suggest filling those depressions in the Sahara with water. The evaporation will cause rain.

>> No.16142466

This in conjunction with arab cloud-seeders to darken the skies might go far in dampening the sand. Creating some inland seas should lower the overall temperature by a few degrees and foster green growth in time. If we can't reclaim desert areas of our own planet then we're gonna have a hard time foresting Mars.

>> No.16142490

>Don't really live long enough to give life a chance so they're out of contention
Sintists seem to think they still have a shot even if it's on a knife edge compared to the G dwarf stars
At the same time they'd probably be the most similar to our sun out of any other star when positioned properly despite emotting more UV radiation, skies would also look more similar than K dwarf stars I think
I also hear those K dwarf stars tend to emit a shitton of x rays for some reason so like fuck

>> No.16142496
File: 13 KB, 587x789, history_of_the_phoenix_vtol_ssto_and_recent_developments_in_single_stage_launch_systems.1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16142499

K dwarves emit Xrays because of the alien civilizations around them (they communicate using Xrays because it's superior to low energy transmission especially over long distances). Simple as.

>> No.16142502

If things go to plan, a RocketLab Electron and SpaceX Falcon 9 will launch within minutes of each other in a few hours.

>> No.16142503


Musk agreeing with a post about an inevitable war (perhaps civil war)

>> No.16142504

not spaceflight kill yourself

>> No.16142507

i... am an early zoomer myself and plan to go to mars. how was my post implying that?

>> No.16142508

a self sufficient mars colony needs to happen ASAP

>> No.16142511

He's obviously talking about the impeding Cybertronian civil war in the constellation of Scorpius.

>> No.16142516
File: 118 KB, 712x516, ssto mockingbird-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16142517

sounds about as probable as all the xraying (dirty cheaters) k-dwarf stars somehow being thorne-żyktów objects

>> No.16142521

Everything is computer based now, we don't have the hardware and systems to run things like they were run in 1940
the population would rise again, but I think during the scramble there would be massive starvation

>> No.16142529

>10kg payload
All that effort for a payload that can't do anything.

>> No.16142532
File: 139 KB, 520x894, spacecraft mutts goblino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picosats are the future chud

>> No.16142534

It would be cool if they crashed into each other.

>> No.16142552

just you wait and see.

>> No.16142556

No that wouldnt be "cool"

>> No.16142561

the fuck are picosats, even smaller than cubesats now??

>> No.16142572

A deck of cards, opens and dispenses paper-thin nanosats for micro-swarms.

>> No.16142581

What exactly is wrong with orion's heat shield, and why is it taking so long to fix?

>> No.16142582

i really really like this image!

>> No.16142584

nothing and because nothing is wrong with it

>> No.16142586

5% off expected extensive extremely expensive 3D CFD modeling simulation behavior on NASA supercomputers requires 1 year delay and lots of engineering analysis to better align with our holy models pls understand

>> No.16142587

Go fever led to dangerous installation of heat shield...

>> No.16142590

None above ground. The pressure differential would yeet them into the sky.

>> No.16142595
File: 35 KB, 976x498, Apollo 13 blow up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16142604

just don't pressurize them ezpz

>> No.16142614

Could that be exploited to lift payloads?

>> No.16142616

not with less effort than just tanking up more methalox

>> No.16142617

“Now is not the time for decreasing or flat space budgets,” said retired Gen. John Raymond, the former head of the Space Force. “China is not slowing down.”

lets goo

>> No.16142619

Clapback: Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) sharply questioned the witnesses at the China select committee roundtable on why it’s taking so long to get back to the Moon when Apollo happened more than five decades ago.

“What the heck is going on and why aren’t we there already?” he said. “Why is it that these systems are taking so long to develop when we were there 50 years ago?”

Former NASA chief Jim Bridenstine’s TLDR answer: take a look in the mirror.

“We have had programs started and stopped with the whimsical budgets of politicians,” he said. “It is starts and stops and wasted billions of dollars and lots of time.”

