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16113583 No.16113583 [Reply] [Original]

How do we fix this

>> No.16113586

start vaxing them
oh wait

>> No.16113611

Solves itself. They will westernize which leads to hypergamy and antinatalism.

>> No.16113755

what is happening in asia?

>> No.16113758

Cut off food aid so their population returns to a level they themselves can sustain.

>> No.16114837
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>> No.16114856

Save mass killings, improve the standard of living and GDP. This can be best accomplished by simply allowing private military contractors in the west to simply go in and secure capital flows. The UN and various American and European NGO's already do this, but they're really fucking bad at it and probably aren't helpful. The only obstacle is this would look like 'neo-colonialism' or whatever other buzzword libshits might come up with.

>> No.16115287


The world needs more uneducated, mentally slow, violent, self-entitled Africans!
Thank you Bill Gates!

>> No.16115288


>> No.16115303

They don’t even ”westernize” in western countries. Neoliberalism truly is a cult. Just imagine the dystopia when the world is 8 billion 70IQ avg people lmao…

>> No.16115351
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NGOs will tell you this is a good thing because through universal education for boys and girls, sex education for all, and easy access to contraceptives and abortion, African women reduce their number of births down to western levels. What the NGOs won't tell you is that this only works while the NGO is actively managing the community. They have to actively push birth control. It's not enough to supply the community with contraceptives after they leave because the locals won't use them unless the NGO is there to constantly push them to use them.
The idea was that women have lots of children to compensate for the large number that die before adulthood. By immunizing children, improving access to clean water, and providing them with anti-malarial medicines, women with the choice to have less children would choose to do so. In reality, one the NGOs are gone, the birth rates rapidly return to their high levels even without high levels of childhood mortality.
There appear to be only two solutions. The first is to have NGOs in every village, neighborhood, and community in Africa, constantly managing their reproduction habits. The second is to stop helping to prevent childhood morality. The former is too costly and the latter is considered immoral. Instead the population of Africa will just grow until it can't grow any further, either due to the collapse of western food and medical support or the population simply out grows what the west can support, Either way, there will be immense suffering an order of magnitude larger than if the west didn't interfere at all.

>> No.16115428

>Either way, there will be immense suffering an order of magnitude larger than if the west didn't interfere at all.
That sums up that topic and so many like it but due to certain people's feelings being played like a fiddle it's never honestly discussed

>> No.16116533
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>> No.16117765 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 555x614, hanno's voyage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2500 years ago Hanno the navigator, a major naval figure from Carthage, set sail on one of the great voyages of discovery. He sailed from the Mediterranean out of straights of Gibraltar to explore the coast of Africa with a fleet of 60 ships, he worked his way down the coast past Mauritania to subsaharan Africa where he found that the people all had "burt skin" which is to say they were negroes. After meeting people like this for a while every time his ships landed he eventually came to an island off the coast of what is now Cameroon that was filled with burt skin people who were very hairy and extremely unruly. He named this tribe "Gorillas".
Because Hanno was not influenced by our modern ideas of species (The idea that humanity is a single species was declared by the UN in November of 1945, the idea has no basis in science or in reality, but all UN member nations are required to abide by it nonetheless.) he had to call things as he saw them and he was unable to differentiate between gorillas and African negroes other than that the gorillas were hairier.

>> No.16118437

stop spending a fortune to send them antibiotics for free

>> No.16118477

We don't give them food aid. We sell them food.

>> No.16118480


>> No.16118485

>one the NGOs are gone, the birth rates rapidly return

>> No.16118520

Isn't the Gates Foundation secretly sterilizing Africa?

>> No.16118537

>They don’t even ”westernize” in western countries.
They do though: they speak the language, consume western goyslop, get obese, make all sorts of demands like freedom of speech, freedom of religion, equality, better working conditions...
...completely different from how they were in their country of origin. If you're going to be racist then you need to become more intelligent then ''they don't even westernize''.

>> No.16118541

>Instead the population of Africa will just grow until it can't grow any further
At which point they start mass migrating from Africa like overpopulated lemmings. Its not as if the African population problem is just going to stay within the borders of Africa when they can easily just hop on a jet and start mooching resources in other parts of the world.

>> No.16118799

Have them make their own food.
We're depleting our soils and sadly can't afford it much longer.

>> No.16120006 [DELETED] 

>Because Hanno was not influenced by our modern ideas of species (The idea that humanity is a single species was declared by the UN in November of 1945, the idea has no basis in science or in reality, but all UN member nations are required to abide by it nonetheless.) he had to call things as he saw them and he was unable to differentiate between gorillas and African negroes other than that the gorillas were hairier.

