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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 46 KB, 453x423, guido64536546645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16108692 No.16108692 [Reply] [Original]

How can you believe in evolution when it's only a theory (a guess)?

>> No.16108694

Jesus told me in a dream that evolution happened.

>> No.16108701

you can believe in any theory you want just dont be surprised when its wrong

>> No.16108707

evolution isn't a scientific theory even though it has been called that so often most people think it is. scientific theories are disprovable, evolution is not, not without a time machine anyway. evolution is a conjecture, not a theory. evolution is presuming causation, it isn't scientific. people who believe in it only because of the incessant repetition of the idea that they've been subjected to

>> No.16108739

By not being retarded. The Earth is not 6000 years old.

>> No.16109514
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>> No.16109524

>The Earth is not 6000 years old.
The earth's age has no bearing on whether evolution is true. And also you said you believe in past live but have not evidence besides your own dreams, stupid namefag

>> No.16109532
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Evolution has a lot of problems in terms of explaining consciousness.


>> No.16109603

>what is abduction

>> No.16109607

Everything we ever come up will be "just a theory", that's how it works. Also, it totally makes sense. There is no other logical explanation for all that shit going on on Earth. I mean God? Does that sounds more likely to you? Inteligent design my ass and also simulation my ass since that just pushes the problem to another level of existence.

>> No.16109948

No it isn't, you don't know what a theory is.

>> No.16109972

>theory of gravity
>germ theory
>quantum field theory
Unless you're referring to knowledge handed down from a supernatural force, I don't know of a way to describe/explain natural phenomena without theory

>> No.16109976

those are scientism dogma, not scientific theories.
scientific theories are subject to disproof

>> No.16109981

>subject to disproof
Name a single thing that is subject to disproof
>Planets aren't moving the way our model says they should
"It's just a problem with our telescope"
>Chemicals aren't reacting properly
"There were impurities in our sample"

There is no magical way to disprove something, we accumulate evidence and try to build theories which best explain what's happening

>> No.16110142

Enlighten me then.

>> No.16110289

Evolution is not disprovable because it is directly observable that complex things form from less complex things over time, it's ontologically true, otherwise existence would still be a field of fundamental matter sitting there doing nothing, or not exist at all since there was no evolutionary stage which would have created it

>> No.16110295

Evolution is not disprovable because nobody has a time machine to go back and check to see if its true or not.

>> No.16110296
File: 112 KB, 673x1024, Breezer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A theory is a narrative that is most consistent with observation. What story is best for explaining changes in species?
>zoomer bitches don't know about picrel

>> No.16110302
File: 451 KB, 1x1, primary-source-82-bacon-the-new-organon.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have they stopped teaching undergrads about Francis Bacon or have you not yet reached that stage of education yet?

>> No.16110331

C...cause of science.

>> No.16110334

>The idols imposed by words on the understanding are of two kinds. They are either
names of things which do not exist (for as there are things left unnamed through lack of
observation, so likewise are there names which result from fantastic suppositions and to
which nothing in reality corresponds), or they are names of things which exist, but yet
confused and ill-defined, and hastily and irregularly derived from realities.

Therefore consciousness is false, mind is false, matter is false, qualia are false, souls are false, the state is false, love is false and even this sentence is false because this sentence has no observational reference. The absolute state of empiricism.

>> No.16110338

Lol you newfags don't know how OP was trolling us.

>> No.16110346


Pov you don't know what a theory is

A theory is a guess with so much evidence it's basically fact, except we can't test it.

We can't test evolution because it happens over millions of years, same with things like supernovas, but we know they happened because of evidence.

Same applys to things that happened before humans -- Earth formation, Big Bang, etc.

Besides, the only evidence for any god IS literal guessing + old books

>> No.16110347


How? Cells eventually gained basic consciousness to survive better, which led to more and more advanced brains and conscience

>> No.16110362

You don't have to, you can observe star formations right now, this would not be possible if reality did not evolve

>> No.16110364

Bro, that meme is ancient. I remember these threads from 2009. You made a typo though. It's spelled "geuss".

>> No.16110368

Fish evolution is different from Animal evolution.

>> No.16110388

>I can't read citations
>The earth's age has no bearing on whether evolution is true
So if you're not a creationist then what do you believe?
>And also you said you believe in past live but have not evidence besides your own dreams, stupid namefag
The name was part the 2024 April Fool's joke, retard. Not everybody with the "Investor" names was the same person.

>> No.16111436


>> No.16112626

>i know what happened 500 million years ago, just trust me
evolutionary science in a nutshell

>> No.16112627

Because of the existence of whales with legs

>> No.16112633
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>> No.16112634

>stupid namefag
Lurk moar, newfag

>> No.16113064


>> No.16114368

brute force repetition is the most effective brainwashing tool

>> No.16114369

Something something basilosaurids something legs something something

>> No.16114395

A great nightmare is this image.

>> No.16115980

that never happened

>> No.16116332
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>> No.16117700 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16118403
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with respect to point 2, this is what they look like

>> No.16118429

It has nothing to do with what the animal looked like in life retard. Whether it was blue or pink or had a fugly mug makes no difference as to whether or not it had legs, since the legs are preserved in a number of species

>> No.16118436
File: 36 KB, 560x547, croc 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ifunny watermark
>not even the original format
That is disgusting

>> No.16119961 [DELETED] 

Why doesn't it have feathers?

