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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 44 KB, 714x405, nasa eclipse glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16113150 No.16113150 [Reply] [Original]

The big total eclipse is happening in just about 3 days and 14 hours, this thread is discussion of that event. Post links to eclipse info, eclipse related graphics, etc. or ask questions & answer questions about the eclipse in this thread

Sky&Telescope's coverage is particularly comprehensive, just about anything anyone might generally want to know is answered here:

>> No.16113598

looks like most of the east coast is going to be cloudy that day, only texas is going to get to see it

>> No.16113901

>eclipse general only has 1 reply in 12 hours
The absolute state of /sci/

>> No.16113939

If there isn't the activity for an astronomy general there won't be for an eclipse. And really what is there to talk about? An eclipse discussion will likely devolve into /x/ tier schitzoposting

>> No.16114136

Nothing EVER happens.

>> No.16114153
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There's not much to say about it. I lived in north Georgia a few years ago when we had a total solar eclipse. It was kind of interesting. I'd been through one once before as a child but my elementary school wouldn't let us go outside during it so it looked like a rainy day with no rain.
Now I'm in Ohio and bought some glasses but, meh, am not all that excited for it. I'll go out and look if it's clear enough but I doubt it's going to be any different than the last two times.
I did think it was funny when there was an eclipse that passed over the University of Alabama's football stadium during a game so the state government issued warnings to fans to not look at the sun without glasses on.

>> No.16114514

I'm in Maine and I'm excited to go see it. The last one here was July 20th, 1963, well before I was born and the next one will be 2079, I don't care enough to get on a plane and travel to see one, but I'll drive 3 hours to go see it. The sad thing is all of my friends are working that day. Would have seen it with my dad, but he died a couple of years ago. He would have loved this. So that makes me sad. Also how people are getting married to this also makes me sad because I haven't a date. Guess my road trip song is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Soa3gO7tL-c

>> No.16114867

>tfw thought I bought eclipse glasses a week ago but didn't
>Just ordered one now from Amazon that says it'll be here by Sunday
I really hope it arrives in time.

What's the best site to find out the exact timing of the Solar Eclipse How's this? https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/map/2024-april-8

>> No.16114879

Yeah, my area looks like at best it'll be partly cloudy and at worst just totally overcast.
Really disappointed in that.

>> No.16114882

If you live in an urban area, look at your county's health or science department website.
Mine, for Erie County, New York, gives exact times for the urban center.

>> No.16114886

>my elementary school wouldn't let us go outside during it
What a gay school fuck those guys.

>> No.16114902

Figured it out thanks. I'm going to be recording this on my phone as well.

>> No.16114910

It reminds me of that one Bradbury story about the planet that rains 24/7 except for a few hours once a decade, and the narrator ends up being locked in the closet by her school bullies during it.

>> No.16114950
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Texas chads, why do we always win over the sniveling sissified east coast wimps?

>> No.16115000

I swear to god I'm always out of America when totality happens. How many more chances do I get in my lifetime if I keep eurofagging?

>> No.16115175
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It's over. Cloudy everywhere except in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.16115246

>H-H-HAARP w-will save us!

>> No.16115640
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Thing again Chud.

>> No.16115676 [DELETED] 
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Was thinking of driving 6 hours to Erie on Monday, but right now, Windy is showing 99% cloud cover at 2 PM and then 32% cloud cover at 3 PM and 4 PM. What do you guys think? Would you still go if you were me?

>> No.16115720

All you need is a hole in the clouds big enough for the sun to fit in. People are freaking out for nothing.

>> No.16115725

Not happening. 1000 miles of dense overcast coming.

>> No.16115748
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>tfw all the clouds on the whole planet concentrate themselves perfectly along the path of totality and nowhere else

>> No.16115778

If you search engine "name of your state" eclipse time and/or include path and/or totality and cannot find a website with the exact path and time within 2 minutes, but I'll allow you 5, you are beyond help short of spoonfeeding

Also, I was surprised to find that 7/11 carries them.

>> No.16115781

Google Europe solar eclipses.

>> No.16115810

>What's the best site to find out the exact timing of the Solar Eclipse

>> No.16116168

Gonna drive 5 hours to see this bitch, better not be cloudcucked

>> No.16116324

I wish I had some ms paint skills to make wojak eclipse being blocked by smugfrog cloud

>> No.16116490

Driving to Ohio on Monday. Really hoping for clear skies.

>> No.16116510

set sail for fail

>> No.16116601

How do the flat earth faggots explain big balls blocking the light of other big balls? And I don't mean their mother's frequenting of soup kitchen stallions.

>> No.16116902
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It has never been more fucking over....

>> No.16116976

It was very disappointing but it was an impoverished semi-rural area so the school couldn't afford a buy a bunch of smoked glass for students and they probably were concerned kids would just look up at the Sun anyway if they didn't have smoked glass (the cheap glasses you can get now weren't available back then).
It's funny that we could see the residents of the housing project next to the school looking up without any sort of protection. I wonder how many of them ended up with some sort of vision issue.

>> No.16116987
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I don't think I've ever hated clouds more then I do right now
just cancelled plans to go to Erie because I'm not driving 6 hours to stare at clouds and I'm not going to Vermont so I can be stuck in 2 days worth of traffic on the way home

at least I'm in the 80% zone, which is also cloudy, fuck this gay earth

>> No.16116992
File: 26 KB, 544x251, Eclipse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not getting 100% where I live but 98.8% is pretty good. I thought about driving down to Toledo but who really wants to be in Toledo? 98.8% is good enough for walking out my back door.

>> No.16117103

I saw the 2017 one and there's a huge difference between totality and 99.99%. If you can make it and the weather is good, it'd probably be worth it

>> No.16117305
File: 1.33 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m probably stupid. I bought some SEIC solar eclipse glasses for my family online a few weeks ago, and now Im afraid they might be fakes. I wanted to check the website listed inside the frames, but it doesnt seem to be up anymore. I checked the AAS website and I verified that the seller listed was Qiwei Craft, but after testing them with a flashlight, they seem to let in a lot of light. At least compared to videos I’ve seen testing legit pairs vs fake ones.

TLDR; How can I confirm the quality of these glasses without burning holes through both of my corneas tomorrow?

Here’s the actual listing for anyone curious.


>> No.16117313
File: 129 KB, 1313x429, Kroger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FWIW, the glasses I bought for this eclipse are much darker than the ones I used during the last eclipse with no ill effects.
Do you live near a Kroger? That's where I bought the pair I have for this eclipse. They're $2.

>> No.16117321

I do live near a couple big box stores. I was about to go check. I was really hoping to that these are real since the clip ons would help my sister since her vision isn't that good.

>> No.16117353
File: 523 KB, 2047x1153, 20240407_141118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traveled to Texas to see it, looks like it was a waste of gas.

>> No.16117362

anyone streaming it?

>> No.16117447


>> No.16117455
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>> No.16117468

Why do people freak out about looking at the eclipse? Nobody freaks out this much about looking directly at the sun. Sure - you don't do it constantly but looking at the sun every once in a while isn't that harmful.

>> No.16117473

>knew this was coming for years
>didn't bother getting glasses

>> No.16117503

The darkness dilates your eyes, allowing in more harmful UV than normal while you can look at the Sun for much longer without immediate discomfort. Or at least that's what I've been told over the years.

>> No.16117511

Had one of my parents freak out about the eclipse on me, said it was likely to last 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months, "we just don't know". This sounds like absolute bullshit coming from an AI generated video on facebook or something, but maybe, just maybe I'm missing something this time. Is there anything special going on this time, or can I just tell them to stop being so guillible with their online content? Just looking at the thread, it looks like a standard eclipse, but I'd rather ask anyway

>> No.16117514

No, just standard bullshit.
Hell, chances are most people in the path of the eclipse won't even be able to see it because of cloud cover and shitty weather across the US.

>> No.16117517

some people legit think they're going to heaven during the eclipse.

>> No.16117528

Honestly baffling, given that we just had one go over the US a few years ago.

>> No.16117531

Unsurprising, but thanks for answering. It was kinda cute running errands to prepare for near-eternal darkness, but I guess I'll talk to them about people lying on the internet for money when it's all over

>> No.16117556
File: 283 KB, 1284x956, IMG_0833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texas getting BTFO by clouds lmao

>> No.16117663

Only children normally have to be told not to look at the sun, so it's not something that comes up among adults at all. Just like adults don't have to tell each other not to eat grass. During eclipses, all common sense goes out the window as retards suddenly think it's okay to look at the sun just because it's partially covered and they damage their eyes. You CAN look directly at it during actual totality and I think that's what confuses the retards into thinking any amount of sun blockage makes it okay to stare at.

