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16094679 No.16094679[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It is the most hostile place ever and I want to kill myself.
If they want the trannies and negro girlbosses to be in charge so bad, then let them. Let it all go to shit.

>> No.16094686

You're a college freshman aren't you, and something just recently happened because of your whiteness that caused this post right? don't worry anon, I've been there, you'll get thru college, you just gotta meet the right people, there are plenty of secretly based people out there. just be sure to get your degree in a stem field that actually matters. :)

>> No.16094688

Is a masters in ML good enough

>> No.16094690

No I'm graduating this fucking winter. and I want to drop out because i just failed english 101 for the second time while my sister got an A and chat gpt'd everything.
If you are white, autistic, depressed, etc DO NOT GO TO COLLEGE

>> No.16094691

Sorry anon, gotta get through it, if it makes you feel any better, at least you have a good reason to be there.

>> No.16094736

I'm going through college right now, for a STEM degree in a relatively non-pozzed state/city, and I'm baffled at how hard to professors try to make sure lazy niggers don't fail. They don't show up to classes half the time. One nigger was blatantly cheating off of me during an exam. Another nigger just straight up told the professor that he didn't do the final project that was supposed to be a major portion of the class's grade, and the professor gave him the opportunity to make up his grade.
Professors are also so blatantly biased towards women it's absurd. I've seen women openly using their notes on a test while no one else does, and the professor just turned a blind eye to it. If some foid doesn't do an assignment or whatever she just goes to the professor's desk after class with some sob story and her grade is changed.

I'm glad that I never had to attend some program where some fat black women rants about how wypipo are all evil n shiet but I still can't believe how the education system just lets groids through with no effort. I can't imagine getting any of that treatment as a white man. Then again none of the white men in my classes didn't need to cheat or get make-up work in the first place. I think this is eventually going to have an unintended effect of just making the average white guy who goes through college much more competent than everyone else because they need to try harder to make it through. I'm sure it has already happened to some degree, where white and asian men started getting better scores on their ACT/SAT to compete with the horde of affirmative action negroes being admitted, meaning that the average white student of today is much smarter than the average white student of 60 years ago.

>> No.16094753
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STEM education is dead in the US. Migrate to South America, get a fake nationality there, get free STEM education, get a full body tan, come back as an illegal and milk the system.

>> No.16094761
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>Failing English 101

>> No.16094763

Last time I stopped doing the work and showing up to class, I was just rotting in bed everyday. This time, I got 100's on all of my assignments except the last paper I handed in 3 days late.

>> No.16094764

skill issue, cope and feel better anon <3

>> No.16094766

I'm probably just going to kill myself

>> No.16094768

That does actually suck, especially if you tried to work it out with your prof and they didn't agree to give you an extension considering the rest of your assignments were good.

You'll get better though. Just keep communicating with your professor for next round. I'd recommend signing up for a summer class for ENG 101. I've found that summer classes tend to get more lenient grading.

It's okay, your professor is just being an asshole. It's not as big a deal as it seems. Go blow off some steam for an hour and you'll feel better.

>> No.16094773

Since I handed it in after grades closed he said there's nothing he can do. My sister handed it in a day late, but before when grades were due, and she got an A in the course, and she literally used Chat GPT for EVERY FUCKING ASSIGNMENT. Meanwhile I worked my ass off in this class and since I handed the final paper in late I get a fucking D and have to retake ENGLISH FUCKING 101 A THIRD TIME
I get A's in molecular biology and chemistry courses and yet I cant fucking pass english 101

>> No.16094777

I'm going to kill myself. >>16094768
Blow off steam?W hat does that mean? I've been drained all day over this shit. I'm not taking this fucking course again, I'll drop out of college if they make me do that. Everything is a fucking mess. I have no future. I'm going to kill myself. In fact I'm going to do it right now via a scalpel to my wrists

>> No.16094780

I'd rather my parents see me dead than see me a miserable failure for the rest of my life

>> No.16094782

then at least if the suicide fails I can end up with fucked up nerves and then I can't play piano or do procedures and then I will really have no other choice but to kill myself

But I'm too much of a fucking pussy to go through iwth it so it probably wont happen. I have to die

>> No.16094784

>I'm probably just going to kill myself
become an hero coward

>> No.16094785

Utterly pathetic. You call yourself a white man?

>> No.16094788

I am a white man

>> No.16094797

Bro it is incredibly stupid to kill yourself over an entry-level English class. That is literally embarrassing. Just go to do something else and retake it next semester.

>> No.16094798

It's not really any different than killing yourself over more difficult classes or failing an important exam. The point is I'm not capable of achieving what I want to and will therefore end up being miserable my whole life AND unable to financially support myself let alone a family. IT'S OVER!

>> No.16094799

If Hitler had been able to wage war with nuclear blitzkrieg rather than tank blitzkrieg, he would have won WW2 on the day that it started.

