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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 324 KB, 1971x1080, IMG_3904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16125305 No.16125305 [Reply] [Original]

Envision Edition

Previous - >>16123167

>> No.16125307


>> No.16125311



>> No.16125320
File: 288 KB, 1200x1509, a CA SpaceX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legally no. Ethically no. Politically -- oh they will try.

>> No.16125325

And I'll do it next time too, /sfg/, you can't hide from Barkon.

>> No.16125337

UDMH > all hydrocarbons. it's been held back by n2o4 all these years.

>> No.16125339
File: 440 KB, 1200x1390, a To the Jovian moon Alice - Bang Zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you take one of the tours of JPL, you get to see these probes in the clean room from up on the walk way. Pretty cool.

>> No.16125343
File: 1.61 MB, 1280x720, Beidou-3 launch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UDMH is based for a lot of applications but not on the first stage imo

>> No.16125346

what will it look at?

>> No.16125370

can this thing drill through the ice crust to find the europa squid people?

>> No.16125395

im sick of the recent luddite movement
>spaceflight bad
>ai bad
>science bad
too many motherfuckers trying to hold humanity back

>> No.16125403

We're in the pessimism part of the cycle. Hopefully it won't last too long and we can get back to a neutral or optimistic part sooner rather than later.

>> No.16125405

>starship launches
>extreme seethe about starship in the time between the next launch
>starship launches again, but more successfully this time
>proportionally more extreme EDS seethe, very specifically hyperfocused on starship
>starship makes orbit, fails reentry
>extreme anti-starship seethe gets even more extreme
Has anyone noticed this trend? Starship is getting further and further along on it’s path to be what it promises, and yet the seethers are louder and more numerous than when it was just a paper rocket with some test tanks and and no notable flight experience.
To me it sounds like panic, it feels like these clowns are just trying to drown out the sounds of starship disproving all of their previous statements.

>> No.16125409
File: 349 KB, 1600x1000, Gagarin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Gagarin Edition
newfags get out REEEE

>> No.16125410

I approve of this thread actually.

You just need to listen to Barkon and go his way because what you're doing is drivel.

You don't do what you're doing but it's fine cause you're trying your best and you've got a good world view you're just stupid.

Listen to my next good post.

>> No.16125418

Ive had the opposite experience, but could also be that I ignore the seethe more these days (gets boring after a while)

>> No.16125434
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>> No.16125445

rocket report is out

>> No.16125447
File: 214 KB, 1326x1095, 1710153606752510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do we think of this

>The US Space Force announced Thursday it is partnering with two companies, Rocket Lab and True Anomaly, for a first-of-its-kind mission to demonstrate how the military might counter "on-orbit aggression."
>On this mission, a spacecraft built and launched by Rocket Lab will chase down another satellite made by True Anomaly, a Colorado-based startup. "The vendors will exercise a realistic threat response scenario in an on-orbit space domain awareness demonstration called Victus Haze," the Space Force's Space Systems Command said in a statement.
>This threat scenario could involve a satellite performing maneuvers that approach a US spacecraft or a satellite doing something else unusual or unexpected. In such a scenario, the Space Force wants to have the capability to respond, either to deter an adversary from taking action or to defend a US satellite from an attack.

>> No.16125456

>still no article on spacenews about the angara launch
they need more writers

>> No.16125460

more activity in space is good if this funnels money to new technology

>> No.16125462

in practice this is an attempt to keep rocketlab from bankruptcy.

>> No.16125467

APR 22 - spacex launching galileo (euros seething)
APR 25 - chinese manned launch
MAY 03 - chang'e 6 launch
MAY 07 - shitliner crewed launch

>> No.16125471

you forgot MAY 4 - Starship IFT-4

>> No.16125475

Starliner is NOT launching next month; boeing will announce this news officially in the next 2 days!

>> No.16125477
File: 71 KB, 1166x578, 1692399935092385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dropped this

>> No.16125482

We need a Zefram Cochrane

>> No.16125524

We need world war 3 first.

>> No.16125526

Should I enlist in the Space Force

>> No.16125528

what does a space forcer do? sit at a computer looking at sattelite data? I doubt you'd go to space slinging plasma guns

>> No.16125530

>massive iranian attack on israel expected as soon as today
now might be the best time

>> No.16125533

Wait wasn't he from the evil universe, so he's actually talking about the evil version of Cochrane who shot the vulcans during first contact?

>> No.16125535

Imagine the shuttle. Overly complex, expensive and killed many astronauts.
The government made that and we all know is the supreme authority in science so if the government can't reuse rockets, than It's impossible.

Now imagine growing up with that ingrained in your psych.

Next thing you know some trust fund baby is welding stainless together in Texas and proposes a system that would basically confirm that reusability is cheaper than expendable.
F9 has been pretty ignored on the final answer of reuseabilty because the expense of refurbishment is not known, 2nd stage also isn't reused
Starship however is the final answer, working as intended, there is basically no denial that reusable is cheaper when you only need to buy fuel.

That's breaking alot of people who see NASA as the final answer in spaceflight. If NASA couldn't make it work, no way spacex can and every bit of progress is eroding any NASA legitimacy.

>> No.16125543

Yes. And that sounds fine to me.

>> No.16125549

that sounds kinda gay to me but I get that it translates to power and shit, sure. it's just...seriously gayer than slinging space plasma guns with jetpacks and shit.

>> No.16125551

RocketLab getting a 24 notice contract.
32 million, hopefully keeps em around along with reuse.

>> No.16125553

Military is one of the few jobs where you can retire with a pension after 20 years. Then you can move into a high paid defense contractor job using your space skills.

>> No.16125558

getting killed as an infrantryman is extremely gay

>> No.16125560

this quasi-religious respect for some institutions is very funny to me
keeping that in mind, it is not that surprising that they got co-opted by another quasi-religion (wokism or whatever you want to call it)

>> No.16125562

well you know, shooting at satellites, doing shit to them, whatever. spacefun with jetpacks

>> No.16125565


>> No.16125571
File: 934 KB, 977x955, 1200x0-1671457105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spacewalking is based as fuck

>> No.16125581

>never use your legs

>> No.16125587

yeah but living as an infantryman is pretty cool sometimes until you get shot at

>> No.16125588

>he doesn't walk using the protrusions on his back

>> No.16125591

3 mil for nonexclusive license to most of virgin orbits IP

>> No.16125594

> Virgin, in its suit, claims that Boeing performed “shoddy and incomplete” work on the initial phases of the project. “Boeing’s failures with respect to its agreement with Virgin Galactic are consistent with Boeing’s record of poor quality control and mismanagement,” the complaint states.
with boeing you ain't going

>> No.16125600

It's the niggers, kikes and leftists that are keeping humanity behind
pessimism cycle will devolve into destruction cycle if niggers, kikes and leftists aren't destroyed

>> No.16125606
File: 1.38 MB, 904x1280, Koroliov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On April 12, 1961, after experiments with dogs, the famous Ukrainian engineer Serhii Pavlovych Koroliov launched a human-like russian into space.
The task of the russian, nicknamed Gagarin, was simple: to arrive at the launch sober, to sit quietly in the capsule, and to not to click or break anything. Thanks to months of rigorous training, he successfully completed this task.

>> No.16125609

Guys, am I taking some crazy pills or what the fuck is going on? Isn't it obvious that Starship is never going to be a viable option for the Moon, let alone Mars? This whole approach of "let's just blow things up" is going to ruin them. They're never going to land on Mars with Starship with humans on board, get the fuck out of here. They'd need like a dozens trials before any human is going to take that risk. It's an insane, absolutely insane project and the engineering is only like 25% done. Their timelines are so wack it's driving me insane. And almost no one here is being sceptical enough.

>> No.16125611

damn this goes hard

>> No.16125613

I trust Boeing more than VG.
don't move, I've already reported you to interplanetary immigration

>> No.16125614

yeah dude, you're totally right. I can't believe nobody figured this out before. thank you for telling the general, make sure you spread the word to others who might not know

>> No.16125616
File: 65 KB, 3292x1578, 349847629352345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a good idea?

>> No.16125619


>> No.16125620

did you just invent a worse version of strap on boosters?

>> No.16125621

why is it going to ruin them?
what is the problem with a dozen of trials?
you could do that within one launch window
just send 20 ships spaced out to arrive every few days, even if the first 12 fail in one way or another (at this point tiles and other systems would already be thoroughly tested with earth re-entry) they would still have 8 landing
how many times do you think it took for SpaceX to perfect drone landings with Falcon 9?

>> No.16125624

also you are gay

>> No.16125627

giant spring stage zero

>> No.16125632
File: 104 KB, 3292x1578, 349847629352345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but reusability. also i changed it a bit.

>> No.16125647
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>> No.16125648
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>> No.16125651

Commies see solutions as a threat to their ideology. Capitalism lifts billions out of poverty. Socialism killing hundreds of millions.

All they cling on to is half baked ideology.