>> No.16117719

do we have an updated forcast map? I might drive to Maine instead

>> No.16117728

Trump looked at it without glasses like a chad

>> No.16117745

I really hope the weather ruins it for all these novelty addicted normalfags

>> No.16117752
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>> No.16117778
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>> No.16117785

we live in an open air prison

>> No.16117807


>> No.16117821

anyone else in Plattsburgh? we drove 8 hours and paid over $800 for the hotel room tonight. we'll see if it's worth it. this hotel is fucking disgusting.
had to cancel our flight to Austin because it will be even worse weather. godspeed, retards

>> No.16117822

can you glance at a solar eclipse or is it like a fucking laser?

no where on the internet does it say you can glance at the solar eclipse once or twice during its appearance and be fine. its all, its not even worth it...its seriously that dangerous. am i just out of the loop or is this a way, way over hype?
i know your eyes react differently and that can lead to serious damage, but is the difference really that drastic? i mean a quick fucking glance, like at tits, quick, not noticable. thats fast. or is it really as serious as not even glancing at a laser, welding shit, those worlds most powerful flashlights, etc..
i get people dont want to be sued by some really dumb motherfucker who really fucking gave the sun a good look and got his eyes cooked but people have been seeing these literally forever. and subsequently freaking out over them.
im just looking for the truth

>> No.16117836

If you look at it during the totality period, which lasts about 3 minutes and has the most sun blocked, you'll be fine.

>> No.16117849

what about in the hour or 30min leading up to that? its the death star and i literally have to avert my eyes?
im not knocking it, but im surprised its this serious

>> No.16117854

During totality, the sun is safe to look at because the entire sun is in shadow, but if the sun is uncovered by ANY amount, looking at it will feel exactly like looking at the sun on a normal afternoon. That's the reason for all the warnings. People think, "Oh, the sun is 90% covered so I can look at it with no problem!" but in reality staring at a 90% covered sun at 3pm will hurt your eyes just as badly as staring at a 0% covered sun at 3pm.

t. looked directly at a partial eclipse in 2017 and regretted it instantly

>> No.16117859

>what about in the hour or 30min leading up to that?
Looking at it will feel exactly like looking at a bare afternoon sun.

>> No.16117866

but what about its affects? everything is just normal?

>> No.16117870

I don't know how to explain it any more clearly. It will affect your eyes exactly the same as looking at the bare afternoon sun on a normal day. Have you never even accidentally looked at the sun before? If not, there's no way I can explain to you how it feels other than to say it's very painful and you won't be able to even keep your eyes open.

>> No.16117871

in laymens term, its just an aesthetic change?
thats fucking retarded.

>> No.16117878

The part that's significant is totality. That's when things go dark, the temperature drops, animals freak out, and you can look at the sun's corona around the moon. Everything up to and after totality is like a normal day.

>> No.16117885

burgers remember, it's an eclipse not apocalipse

>> No.16117895

Any good livestreams for it?

>> No.16117915

Sun-chan will be doing a stream on OnlyFans. She's a dirty ball of hot plasma, she is.

>> No.16117925

so does that mean you only need eclipse glasses if you want to stare at the moon, hard fucking core?

>> No.16117936
File: 1.15 MB, 2289x2289, 1607448592395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know how when you touch something hot your hand lets go of it automatically before you're even aware you burnt yourself?
your brain does the same thing when you look at the sun but during an eclipse the sun is dark enough to not trigger this involuntary response to look away so you cook your retinas without even realising it

>> No.16117948

Any /Ohio/ Chads ITT

>> No.16118095

can you please not post this fucking shit man

FUCK clouds

>> No.16118124

It is like looking into the sun.
The problem is that the UV light that burns your eyes out is still there, even at 99% Eclipse.
So you won't have the brightness that makes you look away, but will have the UV damage.

Think of it like one of those UV or IR lasers.

>> No.16118407

It means you need eclipse glasses to look at the sun during any time other than the 2 minute span of totality.

>> No.16118412

Yup, I'll be stepping outside to watch the eclipse. Feels good not having to travel for it.

>> No.16118441

>almost no posts in this thread
Shit board.

>> No.16118455

>I'll be stepping outside to look at clouds and get rained on, maybe a tornado will come along to murder me

>> No.16118468

lmao, even
Plattsburgh hotels turned 3rd world tier after covid lockdowns started and never recovered
t. work-traveler

>> No.16118469
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Yeah it's gonna be cloudy for most of the totality path but onthe upside I think it'll be high altitude clouds so it should still be visible. And the effects of course are visible regardless outside the the sun's visibility itself.

But still, I'm on the very edge of clouds in the north so I'm coping for clear sky.

>> No.16118474

Why all this negativity? The forecast doesn't even call for rain today.

>> No.16118561


>> No.16118619
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>> No.16118622

im just going to look straight at it because the left fear the possibility of us getting superpowers

>> No.16118629
File: 307 KB, 1191x667, Pahala.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 hours and 48 minutes until hawaii gets partial coverage

>> No.16118634
File: 253 KB, 1216x572, clouds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Updated 3 days ago

>> No.16118643

Ironic how Texas has all the cloud cover and New England has the clearest skies.

>> No.16118645

There must be a huge reverse traffic in El Paso. A bunch of amateur astronomers crossing the river to Mexico. One of those times I regret not being born in Piedras Negras.

>> No.16118651

Well the totality in NE seems to be in the middle of nowhere up North. Traffic from Boston must be horrible.

>> No.16118662

you're doing exactly what im saying

>> No.16118664

I'm not even sure what you're saying now.

>> No.16118673

I will just use my selfie camera to look at the sun so I don't look directly into it

>> No.16118674

your phone will die

>> No.16118685

>Everything up to and after totality is like a normal day.
But could there be some kind of a glitch or how do we know it is going to be normal after it? What if some shit will never be the same like after the pandemic??

>> No.16118694

I honestly can't tell if you're shitposting and that makes me sad because it means I'm a retard

>> No.16118695
File: 294 KB, 1714x1490, 1709927805041648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will the eclipse whiten my teeth?

>> No.16118702

Guy get you eclipse goggles at the library for free!

>> No.16118704

He's just being a negative little demon.

>> No.16118710

wait so Mexico people can see the eclipse right now or they see it the same time as everyone? or do i need to adjust the timezone?

>> No.16118714

Look up your city name plus "eclipse time" to find out.

>> No.16118716

yeah but Mexico can see it now I don't see shit in it's just a regular sky. I'm in Arkansa

>> No.16118724

I just looked outside and it's fucking cloudy as shit, I can't even tell where the sun is supposed to be at this time of the day

>> No.16118727

This website says the eclipse will be visible in Mexico in 1 hour from now: https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/mexico?iso=20240408

>> No.16118730

Unless you're in the path of totality you won't see anything different.

>> No.16118737

okay nvm. I don't get why did they make it so complicated. They should just make it eclipse happen at once next time so everyone can see it at the same time.

>> No.16118739

the moon covering the sun isn't anything different?

>> No.16118741

Does anyone know if hardware stores sell the raw material for the filter the glasses use? GLasses are sold out everywhere (my fault, should have gotten them weeks ago). If i can just buy a sheet of the filter somewhere then I'll just do that

>> No.16118745
File: 72 KB, 960x960, 1690147460030792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in path of totality
>have work meeting
>people talking about going outside during the eclipse
>coworkers of a certain complexion don't get what all the fuss is about
>"I remember the one back in 2017 and it wasn't anything special."
>try to explain that was partial and a total eclipse is different
>try to explain there won't be another over the US for 40 years
>"There will be pictures online afterward, I don't get the point in going outside for it."

>> No.16118746

Probably not, but if you go somewhere other people are gathered you can probably borrow someone else's or they may even have spares to give you.

>> No.16118762

>you can probably borrow someone else's or they may even have spares to give you.
Yeah that's what I'm counting on at this point lol. I was probably just gonna stick to my parking lot but idk if my neighbors will be out tho. Already made the cereal box projector thing so at least there's that

>> No.16118764

my understanding is there is only one sun and only one moon so they overlap at the same time everywhere, the only difference is the time zone

>> No.16118766

if you are in NYC, just rob someone and head north. robbery is legal in NYC.

>> No.16118771

that is sad

>there won't be another over the US for 40 years
i thought the next total eclipse visible in most states will be in 2099. it is literally a once in a life time event.

>> No.16118777

nyc niggas we eatin good this afternoon

>> No.16118779

only if you're a nigger (they don't post on /sci/)

>> No.16118787

>It means you need eclipse glasses to look at the sun during any time other than the 2 minute span of totality.

>no where on the internet does it say you can glance at the solar eclipse once or twice during its appearance and be fine. its all, its not even worth it...its seriously that dangerous. am i just out of the loop or is this a way, way over hype?

>> No.16118794
File: 285 KB, 684x587, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently the next one that will go across the whole US is only 20 years away, actually. Not sure where all the 40+ year estimates came from.

>> No.16118803

for the one we had here in chile back in 2020 it was raining, still seeing everything going completely dark in the middle of the day was one of the coolest shit's i'll ever see, the thing i remember the most is all the birbs flying back to their nests confused and my guinea pigs going to sleep, enjoy it bros

>> No.16118806
File: 1.70 MB, 2286x1290, IMG_3152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Time for rocket cargo.

>> No.16118807

The DON'T GLANCE AT THE SUN stuff is bullshit. The danger is that during an eclipse the Sun is INTERESTING, and people tend to stare at it, which is not good. It's sneaky as more of the Sun is covered, there is less glarea and it is more comfortable to stare at, but the uncovered bit is still bright enough to do some damage. Glancing is fine.

HOWEVER, you're going to dazzle your eyes if you are looking at the last bit of the [artial and then totality starts and your pupils are pinholes and you can;t see as much of the corona. Look at something else right before -- maybe watch for shadow bands...

