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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 158 KB, 1023x682, kaio harumafuji baruto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16105956 No.16105956 [Reply] [Original]

Cherry blossoms bloom in Tokyo, 15 days later than last year, 5 days later than average


Cherry blossoms finally burst into bloom in Tokyo on Friday after heavy rain in the morning, marking the latest blooming in over a decade.
The declaration of the blooming made by the Meteorological Agency came 15 days later than last year and five days later than in an average year. Private forecasters had also expected this year's bloom to come much earlier.

Friday’s blooming is the latest in Tokyo since 2012, when cherry blossoms were declared to have blossomed on March 31, according to the agency.

Cherry blossom forecasting is big business in Japan. As early as in January, companies start to issue forecasts for when cherry blossoms will first bloom and reach their peak.

The weather agency, which began forecasting the annual bloom in 1955, sets a government standard for observing cherry blossom trees. For consistency, the meteorological agency only uses data gathered from the Somei-Yoshino variety, which produces pale pink blossoms.

>> No.16105958
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There are 58 example trees across the nation preselected by the agency, with these used by private weather forecast companies. In Tokyo, for instance, the tree is located at Yasukuni Shrine in Chiyoda Ward.

According to the rules set by the agency in declaring the annual bloom, a tree is considered to be blossoming once five or six flowers have opened on the branches of the tree. Once 80% of the tree has flowered, it’s deemed to be in full bloom.

This year marks the first time since 2020 that cherry blossom-viewing, or hanami, a major seasonal event in Japan, can be held in the absence of COVID-19 guidance, as the government downgraded its classification of the coronavirus in May last year.

>> No.16105961 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 662x880, IMG_5511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about jews genociding palestinians, though? it's time to stop criticizing misguided energy policy.

>> No.16105966

This actually proves climate change.

>> No.16105977

Vernalization: That one thing Lysenko was in fact right about.

>> No.16106066

He plagiarized that idea from western botanists

>> No.16106724

Why is it so cold in Japan if global warming is real?

>> No.16106739

>5 days later than average
>last year was 10 days earlier than average
I guess you have been debunked because we are now closer to the average.

>> No.16107386

global warming isn't real

>> No.16108535

>According to the rules set by the agency in declaring the annual bloom
They don't need a government agency to announce when trees are in bloom, it is readily apparent without the government saying anything.

>> No.16109485

>do you have a loicense to look at that tree?

>> No.16109498

cleverest thing they ever did was switch to this word which can mean literally anything

>> No.16110228

Japs have a major affinity for cherry trees, but they're not a major producer of cherries. Does this seem odd to anyone else?

>> No.16110310

no, they like ornamental cherry trees

>> No.16110629

The peak bloom of the cherry trees in Washington DC was the second earliest on record. They actually hedge their bets and plan a three and half week cherry blossom festival there, but the peak bloom was a week before it started.

>> No.16110635
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>> No.16110637

That tricky Bush Administration

>> No.16110638

>He doesn't understand the difference between weather and climate

>> No.16110655

Guy on /sci/ tries to use single data point to disprove decades of climate research again, gets horribly proven wrong again. News at 11

>> No.16111209

>weather is when its colder than average
>global warming is when its warmer than average

>> No.16112080

>He doesn't understand the difference between weather and climate

>> No.16112588
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>muh political propaganda website says its true

>> No.16112601

Okay, waiting patiently until you present better data

>> No.16113324

>cherry blossoms were later during the little ice age

>> No.16114781

Thats one of the most common tricks of the global warming grifters
>I started my data set with the little ice age, that makes it look like its warmer today than it was in 1700 because of global warming
meanwhile somehow or other the previous ice age managed to come to an end with no change at all in atmospheric CO2 levels, but they can never explain how or why that happened
>Its warmer now than it was in February, that proves global warming is real
would be an equality valid argument

>> No.16114883

noooo you can't just refute my single datapoint!

>> No.16114889

>yet another "retard thinks he's figured it all out and is smarter than millions of scientists" thread
Is that all this board is now?

>> No.16114894

>meanwhile somehow or other the previous ice age managed to come to an end with no change at all in atmospheric CO2 levels, but they can never explain how or why that happened
You fucking retard. If you don't even know what these are then you have no business talking about the climate.

>> No.16114900

Climate change not global warming

>> No.16116508

so you're saying that the earth's position and orbit relative to the sun is what dominates the climate and CO2 has no influence whatsoever

>> No.16117767 [DELETED] 


>> No.16118438
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Thats not the only evidence its fake

>> No.16119964 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16120078


>> No.16120531 [DELETED] 

do you have evidence at all that co2 causes the memehouse effect?