>> No.16125652

sovl x 3

>> No.16125656


>> No.16125658

back to >>>/pol/
fucking retarded /pol/acks cant stay on their containment board

>> No.16125659

Triggered the commie troon. You will never be a spaceflight enjoyer.

>> No.16125667

I think its obvious that this thing will never land on mars. 10 years from now starship will have never been to Mars and SpaceX will be buiding an 18m diameter vehicle for actually going to Mars.

>> No.16125669

Still the same Starship of Theseus that will take us to Mars.

>> No.16125670
File: 35 KB, 602x227, newfag filter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MIGAs law being proven right, why dont you tell me what this equation is? go back to /ptg/ nobody wants your cancer here.

>> No.16125671

You will never be a spaceflight enjoyer.

>> No.16125675

>he doesnt know
You can just admit youre new and lurk more you know. Stop spreading your cancer to other boards, nobody likes your cancer OPs either every time you post your shitty trump OPs the thread is awful.

>> No.16125676

answer the question shitbrain

>> No.16125679
File: 61 KB, 499x627, 2x-N1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16125680

These people need to be killed really.

>> No.16125684

>APR 22 - spacex launching galileo (euros seething)
I'm not. I'm happy the retards at ESA have been forced to confront their own stupidity and accept they're not going to space today(or this decade).

>> No.16125686

see >>16125405 you are being described before you even post lol.

>> No.16125688

We need to bring back the newfag filter. It clearly worked very well just now with that /ptg/tard.

>> No.16125689

it only works because we don't use it very often

>> No.16125690

Newfag filter should ask whether SpaceX is the best space company in the world.

I'd imagine lot of seething will be generated.

>> No.16125691

Thats true... guess I'll hold off on using it.

>> No.16125692

Malding commies will cry about it all day

>> No.16125695

newfags don't remember the level of seethe generated by the collagefag

>> No.16125696

It's easy to decipher
>technology that allows more control
Praise the science! Don't be a chud and take the vaccine!
>technology that pushes boundaries
Hold on, we need to limit this and control it. Won't somebody think of the minorities we are leaving behind?

>> No.16125699

FAA confirms no May launch for OFT-4

>> No.16125704

is spacex the best space company in the world?
answering no to this question means that you are wrong and a newfag.

>> No.16125705

Not even that, its purely partisan. They like it when its control from their political party. The only reason they're pushing for control now is they have the current control of the gov.

>> No.16125706

>“I think we can possibly get there. I’m not going to say we will get there absolutely in May, but I won’t say it’s out of the question, either.”
may is still on the table

>> No.16125708

What a strange way to say ARCAspace.

>> No.16125709

russia did the same thing like 3 years ago. this isn't remotely the first military exercise in orbit.

>> No.16125710
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>> No.16125713

Hey faggot. Tell us what >>16125670 is since youre such a 'spaceflight enjoyer'.

>> No.16125716

Why are you still malding lmao. You will never be a spaceflight enjoyer.

>> No.16125717

Just tell us what the equation is and how to use it. Any spaceflight enjoyer should know what it is and what it does.

>> No.16125719

Any spaceflight enjoyer wouldn't castrate themselves.

>> No.16125720

>sounds of furious googling

>> No.16125722
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>> No.16125724

lol, the newfag filter is working exactly as intended.

>> No.16125728 [DELETED] 
File: 1.75 MB, 2894x2274, 1068a2bdf9ffd3e085156dd2cd571df9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugly frogposter

>> No.16125729

Lmfao how new are you?

>> No.16125732

Its never been off the table.

>> No.16125733

>Cirnotroon taking the side of the /ptg/tard

>> No.16125735

can the frogposter and cirnoposter come together today to make fun of this newfag /pol/tard? just this once?

>> No.16125737

no he's retarded too, it's possible for both sides to be wrong
they're both earthnoids whose souls are chained by gravity

>> No.16125743

No, commies needs to be spaced

>> No.16125744
File: 45 KB, 677x680, IMG_3320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im literally the one that posted the newfag filter, also I didnt start shit with the fairycel you can blame him for the fighting.

>> No.16125745

>so new he doesnt know what an airlock is
jesus christ it just gets worse and worse.

>> No.16125746

Mars colonies would need a healthy couple to procreate and advance humanity right? Does that automatically mean troons are a waste of money/effort for colonization? Any space troons occupy (outside of their own money) are necessarily holding back humanity right?

>> No.16125748


>> No.16125749

trannies can still procreate with real women

>> No.16125751

The grafted arm skin to your groin is not a dick. Please go chop off your tits and maybe your head next.

>> No.16125757

Troons will never go to space for medical reasons.

>> No.16125760 [DELETED] 
File: 459 KB, 1161x1200, 5700da8427401aada54da7d2d6fb8b3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post fewer frogs

>> No.16125761


>> No.16125764


>> No.16125765
File: 57 KB, 976x850, IMG_3388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time you tell me to post less I will post more.

>> No.16125770 [DELETED] 
File: 2.97 MB, 2268x3057, post this fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder which of us has more images lol

>> No.16125771

Reminder, these avatarfags needs to be necked.

>> No.16125772
File: 97 KB, 771x744, 010202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16125773

I dont avatarfag as frog poster theres like 4 of them in /sfg/.

>> No.16125775

Every freeman spaceflight enjoyer needs to neck the trannies, avatarfags, commies, and internet skeptics.

>> No.16125779

tell us what >>16125670 is, we're still waiting on your answer

>> No.16125784

Single word triggered you. You have a problem.

>> No.16125786

its the main way we can tell you apart from other anons. expand your vocabulary.

>> No.16125787

If commie posting triggers you, you have a commie problem in your brain.

>> No.16125789

explain this in plain english >>16125670

>> No.16125792

nobody's going to actually explain Tsiolkovsky's rocket equation anon

>> No.16125793

More, why are you a commie?

>> No.16125796

I hope you all know that the /ptg/ guy is baiting.

>> No.16125799

who the fuck is /ptg/

>> No.16125801

Boogieman for the commie

>> No.16125803

/president trump general/ its a cancerous general on /pol/ that routinely send out their retards to shill on other boards.

>> No.16125804

Why are you seething about a US president that supports the space industry?

>> No.16125807

Are you one of the commie poster on /pol/ trying to correct the record thing here?

>> No.16125808
File: 73 KB, 640x771, 18c6871c2265b4227dcb65cafe37940e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just report them when they say something too stupid and get on with your day, brother
remember, gloves are optional
Trump was the best president for space in recent memory because he got the fuck out of the way but his fans are retarded and he's a crook
it's whatever, I just wish people would shut up and let us talk about roggets

>> No.16125809

>I just wish people would shut up and let us talk about roggets

Political groups thats currently ruling the US wants to stop roggets

>> No.16125810

Looks like a sloth

>> No.16125811

is there anything that we can accomplish by ruining our rogget discussion though

>> No.16125812 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 228x221, IMG_3906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for ruining my thread guys

>> No.16125813

>$8 in 1970s
That's one hungry hungry nigger

>> No.16125814

Remove commies who want to stop spaceflight.

>> No.16125818
File: 190 KB, 500x500, 12539cc6df5af30561f16267507ad0d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid frogposter
you can't do that by shitposting on an anonymous congalese basket weaving forum

>> No.16125819

He's basing it off of his own diet.

>> No.16125820
File: 156 KB, 483x638, 6948085d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16125821

/sfg/ is only good when it gets flooded with casuals who drown out the spergs who think they're in a power struggle for control of a thread on 4chan

>> No.16125823

is it actually safe to not wear gloves in vaccum?

>> No.16125824

cant you and the other frogposter just fight with each other and leave me out of it

>> No.16125826

safety is a sliding scale

>> No.16125827

>not one (you) from arcaposting
the endtimes are nigh

>> No.16125829

your hands swell up but they'll go back to normal when you return to normal pressure. it's safe in the short term. look up joseph kittinger

>> No.16125830
File: 74 KB, 548x803, 1707007299449846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16125831

have ARCA actually done anything recently? their gypsy scam payed out and they all fucked off to do their own thing IIRC

>> No.16125833

That cow has been milked dry, its been dry since they got their twitter account hacked. Nothing can top that Im sorry.

>> No.16125835
File: 230 KB, 614x609, f20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20th reusable flight for F9.

Do you think we'll see 30th or 50th F9 reusable launch before Starship completely takes over?

>> No.16125838
File: 157 KB, 740x1036, imaginethesmell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this fag anime such a big meme in sfg?

>> No.16125839

just wear some leather gloves to protect your hands from temperature and radiation and limit the swelling

>> No.16125841

spoken like a man who's never watched all 4 seasons of touhou

>> No.16125842

Probably 30, more than likely not 50 though. Hopefully starship starts doing regular flights within 2 years as in multiple times a month.

>> No.16125843

Its not. Cirnofag patrols all boards only to hate Pepe, /sfg/ just receives his attention because a decent amount of us like frogs and posting them.

>> No.16125847
File: 960 KB, 1024x1536, frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk. At least frogs are loosely spaceflight adjacent.