BASED JIM calling them the fuck out

>> No.16142620

this is the way to martian independence

>> No.16142623
File: 496 KB, 734x1196, __irina_luminesk_tsuki_to_laika_to_nosferatu_drawn_by_ema_kuguiema__3f91d4a6e6dfdcba2239a10adf5088fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16142633

The Trump administration had amazing appointments and leaders in spaceflight. now it's all women and niggers, pardon me

>> No.16142646

>la cretura triangulo

>> No.16142654

that would be a neat trick, there is a little obstacle in the way (the entire planet Earth)

>> No.16142657

It would be nice if it landed on a certain Federal building

>> No.16142663
File: 122 KB, 930x934, 50-Figure2.1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the news of red dwarf stars most probably being uninhabitable, I do find it morbidly amusing how the Copernican principle keeps getting BTFO'd time and time again. To the point where we've gone full circle in thinking the Solar System, our parent star, and our homeworld being normalfag tier, nothing special, to realizing we are most probably the freaks, the outlier, a unicron among the stars.

>> No.16142668

Single G series stars are still common as fuck.

>> No.16142670
File: 233 KB, 700x432, Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 16-18-30 Next Spaceflight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 launches 2 minutes apart

>> No.16142673

what are the chances they hit each other

>> No.16142674

Yes. System configurations like ours, where the gas giants all migrated outwards and the smaller planets remained inside are similarly uncommon. Now down-select stars that ended up having a giant moon forming collision like ours and were seeded with sufficient quantities of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, and had the right conditions to avoid having its atmosphere stripped away by some cosmic event or another, and then actually have life form on it, and things start looking outrageously unlikely. We're here, so obviously the existence of life is possible, but our inability to find evidence of it anywhere else speaks to the combination of factors that resulted in Life On Earth As We Know It being outrageously unlikely.

>> No.16142675


>> No.16142677

if that's true i think they need to call off the launch?

>> No.16142679
File: 118 KB, 947x724, Robert Watts astronauts setting off to explore the lunar terrain m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>System configurations like ours, where the gas giants all migrated outwards and the smaller planets remained inside are similarly uncommon
Yeah, those star systems we find with multiple Jupiter mass worlds huddled up within 1 AU of the primary freak me out. It wasn't supposed to be like this!

>> No.16142680

We cant say that without a sufficient exoplanet atmosphere survey. At this time we cant even resolve Earth size planets around sunlike stars

>> No.16142682

You don't actually need to resolve a planet to get an absorption spectrum with transit spectroscopy, but better instruments do make it a lot easier to see a planet's atmospheric blockage without being overwhelmed by the luminosity of the host star. Yeah, more data is needed, but the initial data isn't promising.

>> No.16142686
File: 76 KB, 586x789, obliquity heating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ended up having a giant moon forming collision like ours
I guess an exomoon won't have wonky obliquity but the environment around a gas giant in a stellar HZ doesn't seem too good either

>> No.16142701

the of colour and women started with Artemis. did trump do anything to fix that?
I swear to god you don't know fucking anything about spaceflight. you don't even know what we liked about trumps tenure in terms of spaceflight

>> No.16142710

You're getting emotional

>> No.16142711

I dobt beleive that a rendevouz of orion and starship will ever happen, it will look too goofy.

>> No.16142712

goofy ahhh :skull:

>> No.16142714

That's why it will be Dragon and Starship

>> No.16142716

they can rendezvous and just not take any pictures of it to protect all parties involved from embarrassment

>> No.16142717

would it be better for the first artemis landing to have a black man and a white woman or have a black woman? the latter only wastes one seat on the token passenger, but with the former there's a legitimate chance that both are really qualified to be there

>> No.16142720

T-18 minutes for Rocket Lab
T-20 minutes for SpaceX

>> No.16142721

Rocket Lab live

will they break the solar sail curse?

>> No.16142722
File: 366 KB, 644x694, 2d2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't have an M-type due to constant flares/tidal locking/small HCZ or just insufficient visible light for photosynthesis
>K-type looking unlikely due to intense X-Ray/UV radiation early in life
>F-type similar but likely too short lived
>ditto for A9/B8V type (which are also hot)
>B/O-types exist to eat shit (and look pretty doing so)
>star has to be in the galactic HCZ away from core regions and active supernovae and star forming regions
>need a quiet FGK solar analog
>sufficiently high metallicity, formed in a cloud with enough poison
>gas cloud needs heavy radioactive elements
>also need high amount of phosphorus for organics
>likely need enough material to form gas giants to shepherd debris but also deliver them to the inner planets via impacts
>the planets themselves need a strong magnetosphere, thick atmosphere at minimum
>need enough mass, radioactivity, and subsurface bridgmanite to generate and convect internal heat
>active plate tectonics and volcanism courtesy of tidal forces from a non-locked star and a large moon(s)
>said moon likely created through a giant grazing planetary collision
>atmospheric pressure and composition has to be sufficient to not cause exceed acidity, crushing, or a runaway greenhouse hell
>need a solvent for life such as water or ammonia, for technological civilizations to arise you also need to be able to set things on fire which requires an oxygen atmosphere to do efficiently
You can't have this many (and at least a dozen more things I'm probably forgetting on the top of my head) criteria or things going against habitability and abiogenesis and not realize the Copernican principle is more likely than not (unless somehow proven otherwise) a bunch of pretentious conundrums of philosophy.

