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16099213 No.16099213 [Reply] [Original]

Is it natural to be homophobic? From an evolutionary standpoint it's not advantageous to be gay because you can't reproduce, so there wouldn't be any benefit in associating with gay people. That would also explain why most people are naturally disgusted by trannies since cutting your dick off essentially takes you out of the gene pool.

>> No.16099259

There is advantage for the alpha who no longer has to compete with those males. And here we see that gays are propagated by rape from an evolutionary perspective.

>> No.16099264

No. It's completely unnatural.

Gay sex is a hypermasculine thing(where one seeks to explore the perks of self without world/burden). It can be fun and engaging especially as teens, but since our world is so dark and the people deceitful, there is an enmity between hypermasculinity and the norm. Chances are this is just a middle ages hate boner from someone who wasn't allowed to play with the other boys because he wasn't cool enough.


Joe Biden

Name-calling schizo.

Calling science a conglomerate.

This picture is bigger than you think.

>> No.16099309

They are so useful that societies of the past would cut dicks of to get more dedicated workers and modern cultures still cut the tip off to increase the likelihood of dysgenic male experiences and the resulting faggotry that ensues.

>> No.16099311

>It's completely unnatural.
If that were the case, it wouldn't be so common in the animal kingdom.

>> No.16099327

How frequent does it occur? And of those that occur, how many were not rape. And of those that weren't initiated by rape, were the result of rape occurring at a previous time? The human population says that number is vanishingly small. As in nature, gay is spread through rape, typically of young, weak, and vulnerable.
Humanity has other factors related to dietary consumption as well: plastics and other toxins in the water, goybeans, sneed oils, etc. In addition to these, there are sociological phenomenon relating to the normalization of faggots grooming and raping children and refusal to remediate their horrific acts. These deleterious effects are further exacerbated by libshit government brainwashing centers pushing the pedophile agenda, at the expense of children, for the profit of the Pritzker family (and others.)
The icing on the cake is mothers tokenizing their children into the cause.

>> No.16099333

>How frequent does it occur?
Enough that "completely" is clearly false given that it regularly occurs in nature.

Most sex in the animal kingdom is by rape, biological reproduction is also spread through rape, rape is even more natural than faggotry.

>blah blah blah, I don't actually care about nature or what is natural, I just want to rant about my own ideals for human society.
Just squawking so you can hear yourself is just as natural as faggotry too.

>> No.16099342

Not a quantitative answer. Looks like you are wrong again and the brainwashing your received in school was effective enough to normalize degenerate child rape in your fractured mind. Pathetic.

>> No.16099352


>> No.16099354

Where is the gay gene?

>> No.16099356

you're starting with a faulty premise, terms like '-phobia' '-isms' are recently manufactured political terms to serve a political purpose, you would need to use well defined objective language if you want to apply it to nature with any coherence

>> No.16099357

"complete", "small", 'typically", and "further" were not quantitative standards in the first place, but any except disproves completeness, and you already admitted there are more than 1 exceptions that disprove your completeness assertion.

Rape is normal in nature which is why it is so retarded to use nature as some standard of morality and completely unnatural as its antithesis that there is a fallacy named after your common mistake, dipshit.

>> No.16099360

in the butt

>> No.16099386

Lesbianism is hot.
Faggotry is repulsive.
Simple aa

>> No.16099390

Yawn, look at the groomer frothing at the mouth. Your whole culture is spread through destruction of the vulnerable by people in trusted positions, either physically or more abstractly in poor and/or wicked decision-making and a long term poisoning of society. Why am I not surprised that an indoctrinated libshit gay lover would be like this?

>> No.16099424

Why am I not surprised that a retard who doesn't even understand when they use retarded naturalistic fallacies can't make an argument and it just leads to impotent anger that devolves into pure name calling projection reeeing?

>> No.16099760
File: 159 KB, 657x527, 1711567063961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, research by rozin et al. suggested that disgust is learned (cultural) and not a part of your instincts

their experiment presented toddlers with a simulated dog turd on a plate (indentical look, strong odor). one would expect to them to be grossed out by it, but the toddlers did not feel disgusted. this implies that what we find as disgusting is not innate, but is shaped by our culture

this could explain why so many americans are OK with keeping their shoes on while in their homes, whereas the japanese find it unthinkable to bring dirt from the outside into their home by wearing their shoes

>> No.16099808

Homophobia is as natural as homosecuality.

>> No.16099842

What other animals are homophobic?

>> No.16100152

there's a difference between finding gay sex unappealing and hating gay people. The former I think is more natural, just being kind of repulsed by seeing gay sex, but for it to make someone angry is not the same thing. If you're arachnophobic you don't really get angry about spiders, you just don't want to be around them. There's a number of studies that suggest that people who are homophobic, in the sense that they hate gay people, are actually hiding their own homosexuality
>Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies

>> No.16100447

I don't hate homos, I just think they're completely lacking in beautiful and inspiring qualities and are genetics dead ends (facts) I don't ruminate much on the walking dead, there's no reason to hate them. It's like hating people with down syndrome, they're defectives who don't breed, why should I care?

>> No.16100752

yes, and so is being a homophiliac

>> No.16100755

and the proof for both being naturals is that they occur, Q.E.D.

>> No.16100980

yes because faggots spread a LOT of disease