>> No.16120554

Not what I'm saying at all. The climate is influenced by multiple different factors. That the Earth's orbital characteristics are one of the larger contributors doesn't mean that CO2 has "no influence whatsoever."
There is mountains of proof. Literally decades worth of research that you can find easily. But you won't accept any sources that don't agree with you anyway.

>> No.16120558

>do you have evidence at all that co2 causes the memehouse effect?
Explain how the earth maintains a stable temperature if CO2 is not a greenhouse gas using physics and chem8, kgo

>> No.16120763

Water vapor

>> No.16120843

>what is global average
right now it's slightly colder in Japan and it's significantly warmer in Europe
fuck, it's almost 30°C today
next year it might be the other way around, but overall the temperature will go up

>> No.16120961

Try again.

>> No.16121160

Water vapor

>> No.16121168 [DELETED] 

Explain how Mars has massive daily temperature swings with over 3000% more CO2 per unit surface area than Earth if CO2 is a greenhouse gas that can trap heat in an atmosphere.
Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect regardless massive amounts of CO2, which proves that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.

>> No.16121240
File: 1.12 MB, 700x744, Saigyouji.Yuyuko.full.61713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ghosts did it.

>> No.16121510

>what is partial pressure
The current partial pressure of CO2 on Earth is 31.7 mmHg. The partial pressure of CO2 on Mars is 4.4 mmHg. Earth has WAY more CO2 than Mars does.

>> No.16121549

Try again.

>> No.16121776

Water vapor

>> No.16121780

The vaccines were supposed to kill everyone in 2 weeks according to the doctors on /sci/. I'm sure the climatologists, glaciologists, and atmospheric chemists here also totally refuted global warming.

>> No.16123046

>Earth has WAY more CO2 than Mars does.
this is the extent of lying that global warming hoaxers are willing to go to in order to shill their political narrative

>> No.16123052

That’s not how it works. It’s only when it confirms the science (tm) that it’s true. Right now it’s just a coincidence. Last year it was science. Get it straight.

>> No.16123826 [DELETED] 

Thats normally referred to as confirmation bias

>> No.16124417

Try again.

>> No.16124418

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.16124786

Water vapor

>> No.16124787

>I don't understand partial pressure and I refuse to

>> No.16125215 [DELETED] 

Mars has over 3000% more CO2 per unit surface area in its atmosphere than Earth does and Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect. This proves that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.

>> No.16125235

>If I am pompous repeatedly, the fools will believe me.

>> No.16125257

Random fluctuations don't disprove anything. We're talking about the long term average.

>> No.16125261

>This proves that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.
No, it doesn't.

>> No.16125265

If the downward trend started in 1800, doesn't that disprove the claim that "climate change" is man made?
Was not producing the amount of carbon needed for such warming.

>> No.16125271

That actually makes sense, idk why that didn't occur to me.
I would have to ask a climate doomer sometime, but if I had to make a steelman I'd say that the warming started with exiting the little ice age, and was followed by man-made change.
A little too convenient though

>> No.16125589

Try again

>> No.16125592


>> No.16125741

Water vapor

>> No.16125769

Try again.

>> No.16126034

Water vapor

>> No.16126057 [DELETED] 
File: 288 KB, 1893x1468, 404 global warming not found.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16126064

I have a cotton blanket and I'm warm. My friend has a cotton sheet and he's cold.
Therefore cotton doesn't keep you warm.

>> No.16126065

Why from 1995 to 2015?

>> No.16126076
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>> No.16126466

>Explain how the earth maintains a stable temperature if CO2 is not a greenhouse gas using physics and chem8, kgo

Try again.

>> No.16126799 [DELETED] 

>source: http://globhomo-propagadna.com

>> No.16127935 [DELETED] 

All of the """proof""" of global warming comes from that one source.

>> No.16128027


>> No.16128638 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 530x774, hansen faggotry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If science really had proof of global warming then why do their global warming disaster scenario predictions never come true?

