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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16113107 No.16113107 [Reply] [Original]

"Up to 50% of patients with cannabis-related psychotic symptoms presenting to the ED requiring hospitalization will go on to develop schizophrenia. "
"Cannabis is involved in approximately 50% of psychosis, schizophrenia, and schizophreniform psychosis cases"
"In one recent study that followed nearly 2,000 teenagers as they became young adults, young people who smoked marijuana at least five times were twice as likely to have developed psychosis over the next 10 years as those who didn’t smoke pot."
"One of the best-known studies followed nearly 50,000 young Swedish soldiers for 15 years. Those who had smoked marijuana at least once were more than twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as those who had never smoked pot. The heaviest users (who said they used marijuana more than 50 times) were 6x as likely to develop schizophrenia as the nonsmokers."
"1/5th of cases of schizophrenia among young males might be prevented by averting [Cannabis Use Disorder]"
Daily weed use was associated with increased odds of psychotic disorder compared with never users, increasing to nearly 5x increased odds for daily use of high-potency types of cannabis. The PAFs calculated indicated that if high-potency cannabis were no longer available, 12% of cases of first-episode psychosis could be prevented across the 11 sites, rising to 30% in London and 50% in Amsterdam

>> No.16113108

According to an article titled "Rates and correlates of cannabis-associated psychotic symptoms in over 230,000 people who use cannabis" On Nature.com (cant post the link because of the fucking spam filter),
"It has been shown that transient cannabis-associated psychosis-like experiences occur in some PWUC, involving experiences such as paranoia (reported by between 15% and 53% of PWUC) or hallucinations (reported by between 3% and 27% of PWUC) during cannabis intoxication."

It is likely that cannabis exposure is a “component cause” that interacts with other factors to “cause” schizophrenia or a psychotic disorder
-European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience 259, 413-431, 2009

"There is now strong evidence that cannabis use increases the risk of psychoses including schizophrenia"

Self reported cannabis use is associated with an increased risk of subsequently developing schizophrenia, consistent with a causal relation
This association is not explained by sociability personality traits, or by use of amphetamines or other drugs
Self medication with cannabis is an unlikely explanation for the association observed
>Long-term cannabis users tend to produce less dopamine, a chemical in the brain linked to motivation, a study has found.
>Results revealed that dependent users showed lower levels of motivation relative to nondependent users. Furthermore, the cannabis-dependent group reported significantly higher alcohol and other drug use as well as levels of depression

>> No.16113109

Secondhand marijuana Smoke Impairs Psychomotor Function And Working Memory:

Marijuana Worsens Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder:

Marijuana Causes Deficits In Dopamine Release:

Marijuana raises Estrogen levels:

Marijuana decreases testosterone and growth hormone:

Marijuana Smokers Have More Violent Convictions:

Marijuana Causes Cancer:

Marijuana Is Addictive:

Marijuana Causes Long Term Cognitive Damage:

>> No.16113114
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Weed Causes Psychotic Disorders:

Children of Fathers that Smoke Weed More Likely To Suffer Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:

Weed Legalisation Results In More Frequent Use:

Weed Causes Lung Damage:

Secondhand Weed Smoke Impairs Psychomotor Function And Working Memory:

Weed Worsens Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder:

Weed Causes Deficits In Dopamine Release:

>> No.16113116

I think it's a well known fact it's not for everybody.

>> No.16113117
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>"1/5th of cases of schizophrenia among young males might be prevented by averting [Cannabis Use Disorder]"
>The heaviest users (who said they used marijuana more than 50 times) were 6x as likely to develop schizophrenia as the nonsmokers."
>Daily weed use was associated with increased odds of psychotic disorder compared with never users, increasing to nearly 5x increased odds for daily use of high-potency types of cannabis. The PAFs calculated indicated that if high-potency cannabis were no longer available, 12% of cases of first-episode psychosis could be prevented across the 11 sites, rising to 30% in London and 50% in Amsterdam

>> No.16113130 [DELETED] 

Weed is good for you if u have a high IQ like me.

>> No.16113132

you don't have a high iq, you only believe you do because of mentally ill schizo delusions of grandiosity induced by your drug addiction

>> No.16113136

nta but you don't even know him. he's literally anon. it's like you're projecting a particular thing on him. why be like that?

>> No.16113137

Based pot making virgin loser op seeth

>> No.16113138
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>he doesn't get high playing video games
>he is too scared to try getting high
I don't do any other drugs because weed is the best one there is.
I actually do have a pedigree of high intelligence but I use it or rather smartly spend it on video games and just enjoying life here on 4chan :) :D

>> No.16113140

It's an abstract kind of feel
Also inb4 anon posts Quentin superior than thou rage comic

>> No.16113144

related to psychosis games and weed, Hellblade 2 coming out this year

>> No.16113147

>go on board consisting of random sampling of people with an average IQ of 100
>literally everyone on the board claims they have extraordinarily IQ even though those high IQs are extremely rare
is there one guy on /sci/ with an IQ of negative a billion that balances out the average or are all of the people who claim to be in the top 0.01% of intelligence actually average people experiencing mentally ill, irrational delusions of intellectual superiority?

>> No.16113149

are you high IQ anon?

>> No.16113155

does this mean most blacks are schizophrenic?

>> No.16113158
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>Get high on drugs that make you have happy thoughts and make you feel irrationally good about yourself
>Suddenly presume you have extraordinarily high IQ
Every drug addict does this. George Floyd wrongly thought he was a clever genius and that he was easily going to get away with passing counterfeit currency, the reason he presumed he would get away with it was because he was high on drugs that made him feel good about himself, including marijuana.

>> No.16113161

Not my problem, I live in America

>> No.16113163


Cannabis = way to lower your IQ

There's a reason niggas are hooked to this shit and they're so fucking dumb. Wiggers are also hooked to cannabis and they're retards as well.

>> No.16113167

yeah but if you fail to understand how that is a fucking useful feature for high IQ then you shouldn't have ideas about it

>> No.16113194
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potheads are all morons and they always chimp out when they're called out on their stupidity

>> No.16113195

Weapons grade cope. High IQ people use opioids and stimulants. Midwits drink alcohol and smoke weed.

>> No.16113197

Adult Swim is good

I go bananas when I smoke weed and typically enter into a state of psychosis. It sucks.

>> No.16113209

>science board attracts high iq people
wow who wouldve known

>> No.16113351

You might conceitedly self identify as being unusually intelligent, but you don't have any evidence that your assumption is true. Do you also self identify as a girl with a dick?

>> No.16113365

>Up to 50% of patients with wheel chairs, who go down the stairs, end up with a cracked scull"
>solution: ban stairs
this is how stupid you sound

>> No.16113395

In fairness, stairs are just shittier ramps and should be banned.

t. wheel chair user.

>> No.16113398
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>> No.16113409

Any open forum which garners enough attention will eventually attract morons like OP

>> No.16113430

Irrelevant, none of that has any credibility at all.

Liberals smoke that shit and they are retarded AF. Is beyond obvious that drug is not good for the brain.

>> No.16113451

>I'm physically an adult, but I'm still fixated on children's entertainment

>> No.16113458

Oo! Oooo! now do alcohol!

>> No.16113465

In this faggot world, I'd rather be crazy.

>> No.16113477

Yeah this has been known for decades, my dad learned about it in the 70s m8

>> No.16113504

rent free

>> No.16113516

I use weed 30x a day and have done this for over a decade. It's not going to hurt me.

>> No.16113546

Legalizing marijuana = legalizing murder

>> No.16113547

Fag says as fag does

>> No.16113561

>intoxicants can induce psychosis in predisposed persons
Stop the presses!

>> No.16113648


Not true, the Human Genome Project was finished, but it can only explain 1-5%.

That means also that weed doesn't really explain anything either. They are predisposed because most, if not all, schizophrenics have been meticulously abused for extended periods of time.

Hearing voices, child sexual abuse, or severe forms of physical abuse, over an extended time, with gaslighting from parents and close relatives about what happened.

Severe trauma causes schizophrenia. People smoke weed, and it might lower the threshold for entering psychosis, but the damage was already done.

Furthermore, schizophrenia is simply an adaptive response to the systemic abuse they have experienced, a sort of trauma response. They go into the prodromal phase with synaptic pruning, then enter psychosis where neurogenesis takes place, but psychiatry has convinced themselves it's dangerous. Instead, they let them be in a permanent brain-damaged state and inflict even further brain damage through the usage of major tranquilizers. Also, patients self-medicate with tobacco smoking and drugs to try to maintain homeostasis as these drugs disrupt normal neurological functioning.