>> No.16120072

>By not being retarded. The Earth is not 6000 years old.
Answer to a comment that criticizes the theory wording because of unprovability on /sci.

This site is flooded with idiots, retards ans IQ below room temperature spastics.

>> No.16120134 [DELETED] 

>I am sooooooooo smart!!!
>Anyone who says anything I disagree with is sooooooooo dumb!!!
>I hate 4chan, I'm better than everyone here!!!!

>> No.16120169

>(a guess)
Not what scientific theory means. Now fuckoff back to >>>/pol/ you science illustrate chuddite.

>> No.16120332

>This site is flooded with idiots, retards ans IQ below room temperature spastics.
Yes, unfortunately this website has a lot of christcucks now.

>> No.16120838

by that logic.. how can you believe in literally anything scientific?

evolution is very simple, it simply means that one generation is on average different to the last, either because of mate choices or survivability. we know this is true because it has been observed in every context you can think of

>> No.16121453 [DELETED] 

Scientific theories are disprovable, Darwinian evolution is not disprovable, therefore Darwinian evolution is not a scientific theory

>> No.16121482

What is the disprovable alternative explanation to evolution?

>> No.16121524
File: 71 KB, 658x762, 1659011305925373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reality is not disprovable
>theredore reality is fake and doesn't exist

>> No.16121571

how can you believe in god when it's only faith (a guess)?

>> No.16121579

A theory has evidence and reasoning.

>> No.16121589

Christ is the analytical proof

>> No.16121603
File: 1.44 MB, 480x270, 8dfe1a1b6ab48d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God created all, evolution made us who we were. Aliens made man. We think Aliens are the same as God. The annunaki aren't God, but they might as fucking well be.

>> No.16121627 [DELETED] 

Scientific theories are disprovable, Darwinian evolution is not disprovable, therefore Darwinian evolution is not a scientific theory

>> No.16121955

That wasn't the question I asked.
What is a disprovable alternative to Darwinian evolution? There has to be some explanation for how life exists and develops into different species.

>> No.16123062

>I need to be able to claim I know everything because I only care about science as a means to my personal narcissism and my grandiose delusions of intellectual superiority

>> No.16123093

>claim I know everything
''I don't know'' is a false pretense. There are only better and worse narratives.

>> No.16123821 [DELETED] 

>''I don't know'' is a false pretense
It is to someone with a personality disorder and an unquenchable emotional need to constantly play know-it-all

>> No.16124910 [DELETED] 

>when its been 5 minutes since you last bragged about how smart you are

>> No.16124916

So you're saying that there is no explanation for the origin and speciation of life other than evolution. Got it.

>> No.16124960

Gravity is wrong. Go jump of a tall building.

>> No.16125781
File: 770 KB, 1926x1926, evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you think did a better job, humans or God?

>> No.16125837

I believe in God, but I also want you to think about this theory: Who says that aliens didn’t come to Earth and domesticated chimpanzees into humans just like how humans domesticated wolves into dogs.

>> No.16125845

We didn't come from Monkeys, we were a separate species.

>> No.16126361 [DELETED] 

>muh grandiose delusions of intellectual superiority and omniscience
common feature of narcissistic personalities.

>> No.16127656 [DELETED] 

Thats why soiyence appeals so strongly to people with that kind of personality, it allows them to play god and act like they're all-knowing an omniscient. Give those people an iphone and access to wikipedia and they'll always thoughtlessly repeat whatever propaganda is published in wikipedia because doing so justifies their know-it-allism
>Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

>> No.16128451 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 720x720, nig chimpski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans didn't evolve from chimps and more than Tigers evolved from Lions. However after humans and chimps diverged from the same common ancestor, some humans continued to interbreed with chimps and continue to do so to this day. Thats why Africans are the only species of human that remains mutually fertile with chimps.

>> No.16129842 [DELETED] 

It has been disproved in the abiogenesis has been proved to be impossible

>> No.16129913

>abiogenesis has been proved to be impossible
Sounds like bullshit to me

>> No.16129914

Proving abiogenesis is equivalent to proving that big bang just happened for no reason at all

>> No.16130043

Abiogenesis not being proven in your eyes and abiogenesis being disproven are not the same thing

>> No.16130868 [DELETED] 

Abiogenesis has been proved to be impossible

>> No.16131297

You could run simulations on a powerful enough computer on molecules forming into more complex structures that are able to replicate the structure. Even if its rare you would have billion year timeline multiplied with all the thermal vents of the ocean at a specific moment.

>> No.16132124 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 500x500, darwinism debunked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16132269

Sounds like bullshit to me

>> No.16132671 [DELETED] 

because you can't do math so you'll never be able to understand the proof

>> No.16132746

>doesn’t post said math
I bet it’s that article that makes a mountain of assumptions like the average lifespan of an organism being three years, and uses a calculation that would suggest an organism only reproduces once at the end of its life. Sounds like bullshit to me

>> No.16132801

*jumps with a parachute*
hehe see you later newtonians

>> No.16132807

NOOO BUT THE AIR BUT THE CONDITION IS NOT IDEAL IF YOU WOULD DO IT IN THE VOID YOU WOULD DIE *proceeds to create a skycraper ina avacuum chamber*

>> No.16132826

and this is how the CERN was born (more or less)

>> No.16132845

yes, science

>> No.16132846

Originally this meme was (geuss).

>> No.16133082

Grammar aside, provide this supposed proof. Abiogenesis theoreticians are the most pedantic obsessed nerds I've ever met and if someone actually managed to make a coherent proof the salt would have been noticeable from low earth orbit.