>> No.16125848

Frogs needs to be gassed.

>> No.16125849 [DELETED] 
File: 306 KB, 988x701, 9a708558e92d5071a47cd6b02ba49a02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are not special, I am not gangstalking you, I do not care about you at all
I was here long before you and will be here long after you leave
does anybody have Cirno's Perfect Methane Recondenser?

>> No.16125852
File: 9 KB, 599x399, 5d1ba8614a4f9bba50ab2a1702b2096e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it

>> No.16125861

i am gangstalking you

>> No.16125865

based, come and get some

>> No.16125867

kek look at that fucking idiot. serves him right. they should have a frog sound supression system for airane

>> No.16125871
File: 147 KB, 1148x746, 1503056711001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16125872

How do organize/find your images?

>> No.16125873

what a baka

>> No.16125874

>it is launch day my dudes

>> No.16125878

the white worm patch on a red background is based as fuck

>> No.16125891
File: 959 KB, 2005x789, Screenshot from 2024-04-12 12-54-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Increasing frequency of launches from (((Vandenberg))) SFB raising concerns in public comments in local town hall meetings.

>> No.16125894

I'd like to increase my launch rate inside of HER, if you catch my meaning.

>> No.16125895

the eternal nimby

>> No.16125897

nooo you cant just create jobs and provide internet to people

>> No.16125898

I'm not sure I understand, could you elaborate?

>> No.16125908

stupid frogposter

>> No.16125910

so true

>> No.16125921

TFFFD (Total Frog Fairy Fox Death)

>> No.16125936

Not actually B*rkun just testing if the name auto bans you. I will answer a question directly if you wsnt proof Im not the spambot.

>> No.16125938

did u get banned?

>> No.16125939

Ok it doesnt autoban you.

>> No.16125941

No I did not see >>16125939 me double checking here.

>> No.16125949
File: 3.96 MB, 720x1280, 1693995523356637.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

russian icbm test a few hours ago. interestingly it looks alot like falcon 9 launches.

>> No.16125953

>anon discovers what rocket launches look like

>> No.16125957

What exactly do you think ICBMs are?

>> No.16125961

this one looks more successful than the last one. I guess they may have sorted out any issues?

>> No.16125968

Tory Burno BTFO x2

>> No.16125972

damn that's fucked up

>> No.16125976

Bandwagon means Gwynne was right about small launch companies.
Their complete extinction is now only a matter of time.

>> No.16126013
File: 113 KB, 1280x818, GK-viHFXoAAnIWI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16126018

>A rocket looks like a rocket
you're really breaking new ground there.

>> No.16126023
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>> No.16126025


>> No.16126029
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>> No.16126032

luddites and crabs in a bucket. smart people are worried about ai, nuclear war, climate change... but what's really going to make us go extinct is retards.

>> No.16126035

commie reddit needs to be purged

>> No.16126036

I've noticed an interesting correlation where the people who post stuff like this never own guns.
just an observation

>> No.16126038

why does universe sandbox never go on sale :(

>> No.16126043

you need to fucking kill yourself faggot

>> No.16126044

>twitter reddit screenshot
kill yourself

>> No.16126046

>while the rest of us die
??? how? these guys literally think mass human death is imminent?

>> No.16126047

so does elon. he talks about civilization collapsing constantly

>> No.16126050

They're the ones pushing for war with nuclear Russia and think its Elon's fault

>> No.16126051

>they're stil futzing with the chopstick hydraulics

>> No.16126055

hydraulics are the best choice though. Electric motors require more power for given torque. They weight less but thats not a big gain on a launch pad.

>> No.16126059

99% of the chopsticks are not doing anything. it doesn't matter at all how much power it consumes.
what matters is how often it breaks. and how complex it is to repair.
the propellant pumps are by far the most power intensive thing on the site.

>> No.16126060

The power requirement is irrelevant, what matters is the reliability.

>> No.16126063

It's never been more off the table than it is now

>> No.16126071

I want to fuck that spaceship. She looks like she transports human men.

>> No.16126079

>Gwynne Shotwell: "I will eradicate small launch companies"
>small launch companies, two years later: surprised pikachu face
hmmm yes who could have seen this coming

>> No.16126082

the people who do own guns know that if they post about their plans then they'll be stopped

>> No.16126089

>surprised pikachu face
Go back to teddit you fucking nigger. Next youre gonna pull out that fucking simpsons meme

>> No.16126090
File: 46 KB, 182x472, 87e70f2c225ba7838c78cd6e9b3d918c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16126098

That's unfortunate

>> No.16126104
File: 25 KB, 440x495, purge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16126109

Got something to say fag?

>> No.16126113

It’s always melodramatic morons like this who think they can police places like /sfg/.
You could make a scientific classification for their behavior, it’s all so predictable.

>> No.16126116
File: 286 KB, 1617x1355, jimwtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16126118

I said to SAY you mute coward

>> No.16126130
File: 3.27 MB, 4109x5137, 5a61272bf6669fde9e1524a3f2906057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16126132

not necessarily complete collapse in the near term, but also people like the pic getting political power and there being a long period of stagnation
collapse could happen in a few hundred years, but political decline/stagnation is already happening in many places, doesn't mean everybody just starts dying instantly (though mass deaths are not uncommon in communist countries either)

>> No.16126133
File: 30 KB, 657x516, 010288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16126137

today is friday though?

>> No.16126140

If its not cancelled...

>> No.16126142

Mars sample return can be done with a starship. Two birds with one stone. It's a shame the present Starship clearly wont land on Mars, if it was wider and actually a practical lander I think they would eventually give SpaceX the contract.

>> No.16126144

If Elons home country is any indication, the collapse of a developed nation is slow and boring. Unfortunately there is no mad max shit or anarchy involved, everything just continuously gets worse.

>> No.16126146

what's your end game wide-starship schizo?

>> No.16126157

If Elon gets fed up with seeing me post about it in /sfg/ he will say fuck it and announce the 18m variant. I think they could get away with just making a new launch ring and keeping the tower. If they dont the HLS demo flight will tip over. mark my words.

>> No.16126159

>smart people are worried about... climate change
Those aren't smart people anon

>> No.16126160

no, they should make a mini starship

>> No.16126170

It looks like it would never get off the ground first of all.

>> No.16126173

the one they already have only does 40T to orbit. I'mnot confident about the margins they would get out of a smaller ship.

>> No.16126183

If you’re flying around proxima or sirius or betelgeuse with solar panels, is it REALLY solar power?? Seems like a bad name.
Another win for nuclearsisters.

>> No.16126184

yep, south africa had nuclear weapons, it is entirely plausible that they could have started doing spaceflight at some point
but try to do any of that now in South Africa? you don't even have consistent power

>> No.16126188

this is the mini starship

>> No.16126193
File: 203 KB, 1652x917, 1703174024199418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurry up and get us off this planet

>> No.16126194

Current SS (the 9m ones that have been launching so far) are just scaled-down versions of the factory variant (18m)

>> No.16126209

photovoltaic cells

>> No.16126210
File: 300 KB, 1170x1588, itsglover2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16126211

It actually has landing legs?

>> No.16126213

How else would they land on Mars? Will SpaceX ask for aliens to build a tower first.

>> No.16126215

I'm just expressing my amazement that they actually brought up the leg issue in some small way

>> No.16126218

on earth it would take years to build something like that. on mars it'll take decades.

>> No.16126220

Are you retarded? HLS has legs also

>> No.16126221

ok? I guess we won't do it then because decades long projects can't exist or something

>> No.16126222

On Mars there is no EPA. There is no FAA. There is no government at all

>> No.16126224

The difference is that on Mars there's nothing else to do but work.

>> No.16126225 [DELETED] 
File: 324 KB, 690x1035, 006aWhMSgy1homs5tzrswj31a01x07wh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Large and detailed iSpace information dump

* 4-6 Hyperbola-1 launches in 2024
* Hyperbola-3 first launch in 2025
* Hyperbola-3 first reuse in 2026

They're building a rocket assembly, testing, and reuse facility in Hainan. They're also building a new "large" engine test stand. I wonder what for? The JD-2 engine is just wrapping up its testing program and is about to start mass production.

To read more, you can use translation software on this eight-point summary


>> No.16126226

the surface of the earth doesnt kill you from radiation in a few years like it does on mars

>> No.16126228


>> No.16126230

no but you have people with guns coming to stop you if you start building without talking to random retards and waiting for years

>> No.16126234

radiation isn't real

>> No.16126236

radiation is unironically not real. no one has ever died from it

>> No.16126237
File: 324 KB, 690x1035, 006aWhMSgy1homs5tzrswj31a01x07wh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Large and detailed iSpace information dump

* 4-6 Hyperbola-1 launches in 2024
* Hyperbola-3 first launch in 2025
* Hyperbola-3 first reuse in 2026

They're building a rocket assembly, testing, and reuse facility in Hainan. They're also building a new "high thrust" engine test stand. I wonder what for? The JD-2 engine is just wrapping up its testing program and is about to start mass production.