>> No.16129310

There is more water vapor than co2 in the atmosphere
water has more heat of evaporation, water and vapor has more specific heat than co2
Water is on the surface, and its vapor absorbs more solar radiation than CO2
Earth is covered and soaked in water not CO2. Carbonate binds to minearal harder than hydrate thus buffers far less.
Weather is majorly a result of air movement and humidity. No one predict how hot tomorrow is gonna be from CO2 concentration.
Temperature near bodies of water are always buffered more than those that has none.
Plant taps a kilogram of water out of the dirt earth to grow a few grams of mass, assuming the C all comes from co2 in the air. Coindicentally most plant grow near bodies of water and/or receive ample precipitation, also nice place to live.
Cloud single handedly block more solar or ground radiation than atmosphere, and the surface of the earth absorbs half of the solar heat, those with water buffers out, or reflects the heat back out with extreme surface temp if water and plant cover is not, saving ground water.
Yeah, i think you owe me an answer why I have to give a shit about your garbage statistics A mere correlates to garbage statistics B, in a comically large scale to call you bullshitting, assuming your crude approximate of an average of averages given arbitrary weights and sample intervals and other fudge factor is a perfect survey that makes the globe yield to the authority of people who never truly graduated from their advanced day care to make a living on their own. May be you should try getting a job.

>> No.16129558

The concentration of atmospheric water vapor is local and driven by the local temperature because it has short atmospheric residence.

Water vapour

Water vapour does contribute to anthropogenic global warming, but as the GWP is defined, it is negligible for H2O: an estimate gives a 100-year GWP between -0.001 and 0.0005.[24]

H2O can function as a greenhouse gas because it has a profound infrared absorption spectrum with more and broader absorption bands than CO2. Its concentration in the atmosphere is limited by air temperature, so that radiative forcing by water vapour increases with global warming (positive feedback). But the GWP definition excludes indirect effects. GWP definition is also based on emissions, and anthropogenic emissions of water vapour (cooling towers, irrigation) are removed via precipitation within weeks, so its GWP is negligible.

>> No.16129982 [DELETED] 

quoting wikipedia is admitting that you have no idea what you're talking about, its also admitting and that you're too lazy and uninterested in the topic to go deeper than wikipedia

>> No.16130312

Making shit up and refusing to provide evidence for your claims is admitting that you have no idea what you're talking about. Me linking you to wikipedia is an indication that your arguments from ignorance are not worth my time to address. If you aren't willing to put the effort in to know what you're talking about then why should I put the effort in to hold your hand?

>> No.16130884 [DELETED] 

quoting wikipedia is admitting that you have no idea what you're talking about, its also admitting and that you're too lazy and uninterested in the topic to go deeper than wikipedia

>> No.16130998

Making shit up and refusing to provide evidence for your claims is admitting that you have no idea what you're talking about. Me linking you to wikipedia is an indication that your arguments from ignorance are not worth my time to address. If you aren't willing to put the effort in to know what you're talking about then why should I put the effort in to hold your hand?

>> No.16132145 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16132168

The little ice age was a local event, not global!

>> No.16132180

>anthropogenic emissions of water vapour (cooling towers, irrigation) are removed via precipitation within weeks, so its GWP is negligible
What sort of fallacy is this? Just because the anthropogenic changes to the hydrological cycle are rapidly turned over doesn't make them less fundamental in their impact than something more abstracted. Our impacts may have a high frequency but they are foundational and deep. For heaven's sake, we create lakes, empty acquifers and join oceans together so we can sail through them. We divert rivers, we cut down forests, we grow forests in other places, we water crops.

>> No.16132185 [DELETED] 

>I hate humanity
>humanity is ruining the planet
why don't you kys is you hate humans?

>> No.16132202

>local weather proves climate change not real
Many such threads.

>> No.16132266

Where did I say I hate humans? I'm merely stating that if humans are affecting the lived world, then our carbon is the absolute least of the ways we do so, so if you want to improve the world, your efforts can be much better spent elsewhere.

>> No.16132458

>an estimate gives a 100-year GWP between -0.001 and 0.0005.[24]
Learn what that means. Water vapor cannot continue to contribute to global warming over 100 years because it precipitates out in a few weeks. If there was a single week GWP then water's figure would seem significant, but it's not, because the concentration of water vapor is driven by local temperatures. It can form a positive feedback loops with other greenhouse gasses, but water vapor cannot drive global warming. It even says so in that except

>Its concentration in the atmosphere is limited by air temperature, so that radiative forcing by water vapour increases with global warming (positive feedback).

>> No.16132461


>> No.16132482

Did the doctors grip your head too tightly with the forceps during the abortion giving you brain damage?

>> No.16132485

This is extreme misinformation and is proof that you're low IQ in that you either never studied what's happening because you're too stupid to try or did try and couldn't understand it.

