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16132825 No.16132825 [Reply] [Original]

Which vaccines are considered safe to give to a child?
Dont care about simplistic responses like:
>all vax causes autism
>all are safe because science

>> No.16132829
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>> No.16132830

don't let your child take the same ones you've taken, because they have made you clearly retarded

>> No.16132831


Warning: stop posting in this thread it over

>> No.16132832

You will never get laid chud, why do you care?

>> No.16132835

>le fake picture again
It's weird because tons of Amish kids have diabetes.

>> No.16132847
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>> No.16132849
File: 29 KB, 603x404, booster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The old ones have succeeded in destroying western civilization. Vaccines is just one way they ruin the minds of promising kids before they can became aware of what is going on. Now nuclear war is unavoidable.

>> No.16132854
File: 15 KB, 252x243, 1556128719832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Schizophrenic is off his drugs again

>> No.16132949

Don't vaccinate your newborns. By the time they're a teenager they can handle a few, like the ones for tetanus and TB

>> No.16132954

tetanus was the only one I got before I was 10 years old
my mother was a pediatrician

>> No.16133020

>another anti-vax thread on sci

Go back to your containment board. We don't want you filthy disease ridden rednecks polluting this board.

>> No.16133030

These low IQ retards on one side, the woke trannies on the other side. The wisest choice would be not picking a side and keep grilling.

>> No.16133033

People have no conception of what it actually meant to have polio or measles. It's quite annoying. They're concerned over their newborns being "damaged" by vaccines, yet in exchange willingly take the risk to have the kid suffer from several diseases such as Polio, Measles or Rubella, all with high mortality rates and all known to cause brain damage.
I figured, the whole anti-vaccine movement was a scam once they insisted on the MMR vaccine being split up into three different vaccines. It really makes sense that in order to combat acclaimed vaccine side effects, you would simply opt for an increased overall vaccine load. Also, anti-vaccine god RFK Jr. is a controlled asset.

>> No.16133035

>Vaccines is just one way they ruin the minds of promising kids before they can became aware of what is going on.
Why aren't vaccines ruining the minds of every single kids. How would vaccines know which kids are "promising"?

>> No.16133057

>I took one to many of the VaXXXin

>> No.16133069

that could also attributed to no em radiation exposures, working outside everyday, no booze / drug use, eating healthy food, strong family units, etc.

>> No.16133076

Use the Japaneese vaccine schedule and just do the ones which have been around before 2000. Retards are going full anti-vax and then their children end up infertile because of something which hasn't been an issue in 50 years.

>> No.16133084

what about tetanus shots after a deep dirty wound?

>> No.16133085

Because they never take their children anywhere to be diagnosed with anything in the first place

>> No.16133689

all of them

if you arent vax maxxing, you arent white

>> No.16133760

>Which vaccines are considered safe to give to a child?
None of them. Every vaccine results in worse health outcomes over the life of the patient.

>> No.16133781

Amish life expectancy is substantially longer than the national average. It was over 7 years more in 2016, but NPC life expectancies have dropped substantially since then due to vaxxxies and fentanyl so its probably over 10 years greater by now for the Amish

>> No.16133913

the same people who push abortion push vaxx

>> No.16133921

think twice about any you see ads for. covid, flu, hpv... stay away. dtap? go for it

>> No.16133924

All of them

Imagine believing that you have to inject yourself with some strange crap just to continue living.

It's simply the modern version of weird cultish behaviour you see in people from the old world. Like some special barbaric rite of passage "nah dude, you totally need to inject these dead virus particles inside you. Don't question it or we will hate you for it just do it."

>> No.16133926

I really have no idea, but one thing I read is vaccines should be spaced out. A lot of doctor's nowadays want to give the kid like 5-6 vaccines on a single day.

>> No.16133933
File: 1.90 MB, 320x240, rabies, not even once.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only vaccine that matters is the rabies vaccine.
Never ever say you are anti-vax. Say you are only in favor of the true, one and only vaccine, the vaccine against rabies.
The zombie affliction.
The fear of water is contrary to all living things.
Never say you are a proud anti-vaxxer.
You are a pure vaxxer.
All praise to the rabies vaccine.
May its administration be only after a demonic bite.
And if a bunch of demonic, rabid animals appear, biting everyone...
...and forcing a rabies vaccine campaign, everyone will know what to do, because everyone will see it for what it is.
You can't make money off of the one, true vaccine. That would involve getting bitten.
And if you live in a world where the fad is to get bitten by a rabid animal to then get a for-profit vaccine, saving the civilization is probably a mistake.
The logic is flawless.
>inb4 airborne rabies lab escape

>> No.16134664

The ratio of threads where my comment is the final, unreplied comment, is interesting.
Gotta sage myself.