To read more, you can use translation software on this eight-point summary


>> No.16126240

i'm pretty sure sticking a cat in a microwave kills it

>> No.16126241

Thank you China poster

>> No.16126244

>You can't just carry a dosimeter to make sure you will not randomly die in a few years
KYS bad faith argument

>> No.16126246

where are you going to stay to hide from the radiation if everything is still taking decades to build?

>> No.16126249

In a shielded area.
Regolith shield. Tensile structure with a kilometer of air above you. Low elevation regions. Lots of ways.
You're simply not even trying to solve the problem you just like telling others that they shouldn't do things since doing things is hard and you dont like hardship

>> No.16126252

why is it taking decades, and can we not just chillax in a starship? Maybe pour some terra firma over a reinforced Starship turned on its belly?
Radiation is a non-issue btw!

>> No.16126257

sfg be like
>ummm sorry sweaty but the van allen belts are just a maymay
and then completely ignore the fact that Apollo took a specific route to minimize time spent in the death zone

>> No.16126261

While it is true that 'your own government harassing and killing you' is *by far* the greatest risk to all humans in living memory, I don't think space will stop them from trying to fuck with you.

>> No.16126262

nobody is planning to live in the van allen belts and mars doesn't have a magnetic field so it doesn't even have one

>> No.16126263

died from water molecule shenaigans maybe

>> No.16126264

Just fyi, anyone who wants to follow China space news closely can just check out @卡尔达瓦里希 on Weibo (a very good account for this purpose) and use translation software. I'm not very reliable as a relay and filter

>> No.16126270

>retard actually confusing particle "radiation" with electromagnetic radiation

>> No.16126271

baiters be like
>ummm sorry sweaty but a statistically measurable increase in cancer rates is a good reason to never colonize the stars
and then completely ignore the fact that they eat microplastics for breakfast

>> No.16126272

>using Chinese websites overseen by CCP censors

>> No.16126274

This guy shows pretty conclusively that microwave's are not real

>> No.16126276

why did I put an apostrophe there

>> No.16126279

I’m not that anon nor am I a chink shill, but don’t act like the US gooberment isn’t the queen of spying, censoring, and manipulating public thought

>> No.16126280

>using American website overseen by CIA niggers

>> No.16126285

They're ambitious, but you'd have to be if you want any chance of surviving the marketshare fight that's brewing in China. I wouldn't put them in the same place as Landspace or Space Pioneer. Both of those have tested out actual hardware for the Zhuque-3 and Tianlong-3 on the ZQ-2 and TL-2. iSpace have performed hop tests, but the Hyperbola-1 is an all-solid rocket that can't contribute much technical know-how to the SQX-3, and it's a rocket that currently has a 3/6 flight record; the Kuaizhou-1A it ain't.

>> No.16126307

OK Chang. Make a video where you denounce the Chinese space admin for failing to keep up with SpaceX and blame the shit leadership of Xi for it and call for his replacement.

>> No.16126311

>40 Tonnes
>That's 40 tonnes 'folks

>> No.16126314

Learn to read bozo

>> No.16126315

Change in velocity is equivalent to the exhaust velocity of the engine times the natural logarithm of the initial mass over the final mass.

>> No.16126326

just filter all the namefags. been doing this for quite a while now. since moot btfo'd there's no reason not to hide all these faggots.

>> No.16126334

hmmmm yes that's true but what if I drop rocks on them

>> No.16126340 [DELETED] 

>Both of those have tested out actual hardware for the Zhuque-3 and Tianlong-3 on the ZQ-2 and TL-2.
I think TL-3 has no hardware in common with TL-2. The diameter is different, the engines are different, the pad is different. TL-2 uses 3.35m diameter, YF-102 first stage engines, and TH-11 second stage engine. TL-3 will use 3.8m diameter and TH-12 engines. Although ZQ-3 will use a derivative of the engine flown on ZQ-2.

The SQX-2Y hopper is based on the first stage of the SQX-2 rocket, which is basically a smaller version of Hyperbola-3 that iSpace cancelled because the light lift market is on track to be overcrowded in China. I think it confers some technical know-how for SQX-3

> I wouldn't put them in the same place as Landspace or Space Pioneer.
I wouldn't either, although the main reason is funding, as reflected in the infrastructure they can afford to build. LS and SP both have money to build their own pads at Jiuquan for each of their rockets, which is critical to have any hope of achieving high cadence anytime soon. (In addition, SP will use HICAL pad 1 for Hainan launches). iSpace is going to only use shared pads for the time being, and the Weibo post above says this. SP is talking about 30 rockets per year by 2027, while iSpace is talking about 20 SQX-3 per year by 2030 (in addition to 20 SQX-1). Perhaps the three consecutive failures of SQX-1 from February 2021 on contributed to this relative lack of funding.

>> No.16126347 [DELETED] 

>Both of those have tested out actual hardware for the Zhuque-3 and Tianlong-3 on the ZQ-2 and TL-2.
I think TL-3 has no hardware in common with TL-2. The diameter is different, the engines are different, the pad is different. TL-2 uses 3.35m diameter, YF-102 first stage engines, and TH-11 second stage engine. TL-3 will use 3.8m diameter and TH-12 engines. Although ZQ-3 will use a derivative of the engine flown on ZQ-2.

The SQX-2Y hopper is based on the first stage of the SQX-2 rocket, which is basically a smaller version of SQX-3 that iSpace cancelled because the light lift market is on track to be overcrowded in China. I think it confers some technical know-how for SQX-3

> I wouldn't put them in the same place as Landspace or Space Pioneer.
I wouldn't either, although the main reason is funding, as reflected in the infrastructure they can afford to build. LS and SP both have money to build their own pads at Jiuquan for each of their rockets, which is critical to have any hope of achieving high cadence anytime soon. (In addition, SP will use HICAL pad 2 for Hainan launches). iSpace is going to only use shared pads for the time being, and the Weibo post above says this. SP is talking about 30 rockets per year by 2027, while iSpace is talking about 20 SQX-3 per year by 2030 (in addition to 20 SQX-1). Perhaps the three consecutive failures of SQX-1 from February 2021 on contributed to this relative lack of funding.

a few corrections

>> No.16126350

>Both of those have tested out actual hardware for the Zhuque-3 and Tianlong-3 on the ZQ-2 and TL-2.
I think TL-3 has no hardware in common with TL-2. The diameter is different, the engines are different, the pad is different. TL-2 uses 3.35m diameter, YF-102 first stage engines, and TH-11 second stage engine. TL-3 will use 3.8m diameter and TH-12 engines. Although ZQ-3 will use a derivative of the engine flown on ZQ-2.

The SQX-2Y hopper is based on the first stage of the SQX-2 rocket, which is basically a smaller version of SQX-3 that iSpace cancelled because the light lift market is on track to be overcrowded in China. I think it confers some technical know-how for SQX-3

> I wouldn't put them in the same place as Landspace or Space Pioneer.
I wouldn't either, although the main reason is funding, as reflected in the infrastructure they can afford to build. LS and SP both have money to build their own pads at Jiuquan for each of their rockets, which is critical to have any hope of achieving high cadence anytime soon. (In addition, SP will use HICAL pad 2 for Hainan launches). iSpace is going to only use shared pads for the time being, and the Weibo post above says this. SP is talking about 30 rockets per year by 2027, while iSpace is talking about 20 SQX-3 per year by 2030 (in addition to 20 SQX-1). Perhaps the three consecutive failures of SQX-1 from February 2021 on contributed to this relative lack of funding.
edited post, made some corrections

>> No.16126351

im bored
>iran and israel go to war
>the west helps israel
ok but how does the space domain go? does the space force use x-37b to nudge iranian satellites out of orbit? does the NSA use a secret cyber attack to brick ground stations?

>> No.16126360

If you're looking for good aggregators of Chinese space news, Chinese websites are indeed relatively good places to find them. It's usually more fruitful than trying to find them on, say, Italian websites.

The sources for most Chinese space news are clips/posts/articles/interviews/press releases posted on Chinese websites, or interviews/reporting on Chinese TV, so you're going to be directly or indirectly using Chinese media platforms if you're trying to follow Chinese space news

>> No.16126370
File: 154 KB, 883x883, IMG_8036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cancel MSR
Point and laugh at Euros

>> No.16126372

this aint ksp buddy.

>> No.16126395
File: 621 KB, 1029x558, Kang Yonglai Projection Market Demand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you want any chance of surviving the marketshare fight that's brewing in China
A slide from a presentation "trends in the commercial space industry in China" by Space Pioneer boss Kang Yonglai. This list does, of course, not include secret military constellation projects that might be in the works, nor the litany of individual payloads that combined constitute yet another significant task to launch. There are also rumors that Huawei is interested in participating in a third internet megaconstellation, however they're holding off because launch capacity is too much of a bottleneck.