>> No.16142726


>> No.16142725

Modern philosophers have a craven lust for mediocrity.

>> No.16142732


>> No.16142733

maybe not

>> No.16142739

You also need a few specific rock types in the mantle (I forgot their name) or else no life

>> No.16142740

we've entered into the planned scrub phase of the mission. everything is proceeding nominally.

>> No.16142742

oh great, another paper geologist here to tell us why muh lignite is the key to life please give my research feild more money

>> No.16142743


>> No.16142750

Its time for your weekly quote of Starlink launch watching

>> No.16142752

Will ScrubX match ScrubLab?!

>> No.16142754

Does our sun actually have more in common with F-dwarfs than K-dwarfs? Sol is already among the hottest and luminous stars within its class. An F7-F9 would still probably look more similar in our sky than the K dwarf even with the large jump in UV radiation.

>> No.16142756
File: 81 KB, 627x755, David Pelham rocket face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to do a early life check
As above, so below

>> No.16142760
File: 231 KB, 800x450, future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The universe if all stars above 0.35 solar masses were still fully convective (they could use all their hydrogen fuel).

>> No.16142762

okay RocketLab you're up

>> No.16142763

why aren't they worshiping Elon?!

>> No.16142765

he told them no god or kings only Man

>> No.16142766

littering, and?

>> No.16142771

count resumed!

>> No.16142772

too late

>> No.16142774

You forgot that carbon is also still the most probable and suitable element for biomechanics. Silicon as cool as it is does not allow for as many reactions and is thus likely a meme. This is even before you get to the dozens of great filters like life self destructing (as it almost did during the snowball period) or through stuff like gravity being too high. Either way, carbon is also necessary.

>> No.16142777

One shaky Falcon 9 S2

>> No.16142781

300 landings

>> No.16142783


>> No.16142785

300th Falcon 9 first stage landing: a perfect bullseye!

>> No.16142788
File: 1.70 MB, 4032x2268, GLyMnzBaAAACgCi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16142790

>System configurations like ours, where the gas giants all migrated outwards and the smaller planets remained inside are similarly uncommon.
That's not at all clear at all. The current statistics are horribly biased towards short periods transting planets. Those surveys are very pretty much blind to long period planets like Jupiter. Most of the rich systems are either all low mass or all high mass, because of selection effects of different techniques. Today there are basically zero systems where there is a good measurement of both.

>our inability to find evidence of it anywhere else
What bullshit. If the a planet like the Earth was orbiting every other star in the galaxy with we could not measure a single biosignature today. Zero.
Our inability to find life is certainly limited by current technology.

Current transit spectroscopy can say almost nothing about terrestrial planets around G stars. 95% of the current effort is on M stars, or massive planets.

>> No.16142791

Rocket Lab launches are quite pastoral, with the rolling fields of grass and all the bird tweeting in the background

>> No.16142793

yeah hopefully they figure out how to crank up the gravitas with neutron

>> No.16142794
File: 191 KB, 1920x1080, firefox_2024-04-23_18-32-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16142795

copernican principle is a nonsense dogma. it more than anything is a knee jerk contrarian position taken against the geocentric religious model of the unvierse. In copernicuses time he didnt know any better, now we know its clearly false so people who still parrot it are nuts.
Maybe there are a small number of other planets in our galaxy which meet every criteria for civilization, but never develop one due to that too being exceedingly rare. Hundreds of great filters along the biological path, its wild to think about. Even if our planet ticked every single box and jumped every hurdle and humans reached domiance, if europe never evloded white people then we would not have achieved spaceflight. I firmly beleive that we dont see evidence of aliens because we are the first, perhaps alone in a great span of galaxies. It makes our mission to conquor all the more important.