It's not a lifelong illness, as the religious psychiatrists so desperately want it to be.

SAGE in all fields I have seen this cunt spam his shit on many other boards as well.

>> No.16113651
File: 151 KB, 720x1024, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Because the drugs themselves keep them permanently in a semi-psychotic state, exerting massive adaptive pressure onto neurons themselves, meaning the brain is brought into a hyper-dysfunctional state, as it now has altered structure and function as well as severe brain damage from the neurotoxic drugs. This means the risk of relapse as they like to call it is caused by the neurotoxic drugs anti-psychotic or major tranquilizers are continuously lowering the threshold for entering into psychosis. Further, the brain damage from the drugs and the torture that all schizophrenics experience for almost a lifetime, classified as such by both UN and WHO, would explain why they get so incredibly dangerous as time progresses. Why is that? Because frontal lobe damage reduces inhibition control and torture makes people broken, and the dysfunction of the the drugs makes them highly unstable.

Long-term outcome: drug vs. no drug treatment proves this. Soteria houses prove this. Open dialogue proves this.

Schizos just need to undergo the psychosis that follows, and most, if not all, will recover completely.

Don't believe me?
here is a link to a study, that have been replicated numerous times.


>> No.16113679

shh, anon, alcohol jew is good because it's legal!

>> No.16114104

Alcohol and weed are not mutually exclusive, brainlets. The harmfulness of one does not unrender the harmfulness of the other. Most gen Z and millennials use both.

See >>16113195 and kys.

>> No.16114109

>100 hours community service for stabbing somebody

>> No.16114112

>be me
>get doxxed by my coworkers
>shrink claims I was high on pot and making it up despite clear evidence
>hadnt even smoked in years
>diagnoses me and gets me drugged anyway

Good to keep in mind that Psychiatrists are assholes.

>> No.16114117

what about CBD oil? the non-psychoactive one that is supposed to heal anxiety and such?

>> No.16114121

Schizo that smokes over an ounce a week reporting in.

Stop being pussies.

>> No.16114185

CBD is what actually gives you paranoia. if you take pure THC you don't go paranoid. but the experience is a bit drier. not sure about CBD on its own but with THC and whatever terpenes are there it brings in the weird shit

>> No.16114332

Let's do mushrooms guys

>> No.16114973

you're the sissy because you're addicted to drugs and would cry like a baby if your drugs were taken away from you. there is nothing impressive about being drug dependent.
>no!!! b-b-but my hollywood jew movies say drugs are cool!!
if you were dumb enough to be taken in by that shilling you are low IQ

>> No.16115309

Schiz is noticing different patterns than authority, I guess you need schiz to start smoking pot.

>> No.16115312

You must be crazy to tell doctor that you smoke weed if he already got this material.

>> No.16115316
File: 133 KB, 1313x438, Screenshot from 2024-04-06 17-26-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe OP is a bit cherry picking, I could cherry pick to make exact opposite post.

>> No.16115320

Smoking cannabis is still more healthy than doing anti-psychotics.

>> No.16115341

Have you noticed that it's info coming from same group of people that ware "curing" schizphrenia by cutting a piece of brain out and made huge profits on that? What else would cause schizophrenia, than something so common? With cannabis causing schiz you can run in fifth of a peole and tell them, they have a dissease and need $100 a month treatment.

Never trust this "healing" industry.

Also they somehow ommit if cannabis ware consumed before or after alcohol, or without alcohol.

Also they ommit if there is smoking nicotine present.

>> No.16115342

So cannabis is correlated to poverty, because rich don't smoke weed but do coke?

>> No.16115347

Oh please, all of a sudden reality just slipped away, huh? No one can tell what's real and what isn't anyways. Psychosis, shmycosis. Blazzit, losers.

>> No.16115361

this but unironically

>> No.16115364

So articles are cool and sciency right? I as schizo brought 5cm thick bunch of papers to hospital with me, to argue about side effects. Nobody even touched it, and they kindly returned it to me when I was leaving.

>> No.16116464

You're a drug addict if you're that protective of and ashamed of your marijuana habit

>> No.16117737 [DELETED] 

Drug addicts all have the same characteristic behaviors, they're very easy to detect

>> No.16117748

Incorrect. Anxiogenic side effect of THC is modulated by CBD

>> No.16117760

Has this thread had a bunch of replies deleted or is OP more schizo then the druggies he's obsessed with?

>> No.16118147 [DELETED] 

>Every drug addict does this.
Drug addiction is a form of conspicuous consumption. If the drug you're addicted to is illegal that only makes it that much more exclusive and attractive to those seeking to consume conspicuously

>> No.16118174

>n-no actually that's just racist propaganda!!!

>> No.16118374 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16119933 [DELETED] 

how do retarded pothead schizos respond to this scientific data?

>> No.16120479 [DELETED] 

erratically and irrationally

>> No.16120490

How do retarded psych practitioners cope with the fact that diagnostics like that are just based on the personal feelings and subjective interpretation of some highly indoctrinated asshole?

>> No.16120520

Do people actually do that?

>> No.16120536

>Abusing drugs is...LE BAD!

>> No.16120592

>develop schizophrenia
implying they know what "schizophrenia" is

>> No.16120604

>I can't sneed

>> No.16120608

People with disorders tend to use drugs as a cope and so association to cause and effect are trivial. The rate of psychosis doubles for people who smoke alot, but if the rate is 0.4-1% for a background population then the economic incentives for legalization could be considered along with the crime and corruption lowered.

>> No.16120638

/lit/ is where the high IQ people go
this board is bazinga level IQ
Anyone who claims they have high IQ is larping at best. IQ is more of an indicator of intelligence, once you're an adult you have to actually produce intelligence. I'm not going to brag about a test that indicates I have potential past 15 years old. At that point, you have to brag about actual accomplishments

>> No.16120685

>is there one guy on /sci/ with an IQ of negative a billion that balances out the average
yes im that guy

>> No.16121137 [DELETED] 

>I'm high IQ, you can tell because although I am physically and legally an adult, I play video games all day like a child. Also I smoke weed and watch cartoons.

>> No.16121167

>what about CBD oil?
snake oil.
99% of all health benefit claims related to weed are pure bullshit.
Basically there are two things for which marijuana, or at least it's psychoactive ingredients, have real medical utility: reduction of intraoccular pressure due to glaucoma, and increasing appetite for people on chemo drugs.

>> No.16121422

This guy is unbelievably unhinged. He spams this shit 24/7 across multiple boards. You'd think weed fucked his girlfriend. Also """they""" don't want you smoking weed. It's been legal in some states for close to a decade. It's now available legally in almost every state. Support has never been higher. And there's still no action from Congress and constant lobbying against it. If the powers that be wanted people smoking pot, operating a marijuana-related business would not continue to be a federal felony. Weed operations are excluded from the global financial system. That's an exclusive club.

>> No.16121438

What's the incidence of coffe?

A 100%?

>> No.16121445

>Weed operations are excluded from the global financial system.
weed lowers productivity, unless some creative job. mathematically doesn't make sense to allow plebs to smoke it. running society is basically a business. weed is not a smart decision for business, at society level. I get it that it sucks, at personal level.
If/when human work productivity is not so crucial they won't fuck around with blocking weed anymore. this is my "conspiracy theory" with weed

>> No.16121459

That's plausible. Brainlet takes are that it was just Hearst and his business interests, or just muh racism. People, including myself, seem to vastly underestimate the influence of Puritanism within our ruling class, and it would be difficult to even conceive of something as antithetical to the Protestant work ethic as weed is. Between Hamilton and Lincoln, the North was given far too much power in this country, and the modern cosmopolitanism we pretend to enjoy is mere obfuscation of the culture practiced by the elite.

>> No.16121493

By this reasoning most of the stimulants such as phenethylamines wouldn't be persecuted. Yet we observe the opposite.

It's just a dumb moral panic and the people writing, interpreting and enforcing these laws are literally, not figuratively, less intelligent and less knowledgeable about it than /sci/ schizoposters.

>> No.16121514

they wouldn't and they always try it. cocaine, amphetamines in war. problem is long term side effects outweigh any short term benefit.
hence coffee.

>> No.16121515

>long term side effects outweigh any short term benefit.
as in for regular working pleb
if weed made you more productive you'd have a weed dispenser in your office, no doubt

>> No.16121533

>People, including myself, seem to vastly underestimate the influence of Puritanism within our ruling class, and it would be difficult to even conceive of something as antithetical to the Protestant work ethic as weed is.
Maybe a century ago, but the US isn't even made up of the same people today

>> No.16121648

Your post is exactly what I mean. I'm prone to sharing the same sentiment. It's a mistake. The influence is just obscured by our cosmopolitanism. The Ivy League institutions our ruling class attends, the social institutions they belong to, and the culture that permeates the Northeast United States are aggressively protestant/puritan. Culture doesn't just evaporate overnight.

