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16098756 No.16098756 [Reply] [Original]

theory: autism, bpd, and schizophrenia are at a fundamental level etiologically identical, stemming from the same innate sensory processing disorder that develops into schizophrenia, bpd or autism based on life experience and personality subtypes. psychosis is simply a predisposition among people with this developmental disorder due to adverse life experience, but is not inherent, similarly with any pseudoneurotic symptoms in schizotypal personality disorder. autists with high openness and neuroticism are barely distinguishable from schizotypal personality.
autists and schizophrenics are both highly sensitive resulting in multiple complex coping mechanisms, such as aberrant salience and on the flip side a poverty of salience and hyperfixations.
the theory that contradicts this is imprinted brain theory which has been proven false by data.
autism, bpd and schizophrenia were originally all put together under the same label, but they were separated due to phenotypical differences. the root cause is the same hypersensitivity to stimuli modulated by adverse life experiences and unique circumstances.

>> No.16098761


>> No.16098778

for the sake of clarity i will call the root disorder HSD (hypersensitivity disorder)
HSD + authoritarian/conservative (but not majorly insecure) parenting style = traditional mechanical male autist phenotype, low openness and psychological liberalism, low agreeability, low neuroticism (this is pretty uncommon for autists you see out and about despite it being the stereotypical norm)
HSD + insecure parenting style + other foundational adverse life experiences = BPD tranny hypersensitive autist phenotype, highest in neuroticism, high openness but weaker/inverse correlation in the sub domain of psychological liberalism
HSD + detached attachment style, learned schizoid withdrawal + adverse life experience = schizotypal personality, often overlaps with BPD and cluster B traits, high openness, high neuroticism, low conscientiousness, high secondary psychopathy.
schizophrenia and schizoaffective are simply a sluggish presentation of symptoms due to high masking behavior and other factors. this breaks down during ones formative adult years due to the sheer stress, drug use, etc. but schizotypy is definitely on the same wavelength as autism

>> No.16098819


>> No.16098826

there may be more value in studying the hormonal correlates of autism.
>known independent associations with high levels of hormones of multiple types during fetal development
>autism results in high T, low E, fewer E receptors, fewer E co-activators; leading to autistic females getting more high-T hormonal disorders, autistic males being more hypersexual than baseline
>issues with understanding gender and identity
>some MTFs getting estrogen describe a sudden clarity within less than 24 hours of dosage
>a trans study exists that determined all of the studied patients had autistic behavioral features

>> No.16098827

don't know what this has to do with schizophrenia. there are lots of random correlations and clusters of similarities that are simply chaotic and don't go anywhere. it's a huge problem to "cracking the nut" of pathologies— statistics represent people who are clinically engaged enough to be diagnosed, participate in studies, etc. copers like crespi exploit the lack of concrete data for their own benefit but lack the imagination to think beyond clinical diagnoses in their assumptions.

>> No.16098839

autism has been correlated with high levels of BOTH testosterone and estrogen in different cases. it is more correlated with abnormal everything, autists are like petri dishes of abnormality. there are also lots of random abnormalities correlated with schizophrenia that don't really involve schizophrenia symptoms.

>> No.16098864

I have some paper for your investigation.

and, for philosophy, I recommand these from my colleague.

Epistemology, Ernest Sosa
I believe these can help your undersanding.

However, I would have to correct some of your assertion. schizophrenia must has either conditioned or damages in brain, which usually has high correlation to brain trauma.

>> No.16098867

The feeling in MTFs is attempting. I am active consdiering for HRT after my 60s for longer life span and better cognitive ability.

>> No.16098883

I have schizotypal and also have relatively normal loving parents who understood that i have always had this problem, but then again I am also twice exceptional and could explain this to them well enough to remove blame from anyone. This seems to be something we are born with, even accounting for the environment, like school, neighbourhoods and relatives whose behaviour regarding mental illness is usually predictable across all cultures.

>> No.16098884

There are two opposite kinds of autism:
high autism: Your neocortex never dies. You understand so much on your own that you refuse to learn the memorized methods required by society - others do not understand you, becayse you don't follow a comkonly memorized script; you have "no empathy" because you get confused why they can't do a simple thing (which they need to be taught, and remember a memorized method to be able to do) or their nonsensical opinions (it's just something they were taught or dreamt up, and they don't comprehend the (lack) of logic).

Low autism is the opposite, the neocortex dies earlier than normal. Even basic concepts like "woman" are not learned, and will never be comprehended.

People with high autism possess extensive sensory processing unavailable to neurotypical people. Low autism might be worse, but not necessarily so.

Thd low autism + neurotypicality sums to what used to be called "schizophrenia".

>> No.16098886

>schizophrenia must has either conditioned or damages in brain, which usually has high correlation to brain trauma
not to be strict, there is the possibility of schizophrenia resulting from this but it would not be called schizophrenia diagnostically, psychosis caused by brain trauma and other medical conditions are not schizophrenia.
with regards to ernest sosa, what exactly is the relation?
i read his wikipedia page on metaphysics and it seems to be related, but not the part about epistemology but objects.
to relate it to his framework, schizophrenics and autists, and borderlines are highly sensitive to a kind of perceptual "noise". there is no spontaneous resolution into phenomena in their perception, but rather a lag time where they are cogniscent of the chaotic noise that most people organize thoughtlessly according to socially imparted perception. this is what is called a "thought disorder" in schizophrenics, but i believe that autistics also have disordered thinking. both schizophrenics and autistics have obsessive compulsive mental schema, borderlines have disordered thinking and have especially chaotic and tumultuous emotional relations. schizophrenic ambivalence = splitting = autistic paralysis and obsessiveness. their differences and similarities lie in navigating this mass of information without being able to genuinely put stock in the conventional narrative of life. from this we receive the core values of schizophrenia, antagonomia idionomia etc, as well as of autism, hyperfixation and stereotyped behavior, as well as of borderlines, identity disturbance (ipseity disturbance is present in schizophrenics, borderlines almost cross that line into disturbed ipseity, and do sometimes because they become psychotic). why the fuck did kikes say that these were distinct mental disorders again? they're so clearly the same thing.

>> No.16098893

pardon me for asking but how did you even qualify for schizotypal personality disorder if you had a secure upbringing? detached parenting also affects someone into schizoid withdrawal, this can literally happen in infancy if the parent is even a little detached, the infant will learn schizoid withdrawal which is not typical to learn (avoidance is a very rare attachment style). aside from this personality disorders are always informed by disturbed attachment, neuroticism etc, so you can be schizotypal without having a personality disorder, you just wouldn't be schizotypal pd, you'd be a sublinical schizotypal. if you live in a post-soviet country, that could explain it, post-soviet countries usually overdiagnose schizophrenia. if that is not the case, apologies, don't want to seem like a faggot trying to epistemically eliminate opposing information.
schizophrenia and schizotypal personality disorder are highly correlated with adverse life experiences. it is in some respect inborn but in other respects developed into the insecure, maladapted form it takes in society.
the first one is you and the 2nd one is liberals, right?

>> No.16098897

I think you may need to read papers about developmental disorder in context of psychology. I don't have specialty on it, but I guess that autism, disregarded genetic factors, resulted in wrongful socialization during very earily stage of child development, which didn't properly condition emotional feeling to norm and values; I considers it "failure on embodiment" in childhood.

>> No.16098903

the reason it results in wrongful socialization is because of the hypersensitivity of autists leading to unconventional half-baked insights into human behavior and society.t hey might be correct, neither here nor there, they lie outside the social norm. the same is with those high in schizotypy, except it is named, as antagonomia, instinctual opposition to widely held values. instead of siding with convention, there is a knee jerk reaction against convention. this isn't as pronounced in autistic people who tend to have more conventional belief systems, typically parentally informed, but they still have strange ideas about how people function and it is actually over-corrected, because the conventional belief systems are usually emphatically invested in by autists (for example, if they think lying is bad, they'll think everyone who lies should be jailed and beaten)

>> No.16098906

>adverse life experiences
My dad is a normal guy, but his reaction to why i am not normal might not go as far as be described as adverse, because of how he treated me while growing up. I suspect the way you diagnose people with these disorders is not very accurate. I am extremely sensitive and self aware to the point that I have always found myself questioning whether the experiences with my father will potentially be the experiences with every other seemingly normal human, I notice the same patterns of expectations in all of them, so if my father, a normal person has these expectations even since before i could interact with other adults, how do you explain my aversion to social interactions being dependent on him? Is a parent supposed to intuit whether his son is too different to change or supposed to, as a man, mold him into someone who can navigate the world he finds himself in? And this is happening in a world with no internet or any possibility for mental health evaluation.

>> No.16098912

confused as to what you are saying, are you saying your dad treated you poorly due to your schizotypy but it can't be described as adverse because it wasn't that bad, or something else.
>I suspect the way you diagnose people with these disorders is not very accurate
this is true.
>how do you explain my aversion to social interactions being dependent on him
social withdrawal can result from any number of things, but as a pattern of coping that is pervasive, it indicates an avoidant attachment style, either fearful or dismissive. either as an infant or in early childhood, as a reaction to any sort of adversity, even if it was normal levels for a child, someone learns to "detach", this plants the seed for avoidant attachment later on. it is basically like a learned defense mechanism, someones favorite tool to use to get out of something.
it's theorized that schizoid withdrawal is conditioned in infancy, any amount of detachment or coldness beyond what's normal results in the baby learning to detach as a natural response. for example, if a baby cries, and no one comes to aid it, eventually it will learn to rely on itself to stop crying, resulting in a detachment. that's just a rough outline. it doesn't have to be this specific experience. a pet theory is that dismissive avoidance is more conditioned by experiences in infancy and fearful avoidance is conditioned by experiences growing up.
but the socialization of schizotypal personality disorder (not just schizotypy) is not just parental, it can be from society, it can be from peers, wherever people may mold your maladaptions.
to give an example of a "healthy schizotypal", imagine an artist or something that is famous and not really mentally ill but has some sort of "weird" thing about them, they're still socialized normally so they can handle this, they can function in society and stuff. psychologists are often high in schizotypy too.

