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16137994 No.16137994[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Every time i interact with an extremely attractive girl my charisma short circuits and everything I say sounds like a lobotomized monkey trying to sound interesting. But when I interact with a girl I consider at my looks match or below, all my jokes are perfect and my responses are easily fabricated? It completely automated, like some kind of counter in my brain is screeching, OH SHIT ATTRACTIVE FEMALE DETECTED PANIC MODE ACTIVATED. I fucking hate that shit. What biological benefit to spazzing out like a total fag when the goal of human biology is supposed to attract the highest value woman possible to produce offspring with if my stupid monkey brain freaks out in direct proportion to the attraction I feel to the girl?

>> No.16137997 [DELETED] 

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

>> No.16138001
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It is very simple. Attractive females belong to Chad. When you see an attractive female you get nervloud because Chad might be around to protect his property. And indeed, those who did not respect Chad's property were killed by Chad and so did not get to reproduce.

>> No.16138114

because your discomfort in front of them signals to you that you're in the wrong place. You're an imposter talking to chad and tyrones property

>> No.16138127

Your retard brain freaks out because you believe there's something to lose. Getting panic etc. are your brain's way of "carefully" handling something. You see a female above your looksmatch as highly attractive, thus good mate to reproduce with. But since she is now "valuable", you want to "keep" her by acting "careful"—and panicking out, not knowing what to say, etc. are natural responses to not make her repulsive to you even though this isn't helping.

>> No.16138150


>> No.16138161

>something to lose
social standing as well
in the context of a pre industrial village, it's safe to assume she's socially powerful, either directly of through her chad husband, and could at the drop of a hat call you a creep and machinate situations resulting in your death/banishment

>> No.16138775

You're trying to advertize above your market value. I wouldn't be surprised if this behavior evolved to protect us from poorly matched partnerships: Little point in getting hold of a 9 if you're a 6 because there's a high chance they'll realize they could have a better deal and leave, which is detrimental for both parties. Better to get a roughly equal value trade to increase the chance of it sticking for life.

>> No.16138785

This. You're not afraid of women, you're afraid of men who are more attractive than you. If you were the most attractive man around women in a given space for a substantial period of time (like on a deserted island) your fear would go away

>> No.16138842

it's natural to be intimidated by a woman's beauty if you find her beautiful. why not just tell her you're nervous because she's pretty?

>> No.16138884

that actually makes allot of sens

>> No.16138910

just act like they just had bad shits a few minutes ago and you know it, they become humans very quickly

from there is no different from regular females, treat them like children, pretend to be interested, etc

>> No.16138912

UHM excuse me that is very problematic?? Women are not property??? Sweaty this alpha / beta pseudopsychology is harmful.

>> No.16138913

women don't take a dump educate yourself

>> No.16138914

Female anuses are smaller than that of males. Any thoughts as to why?

>> No.16138918

Fuck off to reddit

>> No.16138921
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It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.

>> No.16138923

The only purpose of the anus in women is to provide the male partner with an alternative hole in case the main hole is blocked (disease/menstruation, etc.).
Also, they are small because a smaller anus provides more pleasure.

>> No.16138924

You instinctively understand that if you "punch above your weight" and hook up with an insanely attractive woman that you will be inviting competition from a much higher calibre of male than if you have a looksmatched partner.
Obviously this is complicated by social status too but that's the gist of it. You get nervous around elite females because elite males chase them and you are not elite.

>> No.16138926

Any proof that you are not the one who is fooled but I am the one?

>> No.16138933

In the context of a pre industrial village you would know perfectly well who she was, and her family, and everything else. This guessing game of tells is limited to the modern time of schizophrenic individualism.

>> No.16139573

>Every time i interact with an extremely attractive girl my charisma short circuits and everything I say sounds like a lobotomized monkey trying to sound interesting.
It's called trauma. Work on it now, and don't wait until your 40s like I did.

>> No.16140143

He isn't the one seething with rage right now.

>> No.16140151

It protects you against cockrot, so everyone isn't fucking the town bicycle and brewing a strain of superherpagonasyphalese so powerful that all cocks in a 10 mile radius fall off in its presence.

>> No.16140177

it's appended 'syphilaids' you mongoloid

>> No.16140404

Kinda funny if true
>Chad could be around here...
Just lol

>> No.16140412

>Chad could be here, he thought. With an ugly wife I can go anywhere.

>> No.16140430

Would you believe me there's nutritional supplement to treat this?

>> No.16140431

damn this actually makes sense...??

>> No.16140460

bruh cracked the code

>> No.16140478


>> No.16140503

Gaba and phenylalanine.

>> No.16140507

Research has indicated that oral supplementation of GABA does not yield any favorable outcomes in terms of stress reduction and enhancement of sleep quality in human subjects.[

> phenylalanine
literally just drink milk lmao this is nothing no studies kys

>> No.16140508

I developed worsening anxiety and a higher AQ while trying to self medicate my OCD and autism with phenibut

>> No.16140514

I'm not talking about stress education, but different outcome of your ability to speak to woman.