>> No.16121666

does weed cause it? or just speed it up in someone who was going to develop schizophrenia anyways?

everyone thought jake lloyd's mental break was due to bullying and stress and alienation he endured from being little anakin skywalker, but his mom came out recently and refuted that, saying that all of the doctors stated he would have developed schizophrenia regardless, and that the public overstates how much stress he went through from star wars backlash. she shielded him from the internet and fans so he had basically no idea that people hated him or his character nonstop online

>> No.16121713

Lmao. In 2010 a governmental class states 75% of people have used drugs.

I assume they got that statistic from confidential documents by doctors. Plus some patients perspective of "drugs" 1. Alcohol is a drug 2. Ibuprofen is a drug 3. Federal government drugs are drugs. And also a drug test can say sesame seeds are drugs.

But following 75%. Out of 100 senators. Only 25 have been sober. And a google search says there has only been 46 president's odds are only 11/12 have been non drug users.

Schizophrenic people have been running the country.

But hey 200 hundred years ago people reading to many books = mental health issues. But also when vibrators where invented for woman hysteria (women who complain and are ornery from lack of semen) there where regular doctor house calls to give a woman an orgasm but also regular house calls to use vibrators on men up to 1960. Where they used them on men idk.

Also Zero cases of blind people with schizophrenia. But hey I also haven't heard of a legally blind doctor. And all of us with sight give blind people the benefit of the doubt to interpret the world differently.

I for one didn't know 9/11 happened until 2010. And didn't know commercials "where were you?" Or " I remember" was about 9/11 until 2019.

But I remember a show called bone chillers. That if you try to search from description seems like goose bumps. Once I finally found it, even comments said "I was thinking it was a fever dream".

Also Asian culture describes the same symptoms of most Schizophrenic patients as middle school/8th grader syndrome. Which if you pay for crunchyroll is paying to watch that exact content. XD

>> No.16121719

Skit So Frain Euh

>> No.16121753


That is a 23 minute commercial compilation about 9/11 almost none of them say 9/11 or twin towers hit by planes. But there are that try to sell you PTSD medicine or encourage donations in memory of a tragedy. But watching these videos individually should 100% let you know the context of the tragedy you should know. If you don't your schitzo.

>> No.16121785

how could the doctors even know whether that was true or not lol

>> No.16121799

Cannabis causes schizophrenia in 50% of users? I buy it, I've known a lot of stoners and a lot of them have lost it

>> No.16121831

Lost it? No context besides mental stability. but what quantifies normal mental stability. Doctors and nurses will will turn away patients with anal constipation. And an impacted bowl only has 3 options. Enema, fingers by a medical professional or surgery. Making 60k+ a year. But a dog groomer will clear out the anal glands of a dog for 12/hr.

A human with an abscessed tooth will be turned away from the ER and Dentist because because they lack money. But a human will risk an arm and hand to take an abscessed tooth out of an alligator/orca/hippo's mouth free of charge.

People say the US Dollar was strong in the 1900's because it was backed by gold. But 1859 300million of gold existed and by 1964 1.5billion paper currency existed. And the national debt was paid off in 1835 with property tax. Yet people still say "gold standard" plus there is a cannabinoid system in 100% of humans.

>> No.16121841

you stoned?

>> No.16121842
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thats super interesting but im still gonan smoke a lil weed sorry chuds

>> No.16121859
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Schizophrenia is quantum entanglement

>> No.16122066 [DELETED] 
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Schrödinger's marijuana
A 'plant' that simultaneously treats depression and anxiety, but when someone has a psychotic break or panic attack, it's because they're "too weak" and/or had mental health problems beforehand that marijuana made worse.

>> No.16122141

Oh fuck off I've used weed for 20 years and I'm no more shizophrenic than your sorry confirmation-biased ass

>> No.16122166
File: 71 KB, 600x800, 1688801551130503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh, my anecdote (n=1) totally beats your confirmation bias

>> No.16122177
File: 19 KB, 306x306, pepe_stares_in_disbelief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>**AFTER** drug-induced psychosis

They conveniently 'forgot' to mention the probability of a person to HAVE a drug-induced psychosis on Cannabis.
How much you want to bet it is about 0.001%

>> No.16122338


Starvation... Can cause hallucinations.
Dehydration.. can cause hallucinations
Insomnia... Can cause hallucinations
Narcolepsy over sleeping can cause hallucinations.
Malnutrition can cause hallucinations.
Depression can cause hallucinations
PTSD can cause hallucinations. "They're in the trees"
Fevers can cause hallucinations.
Kidney failure can cause hallucinations.
Drug withdrawal can cause hallucinations.

USA 12hr 6/7 day work weeks. People can barely afford groceries. Even people with 8hr work weeks still need a second job and side hustles. People are so commonly dehydrated streamers are drinking water "hydration checks" both being reminded by their viewers and reminding their viewers.

Bed time revenge procrastinating. People sacrifice sleep time so they can have conscious me time.

70%+ population is malnourished because they cannot afford "healthy diets"

Psychedelics are mind altering chemicals
Drugs can cause hallucinations.

But here is a medicine for depression. Here is one for insomnia
here is one for withdrawal
Here is one PTSD.
Here is one for narcolepsy.
Here is one for fever.
Here is one for kidney failure.
Here is one for schizophrenia.

What are these medicines?
Oh they drugs that alter the chemicals in your mind.
How are they made?
Oh from plants and other animals that are illegal for you to use
What are the side effects?
Oh depression, insomnia, suicidal thoughts, fatigue, dehydration, lack of hunger, itchiness, over tiredness.

How have they been tested? Well we give them to you and observe you until you perform to our standards of acceptable. Also some lab rats but we aren't really sure how it effects them besides they didn't die.
Have you ever taken these medicines.
No and I haven't done drugs or drank liquor. What about your boss right there? *His eyes reder then the devil's ass after entire weekend at their dominatrix's house" well me and him have worked 80+ hours this week and have kids. So anything else?

>> No.16123309 [DELETED] 

nice insane schizo rant pothead

>> No.16123438

How does the scientific community know the human body is made up of 70% water. Oh yeah relational scientific testing.

>> No.16123752

>Long-term cannabis users tend to produce less dopamine, a chemical in the brain linked to motivation, a study has found
Just another drug, like masturbation.

>> No.16123763

How not to have marijuana induced psychosis. Be rich or famous. How many rappers? How many rich people smoke marijuana. Not clinically schizophrenic. Only poor and unknown people. Want to not be schizophrenic while smoking marijuana becomes famous and rich. Simple

>> No.16123771


>> No.16124883 [DELETED] 

>weed is good because its not as bad as drinking cyanide
drug addict cope

>> No.16125220

>How many rappers?
Most of them, even among non cannabis users, which is why they have small high energy brains that allows them to verbalize spontaneously and make rhyming conventions ad lib. Kayne West is a schizo, his speech is textbook example of derailment and has profound delusions of persecution.

>> No.16125224 [DELETED] 


>> No.16125231

what kind of intelligence does this guy have?

>> No.16125251

100 to 105 IQ with slightly above average memory.

>> No.16125258

it doesn't
alcohol does
Alcohol is a big motherfucking business, so now they fight back

>> No.16125260

have you seen more from the guy? he must be the freestyle king, he may shit on literally every rapper that has ever been, as far as freestyle goes. maybe not delivery and style clearly

>> No.16125278

Spontaneity of speech indicates a lack of intelligence. Small brains are more densely packed which makes linguistic associations triggered more easily.

>> No.16125288

no clearly he's not high IQ, but there is something in his brain that's faster than most people

>> No.16125291

It's kind of funny you mentioned Kanye. He made 1billion. Made a clothes linen and even spent his own personal cash to build infrastructures in Africa. = Schitzo.
Doesn't ask for donations.
But Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus donate things during pandemic then later ask for them back. And when they want to donate to a charity inturn "we are making a concert you the public can pay for the charity"

1900-1980. 1 year of minimum wage paid for 2 years of Harvard or 4 years of community college.
1900-1980 minimum wage was worth 1.5 ounces of gold a week.