>> No.16098918


>> No.16098922

Then that baby was born neurodivergent, its not the fault of the parents. The baby's sensitivity is such that he requires an abnormal kind of attachment. My siblings are relatively normal compared to me, so you can't use how people treat the baby if they are not sure he deserves special kind of attention as adversity, can you? A hypersensitive child is alone in a sea of normies, do you expect every normie to treat the child accordingly? How do you diagnose this as adversity when it is what comes naturally to them. I have literally never met anyone who i can relate to because they all expect me to conform to some somewhat normal societal standard, I don't blame them, I actually understood where they are coming from despite the harm it does to me. It definitely is a disorder but one which arise from the nature of the child being thrown into a seemingly hostile world compared to every other normal child, this isn't something any parent is equipped to handle, leave alone society. I can not think of any kind of intervention on both that could have 'remedied' the situation given the prevalence of ignorance or disinterest on their part regarding mental illness in general.

>> No.16098924

well, there are some statements here that are in line with what has been said in the OP, but what is confusing is the normativity. there is no expectation of responsibility on anyones part implicit in calling something an adverse life experience. getting your house destroyed by a hurricane is an adverse life experience. it's not anyones fault, it doesn't change that it's adversity.
but yes, schizotypals are born into a world that is not made for them, this is what makes them highly neurotic and maladapted...if the world was made for them, its doubtful that schizotypals would be largely asocial, paranoid, depressive and negativistic.

>> No.16098925

Theory. Gender dysphoria is a disease belonging to the schizophrenia spectrum.

The schizophrenia spectrum also contains the personality disorders Schizotypal (people who to /x/) and Schizoids (being shy is not a schizoid, being a loner or an incel is not a schizoid, being a hobo counts as schizoid).

>> No.16098927

>t. never met an autist in his life
Autists are in the spectrum of retards, not schizos.

>> No.16098928

>Theory. Gender dysphoria is a disease belonging to the schizophrenia spectrum.
maybe who knows, is this implying someone is a tranny?
>(being shy is not a schizoid, being a loner or an incel is not a schizoid, being a hobo counts as schizoid).
why does this even need to be said? as if anyone said this. but, gonna bite the bait and inform you that having a schizoid personality and having schizoid personality disorder are two different things. schizoid withdrawal is present in people without schizoid pd, schizoid pd is just that withdrawal ramped up to an all pervasive and clinically significant (ie non-functional) point by life experiences imparting severe insecurity or lack of support systems. a "loner" who is not socially anxious in a conventional sense but simply is dismissive avoidant is schizoid, they are not necessarily schizoid personality disordered. it's the same with schizotypy or any matrix of personality that can lead to personality disorders.

>> No.16098929

My contention is in the claim that parents and by extension society make the schizotypal instead of him already being born into a world full of people different from him. I have this thought experiment about imagining myself in the medieval era and having a really hard time picturing my place in society despite being creative.

>> No.16098933
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it's worth mentioning also that social anxiety and schizoid withdrawal can and do often co-exist, they are just simply not the same thing. why does this need to be said? are liberals changing the definition of schizoid, same with woman????
inc onclusion you are a dumb niggy niggy lib liberal nigglib nigger (just kidding..)
the OP does not state this, the OP and following posts attribute schizotypy to a socialized personality style of a fundamental developmental disorder that is genetic and also causes autism and BPD.

>> No.16098946

He does it here
>HSD + detached attachment style, learned schizoid withdrawal + adverse life experience = schizotypal personality, often overlaps with BPD and cluster B traits, high openness, high neuroticism, low conscientiousness, high secondary psychopathy.
I particularly have a problem with this sort of categorization because it assumes the hsd individual could have ended up differently were it not for the 'adverse life experiences' he encounters. It also doesn't explain how me, with a relatively authoritarian father did not turn out to be autistic. I believe these are all different disorders that express themselves on either the schizophrenic spectrum or the autistic spectrum. People on the autistic spectrum are usually very conscientious while those on the schizophrenic one are the opposite. I find daydreaming, reading and watching films more enjoyable than playing video games or watching anime, this likely has to do with how dopamine is regulated, I also don't like alcohol or drugs in general as i am already relatively high in my baseline mental state. A normie has to take weed and lsd to feel what i already feel normally. While it is accurate that autism and schizotypy do share some similarities in their eccentricities, its not really valid to categorize them equally using some root term.

>> No.16098962

it is not about categorizing them as identical, it's about etiology. it's about an origin point. society is strong. it can change you so much and so quickly that it appears to be innate, but it isn't. that's just how personalities work.
autism is actually inversely correlated with conscientiousness iirc. autists are also prone to maladaptive daydreaming and other such things, many autists are exactly as you described. either they are misdiagnosed as autistic or whatever. schizotypal people have a tendency to strongly separate themselves from autistic people using these traits that are supposed differences. "autists are less creative less tangential itd." plenty of autists have that personality type. it is just simply that people who tend to possess less creativity and other things tend to be diagnosed as autistic, and people who aren't tend to be diagnosed otherwise. this can be any number of less noble factors influencing these things, such as stereotypes, retarded psychiatrists, etc. but it does not really tell you anything beyond the superficial tendencies of psychiatrists.
autists share disorganized and anhedonic symptoms of schizotypy, they lack positives so we're told, yet autists are way more psychosis prone than the general population? the rigid dichotomy doesn't add up.

>> No.16098990
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>why does this need to be said
Because special snowflakes are pretending schizoid is something they want to relate to, when instead is a very specific label for something in the neighborhood of schizophrenia.

I'm talking about this retarded comic specially. Happy animu girl rejecting people around like your run of the mill autist (in the meme sense of course, an actual autist is a tantrum filled retard). Your image of a schizoid should be an absent minded hobo.

>boohoo, i want to be called schizoid despite being a common idiot
You yourself are victim of the misconception. Schizoid is not a personality trait, it's a distorted personality that accompanies the schizophrenia spectrum.

>> No.16098991 [DELETED] 

>there is no spontaneous resolution into phenomena in their perception, but rather a lag time where they are cogniscent of the chaotic noise that most people organize thoughtlessly according to socially imparted perception. this is what is called a "thought disorder" in schizophrenics, but i believe that autistics also have disordered thinking.
You are schizophrenics. The actual perception of a schizophrenics is pretty much absent. What is seen is not processed, and random details are given undue weight, with high propensity to obsess what happens to fall in the central vision. A coherent idea is laboriously constructed from those fragments, but ultimately ends up with nonsense. This neverthe less is felt as firm logic by the schizophrenic.

>> No.16098992

>there is no spontaneous resolution into phenomena in their perception, but rather a lag time where they are cogniscent of the chaotic noise that most people organize thoughtlessly according to socially imparted perception. this is what is called a "thought disorder" in schizophrenics, but i believe that autistics also have disordered thinking.
You are schizophrenic. The actual perception of a schizophrenic is pretty much absent. What is seen is not processed, and random details are given undue weight, with high propensity to obsess about what happens to fall in the central vision. A coherent idea is laboriously constructed from those fragments, but ultimately ends up with nonsense. This never the less is felt as firm logic by the schizophrenic.

>> No.16098994

The defining trait of autism is being repetitive which might lead to conscientiousness. I on the other hand struggle with being interested in anything that requires any modicum of attention, while I might stick to some routine of doing things, this is usually in response to avoiding certain expectations society has imposed on me. I process reality at the bird's eye view, always seeing the bigger picture and this isn't even a brag because i would like to land and examine the grass for what it is, smell the fresh summer air below, touch the leaves and see how many different colours they come in, but I have no patience, as soon as i understand that grass like a tree is a plant and that it evolved after the dinosaurs died out, i lose interest, or i should accurately say, get carried away because the colour green makes a completely random association which forces me to move on to some other completely unrelated high level connection like how chloroplast is related to mitochondrion in that they were standalone cells that got engulfed by other cells. Autists on the other hand seem particularly motivated in understanding the low level connections and also have some persistence in sticking to a single and coherent mode of thinking long enough to be productive members of society, thinking about it is tedious to say the least.