(the (t) should be (kg) I think)

There is an immense launch demand in China. I think the more likely problem is competition for relevantly skilled labor, component suppliers and launch pads, rather than the competition for customers

>> No.16126402

The Simorgh is Iran's largest launch vehicle and it can only lift 350 kg. Iran's satellites are vanity-class objects in the eyes of military planners. They don't matter and don't provide any capability worth attacking.

Hacking is a valid option but it's not going to be NASA's department. Mossad has that handled better than NASA ever will.

>> No.16126420

Do you think Milei will travel to Mars with Musk

>> No.16126429

No I do not think that, because it is preposterous

>> No.16126430

They're more experimental than vanity objects, I'd say. Still, even small satellites can have a legitimate reconnaissance ability in lack of anything better, however they don't really matter when compared to the Khayyam satellite Russia sold to Iran which probably uses a lot better tech than anything Iran can currently build, or when compared to what satellite intel Iran might receive from Russia and/or China.

>> No.16126431

Why? To create the perfect Ayn Rand utopia, free from any Earthly constraints?

>> No.16126439

this aint /pol/ buddy.

>> No.16126455

funnily enough the mars base locations spacex is looking at have the criteria of being low elevation, but I think that was mostly for added aerobraking
but getting more shielding from radiation is a bonus too and you get thicker atmosphere for more CO2 for sabatier
solar insolation reduction from the thicker atmosphere in lower elevations would probably be completely neglible

>> No.16126457

More likely to do with Tesla setting up shop in Argentina and Starlink access

>> No.16126465

higher temperature at lower areas too

>> No.16126467

why is the pisslock green?

>> No.16126477

>this one didn't crash
impressive, they're making progress.

>> No.16126480

please actually do this, i want to see a bunch of retarded redditors get shot dead for trying to interfere with a launch, better yet, get fucking cooked alive by the heat and vibrations as it takes off.

we should tie people like this to the water deluge plate during launch to make an example.

>> No.16126482
File: 39 KB, 285x400, hdrax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16126489
File: 326 KB, 1920x1200, 15430920465137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Merica beats Europe to its namesake moon
Step up your game, Eurocucks.

>> No.16126490
File: 15 KB, 695x540, spacex823982179312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a question: Why did SpaceX promotional material get so much worse over the past 8 years?
We go from abolutely awe-inspiring music in the original ITS video, to the modern shit with generic techno futurist slop music which looks and sounds like it was made by someone on fivver

>> No.16126493

Because a tranny is in charge of production, next question

>> No.16126496

this is actually true, not a joke

>> No.16126497


All Starship testing

>> No.16126498


>> No.16126501 [DELETED] 

Because it went from concept to development, do you expect every concept idea they have to look like what it will when they have to actually build it? Stop being a fucking neanderthal.

>> No.16126504

tried to find him but there was one posting about his transition and whatever, can't seem to find it
google just turns up musks anti-tranny views and one of his sons

>> No.16126506


>> No.16126507
File: 518 KB, 1820x2048, spacex video tranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16126510 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 799x799, IMG_8037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am disgusted by transvestites; I wish Musk and Shotty would just show them all the door (airlock)

>> No.16126513

Time for your daily starlink launch

>> No.16126514 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 300x168, IMG_3910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physiognomy status?

>> No.16126516


>> No.16126517

It’s called being barrel-chested and they used to make men like this Lords of entire fiefdoms

>> No.16126518 [DELETED] 

Audible kek, congrats anon.

>> No.16126519 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 946x1024, IMG_3391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cirnocel got banned
>frogGODS remain
frog board, frog website, frog general.

>> No.16126524


>> No.16126525 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 586x500, IMG_3911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops nvm gonna kms

>> No.16126528

There's always another one. The Falcon after this one is launching on Wednesday with a commercial customer

>> No.16126529
File: 3.51 MB, 2759x2438, GK-Cbs4aEAAIkBJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vandenberg Space Force Base
>Image captured 2024-04-09 19:04:03 UTC.

>> No.16126530
File: 728 KB, 972x1342, GK9qPXoaMAAWr2R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High resolution satellite imagery of SpaceX's Starbase facilities as Flight 4 of Starship comes closer.
>Captured yesterday at 17:06:47 UTC. Full and interactive image on @Soar_Earth: http://soar.earth/maps/18536

>> No.16126531

Bottom left looks like the actor who plays Danny Stevens in For All Mankind.

>> No.16126532
File: 1.61 MB, 2407x1184, GK9qQgBbsAAwV_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16126534
File: 65 KB, 657x590, 010289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16126535
File: 670 KB, 1200x834, 1200px-Vandenberg_AFB_Shuttle_Launch_Site.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to be great seeing Falcon Heavy launch from here

>> No.16126536
File: 449 KB, 2048x1535, GK-c3pwXgAAOPmA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another shot of our awesome building here at SpaceX Starlink down in Bastrop Texas

>> No.16126538

>actuator replacement
hydraulichuds simply canmot stop losing

>> No.16126541 [DELETED] 


>> No.16126548

are you retarded? he's clearly remarking on the quality of the presentation rather than what the vehicle looks like.

>> No.16126555 [DELETED] 

No you are a lying faggot, clearly he meant the vehicle and is seething about recent changrs.

>> No.16126559

Reminder. 40T

>> No.16126560 [DELETED] 
File: 567 KB, 719x721, IMG_3909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40 trannies?

>> No.16126564

Out of a preoperational prototype that's still at the phase of discovering Door and Valves Stuck

>> No.16126571
File: 42 KB, 640x326, 1597529074354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that's terrible

>> No.16126574 [DELETED] 

He'll get so fat from eating 40 cakes... wait is he eating 40 trannies??

>> No.16126575

Made me audibly lol hahah

>> No.16126576

4 bings to 20th flight https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1BdGYrMMomXJX

>> No.16126577


>> No.16126578


>> No.16126582 [DELETED] 

Thoughts on TFD?

>> No.16126588

is this the first twentieth booster reflight? I don't actually care about the launch either way but i guess it'd be interesting to know

>> No.16126590

Everyone laughed at reuse in 2015, myself included.
At one point everyone doubted 10 reuses, then 11. 15 seemed impossible…

>> No.16126591

>Everyone laughed at reuse in 2015, myself included.
Nah just you

>> No.16126592

It was everybody.

>> No.16126593

>about the angara launch
Supposedly it deployed an additional cubesat in LEO besides the one we know about. What are those sneaky Russians up to?

>> No.16126596

I didn't laugh. I wasn't paying attention to spaceflight in 2015

>> No.16126600

Yep. Just over halfway to topping Discovery's 39 mission total.

>> No.16126605

not really, I wasn't laughing or skeptical just hopeful and interested

>> No.16126609

i literally dont give a shit about chinese powerpointware
until something flies stop posting

>> No.16126611
File: 461 KB, 2560x1526, 1608869456763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>18m diameter vehicle
ITS, my beloved

>> No.16126615

>already stretching the vehicle before it even flies once

just start wider...

>> No.16126623

in addition, by my count this is the 323rd Falcon 9 launch attempt, which equals the Soviet Vostok record from the Cold War era. Next milestone: surpass Proton's 429 launches. Crazy to think that will probably happen next year!

>> No.16126636
File: 41 KB, 648x542, 010292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16126638
File: 73 KB, 662x695, 010293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16126640
File: 584 KB, 3000x2000, GLAmjbBaQAA3gjL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these pics are kino

>> No.16126642
File: 301 KB, 3000x2000, GLAmjbKbQAAhEYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16126644
File: 1018 KB, 3000x2000, GLAmjbAbYAAbTCM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16126646
File: 1.19 MB, 3000x2000, GLAmjbAa0AAaH8m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16126649

>the flame lighting up the surface of the water

>> No.16126650
File: 108 KB, 655x815, 010294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16126662

>Attaining a new milestone of 20 launches with a single booster in <4 years represents a formidable accomplishment. However, ensuring this feat was achieved safely and reliably has posed a monumental challenge. This achievement not only speaks to the remarkable capabilities of the Falcon 9 but also highlights the extraordinary competence and constant vigilance of the Falcon team. Bravo!

>> No.16126665
File: 263 KB, 1642x2048, GLApfL3XsAAVvM7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16126668
File: 485 KB, 2880x1744, 1706917152785892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice booster reuse.
unfortunately, I prepared an infographic where I'm SMART and you need 10 reuses to break even

>> No.16126675

>Starship however is the final answer
Or maybe it's less of an answer and more of a solution. to the earther problem

>> No.16126676

Yep. First of the manny, keeping spacex fresh

>> No.16126680


>> No.16126685

61 seconds. it really is just one guy

>> No.16126687

40 trannies still seething

>> No.16126690

please fucking cancel it. it's getting to be a worse budgetary albatross than fucking SLS. it will set all mars missions back by literal decades.

>> No.16126693

I doubt it

>> No.16126695

The underlying assumptions of this entire chart are invisible, but it's self-evident that they're fatally flawed.