>> No.16134094 [DELETED] 

> if someone actually managed to make a coherent proof the salt would have been noticeable from low earth orbit.
no it wouldn't, they'd just SHUT IT DOWN via abuse of the peer review process in order to protect their paychecks. the proof was posted here a while ago, you can look it up in the archives if you're really interested

>> No.16134362

Dude, is that Saulie E?

>> No.16134377

>you can look it up in the archives if you're really interested
Hard to look it up with keywords or description to use. That said, last time I saw someone post “proof” of abiogenesis being fake in one of these threads it was a load of shit

>> No.16134378

why do these posts have corona?

>> No.16134671

you are cringe

>> No.16134844

Dude, they don't even know where they are, you think they're gonna believe people serve interests?

>> No.16135077

Newfag can’t chadpost

>> No.16135523
File: 115 KB, 1000x1500, 1704266128268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are cringe

>> No.16135635

Evolution is real, it is the observable phenomenon that life is altered in form and function with the passage of time as generations are born and die.
The THEORY OF EVOLUTION, is the set of ideas (there are many in there) which attempts to explain that observed phenomenon.
Some of those ideas have been demonstrated and proved right, others have not yet.
You don't have to believe in the theory of evolution, but if you don't believe in evolution you don't believe in reality, simple as.

>> No.16135822

you are cringe

>> No.16135847

I remember the proof, I think. To summarise.
>if we make up some probabilities and then multiply them all together, it gets *really* improbable. Ergo, abiogenesis is impossible. QED

>> No.16136727

Yeah that sounds about right

>> No.16136735

Evolution isn't a scientific theory because it isn't disprovable. Scientific theories require the possibility of being disproved and Darwin's theory does not conform to that, which means it isn't science. Darwinian evolution is just a conjecture

>> No.16136931

>Evolution isn't a scientific theory because it isn't disprovable
Sure it is
>Darwinian evolution is just a conjecture
It’s an observable phenomenon

>> No.16136997

>sure it is
okay how? Every theory is theoretically disposable, especially the unprovable ones.

>> No.16137000

Notice how they never ever mention the concept of deflation. It's always inflation this and inflation that.

Same thing here. Devolution is real, replicable and fits what we see. We were created by God, were perfect. And slowly degraded over time in the land of the devil.

Devolution does the mash potato, and it does the twist.

>> No.16138292 [DELETED] 

>It’s an observable phenomenon
no it isn't

>> No.16138300

It’s been observed tho

>> No.16138951

no it hasn't

>> No.16139499

Sure it has. Peppered moths, big bird finches, etc

>> No.16140457

Theory doesn't mean guess, Guido.

>> No.16141612

In Darwin's case it does

>> No.16141822

No it doesn’t. Cope

>> No.16143455

Darwin's finches are all mutually fertile, they aren't different species

>> No.16143662

Yes they are, they’re not even all in the same genus. Being able to produce fertile offspring with each other is an outdated definition of species that nobody really uses anymore

>> No.16144765

If they're mutually fertile then they're the same species

>> No.16144804

No they aren’t, if that were the case there’d only be one species of python for example. Not a single biologist who is aware of that has seriously used that definition in decades

>> No.16145417


>> No.16145543

Why didn't you give the original sources then instead of the wiki article? Dumb retard you ain't fooling anyone

>> No.16145853

That settles it

>> No.16146040
File: 16 KB, 308x420, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, I told you to stop trolling 4chan.

>> No.16146187

>Darwins finches are different species because they look slightly different even though they're mutually fertile and all have similar DNA
but also
>Humans are a single species even though their physical appearances are wildly dissimilar, mutual fertility is between the different races is reduced and human races have substantially different DNA

>> No.16146220

if evolution is real why can't you get a charizard from a pikachu?

>> No.16146611

>Darwins finches are different species because they look slightly different
>Humans are a single species even though their physical appearances are wildly dissimilar
Darwin’s finches only look similar to one another if you know fuck all about birds. Two races of people having different coloured skin and a different shaped nose or whatever is not comparable to two species of bird where one is nearly 5 times the weight of the other and fills an entirely separate ecological niche with a different diet. Two finch species aren’t necessarily more physically similar just because you see them as both being vaguely bird shaped
>mutual fertility is between the different races is reduced
No it’s not, mixed race people can have kids just fine. But even if that were the case how many studies on the relative fertility of hybrid vs pure finches have you read to say this so confidently?
>human races have substantially different DNA
>finches all have similar DNA
Darwin’s finches diverged 2-3 million years ago. Humans as a whole have only been around a few hundred thousand years and each human race diverged after that. What makes you so sure the birds are more genetically similar to each other than different humans are? Because it sounds like you’re just making assumptions and hoping nobody will point out what’s wrong

>> No.16148028
File: 43 KB, 710x513, tt4ipd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mixed race people can have kids just fine
Results: Fertility is generally lower among racially exogamous than endogamous unions, especially among Asian American-White couples

>> No.16148156

if you compared it to the rates of infertility in interspecies or intergenus hybrids, the rate of infertility in mixed race people wouldn’t even be outside the margin of error

>> No.16149146

>goalpost shifting
you were proved wrong by >>16148028 and now you're trying to cope by saying the fertility issues are not as bad as an elephant trying to fuck a chicken.
mixed race couples have increased difficulty getting pregnant compared to same race couples because they're different species, if they were the same species then the enhanced difficulty would not be present

>> No.16149217

>now you're trying to cope by saying the fertility issues are not as bad as an elephant trying to fuck a chicken
No I’m saying it’s not as bad as a hybrid between two different species of Galapagos finches, because that is the topic and he is trying to say that mixed race humans have more infertility issues than a hybrid of two species or even different genera of finch you fucking retard. There is no goalpost shifting here, learn to read more than two posts in a thread or stay in your race bait containment threads you illiterate moron

>> No.16149432

The hypotheses involving human mental evolution are all absolute nonsense. They have no idea whatsoever how human beings emerged and yet they have unlimited smug confidence that their theory has universal applicability. Trying to pick up the slack by adding culture doesn't help much.