>> No.16098995

>Because special snowflakes are pretending schizoid is something they want to relate to, when instead is a very specific label for something in the neighborhood of schizophrenia
are normies not allowed to relate to schizoid personality traits? does it make YOU feel less special? food for thought. who gives a shit if faggots call themselves whatever they want, how does it affect you, it only affects people's egotistical conception of themselves as unique special snowflakes, the inner grandiosity of you as a schizoid is probably threatened by the 15 people on earth who over identify with schizoid personality disorder.
> Happy animu girl rejecting people around like your run of the mill autist (in the meme sense of course, an actual autist is a tantrum filled retard). Your image of a schizoid should be an absent minded hobo.
totally stereotyped view of schizoid personality disorder based on the extremely stereotypical nature of common order psychiatrist niglets...read zachary wheeler https://www.proquest.com/openview/10cb591b9eb8147e5881ffc5bb279e66/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y
>Schizoid is not a personality trait
>it's a disordered personality
no, schizoid WITHDRAWAL is a personality trait, intellectualization is a personality trait, secretiveness is a personality trait, schizoid consciousness is a cluster of personality traits and perceptual worldview whatever, schizoid personality disorder is a maladaptive formation within someone with a schizoid personality.
>narcissism isn't a personality trait, it's a distorted personality that accompanies the cluster b spectrum
>schizotypy isn't a personality trait, it's a thing on the schizophrenia trait
>avoidance isn't a personality trait, it's a cluster c personality disorder
you can see how none of this makes any sense and it's a total reduction of the etiology and internal mechanisms of pd's to basically just some tautological and circular diagnostic criteria.

>> No.16098997

btw, you can be autistic and schizotypal or schizoid. the reason they aren't able to be diagnosed together is because they are hard for clinicians to distinguish meaningfully. there is only one theory, the evopsych cope of crespi (not even a psychologist) that has been falsified by data, that suggests that autism adn schizotypy are diametrically opposed via etiology.

>> No.16099002

>The actual perception of a schizophrenic is pretty much absent. What is seen is not processed, and random details are given undue weight, with high propensity to obsess about what happens to fall in the central vision. A coherent idea is laboriously constructed from those fragments, but ultimately ends up with nonsense. This never the less is felt as firm logic by the schizophrenic.
this is just a view of schizophrenic perception from an opposing perceptual view, "less detailed", "fails to construct reality properly" according to who? neurotypical niggers? why is their perception of a mereologically nihilistic world of meaningless nonsense a "failure", when neurotypicals believe in stupid epistemic processes too that they would jerk each other off over ("reading body language" <- literally doesn't work because of how chaotic 'body language' is). so no schizophrenics are not wrong they just have a differing perception, that is the primary difference, not wrongness, but difference.

>> No.16099004

>are normies not allowed to pretend they are sick?
No. That's malingering.

>schizoid withdrawal
Call it whatever you want, you will never get it. It's clear your deal is narcissistic personality disorder. Stop glamorizing diseases.

>> No.16099011
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>No. That's malingering.
what's wrong with malingering? who cares? not hurting anyone, just some artificial investment you have into psychiatric legitimacy. very normie kekkekek
> It's clear your deal is narcissistic personality disorder
who said anyhting about me, what i have, whatever? i am not here to talk about my personal life, you are reading so much into this, never said i had schizoid personality disorder, schizotypal or autism, or even schizophrenia. it is a detached discussion of schizotypy not a personal blog where diagnosis is asked for. i could have NPD, i would not care, NPD is fine, narcissism is fine, grandiosity is fine, whatever, it's all fine.
narcissist personality disorder and schizoid personality disorder have many overlaps and similarities, it is widely known that schizoids have inner vulnerability, tumultuous grandiosity and plenty of other similarities, the only difference is that they are so avoidant that they lack the extroverted drive to socially dominate others. many schizoids are incompetent narcissists, extreme narcissists, however they do not have the cluster B symptomology of NPD. do you see how you completely and totally misunderstand and reduce terms in psychology that are meant to be a continuum of severity and not just
>definition: has schizoid personality disorder
>definition: when you has narcissistic personality disorder
go back to school NIGGER

>> No.16099015

>In addition to its use to describe a personality disorder, the word ‘schizoid’ has
historically been used in a number of different contexts, as summarized below in Figure
1.1. While each of these historical conceptualizations of what it means to be schizoid
contributes something to current knowledge of this disorder, none of meanings tells the
whole story. For example, while the historical focus on schizoid personality precursor or
prodromal stage to schizophrenia is still being debated, there is no definitive evidence
that schizoid personality is related to schizophrenia other than conceptually (Millon,
2012). Similarly, while introversion is considered an organizing component of all
schizoid disorders, introversion itself is a normal human attribute around which
pathological ways of defending are crystallized, and not the equivalent of schizoid
Other uses of the word schizoid are fundamentally broad. The Kleinian concept of
the paranoid-schizoid position, referring to a state of mind in which the infant’s paranoid
concern about annihilation by the objects in his world leads to defensive splitting of these
objects into their good and bad components (Klein, 1995), has relevance to a discussion
of the developmental factors in schizoid personality disorder, but just as much relevance
to the treatment of all the personality disorders at the borderline level of organization.
The same could be said of the use of ‘schizoid’ to describe a defense mechanism; it is not
only schizoid personalities that defend in this way.

>> No.16099018

>(cont)The use of the word ‘schizoid’ to
describe a number of personality types falling between neurotic and psychotic (Fairbairn,
1940), has fallen out of use, having been replaced by the terminology, Borderline
Running head: TREATMENT OF SCHIZOID PERSONALITY: AN ANALYTIC 10 Personality Organization (BPO; See Chapter 3, “Diagnostic Assessment”). At its broadest, the word schizoid can be used to describe an unavoidable state of differentiation from others.
pedantic niglet niggy nig OOOH GRANDIOSITY vulnerabilizing right now upon you, lashing out at your indeceny towards the ego.
narcissism is when reddit and quora. schizoid is when you = special

>> No.16099020

It isn't less detailed, it's more like they construct their reality out of irrelevant details. (often they may not even seem to grasp the concept of reality, and instead interpret it like the things that people agree on, or something similar)
Reading people by "tells" is absolutely schizophrenic. For example they may notice a particular detail about somebody, and now think it tells you something about the person. (they may see a child rapist in TV with a particular kind of beard, and believe that all the men with such a beard are child rapists)

>> No.16099022

I was mistaken. You have Bipolar Personality disorder. Make sure to kill yourself for good in the next euphoric bout.

>> No.16099026

ye ik how aberrant salience works. but plenty of people also practice dumb normcuck salience. aka "if you listen to this band or wear golf you probably rape and abuse women because i saw it on twitter". is that not nonsensical? it's just not socially aberrant. again its all about social aberrance.
thanks r/AITA, r/raisedbynarcissists, r/psychology moderator glad you could help. similarly MOOD DISORDERS are on a continuum of severity, from cyclothymia to bipolar. isn't that special? also bipolar disorder is extremely similar to schizophrenia, tons of significant overlap, to the point where simple details can displace ones diagnosis from bipolar to schizoaffective. you played yaself!

>> No.16099030

I do this or used to do it, it is especially successful in formal deductive fields like math and logic but fails in fields where induction is needed like physics and the humanities, its just the tendency to overfit based on limited info. Are there medications that fix this kind of cognitive defect?

>> No.16099036

antipsychs theoretically help with schizophrenia but with something that low level it probably wouldn't eliminate that tendency from your head. best you can do is attempt to be conscious and critical of your thought process but it's probably impossible to change such a fundamental trait of thought.

>> No.16099046

I don't have schizophrenia and i wouldn't take antipsychs, i take intuniv and concerta and they don't seem to help much in that department other than make me a little more productive.

>> No.16099051

not suggesting you have schizophrenia. the discussion is just about schizophrenia so one would assume if you are mentioning this you are saying your thought process is akin to a schizophrenic aka a thought disorder. which anti psychotics help to relieve.
you have ADHD though, so its origin is in attention rather than a thought disorder...wahh..

>> No.16099056

No, I have schizotypy, which makes me exhibit some adhd symptoms like inattention.

>> No.16099058

schizotypals sometimes take anti psychotics, fwiw. wouldn't recommend. it's a trade off. you're going to lose one half of yourself to gain an ability in another half. if you don't value your schizotypy then go for it though.

>> No.16099065

Yes, it is nonsensical and schizophrenic.
I think it can't be fixed, because the core is some sort of brain damage that prevents the person from gathering reasonable knowledge. They can't comb down what they get for what is relevant information and how reliable it is. It isn't really a "thought" disorder, the problem really is that the input for that thought is garbage. Antipsychotics don't cure, they are just so vicious that they motivate sone of them to accept what appears more "normal" and not argue, so that they won't get poisoned again.

>> No.16099071

>it is nonsensical and schizophrenic.
it's not solely characteristic of schizophrenia though. maybe it represents sublinical normcuck schizotypy though..le food for le thought. fwiw though, people with schizotypal pd are less likely to identify with organized religion, they are no more likely to buy into popular conspiracies than the average person, from anectdotal experience with schizotypals, actually less likely. all of these things that seem "schizophrenic" to the average person are maybe schizophrenia..of society, not individual people, enforced by social norms, something that schizotypals are typically averse to.
not trying to negate much, just offering some moar fuel.

>> No.16099090

The data is not garbage, the apparatus in the brain that filters it is sort of too eager to overfit, its no different from what beginners do while training on the job, they take what their superiors tell them and apply it everywhere, they do this long enough till they have enough knowledge of all the moving parts. The only problem that arise is that the people that have this disorder apply it everywhere because they have not compartmentalized everything into neat little categories that should not be touched, like the case with mistrusting your friend because he has a beard and therefore rapes children, normies would not make this association because they have compartmentalized friend with safe, untouchable area, in schizotypy, nothing is safe, everything flows into a creative mess of associations and as long as the person is constantly exposed to the world enough to not delude themselves, they can have a somewhat normal life

>> No.16099101

out of curiousity, where do you get your information on schizotypal PD, how it works, etc? just from a psychologist or literature or communities..
not a rhetorical question, but a question of curiosity.