>> No.16142796

it will be launching from Wallops instead of Mahia so it'll be more dignified by default

>> No.16142798

are u saying theres a shortfall of gravitas

>> No.16142799

This is not good

>> No.16142801

uhhh.... guys...

>> No.16142803

What's that orange flame coming out the side for?

>> No.16142806

it can still ride the sail to orbit, right?

>> No.16142807

something just fell off!

>> No.16142809

>dumps batteries into the sea
Not my problem m8

>> No.16142810

The depleted battery packs for the Rutherford engine on S2.

>> No.16142812
File: 78 KB, 816x691, arnold schwarzenegger ballsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The current statistics are horribly biased towards short periods transting planets. Those surveys are very pretty much blind to long period planets like Jupiter.
2008 wants its copes back. 'muh selection effects' won't cut it, these stellar systems really are fucked up and very common

>> No.16142813

it's over omfg

>> No.16142816


it's over


>> No.16142820

doing their best to be environmentally conscious by recharging the electric eels

>> No.16142822

+3 ESG score to RocketLab

>> No.16142823
File: 78 KB, 623x759, 1638630283900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are the chances they hit each other
>New Zealand
oh they're going to be on a collision course for sure, better take cover

>> No.16142826

You can make anything seem unlikely by listing out every single conditon. And many of them are redudant, It is just silly to write the requirement for a sample size of one.
You also totally fail to account for the anthropic principle.

>the Copernican principle is more likely than not (unless somehow proven otherwise) a bunch of pretentious conundrums of philosophy.
I don't think you understand the principle. It does not mean where we live must be like everywhere in the universe. Clearly that is wrong since we live on a planet, most of the universe is nearly empty. It has nothing to do with exoplanets or life.
The point is that our position should not be special when observing the universe on large scales. For example of you said that the whole universe was a sphere centered on the Earth. If we lived in any other galaxy we would see something fundamentally different. But our perspective is essentially random, there is no reason it should be privileged. It's really only a thing in cosmology, talking about it and abiogenesis is just gibberish.

>> No.16142829

Which systems are well enough measured to see both jovian (periods beyond 5 years) and terrestrial planets? List 5. No M stars.

>> No.16142837

>You also totally fail to account for the anthropic principle.
There's more than one tenet to the Anthropic Principal; obviously, the universe must be conducive to life in some manner because it contains us, but the potentially erroneous aspect is the ironclad belief that the mediocrity principal also applies.

>> No.16142842

isnt it more likely to hit in space because orbits cross? obv not at launch doofus

>> No.16142844
File: 43 KB, 411x418, frodo smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Any minute now we're going to a glut of find star systems resembling ours! Two more weeks!

>> No.16142846

More like decades. Depending on how QI works out it may be easier to send actual probes to nearby stars than to try and resolve their terrestrial planets from here.

>> No.16142848

>In copernicuses time he didnt know any better, now we know its clearly false so people who still parrot it are nuts
Wasn't it Carl Sagan who popularized it?

>> No.16142852
File: 49 KB, 1152x648, Kepler-90_system_rightward-PIA22193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kepler 90. And look. Giant planets on the outside. Little planets packed into the center.

>Depending on how QI works
It doesn't.

>> No.16142854

>If European people never evolved then we would not have achieved spaceflight.
I wish more people on this planet realized the importance of this fact. Because it seems the idea of mediocrity is also being applied to civilizations when they clearly are not equal; only one was ever capable of gazing towards the stars and setting foot on the heavens organically on their own. Anything else afterwards is merely a derivative imitation, courtesy of one being goaded into uplifting those less developed. Consequently, if the bandits running the planet succeed in their petty revenge and eliminate the Europeans this planet will likely never have the brains nor soul to become a proper space faring civilization before self-destructing in some way.

>> No.16142855

>Uranus sized planets are now counted as earthlike
keplertrannies.... we went too far.

>> No.16142856

wow! look at all those mini neptunes. bet they're hot too

>> No.16142857

>I don't think you understand the principle. It does not mean where we live must be like everywhere in the universe.
We supposedly don't occupy a special position in the universe and yet we seem to have overwhelming evidence to the contrary ever since we looked towards the stars with what instruments we have at our disposal.
Also this.