>> No.16149555

What I can't get about evolution is if we came from the ocean, regardless of how much time passed, why the fuck would evolution make multiple successive selections to put organisms on land for no reason? Theres a vid of somewhat explaining it but essentially, a fish needs to grow legs, be able to withstand the suns heat and radiation, needs to be able to breathe and needs to be able to lay eggs and have its offspring all go onto the surface, and even with all that why would they choose to go on the surface if jack shit was up there?

>> No.16149563

What about our hip width being unsuited 0to child birth so that 8+% of births need to be ceasarian. Evolution should have pruned that immediately.

>> No.16149646

>a fish needs to grow legs
This probably came before the ability to actually walk on land, like how Australian lungfish have very strong leg-like fins they can walk on even though they live in water. Legs probably just increased in strength as they became progressively more terrestrial, they didn’t go from fins to strong legs immediately. Even the first amphibians had pretty weak legs and wouldn’t have been walking around much
>needs to be able to breathe
Breathing air is actually pretty common in fish. Arapaima, catfish, lungfish, electric eels, etc all do, basically anything that often finds itself in low oxygen water like stagnant ponds does. If you’re a fish on its way to living on land you’re probably living in shitty low oxygen puddles and not clean flowing rivers
>needs to be able to lay eggs and have its offspring all go onto the surface
Fish weren’t capable of this and never have been, not even amphibians are. This only came much later with reptiles that descended from amphibians who were already living on land as a way for them to sever their reliance on bodies of water to reproduce
>withstand the suns heat and radiation
Also came way after fish. Amphibians only kind of got there but still need to stay wet, this is more of a reptile thing again
>why would they choose to go on the surface if jack shit was up there?
There was lots of bugs to eat and no competition
It would still be getting pruned if it weren’t for modern medicine. If your baby got stuck in the middle ages it’s likely you would die

>> No.16149648

>It would still be getting pruned if it weren’t for modern medicine. If your baby got stuck in the middle ages it’s likely you would die
This confirms my point though

>> No.16149651

Natural selection doesn’t stop things like that entirely forever. Two people could have exactly the same hip shape and one could die in childbirth because of sheer bad luck where the baby is a bit too big or is in the wrong position or something

>> No.16149652

It seems like if it's killing 8% of mothers that'd be negatively selected out immediately despite the advantages of bipedalism.

>> No.16149660

Not if in exchange you get a massively increased brain size that allows you to become an apex predator despite being so slow and frail

>> No.16149662


>> No.16149673


>> No.16149676

Brain size is one factor but the main one is bipedalism. Also if human level intelligence is so advantageous how come it only evolved once when there are other examples given of convergent evolution

>> No.16149682

>Brain size is one factor but the main one is bipedalism
It’s a combination of the two. There were bipedal hominids with much smaller brains who probably didn’t have the same issue nearly as much
>Also if human level intelligence is so advantageous how come it only evolved once when there are other examples given of convergent evolution
Just because something can happen doesn’t mean it must happen. Human level intelligence is a relatively recent occurrence and we’re not the only species who were intelligent, Neanderthals and Denisovans weren’t our direct ancestors and had comparable brain sizes

>> No.16149695

Neanderthal and Denisovans were branches of human. There's a ton of holes in the human evolution story, like how studies put the number of positively selected mutations separating us from chimps at about 250, with most being related to cellular processes and only a small number relating to the brain. That's simply not possible.

>> No.16149716

In the grand scheme, when you consider the basic fact that water flows downhill, it isn't hard to conceptualize that our current circumstances developed naturally from the starting conditions of the universe. Besides a prime mover, (conceptually, not necessarily the christian God), there's no need for an out of the box intervention like critics of evolution seems to suggest. Amazing jumps can be conceptualized as exponential functions of a mechanism we don't understand yet, so what's all the fuzz about, really?

>> No.16149727

>Neanderthal and Denisovans were branches of human
Which at least partly developed their intelligence independently of us as H. heidelbergensis is likely the common ancestor of all three but wasn’t quite at the level of us, Neanderthals or Denisovans in intelligence
>That's simply not possible.
According to who? Assuming that number is correct, what reasoning is there that it’s impossible other than “that number looks too small on paper, I don’t believe it”? You need to actually test that or at least find something that suggests it shouldn’t be to say that. Either way that has nothing to do with other animals convergently evolving human level intelligence

>> No.16149732

It had nothing to do with it because it was a separate point. The human mind is an exquisite machine and you want me to believe like 20 point mutations are responsible?

