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16082020 No.16082020 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the temperatures suddenly going up at this rate? Were the climate models way too optimistic up until now?

>> No.16082107

>What exactly is going on?
We're fucked.

>> No.16082113 [DELETED] 

>t. i'm shamelessly self bumping my vanity thread

>> No.16082114

that's because plebs just don't want to give up driving their cars, they are to blame and something must be forcefully done. just look at the data, it speaks for itself. you can literally see plebs driving their cars when the graph is going up

>> No.16082118 [DELETED] 

Go to >>>/pol/ if you want to discuss your political policy desires, this is the science board

>> No.16082122

that's science anon, what else could it be?

>> No.16082240


>> No.16082285

Wasn't there a new emissions rule for ships?
They reduced the sulfur for some reason.
SO2 actually contributes to cooling.

>> No.16082304

Plebs and the regulation of cars aren't science.

>> No.16082320

Doesn't mean anything.
Global cooling trend over longer time scales so this is a nothing burger
It's just meant to scare you into this by these well poisoning shills

It's not the cars the middle class uses
it's the rich and the elites who pollute vastly more through their corporations which they've conveniently moved to China, India, and south east Asia, and africa
Europe is less than 8% of all emissions
also CO2 is not a significant greenhouse gas that's just a lie made up by the rich to justify lowering your quality of life by introducing carbon taxation

the elites just hate the middle class and want them destroyed

Which is why they don't mind continuing to pollute but will choose to make everything more expensive. They don't care if things get twice as expensive. They won't suffer. Only the middle class will be reduced to a slave class.

>> No.16082329
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LMAO, nobody cares about your fake data.

>> No.16082390

>Facebook-tier meme
>two different watermarks
Go back

>> No.16082438

nta but you go back corporate shill

>> No.16082442


>> No.16082445

what tf you mean? it's quite important to quantize how much cars contribute to the whole thing. they're the most demonized for polluting, what's wrong with finding out how much cars contributed to the graph in OP

>> No.16082453

>instant reply
goddamn you eco shills are definitely getting paid by your corporate masters to argue against economic freedom for the middle class as much as possible
also no argument
Stop fighting for the elites, they hate you.

>> No.16082466

>I cannot imagine that an anon sits at his PC on a Sunday at 1pm
lmao even. 15 years ago I spent way way more time here. Today, I get accused of lurking for money because I reply in under 5 minutes

>> No.16082478

Fucking aussies.

>> No.16082490

Not an Aussie, but keep guessing.

>> No.16082596

Give it 2 more decades and we will be spraying aerosols into the upper stratosphere to fix warming. Then we will start dealing with whatever that fucks up 3 decades later

>> No.16082928

In climate science, a tipping point is a critical threshold that, when crossed, leads to large, accelerating and often irreversible changes in the climate system.

>> No.16083118

They are going to spray aerosols without warming in order to sterilize populations. Just like they let invaders into the west despite them not being climate refugees. The west has folded to the weakest faggots ever to exist.

>> No.16083142

>Why are the temperatures suddenly going up at this rate?
Tipping point. Warming isn't guaranteed to happen entirely evenly, and in fact it's much more likely warming happens in singular "events" after which a new equilibrium is reached. You'll notice that there are a couple distinct "clusters" on the graph.

>> No.16083148

Spurious, theoretical, ecological boogeymen.
Socially acceptable academic paranoid schizophrenia.

>> No.16083192

climate ""science"" is literally pseudo science and belongs /x/

>> No.16083568

why they are in three clusters?

>> No.16083577 [DELETED] 

its a fake graph from a politcal activist group

>> No.16083768

What that is is basically like a weird new noise coming from your car's engine.

clowntard fuckwits scream at the mechanic calling him a chicken little and a doomer. they even get violent when people try to warn them

>> No.16083798

Do you actually have a point to make?

>> No.16084217

op... its bad place to ask such question. full of useful /pol/nigger idiots and actual paid shills spreading denialism. its one of places where they are most active other than tweeter facebook and cuntservative subreddits.

>> No.16084221

Why are artic glaciers growing then???

>> No.16084255

They aren't. Next question.

>> No.16084290 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 602x194, 4skulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will have to press X this time.

>> No.16084293

You and your corporate spam are not welcomed here.

>> No.16084300

Post data if you want people to believe you.

>> No.16084301

all data is fake and gay

>> No.16084314


>> No.16084320

Data showing "arctic glaciers growing"? Yeah, such data is likely fake and gay.

>> No.16084354

will you go and measure the data yourself? if not how do you know it's not all literally made up and gay?

>> No.16084356

You haven't posted any, since such data doesn't exist.

>> No.16084358

>that's because plebs just don't want to give up driving their cars
but you and the other chosenites get to keep yours though, right? Because you are so enlightened and always "do the right thing", right? Good thing the average man has a GREATEST ALLY like you around to take care of him.

>> No.16084365

I just stopped caring as we are heading for total doom in the next decades. I accepted my fate and just ride along until it all collapses. There's nothing to be done. Our whole civilization depends on consumption. Phase out all oil and coal. What about the cars? Ships? Planes? Ok now we will strip the earth bare for lithium and other rare earths. If we actually bothered, it should have been 100 years ago. Now, it's too late. There's just so much inertia, stupidity, denialism

>> No.16084370

You realise that most people shitting on cars online don't own a car? Fuck cars. I don't have one, don't want one and will never own one. Find a better counter argument than "but you love your car". I don't. If that's your only point, then we can confiscate yours next, right?

>> No.16084375
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>> No.16084377
File: 52 KB, 640x721, 1579470430595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>call others shills
>has zero (0) evidence for his outrageous claims except some excel spreadsheets by climate lunatics called "scientists"

>> No.16084379

kek, appreciate it

>> No.16084393

This is the only plausible answer (or even attempt at an answer) given in this thread.

>> No.16084440

The polar vortex has collapsed more or less totally, which means that lower lattitudes get cooled, as the pole warms up. Since the energy radiated increases with the fourth power of the temperature, a more equalized temperature dramatically reduces the energy loss.

>> No.16084478

literally doesn't exist and will always be meant as fear porn and doom posting material
Kill yourself tranny shill

>> No.16085821

>60°S — 60°N
I fucking hate climate soientists

>> No.16085877

There's not much sea surface beyond 60°.

>> No.16086740

because the land has melted