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16122941 No.16122941 [Reply] [Original]

Is there really significant scientific evidence that racism is a root cause of environmental injustice in the united states?

>> No.16122964

Of course. No one wants to hire niggers unless enforced by diversity quotas so naturally niggers are poor and poor people live in places no one else wants to live like next to factories that accidentally all the things in the groundwater. In other words: niggers have DuPont as a neighbour so they drink teflon. Simple as.

>> No.16122976

Racism can't be a proven cause of anything because you can't objectively observe the intentions of anyone. At most you can define it as a contributing factor only if a person openly admits to it, anything beyond that is baseless speculation.

>> No.16122986

but they don't get their water from wells they dig in their back yards

>> No.16123048

I fart every time I walk past a black person. Breath my methane darkies LOLOL

>> No.16123053

Of course not, they never invented shovels.

>> No.16123148

They get it from wells we dig in their backyards.

>> No.16123161
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Do you want to know why the media claims that weather and climate change are racist? It's very simple, it's because of FUCKING TREES. There are more trees in the suburbs than there are in the city, and since more brown people are in the city, it means that the lack of trees displacing heat = racism.

HERE IS THE KICKER! Here in Michigan UofM and the state teamed up to plant tree trees in Detroit. And guess what happened? NIGGERS CLAIMED THE TREE PLANTERS WERE RACIST FOR TELLING THEM WHAT TO DO! YOU CANT MAKE THIS SHIT UP

>> No.16123193
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Okay, but what KIND of trees were they planting? Back in the 90's my (white but lower-middle class) neighborhood was a victim of one of these "free tree" initiatives. The city came around and planted not just any trees, but fucking CRABAPPLE trees in everyone's front yard (the island between the sidewalk and street, specifically). The thing about crabapple trees is that they produce countless inedible berries that pile up on the ground. No one was allowed to uproot the trees and after that day our street, sidewalks, and lawns were all permanently piled up with these nasty rotting crabapples all year round. The city said the trees were supposed to be decorative and they do have pretty blossoms in the spring, but the rest of the year they do nothing but make an eyesore of a mess that the residents were then responsible for cleaning up constantly.

So what KIND of trees were they planting in Detroit against homeowners' wishes? And why do you think it's okay to plant trees in people's yards and force them to take care of those trees and whatever trash they might then produce? I don't care about the racism angle, I know firsthand how awful these "free tree" programs can be for the people who have to live with these unwanted trees.

>> No.16123211

>Residents won't be required to plant the trees as staff will perform the actual plantings and is growing 32 species of trees with a focus on natives, which will help with diversity issues, Bradford said.
>Another challenge is overcoming resident opposition, as many homeowners view trees as a liability after experiencing decades of poor city maintenance. Falling limbs can damage cars or cause outages, and trimming branches can be a problem for low-income residents who can’t afford the burden in cities like Detroit.
>“There’s a feeling that these trees get planted and aren’t necessarily maintained by the people who are planting them,” Dowtin said.
>Another key piece of the equation is sustaining funding into the future. Though the $900,000 will help launch the effort, it will need much more over time to maintain trees and continue planting.
The city isn't forcing anyone to take the trees but there's no way it is going to come by and prune the trees across the entire city for residents. If residents don't want the trees, they really can't complain about their neighborhoods having less trees than those neighborhoods that welcome them.
>American Forests puts its minimum target tree equity score at 75. Overall, Detroit has a tree equity score of 80, but about one-third of its block groups score below 75, and some as low as 36. The city will need around 280,000 more trees to boost every neighborhood above the minimum target tree equity score of 75, meaning planting at a clip of about 14,000 trees or more each year for the next two decades.
>They’re using a “tree equity score analyzer” to help determine each parcel or parcel group’s score and prioritize them accordingly. The tool incorporates data from the US Census Bureau, Center For Disease Control, U.S. Geological Survey and other public agencies to generate the score.

>> No.16123212

Look up that article. It literally has nothing to do with species, rather, "The arrogance of white environmentalists." Which I agree with the blacks, white college kids are the biggest retarded pieces of shit on earth

>> No.16123228

>The city isn't forcing anyone to take the trees
That's good. These programs are cancer in my experience, but not forcing it on people is an infinite improvement over how they usually work.
>but there's no way it is going to come by and prune the trees across the entire city for residents.
I know they never did for us. Literally planted the trees and told us we're on our own but we better not chop them down because they're still city property. It was then the responsibility of every homeowner in the neighborhood to care for the trees at their own expense (pruning, keeping alive, clearing crabapples off the sidewalk so people wouldn't slip, etc). No one liked it, but the city got to brag about how it was "beautifying" neighborhoods or whatever the fuck so they didn't care.
>If residents don't want the trees, they really can't complain about their neighborhoods having less trees than those neighborhoods that welcome them.
I'm pretty sure the whole point is that the people who live in those neighborhoods AREN'T complaining about a lack of trees. Rather it's uppity liberal yuppies who think they know better and don't understand that making someone take care of a tree is actually burdening them with a lot of expense and hassle that could literally be life-altering to people in poor neighborhoods who don't have the time or money to take care of new trees.