Following education of Harvard. 76k a year. 1 year of minimum wage should be 160k.
Following gold 1 year of minimum wage 40hours× 52 weeks.. and one week equals 1.5 ounces of gold. 1 ounce 2,337. Is 3,400ish a week. 185k a year. But here we are arguing about medication we should push or not push on one another and most people make less then 60k. Your not willing to fight for your right to a bag boys minimum wage in 1960's but you want to advocate why big pharma has the right to shove pills down people's thoughts that aren't in your connective level..

>> No.16125302


>> No.16125413

Lol good video. I think I might have watched 5 Kanye videos.

But none the less. Radio speakers say" I hope this doesn't upset my FBI agent" also comments across tons of media. " My FBI agent... " That's no different then Pavlov's training.

Today " I am pregnant" you better save up for their college fund. 1900-1970. 6 months of work equaled 1 year of Harvard. Your 16 year old from 1968-1970 could work minimum wage. And afford 4 whole years of Harvard when they turn 18. And people wonder why people are dumber. Because the population literally let the government rob education from us. But hey we aren't in a great depression. Now you can earn 20/hr. 41k a year before tax. Pay 1.2k rent 14.4k. $200 electricity monthly. 16.8k. 300 monthly food. 20.2k not including health insurance/car insurance gas and income tax. You are lucky to save $5,000 a year. 75k-80k which means after 15-16 years of dedication an saving you can afford 1 year of Harvard.

Average rent for Americans today is $1,800. Most rent doesn't include utilities.

>> No.16125419

>Following education of Harvard. 76k a year. 1 year of minimum wage should be 160k.
But actually it's harvard eduction should be fucking free, since all the courses are available online, and maybe you can pay some extra for time in labs and workshops, but employer should pay for that anyway.

>> No.16125443

Like how they do in Europe. I agree. But America. $$$ for education. And quantum entanglement doesn't exist. Except with work/education/gold apparently

>> No.16125580
File: 25 KB, 257x387, Marihuana-Cornell-Woolrich-Novel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16125590

>high iq
>using opioids that can easily get you hooked and fucked for life

>> No.16125626

I swear to god I have undiagnosed schizophrenia I just handle it well for the most part

I remember crying in the backyard because I was convinced people were watching me

>> No.16125633

>alcohol turns you into stupid monkey
>cigarettes kills you
>both have little to no benefits and are destructive AF
>goverments do not mind

Its a good assumption then that everything not allowed is good for you.

>> No.16125701

Cannabis impedes mind-control.

>> No.16125714

There is no such thing as schizophrenia anymore. The underground government declared it doesn't exist. It was an approach at free thought/belief. Independent cones and joints to you.

>> No.16125731

What if I see things but none of them are negative things? What if I’m just naturally inclined to hallucinate? What if I’m not paranoid? Do I still have schizophrenia?

>> No.16125876

When that happens usually it means you are "viewing" something you might "change" very exciting

>> No.16126359 [DELETED] 

you have narcissistic personalty disorder, thats why you presumed that you were the center of attention for a large group of people when you were really a nonentity that nobody cares about even slightly

>> No.16126921 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 1920x1516, british doctor's study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tobacco isn't harmful to anyone under 40 years old, that was proved in the 20th century. The propaganda demonizing tobacco ignores the scientific reality, thats why it has to be shilled so hard with incessant daily repetition, if wasn't shilled that aggressively everyone would realize how fake it is.
graph shows live expectancy of people who quit smoking at age 40 vs people who never smoked vs people who always smoked. the first two statistics are nearly identical

>> No.16126942

Right faggot and how many do you think quit after years and years of smoking?

>> No.16128020 [DELETED] 

clearly quite a few because the statistics prove those people exist in large numbers. but keep on desperately looking for more irrational excuses to demonize tobacco use even though the data proves that its not harmful for people under 40.
keep on denying reason and instead only using your disconnected from reality emotional cravings to determine your worldview

>> No.16128591 [DELETED] 

Drug addicts always make irrational excuses for their addiction like that, thats the nature of addiction.

>> No.16129905 [DELETED] 

black soience man is that you?

>> No.16130837 [DELETED] 

>Marijuana causes schizophrenia
weed schizos reaction:

>> No.16131065

>You'll be hooked and fucked for life because uhhhhhhh the media shows me these losers with tattoos all over them who smoke, drink and do weed all the time dude it will ruin your life bro trust me it was the heckin opiates bro not these little saints own fault.
Dr. Halsted would beg to differ and many other of the most intelligent people in history used morphine and opium to their great success. Opiods bad is nonsense.

Basically you can do the opposite of whatever everyone else does and thinks and you'll be better for it.
>Le porn and hookups good!
> Le weed and alcohol good!
>Whoah heckin "hard drugs", real bad duderinooo, don't heckin do them because they're le bad ok?

>> No.16131091

Yea its not like they have been saying that bullshit since before they ever even did a study and its not like dozens of other studies have proven there is no real link and were just thrown out by various government officials on the take, specifically the most corrupt president in history who was thrown out of office for engaging in conspiracies.

>> No.16131092

>Marijuana causes schizophrenia
If you have preconditioned disposition for it. This is not some kind of new revolutionary information and you shouldnt smoke cannabis if you have schizophrenia in your family.

>> No.16131550

Smoking anything is a lot worse for you than alcohol. Most alcoholic diseases are a product of long term dehydration, not alcohol itself. I've known plenty of people who drink alcohol in moderation and are completely healthy, but it should be common sense that people who smoke have a lot of health issues, regardless if it's tobacco or marijuana. Your urinary and digestive tract expel foreign substances, your lungs have no ability to expel years of tar buildup, which is why recovering alcoholics usually bounce back while chronic smokers are disfigured for life. Many countries outlaw smoking because it's dangerous and makes people lazy, but only a handful of them have bans on alcohol as well.

>> No.16131569

Then why do 2M people die of liver failure annually while only about 150,000 die of lung complications and why do people die directly from physical alcohol addiction such that prisons have to give alcoholics alcohol, but smoking tobacco or marijuana doesn't and nobody is obligated to keep them alive by giving them more of their addiction?

>> No.16131588

Also if the bounceback for alcohol is so much easier, why does alcoholism actively cause blindness, but marijuana seems to protect against it by reducing cataracts and apparently slowing macular degeneration and glaucoma symptoms?

>> No.16131603

1. People don't drink enough water nowadays.
2. Liver failure is a quick and spontaneous death, COPD is years of torture.
3. Addiction is only part of the problem. You have to consider that it takes years of heavy drinking to develop a fatal dependence to it. Your average person who moderately drinks can go a long time without any alcohol, but I've never known a smoker who couldn't go more than a couple days without tobacco/marijuana.
4. Prison is over 70% African American. Negros and Mongoloids don't handle alcohol the same way Caucasoids do.

>> No.16131629

1. No, its not a recent trend, and most liver failure is caused by chronic alcohol use.
2. Liver failure is not spontaneous, it can take decades and goes through a number of stages as you spot, get jaundices, and turn yellow. You would still have x amount more deaths per year if one was deadlier than the other. People often dismiss symptoms of lung cancer until its too late specifically because onset is more spontaneous.
3. Lies, with alcohol hangovers are immediate you can be poisoned to death on your first use, hair of the dog is necessary after just a few weeks of daily use, the shakes can set in after only a couple of months, and physical dependence can result in less than a year. Your anecdotes clearly aren't representative since there is an order of magnitude more deaths from alcohol than tobacco/marijuana combined.
4. Are you retarded that has nothing to do with prisons being legally required to serve alcohol to the physically dependent regardless of race, but no such thing exists for tobacco/marijuana because dependency is not deadly.

>> No.16131972

Babbybrain problems.

>> No.16132148 [DELETED] 

nice paranoia, schizo.

>> No.16132609

No, I was referring to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_J._Anslinger who made up bullshit about it causing insanity and being a gateway drug, then went on to go insane himself in his later years https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_J._Anslinger#Later_years because he became addicted to morphine after health problems and thought he could catch crazy by touching cannabis users.

Also talking about this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaGuardia_Committee report among others that Nixon, the president thrown out of office for conspiracies and corruption, completely ignored when he started the war on drugs to give more justifications to target mexicans, blacks and jews.

>> No.16132654

>i cant sneed
funniest shit i saw on 4chan this week congrats

>> No.16132659 [DELETED] 
File: 913 KB, 1215x6110, larry sanger on wikipedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sourcing your information from wikipedia is akin to admitting you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.16132666

Attacking the source instead of the information is an admission that you can only use fallacy to make your point instead of reason or logic.

>> No.16132691

You could tell from how cringeworthy the drug culture was.