>> No.16094801

Literally no one fucking cares about your English 101 grade. You did fine in every other class.

>> No.16094804
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Go all the way: dress as a slut with makeup, let niggers fuck you in the asshole until is completely loose, fuck a little girl in the women's bathroom, and blame society. You will be treated as a hero.

>> No.16094807

It affects my whole GPA which will prevent me from getting into professional school / graduate school. I failed english TWICE and thats on my record FOREVER. The professor said he is seeing what he can do but no promises so there's a slight chance I'll be saved but I honestly doubt it a lot.
Im not doing that.
I'm just going to commit suicide, maybe I'll OD on fentanyl or something.

>> No.16094812

>will prevent me from getting into professional school / graduate school
Good riddance. No need for you to waste more money on additional schooling so you can make exactly $5k more after going 100,000+ in debt over three years.

>> No.16094815

If I went to medschool I wouldn't be making $5k more. My degree is pretty worthless, it's molecular biology. I could get better jobs now than what my degree can get me. The plan this whole time was to go to medical school, but I can't even handle undergrad.

>> No.16094817

I cant even handle the easiest college class there is

>> No.16094823
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LMAO, more like he is going to make $5k less.
If he is at least average looking he can travel to some country that values white men and get a cougar sugar mommy, otherwise he can die in a ditch. Simple as.

>> No.16094824

>some country that values white men
doesnt exist

>> No.16094826

Your grades are way less interesting than you think they are. No one cares enough about you to be disappointed by your freshman English grade, and at some point you will be able to retake ENG 101 and be fine, and the med school will not fucking care because ENG 101 is a very minor class in comparison to the others you have done well in. Stop pretending you're so interesting that everyone will be disappointed by your extremely boring fuckup. Peel your egotistical ass off the ground and go do the class again.

Also, your dream is fucking awful and you should find a new one. You know what's going to happen? You're going to grind your ass through medschool and finally get your MD and feel hollow and lifeless because you had this romantic vision of what it would look like, but now you're prescribing Oxy to the fifth junky this morning and your 200,000k MD salary barely covers the interest payment on your loans. You have convinced yourself you need this degree to be happy and you don't. You need to stop being retarded and thinking you're interesting, and just follow the path of least resistance until you get to stability.

Sorry for raining on your parade but also you could get perfect straight-As from your college and still get deferred to next year so your med school can let Shaniqua retry her boards for the eighth time.

No one gives a fuck about your ENG 101 grade. Literally no one. No one cares. They only care about your end GPA so they can keep their admission stats high.

>> No.16094835

You need a motivational speech.

>> No.16094840
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>It affects my whole GPA which will prevent me from getting into professional school / graduate school.
I was in a similar situation. Just transfer to another school if you need to, some of the classes you passed will carry over (or the credits will be applied to an equivalence) but it will allow you to redo your GPA. Went from almost flunking out of one college to having a 3.7 (soon to be 3.8) GPA in another.

Threads like these make me think that there should be some sort of support groups for young white men to help those that are struggling and provide networking opportunities to help with career and education and to just reassure that no one is alone. Jews do this on a ethnicity-wide scale, Pajeets do this with their tech jobs, the Chinese have been doing it in their peripheral nations for centuries, it's just white people who aren't allowed to. The issue is, the moment we get overt and organized, the moment they shut us down. Even if this support group isn't militant or hateful at all, it will still get demonized just because they don't want white men anywhere but in the dirt. So for now we just have to make-do on anonymous imageboards. I just hope a day comes where white men no longer have to struggle alone and we can reverse the tide that has been brought against us.

>> No.16094857
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> should be some sort of support groups for young white men
No it shouldn't. The weak must die, trampled to dead by the strong, or used and abused like the little bitches they are. That is the natural order.

>> No.16094862

post nose

>> No.16094865
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>The weak must die, trampled to dead by the strong
I agree. See pic rel.
And us white men sticking together makes us strong. That is why the symbol for fascism is the roman fasces - a classical symbol that represents strength through unity.

>> No.16094866

OK what's the alternative career then? Be a fucking lab tech making 16/hr? My end GPA is low. My science GPA is good but my cumulative GPA is low from shit like this.
Medschools can see everywhere you went to school and make you send them ALL of your transcripts.

>> No.16094875

>Medschools can see everywhere you went to school and make you send them ALL of your transcripts.
A near-perfect GPA in one school next to a shit GPA in another school still looks better than just one shitty GPA. It shows them you got your shit together between transferring schools.
It seems like to me that you don't want to succeed and keep making up excuses as to why it's utterly hopeless. Maybe you just don't actually want to medschool and become a doctor and haven't realized it yet, or maybe you just need to work on your discipline to push through the bullshit classes.
Before you kill yourself you should really think about how you got to where you are and what your alternative options are. I've failed several classes in college before, was in a similar boat, and I can assure you in a few years from now you will realize you are blowing it all out of proportion and a few failed classes isn't worth committing sudoku over.