>> No.16149813

So it is a case of the number looking too small on paper

>> No.16149983

>stars form, therefore apes became humans millions of years ago

>> No.16150640

>The human mind is an exquisite machine
So is the mind of most mammals
>you want me to believe like 20 point mutations are responsible?
A chimp is about as smart as a toddler and a single point mutation can cause cognitive disabilities in humans that give them a child-like intelligence. That number means nothing when you don’t know how big of a change those mutations can have

>> No.16151236

Births are a high % ceasarian because the doctors make more money that way.

>> No.16152795
File: 78 KB, 738x741, darwin's finches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16153839

Holy btfo batman

>> No.16153972

Because its the best we have still , objectively. A "theory" or "hypothesis" is better than a fake fact.
Death. Rages against the light. And you can say, you are happy? Evolve.

>> No.16154098

but its not the only one, is it? A God that exists outside of space and time is very plausible, and yet we've ruled it out... why? doesn't seem very "truth-seeking" to me.

>> No.16154102

>begun in 1988

we're not gonna get definitive results for another hundred thousand years. in the meantime, would you mind explaining why its the ONLY explanation?

>> No.16154105

evolution is a religion. there's your answer.

>> No.16155267

Scientism is a religion

>> No.16156101

Its not a real religion, none of the followers of it will ever admit that scientism is their faith

>> No.16156124

Absurd argument. It's far easier to wreck a machine than improve it. Nothing in neuroscience even suggests we are 20-40 brain protein polymorphisms shy of chimps, which is like saying you can hack a pocket calculator into an iPhone, but this is what the evolutionary biologists are saying.

>> No.16156167

disengenius picture, the top is correct but the bottom isn't as humans are not direct descendents from chimps but a seperate branch. Imagine if someone made an image with a Hyena turning into a Chihuahua, you would think they were a fucking retard.

>> No.16156195

we outcompeted our closest relatives as we were fighting on the same resources, only we did it better

>> No.16157155

>wolves stopped evolving 20,000 years ago because your picrel triggers me

>> No.16157314

>Nothing in neuroscience even suggests we are 20-40 brain protein polymorphisms shy of chimps
You have absolutely no idea whether or not this is true since clearly you know nothing about neuroscience and have done no reading on it
>which is like saying you can hack a pocket calculator into an iPhone
No it isn’t. The point was that just saying 20-40 mutations couldn’t possibly do it because that’s not a big number is retarded, since you have absolutely no idea what bearing those mutations have over brain functions. Just saying “it can’t happen” doesn’t make that the case, no matter how many non equivalent comparisons to technology you make

>> No.16157321

>your picrel
Zoomers really have no fucking clue how to use the term "picrel" do they? Do you even know what it stands for or do you just think it's a fancy word for image?

>> No.16157331

Adult human intelligence is about 70-80% genetic and each individual gene exerts an extremely small effect on intelligence, less than 0.1% according to the GWAS, so there's just no way that's possible.

>> No.16157505

>According to this data from a single site that is not focused on human brain evolution and I may be wildly misunderstanding, there’s no way it’s possible
Looking for statistics which you don’t understand because you’ve only read surface level information about them midway through a discussion so you can use them as ammunition against the person you’re arguing with is retarded. Forget 20-40 mutations overall, the number of genes that differ between the brains of humans and chimps is much higher than that let alone the number of mutations that have occurred in each of those genes. If you can’t get that right to begin with then you shouldn’t be arguing about something you don’t know anything about

>> No.16157569

GWAS isn't a site you utter moron.
>Applying the likelihood method and a P value of 5% for statistical significance (25), we identified 154 genes that were under positive selection in the human lineage

>> No.16157574

>Interestingly, however, the majority of these groups (e.g., protein metabolism and modification, anion transport, phosphate transport, and lyase) do not correspond to the widely assumed adaptive phenotypic differences between humans and chimps (e.g., neurogenesis), suggesting the existence of yet-to-be-recognized adaptive phenotypic differences between the two species.
>We did not detect several previously reported PSGs that control brain size or cognitive functions (39–42) because previous identifications of these PSGs were based on a comparison of polymorphism and divergence data, whereas only divergence data are used here.
It's only SEVERAL, I.e. not a large number.

>> No.16157581

>154 genes that were under positive selection in the human lineage
That doesn’t sound like 20-40 genes. You may also want to learn the difference between a gene and a mutation before arguing about this sort of thing
>It's only SEVERAL, I.e. not a large number
What? They’re just saying they didn’t report a number of genes detected in previous studies, this has fucking nothing to do with the number of genes that differ between humans and chimps. Whatever you think this paper is saying, it’s not

>> No.16157583

I estimated roughly 20-40 genes related to the brain, given the majority were related to things like cellular processes. I didn't recall if the paper breaks it down. And this study is exactly about the POSTIVELY SELECTED genes between humans and chimps.

>> No.16157585

Namely, it's about a result from evolutionary biology that's impossible. That many genes wouldn't contribute enough of a difference in intelligence between humans and chimps. Saying I don't understand is rhetoric, not a substantial argument.

>> No.16157600

>I estimated roughly 20-40 genes related to the brain
Sounds more like you pulled it out of your ass to make it seem like the difference is smaller than it is
>this study is exactly about the POSTIVELY SELECTED genes between humans and chimps
Yeah no shit
>That many genes wouldn't contribute enough of a difference in intelligence between humans and chimps
Says who? That paper certainly doesn’t say so
>Saying I don't understand is rhetoric, not a substantial argument
There’s not much to argue with because you haven’t provided anything of substance. All you’ve done is make an assumption and misrepresent a study you don’t seem to grasp

>> No.16157604

Says my argument that from other studies it's known each gene contributes under 0.1% of IQ. Even if all 154 PSG's were related to the brain that wouldn't work. Are you deliberately being obtuse, because it's a really simple claim you seem unable to honestly challenge.

