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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 8 KB, 300x300, Reward_of_the_Atheist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1612844 No.1612844 [Reply] [Original]

So this is supposed to be a Math board as well?

The use of mathematics demands morality. Disclaim God and His moral law and there is no obligation to affirm that two plus two equal four, and that "A" cannot be "A" and "non-A" at the same time, in the same way. "Must" I affirm mathematical or logical truth? If so, I must provide objective unchanging moral grounds for the obligation, and that requires an unchanging God. For two plus three not to be four, anywhere at any time, requires a universal truth: which presupposes an all-knowing God (who supplies the moral law). God's law commands all men to tell the truth and forbids lying. This is the reason we "ought" to affirm two plus three equal five.

tl;dr deny God and you commit logical suicide

>> No.1612856

Thanks for sharing

>> No.1612859

Yeah I read about that in the Gospel of Babbage .333...:1 "And lo, if you reject the lord by not carrying the 1, he shall sentence you to a lake of PHI vs PI, and forever you shall calculate the unholy number."

>> No.1612865


I have two pieces of evidence supporting this claim.
1.) I exist. (shut the fuck up solipsists)
2.) The sun exists.

That's twice as much evidence as the people who believe the universe was create by God.

>> No.1612868

I'm not an atheist or a religious person but if I ever heard someone talking about God in a serious place, I'd tell the to use their common fucking sense.

I love being Finnish. Not too many religious people around.

>> No.1612892
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>not atheist or religious

refer to this chart finnbro

>> No.1612894

gg tubes

>> No.1612899

Agnosticism means not committing one way or another. Look it up if you need to. Silly jpgs don't change them meanings of words.

>> No.1612911
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>Agnosticism means not committing one way or another

No it does not.

>> No.1612922

If you don't commit to a God (because you don't commit either way), you lack a belief in a God and are thus an atheist.

What's so hard to understand here?

>> No.1612927


Ugh. I'm so sick of you fucking high school tards. Parroting the so called definition of a word doesn't make you intelligent and regardless of how smart or stupid you might be it makes you look like a fucking idiot. If I don't think it's possible to know why would I then turn around and make a claim with respect to existence? I don't know and can't know so I don't want to pretend like I can. That's why I don't call myself an agnostic atheist or an agnostic theist, I simply call myself an agnostic. I don't know and I don't think I ever will.

tl;dr (for you) Yes I am an agnostic so fuck you.

>> No.1612935

>What's so hard to understand here?
The definition of atheism, apparently.

Atheism is the belief or doctrine that God or gods do not exist.

Merely not having a definite belief is nothing like atheism.

Atheism is literally no-god-ism

>> No.1612939


Do you hold this belief, faggot?

Whether you think this can be known is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT. You also probably don'
t even know the difference between "knows" and "believes"

>> No.1612941

It's because just calling yourself an agnostic is INCOMPLETE you fucking fence sitting faggot. You either believe in god or not. Terms like atheist and theist are ontological, in that they involve the existence or non existence of god. Terms like gnostic or agnostic are epistemological meaning they have to do with HOW you come by your belief/disbelief. That's why using the correct definition of a word is important you illiterate asshole.

>> No.1612947

This is not a necessary (but a sufficient) condition for atheism. Don't bother posting a definition which doesn't take the necessary-sufficient distinction into account.

>> No.1612960


A belief: A proposition held to be true by a person.
A justified belief: A proposition held to be true by a person epistemically justified in holding it to be true.
Knowledge: All that plus the proposition is true plus some fucking Gettier condition.

>> No.1613150


>> No.1613183
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This reminds me of one of my favourite qoute`s.

"Geometry, coeternal with God and shining in the divine Mind, gave God the pattern... by which he laid out the world so that it might be best and most beautiful and finally most like the Creator. " - Johannes Kepler

As they say... Great minds think alike ;)

>> No.1613551


Wrong. I don't know or believe that there is a god and I don't know or believe that there isn't. I'm an agnostic. Get over it.