>> No.16126699

Reminder, federal INTEREST is 1.5T per year now. Not debt, INTEREST ALONE. Its set to grow to double in the next year or two. Its unfathomably bad

>> No.16126698

>It even took a lot of effort for me to convince everyone on my team in the beginning that reuse, particularly via propulsive landing, was the right move!
So was he just lucky then? Sounds like his team were the ones that do all the work.

>> No.16126700


Huh, that's actually pretty neat.

>> No.16126701

Always wondered were there smug redditfags that spammed this image on other websites anytime falcon 9 was mentioned.

>> No.16126704

this mean nothing to me, I’m a financial midwit

>> No.16126713

come on anon, its not rocket science

>> No.16126714
File: 55 KB, 1132x825, GK_QGdrW8AATjxF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official US gov says inflation is only ~"3.5%" but real life shows that its close to 30-40%.

Its not just one off thing, entire industry prices have gone up by 30-80%

>> No.16126716
File: 334 KB, 559x680, GLAHC-BW0AAgFva.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What it basically means is there is no real budget for space. The 25B for space is now worth 30-50% less due to inflation.

>> No.16126720
File: 3.95 MB, 1280x720, VzF3G8PgpbEkA6cG.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16126730
File: 3.64 MB, 1280x720, tGt1g52H_DXsxxkg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16126736

Just land a probe with a return stage and a robot arm, scoop up some Mars soil and dump it into the return stage. Now you have a relatively cheap sample return mission with no need for fancy retrieval helicopters and such. To save even more money, dispense with the heat shield and fancy guidance/propulsion and pay SpaceX to retrieve it from solar orbit so no need for an expensive Mars orbit retrieval vehicle.

>> No.16126737

Ohhhhh ohhh oh oh. Huh, I’ve never considered that but it makes sense.

>> No.16126742

>scoop up some Mars soil and dump it into the return stage
not worth doing. one of the big issues with msr is we know so much about mars already from a half dozen rovers that analyzing whatever random soil you happen to land on top of in a lab on earth is probably less valuable than looking at hand selected samples with only the tools on a rover. all you get is the prestige and apparently that isn't worth the 500 million dollars even a stripped down mission would cost.

>> No.16126745

There's still controversy on whether the Viking lander experiments detected life. Landing there and bringing back the same soil Viking analyzed could be very informative.

>> No.16126748
File: 8 KB, 235x235, IMG_3912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont steal my fucking joke you fat nigger, Im the one that got your ass with the newfag filter too.

>> No.16126752

There’s no controversy brother, just popsoi hype

>> No.16126766

The US gov's revenue is roughly 4.5T a year, interest on the debt is 1.5T, so a third of revenue is used just to pay interest. Budget cuts are politically untenable so the debt has to keep growing and this will only get worse
Interest rates also can't come down because inflation is not under control

>> No.16126767

>just popsoi hype
Maybe so. I just recall reading somewhere that they found perchlorates on Mars and adding the nutrient solution to the Viking samples created a solvent that would kill any organisms if they were present. Probably wouldn't hurt to analyze the same samples under controlled lab conditions.

>> No.16126773

How did this happen?

>> No.16126775


>> No.16126776

why is there debt? what created the debt?

>> No.16126781

Dumb it down even further. I know what those words mean, but what the fuck is the “government’s revenue”??? wtf is debt like what, do we owe someone money? The US can literally just erase debt (I thought)

>> No.16126784

>government’s revenue
american's taxes is the government's revenue
>do we owe someone money?
yes. the government spends more than its revenue and takes on debt from other countries and banks
>The US can literally just erase debt (I thought)
the US can print money and pay off the debt which causes further inflation.

>> No.16126785

gov revenue = tax collection
The US owes money to people who buy the debt because they think it's a safe investment (a lot of is owned by us banks, some by Japan and China, etc)
No they can't erase debt they have to pay, if they don't then the US will not be able to borrow money anymore
If it can't borrow money then it will have to reduce it's yearly budget by 2T (the yearly deficit), which is not really possible so instead they can print money to try to cover the debt but that will cause hyperinflation and collapse the economy

>> No.16126788

>reduce it's yearly budget by 2T (the yearly deficit), which is not really possible
kill yourself. it is easy in fact.
just spend less money than you make have you ever run a lemonade stand?

>> No.16126789

Because no one did shit when they shitcanned the gold standard so the powers that be could print infinite fake money and distribute it to their friends while.impoverishing everyone else.

It's the basic function of how fiat currency works, currency is created by borrowing it and paying it back with interest. It's mathematically impossible to pay back and once it hits a certain point the system goes more or less exponential until it fails.

I assume he is talking about tax take and no the debt cannot be erased unless you want to destroy the United States as a political entity since it would render the dollar valueless.

>> No.16126790

yeah just say goodbye to your social security easy

>> No.16126791

consider not using a tripcode that mentions our general by name. thanks

>> No.16126792

This has nothing to do with fiat.
And it's not inevitable either.
It is directly the fault of drooling retards in government who come up with terms like "deficit" to normalize spending more than you have.
Have they ever tried just not doing that?

>> No.16126795

You are talking about reducing the yearly budget by one third and all that does is cover one (1) single years interest payment. What are you going to cut? Military? Sorry buddy locksneed and boing paid off the decision makers. Social services? Yep, have fun with niggers burning the country to the ground when the gibs stop. Medicare? No politician will ever do this because boomers will annihilate them next election, same goes for social security. Lemonade stand LMAO ok bro.

>> No.16126797
File: 857 KB, 2880x2880, NASA is proonting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proontfag here. Long time no see /sfg/. Just shopping by to remind everyone that we are 3 months away from the conclusion of a NASA year long habitation of a 3d printed mars habitation simulation!

>> No.16126798

>This has nothing to do with fiat.
>And it's not inevitable either

Financial midget detected.

>Have they ever tried just not doing that?

Yeah man, I'm sure the politicians who are bought and paid off pawns will suddenly vote against their own bribe money, retirement gigs and backhand deals because... ????

>> No.16126800

You can probably optimize all those areas to cut by one third and the some while delivering the same outcome.
Military and medicare has like a 10x scam factor. Just competently engineer it to be cheaper.

>> No.16126803

also even if the military budget went to 0 that would only be 25% of the reduction needed

>> No.16126810

Not an argument for your point. I agree the money is fake it's just that additionally there's too much spending.
Politicians don't suddenly become more honest when their bribe money is backed by gold instead of by nothing.

>> No.16126809

None of the industries involved wants their profits to go down, they can and do kill people over it. Shit, boing killed thay whistleblower just the other week. There are no incentives for any government officials to bring the hammer down because voters just mindlessly vote red or blue while industry pays off both sides to keep the money rolling.

>> No.16126814

>Politicians don't suddenly become more honest when their bribe money is backed by gold instead of by nothing.

Sure, but they can't just print money on demand to fuck over the entire nation with a gold or other commodity back standard. It's a leash that helps keep corruption in check.

>> No.16126821

How is it not inevitable? There is interest owed on every unit of currency in existence. You have to keep borrowing to pay back the interest, balancing the books is impossible.

>> No.16126827

You have to pay interest on borrowed money, on debt.
If you have debt you pay it off and don't generate any more.
The government revenue itself isn't borrowed and has no interest owed.

>> No.16126832

Based Jim poster

>> No.16126835
File: 664 KB, 1179x1138, IMG_3915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will cats be a danger to colonists or will it be fine to bring them? Im talking about their claws ripping up shit thats critical to the mission.

>> No.16126838

Hey did anyone archive the HLS award thread from 2021?

>> No.16126839

it's probably on warosu but just not searchable

>> No.16126842


>> No.16126843

>spoonfeed me i can't use the archive for a trivial task
lurk 5 more years

>> No.16126846

nta but we would long be on the moon by then

>> No.16126860

lol idk. dont cats have brain parasites or something

>> No.16126866

warosu is missing data in 2021 fireden has it with no images archived moe has it with thumbnails
>but no search enabled
just binary search to the date by post number

>> No.16126873

Why envision edition? Was something relevant to this spacecraft in the news lately or are you just excited for this amazing mission?

>> No.16126874

I welcome AI surveillance

>> No.16126883
File: 205 KB, 800x994, 800px-S-IC_engines_and_Von_Braun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man is Werner Von Braun.

He was a member of the National Socialist German Workers Party throughout Hitler's tenure as Leader/Fuhrer. During the dissolution of the NSDAP he was obtained by the USA's Operation Paperclip program.

He is responsible for much of the development of modern rocketry and jet engine development. If it was not for this man there would not be a single satellite above our heads.

A man subject of much allure and speculation - it is said that he was involved in much occultism. Some say that he was aware of technologies that far surpassed the modern jet engine and that he feared our governments would utilize these technologies against humanity.