>> No.16157615

We didn't evolve from Monkeys, we evolved from Tree Crocodiles(look at the human lips).

>> No.16157621

You think I'm joking? Well think again midwits. I was being serious. Monkeys would evolve into a totally different species.

>> No.16157750

How can you believe in a theory, if it's just a geuss? (an evolution)

>> No.16158337

>it's known each gene contributes under 0.1% of IQ
“It looks like a really small number so it couldn’t possibly be true” again. You should link it because it sounds like bullshit
>Even if all 154 PSG's were related to the brain that wouldn't work
How do you know that? Did you test it or did you find a paper that reached this conclusion?
>it's a really simple claim you seem unable to honestly challenge
Because the claim is entirely baseless. Notice how that paper says nothing about this making human evolution impossible? Demonstrate that the number of mutations can’t result in that change or shut the fuck up, “it small number tho” is not proof

>> No.16158354

>it's not in the paper
You can't use your brain to follow a simple claim, you have to have it spelled out by the paper? 154 PSG's, if all were related to intelligence, which they are not, could contribute a maximum of 15% of IQ that's not enough of a difference to get from pre-chimp to human intelligence.

>> No.16158361

And of course the paper doesn't explicitly say this basically rules out human evolution, firstly it wouldn't get published, and secondly that level of wrongthink would probably not even be conceivable for the authors.

>> No.16158545

>You can't use your brain to follow a simple claim, you have to have it spelled out by the paper
I’m saying that you’re misrepresenting the paper’s findings moron. The paper is specifically about differences observed in the genes selected for during the evolution of chimps and humans, to imply that means the authors think that means evolution doesn’t exist is mind bogglingly retarded, especially when all three authors are evolutionary biologists
>154 PSG's, if all were related to intelligence, which they are not
That’s only the genes in this study. They specifically say that they aren’t (and can’t) examine every single one in this study. To say that’s all there is would be retarded
>could contribute a maximum of 15% of IQ that's not enough of a difference to get from pre-chimp to human intelligence
You still haven’t shown where you got these numbers. A single gene is responsible for a major role in the developmental difference of the forebrain between humans and all other apes, to say a couple hundred couldn’t give us a massively different brain is just wrong. You can’t read one paper, misinterpret the findings and then pretend like you know anything about the brain and genetics
Maybe that’s because it would be pseudoscience, and the fact that the authors wouldn’t agree with the shit you’re spewing

>> No.16158695

I gave the reasons why the authors wouldn't make that claim despite it being a clear and obvious implication of their research. Interpretation is not misrepresentation. You seem angry and that's possibly why you're incapable of basic reasoning. An intelligent view isn't just blindly trusting published research. The other studies about genes not included mentioned a small handful. Several, not the thousands needed to meaningfully impact intelligence. Here's the link:
>Despite the statistical significance of the novel GWAS loci identified in the current report, it is important to emphasize that the effect sizes for individual SNPs are very small; each of our top two SNPs individually account for ~0.1% of the variance in cognitive performance. For context, these effect sizes are considerably smaller than those observed for the top individual loci associated with other quantitative anthropometric traits such as height and weight,1, 2 This difference may reflect the complexity of the underlying genetic architecture of cognition, as >80% of all genes are expressed in brain;

>> No.16158749

>despite it being a clear and obvious implication of their research
Or, perhaps that isn’t what their research is saying and you’re just running with it to fit a narrative that aligns with your world view
>Interpretation is not misrepresentation
It is when you deliberately twist the findings of a paper to fit your argument, regardless of whether or not that is what the authors were actually trying to communicate
>You seem angry
Yeah watching someone shamelessly misrepresent the hard work of someone else will do that
>that's possibly why you're incapable of basic reasoning
Pot, kettle
>The other studies about genes not included mentioned a small handful. Several, not the thousands needed to meaningfully impact intelligence
Several genes in THAT study you idiot, not several that make up the entirety of the genetic information regarding the human brain. Also you don’t need thousands, just a few can have a massive impact. There are hundreds of genes which are linked to cognitive functions and even if the number of specific genes that differ between human and chimp brains wasn’t very high that means nothing if the expression of the genes which do differ is vastly different, which is why just a couple genes can result in massively different brain development between humans and apes

>> No.16158760


>> No.16158881

You seem to think the only possible way to understand a paper is by what the authors' exact intentions were, which isn't even how regular science works at all, let alone critically thinking about science. Little would ever get done if this was the case. And you just flat out ignored my source which showed you to be wrong. It's funny you think I'm twisting things to fit a worldview when you're obviously very sensitive about any challenge to aspects of evolution like you think it's settled for all time, which is not actually scientific thinking but dogma.>>16158749

>> No.16158897

We need to teach the basic assumptions of science so we stop getting retarded posts like this.

1. The universe is real
2. Science can be used to explain the universe. No need to say "fairies did it" or "a wizard did it".
3. An experiment done here is valid anywhere. We don't need to travel to Andromeda Galaxy to conduct experiments.
4. An experiment done today is valid anytime. We can't even go back in time to prove the existence of Abraham Lincoln. All the papers and witness accounts of him existing could be fake.

We make these assumptions based on logic and they're reasonable. Once these assumptions are in place we can prove the existence of things such as dinosaurs through the fossil record and once that's established evolution is provable.