>> No.16132731

Am I the only one who sees weird unexplainable shit when they smoke weed? People are always like it relaxes them or whatever the hell but I see some weird stuff. I can see myself outside of my body, everything moves in a counterclockwise motion but everything is jagged. I see a blobby representation of my life, my death, but it continues ad infinitum, round and round it goes. When it all wears off, I feel nothing but sadness, then my bipolar to depression kicks in usually about a week or so later.

>> No.16132773

the only time I ever felt any noticeable effect form marijuana was while vaping for the first (and only) time, and I had a pretty strange experience. it was about 10pm and I was watching adult swim with some friends when it kicked in. I blinked, and started rolling and rotating uncontrollably backwards into a lightless void for about 10 seconds, and when I opened my eyes everyone was in a different part of the room and a new show was on, when I looked at the clock about an hour had passed. I did this two more times, losing ~1 hour each time, each by tumbling backwards into the void for only a few seconds. I tried explaining what had happened but my friends were just like "dude what lmao", then we went and got fast food. I wouldn't call the experience negative, but it certainly wasn't positive and I've never bothered with marijuana again.

>> No.16132776

If the experience led you to remove marijuana from your life, it is negative by definition.

>> No.16132783

removing a "zero" experience from a set is a positive by definition, as it increases the overall average.

>> No.16132791

Which means that the experience itself was an overall negative that lowered your overall average experiences enough to drive you to entirely remove it from all of your future experiences.

>> No.16133948

The people who promote it do so because they are drug addicts that are trying to rationalize their addictions

>> No.16134137

Reality can't literally slip away. It's a metaphor that blames somebody for a disagreement. If it's interpersonal, the disagreement starts with unhackneyed figurative language, and they can't be bothered to understand.

>> No.16135228

this, wikipedia should be banned from /sci/

>> No.16135237 [DELETED] 

>Marijuana helps with psychogical disorders
Straight edge schizos reaction:

>> No.16135264

CBD is a potent anti psychotic so people self medicate but end up taking high THC like dumb shits because muh get higher and give themselves and anxiety which amplified their symptoms in the short term

>> No.16135290

>tl;dr - reefer madness is real, as has always been known

>> No.16136434

there is nothing in marijuana thats good for anyone

>> No.16136437

weed is not good for everyone and is not bad for everyone. why the binary thinking?

>> No.16136507

Tell that to epilepsy patients

>> No.16137095
File: 119 KB, 1200x628, 07182022_part01_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh the precious epileptics!!
>we must do everything we can for them so that they can live on to curse future generations of humanity with their genetic disorder!!!

>> No.16137346

CBD is good for people, THC is bad for people. Why is this so hard to understand? Modern weed is cultivated with ridiculous amounts of THC to make it more potent because it makes transporting illegal product more efficient. Same reason liquor was more popular than beer or wine during prohibition. The problem is that such high THC content is really bad for your brain because it means the CBD content is too low to counteract it. I would be more okay with weed if high-CBD plants were cultivated instead, but THC addicts won't let that happen.

>> No.16137350

Cannabis has limited medical use because you build up a tolerance to the cannabidiol/THC over an extended time period. Sure, maybe it might be good for short term symptom relief for some disorders, but is the risk of psychosis/schizophrenia really worth it? I don't think so.

Stop listening to the dude weed crowd.

>> No.16137603

Antipsychotics make you psychotic. Fact.

They are anti-dopaminergic, and anti-choleric, they cause dimentia and brain damage. Fact.

>> No.16137631
File: 164 KB, 1668x925, faith sleep is the foundation How Does Sleep Work and WHY Do We Need It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I’m watching this video and just end up entranced by how cute this chick looks. While I’m watching the video I just keep thinking that sleeping beside her would be the only thing that could fix my sleep. I must find her and sleep beside her.


>> No.16137639

Does this stand for people who use cannabis? Why would they not just write “Cannabis users”?

>> No.16137674

The euphemism treadmill disorders thought.

>> No.16137680

A buddy of mine went full schycophrenic after smoking too much weed.
We still are good friends 24 years later though.

>> No.16137745

>go on board consisting of random sampling of people with an average IQ of 100
4chan isn't a random sample of the general population, there are boards here with substantially higher averages (/sci/ isn't among the top ones, though).

>> No.16138522 [DELETED] 

>4chan isn't a random sample of the general population
sure it isn't, snowflake.

>> No.16139003

This is what soiyence faggots actually believe

>> No.16139657

>Marijuana causes schizophrenia
Not for everyone, only the psychotic and paranoid types.

>> No.16139658
File: 31 KB, 500x300, uhigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's good news

>> No.16139936

>Its not good for anyone
>I forgot to mention that I don't consider most people to be real people.

>> No.16139943

Schizophrenia most likely isn't even real. I have met schizophrenics. So, this is conflicting evidence which were witnessing. The truth about schizophrenics seems to be something boring. They aren't real. They are just pretending to be schizophrenic. And they are doing this as a way to create a reality. God filled this reality with many different things. But, these guys are as good as NPCs in a simulation. Another theory about schizophrenia is that it is real. Its is a result of genetics or poisoning like we've been taught. But, god is also able to speak through schizophrenics. That's not unusual, he also speaks through non schizophrenics. But we're talking about schizophrenia here. God seems to love the idea of schizophrenia. I've seen his stories scrawled on the side of bus stops many times. He's the one writing it. And he's writing it from the perspective of "what would a schizo say here?". I told you the truth was boring. We're in a simulation. We're in hell.

>> No.16139948

that's why you don't date women who are 30+

>> No.16139950

I've taken a brief break from receiving blows into my head to write this. God has been hitting me in the head with an ethereal mallet over and over all day. The pain inside my head is severe. He does this every single day, it's been almost 5 years. I'm really not sure if any of you are able to read this and write something about it. One theory is it's above your reading level, and you find it too hard to comprehend, so you look for a post about dogs or sports or something else. I'm not sure the truth, but it has been almost impossible to verify the consciousness of another person. This does fit nicely into the theory I just told you about schizophrenia. None of you are conscious, and I'm the only real person in hell.

>> No.16139951

So, what god is doing to me while I write this. It feels like a ghost is holding my wrist. It feels gross like he's raping it. Imagine if a guy was holding your wrist? This occupies my sense of touch. It causes bubbling anxiety in my stomach. He is also showing me a picture in my third eye of his face holding my wrist. This is a combination which gets the point across well. It feels like my wrist is being held. And finally, he is squishing my brain in this really uncomfortable way. This is his main method of torture. He rapes me and concusses me over and over. He also denies me my basic human rights. He starves me and makes me march while he rapes me and concusses. I'm really not sure if you're real, but there's nothing to worry about. He's 100 trillion years old. He's promised we all get to have sex one day. That's the only part anyone reads.

>> No.16139958

The pain of being repeatedly hit in the head with a mallet is extreme. It happens around every 5 seconds. I regularly fall to the floor screaming in agony. It is actually severe torture. It also causes me to write a lot about what he's doing. Because, I'm actually on the other end of this post getting a hammer hit into my head over and over. He has imprisoned my soul in the 3D realm to torture it. Another way to describe this hammer is it's like an invisible vice grip around my head. It's real. He's really doing this to me. It's so unbelievable. He's really concussing my head over and over. I'm in so much pain. There is nowhere to run. He's been doing it around 25,000 times per day for almost 5 years. There is nowhere to run. I can't stop him from doing it. I also can't seem to die, my body heals with magic when I try to kill it.

>> No.16139973

I will also describe another method of torture god uses. This is similar to invisible stilts being put under the eyes to prevent them from closing all the way. He typically does this at the exact moment the mind tries to find peace. So, there is likely a physical object being placed under the eyes, but there is also a picture being shown in the mind of his face. He does this style of torture a lot. He hits me in the head with an ethereal mallet a few thousand times. I start to scream. I fall to the floor. He continues to hit my head. Then he stops briefly, and I think it's finally over. And then he puts stilts under my eyelids to prevent them from closing. And then he returns to hitting my head with the mallet. This process is repeated over and over. There are many details I've left out. That's because they are harder to describe. You'll need to imagine god is in a body sitting right next to me. This is typically achieved with the use of pictures being sent to the mind. It creates the illusion that he's here. He keeps hitting me in the head. My head is in extreme pain. My face is typically making a growling expression. He is squeezing my head severely while I write this. This is a normal day. He has been doing it every day all day long for almost 5 years now. The pain is extreme. I'm not sure if you had any hope. I don't think you're even real, so you wouldn't be thinking about anything. But in case you're real, we've got a serious problem going on. There is a god who is raping and concussing people. He also starved me to anorexia. Is that okay? Are you going to tell me that's okay? I've even tried to kill myself 3 times. He heals it bud. There is no escape. I am trapped in a body to scream. He is torturing me by hitting me in the head with a mallet. I am in agony every day. This does not have to happen. I am not sick or mentally ill. He is seriously hitting me in the head with a mallet. He is raping me and hitting me in the head over and over.