>> No.16142859

>Kepler-90, also designated 2MASS J18574403+4918185, is a F-type star located about 2,790 light-years (855 pc) from Earth in the constellation of Draco.

>> No.16142861

trump OP threads are always the WOOOOOOOOORST. not even because orange man bad but because the trump shill is just so. fucking. annoying. withe his blatant shilling

>> No.16142862

The bigger the star, the bigger the planets; more material in that protoplanetary disc is available. Imagine how large the F-type systems might be. Impressive that it could produce so many planets. These star systems among large stars a step above our sun may very well be the exotic among the exotic.

>> No.16142864

what does that say about Alpha Centauri then, big enough for 2 big stars...

>> No.16142865

oh shit a solar sail experiment

>> No.16142866
File: 23 KB, 613x799, Skycrane mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kepler 90.
The issue is not whether *any* stellar systems resemble ours - in a large enough sample you are bound to find some - but what is their relative frequency compared to the 'degenerate' ones with loads of gas giants and super Neptunes all crammed around their primary. At some point you have to bite the bullet and admit systems like ours are rare.

>> No.16142867

Is that the racist spic fox?

>> No.16142868

yeah! but they are ending the livestream before even the orbit raising burn. (First Korean payload just deployed.)

>> No.16142870

Rare events happen all the time

>> No.16142872

>We supposedly don't occupy a special position in the universe and yet we seem to have overwhelming evidence to the contrary ever since we looked towards the stars with what instruments we have at our disposal.
Maybe read the rest of what I wrote. It has nothing to do with stars or life.

>the potentially erroneous aspect is the ironclad belief that the mediocrity principal also applies.
Funny you mention this now after describing how special our conditions are, without ever mentioning that other life may have different "requirements".
We search for life as we know it because we have no idea how to search for anything else. Sample size of 1.

>> No.16142874


>> No.16142875

Activates 1-2 months after separation

>> No.16142876


>> No.16142878
File: 64 KB, 300x169, Artist's_concept_of_an_evening_on_a_planet_orbiting_a_F-type_star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are F-type stars so fascinating bros?

>> No.16142880

because their white? I mean our "yellow" sun is actually white too, just that its spectrum peaks in the yellow.

>> No.16142882

>may very well be the exotic among the exotic.
Hardly. There are only 3 times more G stars than F. Together they make up 10% of stars. In one galaxy of hundreds of billions of stars this is not "exotic".

>> No.16142883

He doesnt' really care about asteroids. He doesn't really care about Mars either, its more of like appearance thing. Like politician sometime can go to MacDonalds before elections to show people that he is just like you, and every MacDonalds consumer is like "Wow, politician X is just like me!" and they go vote for him - Musk is doing the same thing with Mars, just appealing for the crowd of sci-fi kids who also really don't care about Mars, and just read a few reddit posts and probably saw Martian once. So when this Mars entertainment consumer sees Musk say something about Mars, in their tiny brain neuron activation happens, pattern gets recognized and they are like - COOOL, MUSK IS JUST LIKE ME! I'll GIVE MY LIFE FOR YOU KING ELON! HAIL MARS!

I remember when Perseverence rover landed and it was like a super-spectacular and important event for everyone who loves Mars, Musk hasn't tweeted about it for 2 days and probably when peopl bothered him with it, he twitted once. Recently Ingenuity hellicopter died on Mars. Has he twitted about it? Nope. In fact you can go to Musk's twitter and scroll his posting history for all 2024 and try to find him mention Mars once. It can clearly indicate to you how much he cares about old dusty cold crusty red nasty.

And since Asteroids don't have a large fanbase, that he can appropriate by the shallow virtue signalling, he is not even going to bother with asteroids. Maybe in 2029 a few days after Apophis will pass and everyone will already say everything, Musk will tweet CGI of his starship saying some dumb thing like "My starship could deliver a nuke to asteroid and save the day!" and attach some boomer tier Armageddon movie screencap or edit of this movie's poster with his face photoshoped in by AI. Thats all you can hope for.

>> No.16142885
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>> No.16142887
File: 1.82 MB, 268x174, it is green.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just that its spectrum peaks in the yellow.
nuh uh

>> No.16142888
File: 78 KB, 886x402, Screenshot 2024-04-23 193730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16142889

its true

>> No.16142890

Any cool memes today?

