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1613448 No.1613448 [Reply] [Original]

I've been a Godless fag since around the age of fifteen and have felt content with my absence of faith but over the past few years things have begun to change a bit. I am now twenty-seven and although healthy and happy for the most part I have recently noticed an empty void in my life.This is where I come to /sci/ for a bit help.

I know we like to make fun of religious fags for their irrationality and dogmatic principles but I've always somewhat envied people with faith in secret. Sure they're stupid but they seem to be content, satisfied, and in-tune with their life/existence. Isn't that's what it's all about? This recent void accompanied by my fear of death/ non-existence has led me to consider incorporating religion into my life. (don't laugh)

Anyways, are there any beliefs in particular /sci/ would recommend? I'm not interested in anything too primitive (paganism, primal-indigenous shit etc..) but am otherwise open to anything else (including more "extreme" types of religion such as Islam, Atheism, and Christianity).

Anyways, if /sci/ could offer any HELPFUL or CONSTRUCTIVE advice or bits of information to help steer me in the right spiritual direction then I'd be extremely grateful.

>> No.1613463

You have the curse of being smart I'm afraid. You can follow all these stupid rituals, but in the end you'll know its all bullshit. It won't enrich your life in any way. Find a good woman, settle down and have kids. That should fill the void.

>> No.1613470

There's no problem with religion and faith in of itself. It's when your religion influences you into irrational thinking, closed mindedness, persecution, and self-hatred.

>> No.1613473


>> Implying there are no smart people you are members of a religion

>> No.1613477


I agree with you.

>> No.1613479

The guys who accept the donations.

>> No.1613484

From my own experience. When I tried to kill myself through ODing, I passed out. While I was unconscious, it felt like I was being subtracted. Like I could feel everything I knew about the english language being pulled away from me.

I didn't see anything, that's just what it felt like. Anyway, make of it what you will.

>> No.1613485

There's nothing wrong with feeling self-hatred at the appropriate time. There is, however, something wrong with living under a veil of ignorance and pompousness.

>> No.1613497


You are an immensely clever troll. Good show.

>> No.1613499


I'm sorry to hear that. I too suffer from a sort of amnesia; I believe it's caused by a combination of drugs and mild epilepsy. To me, it's a blessing and a curse....depending on what the situation is at hand.

>> No.1613507


>> No.1613515

Wow OP, 10/10.
Really good troll, one of the best I have ever seen!
That's why I will bump this thread and see where it goes.

>> No.1613519

An open state of agnosticism with a study in the teaching of Buddha my friend. Took 7 years of Christian and Islamic theology, Buddha is the way to go.

>> No.1613529


Atheism is not a religeon, it is a term for a non theist, you can be a religeous atheist (kinda like bhuddist priests) or you can be a non religeous atheist. I am a non religeous atheist, but I believe many atheist religeons are are good, (and some bullshit) I don't like theists because most theist religeons pretty much say 'god' made us we are the rulers we hate gays etc they are unnatural etc, where atheist religeons (the good ones) are what spirituality should be about, balance in your life and harmony and peace on earth including all animals (more or less), how to live happy and accept your life and be happy about it.

>> No.1613540

The only remotely intellectually honest way to participate in a religion is to spend time researching the texts, ideally in their original language, and drawing conclusions based on that. Churches invariably insert strange bias' into it, or hold borderline blasphemous rituals and beliefs.

Christianity in particular is something you can look at academically, start researching Jesus the man, and then Jesus the side of the triune God. All in all, it's rarely the religion that's out of control with stupidity, it's the worshippers.

>> No.1613543

Here, ignorance is bliss. if you are ignorant you can be happy. if you reserve yourself, you will have a void. It's your choice, but you should know that you can probably make yourself happy with something that is not ignorant.

>> No.1613575

Just because you fear death doesn't mean you should blind yourself with illogical bullshit like religion.

Just enjoy life, and don't worry about the future.

>> No.1613595


I love how you make it seem like being illogical is a bad thing. Tell me, do you ever watch movies? If you weren't already aware, most of them are classified as "fictional". Get off the internet if you're so into logic.

>> No.1613602


It's not death I fear anon. My fear lies within the very real possibility of non-existence that accompanies it.

>> No.1613603


>> No.1613636

It is not irrational to believe in Christianity. The current era of philosophers dominate the field, and have faith in God.

Dr. William Lane Craig has a PHD in Philosophy & Theology. He teaches theology, and has participated in many debates against atheists. He defends the historic person of Jesus and his resurrection. Some of his debates and videos can be found here:

James White is a reformed theologian and participates in many debates. Unlike Craig he defends the reformed view of Christianity. He debates Muslims, Catholics, Mormons and other forms of "Christianity" and defends the historic person of Jesus, the resurrection, and the trustworthiness of scriptures. Some of his videos can be found here:

I'd encourage you to explore the possibilities of Christianity.

>> No.1613663

Do what I do, and don't take everything in the bible as literal. When it says "fiery flying serpent" think "shooting star" and when it says "Jesus", think "Sound", and when it says "Heaven and Earth" think "Space/Pressure".

You're a scientologist, "God-Scientist"
I'm not scared of death for it doesn't exist, and science doesn't know anything behind the gas reflux before the universe. Anything before that they guess. They don't know what caused the big bang, cause they're tards.

2 dimensional intelligence - Opposites. Time/Love

>> No.1613866

Dr. William Lane Craig is a crock of shit, I have seen some of his "best" arguments. They were pathetic, the one that made me rage the most , I'm paraphrasing, because I dont want to look it up but one of his main arguments for jesus was 'We dont NEED proof because it was already investigated PROVEN in 300AD The proof doesnt suddenly becoming invalid because of time!"


>> No.1613882
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>not irrational to believe in Christianity

LMAO, you a comedian nigga? That some funny shit! Troll harder

>> No.1613886

>I've been a Godless fag since around the age of fifteen and have felt content with my absence of faith but over the past few years things have begun to change a bit. I am now twenty-seven and although healthy and happy for the most part I have recently noticed an empty void in my life.

>This is where I come to /sci/ for a bit help.
Well THERE'S your problem.

>Anyways, are there any beliefs in particular /sci/ would recommend?
Yes. Start reading Swedenborg. Extremely logical, rational, and self-consistent.

>> No.1613899

Caveat: Swedenborg it takes a lot of work to understand. He introduces a kind of thinking that you have not been trained for.

>> No.1613972

what you need is some good old stoic philosophy.

>> No.1613978

12 years isn't a few.