>> No.16126887


>> No.16126891
File: 240 KB, 1200x1200, nBkSUhL2hFAjnc-3L76BrNOp2Z318Ji-miDHnvyDoGuQYX7XByXLjCdwu5tI-BaO-42NvWWBK8AqGfS8kjIzIymM8G1N_xHb1A=3kFyR9ywfvgsG0r4w2xzUA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

600 billion rubles (6.5 billion us dollars) will be allocated for the creation of a Russian superheavy rocket for flights to the Moon and Mars
The Russian authorities will allocate about 600 billion rubles to create a superheavy rocket for flights to the Moon and Mars. The rocket complex will be built at the Vostochny cosmodrome as part of the state program "Space Activities of Russia". This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister and Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia Denis Manturov
The project is going to be launched in 2025. The first flight tests of the superheavy rocket are scheduled for 2033. The project should be implemented by 2035.
In 2024, Russia will launch 123 spacecraft, Manturov said. The launch of the Start-1M conversion launch vehicle is planned for 2026 and the reusable Amur-LNG methane rocket for 2030.

>> No.16126896

See >>16126887

>> No.16126927

I ChatGPTd your mom

>> No.16126936
File: 61 KB, 760x320, Screenshot 2024-04-13 034549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should guide you there.

>> No.16126988

as the author of that post I would like to tell you that you are likely although not certainly incorrect.

>> No.16126994
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>> No.16127011

>In 2024, Russia will launch 123 spacecraft
Does that include cubesats? Russia' has been launching a decent amount of satellites recently but don't see how they get to 124 at the current rate. The year is almost half over.

>> No.16127030
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>> No.16127032
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>> No.16127040

hard agree on the uselessness of econ models. they just look at the way the world has been and assume it's the way the world must be. there's no accounting for visionaries or great leaps forward even though everyone knows that sometimes industries get upturned overnight. schumpeter knew better but he'd never get hired for a consulting gig today.
if anyone could have predicted starlink 10 years ago then the imperative of reuse would have been obvious. but none of them could predict it because their models forced them to assume it was impossible.

>> No.16127064

if they can't put it as a line in their excel sheets, it doesn't exist

>> No.16127072

>until something flies stop posting
iSpace is flying the SQX-1 orbital rocket and SQX-2Y hopper

>> No.16127076

what am I to make of this?

>> No.16127078

>Some say [who?] that he was aware of technologies that far surpassed the modern jet engine [citation needed]
neat, a schizo post

>> No.16127079


>> No.16127080

he was aware of project orion so i think this is technically true

>> No.16127093
File: 948 KB, 1170x1484, IMG_8039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn’t fair, why do Euros get to see it? I hope Apophis perturbs enough to enter into the atmosphere and strike that stupid continent

>> No.16127096
File: 44 KB, 491x392, the beginning of the end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine what /sfg/ will be like 5 years from now.

Where do (You) see yourself in 5 years?

>> No.16127097

might be multiple generals if the space economy takes off, though not in 5 years

>> No.16127099

You now remember the ‘/sfg/ should have its own board’ autist(s?)

>> No.16127115

>Mars sample return can be done with a starship
>Starship arrived on Mars
>A drone of some kind picks up the tiny sample tubes
>Also grabs a small boulder along with it
Would be funny.

>> No.16127130

Econfags should hang.
They are so absolutely worthless. They are all parasites that add nothing of value.

>> No.16127139
File: 182 KB, 1280x720, 567fhfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mechazilla Chopsticks Upgraded | SpaceX Boca Chica

>> No.16127216

Which post is worse (for the thread)

>> No.16127250
File: 1.28 MB, 3840x2160, 1710713506993472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is KSP, right?

>> No.16127267

Wait until they create combat units

>> No.16127268

With what purpose exactly? Fighting ghosts? Fighting rocks on Mars?

>> No.16127269

will there be private space force? like guarding elon's satellites?

>> No.16127273

what does this even mean

>> No.16127280

i've been saying that we need space force militias

>> No.16127290

>Mars colonies would need a healthy couple to procreate and advance humanity right?
No, sperm is much easier to store, transport and maintain than adult males. Mars needs fertile females, doctors, engineers and various kinds of skilled and unskilled laborers.

Obviously priority should be given to those who fall into multiple categories: fertile female doctors, fertile female engineers, etc.

Separate but equally important mental health concerns would eliminate genital-destroying lunatics from consideration.

>> No.16127294

There's samples on percy as well as the dropped ones, Starship should just bring back percy as it'll probably be easier in the long run.

>> No.16127295

what the fuck does Space Force mean anyway? some force in space? if foreign actors go after private infrastructure, who you calling to protect it? wouldn't it be some sort of private Space Force thing?

>> No.16127297

Human families are needed to raise a child. So sperm donors are nice but real society is not born from sperm donors but from fathers and mothers.

>> No.16127298

The effect of not having a strong father where they let their children be influenced by others has been a disaster for the black families.

>> No.16127300

Either it wouldn't increase total sales or the publishers have no idea what they're doing or both.

>> No.16127302


>> No.16127307

What do you guys think about making a logo for StarShip? Maybe something with runes or lightning bolts? Ideally it should emphasize how StarShip employs gas in its final solution to the upmass problem.

>> No.16127310

Just land the tower first.

>> No.16127311

Mars dilemma: which comes first, the rocket or the tower

>> No.16127319

A war with Iran is a good excuse to bumstomp some terrorists, but the USAF will just destroy all their important infrastructure within a day or two.

Space would only become relevant if Russia or China became directly involved and neither one loves Iranians enough to potentially destabilize their own regimes.

>> No.16127326

It worked. You're a faggot now.

>> No.16127327

how much carbon does one of these wars emit? considering all production for all used gear + the use of said gear/weapons? all of it combined, how much CO2 extra?

>> No.16127331

Killing other combatants. If necessary we will pay SpaceX to transport enemy combatants to LEO, possibly even inside pressurized vehicles.

>> No.16127335

It undoubtedly got scrapped because the vacuum and sea level raptors for those are so big that if they failed for any reason, they'd take the entire engine section with them, leading to a total loss of ship. The smaller the engine, the less damage a failure causes the entire assembly and greater the success rate. If you look at the evolution of the Raptor, from 1 to 3, all design changes is bringing it closer and closer to Merlin's size, as that's the sweet spot for engine size it seems. Especially when it comes to $/number for production.

BE-4 is the counter part, where the engine is absolutely huge, takes forever to produce, and each engine seems to cost anywhere from borderline 2 digit millions to 15-30 million a piece. That's atrociously bad when you want to build a city on Mars and need to launch ships by the hundreds. 100 ITS vessels to Mars with 7 engine configurations with each engine costing 15 million is $10.5Bn for just engines.


Raptor1 cost around $2M a piece. With 2s, the sheer level of optimization, increased build cadence and quality, and developing economies of scale would imply that they likely have achieved 3x reduction in cost so around 700k per engine. R3s probably will get down to the coveted $1000/T of thrust metric and get to $280-300k per. With these costs, 39 engines for flight to Mars means 273 million for the stack, which is posited against the 585 million for the stack. A 214% increase in price for a mere 25% increase in volume is incredibly shit for large scale transport capabilities.

>> No.16127337

If you insist on fathers, I reluctantly concede that this could be accomplished with a large female to male ratio without significantly impacting the total number of initial colonists or the population growth rate, but space harems are your idea, not mine.

>> No.16127340

The fact that they're black is a significant confounder.

>> No.16127344

doesn't have to be a harem in the sexual sense, you could have creches with multiple females and their kids and then a number of males as father figures, though not sure what that would do to the kids psychologically
having actual family units within this system even if you had monogamous relationships and kids with fathers and mothers in the creche, if you made a clear difference between the fatherless children and non-fatherless children that might have negative psychological effects on the fatherless ones, but I guess if the fathers acted as father figures and adopted (or some other arrangement, they were "uncles" or something) then who knows

monogamous relationships with nuclear families is known to work the best as far as I know

>> No.16127345

Economics models don't factor in physics when dealing with systems involving them, and instead imply or outright denigrate their value within the model as something to be considered. As such most economic models involving highly complex systems that are entirely reliant on the laws of physics and material science being what they are, are basically the equivalent of ouija board predictive behavior. Your odds are infinitely better flipping a coin at that point, and as that is at least 50/50 for success.

>> No.16127349

Pretty sure, there's no trailing thrust plume from the bottom of the stack.

>> No.16127354

Raptor 3s are supposedly much more complex to manufacture, but I guess with scale etc they could still get the price down on those
not the impression I got though

>> No.16127360

Fuck your cat I don't wanna be locked in a tin can full of cat piss

>> No.16127366

Close extended families with multiple backup 'fathers' and 'mothers' in the form cohabitating aunts/uncles is probably the best, rather than nuclear families.

kind of a non sequitur but I remember reading about a tribe where the uncles essentially acted as father figures to their nieces/nephews rather than their own children. Human society is pretty flexible.

>> No.16127386


>> No.16127388

The air force has its own security forces for guarding bases. As I understand, for now most if not all space force instalations are co-located with airforce bases or other existing DoD facilities. In the future there may be a need for the space force to have its own security personnel. Especially if they develop moon or Mars outposts.

