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16132665 No.16132665 [Reply] [Original]

Hypothetically speaking, if I was fucking stupid and wanted to raise my raw IQ in early adulthood, what would be THE most cognitively stimulating activities I could possibly do habitually in order to best achieve this goal?

Please tell me about any activities or drugs have been scientifically proven to raise performance on IQ tests over time.

>> No.16132667
File: 431 KB, 1309x1301, vegan diet causes low IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating a healthy diet with plenty of meat and eggs in it, reading The Bible and lots and lots of physical activity

>> No.16132668

>Healthy diet
I already eat lots of meat. Maybe I should try avoiding carbs?

>lots of physical activity
What kind of physical activity? Cardio?

>> No.16132688


>> No.16132692

this but unironically

>> No.16132808

> LOOK! I inserted LE BIBLE in the middle of the actual self-help things. BECAUSE LE BIBLE HELPS GET IT? Don't ask how it just does ok???

>> No.16132819 [DELETED] 

Back to r*ddit retard.

>> No.16132881 [DELETED] 
File: 712 KB, 170x224, cute_pixels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And loli juice, don't forget the loli juice.

>> No.16132882

memorize IQ test questions.

>> No.16133000 [DELETED] 

agreed. And don't forget lots of sex with large aftrican men too

>> No.16133004

playing an instrument can help with your memory and just training concentration. That can help in other areas. IQ iesn't that important on it's own anyway. If you're not motivated or not interested in anything then IQ isn't going to do much to help you

>> No.16133010

You can't raise IQ by any significant amount. What you listed only helps preserve whatever IQ he has, which is also important but not what he was asking for, which is basically impossible.
Memorizing the Bible used to be considered a sign of high IQ. Turns out, it somewhat is, not due to theological implications but because it demonstrates a highly superior memorization ability, which is one of the blocks upon which IQ stands. Not everyone with such superior levels of memorization ability is high IQ but almost everyone with high IQ was a well developed memorization ability.

>> No.16133086

>IQ iesn't that important on it's own anyway.
That's what others also said before getting filtered by Calc 1

>> No.16133554

>What you listed only helps preserve whatever IQ he has, which is also important but not what he was asking for, which is basically impossible
Doesn't environment play a significant role in determining IQ during childhood and adolescence? Say I was still 19. Is there any environment I could put myself into or any habits I could adopt that could squeeze out even just a few remaining points of IQ?

>> No.16133559

>You can't raise IQ by any significant amount
>citation needed

>> No.16133748

Yes! That's what I was asking for. Tell me how I can increase my IQ.

>> No.16133898

>Say I was still 19.
This is a stupid question, I can't blame you for asking it since people are stupid. Imagine you said
>Is there any environment I could put myself into or any habits I could adopt that could squeeze out even just a few remaining kilos on bicep curls?
Convert answers from muscles to the brain.

>> No.16133900

and also this

>> No.16133903

There isn't a way. If there was a way it would be huge news and you would be hearing about all the top mathematicians and engineers using it.

>> No.16133916

So if I took a 90 IQ plumber and forced him to study physics intensively for several years, would his IQ start rising?

>> No.16133917

You can't force this stuff, you have to really want it, including lifestyle changes like entertainment. You can't grind meaningless hard things either, it's a progression.

>> No.16133931

plumbers are already more intelligent than people who study physics. academics devote their lives to becoming useless people with no useful skills or abilities, something only an idiot would do.
>b-b-but they get a meager salary in exchange for writing articles for journals that nobody will ever read
plumbers all make way more money than academics do

>> No.16134921 [DELETED] 

Raw fermented wheal brain, obviously but raw fresh is second best.

>> No.16134923 [DELETED] 

Raw fermented whale brain, obviously but raw fresh is second best.

>> No.16134952

>carnivore diet plus fruit, potatoes and honey
>moderate intensity exercise both resistance and cardiovascular
>sleep 8-10 hours a night with the same waking time
>abandon organised religion (this includes atheism) and allow yourself to consider and ponder on every aspect of reality
>abstention from porn, limit masturbation frequency and limit intercourse to only long term partners
>drop alcohol and drugs
>infrequent nicotine (not tobacco) use
>black coffee 2 or more hours after waking, not filtered because this removes certain anti-inflammatory oils
>practice learning languages and musical instruments
>spend time around people whose IQs surpass yours, limit time around those whose yours surpasses (so get off 4chan)
>read and write regularly
also this surpasses all of the above if you just want a higher IQ test score

>> No.16135011

The best you can do is rigorous training of your mind. Read math textbooks, do all the exercises, play video games, especially puzzle games.

