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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16127906 No.16127906 [Reply] [Original]

What are the odds of a ten percent outcome happening 3 times in a row?

>> No.16127910

1 in 1,000

But your question is somewhat vague. If you’re randomly generating numbers 1-10 and you get a sequence of 2, 2, 2, for example, then it’s true that the probability of 2, 2, 2, is 1 in 1,000. But there are 9 other possibilities of 3 numbers in a row, so it would be 10 in 1,000, or 1%.

>> No.16127912

If it's "any 10% outcome" rather than "a specific 10% outcome," then it's 10%, if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.16127914

10%*3 is 30%

>> No.16127918

This, it's still 10%.

>> No.16127922

Since you didn't specify a sample size, approaching 100% because from infinite samples you'll get at least 3 in a row eventually

>> No.16127923

10/3 percent

>> No.16127924

that makes sense since it tends to 0

>> No.16128251
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OK, let me rephrase the questions:
What are the odds of making a thread with dubs and the next two replies are also dubs?

>> No.16128263
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10% odds means one out of ten possibilities. If you have that three times in a row, the odds are (10%)^3 = 0.1%.

Here is explanation. 10% probability is the equivalent of getting something out of ten possibilities. So think of it as rolling a specific digit on a ten-sided dice. But you want to throw that three times in a row, so we could think of that as just rolling three 10-sided dice simultaneously and then asking what are the odds that you roll a seven on each one of them. That's the same thing.

Then think of how many different ways you can roll different outcomes. For one dice there are ten: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Now, for each one of those outcomes, the second throw will also have ten outcomes. So for each outcome of the first dice, we need to add ten more outcomes, or in other words just multiply the whole thing by ten: 10*10 = 100. For three dice we follow the same logic and we have 10*10*10 = 1000 outcomes. If you only want to throw seven on each dice, that's one oitcome out of all these possibilities so the probability is 1/1000.

>> No.16128288

That's simple math, 10% of 10% is 1% and 10% of 1% is .1%.
I just assumed it would be harder than that.

>> No.16128305

thanks for your effortpost, btw, so would it be a good esitimate to say around 1/1000 4chan threads starts with 3 dubs?

>> No.16128336

The same odds as the next 2 posts after this have the same last digit.

>> No.16128366

Oh i see

>> No.16128368

10 x 3 = 30. 10 / 3 = 3.333. 30 + 3.333 = 33.333. 33.333 - 10 = 23.333. 20.333 + 10 = 33.333. 33.333 - 10 / 3 = 30. 30 / 3 = 10

>> No.16128370

Assuming that every thread gets at least 2 replies and the odds of getting dubs are completely random, yes.
In reality it's probably much lower on slow boards, because the first replies generally come immediately after the OP is posted, and there won't be enough time for the post counter to reach another dub

>> No.16128372

tree fiddy percent

>> No.16128409


>> No.16128412

10*11 is 110%

>> No.16128619

0% if the thread is on /v/

>> No.16128693

At most 10%. That's the most you can say.

>> No.16128721

Your mom's the only 10% chance that 'happened' three times in a row faggot ahahahahahaha fag