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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16116659 No.16116659 [Reply] [Original]

Over a decade ago Lebron James started a STEM focused school to educate youths from elementary school through high school. Lebron also promises the kids in the school to pay for their college tuition if they're able to graduate with a 3.0 average or better from the high school end his school, but regardless of all the massive amount of money he had poured into the operation its been a massive failure.
Why didn't it work out?

>> No.16116671
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It's a mystery.

>> No.16116680

>promises to pay for their tuition if they are good student
>has a financial incentive to make his school so shitty they all fail
And this is why capitalism never works.

>> No.16116683

wypipo are to blame obviously

>> No.16116687

>promises to pay for their tuition if they are good student
>knows for certain that any negro graduating high school with a 3.0 or better will get a full scholarship from an ivy and he will never have to pay for a single scholarship

>> No.16116689

how is this capitalism?

>> No.16116707

1) Let's see the curriculum
2) Let's see the demographics

>> No.16116726

The problem is that it was always meant as an intervention for at risk kids, whether they are behind academically or come from a bad home, etc. That resulted in a significant chunk of the student body being kids who are just intellectually disabled and behind in reading and math by several grades, not misunderstood and troubled youths who need somebody to set them right

>> No.16116746
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The demographics are more mixed than you might assume. The standardized test scores are an absolute nightmare.

>> No.16116767

>That resulted in a significant chunk of the student body being kids who are just intellectually disabled and behind in reading and math by several grades, not misunderstood and troubled youths who need somebody to set them right
Let's be honest here. The intellectually disabled kid and the misunderstood and troubled youngster often are one and the same kid. Just because they're not downy "oozing out of their mouth" retarded doesn't mean they cut it.

>> No.16116821

>students are niggers
>students parents are niggers
arguably the second is even more significant
I wonder about the teachers too. Are they as well?

>> No.16116826

White and asian kids in a 59% black school are going to have all their classes disrupted, not to mention the harassment they will endure. No way for them to do well in that environment.

>> No.16116827

They spent alot of money but didn't think about how to teach.

>> No.16116829

>teachers didn't think about how to teach
oh, they're mentally disabled too?

>> No.16116830

This too

>> No.16116832

Essentially yeah. Or rather they just don't give a shit and they don't know how. Because an educator's education is retarded today. And anybody with a teaching degree will tell you that unless they are dishonest or simply not self-introspective.

>> No.16116868

one a school's black population is more than 10% its over, thats how disruptive they are. its like having monkeys in the classroom.

2500 years ago Hanno the navigator, a major naval figure from Carthage, set sail on one of the great voyages of discovery. He sailed from the Mediterranean out of straights of Gibraltar to explore the coast of Africa with a fleet of 60 ships, he worked his way down the coast past Mauritania to subsaharan Africa where he found that the people all had "burt skin" which is to say they were negroes. After meeting people like this for a while like this every time his ships landed he came to an island off the coast of what is now Cameroon that was filled with burn skin people who were very hairy and extremely unruly. He named this tribe "Gorillas".
Because Hanno was not influenced by our modern ideas of species he had to call things as he saw them and he was unable to differentiate between gorillas and African negroes other than that the gorillas were hairier.

>> No.16116885

The idea that humanity is a single species was declared by the UN in November of 1945, the idea has no basis in science or in reality.

>> No.16116907

it's a trendy celeb school so they're probably doing a bunch of fluff bullshit instead of just good simple teaching

>> No.16116911

10% is probably manageable. I'd venture to guess 20% is where it starts to become unviable and certainly by 40% you're screwed.

>> No.16116968
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Eventually they have to notice it is NOT the education system it REALLY is the student.

>> No.16116988

Many know, they just gain too much advantage from pretending otherwise.

>> No.16117015

Of course, they know. They know that since the 18th century. I see, you're still doing your first baby steps if you haven't noticed the weaponization of race yet.

>> No.16117051
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>They spent alot of money but didn't think about how to teach.

THIS... this is why the educational system in America keeps changing... they are convinced that somehow the education system is failing Black students because the other races all seem to be doing OK so they keep changing the way they teach.
It NEVER occurs to them it is NOT the educational system, it IS the student.

>> No.16117076

And how is ”the good simple teaching” working when dealing with niggers? Are there stats from any of these schools I wonder?

>> No.16117101

Schools should just be warehouses of deployable educational kits.
Like Montessori school equipment but scaled up to intelligence levels higher than a toddler.
Less teacher’s required as it’s mostly an automated process when the kids are raised to be used to it.
Disruptive kids just get deported to the solitary wing of the facility.
Kid advancement scales with how fast they move through the various lesson kits.

Less chance for bullying or pedos or indoctrination.
Lower overall cost to operate.
More critical thinking development.

The only reason the Prussian/Chicago model won was outlawing competing systems and subsidizing the shit out of the state’s preferred “““education””” systems.

>> No.16117123

Many of them already understand that completely and now are trying to pull everyone down to the level of the worst students at satisfy their demented version of equality.

>> No.16117197

It has to be, because of it isn't...

>> No.16117198

you started this thread on /sci/ to have a
>look negurs r dumb guise
thread and you're responsibly for 50% of the posts in it?

>> No.16117228

Pretty sure Hanno is describing an encounter with chimpanzees, not Black africans.

>> No.16117247

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/464248485