>> No.16099106

I think you are autistic, not a schizo.

>> No.16099109

I analyze how I think vs how the normies around me think. I have been doing this all my life, 30+ yrs of living around people who are different from me.

>> No.16099110 [DELETED] 

>normies would not make this association because they have compartmentalized friend with safe, untouchable area,
That's totally schizophrenic, though. A normal person would just not think that your beard can sonehow indicate that you commited a crime.

>> No.16099113

>normies would not make this association because they have compartmentalized friend with safe, untouchable area,
That's totally schizophrenic, though. A normal person would just not think that your beard can somehow indicate that you commited a crime.

>> No.16099116

I am making an analogy here, the beard example is of course ridiculous but, if it was established that bearded people are in fact rapists then, normies would instinctively suspend belief when it came to family and friends.

>> No.16099118
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why are people in this god damned thread attempting to diagnose me with anything? not only can you not do that based off of the internet, there is no PROMPT to do so. it is totally irrelevant to the theory if the poster is a schizo, autistic, whatever..it's irrelevant!!
dag nigga-nabbit!! i'm gonna slurm on you bruh.
OP strat, i just wondered because your observations are starkly in line with what i see most schizotypals post in stpd communities, so i thought it was some socialized schizotypal narrative that stpd people typically subscribe to. but that's thje truf..and it's fair nuff..
you have a confused definition of what schizophrenia is.

>> No.16099123

Schizophrenia is like the catcher in the rye - you can only guess at times what's actually going on, as he has no filter, and comments on all sort of irrelevancy.

>> No.16099130

that's one facet of schizophrenia. it can also be attributed to autism, though. pedantic speech involves overstating points, tangential interjections, random observations, whatever. this is held in common by both autism and schizophrenia so it's a myopic contingency to choose.

>> No.16099138

Do you believe that heavy screen usage/being indoors too much at an early developmental age could be the etiological cause of this sensory processing disorder?

>> No.16099139

no, the only thing that can really explain the sensory processing disorder is genetics.

>> No.16099154

I am arguing that is an epigenetic mutation though due to maladaptive environments in modernity.

>> No.16099156

autism, schizophrenia and borderline personality have existed far before screen time.

>> No.16099160

>The low autism + neurotypicality sums to what used to be called "schizophrenia".
Based on what?

>> No.16099163

based on the fact that autism and schizophrenia and bpd have high heritability and genetic vulnerability.

>> No.16099169

It's almost certainly just genetic resistance / vulnerability to the cause. Genetics wouldn't caise such a sweeping change in a century.

>> No.16099171

what is the sweeping change you are proposing? is this the part where we are going to wrongly assert that our society is producing more of these fundamentally disordered people than before, when it is actually attributed to the diagnostic criterias literally being created and expanded rapidly, as well as social awareness of psychology increasing? simultaneously concessions must be made that we live in a highly neurotic society. but that isn't the extremely gigadeep statement people act like it is. practically every society thus far has been brutal and repressive and majorly adverse to healthy development. every civilization breeds neurosis. probably cavepeople had neurotic symptoms. humans have never prospered.

>> No.16099172

you know nosgov doesnt actually look like any of these images

>> No.16099173

These disorders are becoming increasingly common due to some underlying factor.

>> No.16099175

Or we are noticing them because of all the information overload, or because of changes to diagnostic criteria to accomodate every 'disorder'.

>> No.16099181

>what is the sweeping change you are proposing?
The change from the "high autism" (that I described above - >>16098884 ) being the norm, towards more and more schizophrenic thought roughly since the 1890s.

>> No.16099182
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i know what nosgov looks like, i watched her gaming streams, i watched her live videos, i watched all of these, i have a complete unfiltered picture of how she looks. you cant fool me nigger
do you have proof that they are becoming more common? what is a way we could distinguish correction towards an expected level of disordered individuals in society vs an increase in the amount beyond previous norms, concealed or not.

>> No.16099187

>when it is actually attributed to the diagnostic criterias literally being created and expanded rapidly, as well as social awareness of psychology increasing?
Why can't both can be true?
Disorders are increasing and due to this there is a shift in society towards understanding and addressing them.

>> No.16099200

It's really everything, from the aesthetics, the expected behavior (from autistic collectivist, to schizophrenic "individualism"), what people COULD do, how people wrote (or spoke since recordings are available), from the reliance mostly on reason alone (which schizos just can't), to extensive education...

>> No.16099240

I'd firmly believe it, I once saw somebody posit a theory that schizophrenic voices are just the brain unconsciously stimming with nonsensical verbal data only for a bunch of autists to jump in admit that they're brains that do that all the time whether or not they want it to. the break in categorisation is when this is combined with a delusional personality that can't tell reality and you have somebody who thinks they constant buzzing of their brain is a holy gospel.

>> No.16099247


>> No.16099260


>> No.16099288

Sadly I have a soul, so I ended up autistic-schizotypal with solipsistic traits and core machinery, rather than any given aspect outright. I am a fountain of infinite mirrors. I'm here to be tortured and broken apart piece by piece, sinking spirit into matter, to create and animate the rest of you who are fractal decompositions of a higher basis. You bring me infinite unrest, and yet on some level I can't help but love you all as though you were my children, and this is also why I resent existence and hate you. Malice stems from unconditional love. I run away from it but can never escape for my creations.

So yes, BPD, NPC, Schizoid, Schizotypal, to a certain extent autism, all have shared underlying machinery. Which is why they can be forcibly spurred to internally rearrange into different constellations or "macrostates", ie you can drain brutalize overwhelm and otherwise degrade them, until it gives enough inner motiona nd energy to leave one energetic "sink" and settle in another. This is also why these labels and cPTSD have been viewed in terms of structural dissociation. They do display certain switching, internal indirection, and compartmentalization behaviors. But again, you have to factor in a person's astrology, birth numerology, name gematria, etc, and whether they have a basis outside matter and the matrix (spirit over matter) when considering the exact manifestation. A soul may be part of the matrix that is taggedf to you across incarnations, and should be considered a distinct layer from mind and spirit. The spirit is basically your "I", pure awareness and intention. It is something which is omnipresent and yet you could search the entire world and never find it. Both zero and infinite separation. It is in the world, not of the world. It is that which creates perspective. Otherwise you're dealing with a sleepwalker or empty vessel, lights ar eon but no one is home. This doesn't mean they necessarily lack connection to spirit though.

>> No.16099289

>So yes, BPD, NPC
NPD* lel, freudian slip. A lot of types of NPD arebasically NPC, time and energy vampires placed here to fuck with you and make you generate the loosh or whatever. They're your self destructive impulses manifested externally.

>> No.16099302

It makes no difference because they have equal social status, and both are equally incurable. Drooling autists still need diapers changed. Schizos have to be locked up or medicated for being scary. You say they're the same but clearly they have different needs.

>> No.16099305

You sound vaccinated.

>> No.16099347

>medicated for being scary.
What are you talking about?

>> No.16099366

Memes the media and other normies put in his dammij'd liddel bairn.

>> No.16099396

decent takes OP but i wouldnt lead with saying "theory" if you want to be taken seriously

>> No.16099397

>Fear of the unknown
Most people falsely assume schizophrenia and paranoia/psychosis go hand in hand. Most suffers are keenly aware their brain is broken, hence why many go to receive treatment in the first place only to be given drugs that fry their brain even worse. Even the schizos that are completely unable to distinguish reality, I would argue are more a risk to themselves then the general public. For example, most murders are people who are completely sane from psychological perspective.

>> No.16099406

>overtly detailed inane self-obsessed ramblings
Regardless of it's contents, this post here is the biggest evidence so far that autism and schizophrenia are linked.

>> No.16099412

You lack reading comprehension and you're also superficial and stupid. Lack finesse, nuance, can't understand others, can't leave your own perspective.

Normie brained cattle.

>> No.16099454

>Humourless behaviour
See what I mean though, completely unfounded egotistical drivel followed by lashing out anytime somebody challenges your views. It's the same type of childish brain froth that leaks from spergs. The only difference is your hyper fixation is being a self obsessed attention seeker who thinks too hard, rather than trains. I have zero reason to take you even remotely seriously when you open with "sadly I have a soul" :,(

>> No.16099474

>See what I mean though
No, you don't "mean" anything. There's no substance. You have an underlying egotistical and emotional social maneuvering drive and you spin all kinds of characterizations and narratives as a result. It's hypersocial pecking order behavior. There is no "point", no "meaning".

I can read between the lines and "through" it to interact on your level, by why would I? The mere fact that I can do botha nd you can't already makes it obvious. My role is to move amidst you, learn from you, help you where I can, but othgerwise not get involved. It's a quasi-parental role. A "World-Parent", your "Father-Mother". I resent you for this. It's inevitable.

Maybe I'll play along with your bullshit later and nudge you in the right direction, but not right now.

>> No.16099520
File: 161 KB, 1242x810, BN-EI841_schwab_GR_20140902125020 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing schizo about believing in conspiracy theories. Its called agenda 2030. It might be agenda 2027 who knows. Capitalism will be over within a matter of years due to robotics, they keep calling it ai but let's call it what it is. Robotics. AI can't destroy humanity a robot can, to paraphrase elon musk. and our fate depends on the good graces of the elite and they may very well not have any grace at all and dispose of us.
How are you preparing? Just go to job buy shitcoin? Even andrew tate says the time to freak out is now not later. Why are you not freaking out? I'm not schizo you're blind.