>> No.16118812

right, but we dont walk around every fucking day averting our eyes from the heavens like a sun god cult. Sometimes you accidentally look directly at the sun or see it pretty clearly in peripheral vision. Quickly. i know eyes react differently, no squint reflex, and it doesn't hurt. is the hype, just for morons who think its dark i can literally stare all i want? and if you can just not be a lizard brained dick youll be fine?

does this just all boil down to remember to treat the sun exactly like normal?

>> No.16118828

Rochester is cloudy as FUCK I'm so pissed. Currently riding the "maybe a drop on temperature will cause a brief clearing during totality!" cope.

I was considering driving up to the Adirondacks but apparently even they ended up cloudy today.

>> No.16118833

I glanced at the sun for a brief second and now my eyes hurt :(

>> No.16118836

It means don't be dumb and forget that the sun is still the sun.
Otherwise it isn't more dangerous than a standard sunny day.

>> No.16118840

If you need something, go buy a welding mask.

>> No.16118842

we're lucky to have you anon. heroes like you did all the stupid shit so the rest of us know what to avoid doing.

>> No.16118844

>does this just all boil down to remember to treat the sun exactly like normal?

>> No.16118845

your camera will get FUCKED. im not joking

>> No.16118850

Would be funny if your HR scheduled some important DEI training at the time of the eclipse. And if you don't participate you are racist.

>> No.16118851

lots of broken camera phones for sale tomorrow

>> No.16118853

eh, I don't use my selfie camera anyway, but thanks for letting me know

>> No.16118854

Why would a cell phone camera break?

>> No.16118856

and im the only one somewhat livid about this? that finds the over hype and absolute refusal to admit this fucking insane and confusing?

>> No.16118857

I'd be willing to get written up for the eclipse.

>> No.16118860

>Remember to not look at the sun during the eclipse because it's still the sun!
>So you mean we should treat the sun like normal?
>Yes, but because of the darkness we thought we'd remind everyone.

>> No.16118861


>> No.16118867

I almost got that. Company says, hey, everyone can use xyz campus to view the eclipse, so of course HR chose that day to do mass workforce training programs. Luckily they're not ballsy enough to push their training past 2. Fuck them all.

>> No.16118883

since when is the sun a laser

>> No.16118886

>does this just all boil down to remember to treat the sun exactly like normal?
One theory is typically you have a natural protection since the sunlight is too bright so you won't be able to stare at it long enough to damage your eyes. but if it is partially eclipsed, it is not as bright but presumably can still damage your vision.

>> No.16118891

bro my eclipse glasses are dark as fuck.. will i actually be able to see anything through them

>> No.16118892
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>> No.16118896

>fired with a verdict

>> No.16118898

It's more dangerous because your pupils can dilate permitting more sunlight to enter your eyes

>> No.16118900

if you are in the path of totality and you are outside and you ejaculate right when totality occurs, would you potentially be the first or the few to ever do something like that? they would write you name in the history books...

>> No.16118905

Buffalo hit with clouds too. Plan A was Dallas. Rain. Plan B was Austin. Rain. Plan C buffalo. Clouds. Fuck this shit

>> No.16118906

but what if i've already dilated today?

>> No.16118911

>All these retards who have cloud coverage

>> No.16118914

>the sunlight is too bright so you won't be able to stare at it long enough to damage your eyes
yeah haha...

>> No.16118919

NASA stream is up

>> No.16118920

Depends on refractory period. Hope you're not ready to dilate again

>> No.16118922

Link it.

>> No.16118923

I know you arn't supposed to look at it without the glasses but can I sneak a quick peak at it without damaging my eyes?

>> No.16118924

So the speed of light is 300000km/s. Does that mean it is ok too look at the sun if you can blink faster than every 3.333333ns?

>> No.16118927

but thats not what it is anon
no where on the internet does it say you can glance at the solar eclipse once or twice during its appearance and be fine. its all, its not even worth it...its seriously that dangerous. that is over hype and confusing. no one is just reminding people to act normal

>> No.16118929

It's NASA. It's literally the easiest to find, you fuck.

>> No.16118930

I'm starting to regret not having enough foresight to go watch the total eclipse. Because of that, I'll only get to watch it at 90% from home.

>> No.16118931

this has been discussed in previous posts

>> No.16118932

Only if you can see the total eclipse and when the total one happens can you just look at it without any protective equipment.

>> No.16118934

make your vision appointment now or otherwise they will be booked for months!!!

>> No.16118935

I live on the path of totality but it's cloudy today so LOL

>> No.16118937

post link

>> No.16118938

It's ok too look at it with your eyes closed.

>> No.16118941

Read the thread, or just follow the replies. It's not very long.

>> No.16118942


>> No.16118943

not even for like, half a second?

>> No.16118944

I just bought every stock I could find that relates to eye care.
To the moooooon, literally because of the moooooon!

>> No.16118945

I like how the NASA stream has people from all over the world in the chat just saying hello.

>> No.16118946

Still jelly, it'll look dark in your location. I don't know if 90% will be enough to perceive some darkening in the sky.

>> No.16118947 [DELETED] 

and SpaceX

>> No.16118948
File: 31 KB, 667x1000, 51pEh+FsabL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16118949

>millions of blind drivers will be driving home today
fucking hell.

>> No.16118950


>> No.16118952

everything was priced in you got bamboozled

>> No.16118956

>no where on the internet does it say you can glance at the solar eclipse
Then you're not looking. Here are the top 4 results for "can you look at a total solar eclipse" on DuckDuckGo right now:

>A total solar eclipse offers the unique opportunity for skygazers to witness the spectacular astral display with the naked eye – but only when the time is right.
>When the moon moves completely in front of the sun and blocks its light for a brief period of time, you'll know it's safe to fully take in the dazzling display.

>Except during the brief total phase of a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely blocks the Sun’s bright face, it is not safe to look directly at the Sun without specialized eye protection for solar viewing.

>it’s only safe to look at the sun when it’s completely covered during those brief moments of totality.

>during a total solar eclipse, there are a few short moments when it’s safe to look directly at the Sun. This is the ONLY time: when the moon completely blocks the face of the Sun. Called totality, it lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes.

>> No.16118957

>Redditors: You can't look at the sun during a solar eclipse!
>Has been staring at the sun every day for an increasing amount of time to build immunity
lol, lmao even

>> No.16118958

I'll be running around with laser pointers right after everyone takes their glasses off. They'll never suspect it. And I'll finally be rich.

>> No.16118960

so basically the sun isn't emitting any more harmful or different radiation than normal, it's just so dark your brain doesn't have that normal look away reflex so you can stare longer than normal and fuck your eyes up. So looking for a couple seconds isn't really going to destroy your vision

>> No.16118961

I mean, if you hate having full function of your eyes and like having sunrays punch holes in them, you can pull a DJT special looking at it directly.

>> No.16118963

>open it
>he talks about crypto

>> No.16118966

I am just going to wear 5 pairs of sunglasses

>> No.16118968

No anon, these examples are exactly what I'm saying. Read my seemingly, and maybe fairly unhinged posts, and get back to me, I'm not retyping again.

>> No.16118969

yeah my bad sorry, got duped by the channel name and lots of subscribers. deleted the comment

>> No.16118970

that doesnt do anything

>> No.16118971

I just made my scientific sacrifice to the sun gods

>> No.16118972
File: 34 KB, 614x699, image13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depending on your philosophy, it might even be the best orgasm of your life

>> No.16118976

Basically, the eclipse disables the safety protocols

>> No.16118978

those protect against uv rays and not light radiation

>> No.16118980

this is what im understanding. but many refuse to admit it. there is also the concern that your eyes react differently and can exacerbate the damage, but again from what i understand its not a big deal and its not like looking into a dangerous laser, etc...
im convinced there is some illuminati, sun cult, or science religion shit that is either being propagated or lingers from a time long past

>> No.16118981

The Cleveland Clinic article also says:
>In fact, staring up at the sun at any time of the year can cause real, long-lasting, permanent damage to your vision, even if you’re looking at it for just a few seconds.
Usually it's only kids you have to tell not to look at the sun. Eclipses are the one time adults lose their common sense and star directly at the sun, sometimes even through binoculars. That's why the warnings go out during eclipses and not any other time. I genuinely don't understand what about this confuses or upsets you.

>> No.16118983

this thread would have 90% fewer posts if we just had the foresight to get a pair of those damn glasses

>> No.16118985

I bought my glasses in January.

>> No.16118987

You can glance or look at the sun for less than a second, or half a second. It's not a big deal. REALLY looking, staring, or giving it a good gander, will fuck you up.
This is what my understanding is, BUT I'm not 100% because people are being weird as fuck about it.

>> No.16118989

How will I know when it's totality

>> No.16118990

i have glasses. thats not the point

>> No.16118992

Sol Invictus

>> No.16118993

it's just cloudy out there for me, can't really post about anything

>> No.16118995

When dees nuts are totally in your mouth.

>> No.16118996

I considered buying a bunch last year but I'm lazy as fuck, plus I had some things to take care this past month so I completely forgot.
Not that it matters because I'm on the same boat as

>> No.16118998

your post convinced me to not stare at the sun directly like i was planning to

>> No.16118999

if I search for "nasa live" on youtube, that piece of shit crypto scam is the third result. fucking hell youtube

>> No.16119000


>> No.16119005
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>> No.16119011

drive nigger

>> No.16119012

I had assumed most people were going to take very quick glances at the sun, even with the glasses, I would assume there are a lot of fakes.