>> No.1613626


I believe in a god = Theist
I DON'T BELIEVE in a god = Athiest

I am an athiest, I dont believe in a god, if there was evidence that there was a god, I would chizel it into my cock and go, wow there is a god, there is a hypotheticle possibility that there is a god, although I think it would be different to the definition we think of as god as the definition we think of is incredibly paradoxial, illogical, and just plain stupid. i.e. you could say the universe is god as it is everywhere, and it knows everything there is to know (it contains all of the knowledge of the universe inside it, all knowing) it can do anything that can possibly be done (all powerful, to a degree) etc, within those constraints I would accept that and say the universe is god...

but if you don't believe in god then you are atheist

>> No.1613652


atheist = I dont believe in god

atheist =/= I believe there is no god

theist = belief in a god

a-theist = without - belief in a god

>> No.1613673

>I believe there is a god
>I don't believe there is a god
make up your mind.

>> No.1613698


Wrong. Get over it.


No. There's no evidence and so either choice is meaningless. I prefer my own stance since belief or disbelief in god has absolutely no impact on my reality based life whatsoever.

>> No.1613710

Let's get back on track.

The basic tenet of OP's post is that there are moral truths that are unchanging AND that mathematics relies on these moral truths in order to work correctly.

First, let's tackle the mathematics. To say 2+2=5 does not hing on morality, it hinges on correctness, two very different things. Morality deals with, ultimately, human emotion and reaction whereas correctness deals only in the absolutes of 'correct' and 'incorrect'. If you tell someone 2+2=5, in our current number system, you are both incorrect and morally wrong, if you believe in morality. Again, correctness does not imply anything about morality, nor morality imply anything about correctness. You may affirm anything you want about 2+2, but the correctness of it remains unchanging at any point, but the morality may change based upon circumstance.

Second, on universal morality. I have heard it brought up before. I do not believe that any universal morality, if it exists, implies the existence of god. One 'universal moral truth' brought up is the molestation of children being considered morally abhorrent. This COULD have arisen through biological means. Children are not sexually mature, so there is no biological need for them to engage in sexual activity. The 'wrongness' is an evolutionary adaptation that encourages waiting until children are sexually mature.
What about rape, you say? Rape, in history, has been fairly violent. Violence poses risk to the female in the process, leading to possible risk to any potential child and mother alike. The evolutionary development to keep the mother safe in order to reduce risk to potential offspring is a FEASIBLE explanation for why rape is considered 'universally morally wrong'.

I dislike when theists tout that atheists believe everything is ok unless you get caught, that morality's only purpose is to prevent being punished. Of course that has some truth to it, but it is not the entire truth.

>> No.1613774

no comments?

>> No.1613811


Theists are generally wrong with most questions pertaining to morality.

OP's a fucking tard, as usual. What the fuck does math have to do with morality... The fact that 2+2=4 is provable. Proving rape is wrong, although probably easy, isn't exactly the same thing.

Lastly, there'll be universal morality around the same time every situation on the planet starts being the same. This will happen in approximately infinity years.

>> No.1613815

At least the trolls are stepping it up on /sci/
The word "God" should be filtered, still.

>> No.1613829

Morality is 100% subjective.

>> No.1613831

I plan on being around for infinity years, just so I can shove whatever the year infinity equivalent of feces is all over OP's infinity year equivalent of face.

>> No.1613839


Filtering the word "god" (fuck capitalizing, fuck you all) would solve 90% of /sci/'s problems. Filtering the words "school," "homework," "geuss," "magnets," and "tier" would solve the other 10%.

>> No.1613856


but how could i find out
how magnets actually work

>> No.1613864

I agree I hate it when someone says that if there was no god everyone would run around raping and killing etc....

there is no higher power enforcing morals unless you define the collective society as a higher power, you don't want to follow those morals, society will punish you.

an added note on that which kind of leaves op's op,
I think society is too complex and too big now for people to see how far their actions effect people in society, which is why it is so easy to harm society, kind of like game theory mixed with bystander effect, should spend gst money, I get a free trip round the world but nobody will even notice, its like taking doller from everyone...