>> No.16139976
File: 1.89 MB, 962x604, The Universe Tim and Eric [-R4Tp8ls5lY].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or maybe people who are predestined for psychoses are more likely to seek things like Marijuana and more likely to use it habitually.

Did you know that people who take heart medication are like 5000% more likely do die from heart related illnesses?

>> No.16139982

BRO why are you replying to me. Just stop dating old women okay? then god will stop the torture

>> No.16139983

that is simply not how schizophrenia works, it may cause latent schizophrenia to surface but it won't cause you to have it if you never had it
weed is not healthy, especially not if you smoke it
but this article sounds retarded

>> No.16140009

Don't you find it interesting. He's really hitting my head with a mallet while I write to you. It's around an 8/10 in pain.

>> No.16140012

He gaslights everything I do. Even changing tabs, he forces me to watch a video in my mind of his looking surprised. This is gaslighting, I can't quite put into words the gaslighting. He makes around 50,000 gaslighting comments per day. He is also raping my mouth with a dirty man's dick right now. It feels like a ghost is pushing his dirty dick into my mouth. Seriously, he is doing that to torture me while he is hitting my head with a mallet. This is a normal day, he does this stuff to me every day. I do not consent to this.

>> No.16140016

He's hit my head with a mallet so many times. I can't really tell you how it feels. Imagine getting hit in the head with a punch 25,000 times per day for 5 years. So, he also gives me therapy, to keep me sane. That's why I can still speak.

>> No.16140026

>He's hit my head with a mallet so many times.
sounds like a metaphor for your God trying to fix you because he thinks you're broken. why does he think you're broken?

>> No.16140057

No, he's literally hitting my head with a mallet. He wakes me up every morning by hitting my head to give me a fresh concussion. He then starts to squeeze my head between a vice over and over while he gaslights me. Gaslighting gets so fucking exhausting. I don't care to hear your theories for how making me a 30 year old incel is okay. I can excuse the painful concussions. Thats kinda cool, like he's doing something. But, locking a monkey in a cage and making him watch others breed is actually cruel. That's actually too far. So, we've got a very serious problem. And it's the god who keeps putting a ghosts penis into my mouth while I'm writing this. He makes it gross, like the dick hasn't been washed in days. I feel it infront of my face. It is extremely, extremely annoying, because he's also hitting my head with a mallet and raping me while he does it. You are most likely an NPC, so it doesn't really matter. I've made some interesting theories for why nobody can wake up but me.

>> No.16140062

turns out that 0.000001% improvement to heart health via pills does not quite win over 10%+ increase in health risk due to stress related to it.
Every time doctors measure my blood pressure and heartrate it's above average because the thought of it being above average cannot leave my head, I am literally healthier by simply not going to doctor and not caring about these things due to my condition.

>> No.16140070


Did you know that people who take radiation to treat cancer are more likely to die of cancer than people who don't need radiation at all.

>> No.16140071

really makes me think

>> No.16140125

you remind me of my uncle who said stupid shit like this too about doctors being the reason he is unhealthy
he died of cardiac arrest cuz he refused to have any doctor check him anymore and do the needed treatments for his heart

>> No.16140737

>Whom he predestined, those he also called. Whom he called, those he also justified. Whom he justified, those he also glorified.

>> No.16141619

Marijuana should be illegal, the people who use it are dangerous schizos and we would all be better off if they were in jail where they can't cause any harm

>> No.16141683

No, you are thinking of imageboard users.

>> No.16141697

Yeah, except nobody's trying to make alcohol enemas or nicotine pills and selling it to you as a cancer treatment, faggot.

>> No.16141712

You aren't looking in the right places.

>> No.16141727

Crankery is still restricted. You can't sell anything like that as medicine legally, that's why the fda exists.

>> No.16141731

Yes you can, its called the supplement/herbal medicine industry.

>> No.16141736

>I hate 4chan
why are you here?
you're probably just cranky because you're a drug addict and you haven't had your fix recently

Marijuana is schedule 1 along with other illegal drugs like heroin, crack and LSD; its already been proved that Marijuana has no potential medical use, thats what being schedule 1 means. Alcohol and nicotine are not in that category, alcohol isn't even a controlled substance, nicotine is schedule 7

>> No.16141751

No, this is my fix and I am just telling the truth, no hate, governments have done far more in the last decade to limit access to unrestricted imageboard posting and connect crimes to them because of their perceived danger than to stop marijuana use.

>> No.16141757

Nope asserted, every government study from the LaGuardia Commision to more modern ones conducted the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has said cannabis has potential medical use, but the politicians decided to throw them out because of a hunch that drugs are bad, mkay, despite having entire government departments dedicated to greenlighting much more harmful drugs with a much less proven track records and much higher potential for addiction and abuse.

>> No.16141761
File: 52 KB, 1024x663, 1689717661910537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh laws
More people are addicted to cigarettes and alcohol than weed or acid and the former have caused far more damage physically, mentally and societally

>> No.16141780

If weed is so dangerous why didn't it destroy society already? It had ample opportunity to do so in the past.
>inb4 weed is stronger now doe
That is arguable but ok. Why didn't weed completely destroy society in countries that have legalized/decriminilized it?

>> No.16141781


>> No.16141785

It oddly enough disproportionately affects black people seemingly. I think there’s some strong correlation to trauma as they live in a modern day hell.

>> No.16141786

Ahh yes very nice. Try again. Or at least demonstrate why the current state of Portland came about because of weed.

>> No.16141787

Opioid crisis which weed reduces reliance on opiates.

>> No.16141788

Weed being illegal to push opiates would actually make a shit ton of sense.

>> No.16141789

Not just opiates, patented medicine in general, if you can continually sell a new formula, mark up the price massively, then make the formula illegal when enough people have been exposed to your placebo, you can have a massive racket and nearly infinite income.

>> No.16142929

Top of thread: Weed causes schizophrenia

Bottom of thread: OMG theres a big conspiracy against weed!!! The government is out to get me!!!

OP premise conclusively proved correct

>> No.16142935
File: 12 KB, 348x170, p0t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why didn't weed completely destroy society in countries that have legalized/decriminilized it?
Think you can grow your own in Germany? I might have read something about it recently.

>> No.16143025

Twice as likely from a probability of yes and no...

Ever considered correlation, schizos don't give a fuck about laws

>> No.16143429

The only reason people get addicted to opioids is because they ruined their brains with alcohol and weed first. These retards have no understanding of pharmacology and we're covered in tattoos and filth long before they ever touched DA HECKIN BAD DRUGGERINOS.
As for reducing reliance on them, that is examining therapeutic use in which case you're comparing apples to oranges. Of course another substance with even weak analgesic properties would cause someone to use less of the other drug especially if it's working through a different mechanism of action. That doesn't mean it is superior or a cure all. There are studies with NSAIDs showing the same thing for chronic pain patients. Lastly, tolerance to THC is incurred more quickly than to opioids which is why all the stoners always scoff at the 5mg doses of dronabinol.

Opioids aren't to blame for losers being losers. All the pity party stories you see about them are blaming the drug conveniently discard all agency. Much easier to blame a innert substance with mild psychotropic properties on your life being shit than admitting you fucked up. And they did. They're always covered with tattooes, piercings, spent their teenage years drinking and having sex and smoking joints. Then when they're 28 or 38 they "try" or "got addicted to" opioids? Give me a break. All the scum of Portland would still be scum if they never touched opioids.

>> No.16143435

There is no opioid crisis. There is an opiophobia crisis.

>> No.16144475

Marijuana addict brainlets are too low IQ to have self awareness.
Because of that the marijuana addict brainlets don't notice whats going on when they start proving the veracity of the claims in OP by conjuring and spewing paranoid schizo conspiracy theories.

>> No.16144525

the other way around. cbd stops paranoia, thc causes it.

>> No.16144538

why psychotic break is an excuse? who cares if you are psychotic? you still did crime, too bad for you, lol wtf?

>> No.16144546

Sweden abolished the insanity defence.

>> No.16144551

There are two issues. First the actus reus (physical component) of a crime requires that the act be voluntary and willful. As an example you can't be convicted for a crime you otherwise commit when you are sleepwalking; this is a real defence that is successfully used with some regularity. Nor would a crime be commited by a reflex action, say if someone hit your knee with a hammer causing a reflex movement that kicked someone off a cliff. A psychotic break is akin to that, in that acts performed whilst in psychosis are likely not voluntary and wilful. This is called the automatism defence.