Although humans contribute only a fraction of total CO2 in the atmosphere each year it comes from coal and oil which have been buried for millions of years, unlike naturally occurring CO2 which is recycled in the normal carbon cycle. If you add CO2 to a system in balance with no way to remove it, CO2 must rise over time, therefore humans are responsible for its increase in the atmosphere.

I'm sorry if you still don't understand that. Try and find someone more intelligent than you to dumb it down even further.

>> No.16132508

>if I add one drop of acid to the water the whole ocean will become acidified!!!!! Oh! Oh hold me I am going to cry!
Better you stay shut in with your echo group of hysterical bitches.

>> No.16132657

>All Fossil carbons were buried away.
From the surface. There were on the surface.

>> No.16132739

Just because the hydrological cycle has a quick turnover, doesn't mean humans aren't affecting it permanently. As long as we're affecting water, we're influencing climate and weather in a much stronger way than our CO2 emissions.
Any given molecule of water vapour we emit won't stay in the atmosphere for very long, but we emit a lot of molecules and we do it constantly, so we're constantly affecting the environment via our water emissions.

>> No.16132740

>If you add CO2 to a system in balance with no way to remove it, CO2 must rise over time
If you sequester CO2 away from a system as fossil fuels or carbonate minerals with no way to return it, CO2 must fall over time, until it begins to approach concentrations so low that life on Earth dies from lack of it.
Humans are the salvation of life on Earth because we figured out how to extract and return life-giving CO2 back to the atmosphere.

>> No.16132928

You're wrong. I have lead you to water and you have refused to drink. You are on your own.

>> No.16132931

Cope harder.

>> No.16132941

>The admission of defeat by inferior minds.
We accept your concession in the face of our facts and our superior reasoning.

>> No.16132978

>You're wrong
Asserting so doesn't make it so.

>> No.16133006

You failed to understand the explanation. What do you want me to do about it? Build a time machine and go back to before you got brain damage? You've got everything you need to learn on your own. Why should I waste my time trying to make you learn?

>> No.16133007


>> No.16133499

Yet here you are, wasting your time while we chuckle at you. lol.

>> No.16133543
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>I was being retarded on purpose

>> No.16133555

Cope all you like. I just like wasting your time and having a giggle at "so serious" dumbasses like you.
This is me

>> No.16133560


>> No.16133908

+15 points for me!
lol, racking them up!

>> No.16133914
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>> No.16134099

Check out europe dumdum
Beggining of april blossem everywhere

>> No.16134490


>> No.16134493


>> No.16134781

well, about 10 years or so of precocious flower blooming in the winter where I live and in many other places on earth proves it does. there are literally billions of witnesses to this phenomenon. are you living under a rock? You need to go out to nature more often

>> No.16135201

that never happened

>> No.16136404

>"where I live"
>never mentions where so that their lie can never be disproved

>> No.16136602
File: 237 KB, 800x418, date-of-the-peak-cherry-tree-blossom-in-kyoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening globally. Here's the data for when Kyoto's Sakura trees have been blossoming.

>> No.16137952 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 2749x1128, global cooling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its gotten warmer since the end of the little ice age
>that means global warming is real

>> No.16137955
File: 221 KB, 1600x1066, Estimates-temperature-variations-Northern-Hemisphere-England-2000-ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a graph of the climate of Europe.

>> No.16138049
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>> No.16138986
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>source: michael mann

>> No.16138992

What's your source? Twitter and funnyjunk?

>> No.16139660

that's not catastrophic sea level rise, yet.

>> No.16139886
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>two weeks

>> No.16141353
File: 70 KB, 822x351, sea level going down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sea level is receding

>> No.16141410

if anthropogenic climate change is the primary threat to life of earth then a total countervalue exchange of thermonuclear weapons is the most logical remedy

>> No.16141455 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 928x523, waterworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will be under over 9000 miles of water, six trillion jews will die, and is all your fault.
Kill yourself right now.

>> No.16141458

We will be under 9000+ miles of water, six trillion jews will die, and is all your fault.
Kill yourself right now.

>> No.16141461
File: 182 KB, 928x523, waterworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, like I care. Just evolve gills or something.

>> No.16142779
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>six trillion jews will die

>> No.16143378

It's called variability and it's natural. Every year is different.