>> No.16119015

are you fucking 12? do you know ANYTHING about religions? theyre all sun gods you fucking neanderthal.

>> No.16119018

ok what if I stare next to the sun. So the sun is in this point between my direct vision and my periphery. is that a way around it?

>> No.16119025

I'm at work

>> No.16119026

Go to your science museum someone will let you use their glasses

>> No.16119028

and now we avert our eyes to the scientific sun and kneel in reverence.
our modern day priests tell us how dangerous even a passing glance is
what is a sun god anon?

>> No.16119030

I only ever seen the partial eclipse, which was not that special, although I did have a piece of that special glass to view the moon shadow.
Too bad no total eclipse will happen where I live in at least couple of decades, probably more.

>> No.16119033

I will say though there is a strangely large amount of Indians/Bangladeshi in this chat.

>> No.16119036

I'd be surprised if no one thought of this, but I'm kinda surprised I haven't heard of it.

How fast would you need to drive to stay in the eclipse the entire time it's moving across the US?
Nearly impossible in a car I'd imagine, but how about a plane? Are there any flight paths recorded for this, maximizing time in the total eclipse that is?? Seems like that that data should be available somewhere online.

>> No.16119038

kill yourself

>> No.16119044

1100 to 5000 mph.
The bigger problem, in driving, is that roads don't really follow those paths.

>> No.16119048

Well, looking at the sun on eclipse day (outside of totality) is the same as looking at the sun any other time. The official recommendation has ALWAYS been to never look directly at the sun for any amount of time without specialized protection. The only thing that's different is that most of the time people don't need to be reminded of that any more than they need to be reminded not to eat grass or not to touch a hot stove; it's something you teach kids and they just stick with it for life. But like I said, some people are retards and will literally just stare up at a partial eclipse with their naked eyes or through unmodified binoculars or telescopes, which is why they have to be warned that it's like looking at the sun any other time. And again, the official line from medical authorities is that it's not safe to look directly at the sun for any amount of time at any time of year.

>> No.16119053

>tfw only get to see 50% coverage

>> No.16119060
File: 308 KB, 1147x610, Screenshot 2024-04-08 133609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if I view the eclipse with 3D glasses?

>> No.16119064

Same boat, I just checked with my eclipse glasses and I can't see a fucking thing. At least I didnt drive anywhere, then Id just be stuck in traffic and still under cloud cover.

>> No.16119065

You'd need a fast jet to extend totality. This actually happened with the eclipse back in 1973 aboard a prototype Concorde.

>> No.16119069

You're actually retarded.
>Mommy told me not to touch the hot stove. How foolish she is, worshiping her stove god, averting her touch from its warmth. Mommy fears the wrath of the stove god, but I know better! I'm not fooled by mommy's silly superstitions!

>> No.16119071


>> No.16119073

It's about a thousand miles an hour so good luck with that.

>> No.16119075
File: 870 KB, 878x970, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll end up in the 6th dimension chugging space alcohol with the Time Child.

>> No.16119080

>totality in an hour
>70% cloud cover
it's fucking over

>> No.16119082

a willing sacrifice you mean?

>> No.16119083

The Concorde did just that, only having to stop because of fuel limitations

>> No.16119086

What are good streams to watch? I'm stuck inside with no windows :(

>> No.16119087
File: 66 KB, 1280x853, 289t893440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: actually retarded mongolic chuds burn out their retinas because fuck you mom/the man/optics/liberals i'll do what i want to!

>> No.16119089

Natural selection

>> No.16119094

based gigatrump not falling for the optical jew

>> No.16119095
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>> No.16119096

Indiana, are you okay?

>> No.16119099

As zoomies say - humiliation ritual.
Also, probably better if guy was the moon and woman was the sun, but I guess it depends.

>> No.16119103

why, if you were the moon, would you wear bright colors for the sleeves? C'mon people.

>> No.16119107

thats the cheese inside, moron

>> No.16119110

Where are there moon rats then?

>> No.16119111
File: 2.85 MB, 3926x2371, 20240408_125822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah buddy. Looking just as good as 2017

>> No.16119117

I spent 6 fucking hours driving to this fucking city. Kill me. Maybe I'll drive around for the next hour and hope to find a break in clouds somewhere but that feels like I'm just trying not to give up.

>> No.16119120

Hows traffic bud

>> No.16119123

I drove up from Philly. Honestly not bad anywhere. Roads were mostly empty.

>> No.16119126

Any comfy amateur live streams? Over produced NASA and MSM streams suck.

>> No.16119127

Arkansas bros , how we doing

>> No.16119128

Will I see the corona through the glasses?

>> No.16119131

you're only going to be seeing coronal ejections and such during totality, during actual totality you don't need glasses.

>> No.16119135

>prop plane out of london to meme extreme corner of uk
>clouds over on the way
>stays like that
yeah fuck these things

>> No.16119138

>during actual totality you don't need glasses.
yeah but what happens 10 seconds after the totality is over? will my eyes get destroyed?

>> No.16119139
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>> No.16119143

you'll know fast

>> No.16119147

best feed

>> No.16119148

I can start one if you want

>> No.16119149

The same thing that would happen any other time you stare at the sun.

>> No.16119151

Some forecasts are saying that patch of clear currently over Ohio MIGHT move northeast and give us some clearing right around totality but we'll see.
All the people piling into the adks are gonna get fucked if that happens tho lol

>> No.16119156

but you can't stare at the uneclipsed sun. it is too bright.

>> No.16119158

they should have done the open test today

>> No.16119159


>> No.16119162


>> No.16119163

can i take a picture on my phone through the goggles?

>> No.16119168
File: 106 KB, 1024x1008, Solar_eclipse_1999_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who prefers stars in their true color rather than ultraviolet false color? I find sol invictus being an incandescent white with red/pink/purple/blue prominence/flares is cool.

>> No.16119169
File: 97 KB, 1600x900, argghghghgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16119174

There's your answer, numbnuts.

>> No.16119175

I assume you won't be completely fucking alone, but I guess if you are, don't just stare at the sun for five minutes straight? totality is only around 3 minutes. Just set a timer.

>> No.16119176
File: 2.28 MB, 1024x1024, sun face.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16119178

Can you post the false color, for comparison?

>> No.16119181


>> No.16119182

no i am not alone, i hired escorts

>> No.16119183

No, get out, we were first here.

>> No.16119184

is this one

>> No.16119186

sure but don't expect to see much, phone cameras struggle with long distance lights

>> No.16119189


local news streams are fun

>> No.16119192

holy shit it's this one, without humans talking

>> No.16119193

google youtube NASA eclipse telescope feed
just cuts through the telescopes as the eclipse tracks into each one
no people talking, just soothing music and a full screen of the telesope view (and you can mute if you dont like the music)

>> No.16119195
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>> No.16119196

gas the jannies

>> No.16119199


>> No.16119200

They got some hacks babying us here on this NASA stream. Modern MSM showcases are such a far cry from what was available decades ago. Total eclipse? More like Totalna Dziecinada. They can't even get their facts about eclipses outside of Earth right.

>> No.16119201

what a strange relief when the sun is coming out again. feels good in a weird way

>> No.16119203

Decent skies over there.
Yeah, I've running multiple streams now. It's also nice to see the landscape gradually become darker.

>> No.16119206
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ultraviolet false color vs true color

>> No.16119207
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So...why were there no spook theories for previous eclipses and only for this one? I dont remember this shit in 2017

>> No.16119209
File: 1.38 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when was the sun blindingly White? I was orange/yellow when I was a kid

>> No.16119210
File: 80 KB, 223x262, d5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

East TN here. Were getting glimpses from behind clouds.

>> No.16119211

retards hadn't revved up enough back then, covid's what really got them going.

>> No.16119213

Moon crossed the border

>> No.16119215
File: 2.28 MB, 2700x2027, Budapest_Széchenyi-Bad_Eingangshalle_Kuppel_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, I'd say I like the true color better too.

>> No.16119216

>Tune into a stream
>They're clapping for the eclipse

>> No.16119218

Color bros, is the Sun actually pure fucking white?

>> No.16119219

>It's also nice to see the landscape gradually become darker.
Yeah... It's why I wish I could experience it myself in person.

>> No.16119221
File: 33 KB, 618x412, 1548046178915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A solar eclipse... the cosmic ballet... goes on.

>> No.16119223

>he doesn't know
It always has been, the only real color that the sun is, has been white for a long time (out of colors visible to the human eye)
anything else is the atmosphere

>> No.16119224

It looked, as the kids say, "kino".

>> No.16119227

Stick around for another 20 years and you'll get your chance.

>> No.16119226
File: 80 KB, 343x377, IMG_9701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m taking shitty pics

>> No.16119229
File: 416 KB, 704x498, chrome_JvZEE1vlOA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I wanna know is who is the brown qt on NASA's stream?

>> No.16119233

>at least 2 instances of bmwf on the donasascience segment
>those sterile corporate graphics
how far things have fallen

>> No.16119234

are muricans ready to ascend to Heaven?