>> No.1613892
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Winston-darling, shut the fuck up, 2+2= 5.

>> No.1613924
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>I agree I hate it when someone says that if there was no god everyone would run around raping and killing etc....

Look at every time the land was ruled by an atheist majority.

>> No.1613932

You mean like the murderous hellhole known as the Czech Republic?

>> No.1613943

Those aren't really atheist nations though - they've simply replaced "god" with "the state" in the equation.

>> No.1613950


Yes and ignore all the times theist majority countries and groups have gone to war..... hmmmmmm you don't seem to have a point.

>> No.1613952
File: 41 KB, 604x483, 1266733535448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do straw men too.

>> No.1613975


dude, you may as well say that those countries went to war because they had a flag, or because they like the color (insert any color here) etc atheism had nothing to do with any of those,

(NB catholic church says it is protecting the world from all the money it has instead of stoping world poverty)

>> No.1613990


HAHAHAHAHA There's never been any such thing as an atheist majority until the present and even then very few countries are actually MAJORITY atheist. Go back to Japan, fucking weaboo faggot, since that's obviously where you're from.

>> No.1613999


Be billionaires, starve the world unless they convert, prohibit condoms in the face of aids, GOD WILLS IT.

>> No.1614007

>Those aren't really atheist nations though - they've simply replaced "god" with "the state" in the equation.

And how is any other atheist nation going to be different? The soviet unions stated goal was the elimination of all religion and blaming religion for all the world previous problems.


The deaths caused by the atheist Stalin and Mao far surpass that of Hitler and the combine deaths of all people that died in religious wars in all of human history in under a century.

>> No.1614036


>Implying Stalin wasn't portrayed and seen as a god. Ever hear of the term "little father?" L2 history, faggots.

>> No.1614046

>There's never been any such thing as an atheist majority until the present and even then very few countries are actually MAJORITY atheist.

Learn some history faggot. During the peak of the USSR, they successfully force 1/3 of the world into atheism. After the iron curtain fell, there was a massive uprising in people convert to Christianity. Atheist isn't some modern discovery based on science and the mass majority of the world most intelligent people&scientist throughout history have been theist. The vast majority of people that are theist aren't retarded fundamentalist that you see on TV.

>> No.1614058

It is a paradox. Religion is a wonderful tool for controlling the lesser intelligent in a society. Just tell people there's a magical place they'll go if they do anything bad. It doesn't filter all of them, but it does a good job. The people who are smart enough to know it's complete bullshit are probably of a higher intelligence and aren't going to be criminals anyway (generally speaking).

The solution has been known for a while - allow freedom of religion while distancing it from political power; that way you get most of its benefits and fewer of its problems - it's not rocketsurgery.

>And how is any other atheist nation going to be different? The soviet unions stated goal was the elimination of all religion and blaming religion for all the world previous problems.

Exactly, And to solve the problems of religious dogma hurting society, the Soviets became a dogmatic religion that hurt society. This is why it's laughable when atheist claim that if we got rid of religion we'd all be better - complete bullshit. It's something society has to work on over a long period of time by training its citizens to be skeptical of absolute authority. Otherwise collectivism becomes the new pillar of faith for the uneducated of society.

>> No.1614073

>The deaths caused by the atheist Stalin and Mao far surpass that of Hitler and the combine deaths of all people that died in religious wars in all of human history in under a century.

Come on now, enough of the strawmen, They didnt do what they did because they were atheist, they did it because they wanted POWER, they couldnt stand the thought that there was some kind of rival power (religion) that held sway over their peoples hearts and minds. they wanted TOTAL power. so they removed the competition.

I believe that atheists are MORE moral then many religious people. We do whats right because we WANT to, not because we want some magic afterlife reward, or because we fear hellfire if we dont.