The second issue is the mens rea (mental component) of a crime requires an awareness of the nature of the act. This is the traditional insanity defence. A person in psychosis would typically not be aware of the nature and value of the acts they are committing.

If you don't have both the actus reus and mens rea for the offence then the offence has not been committed.

>> No.16145387

>It didn't happen because words.
Wordcel midwit triggered by a low IQ. Happens every time.

If prison serves a behavioral correction (it doesn't), his low IQ assertion is correct. It is actually more dangerous when someone lacks forethought and will as obviously such people would be immune to any behavioral correction whatsoever.

Your nebulous qualifiers are from religion and take mans relation to his non-existent god and apply these metaphysical standards to courts as a means of inflicting a metaphysical recompense. As if making someone suffer somehow is a useful enterprise that reverses what was done.

Your heralding of midwit law reminds me of the tale of two Texans.

1. Fat Gut that murdered his wife which happened earlier this year
>A 400lb boomer got cucked and ends his wife's life in a rage
>Gets 5 years
2. Millers vs Texas (infamous mattress case).
>Calmly defended themselves against a hot head aggressor with a long criminal record threatening them
>20 years

Regardless of how unjust the verdicts are, they make no scientific sense. The Millers aren't inherently dangerous. Doubtful such a scenario would play out again and if they truly did a wrong such persons could be rehabilitated. The fat boomer? Obvious impulse control disorders and all it will take is someone getting under his skin for him to rage again. Yet by common standards and the verdicts and such widely held repugnant qualifiers and disqualifiers, the situation in reality is reversed. He gets a slap on the wrist. The "doubt it" meme father and son get the book thrown at them. All because of such mental gymnastics by secular clergymen like yourself.

>> No.16146067

My uncle is a diagnosed schizo. He did a plethora of drugs.
My sister smoked dope, said she heard voices. My brother smoked regularly as a teenager. He has bouts of psychosis.
I'm glad I never tried it. I want to badly but I'm not willing to risk it.

>> No.16146095

Dont do it. I smoked from 15 to 21 and after a while the high stops being "fun" and gets slowly replaced by a lingering paranoia. But you will still keep doing it because it still lets you zoone out and forget things.

I only stopped when it got really bad and I was also mixing other drugs in and after some very bad trips I quit all cold turkey. Had visual disortions and mild panic attacks for about 8 years after.

Now Im good but I dont even touch alcohol anymore.

>> No.16146633

>stabbed her date 100 times to death
fucker kept resurrecting like automatic-fire jesus?

>> No.16146637

in the sixties there were articles in newspapers in the eastern bloc about american soldiers getting high on coca-cola and massacring innocent vietnamese.

>> No.16147682

They were actually getting high on marijuana

>> No.16148310

based. its not like the victim comes back to life if murderer is declared sane by some corrupted and easily bribed greedy doctor with a large nose, so insanity shouldn't be a valid defense.

>> No.16148484

>getting high on coca-cola
that was just an excuse for them to avoid responsibly and jail time.
a whole company getting high on marijuana and start killing civlians?

>> No.16148487

IMO people under drug and commit crimes should receive heavier sentences than normal, not less.

>> No.16148531

Except we already know what happened when alcohol was made illegal, it's called prohibition. It remains unrestricted because the surrounding criminal activity prohibition generates is worse than the toll alcohol takes on society when it is legal. As for cigarettes, well that's just lobbying.

Again, nobody's trying to sell you an alcohol enema or nicotine patch as the cure for cancer. Companies can get in a lot of trouble for claiming products can treat disease, that's why that herbal "medicine" you buy explicitly says "This product is not intended to treat any disease".

We already know marijuana has limited medical use thanks to factors such as tolerance, ingestion route, etc. MAYBE I would support legalization if it were completely illegal to make medical claims on mj products, legal limits on CBD/THC content of such products, legal driving intoxication limits and warnings for the carcinogenic effects of smoke inhalation.

>> No.16149249

you're a schizo drug addict, your "reasoning" is motivated solely by your drug addiction

>> No.16149328
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>> No.16149363

High IQ people use LSD

>> No.16150745

no they don't
you're not high iq, if you were they you'd have something to show for your presumed superior intelligence other than drug addiction

>> No.16150758

brother you need to light one up and relax a bit

>> No.16150813

Ok, so what’s the definitive redpill? I’m clean from it for a few months after not using it at all for like 6 years, but I want to know, is it absolutely unsafe and to be avoided? I have no history of schizos in my family and I hear about guys who smoke all day everyday for 20 years and are fine besides being retards. My main Schlick is it makes sexo so much more erotic and novel. But I’ll gladly go without it enetirely if it’s that harmful. How do I know this thread isn’t just a schizo with a hateboner for le drugs tho?

>> No.16152289

Thats how drug addiction works, the addict can always discover "reasons" why continuing their addiction is a necessity

>> No.16152686

same. idk why but I enter a delirium when I use it. the world looks like it's made of cgi. not fun at all.

>> No.16152691

Prohibition objectively worked and lowered alcohol consumption.

>> No.16152729

I have noticed most weed users develop a regular condition of panic attacks even long after cessation.

>> No.16152757

Marijuana addicts are universally low IQ. Carl Sagan is a prime example, he accomplished nothing of any scientific significance with his career because he chose to be a drug addict instead and he ended up as a widely mocked and disrespected TV personality

>> No.16152762

LSD inspired the discovery of the double helix, so high iq people on LSD definitely do have things to show.

>> No.16152764

Stop getting all your social interaction from panic attack group therapy.

>> No.16152784

The government is definitely right, its not just a scam to prop up the lumber and pharmaceutical industries who massively lobbied the government, its definitely because the plant is evil on the scale of the happening and makes people who smell it uncontrollably insane.

>> No.16152828

People who can't handle weed are either predesposed to schizofrenia or depressive episodes or are complete pussies that are afraid of their own internal monologue and thoughts.

Lack of adaptation to weed means that you have adapted to a rigid mental state, can't see outside of yourself and can't criticize yourself, can't light up or take a joke. Imagine blaming a fucking plant that exists in nature for your shitty mental state. Marijuana was domesticated and used in human prehistory before corn was.

Ancient Aryans and Scythians smoked weed before going to war. Arabs and Iranians recorded Sufi poems under the influence. The best rock songs were reccorded or inspired under influence.

Just accept that you are too weak for it, but leave us who enjoy it in peace and fuck off to your nerd basement, narcs.

>> No.16152847

>sample size: 1

>> No.16152854

That is just one example, but yes 1 thing to definitely show for it is more than the claimed none. Also the PCR test and brain mapping were also discovered and innovated thanks to LSD users plus Feynman used it and developed many physics theories and quantum mechanics formulas.

>> No.16153967

Feynman never did anything useful or worthwhile in his entire career

>> No.16153980

wait Feynman did acid?

>> No.16154104
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listen, that's how you manufacture free workforce. also it's getting illegal again (what were you expecting lmao)

>> No.16154238

I suppose you have a more prestigious nobel prize of physics to show for the usefulness of your career?

According to his book "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" he was into LSD, weed, and ketamine despite being reluctant to try it at first, he was eventually convinced by Timothy Leary to experiment with it.


>> No.16154883

>t. wheel chair user
Mate just say you're a cripple. Don't euphemize

>> No.16155367

do they ban weed again or are they fully legalizing it? I can't figure it out, read both perspectives on the recent move (some reschedule thing)

>> No.16156083

nice persecution complex

>> No.16156089

Its not a complex, the plant is definitely legally persecuted and laws are necessarily a result of lawmakers conspiring to write them into the legal code of a nation and have them enforced by the law enforcers since that is how a legal system works.

>> No.16156992

>t. schizo drug addict

>> No.16157008

>headache take painkiller

>> No.16157019

There is definitely a slight bit of bs on the druggies side but regarding weed making people schizo.. we just ignore that society at large is stupid. I'm very fast and smart so suck it like I almost got a perfect on the act my first try I don't need to go on, anyone who calls me schizo is a nigger. My coworkers are all literally niggers.. obviously if I stopped smoking I could get a job breaking my back in a factory. White niggers at work who can't work for shit try to act like shit toward me and I sometimes argue with them but other times I try to be chill. Not that it's a good idea at all like if some retard comes up to you and says you're bad at your job when you're kicking ass you shouldn't agree lol. What do other people even do with their brains the whole time they're at work? Not jack shit. I'm trying to keep my brain from doing things like quitting until I'm ready like the bit of money I spend on weed shoots me in the foot but if I just hold onto my somewhat decent job long enough to find a better one, long enough to buy the required car etc. I'll have a better job that would not even require drugs

>> No.16157405

Sure, anon is just imagining all the draconian drug laws and overflowing prisons because he is a schizophrenic drug addict.

