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File: 239 KB, 2048x1365, 03mRNA-mjbt-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16097862 No.16097862 [Reply] [Original]

The lockdown was pretty comfy. I got two doses of covid vaccine, it helped me have less severe infection when I caught omicron covid for real. Now covid is over and I get on with my life. I don't see any decrease in cardiovascular performance, my 5k, 10k run personal best is about the same.

>> No.16097873

My heart rate has been fucked since COVID. I endure constant pain

>> No.16097883
File: 45 KB, 192x208, fucking covid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you stopped at the first two doses because if you got any of the boosters, you've destroyed your immune system and some mundane coronavirus will end up ending you as your body no longer is able to adapt to anything other than the early Wuhan strains of SARS-CoV-2, which is just one of many many coronaviruses.
>People who have taken at least three doses of the original version of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine have been strongly immune imprinted, a study by the University of Washington (UW) found.
>Consequently, when vaccinated with the most recent COVID-19 XBB.1.5 mRNA boosters, recipients produced few to no antibodies specific to the XBB.1.5 variant, only antibodies for older, possibly extinct variants.

>> No.16097924

that looks like the creature from the game "inside"

>> No.16097985

I had two doses because I'm asthmatic. My asthma isn't very bad, I'm an avid cyclist and exertion doesn't trigger it and impact my performance much. But it does mean your lungs overproduce mucus and it gives a good environment for shit to grow in your lungs. Flu already sent me to hospital with pneumonia twice and the last time I couldn't sleep for 3 days because I had to breathe manually. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't survive the respirator if it came to that. When I had covid last year it was fairly mild, lungs coped for the most part though I had a lingering cough for a month after. As far as I can tell the vaxx didn't impact my health or general performance whatsoever.

>> No.16098021
File: 1.99 MB, 279x212, IMG_3669.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a hero. please get all your boosters - I'm genuinely curious how awesome the long term effects will be.
do you also plan to get the AIDS vaccine?

>> No.16098026

I'm pretty sure Covid infection weakened your hard tissue. I got Covid, and for about a couple years afterwards I would get intermittent TMJD. Pretty sure it weakened my mandibular joint, since the first time I had ever, in my life, experienced it was about November 2020.

I ended up taking acetaminophen whenever it flared up, which was fairly often, but since I didn't want to fuck up my liver too I just lived with the pain most of the time. It was fucking awful, imagine a throbbing, splitting pain across an entire side of your head, right below the ear.

>> No.16098056

Why do I need boosters? I'm healthy 30 year old with 48 bpm resting HR and 47 VO2 max, both are on the healthy range of my age group. If I got covid (which is milder these days) I'll just tank the hit with my natural immunity.

>> No.16098673

You never got any of the vaxx in your arm and you just want the goyim to quiet down while they die off, admit it.

>> No.16098713

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media