If you throw out the 4th assumption of science you end up in a nonsense world of fairies and unicorns where nothing exists and the past isn't real. So I ask you, what would you replace it with?

>> No.16158898

Furthermore that study was a comprehensive survey of all genes that showed signs of positive selection, as in the actual evolutionary adaptations. You're not providing any source for your claim a handful of genes could be responsible and I don't think one will be forthcoming. You're the one making unwarranted assertions that conflict with the best available research as I've presented it. Not intellectually honest.

>> No.16158904

How are those claims "based on logic". They're analytically true? That means a tautology. Science is empirical. What experiments have been conducted that show even the laws of physics are universal? In fact for your atheist worldview to be tenable you need an unobservable multiverse in which all possible laws of physics manifest in other spacetimes somehow not connected to our own.

>> No.16158920

Not all but seems to be the vast majority*. Just so you don't jump on that bit

>> No.16158925

>theory (a guess)
this is like saying "facts are just things people agreed on", you would be correct but also pretty silly I must say...
Because you would be saying a half-truth, and it is worst than a lie, theories are suggestions but not entirely, they are suggestions made as a result of compilation of facts.
Otherwise it is a hypothesis.
So, basically:
Hypothesis = "it might work, i dont know."
Fact = "We know this."
Theory = "it works when we do it this way."
Theorem = "it works when we do it this way and we know this"

>> No.16159739

>You seem to think the only possible way to understand a paper is by what the authors' exact intentions were
No but entirely misrepresenting the author’s findings is an entirely different issue
>And you just flat out ignored my source which showed you to be wrong
If you read the last paragraph of that reply you’d see that’s not the case
>You're not providing any source for your claim a handful of genes could be responsible and I don't think one will be forthcoming
It’s not that hard to look up the ZEB2 gene, but here you go
>manipulation of ZEB2 expression and its downstream signaling is able to force a human-like phenotype in the ape context and vice versa. Thus, our data suggest that in humans, a delayed onset of ZEB2 expression extends the NE stage, contributing to human-specific neocortical expansion
And that’s just one gene of many
>that conflict with the best available research as I've presented it
The first paper you found on google scholar to use in an argument does not necessarily constitute the best available research

>> No.16159751
File: 43 KB, 486x631, 1133732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If no evo then why whales with legs?

>> No.16159781

OMG someone piled bones together in a shape that vaguely resembles a hind limb!! HAHA Christians BTFO again!!!

>> No.16159786

>implying randomly piled together bones would just happen to consist of all the bones in a limb and would be consistent across a number of different Basilosaurid specimens of different species
Cope harder

>> No.16160033

>154 PSGs
You don’t seem to understand the paper’s findings. 154 PSGs being observed in humans does not mean that there is a difference of 154 genes between humans and chimps. It just means that 154 genes are being positively selected for since humans and chimps diverged. The same goes for the 233 PSGs observed in the chimp genome, chimps having a higher number of PSGs in that study doesn’t mean they’re more evolved. The number of genes involved is not as important as the expression of those genes. A gene related to brain growth could be the same in humans and chimps but result in different levels of cognitive development if it’s expression in humans is 100x higher. The processes involved in the evolution of the human brain are not fully understood, so you can’t act like you’ve figured it all out after reading one paper

>> No.16160579

You may be retarded

>> No.16161490


>> No.16161496

>2. Science can be used to explain the universe.
pure narcissism
science can't even explain most of what happens on earth
Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

>> No.16161499

>He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.
you just described all psyho politicians and CEOs which you cowardly fail to criticize

>> No.16161713
File: 50 KB, 793x495, legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please continue embarrassing yourself

>> No.16161717

NTA that looks like an airplane from faraway

>> No.16161719

going down

>> No.16161798

easy, disprove one of the following; natural selection, genetic drift, gene flow, or mutation.

>> No.16161811

>which is like saying you can hack a pocket calculator into an iPhone
If the pocket calculator is Turing complete, than yes, it may be a matter of mostly increasing power and levels of potential abstraction, rather than than evolving large numbers of highly specialized features. After all, AI can develop reason and models of reality via gradient decent given sufficient size, layers and training time, so it's reasonable that much of human intelligence arises from 'bootstrapping' from a smaller number of structures of mostly simpler design, along side specialized parts dealing with sight, language etc.

>> No.16162571
File: 767 KB, 1078x997, 794833f8-32c7-4bcf-b4e9-553a048d2d9f[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead and display your photos on this LCD, then, faggot.

>> No.16162960

>Nothing in neuroscience even suggests we are 20-40 brain protein polymorphisms shy of chimps
Don’t pretend you know shit about neuroscience

>> No.16163864

this is the kind of stuff my boomer mom who posts artifact-ridden pro israel jpegs on facebook says
you can be better than this, anon

>> No.16164420


>> No.16164458

>simpler things become more complex things
Seems to be true to me

>> No.16164476

Landmines explode and kill you when you step on them, therefore turtles explode and kill you when you step on them. Totally logical conclusion.

>> No.16165024
File: 44 KB, 590x350, Hitler-is-said-to-have-loved-German-Shepherds-2782115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dog is God spelled backwards
>Satanic backwards message
Dogs were created by Satanists that wanted to mock God.

>> No.16165053

If you truely like animals you wouldn’t imprison a dog in your house or any other animal.

>> No.16165127

This is the worst comparison I have ever read. Consider suicide

>> No.16165128

Stepping on things leads to explosions, how can you not see that?