>> No.16123232

>That's good. These programs are cancer in my experience, but not forcing it on people is an infinite improvement over how they usually work.
Welcome to reality. Climate change is 100% bullshit, the response to combat it is 100% bullshit, but it at least justifies the salaries for politicians and their "green" appointees

>> No.16123233

I'm just saying, "free tree program" sounds all nice but it's not that simple. Those people are right to complain about trees being planted in their yards against their will and to fight back. Making the program voluntary is a good compromise.

>> No.16123246

Sure, if it's simply based off of planting trees. It's just hilarious and ironic that this is happening to climate cultists

>> No.16123259
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>racism is a root cause of environmental injustice

Now they are just putting words together to pretend that they then have a meaning.

>> No.16123271

>muh food pyramid
Whoever did this cartoon was retarded. Protein > bread for breakfast

>> No.16123279

>Whoever did this cartoon was retarded. Protein > bread for breakfast

I think the cartoonist was showing that the thin sexy woman was eating a low-caloric breakfast while the ugly out-of-shape woman was consuming a high-caloric breakfast.
Yes protein is good for you, the sex woman probably has a high-protein shake after her morning run and before her morning calisthenics

>> No.16123433
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Attaching racism to cause of every problem in life, and diversity as the cure for every problem of life has been the biggest gaslighting campaign in the history of the world, and people are somehow falling for it, even though the two are contradictory.

>> No.16123436

>science says

>> No.16123472
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The caloric mindset is literally thinking about the human as a biomass driven power plant. Heating value (calories) is a shit measure invented out of lack of biological knowledge. Yes, "scientists" literally measure calories by burning food (I think this may have changed, but I am too lazy to look it up). This last century thinking needs to die for good (but you sound like a well informed individual otherwise).

To me obesity seems to be more of a problem of satiety. I (picrel) am never hungry and that is the secret to my superior physique.

I think these things help against fatness:
Satiating the microbial environment of the lower gut (basically, pump yourself full with psyllium husk shells or some fiber which your personal gut bacteria and only they crave)
Eating less processed foods (apparently in the US due to the farm bill this is really costly, in Europe slop is less subsidized than unprocessed foods (we only heavily subsidize acreage with the common agricultural policy, which also needs to be restructured more radically))
If you feel hungry, you are doing it wrong. You need to feel satiated or it won't work. Maybe try ayurvedic kitchen or something. Or try paleo. I personally don't need that, because my nutrition is less dependent on animal protein and way more dependent on plant protein (nuts and vegetables). I think lacking this feeling for the kind of food that you personally need is a big part of the problem besides affordability.

I also have the feeling that thin people have a completely different stress/inflammatory response compared to fat people (maybe like cats vs dogs) and I think this is very important health- and digestion-wise. But I don't yet understand how it is different. Anyone knowing this?

>> No.16123489

oh and also my sleep schedule is like that fat person's one (or actually way worse) and I never do sports and yet I am thin.
Being fat is not about being lazy (but about being incompetent at feeding yourself and about being predisposed to enjoy rich nutrition).

>> No.16123586

>Is there really significant scientific evidence that racism is a root cause of environmental injustice in the united states?
if there is anything wrong in the US, it's usually because of racism.

>> No.16123594
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- literally everything is racist (t. Robin DiAngelo, Ibram Kendi, etc.)
- something caused pollution
- that something is racist
- therefore racism caused pollution

>> No.16124086
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In my experience, people living in shitty areas complain non-stop about all the nice things people in better areas have but they are also completely unwilling to do anything about it that requires any degree of effort or responsibility on their part.
The cornerstone of the grievance industry is to find these disparities and use them to demand money for programs that can be abused. The complaints about the programs usually stem from one group not being included in the grift or burdened by it while others reap the benefits. Uppity liberals might get involved for virtue points but those running the programs tend to be in it for the corruption.

>> No.16124117

For things to be kind of nice, you actually are required to do quite literally nothing. Things get less nice when certain people actually start doing things, e.g., looting stores, robbing pedestrians, and burning cars. So what responsbility should the author of that comment take, for instance? He or she is probably not one of those making the hood miserable.

>> No.16124134 [DELETED] 

If you look to confirm. I know you have a keen eye. Check the fear ratio of the people, and if there is a terror at the bottom of the pit affecting everyone. I'm that guy.

This is my last comment. I will continue to try to sort this on my end but will await your support for the greatest support in return. Profit eternally. Shannon

>> No.16124147
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>> No.16124308

Not live in the middle of Detroit, especially while white.

>> No.16124337

If you take more than twenty seconds to read more than that one paragraph 'story' you screencapped you'd learn they requested to not get the tree because twenty years earlier the city did the same thing...then slashed the tree maintenance budget, leaving them all on the hook for maintaining it and vacant properties in their neighborhood.
>One man interviewed for the study said, "I've left several messages. My tree was planted last August. My wife loved it. I was told that they would come back out and either water it or fertilize it. Haven't seen anyone. So, I've been doing the best that I can. Where do I go from here?"
They also took the returns from that study and have actually planted a lot of trees in Detroit since then.