>> No.16119236


>> No.16119239
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>> No.16119240

Jesus what's that ultra bright flare right before the total darkness?

>> No.16119242
File: 309 KB, 1247x1553, queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arabs truly can't suffer.

>> No.16119243
File: 797 KB, 4032x3024, IMG_4378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at it through my phone and getting this visual anomaly, can anyone explain this?

>> No.16119244

It's totally dark here

>> No.16119245

hi im new here but i wanted to talk about the eclipae

>> No.16119248

gotta give burgers credit, they're capturing this thing pretty nice.

>> No.16119249

stop looking at it through your phone dumbass

>> No.16119250
File: 166 KB, 400x289, 1543365374999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got a shitty pair of glasses that I literally can't see shit out of
I missed out on the last eclipse, and I guess now I get to miss out on this one too

>> No.16119251

There's a reason why you have rainbows on Earth. The sun actually peaks in green on the bluer side iirc, but overall in terms of visible light it is around 5570K for the surface so that does have a tiny bit of yellow tint to it if my knowledge about lightbulbs is anything to go by.

>> No.16119253

I think its the camera changing filter to a more sensitive one so you can see the circle

>> No.16119254
File: 804 KB, 4032x3024, IMG_4380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bros but this is horseshit this isn’t the real sun

>> No.16119255

Won't that fuck up your camera?

>> No.16119256

In the DFW area, a few minutes before total. It looks like a weird video game render outside where the skybox and environment don't have proper lighting values but the shadows still act as though it were daytime.

>> No.16119258
File: 1.56 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost there

>> No.16119259

welcome anon, enjoy your stay :)

>> No.16119260
File: 219 KB, 388x441, 1679712970470895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that clapping
/int/ was right all along. We do clap a lot.

>> No.16119262


>> No.16119264

Really nice view from my lawn

>> No.16119265

>omg its so dark
>oh wow
why can't normies just stfu and enjoy something

>> No.16119267

Why does the American clap? I understand awe or cheering but why the clappin

>> No.16119268

Do americans really clap at the sun?
This actually does look really cool

>> No.16119269

Im so jealous eurobros...

>> No.16119270

like sports this is much better viewed from a television

>> No.16119271
File: 1.10 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20240408_112913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings from Arizona

>> No.16119272

still cool

>> No.16119275

That's a cope
t. In the line of totality

>> No.16119276


>> No.16119277

>All that clapping
So the americlap thing wasnt a joke

>> No.16119278

Next up.

>> No.16119279

That looks dangerous.

>> No.16119280
File: 391 KB, 640x266, Image0034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to 3dfag out a low-poly sun for this and our Solar System in 1 to 1 billion scale for this. The renderer doesn't seem to shade things entirely correctly however at this scale I think looking at the shadow it casts on Earth.

Trying to do the sun in true color and make it look good is actually way harder than doing it in false color due to the limited color palette and contrast available.

>> No.16119281
File: 33 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20240408_114035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also greetings from Berea, Ohio.

>> No.16119282

Fucking clear all day. 20 minutes out, clouds appear everywhere.

>> No.16119284

Fellow windsor/michigan bro?

>> No.16119285

Who's in Indiana right now?

>> No.16119286

same in PA

>> No.16119287

also rip headphone users

>> No.16119289

lmao imagine being in a total eclipse and blasting your eyes with artificial light

>> No.16119290

Lol the women who are with the news guys are crying

>> No.16119291

It wasn't, we clap for everything, it's terrible.

>> No.16119293
File: 422 KB, 1910x1352, 1690540646703255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post cuties yes

>> No.16119297
File: 204 KB, 4096x1638, stars The acurate colors and relative sizes of stellar types.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not our G2 star
that's clearly an M9 dwarf

>> No.16119298

screaming and panting women eh tell us more

>> No.16119299

I was told this eclipse was going to usher in in end times. Wtf.

>> No.16119300

Did NASA actually learn something new or it was another money slurping event?

>> No.16119301

NASA stream

>> No.16119302



>> No.16119304

Yeah, disappointing, and the tiny crop of the scenery.

>> No.16119306
File: 1.21 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neighbors lights came on!

>> No.16119307
File: 7 KB, 164x168, 901262BC-4522-48B6-BBAE-CC4E56481D0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16119308
File: 906 KB, 4000x2252, 20240408_142958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty pic on my Galaxy.

>> No.16119309

Kind of, if you want a good view from telescope of the the totality. Not so if you want to experience surroundings going dark.

>> No.16119310


>> No.16119312

We have clouds here but thankfully none are covering the sun and I can see it clearly with my glasses.

>> No.16119314
File: 307 KB, 1439x806, 1712601987165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't a true total eclipse also cover the corona? On some streams there's a tiny diamond ring and on others there's this entire glowing mass. Or is it all camera shenanigans and irl people see only see pic related.

>> No.16119315
File: 191 KB, 825x619, 1682172036054501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks much better in person, wish I had a proper camera

>> No.16119317

Third Impact will occur, actually.

>> No.16119318

Can I take a phone photo of the eclipse or will it burn out my camera?

>> No.16119320

Camera shenanigans. The camera lens blows out the corona.

>> No.16119321

dallas, TX here. No glasses. Took a few passing glances before and after. Like a 1 second sweep of the head. Looked for ~10 seconds during totality. Cloud cover was there but it was still visible for a decent amount of time. Hope my eyes aren't destroyed. Very cool

>> No.16119322

I took several just fine
see >>16119315

>> No.16119323

dude if you can take a direct photo of the sun with the camera do you really think it'll burn out anything

>> No.16119324 [DELETED] 
File: 205 KB, 1280x853, 1464486478247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is one fat sunspot

>> No.16119325
File: 36 KB, 680x555, 1694139529330230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16119326


>> No.16119329
File: 997 KB, 2704x2104, 1712267778471141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16119330

pretty sharp. is that max zoom?

>> No.16119333


>> No.16119334

I saw it perfectly. Absolutely amazing.

There was a red dot on the edge near the end, though. I wonder what it is?

>> No.16119335

Toasting in epic sticky

>> No.16119336

that means "butt" in slavic languages

>> No.16119341

Don't know; I don't go around photographing the sun. I'm just here for the 'clipse; I'm not all science-y in the main.

Lol, well, the Arabs did invent astronomy, right? Name all the stars?

>> No.16119342


>> No.16119344

dallas salad

>> No.16119345

DFW area. Cleared out perfectly for totality. Took a bunch of pics with my S23, but settings sucked, much better experience with the naked eye.

>> No.16119346

It's a lens flare, where some of the light from the sun diffracts randomly from the surfaces of your lens and goes towards your camera. The light fringes shows what shape-agons your lens are

>> No.16119347

I swear Americans will freak out over anything
So afraid of life
You told me you are "free"?

>> No.16119348

If you weren't in the region that had a perfect total eclipse, that red dot on the edge was probably just a bit of sun peeking out.

>> No.16119350

I tried taking pics with my phone, but I couldn't tell there was anything going until we hit full eclipse and everything went dark. It was fun

>> No.16119352

bottom edge? solar prominence.

>> No.16119353

So is the world ending?

>> No.16119354

Rest in peace to all the anons who rolled a Nat 1 on their weather check.

Nah, it was perfect as hell. You can see the dot I'm mentioning at the bottom of >>16119314

>> No.16119356
File: 42 KB, 600x514, 1394677007584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thought the Americlap meme wasn't accurate
Unfortunately it is very real, however when I went to see the 2017 eclipse no one clapped during totality where I was in Eastern Tennessee.
>Why does the American clap? I understand awe or cheering but why the clappin
I was born here and have lived here all my life. I still don't know why people do this

The Arabs didn't invent astronomy, but they did do a lot for it.

> It was fun
That's good to hear anon, I wanted to make this one but was unable to

>> No.16119357

The world has been slowly ending over the past few years, we just have several more to go.

>> No.16119358


>> No.16119359
File: 240 KB, 860x774, EUFaY8DXgAAba01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average American rn

>> No.16119362


>> No.16119364

I'm on the east coast what time should I go outside to try to see this shit?

>> No.16119365

It's in their nature.
It's a bit endearing anyway.

>> No.16119368

It's too late for you, bub.

>> No.16119371

Right now. Or google your city name and "eclipse time" for a more specific answer.

>> No.16119372

>where heaven
most americans rn

>> No.16119376

>NASA stream chat devolving into holy war between mohammed fans and christ fans

>> No.16119375

Its gonna be around 3:20 in terms of most coverage if you're in central Maryland like me.

>> No.16119377
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>> No.16119378
File: 3.40 MB, 4608x2592, 1bf69e43-f307-4fa8-a90e-2ba2c4652772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drove 4 hours to western new York and it's completely cloudy

>> No.16119379

That was pretty cool to be honest. If you were in the path of totality and didn't enjoy it your a miserable cunt

>> No.16119380
File: 311 KB, 1723x2424, qo81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I found this weird egg thing outside, anyone know what it is?

>> No.16119381


>> No.16119382

>le world ending and UFO confirmed because anything is happening
Neurotic ahh people

>> No.16119383

Cool graphic.

>> No.16119384

Burgers start falling out of the sky.

>> No.16119385
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>> No.16119386
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>> No.16119388
File: 2.94 MB, 1920x1080, scully making faces.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 sphere overlaps another sphere

Real exiting stuff. Breathtaking.