>> No.16142892


>> No.16142893

>gravity being too high
Why would this matter?

>> No.16142895

pretty sure if we go by visible light and use kelvin color temperature F types start leaning towards light blue or a cool white.

>> No.16142897
File: 42 KB, 1170x471, closure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Booster rollout to Massey's though so still two more weeks.

>> No.16142898

escape velocity
planet is just a fancy word for a gravity prison
that's why mini neptunes dont work
surface gravity on neptune id earthlike bit escape velo is 2x

>> No.16142899

what does F stand for thoe?

>> No.16142902

door plugs from the spacex rocket, just as bad as boeing

>> No.16142903

Hop? HOP?????

>> No.16142906

And? It just means that any advanced life would be delayed in getting off.

>> No.16142907
File: 309 KB, 771x811, sniffer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16142908

Not hop, though they DO have a new flame trench they installed

>> No.16142914
File: 114 KB, 820x1024, GL3_thbXwAAJdPo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16142917

the monke jealos

>> No.16142918

buy an ad

>> No.16142919

flatearther on the left

>> No.16142920

pretty good

>> No.16142924 [DELETED] 

all me by the way

>> No.16142927

all me

>> No.16142936
File: 2 KB, 300x234, apollo 8 fuel dump cadiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As the spacecraft began its climb outward from Earth, several amateur astronomers in the UK photographed a fuel dump from the expended S-IVB stage shortly after 18:00 UT on December 21, 1968. This event was seen, without prior notification, by F. Kent, Alan Heath, and M.J. Oates, who reports catching the cloud visually while getting off a bus.
> The May 1969 article in Sky and Telescope notes that the S-IVB vented fuel (liquid hydrogen) and oxidizer (liquid oxygen) separately in perpendicular directions, which appears in the two distinct clouds here

Will the HLS give us fuel dump kino?

>> No.16142937


>> No.16142940
File: 1.50 MB, 1316x939, Screenshot from 2024-04-23 20-15-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atlas rocket added to the US Air Force Museum missile collection. In Dayton, Ohio.

>> No.16142941
File: 125 KB, 575x485, s300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its hard to do 300 launch let along 300 landing

>> No.16142943


>> No.16142944

How many times did Delta IV launched?

>> No.16142946

All me by the way

>> No.16142949

shut the fuck up

>> No.16142951

dildos to no where for astro-NOTS to ride on!

>> No.16142954

Then stop samefagging

>> No.16142958

this comment goes hard

>> No.16142959
File: 48 KB, 632x672, Screenshot 2024-04-23 202346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16142960


>> No.16142962
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>> No.16142972
File: 77 KB, 802x762, Heliosphere cold cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Terrestrial Impact from the Passage of the Solar System through a Cold Cloud a Few Million Years Ago
>It is expected that as the Sun travels through the interstellar medium (ISM), there will be different filtration of Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) that affect Earth. The effect of GCR on Earth's atmosphere and climate is still uncertain. Although the interaction with molecular clouds was previously considered, the terrestrial impact of compact cold clouds was neglected. There is overwhelming geological evidence from 60Fe and 244Pu isotopes that Earth was in direct contact with the ISM 2 million years ago, and the local ISM is home to several nearby cold clouds. Here we show, with a state-of the art simulation that incorporate all the current knowledge about the heliosphere that if the solar system passed through a cloud such as Local Leo Cold Cloud, then the heliosphere which protects the solar system from interstellar particles, must have shrunk to a scale smaller than the Earth's orbit around the Sun (0.22). Using a magnetohydrodynamic simulation that includes charge exchange between neutral atoms and ions, we show that during the heliosphere shrinkage, Earth was exposed to a neutral hydrogen density of up to 3000cm-3. This could have had drastic effects on Earth's climate and potentially on human evolution at that time, as suggested by existing data.

>> No.16142976

ok Zemu hands confirm man. sbarky is a man too. i can confirm based on hand analysis that the orange/blue heart xeeter (who has seemingly deleted both xeeter accounts) is in fact a girl.
bad news for clear fags, but to date she has never been caught with her hands on camera

>> No.16142977

i didn't realize the peacekeeper was so chonky compared to the minutemens

>> No.16142980
File: 80 KB, 850x401, ntr isp co2 ch4 etc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16142981

we all know you edited the html samefaggot. youre also the guy who posted >>16142972

>> No.16142982
File: 53 KB, 646x624, 010374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16142983

Why doesnt starship use argon?