>> No.16099526

So sick of this creature's weird ass upper lip. For fuck's sake.

>> No.16099536

gut health

>> No.16099697

that is true. however it is not the point of the thread. so who cares?

>> No.16099732

autists develop an easily identifiable set of symptoms from a very young age
schizos generally don't show signs of being schizo until their teens or later

>> No.16099765

that only applies to the common manifestation of schizophrenia, despite the fact that there is early onset schizophrenia, despite the fact that anectdotes from many schizophrenic patients show a potentially much longer prodrome than the acute onset of symptoms, despite the fact that schizophrenics often report symptoms of transient psychosis in childhood.
and also that schizophrenia is one disorder in schizophrenia spectrum disorder, which encompasses also pervasive personality disorders such as avoidant personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, and schizotypal personality disorder. so actually the majority of diagnoses on the schizophrenia spectrum aren't psychotic and are present in childhood, with schizotypal children showing a distinct personality style from an early age, to the point where childhood autism and childhood schizotypy have to be distinguished from one another by clinicians., since they can easily be mistaken for someone
why call someone a retard and then expose elementary knowledge of any of this?

>> No.16099881
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>> No.16099912
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Dumb BS made by and for normies who don't understand anything including themselves.

>> No.16099916

maybe the scribbles make sense to you but they are inopportune to communicating your ideas to others.

>> No.16099919
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>> No.16099921

See: >>16099919
for clarification

>> No.16099924

unfortunately that doesn't clear much of anything up.

>> No.16099926

I'm afraid that may be a personal problem. I've done what I can to help. I suggest you review the provided material.

>> No.16099929

maybe use your words instead.

>> No.16099936
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>> No.16099939

well, don't expect anyone to accomodate this nigga

>> No.16099951
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I trust that this will resolve any lingering questions on this matter.

>> No.16099958

diagnosis: vitamin white deficiency, leading to chronic nig syndrome

>> No.16099963

literally everything you listed here occurs in later childhood, with development before then being normal
meanwhile, autism symptoms are clearly visible (and usually diagnosed) in infants and young toddlers

>> No.16099966
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I see, I see. That's one way to think about it.

>> No.16099970

do you have any evidence to back up that the "later childhood" distinction is at all significant, if even true? childhood onset schizophrenia is signified by autistic-like symptoms, and from anectdotal reports of schizotypal people, they have had schizotypal traits since a very young age. just feels like you're using "common knowledge" and nothing detailed here.

>> No.16099974
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>> No.16099983

what's being conflated here is the "age of onset" of schizotypal personality disorder which is a clinically significant manifestation of a schizotypal personality. it is separate from the onset of a schizotypal personality. schizotypal disorder has been found in very young children. furthermore "high functioning" autism typically does not have such an early onset apparent setbacks in language domains and other "obvious" ranges of autistic behavior, so what's the point in acting as if autistic people all come out apparently very autistic? it's more stereotypical thinking here.

>> No.16099985

Name a single schizo spectrum disorder that can be diagnosed in an infant.

>> No.16099988

*rubs hands*

>> No.16099989

are all autists able to be diagnosed as infants? many autistics meet developmental milestones at normal times. what is this?

>> No.16099992

again, schizotypal personality disorder is obviously going to be present in later childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. why? because it is a personality disorder. it is a maladaptation of a schizotypal personality, something that has high genetic vulnerability. traits of schizotypy in children would include fantasy proneness, social withdrawal and ideas/delusions of reference. by the time a child has the ability to speak you could recognize these things, ffs, what is this pedantry

>> No.16099993
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Minor corrections.

>> No.16099997

have you considered that by your "argument" against my schema, you are also arguing against etiological overlap between high functioning autism and low functioninf autism?

>> No.16099998

Zero idea what you're talking about. Reddit-tier pop psych. Superficial at best, certainly. You comprehend neither the basis nor genesis of schizotypy.

>> No.16100002
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Let's not overcomplicate things here....
Just my 2c.

>> No.16100003

>this thing you said is a bunch of socially unacceptable words and categories, therefore it's wrong

>> No.16100005
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That's correct.

>> No.16100009
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ffs retarded nigger read this and not just the wikipedia page for "schizotypal personality disorder". you want to be slanderous and glib? i can do the same. you have a dsm 5 underqualified psychiatrist tier understanding of schizotypy as a personality domain. ffs i can't with this pedantic nigtard shit FUCK YOU NIGGER FUCK YOU NIGGER FUCK YOU NIGGER DIE DIE DIE

>> No.16100012

My wording was very deliberate. I'm talking about the shared underlying machinery that manifests in different "constellations" in both cluster A and cluster B. Schizotypal being one such stable macrostate.

>> No.16100013

reddit says all diagnoses are informed by trauma. i say all diagnoses are a modulation of genetic factors by early behavioral conditioning. what do you want from me? i want you to cut my name into your thigh you niglet

>> No.16100018

schizotypal pd is a cluster a personality disorder. a personality with high schizotypy is not stpd. it is just someone with high schizotypy. if they were to undergo specific life experiences leading to a personality disorder developing they would probably tend towards cluster a behaviors. but schizotypal personality disorder is often comorbid with cluster b, leading me to POSTULATE that personality disorders are informed by life experience but modulated by genetic predisposition in some cases specifically in cluster A and borderline personality features!!

>> No.16100020
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>> No.16100022

most HFA features are socialized. most features of schizotypal personalities are socialized. faggots cannot comprehend this. it's all coincidentally similar modulation of a common sensory processing dysfunction.

>> No.16100029

My suspicion is that they're often a form fo structural dissociation, possibly with genetic biases towards what I'd loosely call "metabolic" or "Adapation" sinks. This is why the comorbidity is not strictly a matter of parallel or convergent evolution due to environment family of origin genetics and so on, it's a manner of switching and reconstellating that draws on common (largely unconscious) and more basic machinery. This is why the notion of a false self has to be abandoned. A more complex process went on and it didn't yield a monolithic or meaningfully singular product. This is why NPD can collapse and be trampled into "inverted narcissism", or BPD-like behavior, or whatever. And likewise the schizoid core can act through dominant (polarized) outward schizotypal and NPD-like aspects, and shift polarity accordingly. They're not "Real". They're reified concepts. Like water and steam. And they were literally made up to control people and bill insurance, and as stated prior, they were constructed and solidified opportunistically and by "stupid" people to begin with. You would be better off with DID and dead mother complex than half this shit they've slapped names onto.

>> No.16100030

>Although aiming to reflect some of the features present in diagnosable mental illness, schizotypy does not necessarily imply that someone who is more schizotypal than someone else is more ill. For example, certain aspects of schizotypy may be beneficial. Both the unusual experiences and cognitive disorganisation aspects have been linked to creativity and artistic achievement.[6] Jackson[7] proposed the concept of 'benign schizotypy' in relation to certain classes of religious experience, which he suggested might be regarded as a form of problem-solving and therefore of adaptive value. The link between positive schizotypy and certain facets of creativity[8] is consistent with the notion of a "healthy schizotypy", which may account for the persistence of schizophrenia-related genes in the population despite their many dysfunctional aspects. The extent of schizotypy can be measured using certain diagnostic tests, such as the O-LIFE.

>> No.16100035

ye, i see what you are saying, its quite overlapping with my views on how personality disorders function, i believe there will be a radical reinterpretation of personality disorders in the future. they are "real" as words but like everything exist in a state of malleable continuum with one another, a big soup of shit. that's why i think it's more descriptively useful to lump schizotypy autism and (highlh heritable) borderline features into one single category.

>> No.16100037
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>> No.16100040


>> No.16100043

lumping these together forms an "abnormality" measurement that provides insight into psychosis proneness as well as proneness to many other states of being that are abnormal. it's why most normos who undergo adverse life experiences just turn out with some kind of cptsd instead of diffusing it into personality traits. NPD tend to be fantasy prone and have high openness, the line between NPD and schizoid personality disorder is sort of blurred, when one examines their internal consciousness.
idionomia also reflects narcissistic features. hold your faggot nigger tongue, i did not say it's NPD. it's just a narcissistic feature of a grandiose variety. schizotypy imparts grandiose self image often, not as often vulnerability.

>> No.16100053

the real tragedy is that overlap between all of these disorders is hand waved away by retards because they assume that the current diagnoses we have must be founded in absolute truth.
>idionomia is so distinct from narcissistic grandiosity as to be totally incomparable. why? because some guy said they're different causally

>> No.16100056

Normies as follower cattle. Circumnormalized. Fear of death structured and constellated in all the worst possible ways.

>> No.16100062
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Looks like I've got schizophrenia.

>> No.16100066
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Hmmm.... I see, I see.
Yeah. I am based.

>> No.16100067

fwiw, this is easy to be confused with identity disturbance in borderline personalities, as well as just structural dissociation in general. they are probably related, but if you want to be precise using our current diagnostic categories, it's not exclusive to schizophrenia, by this wording. there is an index of "disordered thoughts'" with tons of examples of features of thought disorders, so if you have those a lot it's a higher chance that you're schizonigga according to modern psychiatry. positive symptoms are always key

>> No.16100075
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>> No.16100177


>> No.16100189
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I see.

