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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16085546 No.16085546[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Science is nothing more than voodoo religion trying to justify the current regime.

Fuck science. KILL science.

>> No.16085553

the state of /sci/, everybody

>> No.16085575

The state of science, everybody

>> No.16085590

Embrace anti-science. No more censored data. Scientists’ heads slammed on rocks in the river and then thrown in. Oppression and industrial deceit must have consequences that will still chill any would-be psychos 100 years down the line.

>> No.16085694

The scientific method's results are only correct if they are not racist/sexist/transphobic, you incel chud. Go to college, and you'd learn this.

>> No.16085716

Changing how you think is hard. Much easier to blame others.

>> No.16085724

the state of politics anon.

>> No.16085755

Kill scientists. Behead scientists. Roundhouse kick a scientist into the concrete. Slam dunk a scientist baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a scientists food. Launch scientists into the sun. Stir fry scientists in a wok. Toss scientists into active volcanoes. Urinate into a scientists gas tank. Judo throw scientists into a wood chipper. Twist scientists heads off. Report scientists to the IRS. Karate chop scientists in half. Curb stomp pregnant black scientists. Trap scientists in quicksand. Crush scientists in the trash compactor. Liquefy scientists in a vat of acid. Eat scientists. Dissect scientists. Exterminate scientists in the gas chamber. Stomp scientist skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate scientists in the oven. Lobotomize scientists. Mandatory abortions for scientists. Grind scientist fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown scientists in fried chicken grease. Vaporize scientists with a ray gun. Kick old scientists down the stairs. Feed scientists to alligators. Slice scientists with a katana.

>> No.16085763

Suplex a scientist off a 5 story building directly onto the head of another scientist?

>> No.16085809

>Science is
... not just some random LaTeX document. The lack of context or reference where this even is from makes me wonder if it would sound far less outrageous in the proper context.

>> No.16085871
File: 1.59 MB, 1024x1024, pepestrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is academia infested with woke parasites, not science, you imbecile moron.

>> No.16086193

It's better for us if the scientists omit some or all of the result of a study because then we don't take on the mental burden of having to understand or be informed by the result.

>> No.16086564
File: 64 KB, 604x361, A8DEF3DF-7BB2-4559-9071-A704581D9CE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, Science!

>> No.16086596

>count fishies
>blamed for wokeness in sociology

>> No.16086601

Sociology is inherently woke anyway

>> No.16086612

I love browsing /sci/, because I participate in science. But it's ao sad seeing people write of all of science because of specific papers or branches of science.

without my branch of science a lot of the salmon we eat simply would not be available. at no point has my work with salmon ever tried to tell people what they can or can't do with their genitals.

>> No.16086693

contrarian reactionaries have never had much capacity for nuance. the difference between academia and science is largely lost on them - they simply react to flaws (whether perceived or real) in the former and abandon the latter over nothing more than guilt by association.

the world we live in is set up such that many of the questions science must ask are only answerable with institutional-scale resources, so the flaws of institutions are just something that needs to be considered to get to the actual science component. however, it's not as laughably, childishly simple as "if it's from an institution, it's dogma". broken clocks and bathwater babies.

one has to take it case by case - and the people getting most angry about it appear genuinely incapable of that basic level of intellect.

>> No.16087059

To be fair, anything useful will eventually be invoked for political purposes.
Shame on science for not resisting the distortions desired by politics.

>> No.16087062

>Shame on science for not resisting the distortions desired by politics.
do or get fired and starve. that's literally blaming the victim anon.

>> No.16087067

Is publishing country averages unethical? What was the ethics board's problem? Also why is the journal editor rewarding this kind of behavior by letting this fly? What paper is this?

>> No.16087076

>get fired and starve
You mean get fired and find less immoral way to make money.
>blaming the victim
I'll blame victims all day. Most victims are their own victimizers through their own ignorance or lack of self control.

>> No.16087088

>You mean get fired and find less immoral way to make money.
that just tells us you are not even an adult anon. that's not how reality goes. you can pull that shit in a very small community, maybe.

>> No.16087195

Science is the most moral way to make money. Not a single worker is exploited (except PhD students lol).

>> No.16087490

40%-60% of muslims are not extremists at all and could well be described as liberals. Yet in majority Muslim countries they almost never have any dominance or control. That is because the progression within a community is determined by its extremes, not its majority.
Your argument is wrong because salmon studies are irrelevant and don't make it to the news, or lead to any political action except for a tiny amendment in a law that no one cares about.
You pretend everyone who dismisses institutional bullshit dismissed the entire institution. The majority of the institution is irrelevant for people. That's why it's dismissed. The whole of fish studies could become a giga conservative field containing salmon race realists and nothing would change. Because salmon studies are irrelevant (although if they'd actually start talking about race Realism they'd become extremist and thus more relevant). The extremes determine the direction. The majority only provides some form of inertia.

Let's be real, no one cares about salmon studies or fish studies.

>> No.16087492

>What paper is this?
OP refusing to provide any context whatsoever is a good sign that this is a nothingburger.

>> No.16087512

Most muslims support sharia law at least to some degrees.

>> No.16088378

Depends on where you are senpai
Indonesia it's only 30% (which is only 100M muslims :^) )
In ME it's like 60%+ at least
In North Africa same
But East Asia muslim countries are generally a little better
And Western muslims like in Europe get pozzed hard. They're statistically more gay than european men. Literally. They just never talk about it because their families and community will destroy them. But muslim homosexuality rates are higher than native homosexuality rates. Their women turn into sluts too. They get pozzed so hard they become liberals which is why here they don't even have 10% rates of sharia acceptance. It's kind of funny how they claim the west is decadent while their populations here become more decadent than the so called decadent populations themselves.

>> No.16088923

salmon were around long before you were and people were eating them back then too. imagine awarding yourself credit for that, the salmon are the ones doing the work, nothing you do has any effect on the situation whatsoever, your narcissism is off the charts.
in 2008 a federal judge announced that $900,000,000 needed to be spend over a period of 10 years on soience in order to save the columbia river salmon because of the endangered species act. the money was spend between 2009-2019 and the result was a decrease in the salmon population. it was a total waste, you and your ilk are useless parasites

>> No.16089987

yeah its ridiculous how scientists are always trying to take credit for things that are naturally occurring.
>i invented gravity
>t. science

>> No.16090007

That's what technology is. Machines fruited from the earth billions of years ago, under a different -ology. Is just a new organism, not "for the benefit of mankind". Machines of matter do not exist for our benefit, they just exist. If you give it an interface to dominate you, natural selection may select for it. It may prosper the more it controls you, takes you apart, chews you up and repurposes you. That's life.

Enjoy autonomy whie you can.