>> No.16094879

I already transfered because at my last school I was harassed for being "transphobic"

>> No.16094885

Transfer again and learn to hide your powerlevel. You can't be overt but if you can stay covert long enough to get you into a high place in these institutions then you can start making a difference from the inside.
>I already TRANSfered because at my last school I was harassed for being "TRANSphobic"

>> No.16094915

just go to college library. Class has very little to teach. Someone said all college lecture you can just waltz right in and no one nootices.

>> No.16094940

I don't think I can transfer twice. That would look awful to schools and also I doubt a new school would even let me in

>> No.16094953

I should cut my penis off in order to make myself actually kill myself

>> No.16094964

just stop being a melodramatic faggot and get your shit together
there are numerous other options available to you just top being a little pussy bitch
you could still probably even get into med school if you just keep trying to max your gpa and focus on networking and finding other ways to prove you're competent

>> No.16094966

>>there are numerous other options available to you just top being a little pussy bitch
OK name them

>> No.16094971

I wish my parents would just let me give up and die

>> No.16094974

the value proposition of life simply is not worth it

>> No.16094980

Are you seriously being outcompeted by browns and women? Do you have no work ethic?

>> No.16094982

Yes and yeah

>> No.16094985

I dont' study :_( I want to
If I study I could kill it

>> No.16094992

>If you are white, autistic, depressed
I have a feeling the "autistic depressed" part is contributing more to your lack of academic success than being white.
But if we're going to talk about race, we need *more* white people in colleges because academia is one of the most essential institutions to control, and the firs that must be wrested back from the clutches of the marxists.

>> No.16094994

There are literally hundreds you could do right now. You could aim a bit lower and target being a P.A., with a lower GPA requirement, less debt, still significantly above average salary. You could also look into nursing. You could change degrees completely and do something in Industry. You could take a break and work something like TSA for a bit, get your act together, then go back and finish. I have a friend who did that and is still thrilled with every day of his life. You could quit and join the military. You could quit and learn any of dozens of trades.

Instead you have constructed this elaborate reality where you're so special that you just HAVE to become a doctor or else you've failed everyone and should kill yourself. That is moronic. You don't have to do that, you can do tons of other things and still be happy. And, as others have said, you could just get off the floor and go back to working on the degree to get your MD, and see what you can do to improve your GPA.

>> No.16094997

>>I have a feeling the "autistic depressed" part is contributing more to your lack of academic success than being white.
yeah, definitely.
At this point I might just get my nursing education which would take one extra year and then move to Germany because this country is fucking backwards and retarded and at least in Germany I can be away from all the african american pollution and somewhere that is beautiful

>> No.16095006

Better to transfer twice, get a good GPA in your third school, than to keep your shit GPA in two schools. People transfer colleges for all sorts of reason and they really aren't going to look into it much.

You could go into trades, or switch degrees. If you're doing good in medical-related fields but don't think you'll be able to get into med school then you'll easily be able to adapt to adjacent fields like chemistry. Much of medicine is just applied chemistry anyways. You won't be making as much money right off the bat, but you won't have to backpay for med school. Agriculture is another option.

>then move to Germany because this country is fucking backwards and retarded and at least in Germany I can be away from all the african american pollution and somewhere that is beautiful
Germany is flooded with brownoids as well, and your medical education might not transfer over so you'll have to redo some of it but for EU medical standards. Being a medical professional in the US pays way better than being a medical professional in socialist EU countries anyways
moving to a completely different country is one of the worst things you can do in your situation unless you want to completely redo your education

>> No.16095008

At the very least nursing is an option you can pursue, and even if you're autistic and depressed, my experience is that many people in nursing are already like bottom 40% of the college population, so you're slotting yourself into an environment where you're more likely to exceed your peers. As the other anon said, trying to change countries might also make it prohibitively difficult for you, but you could also just try to find a job in New England, which is vast majority white.

>> No.16095572
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>> No.16095585

You went to the wrong college. I went to a really small engineering college and even though we have trannies everywhere the majority of the campus (70% men) hates them all and I know because I talk to them all. Love my uni, love my campus, love its culture of hating trannies.

>> No.16095639

LMAO at Amerisharts. I took a STEM degree and every one of my 32 courses was a STEM course. Top 20 uni too BAHAHAHA

>> No.16095805

I have a masters in OR and am currently an MLE. it's comfy.

>> No.16096159

I've never had a problem at my research uni, OP. You must live in Commiefornia or some other liberal shithole.
Afrikaans accent makes me diamonds

>> No.16096276

>flunks his courses
>blames anti-white racism
literal nigger behavior

>> No.16096356

>it's DA JOOZ fault that I submitted my fucking term paper after the grade submission deadline
my nigga if you haven't figured out that having important work done three days after it's needed isn't acceptable adult behavior you don't deserve to graduate