>> No.16124343

I know this thread is full of racists looking to self-confirm their own biases, but yes. There is significant scientific evidence that racism effects environmental injustice
Part of this is due to the lingering effects of redlining/ghettoing of blacks in the US, as well as deliberate policy decisions to put those districts next to large industrial parks.

>> No.16124347

>put those districts next to large industrial parks.
See I called it:
>niggers have DuPont as a neighbour
Harvard must offer me a PhD now for my raw unfiltered brilliance.

>> No.16124896

Post the doi or fuck off.

>> No.16126100 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16126806 [DELETED] 

fake news website

>> No.16127937 [DELETED] 
File: 406 KB, 1066x1093, another plagiarism scandal at harvard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything Harvard publishes is fake or stolen

>> No.16127967
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It must be nice to be Black and be able to blame all the problems in your life on racism.
Even environmental change is racist.

>> No.16128737 [DELETED] 
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everything is racist

>> No.16128787

It's wrong for property owners to expect the city to care for trees on private property. If the city actually made those promises, then the city is at fault for not following through but also keep in mind that until recently, Detroit was a completely black run city. So if this was racism, it was blacks running the city being racist to the blacks living in the city. Detroit now has a white mayor and their bond rating under his watch has risen from junk status to investment grade. They're also planting more trees and getting things done. Funny how that racism works.

>> No.16129924 [DELETED] 

after they demand reparations for nonexistent global warming they'll demand more reparations because of unicorns being racist

>> No.16129930

No, its more like they weren't allowed loans for generations and the only houses their families could afford were next to chemical factories and coal burning power plants.

>> No.16130857 [DELETED] 

I sure hope so

>> No.16131120

Thank God poor (bottom 99%) whites can't into generational wealth (reverse mortgage etc.), so this argument doesn't work for anybody below 50.

>> No.16131136

>they weren't allowed loans for generations
Seems like there's a market there to exploit. I mean that's the natural implication you're making. If banks are not making accurate risk assessments, there's a gap just waiting to be filled. I'm sure the governmental+NGO apparatus can come up with something

>> No.16131527

>poor people can't get loans
>this is racism
Unless you're going to tell me that poor white people unable to get loans don't exist?

>> No.16132431 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16133527 [DELETED] 

extremely clever stealth merchant

>> No.16134241 [DELETED] 

negroes will never be happy or comfortable in america because they're evolved for life in the tropics. luring them into staying here by giving them welfare and food stamps is cruelty, they should be let loose to return their native lands

>> No.16134264

>Is there really significant scientific evidence that racism is a root cause of environmental injustice in the united states?
How many white towns were flooded to make reservoir again?

>> No.16134270

So what you're saying is all white people should be deported to Georgia (the other one, dipshit)?

>> No.16134272
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>"But when they got there [knife to throat motion], there was not grain to eat."

>> No.16134276 [DELETED] 

thats why the banjo kid and his buddies were the heroes in that old movie

>> No.16134286

nobody wants niggers, not even the niggers in africa. the afro american is a subspecies in on it self and the only ones to blame are the jews and whites in muttmerica that had their hand in their creation

>> No.16134316

What the fuck do they mean maintain a tree, they grow by themselves. If not, the retard who set this up should be hanged and replaced by some botanist who knows which trees to plant in specific regions

>> No.16134334

Actually it's common sense, but the average brain stunted racist can't even understand these arguments. So in a way you deserve credit that you rose above th mindlessness, even if brief, before descending back to shitpost thinking.

Another aspect of it is that once pollution sources and exposure is detected, the government, typically run by wealthy whites, will do nothing or move to fix it at a glacial, near imperceptible rate unless it blows up on their face. Further reading: Flint, Michigan.

>> No.16134340

>Flint, Michigan
>another black mayor

>> No.16134343

unironocally you are more racist than anon

>> No.16134350

>Only this one black guy qas responsible
>Let's ignore the almost 20 other local and state officials who were charged for ita handling
See? Back to simpleminded racist shitposting

>You r le racis because you don't hate black people as i do > :(
Cool argument. Maybe i am a child hater too for refusing to harm them.

>> No.16134361

The incompetence crisis is directly affected by installing black people in management positions. See Prichard, Alabama water crisis

>> No.16135495
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>> No.16135556

Go back to where you came from.

>> No.16135558

If you don't know what's 2 + 2 then it's going to be a root cause of a lot of problems

>> No.16136566

Not really, since Europeans were the ones who built America from ground up.
If all white Americans were to return to Europe and if they took all the institutions that they created, with them. America will become a third world country faster than anything ever seen.

>> No.16137910 [DELETED] 
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>Go back to where you came from.

>> No.16138037
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>monkey gorilla swing from tree
>tree get cut down to build ikea furniture for white man
>monkey chimps out
sounds reasonable

>> No.16138892


>> No.16139737
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>> No.16141226

They'd be better off if they moved back to Africa