>> No.16143448

Cherry blossoms are 15 days late:
Climate change.
Cb:s are 15 days early: Global warming.
Cb:s are on time: Human Actions Give Cherry Blossoms Climate Anxiety And They Have To Bloom On Time Without Natural Variability

>> No.16143808


You seem to think science is about interpreting single data points.

>> No.16144557

>it got warmer after the little ice age ended

>> No.16144620

That was a local event and it is not reflected in the Sakura blossom data.

See >>16137955
The little ice age lasts from about 1400 to about 1700. Sakuras blossom slightly earlier until about 1550, but the trends do not match >>16136602

>> No.16144622

>Sakuras blossom slightly later from 1400 until about 1550*

>> No.16145806
File: 1.37 MB, 1x1, 20005-18-006.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That was a local event
No it wasn't, it occurred in Japan same as in the rest of the world

>> No.16146214

No it didn't and that PDF doesn't prove that it did. If it had then why isn't it reflected in the Sakura blossom data?

>> No.16147562

It is

>> No.16148288

Good paper

>> No.16148478

Try again.

>> No.16149169

Its been very cold this spring where I live too, we even had snow last week

>> No.16150684

>snow in April
do you live in greenland?

>> No.16152240

No, this was in Central Europe

>> No.16153590
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>> No.16155179

that good news tho

>> No.16156037

No it isn't, if sea level continues to go down at this rate eventually the oceans will dry up completely

>> No.16157103
File: 183 KB, 779x1200, xi7rrc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did global warming do this?

>> No.16157104

hey look the 20th climate change thread

>> No.16158114

No, thats caused by immigrants

>> No.16158657
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>> No.16160178
File: 155 KB, 660x439, 5f978433924934899117c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immigrants are turning Japan into a shithole, just like everywhere else, shitskins show up, demand gibes and then spend all their copious free time ruining life for their host nation while the native population has to work to pay for the gibes

>> No.16160203
File: 289 KB, 1200x1200, doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah you sure convinced me!
I guess I gotta buy $DOGE

>> No.16161720

If immigrants are so wonderful, how come nobody wanted them around where they were born?

>> No.16161743 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 640x360, IMG_5285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a problem? maybe you'd rather discuss palestine?

>> No.16162765
File: 199 KB, 490x276, H1s0PayzT_0_236_866_488_0_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great would, so would her kike friends

>> No.16163432
File: 1.01 MB, 2509x1582, Majority of Germans reject Muslim immigration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16164319

yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *wood clapping*

>> No.16165206


>> No.16166317

If Germany is a democracy and the majority there don't want immigration then why does Germany have so much immigration?
Is democracy just a big lie and governments aren't legitimately controlled by majority rule?

>> No.16166319

I ground a hole where my soul used to be.

I win.

[double bicep flex]

>> No.16166327

Democracy doesn't mean anything.

>> No.16166330

I need to be ready at ALL times.
Verification not required.

>> No.16166334

Behold, HueMan-ity.

>> No.16166336

Youre neither a Geneticist, Evolutionary Biologist, Psychologist of Cognitive Researcher.

What are (You), Sam?

>> No.16166875

vote counts are easily faked now, all thanks to science.

>> No.16167878

They wouldn't need to constantly reuse that same trick if global warming was real

>> No.16168557

they'd also be to think up new lies if they weren't low iq

>> No.16169752
File: 447 KB, 1500x1147, UAAyMLt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16170944

Michael Mann is jewish
John Clauser is Germanic and Christian

>> No.16171040
File: 6 KB, 500x321, co2_emissions.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never thought about it like that but yeah you're right.
Before 1950, aka when the US started exporting their economic model around the world and consumption started to skyrocket, the man-made CO2 emission were kind of low.

>> No.16171868

Right, that proves that the trend is related to the end of the little ice age

>> No.16173034

meanwhile the warmest period recorded in the modern temperature records was the 1930s, which predates the inflection point on that chart by a couple decades.

>> No.16173878

>warmest period recorded in the modern temperature records was the 1930s,
Lol no.

>> No.16174202

How do global warming shills explain this?

>> No.16175045
File: 87 KB, 700x538, NASA-US-1999-2019-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the warmest period recorded in the modern temperature records was the 1930s,
NASA wouldn't have had to edit their temperature records to create the false appearance of global warming if that was not the case

>> No.16175081

Can you provide a source?

>> No.16176172

>if sea level continues to go down at this rate eventually the oceans will dry up completely.
its free real estate

>> No.16176851

excellent pic

>> No.16177697
File: 152 KB, 500x763, nasa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