>> No.16120008

Fuck off retard lol

>> No.16120019
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>> No.16120510 [DELETED] 

Thats already taking place

>> No.16121425 [DELETED] 

They should just eat each other, two birds with one stone

>> No.16121442

I personally think there's a strong possibility Hanno accidentally bumped into a population of the ghost hominids in sub-saharan DNA living after the extinction of the rest of the species, similar to the island of woolly mammoths that survived until a few thousand years ago.

>> No.16121456 [DELETED] 

lately one guy has been posting a bunch of
>negurs r stooopid
threads to /sci/, including reposting his own posts. wonder why.

>> No.16121462

Stop sending them aid. No money, no food, especially no sanitation equipment and medicine.

>> No.16121468

This post has been appearing in a bunch of threads recently. Bot or someone angry over facts not matching their feelings?

>> No.16121469

maybe >>16117765
an unironic boomer from stormfront who just discovered /sci/, eager to spread the message that
>negurs r stooopid u guise
why else would someone post basic /pol/tard threads like this every other day or so to a particular board, including reposting ones own posts.

>> No.16121475

>We sell them food
>Even though it would take a significant proportion of their entire country's economy to buy one metric ton of potatoes at proper US rates because their money is worth all of jack and shit

Its food aid. If we were selling it, they wouldn't be able to afford it without selling the entire African continent.

>> No.16121526

they do be stupid tho

>> No.16122905

Allow dysgenics to run it's course, civilization collapses, 90% of everyone on earth starves to death.

>> No.16123181

>Isn't the Gates Foundation secretly sterilizing Africa?

That is just the cover story to those who look into it, in reality Bill wants a larger population of stupid easier to control workers

>> No.16124680 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16124701
File: 555 KB, 1102x750, 300yearsofpopulation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't, it's fucked

>> No.16125073

Already happening, 99% of these NGOs are Jewish.

>> No.16126269 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 596x1280, catholics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even the catholic ones have been taken over by jews

>> No.16126818 [DELETED] 

>catholic immigration network
>100% jewish staff
yet again jews trying to blame their crimes on other groups. if they were proud of what they were doing they'd have called their operation the jewish immigration network.

>> No.16126820


the catholic church was always jewish and the catholic church has always supported mass spic immigration to destroy the usa

>> No.16126828

>global warming turned out to be fake
>africa didn't get vaxxed
well... this is the end guys. Africa will consume to world like a world devouring serpent
adios amiggas

>> No.16127951 [DELETED] 

If thats whats happening then why has Africa's population doubled over the past 25 years?

>> No.16129344 [DELETED] 

reminder that african population statistics don't include the tens of millions of africans who have left africa to colonize north america and europe

>> No.16129988 [DELETED] 

article starts with "The Bantu expansion was…"
meanwhile bantus are not only actively colonizing the americas and europe, they're also still expanding their range in africa

>> No.16130887 [DELETED] 

when does it say the bantu expansion ended?
does it say how much reparations the bantus paid for their many colonizations?

>> No.16132144 [DELETED] 

AIDS was supposed to have fixed it

>> No.16132156

If they were selling it at American rates, nobody would buy it and Americans would make 0 dollars. So they're still selling it but at a low rate.

>> No.16132639


>> No.16133565 [DELETED] 

Science should be able to fix that pretty easily, the fact that it doesn't proves how useless science is

>> No.16134244 [DELETED] 

Scientists are great at killing babies, its their favorite pastime

>> No.16135503

they should gibes back most of africa to the other africans

>> No.16136503

Look at how China and Russia shrank as a result of allowing (((communists))) to mass murder most of their populations.

>> No.16137884 [DELETED] 

look at how europe has withered under socialism

>> No.16138597 [DELETED] 

Feminism will fix it, feminists love murdering babies

>> No.16138768

Most people that consider themselves to be anti natalists aren't really anti natalists.
Making babies is the fun part.
Taking care of babies on the other hand...

>> No.16138776

We need some nigger only virus that transmits by skin contact or air, I see no other solution...

>> No.16139691

>Taking care of babies on the other hand...
imagine being so incredibly selfish and self centered that you find caring for your own offspring to be a horrible chore that nobody should have to do.
good thing people like that are mostly genetic dead ends.

>> No.16139695

>How do we fix this
fix what? child mortality is significantly down, looks like the problem has mostly been resolved and mortality is progressing asymptotically towards zero.

>> No.16139704

Westernized doesn't happen in a day by the time they get there they will be 5 billion.

>> No.16139711

>Thanks white devils!

>> No.16141206

Not only did whites fix their infant mortality problems, but whites also invented fried chicken