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16093429 No.16093429 [Reply] [Original]

>cancer is not a genetic mutation
>just go on ketosis, give yourself a fever and some anti-parasitic
>the new imunotherapies are just giving people a fever
ok, so how can I, a brainlet retard, know if he is telling the truth?
he talks about the nuclear cell transfer experiments, but i cant find good stuff about it

>> No.16093850

hes lying.

cancer is due to intentional dna modification from man made viruses and bacteria

>> No.16093882

Brought to you by a recreational asbestos user.

>> No.16093975
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Academia has lost all credibility. The Logos is the way the truth and the life.

>> No.16094340


>> No.16094366
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>just give yourself a fever
On this topic, I've always been skeptic of boomer's obsession with keeping a fever down at all costs. Unless it's so high as to be causing brain damage, I've found it best to let it run its course with no medication. Am I onto something?

>> No.16094596

If you take 12.5mg of iodoral a day every morning you won't get cancer.

A substance called delta-iodolactone, which is produced in the thyroid gland and breast tissue, is a regulator of a process called cellular apoptosis ("cell death"). This means that delta-iodolactone ensures that the cells have a lifespan; at the end of that lifespan, the cells die.
Contrast that with a cancer cell, which keeps multiplying until it causes the death of the organism.
In fact, a cure for cancer might be found by discovering the mechanism by which delta-iodolactone induces cell death.
Unfortunately, the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for iodine — about 150 mcg per day — will not cause delta-iodolactone to be formed in the thyroid gland.
In fact, the thyroid requires iodine concentrations much higher to produce it.
Researchers have found that 100 times the RDA of iodine is required to produce delta-iodolactone. That equates to taking about 15 mg of iodine per day."
FROM: Dr David Brownsteins 'Natural Way to Health' Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2014 (Paid prescription Document)
"The role of iodine and delta-iodolactone in growth and apoptosis of malignant thyroid epithelial cells and breast cancer cells." Hormones (Athens). 2010 Jan-Mar;9(1):60-6. Department of Endocrinology, University of Munich, Germany.

>> No.16094710
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the main issues is how extremly over simplified term "cancer" is among both medical experts and normies.

there are types of cancers which are dormant. there are cancers which are so slow you sooner die from old age before the cancer spreads (prostate). skin "cancer" alone has like 10 different types and most of them are "harmless".

there are cancers targetting your very immune system, your blood creation, your lymphome system or just one organ. there are cancers caused by radiation, different cancers caused by toxic substances, cancers caused by biological failures, cancer caused by food, cancers caused by weak immune system, by viruses, even herpes could be classified as cancer in some cases and so on.

unless people stop using term "cancer" and be more specific, we will never move past the disinformation plaguing this medical field.

>how can i know if he is telling the truth
frankly you cannot. it takes couple of months, dozens of pets and expensive lab equipment to deny or confirm a single paper like that. and most people dont have that.

ANYWAY tldr of cancer treatement:
99% of wannabe cancer cells are automatically killed by your immune system. so first logical step in treating cancer is to alarm and boost your immune system so it does its job. MANY ways how to do that, even ivermectin or isoprinosine or 99 other generics in that drug category.

if this fails, surgery is good try: cut patient open, take all infected tissue out. the issues starts when you left there microscopic residue. the open wound + healing can make it spread.

the big brain solution is to take your immune cells, program them in lab to seek specific markers YOUR cancer has and then pumping it in you. expensive, but extremly effective.

the last resort is chemo + radio theraphy. its basically assisted suicide by doctor. the idea is that if they pump you with enough radiation and poison then cancer might die sooner than the patient. yeah, it is as ineffective as it sounds.