Stress is same, but what you do is different.

>> No.16140518

So you won't have less stress, but be more able to grab her by the pussy,

>> No.16140526

Most recent meta analysis is speaking of more research needed, and suggest there is evidence that supports my claim, but it is limited.

>> No.16140529

This is like asking what the evolutionary benefit is to losing at chess or boxing. You lose because you're a loser. Don't try to make this evolution's fault.

>> No.16140533

You should stop seeing social interactions as wins or loses.

>> No.16140535

t. loser

>> No.16140593

>your brain on 4tard incel brainrot

>> No.16140616

Nobody can refute this.

>> No.16140711

Nice "just so" post hoc explanation. Evo psyche is a meme.

>> No.16141245
File: 90 KB, 1024x749, no verification pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice "just so" post hoc explanation. Evo psyche is a meme.
it makes perfect sense, you're just mad that your psyche isn't entirely up to you after being told you were basically god by anime

>> No.16141298


>> No.16141406

I am mad because it does actually make a lot of sense. But also i hate evo psyche in general. Even though a lot of it is probably spot on. Its bad science hygiene and peoples get lazy with it and start just straight up bullshitting with sort of plausible sounding theories without any real evidence. Fuck chad and his harem

>> No.16141525

Your monkey brain gets scared of high value women because you'd need to compete with high value men when wooing her. You know you can't compete with them and it's probably dangerous to so your brain says 'nope'

>> No.16141557

You don't fear attractive females, you fear rejection, and you didn't evolve to have this fear, you were raised in a society that isn't compatible with your biology, which means it manufactures trauma very efficiently.

There's seriously nothing to fear. I'm like a 7/10 and I've never feared any girl no matter how she looked. I don't even fucking care about bitches, they bore me to tears. People would say I'm a "high functioning autistic" and this is precisely the problem with this faggot delusional society of ours that has no real respect for biological nature or anyone who isn't a delusional fuckwad sheep like everybody else. She's a hairless ape, making a retarded duck face, she has like 3 brain cells in total to rub together, there's seriously nothing to fucking fear about the moronic skank. Nothing to fear and nothing interesting about her to discover, either. Her pussy is like the billions of others on the planet.

>> No.16141588

The actual answer is because your anxiety is a learned response. There’s no “evolutionary advantage” to getting nervous at a job interview, yet most people are.

>> No.16141635
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Give this anon the nobel prize for physics. His work on bitch dynamics is seminal in this new and exciting field.

>> No.16141670

Okay, but when you lose a chance to get untreatable syphilis from the adorable town whore, did you really lose?

>> No.16141917
File: 148 KB, 958x720, wholesome2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good post in the bread

>> No.16142056
File: 499 KB, 769x960, 1689247751664345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How right you are. The only thing you have to fear about women is how potentially vapid and boring they'll be.

>> No.16142060


>> No.16142074


>> No.16142111

Imagine enjoying listening to a woman talk. You're a pussy lol.

>> No.16142118


>> No.16142126

>pic not related
Gross anon. She looks like she drools uncontrollably

>> No.16142170
File: 130 KB, 274x385, 3e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman reading a man's words

>> No.16142179

Actually this.
Pseud expediency.

>> No.16142206 [DELETED] 

Whipped by 'you're shit'.

Look if I so much as do you'll be in the worst possible position.

You also committed 'crimes' against other people and things.

I'm not your only enemy.

Some people find you repulsive out of your own species because you are shit.

You're not good at all, you're exploiting a break in the simulation.

One thing for sure is I will get revenge one day for a surplus of a dozen times more than what you did here which is 15 years so far.

You are so shit, I laugh after all your insulting and abuse (which you'll pay for).

You are literally nothing. I don't get you. You are considered one of the worst people in existence. Nothing thinks you're good.

>> No.16142622

Are we twins? Also if you are aspie then your sincere lack of fucks makes you that much more attractive to women. I can’t tell you how many times I literally didn’t care about a girl and lived my life, only for her narcissism to translate that into “he’s playing hard to get so I must get drunk and sleep with him at a party”. Autism may have fucked me over a lot in my life for not getting the social games, especially in the office. But it actually helped me get laid a lot in my life so it all balances out. As it turns out women really are all the same, regardless of how attractive they are. Once you see how deeply insecure and attention seeking they are the intimidation factor is gone and you remember she’s just a child.

>> No.16142784

Your nervous system punishes you if you fail to to reproduce with with attractive females. Your DNA will die if you dont make more copies of it.

>> No.16143375

This is important. Human evolution happened in tribes where everyone knew each other so your reputation followed you around and there was no anomnity.

>> No.16144169

Testing my bumperino

>> No.16144178


>> No.16144415

I'm hilarious with all girls, especially hot girls, but when I learn they want something from me I short circuit and panic. I'm just too scared. Then they get the ick and I must change cities.