>> No.16119389

Still waiting for it to happen here. Should be in about 10 minutes.

My phone camera sucks and won't take a picture of the sun even with glasses over it.

>> No.16119390
File: 491 KB, 2400x3000, Sol_Invictus_staue_in_Milan_Archeology_Museum_IMG_4874_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise Sol.

>> No.16119391


>> No.16119392

ok i saw the eclipse
now what?

>> No.16119393

Venus was south-westish of the eclipse.

>> No.16119394

I came here just to say it was really awesome to see it outside in real time. That was so cool.

>> No.16119395
File: 1.48 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is a basedjack redditor caricature

>> No.16119398

This but unironically.

>> No.16119399

We'll contact you.
Stay vigilant.

>> No.16119400


>> No.16119401

I have a friend that just about woke up 5 minutes after totality ended, not kidding, he sent me a message asking about it

>> No.16119402

lol it looks like a banana right now

>> No.16119403

>science board
>does not like science
checks out

>> No.16119406
File: 142 KB, 1614x1076, Sun Planet Corel Montage smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexy beautiful women are also just a combination of spheres but that doesn't stop them from being amazing either
check your dopamine receptors

>> No.16119407

filthy dumb phoneposting scum

>> No.16119409

basically like nighttime in the middle of the day. with this black sun in the sky. felt ominous. i can see why ancient people probably thought it was a bad omen..

>> No.16119410

now you are in heaven. this is what heaven looks like. enjoy your stay.

>> No.16119412


>> No.16119413

Every board suffers from /v/'s disease now.

>> No.16119415

NTA but it was pretty cool looking, it was like someone turned the brightness down on the sky. The sun was just a black dot with a white corona around it.

>> No.16119416

Lol I guess he can wait another 20 years for the next here in the continental US

>> No.16119417

Left side of the sun for Jupiter. Saturn and Venus on right

>> No.16119418

Listen, everyone knows intellectually that the Sun is an eldritch abomination, but we rarely get the chance to SEE it being an eldritch abomination.

Go use your real eyes to peep the horror.

>> No.16119420

Is west and east mirrored when you see the sky?

>> No.16119421

Is the atheist explanation for the moon and sun being the exact size and distance to perfectly overlap as seen from Earth unironically that it's just a big coincidence?

>> No.16119422

daily reminder we can make SOL INVICTUS a reality through the power of starlifting

>> No.16119423

It does look a bit ominous, and probably feels even more if you have birds chirping around and then going apeshit once it starts to go dark.

>> No.16119424

Jupiter will be near the Pleiades to the upper left of the sun, venus to the lower right in Pisces

>> No.16119426

Thanks for the stream, anon.
Interesting to see that sunset like lighting across the entire horizon.

>> No.16119428

89% of the success of this show was down to people wanting to fuck scully, forget the rest of the popsych bullshit that's it.

>> No.16119429

Quite the opposite for me, it was ominous because everything was so silent, there was no wind and even the dogs stopped barking.

>> No.16119430

I was suppose to sun bathe nude today, the moon is really throwing off my vibe.

>> No.16119431

nigga got some fruity eyelashes

>> No.16119432

I, facing south toward the eclipse, saw Venus to the right and down from the totality.

>> No.16119433


>> No.16119434
File: 58 KB, 362x429, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16119435

It's as if Sol reminding you why it matters. If I had to go spiritual.

>> No.16119436

Yes atheists are vainglorious little mongrels

>> No.16119437

it is not moron. the umbra has about 100km diameter, everybody in it sees as moon is exact size as sun.
this would also be the case if the umbra would be 1km wide, for people in it.
this would also be the case if the umbra would be Earth wide. in all these cases "omg the moon is as big as the sun on skies"

>> No.16119438
File: 63 KB, 1284x1209, 434683261_949593106554879_8168280690330236239_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck living here...

>> No.16119441

yes because the moon will eventually move too far out for that to be the case anymore and the sun will continue to expand as it ages

>> No.16119444

>partially successful
what went wrong?

>> No.16119446

lol come back in 100 million years christfag

>> No.16119447

Very moody music...

>> No.16119448

I'm not superstitious at all, I used "ominous" because that's what the other anon described it as. Honestly I thought it was cool and if I had any spiritual feeling at all it was more of a sense of being infused with newfound power or passing a threshold into a new era. But these feelings were very mild and I know to disregard them as a man of logic and empiricism.

>> No.16119449

dunno, it says all payloads deployed now

>> No.16119450

The sun tried to grab it mid-flight, but they dodged.

>> No.16119452

This nigga seriously thinks if you glance at the Sun you'll go blind lol

>> No.16119453

>But these feelings were very mild and I know to disregard them as a man of logic and empiricism.
You need to let your human out sometimes.

>> No.16119457

There is nothing more human than reason, it is what separates us from animals and allowed us to build civilization.

>> No.16119459
File: 959 KB, 1280x720, 1712545288577977.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16119460

>man of logic and empiricism
You mean soulless machine

>> No.16119461

I'd say spiritual wonder is what separates us from animals, but whatever, just enjoy the eclipse.

>> No.16119462

tell those dumbasses trying to death star the venusian atmosphere using sol's hydrogen to check their aim

>> No.16119463

Rochester anons, I just drove 40 minutes to this town called Batavia and it's just as shit here as Rochester was. Did Rochester get any better at all?

>> No.16119464

It's actually the opposite. He loves science so much he reduces everything to their bare essentials to the point nothing has any intrinsic value anymore.

>Love? Yup, just chemicals in the brain. Unamusing.
>Solar eclipse? Yawn. Three celestial spheroids becoming temporarily colinear. An entirely common occurence in the universe. Booooring.

>> No.16119465
File: 744 KB, 1280x720, 1712545352110391.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16119468

I am near Birmingham, AL. Made a pin hole projector. Clouds everywhere. Caught a couple peaks through the clouds. Didn't see shit. Never saw the slightest bit of moon.

>> No.16119469

>common occurence in the universe
except their planets don't have life

>> No.16119470
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>> No.16119471
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>> No.16119473


>> No.16119476

Not by the time you get there.

>> No.16119477
File: 323 KB, 1344x652, THE NOSE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16119478

That was the coolest shit I've ever seen.

>> No.16119479
File: 531 KB, 1127x1050, brb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clouds are moving in on me

>> No.16119480
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>> No.16119483
File: 182 KB, 722x707, Screenshot_5835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>standing from ohio all of the planets are actually aligned in a straight line right now
very interesting

>> No.16119484

Southern hemisphere.

>> No.16119486
File: 372 KB, 1280x720, 1712545626680842.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16119489

> this killed the flat earthers.

>> No.16119488

That was it?
Why do people act like this shit is life changing?

>> No.16119490


>> No.16119493

>incidentally the humans came up with the fucking second

>> No.16119498

360 sunset is once in a lifetime bucket type of a thing, in mexico weather was super nice

>> No.16119499

You should have already know it was bullshit when it talked about squaring the circle.

>> No.16119501

C'mon don't be a prune it's pretty cool and it's something you'll never forget don't let the nut jobs ruin it for ya

>> No.16119504

its basically the largest natural event you can experience as a tiny human

>> No.16119505

imagine an entire ancient population half blinding themselves because nobody knew not to stare at an eclipse

>> No.16119506

How do flat earthers explain this one?

>> No.16119507

That was actually pretty great, fuck all the miserable terminally online spergs

>> No.16119512

I agree

>> No.16119513

Flatearthers believe that the sun, moon, and stars are all illusions made by Satan to cause doubt in God.
Kinda like dinosaur bones.

>> No.16119514

My dad was going on and on about it wouldn't look any different than a fucking cloud covering the sun. Then it happened and he started spewing bible shit.

>> No.16119518
File: 687 KB, 774x720, 1685363214015401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being an sped.

>> No.16119520


>> No.16119523
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>> No.16119525

yeah haha remember when Trump went blind from doing that? Oh wait he didn't you fucking soience gaylord

>> No.16119526

Okay, so I didn't get to see the actual eclipse cause of the clouds. But seeing it get dark as night and then bright again all in a span of less than 4 minutes was still pretty cool

>> No.16119527
File: 3.51 MB, 3050x1721, 2024-04-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are not eclipse is all fake, this is how the sun look like in my state.

>> No.16119529

Puerto Ricans haven't made it to the Moon yet, give it time

>> No.16119530

you're not as funny as you think you are

>> No.16119533
File: 86 KB, 1029x2232, 1699871640837824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cleaveland rocks

>> No.16119534

Ok, mr no fun allowed.
Could have at least explained what's that anyway. Sun's corona?

>> No.16119535

>two suns

>> No.16119536
File: 114 KB, 1696x955, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my area was right outside the totality area
>also was cloudy as shit so wasn't going to bother
>gets dark
>look outside anyways
>clouds parted only around the sun to see the eclipse
got a cool pic

>> No.16119538

That's the ecliptic plane.

>> No.16119539

I think is just an artifact of the shitty phone.

>> No.16119540

Its a lens flare

>> No.16119541


>> No.16119545

Alpha Centauri, obviously.

>> No.16119547

What were you expecting? Michael Bay style explosions?