>> No.16142985

Yes correct. Now what?

>> No.16142986

keep up the good work tireless transvestigator

>> No.16142988
File: 67 KB, 1200x700, 399a279eace3f5433e132ba3eb2a4a56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there's a bit of a size difference there

>> No.16142989
File: 200 KB, 1162x845, Robert McCall Gemini IV m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those figures are for a nuclear rocket

>> No.16142990

she nuked her pixiv too :(
this is a major loss for rocketgirl enthusiasts

>> No.16142991

why did she (he) do it?

>> No.16142995
File: 204 KB, 1080x2132, 1713919475270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extreme autism, self esteem issues, etc. she was a 18yo japanese girl with a pet rabbit and terminally online, tweeting all day. extremely prolific rocketgirl artist, and one of the good ones

>> No.16142997
File: 93 KB, 1280x960, heic0206b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300 million light years is a large figure, but its crazy to think that if you just travel at light speed for the span of time in which animals on the surface of earth have existed, you can actually go there. its a short distance on cosmic timescales.

>> No.16142998

Probably just trooned out and 41%ed

>> No.16142999

Damn, what pics did she make?

>> No.16143000

it's a mistake to project all of our contemporary culture's maladies onto others. there's a bigger world out there.

>> No.16143001
File: 2.70 MB, 2199x1700, 112319955_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These ones

>> No.16143002

Wait a sec, I may need that hypothesis after all...
t. Laplace

>> No.16143003

oh damn those were really good, that's a shame

>> No.16143021

Is there an archive?

>> No.16143028

only occasional stuff i saved. completely disorganized

>> No.16143030

29 medium
16 heavy

>> No.16143042


>> No.16143045
File: 330 KB, 1518x2011, BONGCHANrev2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forget this gem of /sfg/ OC

>> No.16143054

ugly bitch

>> No.16143059

do u like black girls?

>> No.16143062

no. i like rockets. that is not a rocket.

>> No.16143065

can't fuck a rocket

>> No.16143066

clearly not a visionary, ywngts

>> No.16143069

I don't know what to believe because mars pictures are a mix of different white balances, when white would not be balanced on mars to human eyes, so I don't know why the fuck they do it

>> No.16143075

Why? Do you have a black girl rocket poster?

>> No.16143077

he is likely the one that spams those nigger NON ROCKETS

>> No.16143081

ok racist?

>> No.16143082
File: 54 KB, 606x807, 117519664728854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I know one thing they haven't ruined

>> No.16143086

>no. i like rockets. that is not a rocket.
It's Blue Glenn silly!

>> No.16143087

they have ruined spaceflight companies if thats what you were going to say (see astra)

>> No.16143089

viking photos were most accurate

>> No.16143094

Astra was more BLMslop than trannieslop

>> No.16143096
File: 16 KB, 418x254, voyager madrid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still going strong.

>> No.16143111
File: 1 KB, 103x36, Screenshot 2024-04-23 221255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16143125

erm, she prefers to be called LatinX, chud

>> No.16143137
File: 494 KB, 1280x885, All_proposed_routes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not the first one to think that: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qattara_Depression_Project

>> No.16143140

>foresting mars
Terraforming mars is a retarded waste of resources and will never happen. I don't care how many times you read Zubrin's book

>> No.16143145

Do you remember 9/11? If so, YWNGTM

>> No.16143155

False on all accounts.

>> No.16143164

subtly racist

>> No.16143182

I've always wanted to try an eleven-fifthsome

>> No.16143305

No it would be based, and here's why: you can give companies free reign to dump as much garbage and waste into the Martian environment as they can, even pay them creduts to find the most polluting way to manufacture, and so on. It's like a mirror EPA, and will foster hyperproductivity. Terraforming is a happy accident

>> No.16143461

this is one of my favorite /sfg/ deeplore posts
things that are true:
Starship is a spaceplane
Propellant is stored in the balls
frogposters? stupid
the Sun? it's green
Haley's comet hit the moon in the 80s
the name of Terra's only natural satellite is Luna

what else am I forgetting

>> No.16143466

that's because she's 100% black

>> No.16143484

SpaceX has extremely high tranny concentration.