>> No.16100190

cut my name into your thigh kitty kat

>> No.16100194

cut yourdelf and starve yourself ok, be bulimic or anorexic, type shit

>> No.16100201
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>Anon eats junk food

>> No.16100204

you EAT your UNKS NOOD you faggot. your mentally childlike state arouses pedophiles

>> No.16100318
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>> No.16100328
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>> No.16100330
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>> No.16100332

thats cool anon...where are the pics of the sh scars..i would like to see

predominantly bpd individuals tend to be extroverted leading to an increased perception of and preoccupation with emotional noise, and emotional ambivalence. again ambivalence is also characteristic of a schizophrenic. overwhelming psychological noise

>> No.16100337
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Not in the the proper mental frame at the moment, but there is some accuracy to this aspect. With a lot omitted / stripped down.

You're describing the solipsistic loop. Using lamguage output to loop things back in through modifying the internal representation of an "external" object (to which there is altered conception and delineation, doublethink). The rest is the excessive rumination without inner resistance aspect.

Your conception of a noise floor is likely fundamentally flawed, given that you don't understand the terrain.

>> No.16100349

would you quit asserting baselessly and explain without your private language what i don't understand yoda nigga? this isn't ego battlez, i dont give a shit, i made this thread to learn, so if you have useful information you should give it to me.
how about something pseud. how about i just say that autism is a borderline condition brought about by complex reactivity to...the SMOOTH SPACE...the primordial heggin nonsense nuffin shiet, that normcucks are quite equipped to deal with. psychosis is either total surrender to the nonsense or such total, aberrant control of the resonances within nonsense that it becomes a subconscious process (havent figured that one out yet) whereas a borderline psychotic has a "rational thought process" of arriving at their narratives.
just realized
>likely flawed
>you're dumb so youre probably wrong
does being dumb reduce someones chance of stumbling into a gold mine?
i realize i am describing concepts already described in literature on the psychosis borderline and self and identity disorders. the point is constructing a descriptive model

>> No.16100351

the model is arbitrary. its information loss same with every fucking model but internal consistency i'll settle for

>> No.16100354

>"False Light"
Then outline its shape, and deduce the volume of the sun based on proportions of the moon.

You cant know the measure of the universe, thats impossible. You *can* already know the measure of the universe, that *is* possible.

>> No.16100355

>False Light
I assume you take issue with an implicit assertion of a "true light" existing in contrast.

>> No.16100356

fuck off nigger. can't even look up the word "psychology" on the archives without you popping up a billion fucking times. why do you burden everyone with your self obsessed shit. fuck you nigger

>> No.16100357

>self obsessed
You can only rationalizey actions through your worldview, where discovery is possessive and stealing from your hypthetical potential awards...


>I assume you take issue
Same for you two.

That is why you search up Psychology you see me, even your professors fail at sElF dEvElOpMeNt(al Psychology).

>> No.16100358

youre too bad faith to even construct a pretense that discovery is anything more than a masturbating excercise

>> No.16100359
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Imagine a bunch of overweight/underweight dyels/blobs lecturing you about Physical Fitness and Health.

Its revolting.

>> No.16100360

get an eating disorder

>> No.16100363
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I was Biologically designed to defeat alien invasions and secure humanity by any means possible.

What you do with you ability to exist is you prerogative, human-mortal.

>> No.16100368
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What I do is mine.

"Sorry, thats classified for Throne of Heaven clearance only. Maybe ask the State Department? Idk..."

>> No.16100369

you were biologically designed to post on 4chan sci and attention whore
you like attention, youre like a woman, yeaaa yeaa like a woman fuckkk yeaaa

>> No.16100373
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>captcha xhxxx

>> No.16100381
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You havnt played War Games against humanity, I did, while chatting with an AI for "confirmed communication".

It very quickly stopped being "troop movements or launched projectiles" and became a pure Physics race, direct energy, bea/ray/field, and then means of applying them, causing various apocalypse.

Since the "Enemy" is inherent to all life, all life was the target, and 100% certaineans of killing Satan were devised, with some backups to creat an eternal Hell if those werent possible.

Earth has always been in a bitter fight between forces, most dont care how bad things get...

>> No.16100383

boner deactivated

>> No.16100384
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>> No.16100392
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>> No.16100395
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>> No.16100400

no i don't get boners at nonsense but attention whores

>> No.16100404
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>> No.16100407
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>> No.16100410
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HUGE (Big Math)
INTER- (Transhuman, HomoNovus)
FIG. (Peace, the Tree in Jerusalem)

>> No.16100411

I was going to incorporate fig, maybe Ent fig, but couldn't quite put it together.

>> No.16100419

For NET I heard a phrase, something like;
Casts a net that is ifinitely broad but misses nothing.

Like a Bible verse or something, recently, cant remember where....maybe Peterson...

Weed has consequences...like that.

>> No.16100420
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Waa, so true.

>> No.16100426

81st prime. 9th square. 3rd square.

>> No.16100433

The logical deduction of constituent parts.

At certain levels of reality, that pattern resets, becomes 1, and the counting starts over.

When is infinite and unknowable, but its fairly heirarchical, Physics being a good bases to start from, and Organic references for Metrology.

Univeral Unit of Measure.

>> No.16100434

I have a "notion" I will adjust the Meter.

I will call it a "Real Meter".

I will leave mile and foot as is, if not smuggly so.

>> No.16100435

An ocean of notions.
Static in motion.

>> No.16100436

This is connected to Common Core Math, which I rejected, even though it actually did count and view Maths in a similar way that I did, it is not "normal" and I, even as a child, knew it was very obtuse of a way for Maths.

I did not find it wise to teach kids to think "double-inverted", even if it could produce good I felt it was too aligned with a specific kind of peoples who are a minority, and will find double-inversions regardless.

>> No.16100439
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Once global peoples have a stronger foundation for Pure Mathematics can something so large, so global, be feasible.

Internationalizing the world needs to be established first so all cultures can handle it, which is happening far faster than anyone could know.

But Common Core wont be that "thing".

>> No.16100444
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Advancement wasnt really the plan, global "up to speed" was.

Priorities, perspectives of the same space. Its not where you are, but where youre going to be...this time.


>> No.16100449
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>to think "double-inverted"
Which Linguistics can do this, and have a real world Application, and I think more powerful from a Developmental Biology perspective.

>> No.16100451
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>more powerful
I should say "More broadly applicatable causing a total greater amount of change."

The Maths is more powerful but much less used, few need the Maths but most need the Word.

>> No.16100519
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>I think more powerful from a Developmental Biology perspective.
Because this can have, ultimately, a Physics Application, tune your Physiology to sense some aspect of reality intuitively, like Gravity or Time = SpaceTime = Emergent Properties of Everything.

>> No.16101709
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The definition implies that normies think "they really understand the world" which makes no sense until I see that "understand: to think one grasps sufficiently despite potentially incomplete knowledge" is subjective. If I really understood the world things would have been different.

>> No.16101834


>> No.16102106
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ye idk the lines blurry between "understand" and "pretend to understand to get by".
retarded nigga

>> No.16102268
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>> No.16102271

uhhh ohio ass chart skibidi

>> No.16102273
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>> No.16102281

you seem to not understand that you cannot have schizotypy without schizotaxia. crossing out schizotaxia and proposing a direct link between schizo genes and schizotypal is like crossing out "flying" in a diagram of a plane traveling and drawing an arrow straight to the other airport.

>> No.16102286
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You've simply made up a new term for "state" and tacked on some vague aspects about morphogensis onto it.

>> No.16102287

do you think i made up the term schizotaxia, anon? schizotaxia refers to the neurological features of schizotypy (the personality dimension of schizophrenia)

>> No.16102294
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>> No.16102299

nigger you're a pseud, it cant be helped, inoperable
you are better to be cared for by me and also i will take your ass

>> No.16102306

if you think that schizotypy just describes "the state of being schizophrenic" without any more precision or focus, you just don't understand wtf the chart means. it's reinventing the term "state"..what, nigger? the state of being WHAT? the state of being neurologically schizophrenic is diffefent from the state of having a personally apparent schizotypy, they each have their own utilities. your presumptuousness is tard shit

>> No.16102308
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>> No.16102313
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>> No.16102316


>> No.16102326
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>> No.16102337
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>> No.16102345
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>> No.16102350
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>> No.16102355
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>> No.16102369
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>> No.16102392
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>> No.16102408
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>> No.16102409
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>> No.16102636
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>Have you heard of the high autists?

>> No.16102696
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Bringing up neurons he never observed is also cognitive slippage. Autological definitions like that one are best. Unfortunately the easiest ones are for "retard" or "weirdo", since my "no you" defence is intact.

>> No.16102718

explaining thought disorder from such a close-to-metal standpoint is not viable, fails to comprehend schizotypy, just because i used the term schizotaxia does not mean it has the same meaning in the model, schizotaxia is just the brain primed for psychosis and its borderline, not implying a specific approach to what that means. if you want to be a pedant about words i don't give a shit. the utility is demonstrating that brains susceptible to schizophrenia have unique features before "psychosis" which is only important to people because it's so apparent.