>> No.16157731

bumping this

>> No.16158223

>schizo drug addict rationalizing it's drug addiction and mental illness
>"its everyone else's fault i'm a drug addict"
>"oy vey the government is out to get me!

>> No.16158229

you're just sad

>> No.16158279

What age are you? Schizophrenia is a disorder of brain development. If you don't have it by your mid twenties you almost certainly won't get it.

>> No.16158385

23, 24 this year. No signs of mental disorders in the family besides maybe some cluster b nonsense, and some of that in me too desu lol, but I feel like it adds character

>> No.16158403

the reverse is not smoking weed cures schizophrenia

grow up

>> No.16159776

fuck that's a good lawyer

>> No.16160271

you're a schizo drug addict

>> No.16160322

Cannabis triggered two psychotic episodes for me and my life has improved substantially since I stopped smoking it, but I will defend to the death your right to use it.

Not shitposting btw. I have very strong opinions about this.

>> No.16160533

i wish it was permanent

>> No.16160601


The last time I dropped acid I took 750ug and literally had some kind of temporary schizophrenia, I had delusions that the police were coming for certain to arrest me even though I hadn't done anything to warrant that. I had never seen full-body hallucinations of entirely unique objects that weren't really there before that, all the other times it was just geometric patterns and warps in my vision. I thought I saw with absolute certainty in the small amount of light coming in through my curtains a police officer pointing a gun at me. If I had a family history of schizophrenia or some kind of increased risk factor I would be hearing voices already.

>> No.16160636

i hate my antipsychotics

>> No.16160723
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This is a good take honestly. I probably should never use cannabis, not smoked or eaten even, since I have a direct family member affected with schizophrenia and psychotic symptoms. But I do think people have the right to use it with moderation and for health purposes, maybe a bit recreational too. It does worry me how normalized it's becoming, and how easy to abuse it is. Same with alcohol.

>> No.16161760

No, you are the bootlicker rationalizing a corrupt legal system that actively exploits sick people who are prone to using harmless plants to self medicate and relax instead of helping them.

>> No.16162777

marijuana isn't harmless, you're only repeating that lie because you're rationalizing your debilitating, stupefying drug addiction

>> No.16162985
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/x/ here, I wouldn't say that cannabis is a material causation for some type of schizophrenic chemical reaction but compared to other psychedelics it can actually be very dangerous and I don't think people talk about it enough. Especially edibles.
For spiritually receptive people it opens up the human mind to multiple spirit realms all at once, if a door closes another opens, not specific spirits or realms but an excess of them all sampling through the subject. With that in mind it can become overwhelming and chaotic very quickly, and unlike most other psychedelics weed seems to connect your sense of self to your body even tighter than you are normally. Add weed induced paranoia and dilating blood vessels with a harder heart beat and something difficult is bound to happen to the uninitiated with his mind now opened. Those who do not close the doors afterwards, ignore needed metaphysical work and let the fear consume them are in danger to fall into "schizophrenic" thinking.
The spiritually unreceptive don't know what they are recommending when they say it's just a relaxing substance.

>> No.16163585

No, you are only trying to make it seem harmful to justify a meme war that has accomplished nothing other than victimizing sick people and imprisoning minorities. You want a harmful plant, go eat some belladonna seeds.

>> No.16164216

smells good

>> No.16164608
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>muh sacred minorities!
>i am the savior of the lesser races!

>> No.16165248

Sacred? They were secondary, more of an afterthought than the main point, but you obviously revealed that the only reason you want to bad the plant is because it will help you victimize minorities.

>> No.16165379

>schizo thinks weed is good
OP premise confirmed

>> No.16165409

>"Up to 50% of patients with cannabis-related psychotic symptoms presenting to the ED requiring hospitalization will go on to develop schizophrenia. "
I wish this board had mods instead of letting shitposts go free and wild

>> No.16165481

I wish retards could moderate their own thoughts and use language and logic to form counterarguments instead of constantly appealing to authority and crying for a higher power to save them from themselves.

>> No.16165486

>50% of abusive alcoholics need treatment

damn anon hope you never sip because otherwise you'll beat your loved ones

withholding relevant information is an ultimate detriment to society, you have no argument and do not belong on this board

>> No.16165497

I didn't make the original argument and your new one is incongruent with the one your are trying to refute, so doesn't even follow from the premise since you are too dumb to think for yourself given you have spent a lifetime outsourcing thinking to authority figures like mods.

>> No.16165499

you're definitely a bot because that makes no sense my dude

>> No.16165501

You obviously just need to summon a mod to read it for you and explain what it means.

>> No.16166473

t. marijuana addicted schizo that is unwill to admit that it is a drug addict

>> No.16166511


>> No.16166516

Everybody knows this, but tokers refuse to accept it just like tobacco companies did when their products we're causing cancer.

>> No.16166669

There's no point of a heckin sipperino, faggot. Alcohol is a stupid drug and the only reason to drink it is to play a social game. What does it do? Le beer pong and sportsball! Whoah hookups! It's useless and you might as well domestically abuse on it or drive for that matter because drinking is for normie cattlebrained scum that love to vomit and waste the next day away too. It only serves as a social lubricant for weak people, the shut in sort that are afraid to speak normally and besides, the use of benzodiazapines, barbiturates, GHB, and even weaksauce VDCCIs and other GABAB ligands are superior to this effect as if not taken in amnesia inducing retard doses, more self control too. Stupid to do but better than a neurotoxic solvent.

Funny how this was your aksctuallly it isn't le bad because ughhhh small part of the population analogy to le weed too, another stupid person drug. They're both anti cognitive drugs and people like simpleton entertainment on them. No emotional benefit. Any elation is masked by the fog and further undone by foolish momentary decisions on them with hell to pay for their use in the following day or days.

There is no benefit to dude weed or ethanol. Dumb retard toxins. Stimulants are beneficial. Opiates are beneficial. Both can be used constructively long term. Weed and alcohol are for losers which is the majority of the population. No surprise 90% of the population got vaccinated lmao. Ironically the only people dumb enough to OD on opiates or to take neurotoxic doses of stimulants, first smoothened their frontal lobes with low IQ drugs and heckin partying.

>> No.16167155

You haven't updated your propaganda firmware lately since the new narrative is that weed is getting rescheduled specifically because it definitely does have beneficial medicinal value.

>> No.16167853

>/sci/tard is unable to read
your iq has to be below 85

>> No.16167909

>tokers refuse to accept it
thats because they're drug addicts.

it has no medicinal use, thats why its not getting rescheduled

>> No.16168551

No need to lie if you are trying to make a valid point, there has been documentation of its medicinal value for the duration of documented human history 1, the oldest vials of medicine ever discovered contained cannabis sativa 2.
1 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5312634/
2 - https://www.chemist-4-u.com/guides/pharmaceutical-advice/worlds-oldest-medicines/

You are just a pharma shill who doesn't want a potent medicine that is well beyond patents to get rereleased to the public.

>> No.16168581

Even if it did have medicinal use, which it doesn't, that still wouldn't get it rescheduled because the drug makers would never allow having their expensive drugs replaced on the market by something as inexpensive as hemp that anyone can grow in their yard.

>> No.16168588

You aren't tricking anyone by replying to yourself, pharma shill, this isn't 1942, people can't easily use the internet you are using right now to see how much medicinal value has been recognized in cannabis over the past several centuries.

>> No.16169025

I knew a guy with throat cancer who would have died without it.

>> No.16169687

>medicinal value of cannabis
thats your drug addiction driven confirmation bias making you think that. marijuana has no value as a medicine

>> No.16170467

weed addicts have been claiming their addiction is a miracle drug for over half a century.
useful medications developed from cannabis in that same time period = 0

>> No.16171345

Methamphetamine is a much safer drug. Too bad it's addictive and has a bad reputation.

>> No.16171369
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Before blaming weed, let's recall there is such a thing as a sentencing gap...or do you need to be reminded what happens when a female teacher molests a young boy vs a male teacher molests a young girl.

Pic related

Maybe marijuana is bad for you or maybe it isn't, but it sounds more the judge is just making excuses to save a woman from the consequences of her actions.

>> No.16171438

imprisoning shitskins is based