>> No.16119548
File: 56 KB, 750x500, total-solar-eclipse-com-3691909984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16119549

Exactly, where's the Ark crash landing on the moon?

>> No.16119551

its a fence lair

>> No.16119554

White halo around the black disk and black sky does look really ominous.

>> No.16119553

tfw torontonian

>> No.16119556
File: 45 KB, 858x536, malick_yuro_USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America in one post everybody

>> No.16119558

is that a good thing or bad thing
my mom is there and wanted to see the eclipse is the cloud cover bad?

>> No.16119559


>> No.16119560

It was fucking awesome. A little bit of high clouds didn't make any difference really. If you asked me any other day I'd say it was a sunny day.

>> No.16119563

>That was it?
>Why do people act like this shit is life changing?
It was.

>> No.16119566

Sol punishes those with avarice. If He wanted you to see him in His Glory, He would granted it regardless of your location. Repent on your folly.

>> No.16119569

bad thing, clouds everywhere, there was a hint of it at one point
at least she didnt go to niagara i hear its worse there

>> No.16119571
File: 20 KB, 292x302, 1190580606655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western NY virgins report in

>> No.16119573


It's the chromosphere

>> No.16119574

>at least she didnt go to niagara i hear its worse there
The place known for having one of the most giant waterfalls is certainly not where I'd go if I was trying to avoid atmospheric moisture, that's for sure.

>> No.16119575

Buffalonegro here, too much goddamn cloud cover but it was neat to see through peaks in the clouds

>> No.16119576

That is a cool picture anon.
I could not get a decent pair or lenses so I resorted to one of those DYI kids projects and made one of them boxes because I did have the construction paper and foil around.

Pretty neat.

>> No.16119577
File: 469 KB, 2488x1428, 1681489303318796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16119578

They're always in a straight line, but they're not always visible from the same hemisphere like that.

>> No.16119579
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>> No.16119580
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>> No.16119584
File: 1.70 MB, 4272x2848, IMG_1602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a lot of people sharing their shitty eclipse photos, here.

Taken from Atlanta.

>> No.16119587

Back in the day, we'd light up a fire inside of a glass bottle and use the smoke to make the glass black and then look through it to see the eclipse. We could stack this with regular tinted bottles. My mom used that to see the eclipse in Poland back in the 1960s. There were no fancy special glasses.

>> No.16119588
File: 482 KB, 1542x2048, 1710119111365599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what should I do with these super powers?

>> No.16119589

>so dark I can barely see the camera lens
It didn't get THAT dark for me. Was it because of all the clouds dispersing more light or do some people just have really shit dark vision?

>> No.16119590


>> No.16119591
File: 758 KB, 4032x3024, IMG_0094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taken from Cedar Hill State Park southwest of Dallas.

>> No.16119592

holy shit totality was way more than I could imagine. the eclipse ring was shimmering different colors and moving around. the world was dark for a moment. huge diff between total and partial. fucking clouds though

>> No.16119593


>> No.16119594

Clear skies here in 98.9% Michigan. Even at just 1.1%, the Sun was still too bright to see the Moon in front of it. Though it was dark enough for street lights to come on, it's amazing how much light there still was with only that tiny sliver of the Sun shining through. The shadows were eerie since the light was coming from above but at twilight levels.

>> No.16119595
File: 1.26 MB, 1170x1675, IMG_4950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should’ve learned how to take a proper photo in preparation for this

>> No.16119596
File: 1.36 MB, 2944x2208, 1712605587973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it looks bad, my camera wasn't up to the task, but this was taken before the full eclipse. You can see how it actually looked like in reality in the lens flare-looking artifact next to the sun.
From Northern Mexico an hour ago

>> No.16119598

Rochester reporting in. Clouds were solid, but it was cool to see them rapidly change from really smooth to really turbulent. My parents are already planning a trip to Greenland in 2026 they're so pissed.

>> No.16119599
File: 526 KB, 850x668, 1639835984616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not only that.

The Vedas say that the obstruction of the sun's light and the radiations present during eclipses strongly affect all life on earth.

It's recommended to stay inside, specially pregnant women.

>reduction in ozone concentration is formed
>allows ionizing radiation in addition to non-ionizing rays
>have a wide range of effects on living organisms
>gamma rays are reaching the earth’s surface during eclipse


>> No.16119601

fireworks? what a bunch of retards.

>> No.16119605

Shutter in front of the Sun spotlight.

>> No.16119606

thats what the end of the world looks like

>> No.16119608

I'd take a photo but i'm neither in path of totality nor is the weather all that good

>> No.16119611

well God did punish you with clouds tho. is that a bad omen?

>> No.16119615
File: 136 KB, 960x540, Flat Earth Show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16119617

i like your photo more than the crystal clear eclipse professional ones. yours has character

>> No.16119618


>> No.16119619

nice J.M.V Turner filter

>> No.16119620

How was it in Erie, PA?

>> No.16119621

Well, that's it for me until 2045.
I'll be 56, then.

>> No.16119627

It does get scary. All human beings should experience it at least once in their lifetime.

>> No.16119629

Any Ontarians around? London here, lucked out with the sky clearing just in time, just now starting to get some light clouds. Not quite totality, but still really cool with the temperature noticeably dropping and it looking more like sunset at our peak here.

>> No.16119634

Learn to recognize shitposts.

>> No.16119635

There's gonna be one in Spain/Greenland in two years. A good excuse to go travel, if you ask me.

>> No.16119638

full one in Spain?

>> No.16119640

Plot twist: that's her actual shape she just put the costume on.

>> No.16119643
File: 7 KB, 225x224, 1551456163674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to Greenland in august 2026
>Get to see both Midnight sun and an eclipse
Sounds pretty cool

Fine by me

>> No.16119644

*moons everyone itt*

>> No.16119646
File: 43 KB, 1058x370, total-eclipses-maps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking Australia gets 2 in a row where ever the fuck this place is

>> No.16119647

Brantford here. Got a minute of totality outside my front door, was pretty cool especially since I didn't wear protection. I used the cuck peep hole strategy to gauge when I could glance at the sun, definitely worth it to be in totality compared to a few seconds sooner.

>> No.16119649

I agree. Midwesterners are well rounded.

>> No.16119650
File: 38 KB, 720x644, 26b-1959883809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was nice ameribros, good telescope stream from NASA.

>> No.16119655

>Got a minute of totality outside my front door, was pretty cool especially since I didn't wear protection.
That sounds like NYC.
Did you call 911?

>> No.16119657 [DELETED] 

Me too, was amazing, went from total overcast to gaps forming to get that same kind of view to half clear skies just as it happened. Increadible timing! Oddly enough, the sun was still too bright to even glance at at 95% totality in this area even though everything went dark all around. Only when some clouds passed by to partially obscure it could you see the moon covering most of it.

>> No.16119659
File: 393 KB, 3000x4000, 20240408_163940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost like a phone camera through a welding mask isn't gonna make for a good picture. I got to 95% where I live, even then it got dark enough for the birds to freak out.

>> No.16119661
File: 7 KB, 250x206, 1506108585319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only saw a partial eclipse. Shouldn’t have wasted my time desu.

>> No.16119662

Full eclipse.

>> No.16119663

The birds started freaking out and the dogs started barking too right before it went total!

>> No.16119672

Looks like somewhere in the area of Eromanga. For 2028, the temperature would be in the 60F-70F range. In 2030, somewhere around 80F-100F. Low humidity both times with little chance of rain in 2028 and 20% in 2030.

>> No.16119673

We're living in a time right now where the orbital periods seems to be aligning the planets somewhat relative to one face of the Earth.

>> No.16119675

This could be a painting. I'm stealing this I mean using as inspiration for my renders now.

>> No.16119676


>> No.16119677
File: 104 KB, 836x1200, 20240408_131330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to fly out to Texas to see it but unfortunately I didnt have the balls to tell my Wage Cage to fuck off after they denied my request, they got new rules to submit for tine off and I hate it.

>> No.16119678

The last two I went through, crickets started chirping like it was night. I was in a city park this time so there were probably too many people around for them to start up. Usually at night the park is empty.

>> No.16119679
File: 41 KB, 1079x1078, 2024 partial solar eclipse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go H-alpha or go home.

>> No.16119680

>oh no, I'm suddenly too sick to come in to work... better put me down for sick time, boss...

>> No.16119681

>Try to take a picture with my smartphone
>What the fug the sun is bright
>Put the solar glasses over the lens
>Looks like shitty low res pic

>> No.16119683
File: 448 KB, 3065x1000, Mississauga Ontario Eclipse 2024 IMG_6274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best and pretty much only photo I took that actually showed it as the rest just showed the Sun way too bright even at 95% totality (as seen on left) eventhough it was evening darkness below. Only when some clouds obscured some of the sunlight was the shape of the Moon apparent. This was near Toronto where it was total overcast that started clearing with good gaps with perfect timing.

>> No.16119684

that looks dope

>> No.16119685

When I put the glasses over the camera lens my phone refused to take a picture

>> No.16119686

its ogre

>> No.16119688

Gonna buy some booze before I head back to PA from Rochester. It's easier to buy in bulk here than in PA, and I'm gonna need a lot of it to drown my sorrows for deciding to go to upstate NY instead of Ohio or even Erie.

