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16115458 No.16115458 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16115471

now post the survey of britons that think eggs come from a tree

>> No.16115474

Media headlines are not science

>> No.16115485

what's your point?
aren't diet studies notoriously hard to conduct, even without incompetence & conflicts of interest?
is your point about the media?

>> No.16115488
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"Studies" are not science. They are cargo cult bullshit. Real science happens a priori in the platonic realm. Newton didn't discover his laws by conducting a "study". He figured it all out by applying his IQ to the question how nature ought to behave.

>> No.16115502


Fucking shit how I despise vegetarians and vegans... just fucking eat meat !!
Every place you go with them tthey have to ask how every fucking thing is made.. just eat the damn food!

>> No.16115534

mental illness

>> No.16115550

thanks journalism

>> No.16115553

do they really?

>> No.16115707

>the most sustainable wild caught salmon she could find
>cooks it to shit instead of drying or salting it

>> No.16115752

hecking carbon footprint could've been reduced if she was fed to the fish instead. Think of mother Gaya

>> No.16115814

help me, I am now forced to eat the finest cut of wagyu filet. :(

>> No.16116152

Nutritions science is not a science because it has minimal consent about literally any topics.

There are nutrition "scientists" who have all things to say good and bad about meat, eggs, fat, sugar, artificial meat. Some even call sugar a super food. Some think sugar is poison. Some of these "scientists" think meat will literally kill you. Some say milk is poison.

Where there is no scientific consent there is no science. It's all just throwing around opinions.

>> No.16116186

A headline covers up all of the details of the different studies. Were the demographics different? Was one group exercising and the other wasn't? That's why you generally post the study itself and not some bullshit headline.

>> No.16116190

it's just impossible to understand these self-regulating systems with the tools we have.

>> No.16116201
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>Nutritions science is not a science because it has minimal consent about literally any topics.
What is wrong with you niggers thinking that consensus is a proof of scientific truth? Is it because you're unable to actually understand science?

>> No.16116240

Also one says type 2 and the other says diabetes generally

Also also, one study is newer

Also also also,
>nutrition "science"

Also also also also,
>eating menstruation

>> No.16116621

You thought you were clever by nitpicking a good illustration of the phenomenon, but science has both said eggs are bad and good for you for 50 years now. you are just a midwife with Asperger’s. This is very unfortunate because nobody will ever love you. You’re just a nuisance to the world, an unswatted fly

>> No.16116628

Poor soul, truly the toughest of tribulations God hath ever prepared for His soldiers.

>> No.16116633
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>> No.16116638
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when your country is mostly inbred mudslime diaspora, IQ is bound to drop

>> No.16116984
File: 1.91 MB, 4000x3000, wagyu-eggs-benedict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The horror! D:

>> No.16117052

"IQ" is not something one possesses, it is a measurement of something one possesses. Well, people who aren't you. You're ironically guilty of the very thing you're condemning.

>> No.16117169

is it raw egg on the top of it?

>> No.16117206

hollendaise sauce, butter and egg yolk, bit of vinegar and lemon juice.

>> No.16117213

>> raw
> egg yolk
does it give salmonella much?
is lemon juice good protection from that shit?

>> No.16117236

look up a recipe nigga. you beat the eggs and mix with hot melted butter so it thickens.

>> No.16117381

Depends on a few things. If the chicken is vaccinated there won't be salmonella on the egg to begin with. If the cuticle is scrubbed off the bacteria are removed from the surface, but it's easier for other bacteria to get in later due to the lack of natural barrier. If the egg is kept next to or underneath raw meats there is more chance of salmonella being introduced. If it's kept at a warm temperature there's more chance for bacteria to grow, but fluctuating temperatures (such as a fridge door that is frequently opened) can be even more dangerous.
There are basically two main approaches, American and European. The American way is to scrub off the cuticle and then keep the eggs refrigerated until consumption, so the main safety factor is consistency of temperature. The European way is to vaccinate all the chickens and keep the eggs at room temperature, so the main safety factor is the due diligence of the farmer.
As a consumer the most important thing you can do is proper storage and containment. Keep raw meats on the bottom shelf of your fridge so they can't contaminate anything else. Always wash your hands after touching any raw animal product before you touch anything else. Immediately clean any surface after it has had a raw animal product on it.
I've never personally known anyone to get food poisoning from raw egg, but it's technically possible if the egg were very poorly handled. As long as you use a reputable supplier and run a clean kitchen it should be fine.
That's true, but the butter should not be so hot that it cooks the egg, so the yolk is essentially raw. As I said, I've never seen anyone have problems with it though.

>> No.16118056 [DELETED] 

eggs are fine to eat raw, its a common habit, you've probably done so yourself many times without realizing it.

>> No.16118228

medicine is not a real science

>> No.16118325

it is a technology, an engineering
(but there's a joke: once I realized what kind of engineer I am, I'm affraid to go to a doctor)

>> No.16119928 [DELETED] 
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It is the art of ripping off and taking advantage of insecure hypochondriacs

>> No.16120477 [DELETED] 

Eggs do come from trees thoughbeit as a matter of fact, because thats where birds nest

>> No.16120601

>it is a measurement of something one possesses
retard. iq is a measurement of how well one does in an iq test

>> No.16120656

"I'm the most pathetic person ever" she says, proudly and outloud to an applauding public.