>> No.16135048

People will say otherwise, that it's absolutely fucking impossible, but I feel noticeably smarter after seriously engaging with math beyond a computational engineer-tier tour of it.

>> No.16135091

man the people on this thread def have an IQ lower than +3 SD 15 (145) and mainly want to plug rightwing lifestyles

I think you need to research construct validity and how it relates to IQ. Not to be a redditor but what exactly about IQ is so valuable to you? If it is IQ in of itself literally just take the text over and over, even people of average intelligence can get very far and do more impressive feats than what IQ test.

This thread was interesting to me because this is what I did from 17-20 (rn) I am fairly into neuroscience and I read a bunch of publications to understand how exactly LSD influenced Neurogenesis and how to maximize your aptitude/potential. I can send a MEGA liink of the folder that has the journals.

Basically it was Drop lower end of Acid (80ug to 125 ug) every 2 weeks (microdosing is literally a waste of time moronic gimmick) you need something strong enough to actually alter your plasticity. Work on one testing category of the Stanford Binet V (if youre poor human benchmark/google IQ question banks) for 16 hours then sleep for 12. Sleep it the most important component. Your plasticity won't actually "set" until you sleep. Keep a track of this shit on Excel File/CSV to experiment what works best for you.

Again, Intelligence =/= Scoring High on IQ =/= Being Smart.

People claiming doing ____ makes them more intelligent are full of it. Actually use the scientific method.

I can say personally my little experiment although yielding good intellectual feats (memorizing obscene amount of info, quick calculations, and faster logic) left me a half-schizophrenic man since I had sever mental health issues when starting. Basically imagine tripping on LSD for all your life before committing yourself to this. I cant say whether it is awful but will change your life. You dont sound very smart but I dont think a lack of intelligence is your issue.


>> No.16135099


also you need to actually research IQ and all cognitive testing. I spent an ungodly amount of time in my formative years, reading books/forums/quora posts about it. but even then I spent my youth "average" but fall in the highly gifted range (148 & 156) These models arent perfect. Again ask why you need a high IQ

>> No.16135446

OP here. This isn't me, I don't know why this anon wanted to pretend to be me.

I want a higher IQ because I would like to work in a certain scientific field (because it's what I enjoy), and my current mental faculties have left me feeling disappointed. I'm a slow learner, I have brain fog constantly (possibly unrelated), and I have trouble articulating myself. A slightly higher IQ would at least help me with the first thing.

I did a little bit of research just now and most studies I'm seeing conclude that LSD use is correlated with impaired cognitive ability over time while increasing the personality trait Openness. I doubt the altered plasticity would do anything more than give you a greater interest in whatever you're focusing on while high (since LSD stimulates the insight centers of the brain) so I honestly have a lot of doubt about your method. It might be that you just THINK you've made all sorts of cognitive improvements from LSD use because LSD tends to do that. I know this sounds Reddit but I don't think I'd try fucking with my brain unless there's multiple studies linking your treatment to higher cognitive performance. Thanks anyway.

>> No.16135448

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

>> No.16135451


>> No.16135469
File: 3 KB, 512x448, Winning the Dream Bout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you try beating Mike Tyson's Punchout on NES without password skips? It's a very speedy puzzle game cleverly disguised as a boxing game, completing the entire game takes some serious dedication and mental disipline, but after you master how to beat it you'll truly know how to "think quicker" than you could before plus any risk of early onset dementia will be drastically reduced for the rest of your life

>> No.16136211

Do math. Read through https://sheafification.com/the-fast-track/

>> No.16136728


For the lve of god, literally just reread what I wrote. I write that shit down. Dont assume because you did <15 minutes of research it dismisses the advice and articles I gave. That trait of yours will fuck you over a lot more than IQ.

>> No.16136734

IQ is almost 100% hereditary, it cannot be meaningfully raised especially in adulthood

>> No.16136889


>> No.16136946

I swear discussions of IQ are about as useless as
DBZ powerlevels.
William James Sidis.
Edith Stern

>> No.16136986
File: 49 KB, 900x526, undertherug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