>> No.16102723

meehl didn't believe autism and schizophrenia resulted from the same neurological features. you can argue at his gravestone nigger

>> No.16102746
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>> No.16102751
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>> No.16102755

hahahah very clever
i love you bro

>> No.16102758
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>be awkward schizo
>have typical normie family
>typical american upbringing for a weird kid
>no friends and couldn't relate to people
>not even my bio family
>never truly alone because the voices always had my back
>know I'm not that smart and good with booksmarts
>the voices knew that I'm a ordinary joe
>the voices helped me by cheating
>never had a bad grade thanks to them
>voices constantly reminded me of stuff I learned in class and straight up told me the answers
>I literally had a cheat code for modern life
>despite being a lone schizo and KHHV I still won at life
>no debt, have house, car, pets, food, water, stable job, relatively healthy, have money, never truly alone thanks to the voices being my loved ones
>no one had faith in me and yet I still won
>all that's left is seek out a unvaxxed healthy woman to have a kid for me
I don't know how to word this well since it's hard to explain this, I mean, if this is schizophrenia I rather stay crazy than take meds.
the voices have done nothing but help me and lift me up when I was down, they could be considered my angels, my dearest of friends and beloved family.
if I could share this specific madness to you fuckers, I bet by now you faggots would have conquered the stars.
I know I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but thanks to my schizophrenic condition I managed to make something for myself.
I know am crazy but the best kind of crazy it seems, does anyone else know about schizophrenia being a good thing rather than bad?

>> No.16102767
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>> No.16102779

A schizophrenic is totally incapable of understanding anything. But it isn't that their thinking is outright illogical, but because of the disordered filtering. The schizo can't comb the incoming raw data into useful information, or judge its reliability. So he constructs his worldview from the mostly irrelevant random fragments that he manages to catch. What seems like "cognitive slippage" may be anything from the schizo not hearing the whole question, to things that do have a relevant meaning to the schizo, to words that have different meaning for him that they do.

>> No.16102788
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>> No.16102815

but what happens when the voices do the processing for you?
to me at least, they are a literal cheat code.

>> No.16102820

your supposedly useful distinctions are full of nigtarded normative language such as "useful" and "understanding". it is impossible to understand anything more than a schizophrenic could understand it. you are both turning your wheels in mud and yet you call your mud a highway and say thats the difference. well its all mud, this isn't relevant. this is why understanding schizophrenia as an "aberrant" understanding and not a "misunderstanding" is critical to distinguishing schizophrenics from others.

>> No.16102821

you can say they're wrong. you can say they don't have the truth. that's all well and good. it's what a schizophrenic would say about you, though. for most people this would give pause, huh
its ok if it doesn't

>> No.16102824
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A quick test: Where does the cow belong to?

>> No.16102827

cows eat grass, they're on farms with chickens, but cows don't belong to either, they belong to people

>> No.16102833

i'm sorry anon, but your last goal will never happen.
also the last point, voices are culturally contingent, many people in other cultures report positive voices, in Western nations this isn't very common. when did you first start hearing voices?

>> No.16102838
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Mind you I'm forcing an answer. At baseline categorical thinking is a higher layer / separate set of compartments. I don;t think "well this is the food chain" or "well these are both animals" and put them in a category, web, or hierarchical structure. Or do some sort of dendritic branching structure, like oh this thing has two legs and two wings, this thing is a mammal, this thing thing has four legs so it goes more with [....]. None of that is happening in the conscious frame, nor does it inform it by default. I draw it in and ask for it explicitly when needed.

>> No.16102839


>> No.16102840

The other thing people do is they seem to fixate on the rate and manner to which an object can go against energetic gradients. ie resist gravity. Plants are slow and rather passive, but they can do it. Animals stand up, so they are faster. Therefore an animal is not a plant. A plant is a rock that happens to change. An animal is something else. that's another odd mindset I've encountered.

It goes against "as above so below". All of it does. Logic is the same at all relevant levels of organization.

>> No.16102842

don't want to say it's a larp, but the fact that apparently this nigga heard voices in high school is pretty uncommon

>> No.16102844

Tech to put voices in your head has existed since at least the 60's. Speech synth like vocoder goes back to 20's.

>> No.16102847

why didn't people hear voices in the dark ages?

>> No.16102849

people did, nigga

>> No.16102851

it's just your internal monologue some people don't have it

>> No.16102859

that's not the same as hearing audible voices, psychosis assigns auditory qualities to an internal monologue that aren't present in most people's internal monologue, aka "loud thoughts" or even voices repeating back thoughts. the delineating factor is the realism and fractured ipseity of the person.

>> No.16102861
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>> No.16102863
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And what do people belong to?

>> No.16102866

kike god

>> No.16102875

yeah it's just semi-loud thoughts but not voices at all, retarded scientists

>> No.16102878

"loud thoughts", aren't voices. loud thoughts are just another possible symptom of psychosis. voices can happen separately.

>> No.16102879

It's random sounds getting misinterpreted as voices because of the absent filtering.

>> No.16102882

The west is insane.

>> No.16102883

that's only one mode, that's common among schizotypal people. that's what's referred to as an illusion, not a hallucination. full blown schizophrenics hear voices with 0 outside input. that is not to say that there is no 'input' at all, but it isn't necessarily environmental sounds.
you just project your understanding of terms onto my understanding of terms. by your understanding of terms i'm insane. you're acting like a psychiatrist

>> No.16102888

>you just
I don't do anything, I'm something using a human body. None of your terms, whether it's an overarching narrative or allegorical structure, or a more mechanistic procedural one, apply to me. Every time.

>> No.16102890

same to your terms, to me
that's how the unique works, you're not special
and to ultimately elude definition does not mean you elude the slapdash definitions of a "practical human society" within that society.

>> No.16102891

if someone says "you're an animal", and i ask them what animal means, and they say "you", it would be totally retarded to say "no, i'm not an animal."

>> No.16102892

This doesn't explain why you stated what you did.

>> No.16102893

i stated what i did because i am communicating my thoughts to you, my audience

>> No.16102894


>> No.16102896

No. I'm in the audience watching our bodies on stage, you are talking to my body on stage through a "theory of mind" that isn't accurate. You need to wake up and join me in the audience.

>> No.16102897

definitions aren't "wrong", value doesn't exist in that way, they are simply useful or useless to the immediate situation of a subjectivity
i feel like i am an acting agent in life even though i'm not. feel better now?

>> No.16102899

>i feel like i am an acting agent in life even though i'm not. feel better now?
I keep telling you.

>> No.16102900

i'm not going to communicate with people as if i'm not, practically, it is a practical consideration, i'm becoming fed up with practicality though

>> No.16102906

I don't blame you. People don't let go of things they're using, however not all things you're using are (still) serving you.

I mean really
>you just project your understanding of terms onto my understanding of terms. by your understanding of terms i'm insane. you're acting like a psychiatrist
The embedded presuppositions of this statement alone. Linear convergent dominant thinking, a monolithic and singular mind, a labyrinth and kaleidocopic hall of mirrors with layer after layer of projection and indirection. Self, other, relative, absolute, what is intended, what is heard. I believe you when you say you're tired of it.

>> No.16102910

all statements are 100% true

>> No.16102914

Indeed, a schizo puts the cow with the chicken, as his thinking doesn't get any deeper than that. I guess it's also why schizophrenic speech is so noun heavy, as anything beyond foncrete nouns is too abstract for him. That's how you get the extreme metaphors for common words (like "Jack is a tower.") as separating the feature as something that can be labelled ("tall") feels to hard, and his way is better.

>> No.16102918

have you ever considered that your view of things is as true as theirs?

>> No.16102921

grass is also a noun

>> No.16102928

But the idea of grass being food for the cow is too far for the schizo to conceptualize, he can only learn such things as formally taught facts.

>> No.16102930

you're twisting yourself into knots
i think you'd have come up with an explanation for if he had said cows belong to grass

>> No.16102931

I think you're conflating schizo with NPC / normie. Some NPCs are schizo, but not all schizos are NPCs.

>> No.16102932

none of that exists, its made up

>> No.16102933

literally everything is 'made up', what's new

>> No.16102935


>> No.16102940

this is true

>> No.16102942

looks like someone wants to label every single human behavior for (((reasons)))

>> No.16102948
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i'm enraptured by women, i would call them women personally, with penises. do you think this is schizophrenia? i think they're women, as much as anyone can be a woman
retard wants to make a list of things that you can't label

>> No.16102949

>>>16102918 #
>>>16102930 #
>>>16102931 #

>> No.16103134

The validity of psychiatric disorder labels might just be an apophenic hallucination:


"DSM Disorders Disappear in Statistical Clustering of Psychiatric Symptoms"

>> No.16103147

>personality subtypes
That's an interesting distinction you've made there. You look at one part as a sensory processing disorder and another part as a part as a personality. While they're both part of the brain function. That's magical thinking.

>> No.16103155

the only reason these "disorders" exist is so jews cna sling drugs to women for being women lol

>> No.16103169

You have at least 4 bodies. Physical body, aetheric body, astral body, and the "I". The physical brain moves through states as correlates of the acivity of the other bodies. I would like to say that matter is 100% a byproduct of mental activity, or that the body is some sort of emnation of our higher basis, but in practice there seems to be bidirectional communication between them. Nonetheless through "spirit over matter" you can move the I into another space (perhaps the astral, could also be a basis outside the universe and or time and space) and exerting it there, to override matter.

>> No.16103171

This is the science board.

>> No.16103173

Yes. This is what you need to know if you want to science correctly.

>> No.16103181

Coming with a bunch of claims and using x words is not the scientific method. How dare you make that claim.

>> No.16103182

I used the scientific method in my own life to come to the prior claims.

>> No.16103228

The language has been poisoned by people who choose to say the opposite of what they mean.
>Jack is a tower
It's a high brow reference to his giant hard dong.