>> No.16121248

That's the dailymail, one of britain's least reliable news sources.

>> No.16121843 [DELETED] 
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>the Earth revolves around then Sun.
false. what "orbits" what is just a matter of the coordinate systems you choose. gravity is a free floating chaotic systems of unbound objects, not an orrery, "orbits" don't exist

>> No.16123083

Nature is Britain's least reliable new source. All they print is future retractions

>> No.16123087

I'd like to say that you should believe the opposite of whatever the daily mail prints, but that just gets us into the same problem

>> No.16123103

>believe the opposite
The gov.exe says: eat eggs only a few times a week preferably hard-boiled. This means: demand better food safety like in Japan and drink them raw by the dozen.

>> No.16123260 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 720x1010, XEjajd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like globohomo really really wants to stop people from eating eggs, they're raising the price of eggs quicker than than anything else

>> No.16124162
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>> No.16124290
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this fucking issue was addressed in the actual articles they're citing
neither of them are based on reviews and YOUR choice to eat eggs will not be swayed by clickbait articles designed for one thing, bringing eyeballs to ads.

>> No.16124303 [DELETED] 

I have troubles doing anything mentally because of blockages. True pain tolerance. Most intellectual. No ability to produce *ones own businesses* from mental disability. I can't do anything. I can't even think properly because of such disability and even though I know the answer, I can't make this route and read this, all my goes are stolen and I'm thinking nil, doing nil I have to stumble on info and then react. I realize you may be near my crown, but I can't *use* this. The furthest I've got is acknowledging I have roots of my bottom teeth I can interact with but I can't think about this and find out what to do so I'm just playing with this randomly at the moment. Other things are barred, including crown. Trust me, I can't think

>> No.16124311
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I’m convinced the world is run by idiots.
That, or someone is trying to make us dumber.

>> No.16124321

Even more amazing: why would anyone choose to do the job of writing nonsense?

>> No.16124354

should I quit exercising? I'm very white. I'm scared guys

>> No.16124396

And it’s only going to get 100x worse with the sheer power that is AI.

>> No.16124498

>Also also, one study is newer
did the old science expire? when will the new science expire?

>> No.16125182 [DELETED] 

One guy who sells eggs paid one scientist to say eggs are good, another guy who sells vegan egg substitute paid another scientist to say eggs are bad. Might've even been the same scientists both were paying.

>> No.16126337 [DELETED] 

Thats how atheists do science

>> No.16127639 [DELETED] 


>> No.16128540

>it's 9am, let me do a quick google search on wether coffee and eggs are good for me before having breakfast!

>> No.16128573

7.5 hours a week is something pro-athletes do. Being a high performance athlete is not good for your health, it's MUCH different from doing some regular cardio and lifting some weights

>> No.16128588

How is the daily mail being retarded in any way the fault of science? Journalism is a stain on humanity, it ruins everything it touches. It is responsible for the "i love science" faggots, and the antivax flat earth retards alike.
If you meet a journalist irl, spit on them. Hit them. Drive them to suicide.

>> No.16128850

>Little or no control data
>Analysis reveals corelation
>Publicize coorelation
>Everyone thinks causation
>Start doing activity
>Now all the unhealthy people are doing the one thing to cheat being healthy
>Correlation reverses
Woah science is flawed

>> No.16128873

Look I'm all for hating the brits but starting with 4 year olds is probably fucking with the numbers here. They don't know shit about shit and will straight up just make up facts to tell you because they literally can't stop the stupid thoughts in their head from coming out their mouths. I would like to see the numbers split into age groups.

>> No.16128971

Sauces on meat = shit meat

>> No.16129666

What revolved around what is a matter of perspective, not truth.

>> No.16130129

>going to gym an hour a day is bad

>> No.16130910

lazy wimpy sissies will always make up excuses for why they shouldn't be exercising, thats the nature of laziness

>> No.16130939

You are a ridiculous baby if someone not eating what you eat makes you so angry.

>> No.16132253


>> No.16132291
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>> No.16132566

that has to be fake news

>> No.16132578


>> No.16132582

>champion of the sciences
>trailblazer in exploration of species evolution
>mighty expeditions cataloging the animals of the planet
>establishing the very field of paleontology out of boredom
>ends its days thinking processed bars of coco powder and dairy product grow on a tree

sad, the UK used to be cool

>> No.16132680


>> No.16133589

>chocolate doesn't grow on trees
Theobroma cacao (cacao tree or cocoa tree) is a small (6–12 m (20–39 ft) tall) evergreen tree

>> No.16134258

The sugar also comes from plants, those are the only two ingredients in chocolate

>> No.16134285
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´ukin hate eatin eggs, bloody disgusting chicken stem cell fetuses.
same energy as the faggots that eat the placenta after a baby is born.

>> No.16134329

why tf would anyone have strawberries to eggs Benedict?

>> No.16135430
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>> No.16136450

its a garnish, you're not supposed to eat it.

>> No.16137244
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>> No.16137491

Dietology is pseudoscience