>> No.16119691

This is a typical response to proximity to Rochester.

>> No.16119692

Did you cover all the sensors? If not, the difference might have confused it and it didn't know which mode to pick. Also slightly possible that the manufacturer added a check based on location and time to prevent users from taking eclipse photos.

>> No.16119696

Thing is, do that too many times now and they can fire you, its absolutely garbage because before you were able to just call in to a message system if you had the hours. Now theres protocol and an appeals procces and im not used to it because its fucking asinine.

What we do to keep food on the table man.

>> No.16119697

My phone only has a normal lens and a macro lens which I have to select manually, but I did have both of them covered. I wonder if it was because it couldn't detect enough light or some other stupid over-protective modern tech nonsense.

>> No.16119700

The 3 trillion calories you could get from a garbage plate before you go could help, too.

>> No.16119704
File: 476 KB, 4000x3000, 20240408_151640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't grab my DLSR and this was the best I could do with the manual settings on my Xperia. Was still cool to see in person and was unforgettable to me.

I was in a suburb and yeah, people were setting them off. Was pretty great since we had good weather. For once we didn't get somehow cucked in a terrible way.

>> No.16119708

>in a totality city
>checked multiple sources online (nasa, local big university, etc) about eye safety, just in case
>have the time when totality starts and ends for that city (3:22 and 3:25)
>3:22 hits, can no longer see sun through my free, big university-provided eclipse glasses
>give myself a minute of error margin for both start and end of totality, just in case
>look at eclipse without glasses at 3:23
>put glasses back on at 3:24
>totality ends at 3:25
All good, right? Except:
>with my mom during it
>she wouldn't take her glasses off during totality and saw jack shit
>tell her this the whole point of watching the eclipse, to see the totality with the naked eye
>she "did the research online" (where???) and tells me that i should never look at an eclipse at all, period
>while i'm looking at the damn eclipse, not being blinded

>> No.16119710

>paducah gets two eclipses in 7 years
lucky fucks

>> No.16119711
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SCP Lookin ass

>> No.16119716
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Another comparison, these with phone, showing how odd it looked to be still bright Sun (but not super bright as usual) in the sky but darkness on the ground.

>> No.16119725

I went outside to look in virginia but it just looked like a banana through my shitty amazon glasses. I tried to take a picture but I didn't think to cover the lens with my glasses so it just looked like the normal sun.

I've driven through paducah before it's not worth it

>> No.16119729
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I fucking looked at it 2 hours ago,
quite a bit... Yeah I guess I've heard faint whispers of 'dont look at an eclipse' throughout my life, but I never researched into it. And so being under the totality path, I went out and watched it without protection. And now I come back inside and all the sudden this massive trove of online info is coming at me that looking even for seconds can easily perma screw you, never mind the repeated glances I took up at it over the course of 20 minutes.

Is there anything I can do RIGHT NOW as the damage is still fresh that will significantly minimize it? Everything online says once you look at it it's irreversible, there are no modern cures and all you can do is pray

>> No.16119731

hope you at least though to keep one eye closed

>> No.16119732

Why does anyone care?
A solar eclipse happens everyday somewhere in space.
The only people who care are people who failed science in high school.

>> No.16119733
File: 585 KB, 4000x1868, 1000013995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this on a 23 ultra

>> No.16119734

>in the middle of the outback

>> No.16119735

>A solar eclipse happens everyday somewhere in space.
And how many of those do you personally get to witness?

>> No.16119736

Obvious bait post.

>> No.16119741

wow bretty good

>> No.16119742

If you only looked during totality, you're fin-
>never mind the repeated glances I took up at it over the course of 20 minutes.
Literally why would not do any research at all before risking your vision

>> No.16119758

what do you mean, that looks awesome
i forgot i had one of those plastic lenses on my phone camera and it fucked my shit up

>> No.16119767

neat anon

>> No.16119768

just want to say that it was somewhat clear, very thin layer of clouds. could see both Jupiter and Venus, the brightest I've ever seen them; but not the comet
felt like the world was ending in a cool way. everyone clapped at the end..worth it.

>> No.16119771

Still looks pretty good

>> No.16119776

niggas threw up candy in the pic and got lucky

>> No.16119779

It was absolutely spectacular. idk if we were lucky to not have many clouds, but the total eclipse was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Well worth the 3 hour drive to see

>> No.16119781
File: 1.82 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20240408_184127931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is in Dallas I should of messed with my phone settings prior to today as far as taking pictures into the sun but it came out okay.

>> No.16119786
File: 1.84 MB, 2719x1813, received_830379362247871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drove out of town to the country since city was forecasting clouds, visited my folks at the same time and gave them glasses and explained space shit. My dad used his camera to take a bredy gud pic as the sun came back. I just hope those glasses were legit and I didn't fry my retinas.

>> No.16119793
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>wake up
>walk outside and look at sky
>clouds everywhere
>just looks like a normal rainy day
>walk back inside
I guess I'll try again in 20 years

>> No.16119799
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>> No.16119823

It just didn't communicate to me before in time that something seemingly so miniscule could pack the effect of ruining you forever. I didn't keep my eyes on the sun for more than 3 seconds, like you would with the real sun. But I kept glancing right back at it in succession

>> No.16119824
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>> No.16119831
File: 1.89 MB, 4032x1860, j4379x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it came out pretty well for me too. no proper equipment sadly, but the clouds provided enough filtering.

>> No.16119845

Can someone cap that dude from earlier in the thread complaining about sun lasers? I want to post it in a relevant enough thread on /g/, but I'm mobile for a few hours.

>> No.16119874

Wow, such amazing photos showing some close up that you can see anywhere in science articles. Post something more zoomed out and/or personable you idiots.

>> No.16119911

you can't see any detail at all in the corona without zooming all the way in like that

>> No.16119932

In my area it was partly cloudy but you could see the sun consistently up until it was about 50% occluded.
Then thick fucking clouds came in for the rest of the eclipse, only to blow over after it was done. I could only catch a very rare glimpse of the sun coming out from behind the moon. Just the sliver of the corona.
If not for everything going night time for a few minutes, I wouldn't have any idea that eclipse was happening during totality.

Really disappointed.
I'll be in my 40s the next time one of these comes around in the US.

>> No.16119945


>> No.16119967
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>> No.16119971

Bros... I looked into the eclipse and now I'm possessed by a demon. What do?

>> No.16119976

you need to stick some garlic in your ass

>> No.16120065


>> No.16120098

I went to hamilton and the clouds went away right on time. kino

>> No.16120127
File: 1.54 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20240408_134146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you phonefags not have telescope mounts?

>> No.16120157
File: 276 KB, 4032x3024, IMG_1187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was fucking cool

>> No.16120171

Excellent photo. My dad is a bug telescope guy but not a great cell phone photographer so his came out nothing like that. Shame, he's got a really nice 10" Schmidt cassegrain but no camera that can do it justice. What kind of hardware are you working with?

>> No.16120180

I 3d printed a phone holder and mounted my 9 year old Nexus 6 to an Orion observer 134mm with the 25mm eyepiece it came with

>> No.16120193

So how did it turn out, Texasanons?

>> No.16120210
File: 1.66 MB, 4032x3024, 20240408_110231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whew, finally back. Went to middle of nowhere Indiana, smack dab in the center of totality. The locals had a barbecue down at the church, it was a cool fun time.

Best of all, sunny as can be, almost 0% cloud cover for the big moment. The forecast said mostly-to-partly cloudy the whole time until like JUST an hour before, then it was mostly sunny. The place we were in lucked out and the heavens parted for just long enough. Amen

>> No.16120212

I am, went to Vincennes for it

>> No.16120238

Glad you got to see everything and have a good time, anon.

>> No.16120257

Are there any other moon gravity tricks people can try on eclipse day, besides the standing egg?

>> No.16120262

What were they cooking? I had smoked ham shank myself

>> No.16120287
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before the thread dies, did anyone manage to see the planets? venus appears to be the only one visible (as shown) yet jupiter should've been visible to the right.

>> No.16120288

Little bit of everything, pulled pork, ribs, people were grilling up brats and burgers and stuff too. Also this one couple brought their "town famous" chicken fricassee

>> No.16120291

Yes, I saw Venus and Jupiter pretty clearly. Jupiter would be on the opposite side of where Venus is, and further away

>> No.16120293
File: 269 KB, 1280x1920, GKrOJIrXYAADUw6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An actual photo someone took

>> No.16120298
File: 3.76 MB, 1392x720, 1712626086105-[00.00.000-00.22.035].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The view from a satellite

>> No.16120303

>tHe mOOn pErFecTlY MAtCheS tEh sUn !!!!

>> No.16120304

take yours meds, schizo

>> No.16120307

>when grug look at sky grug see moon and sun the same size. grug senses not wrong

>> No.16120309

This looks fake as fuck.

>> No.16120312

I was in Lima, Ohio and it was absolutely sick. Perfect day. Could clearly see Venus in the sky and a pink dot at the bottom of the eclipse, which turns out was some sort of plasma loop or something?

>> No.16120334

Yep I saw that too, a solar prominence. It was very clear throughout totality

>> No.16120347

The other planets were hidden behind tall houses for me.

>> No.16120371

was anyone able to see the comet? Jupiter and Venus were VERY bright. could actually see them during 95% totality.