>> No.16127392
File: 459 KB, 1179x1102, IMG_3919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its gonna be filled with your piss and shit either way you fat nigger. And dont disrespect the kots.

>> No.16127394

Unfortunately most musktards aren't able to understand this.
If you corner them then they will yell "refueling".

>> No.16127400

you probably like the smell, don't you? You should get yourself checked for toxoplasma: They increase your chances of car crashes, among other things.

>> No.16127402

Cats fucking stink and there won't be any rats or mice on Mars to justify having them

>> No.16127405

emotional support anon

>> No.16127406

lmao gottem

>> No.16127411
File: 1.18 MB, 1465x693, f2c403e42daa579132cde3f010aa289b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking warned you dipshits
pic related

>> No.16127430

>the only form of dairy on a mars colony for the first few decades will be breast milk

>> No.16127439

/cssg/ - Commercial Space Station General, where anons initially post about their trips to space stations and eventually when its cheap enough their own Starship stations.

>> No.16127440

Zurbuchen has gotten increasing based in his retirement

>> No.16127442

And also maybe /mars/ (since /mg/ would be taken by Moon General) for anons that live there, etc. once the solar system is conquered.

>> No.16127443


>> No.16127444

Kys shitcoin shill go back to >>>/biz/

>> No.16127445

>he's not a tensile plastic roof chad
we will have as much pressurized space as we desire

>> No.16127446

Is Universe Sandbox or Space Engine any good for people who want a fast way to simulate fictional star systems in 3D?

>> No.16127450

Space Engine no, thats good for getting a bunch of cinematic shots of basically anything that we know of but not for doing your own star systems. Not sure on Universe Sandbox since I never needed it with what I used Space Engine for.

>> No.16127451

just send lesbians

>> No.16127455

>not sending lesbians to Venus and gay men to Mars
baka my head, we're never making if off this planet if we can't get obvious shit like this correct

>> No.16127456

Universe Sandbox is literally that

>> No.16127461

Having part time dads doesn't sound better at all.

>> No.16127462


>> No.16127465

show some respect, homo

>> No.16127466
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>> No.16127468
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>> No.16127475
File: 2.70 MB, 960x960, 1659618106251160.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based we're going to need a few of these to help out with the less endowed females

>> No.16127476

Thanks anon, been wondering whats been up at Starbase

>> No.16127477

Mars has too long of a round-trip time, threads could die before you get to see them. Moon access to the internet would only be like two or three seconds delay, just fine for an image board.

>> No.16127483

This thread is over a day old. It'll be fine

>> No.16127484

I fucking kneel.

>> No.16127486
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>> No.16127488
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>> No.16127489

Every new engine is more complex to manufacture until you can automate as much of it as possible and get economies of scale. Then, it becomes trivial to manufacture. Elon's ultimate goal with SpaceX is to turn it into Tesla but for all things orbit and beyond orbit.

>> No.16127490

Arent these the Mechazilla arms? What are they doing to it?

>> No.16127492

upgrading some hydraulic actuator

>> No.16127494
File: 343 KB, 2002x1096, IMG_3920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angry got an interview with Airbus about their LEO space station theyre making.

>> No.16127496
File: 1.44 MB, 424x640, 1694899982027184.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cat uses your pressure suit as a scratching post
what do

>> No.16127498
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>> No.16127500
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>> No.16127501

Throw it out the air lock

>> No.16127503

Safely store it in a place where nothing but people can get to it like a closet... what else. Thats what would be done anyways.

>> No.16127504
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>> No.16127505
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>> No.16127506
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actuator getting removed

>> No.16127507
File: 1.14 MB, 2032x1177, IMG_3922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will sleep in ze coffins

>> No.16127510
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You vill use ze bikes

>> No.16127511
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>> No.16127512
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This one is actually kinda sick

>> No.16127513

>designated floor and ceiling
>equipment only on the walls
>what seems to be a counter/table
This interior looks like it was designed for 1g, not microgravity. Did they hire a woman to design this?

>> No.16127514

where toilet? or do they shit in bags?

>> No.16127520

Looking now xir

>> No.16127521

the suit or the cat?

>> No.16127522
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>> No.16127525

FOR THE RECORD, it seems like this space station is full steel. The Airbus ceo is dissing inflatables I just saw it in the presentation.

>> No.16127526

for some reason I read nanocracks

>> No.16127527


>> No.16127530
File: 1.21 MB, 2046x1177, IMG_3928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closer look at centrifuge

>> No.16127533

is the whole station spinning?

>> No.16127535
File: 966 KB, 1861x1177, IMG_3927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wider look with arrows. They ARE using Starship for this btw and they said they are certain it will be ready.
No just the bottom half it seems for experiments or exercising but its weird.

>> No.16127538
File: 139 KB, 1024x819, 1539913552604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so it's two or three wagie cagie cubicles that spin around?

>> No.16127539

Airbus is saying that the pioneer phase is over as the space market is exploding and theyre trying to take advantage of it.

>> No.16127541

The cat obviously

>> No.16127546
File: 869 KB, 1973x1179, IMG_3925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek yes it looks like it will also have an arm. Though for their first foray into the space station industry its surprisingly tame given how big their company is and seems decently achievable. Also it seems like they some more ambissions from picrel

>> No.16127548


>> No.16127550

The Airbus station launches in 2028, which Haven-1 will have been up for 3 years by then.
There is unfortunately no discussion of where the shitter will be.

>> No.16127551

angry astronaut is a faggot

>> No.16127553

>station launches
>only way to get to space is dragon

>> No.16127555

He let the guy talk in this interview for the most part and that guy says some pretty interesting stuff, if you dont like Angry then this interview will be good since you dont have to listen to him much.
This is why they say that Falcon will still have uses past Starship being operational.

>> No.16127560

I hope Crew Starship is operational before ISS deorbits just so we can complete the STS-135 handover.

>> No.16127563 [DELETED] 

Ehhh it takes a while to get human rated Im kinda doubtful especially with the special priveleges theyve had for getting human rated right now being removed pretty soon. It will be human rated obviously but might be very early 2030s

>> No.16127564

Wait what am I saying they need to take people to the Moon with HLS of course theyre going to be human rated by then. Deleting my retarded post now

>> No.16127565

Can you even get it human rated without abort system.

>> No.16127570

Spacex will certainly try.
Worst case scenario is that the crew has to launch on crew dragon, then transfer in orbit.

>> No.16127573

HLS doesn't need to be human rated because that's more about the actual dangerous parts of spaceflight: launch and landing
once starship is in space, it's just a big steel balloon and doesn't need that much to be considered safe

>> No.16127576
File: 1.72 MB, 4000x1800, IMG_20240413_205343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good android apps to help navigate the night sky? Outside of Warsaw right now taking some massive light pollution Ls.

>> No.16127580


>> No.16127581

I use Sky Map from fdroid. Haven't used it in a while though.

>> No.16127593


>> No.16127599

based old meme reminder

>> No.16127600

/sci/ is a slow enough board it'd survive just fine

>> No.16127603

Mars probably wouldn't use tcp. I think I heard that with the delay, it wouldn't really work. Mars might have a 'martians only' imageboard, and/or something that would be hosted through ipfs or something.

>> No.16127604

Thanks anons, I'll try them out as soon as I can.

>> No.16127624

>so the powers that be could print infinite fake money and distribute it to their friends while.impoverishing everyone else
cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.16127658

We need an Interplanetary Communications Protocol.
Yeah. ICP sounds good. Who doesn't like ICP?

>> No.16127666

The world ends tonight...

>> No.16127668

bad trips

>> No.16127670

What is this?

>> No.16127671

The assumption has been that everything outside of maybe GEO wouldn't talk to Earth over IP (and so no TCP), but instead would chat back and forth with store-and-forward messages (called the Bundle Protocol, on version 7 I think), basically because the latency is too much, yeah. But there's some noise lately about actually using IP further out into space and whether it can't be made to work. Might well be plausible for the Moon but I'm with you for Mars; no way would existing protocols work with a multi-minute one-way delay.

>> No.16127673

Nothing ever happens

>> No.16127674
File: 118 KB, 640x429, rcFU7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look just like the sleeping nooks on the iss

>> No.16127675

iran is currently bombing israel

>> No.16127676

we're giving iran one freebie since israel got to blow up their embassy

>> No.16127680
File: 48 KB, 1179x180, IMG_3929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16127681

Real shit? Let me check...
>dozens of drones
I sleep.

>> No.16127684

fr? another war just started?

>> No.16127686

maybe the first war in which both sides attack each other's space stuff

>> No.16127687

I guess I need to learn how to draft dodge?

>> No.16127694

new office building next to starfactory

>> No.16127695


>> No.16127728

But if I put the cat in the closet it will be even more likely to damage my pressure suit.

>> No.16127732

wagie cage 9001 includes three adult diapers and a bucket

>> No.16127736

guild navigator app

>> No.16127805

good, i hope as many jews and as many mudslimes as possible die in the conflict to come.