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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1613229 No.1613229 [Reply] [Original]

Why do less women enroll in engineering and science? Feminists argue that somehow the world keeps them out, but women are just emotional faggots that tend to lean towards humanities classes.

>> No.1613237

Yes agreed, all women are faggots basically

>> No.1613244

They like the dick, ∴ faggots.

>> No.1613257

Because many of them belive they'll actually meet such antisocial behaviour which is actually mostly lacking in higher intellect circles, ergo they don't enroll and just bitch about it.

They're insecure, like many people are before they go into universities.

Mind you, universities generally suck at minding such feelings. They're so professional they forget they're human.

>> No.1613269

I really hate the ol' misogynist lines, but good god if I wasn't surprised at how many females in my chem class broke down crying over grades/homework/tests.

However, I don't agree that it's biological. I think I would cry a lot more if society didn't oppress my emotions as a heterosexual cowboy lumberjack viking.

"brotion conflict" wat

>> No.1613282

go cry, faggot. emotions obscure reason.

>> No.1613285
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Why do less men enroll in fashion and beauty? Masculanist argue that somehow the world keeps them out, but men are just emotional faggots that tend to lean towards humanities classes.

>> No.1613288
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Why are so many top fashion designers male?

>> No.1613292

fuck off, you fat female 4channer

>> No.1613294

> pic-1-dont-feed-it.jpg


>> No.1613309

The minority of fashion designers are male.

I'm not fat, fuck off with your stereotypes.

>> No.1613314
File: 80 KB, 560x301, RINGONIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the Mens Studies courses at?

Think about it.

>> No.1613334

If women aren't too stupid for those fields of study, then they're too weak willed to rebel against cultural expectations in meaningful numbers. In either case, I don't want them designing airplanes that I fly in.

>> No.1613336


>> No.1613339
File: 10 KB, 400x400, 1280222096147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fatty mcfat fat... u so fat, i can feel your fat from through the internet

>> No.1613351


>> No.1613358

fat as fatass

>> No.1613363

Dean popped in one day and told us that the female to male ratio of chemistry majors in this university is something like 3:1.

And we have a lot of female Biology majors, too.

You guys need to come here, we're boss.

our mascot has a phallus nose though

>> No.1613366
File: 15 KB, 450x256, pic-8-taiga-literally-feeds-her-anger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop saying that please. I'm actually very skinny, even though I eat whatever I want and basically never exercise.

>> No.1613387
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Bitch please... who do think you're fooling?

>> No.1613391



>TOP fashion designers.

>> No.1613407
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Nobody cares. You must have tons of defects if you are in 4chan, that's the fucking point.

Also OP is right.

And you're fat.. fat fat fat. OOOOOOOOOOHH god you're so fat.. fat fat fat..!!

>> No.1613492

There's still a lot of sexism in the world. Not overt, never intentional, but a friend of mine who teaches high school math through AP Calculus testifies to it. Boys are pushed to be breadwinners, success is highly held and hard to obtain, discipline isn't a virtue, but requisite. Engineering, science, medical school, business, and law (in addition to morally virtuous, physically dangerous professions like police / fire) are presented to male children as a minimum bounds for success, that average is below average, and that below average is failure. Girls exceed their parents expectations, on the other hand, just by making it into AP Calc. Boys are punished for not meeting the grades their parents expect. Girls parents call in and defend their child's work on her behalf, asking for reconsideration.

Believe it or not, such low expectations are akin to telling young girls they're stupid. Or at the very least that math and science 'isn't for them'. They're under constant negative reinforcement throughout their childhood, of course their enrollment will be lower. Until attitudes in the home change, this will continue.

>> No.1613513

>implying the skills, tendencies, preferences, roles, etc. of women aren't social constructs of an implicit patriarchy

Controlling for these things, studies show the average women isn't conclusively different from the average man in intelligence. (Granted, most 'revolutionary' thinkers have been male.)

>> No.1613692
File: 33 KB, 243x312, 1275311386095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hah! women

>> No.1613702

The scientific community, particularly in the realm of mathematics and physics, is still a very, very sexist society. Talk to any tenured physics professor and you'll get a pretty stern old man "I DONT HATE WOMEN BUT" argument

>> No.1613721

You did a study to see if women had similar IQs to men?

>> No.1613743

tell that to asians
lol @ your useless white wimminz

>> No.1613748

Intelligence in general. But those same studies show women consistently outperform men at verbal, linguistic, and related tasks, whereas men consistently outperform women at spacial reasoning and related tasks. Turns out that spacial reasoning tends to come up more in STEM fields.

>> No.1613812

Those aren't fucking biological though, you can't really provide accurate controls for a study on such a subject. It's playing with legos or not, sponging up that information when you're ripe for sponging information. If instead you're given celebrity gossip magazines and things like that, well, you're going to sponge up different "vital" information.

>> No.1613816
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>> No.1613858

>Those aren't fucking biological though
[citation needed]
No really, when the difference appears no matter what you control for and across cultures, the assumption is that it's biological in the absence of evidence to the contrary

>> No.1613898

I was wary of doing a Computer Science major because every computer related class I've taken has been full of creepy guys who constantly ask me out no matter how many times I say no and who follow me to my car and ask me where my house is. This has been the same case in uni so far too.

But then in Physics, everybody is so intelligent and not creepy. I'm very close to switching majors.

>> No.1613914

I have a mild objection to the OP.
>in engineering and science.
I'll give you engineering and the majority of sciences, but biology tends to be dominated by females. Isn't the breakdown in biology something like 45/55 male/female?

>> No.1613926

Look at it from an evolutionary standpoint.

Women had to stay at home while the men hunted. Spatial reasoning comes with hunting, while language (gossip, knowing who is who, who to trust, and whatnot) goes with staying at home.

>> No.1613928

Cute aminals, squee!

>> No.1614033


Yeah, because all biology is zoology.

retards on /sci/ squee

>> No.1614043

Hi! Whats your MSN / AIM / Skype? Tits? Facebook? Myspace?

>> No.1614052

Indeed, that would be a good explanation of why women, in general, demonstrate innately lesser intelligence in math... I don't think of people who propose this explanation as sexist or misogynist or whatever, it's just that this assumed 'fact' is actually not demonstrated by real studies.


(maleanon here, fyi)

>> No.1614056


ITT: Dudes or girls that look like dudes pretend to be girls.

>> No.1614069

stop that

>> No.1614082

Engineer here. I've frequently with girls. They are not bad at answering test questions but they spend all their time bickering and gossiping instead of getting shit done when they are on a project. Engineering tends to be very solitary work; a nurse for example has much more opportunity to interact with other humans.

It looks to me like women are too social of creatures to find work which deals 100% with tech and 0% with people enjoyable.

>> No.1614113

Will you be my wife?

>> No.1614133

Of course.

>> No.1614150

I'm gIad you have seen the light. CS is fucking creepy.

>> No.1614160


Having zero contact with humans sounds like heaven to this female introvert.

>> No.1614176

Then as my fiancée you shouldn't mind giving me your MSN / AIM / Skype? Tits? Facebook? Myspace?

>> No.1614213

I did EE at a university where engineering was the most difficult group of majors to get in to; if you were a guy you needed a 3.5-3.6 or better to get in to the college of engineering. for females though it was an open major, as far as I know every single female that applied to EE got a spot. same thing with CS and CE, the only ones that would reject women that I know of were civil and chemical engineering.

even with all of that, my EE graduating class was 80% male and 20% female. and among the females that graduated there was only a small handful that were any good, most of them were just garbage that were only there to make the statistics look slightly better.