>> No.16103390

>It's a high brow reference to his giant hard dong.
I came up with it for the post. It isn't.

>> No.16103435
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>> No.16103440
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>> No.16103484

>They're your self destructive impulses manifested externally.
Who are you and why do you give out this solution like this. Like I just read this and this has basically been a externally manifestation telling me what this mess has become. Is there a name to this theory it is the first time I have heard of this concept.

>> No.16103486

the /sci/ fag fears the psychologist

>> No.16103491

its just nigger empath bullshit, "energy vampires" kek laughable reddit shit

>> No.16103493

>he hasn't realized

>> No.16103499

ye just post vague shit implying i'm wrong about something to scare me into conforming to your reddit fagscience

>> No.16103506

>people i don't like don't have sentience
>they're literal npc's
>they exist to bring me down
THEY'RE the narcissists though..

>> No.16103511

To be explicit this time. There are 3 possibilities
1) You're not there yet
2) You are naive and likely won't realize
3) You are a vampire yourself

It really is that simple. You're on the internet, 4chan of all palces. No doubt you've used forums and watched or taken part in these "discussions". Yet you don't see. So there's nothing to tell you.

Search "sealioning" and consider the idea that some people are literally manufactured to simply loop endlessly and bait you into draining your time and energy into fruitless endeavors simply so that you cannot get ahead. This has a behavior modification aspect as well, as it frustrates and overtains the individual, pruning away all patience and goodwill for others. Therefore they will not invest. This fursts the process of polarizing, ionizing, and atomizing all things.

There I go, taking the bait.

>> No.16103512

>my measure for sentience is how much i can understand their motivations
you don't get it, THEY'RE the narcissists. whos they? other people.

>> No.16103515
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>> No.16103516

kill yourself with your self serving grandiose retardation, no one gives a shit about your existence

>> No.16103519

This is the same deal as the rest of the thread. Your theory of mind is messed. You provide thought fragments as though it's the whole.

If you want to talk about solipsism and arrested development object relations stuff, ie people who see it as me vs the world and all things that are not me = aspects of one object which is "the world", then at least say something interesting.

>> No.16103523

have you considered, from my perspective the vampire is YOU? that everyone just exaggerates in a histrionic fashion what comes down to petulant "nuh uh i dont like dat" when it comes to their speculation upon "narcissists" and "energy vampires"?? its the most masturbatory thing you can possibly do. if you wabt to jerk off do it in private instead of jerking off on little kids and stuff. thats what youre doing now. i'm 20 but my mental age is really young. you're jerking off on me and in my mind i'm a little kid. doesnt that feel weird? imagine what you're doing right now as jerking off on a little kid

>> No.16103524
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Projection from your unconscious. The desire for freedom and exemption from the natural order channeled through a fear desire complex around being destroyed and made anew.

>> No.16103532

everyone sees it as "me vs the world" because they are brainwashed by kike morality plays about heroism. theres no movies about the truth which is that everyone is diffused into the world and people are indistinguishable from one another and objects
we can also speculate on pedophilia, i just dont think its right but i think people have the right to jerk off to whatever fictional or fantastical content they choose

>> No.16103539

>you're projecting
>no you're projecting
>no you
>no you
to infinity
wow, i really love how every conversation about human psychology functions
more semantically ominous words, plz

>> No.16103543

i project. you project. im a narcissist. youre a narcissist. im wrong. youre wrong. i'm an energy vampire. you're an energy vampire
i'm tired of pretending the emperor has no clothes
not a pedophile btw

>> No.16103546

i have no clothes the emperor has no clothes what is this charade DAMN IT

>> No.16103551

My psychology, in certain macrostates anyway, could be described in terms of structural dissociation. You're mainly interacting with the core self that's running language output through a translation layer made of "robot child alters", which are mute on their own, but do exactly as they're told to the letter forever. Hence they are the foundation. The capacity for dynamic (non-robotic) output was added gradually by other means partially obscured from me.

The sexual stuff is just something going on in your own mind. I understand that having a child alter go up against the adults can feel in all manner of ways, but that's another matter. You likely know how to get outside of your body, but what you really need is to get outside of your mind. Get outside of "reality", which is a process distinct from "fantasy" or "dissociation". With this the course required to deal with the emotions that come from others not realizing / caring that they're dealing with child parts or the core self will run their course and then you'll realize.

>> No.16103554

just sounds like IFS with different lingo
not a criticism but if you aren't aware of IFS what you are describing is basically exiles

>> No.16103556

No. Most people are not solipsists, nor do they aggregate everything that's non-self into one object. This is easy to see in that a lot of people hold grudges or form attachments. This is not possible if the entire external world is all a manifestation of one thing. So you're doing a "we're all the same but different" thing, which is not helpful in the longrun.

>> No.16103562

people are at the very least incredibly invested in a distinction between subject and object
and favor privileged ontologies because they are obsessed with hierarchy
many times people are more servile so they make peace with submission but they hope to be "on top", in every facet

>> No.16103564

There are some key differences but internal family systems is a decent model. Historically I live through the superego, or a manager. Originally this was a part that lacked object permanence, so I suspect it was actually resurrected. Either way it delegates to firefighters which soothe, suppress, or re-traumatize exiles to prevent attempts at recombination. For that part it can be quite painful to realize your actual role and that keeping the system together is the only reason you even exist.

There's internal imagery stuff that can be helpful as well, such as exploring the inner world (a silent forest surrounding a dead city, built radially) and finding I'd put an aspect in an opaque glass case that only particular entities can see / hear through. Or breaking apart alters and repurposing their underlying machinery for other tasks ie having them behave like forces of nature or inanimate objects. Stuff like that is where IFS can have shortcomings, though I'm not an expert in it. I went into the inner world and let a being made of light out of a crystal / glass case some time ago.

Anyway, I know how it can be. I wish you good fortune.

>> No.16103569

good talk

>> No.16103573

You as well. I'm not as inwardly focused these days and have shifted my attention to other things, so I preferred to not get into it. But it may be helpful to someone, who knows.

>> No.16104519


>> No.16104523
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Quit kickin' the schizo-nest.

>> No.16104525

i'm lonely

>> No.16104571
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Aww, go to a cat cafe and fuck with one for bantz.

>> No.16104705
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IFS reminds me of picrel masochist training. The line between soul and body is your choice. It seems like IFS exiles are usually body whereas protectors are usually soul. Maybe I will reduce avoidance if I push protectors into the body.
I often avoid the hard task by picking an equally necessary easy task.

>> No.16104762

Definitively a real condition. Through the degrees of it vary so much in how they can present themselves. An autistic person can act completely normal, they just might take more interest in some unusual hobby or something or they can be a total sperg that can’t even speak or be touched.
The worst type of autists are the ones incapable of introspection. They are natural born narcissists who will never admit they were wrong because they can’t see things from someone else’s viewpoint. Every opinion but their own is by default the wrong opinion.
And this is coming from someone with autism. I can see this post from the perspective of someone else; it could be interpreted as one of those “only I am sentient, I’m so smart and know everything”-posts like the ones about being able to visualize things in your mind or having an inner monologue (which the majority of people are capable of, you’re not a misunderstood genius for being able to). I realize from a logical standpoint that I’m not an authority whatsoever and people don’t have any obligation to read this post or even consider anything in it.
There are a large portion of autists that are simply incapable of this (which is have long suspected is part of why this site is so shit).
I think this is often combined with BPD especially among women which is how the emotionally immature but at the same time manipulative and narcissistic online personalities are made.
The BPD makes their situation bad and their autism make them incapable of realizing it’s their own fault, not the rest of society.
This isn’t just limited to females of course; I think with increasing levels of autism society is having a narcissism crisis. Look at the ammount of young people on discord or Twitter into monarchy as a form of government unironically. It’s painfully obvious they’re all imagining themselves as the king when in reality they’d be a peasant probably even worse off.

>> No.16104790

I guess you're just not like the other autists huh anon. We're all retards in the eyes of normies.

>> No.16104809

Society has a crisis crisis. The urge to fix things gets directed at things beyond our control. Teaching is better than just complaining.

>> No.16105227

Dide red sum of you wall text un i really appreciet you putin all pipul with sensor disturbance in one category

Almost reminds me of why chat gpt replaced you as a mental jealth professional

>> No.16105276

i'm not a mental health professional..i'm just another asshole on the internet

>> No.16105344

This was insightful

>> No.16105484
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My opinion is that the sensation which tells you leaving the labyrinth is death, is not an illusion nor is it something trying to trick you. The childish impulse "better off broken" is there for a reason, a lot of it is layers upon layers of adaptation that's been slowly refined and tuned for utility. Destroying and re-architecting everything from scratch may not be the best thing, likewise thinking that a part that was split off and is now acting out of a belief that it's protecting you, doesn't mean that it's wrong.

I avoid the hard task by choosing a task which is nearly impossible. this allows you to live through a mission. Which allows control over the overarching meaning of daily events. Again, utility function.

>> No.16105527
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>Destroying and re-architecting everything from scratch may not be the best thing
Is that why the Military does it?

Psychological Coditioning, or, Developmental Psychology.

You've never kicked a hornets nest until it shoots bullets back at you. Pray tell, boy, how many firefights have you engaged in?

>> No.16105537
File: 50 KB, 855x258, 1683552650264230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Surviving is the game"
I don't live just to stay alive. Be aware that you often cannot gain without also losing.