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16135268 No.16135268 [Reply] [Original]

>want to start earning healthy
>red meat is bad for you apparently
>fish has mercury
>vegetables have cadmium and arsenic
>fruits also have arsenic
Wtf do I do? It seems that nobody actaully knows anything when it comes to dietary.

>> No.16135273

Just eat what you want. You’re going to be miserable if you constantly think about one atom of heavy metal in your foods. Just stay away from slop, buy locally (if possible) and do the bare minimum to wash your food

>> No.16135277

Grow your own food. Kill your own meat. Deer rabbits fish chickens whatever. If you want to eat it, make it yourself with your own food.

>> No.16135279

Can't you stay on /pol/?

>> No.16135281
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>> No.16135344

Just eat small portions of red meat instead of making it 90% of your diet like the average American. Vegetables and fruit have such a tiny quantity of those elements that it's barely worth thinking about. Limit fish to one serving per week.

>> No.16135581
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Well, you can do whatever you wish, obviously, but since you asked, I'll tell you that I personally overwhelmingly eat mostly vegetables and low-sugar fruits (about 60 to 70% of what I eat, by mass), as varied as possible, supplemented with beans, nuts, tofu or seitan, and some higher sugary fruits for "dessert". Water, coffee in the morning only, green tea in the morning as well. No processed foods or drinks, nothing of that, buy the raw vegetables and flours, that's it.
Seitan is amazing, it's what fake meat is made of, so it has a texture similar to that of meat, it is chewey and a fairly neutral flavor, so with some seasoning, it resembles pork or turkey or chicken.

I never, ever buy meat, fish, dairy or anything that might contain animal protein or animal-derived products. That means no cheese or butter, ever. Why? Because that's the only way I can avoid eating it! hahaha!

On the weekends, or when I'm feeling blue, I go out to a restaurant and I eat a nice meal, whatever I want, grilled fish, a giant steak and fries, whatever, then it's back to the vegetable vegan routine. It's the routine that matters, that has to be healthy, the exceptions are... exceptions, for my soul.
That way I keep healthy and then when I feel like having a "fancy" meal, someone else deals with the trouble of preparing it and cleaning up, while I just have the pleasure of enjoying it, it's the best of both worlds!

Nice rabbit, I love rabbit, one of my favorite meats, delicious.

>> No.16135618
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>> No.16135656

Why the fuck are you eating a cat?

>> No.16135659
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>Why the fuck are you eating a cat?
Why the fuck not?

>> No.16135661

red meat is not bad for you it's basically the healthiest thing there is to eat. all mainstream nutrition and medical advice is the exact opposite of what you should do

>> No.16135664

The Harvard red meat study included fucking lazagna as red meat

>> No.16135675
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pretty sure it's a raccoon, thought it was a monkey at first but the back feet are too human-shaped

>> No.16135677

Does lasagna not have red meat?

>> No.16135703


Food itself, as well as the act of eating, is a matter of status and paraphilia.

>> No.16135790

>1. Grow your own fruit and veg
>2. Find a local butcher; get your meat there
>3. Throw out all plastic or Teflon-coated cookware and food storage
>4. Buy a water distiller
If you live in the US, food is poison and is only getting worse. And the water quality varies wildly. If you want to feel better, follow those four tips.

>> No.16135794

Link to the study?