>> No.16165135

Which is in no way equivalent to less complex things become more complex things. You are staggeringly retarded

>> No.16165252

People were going crazy when they got stuck at home because of Covid but keeping their dogs locked up in the house is ok. They can’t complain so it’s ok.

>> No.16165259


>> No.16166349

>i'm a big bow now!!!
>you're not the boss of me!!!

>> No.16166364

you didnt have to bump this

>> No.16167507

nigga my dog lives better than most humans

>> No.16167518 [DELETED] 

Incrementing reply count with the intention of reaching bump limit more quickly whilst not contributing anything to the thread.

>> No.16167719
File: 265 KB, 1600x2400, the village.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dog doesn’t know of any other possible way of living, only the way you’re forcing it to live.


>> No.16167861

Who is that person i keep seeing him

>> No.16167874

At best, we’ve already learned to ignore making guesses.

>> No.16167897

nigga please

>> No.16167925

Watch the movie.

>> No.16168539

>your dog would rather live away from its best friend where it gets ample food and shelter without predators, hunger and parasites constantly threatening it

>> No.16168577

You haven't shown I've misrepresented the facts of either, you've repeatedly said what matters is subjective authorial intent, which is false. Nor does it matter if I looked on Google scholar or not. You can't point to better research contradicting it. Pointing to one gene isn't a paper showing just a handful of genes could be entirely responsible. The science indicates the opposite.
What you said doesn't really contradict my interpretation. I never said chimps were "more evolved", but it does indicate they underwent more adaptation.
An iPhone is more than just a Turing complete CPU, it's highly intricate software.

>> No.16168589

>oy vey you have to watch muh hollywood goyslop
no thanks, shlomo

>> No.16168817

>What you said doesn't really contradict my interpretation
You said that the paper showed that there was a difference of 154 genes between humans and chimps, that is not at all what the paper said. 154 genes being positively selected for in humans has no bearing on the number of genes that differ between humans and chimps. Saying that shows you did not understand the findings of the paper at all. For all you know the 154 human PSGs and 233 chimp PSGs could have a large amount of overlap in which genes were positively selected for. A gene being positively selected in humans does not mean it wasn’t also positively selected in chimps.
>Pointing to one gene isn't a paper showing just a handful of genes could be entirely responsible. The science indicates the opposite.
Which science indicates the opposite? As said before the level of gene expression is often more important than the type of gene itself when you’re talking about something as closely related as a human and chimp. As for that one gene, if you read the paper you would have seen that it plays a pretty major role in the differential development between the brains of humans and apes

>> No.16168833

I didn't actually say that though to my recollection, that's not how I understood the paper. My argument is about the genes showing positive selection since we are said to have diverged.

You still aren't showing with any research one or some fraction of 154 could do it. The science that indicates the opposite is the GWAS studies I referred to, indicating far more genes contribute to intelligence. This is besides their expression.

>> No.16169733

>I didn't actually say that though to my recollection
Then your recollection must be pretty bad
See >>16149695
>studies put the number of positively selected mutations separating us from chimps at about 250
You can’t just act like that’s not what you were saying now that you’ve realised that the paper did not find what you thought it was
>You still aren't showing with any research one or some fraction of 154 could do it
>”manipulation of ZEB2 expression and its downstream signaling is able to force a human-like phenotype in the ape context and vice versa. Thus, our data suggest that in humans, a delayed onset of ZEB2 expression extends the NE stage, contributing to human-specific neocortical expansion”
Did you miss this
>The science that indicates the opposite is the GWAS studies I referred to, indicating far more genes contribute to intelligence
Then why are you going on about there apparently only being 20-40 genes separating the human brain from chimps

>> No.16169831

>Then your recollection must be pretty bad
Oh, my bad, my memory is indeed terrible.
>Did you miss this
"Human like phenotype" is very vague. Does it mean in terms raw neocortical volume? That doesn't yet add automatically up to the human mind unless they give further details.
>Then why are you going on about there apparently only being 20-40 genes separating the human brain from chimps
I'm going on about it because clearly one paper is wrong, and it seems to be the one showing positive selection. Mental evolution is a hole in the evolutionary biology of human origins.

>> No.16169941

>”Human like phenotype" is very vague. Does it mean in terms raw neocortical volume?
Maybe you should read the paper and find out
>That doesn't yet add automatically up to the human mind
It doesn’t need to. It just shows that even a single gene can have a major impact on brain development, something you seem to think is impossible
>I'm going on about it because clearly one paper is wrong
It’s not wrong, it’s just not saying what you thought it was because you just misinterpreted the results. Again the paper said absolutely nothing about the number of differences between the genes they found in humans vs chimps, that is something you mistakenly suggested
>Mental evolution is a hole in the evolutionary biology of human origins.
You are still yet to demonstrate why. First you were trying to say that it couldn’t have happened because there are two few differences in the number of genes responsible for brain development between humans and chimps. Now you seem to be trying to say that the number of genes that differ between the two are much greater, but in that case why do you think that the human brain couldn’t have evolved if there’s a big difference in the number of genes that differ? You can’t seem to decide what you’re actually trying to say

>> No.16170888

Mental evolution is a hole in the evolutionary biology of soiyentists

>> No.16171338


>> No.16171348

Why did it take so long for humans to realize that animals are related? You're seriously telling me that nobody in Ancient Greece noticed that wolves/foxes or horses/donkeys are pretty much the same thing?