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16108374 No.16108374 [Reply] [Original]

> From 2013 to 2022, 85087744 payments with a total value of $12.13 billion were made by industry to 826313 of 1445944 eligible physicians (% receiving payments, 57.1%; median payment, $48 per physician [IQR, $0-$1015]), and 79774940 (93.8%) of these payments were associated with 1 or more marketed medical products.


$12bln of bribes straight to doctors. The same doctors who were telling you that experimental mRNA gene therapy was "safe and effective".

>> No.16108409

Just wait till healthcare gets financialized

>> No.16108415

And here we have demonstrated to us that OP is an americunt who thinks they are the only country in the world and all healthcare systems work in the same corrupt way.

>> No.16108903

>americans upset me because if my nationalistic inferiority complex
so why are you on an american website? you're just going to get upset by what you see. do you also go the 2chan and complain theres too many japs there?

>> No.16109091

>"Orthopedic surgeons received the greatest sum of payments at $1.36 billion, followed by neurologists and psychiatrists at $1.32 billion, and then cardiologists at $1.29 billion"

Since it bothers you so much, don't go to any orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, psychiatrists and cardiologists, as they are the most corrupt by far. Tell your relatives and friends too.

>> No.16109595

Given that medical error is one of the top leading causes of death, avoiding doctors is the best medical advice. Most people die in hospitals.

>> No.16110209

If medical error is one of the top leading causes of death that means that you should be able to substantially increase your lifespan by never getting any professional medical care

>> No.16110725

>Error rates are significantly higher in the U.S. than in other developed countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany and the United Kingdom (U.K).


>> No.16110936

That's what happens when you hire based on diversity instead of actual merit.

>> No.16110939

reducto ad absurdum, kill yourself

>> No.16110953

No, that's what happens when Capitalism rules your stupid country.

>> No.16111619

>i hate capitalism
>links to youtube
>link is an NBC news goyslop video funded by advertising money
why the massive lack of self awareness? low iq?

>> No.16112173

capitalism loves diversity, yes

>> No.16112545

Yes, my IQ is very low, thats why I am incapable of being self aware. I hate capitalism because all of my favorite billionaire Hollywood movie and Mtv stars told me to. Bono from U2 looks so cool in sunglasses, you gotta trust him when he says he hates being wealthy.

>> No.16113321
File: 538 KB, 1488x2858, priv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it really?

>> No.16113889

yes. diverse groups of people are much easier to manipulate and control than unified and homogeneous groups

>> No.16114590

>Divide and conquer

>> No.16116098

Wow, so surprising that doctors, a group of people who go into their profession strictly because it promises the easiest and most obvious path to a high paycheck, would be easily swayed by bribery.

>> No.16117679
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, lolon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doctors are the greediest of all professionals, by far. this is because although they all go into the profession to get rich, they are also limited in their wealth by their profession, so they end up all being frustrated and jealous of the people who end up being far, far wealthier than doctors are

>> No.16118123


>> No.16119869
File: 60 KB, 900x400, liberal-media-narrative-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most ppl really are dumb enough to believe that

>> No.16120462

Redpanels is top grade stuff

>> No.16121313

Doctors and prostitutes have about the same average hourly pay