>> No.1614081

>blaming the failures of pseudo-communist dictatorships on "atheism"

oh /sci/ when did you become /new/?

>> No.1614088

... what?

>> No.1614121
File: 44 KB, 1225x968, 1281479715402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And yet all I see are Atheist bitching about moral rules and theist spreading morality. Have you ever heard of an atheist traveling around the world to tell villagers in the 3rd to stop killing, cannibalism, etc, to get them to conform to a moral set of rules?

>> No.1614140

Have you ever heard Atheist's running around telling people to rape and murder in the name of their god? Oh wait!

>> No.1614163


fuckin spot on

>> No.1614171


But see, that's the problem whenever a state holds a metaphysical position, and punishes those who don't hold it. "There is no God but Allah and Mohamed is his Prophet". "Religion was the opiate of the masses! God is now the State, the State is now God". "One should be a Catholic first, no other duties or loyalties have priority!". All of that is destructive. The state should not act on matters of cosmology, theology, etc., because it can't be proven either way. Maybe there is a God, maybe there isn't. Maybe one of the dozens of religions in practice today is right, or maybe one of the extinct ones was, or none of them. We can't know for sure, so just try not to be an asshole to others-not out of fear of divine punishment, but because it makes life easier for everyone else, and indirectly benefits you-and work to making this world as pleasant, happy, and stable a place as possible. The end.fr

>> No.1614179

Yes, Stalin.

>> No.1614187

You sir are a moron. I think about twelve people have already explained this and I'm not going to do it again. I'm just going to close my eyes and imagine you on fire.

>> No.1614196

Well, seeing as the missionaries have been completely ineffective at that I'm not sure what you're trying to get at.

>> No.1614204

>mfw atheists don't believe in god because god has already destined them to go to hell for being shitty products of His creation

>> No.1614211


>implying those third world villagers don't already have morals and rules

You really are retarded, troll or not. What, you think any society where people have no rules could exist for more than one generation? Every culture, every mud-and-stick house dwelling tribe of savages and bushmen have a moral code, some mechanism of social justice.

And no one practices cannibalism regularly, dear, outside of a few scattered tribes in Papua New Guinea, and then they're not hunting down neighboring tribes or randomly killing neighbors whenever they get hungry, but do so to their deceased in a very somber religious ritual with obvious symbolic parallels to the Christian Eucharist. Outside of such funerary practices, and survival cannibalism (Donner Party and lost at sea stuff), cannibalism was never an accepted practice with any people in the historical record. It was used as a libel against people-Jews were accused of kidnapping Christian children and using their blood to make matzo in the middle ages, and the New World Indians were accused of being cannibals by the Europeans so they'd have an excuse to genocide them-but one of the few universal rules in human society is "don't eat people!"

>> No.1614216

>>1612844 The use of mathematics demands morality.

Stopped reading at herpa-derp. Logos =/= Pathos.

>> No.1614223
File: 106 KB, 327x373, owl srsly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>post "mfw" but doesn't post a reaction image

>a loving and merciful God predestines people to an eternity of torment, when it's completely within in his power to save everyone

Okay, I'm religious and even I feel the need to call you on that bullshit.

>> No.1614326

Yes I have seen the kind of "morality" their spreading, for example in Uganda, where with the backing of right wing christian theists, have made being gay get you the death penalty. And all across africa where they preach that condoms are evil, and thus, kill MILLIONS over the decades by not letting them use the best thing that prevents aids.

Plus your image is wrong. you dense mother fucker, YOUR the ones who have to do all this stuff based on your magic sky friend, who the fuck is telling us what to do? The law? the.. SECULAR law?

Your fucking delusion if you think thats the only reason athiests have to not commit crimes.

>> No.1614704 [DELETED] 


>> No.1614725
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>> No.1614741
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And for sake of completeness.

>> No.1614827

That reward for atheism looks pretty fucking sweet. A room with a chair and a light. Kick Ass. Much better than the flee filled mud huts billions of people live in while they are alive.